Live Search problem - HTC Excalibur

i downloaded from the official website and when i loaded it, it gave me an error saying its unexpected, error cannot be displayed then i hit details and it says argumentexception, an error message cannot be displayed because an optional resource assembly containing it cannot be found
at system.IO.path.checkinvalidpathchars()
at system.IO.path.internalcombine()
at system.IO.Directory.getdirectories()
sorry for the long post, i just didnt know how to explain what was wrong

bump please help

I, too, am getting a LiveSearch error. However, mine was working just fine until I had to reestablish the partnership with my desktop.
Unexpected error in LiveSearch.exe
File or assembly name 'Core,
Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null',
or one of its dependencies, was not found.

I would suggest to uninstall it and then try to reinstall it again and see if this happens again.


help ,when update Dopod(CHT) to Qtek(ENG), ActiveSync broke.

when I updated my Dopod(CHT) to Qtek( UNI_QTEK_WWE_13077_130176_10900_WWE_Ship.exe),I clicked ROMUpgradeUt.exe . First ,It showed Error Country ID Error, I added [CHECKCEID_TYPE]=1 to RUU.conf, and i clicked ROMUpgradeUt.exe again ,the error code disappeared, but when I clicked UpDate , the activesync was broken, it can't connect to PDA, and then it showed CONNECT ERROR. Anybody could help me ! very urgently!!!!!!!
try to use "Maupgradeut_noid" tool . hope it will help on your problem.
I have used "Maupgradeut_noid.exe". it alse showed this error.
From your description above, you did NOT use the Ma_upgrade No ID Tool. Read my instructions here:
Where is the Maupgradeut_noid.exe for QTek? I can't find it.
I have used "ROMUpgradeUt.exe" to upgrade.

ERROR [260] After upgrading wtih the "official" wm6

I upgraded my 85' with the "official" wm6 rom and now I cannot go to other roms. The process was solid, meaning I was fully charged, no power loss, and it was synced. I've tried every version of rom available and get the same results. I went through the "brick" thread and I'm affraid I don't quite fit into any category. I can get phone calls and everything works, I just happen to like all of the great ROM's everybody is cooking and want to try them to see which one I favor. I tried using the Hard-SPL and all of the other bootloaders out there and I always get that ERROR [206]. I've tried to restart the machine, and hard reset the 85'. Any good idea's.... Maybe I need to search more? I'll try that.
What I should really do is rent a gun, and buy a bullet...
I'm not saying I'm some sort of season veteran of flashing... but I've never had to touch anything after I accept all terms. For some reason, when it came down to the last "Next" form, my phone flashes "Accept" super fast. So what to do?... I push "Yes" soft key fast as I can and it runs like grease lightening... I had to choose SS for the boot loader because it couldn't figure it out... Maybe next time around.
Have you tried to flash a coocked ROM using the microSD card?
did you try get your phone in the tri color bootloader screen and then running the Hard SPL program again?
I did not try to do flash it woth the MicroSD card... I just found out that I could flash it with the MicroSD card about 2 seconds ago. And I wanted to Hard-SPL at the tri-color as a last result in fear of bricking but everything is okay now. As I said before, I've never had to touch my 85' while flashing the rom, it just did it on it's own, but that "official" rom was not about being neglected. And then when I saw it flash something and say "yes", I pushed it and never looked back. It's alllllllllllllllllll good.
I do have one question, is the SSPL preferred over the other choices? Or is there one that is recommended?
Hi joshkrajnak,
How did you solve this problem exactly cos I dont understand what your saying:
boz said:
I extracted these error codes from a Hermes rom upgrade 'read me' document, these should be of help if you get an error message during a rom upgrade. They should be common to all roms, please correct me if I am wrong.
ERROR [202, 204] : CONNECTION
This error message will appear when the device is not connected to ActiveSync correctly. Make sure you properly connect the device to the PC through ActiveSync before running RUU.
This error occurs when there is an “open port error” before upgrading the CE ROM image.
Solution: You can reset the device and run RUU again. If you still encounter an “OPEN PORT ERROR” again, reset your computer and try again.
When you see any of these error messages, close other running programs on the computer and run RUU again.
These error messages indicate that RUU lacks certain important files and cannot continue with the update. Please get the complete RUU package again.
These error messages will appear when remote access control has failed. Check the ActiveSync connection and try running RUU again.
This error message will appear when the device’s battery power is not sufficient. Although RUU will instruct you to plug in the AC adapter, it still has to make sure that your device has enough power to upgrade the radio. (Even when you plug in the AC adapter, the device is unable to charge the battery when it is upgrading the radio).
This error message may appear when, for some unknown reason, the ROM image on the Mobile Device is corrupt. Download the whole RUU and try again.
When this error message appears, check whether the downloaded image is placed in the directory of RUU. If, for some unknown reason, you find that the ROM image is not located in the RUU folder, you have to download the RUU and retry again.
One of these error messages will appear when you use the wrong RUU to do the upgrade. RUU will check if the Model ID and Language ID are compatible with the device. Make sure you use the appropriate RUU tool to upgrade.
This error message indicates that RUU cannot start the update process. Please contact your service provider for assistance.
ERROR [262, 276, 284, 302] : UPDATE ERROR
This error occurs during the CE ROM code upgrade process.
Solution: If this happens, you can just soft-reset the device and run RUU again. The update process will then continue.
Note: At this stage, the Wince is destroyed; instead, it is in upgrade mode.
This error message will appear when you use the incorrect RUU version to upgrade.
This error message will appear when you use the incorrect RUU to upgrade and the image file size is larger than the Flash ROM size. In this case, download the correct RUU version to upgrade.
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To Clarify: Whenever I went to upgrade my 85' to a different ROM, it wouldn't recognize my bootloader, and then after selecting any of the options, it would give the "ERROR [206]" message and fail miserably with any rom.
What I did to correct it was this: On the "official release" whenever I went to upgrade the ROM, the 85' would show a message at the bottom, the same as any "Notification" would giving me the option to either "confirm" or "dismiss". I did not notice the messages up until it caught my attention out of the corner of my eye on the very last attempt. The messages would quickly appear and disappear, so when the time came and it stated:
Current Rom: 3.25.###.###
Upgrade: 1.##.###
I had to press a confirm notification to continue on or I would get the "206" error message. The quote posted by Binyo is correct, but it does not apply in my situation.
When you see any of these error messages, close other running programs on the computer and run RUU again.
Although that may be true that some applications may interfere with the upgrade process, I had turned off all applications and killed any services during this process.

DashWeather Crashing

I installed DashWeather on my TMobile Dash (unlocked and app unlocked).
The first time, i used it, it worked fine. Got the current weather, forecast, radar etc.
But now when i run it, if i try to get current conditions or forecast, i get an error "general error" and the messgae detail says it might be the location ID which is not the case. I've uninstalled, reinstalled and everything. Its th elatest version 1.03 i think.
has anyone else faced this? Any suggestions?
Dash Weather
I just started experiencing the same problem in the last two days. I know the location is right and now get an error message:
"General error (i.e your guess is as good as mine)...possibly a location ID error. Fix Location ID and try again. Location ID = 55408."
This error occurs whether I am entering a zip code or a city location.
try asking here....the author of the program is active in this thread...
johnnylavah said:
try asking here....the author of the program is active in this thread...
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thanks. i'll post there.

Need help for Qtek 9000 ExtRom update

Help Help!!! Recently I try to update my qtek 9000 to Jwrightmc 2.12.8 , once I finished update it start normally till e mail set up, but instead of doing autorunsetup main screen appears, I re download few different Roms and repeat the operation few couple of times but protocol version (42.51.P8) is not changed, then I installed ExtRom.exe the message ok to reboot appears, once it turn on an error message appears that “An unexpected error has occurred in extrom.exe select quit and then restart this program …” I selected details icon at the bottom, this screen says that “ ExtROM.exe Directory not found exception An error message cannot be displayed because an optional resource assembly containing it cannot be found at system.IO._Error.WinIOError()….
Normally I used to get the answer very easily by searching in your forum but this time I couldn’t
If any body knows how I can solve this problem it will be very grateful
Thanking you in advance.
Qtek 9000
Jwrightmc 2.12.08
Protocol V 42.51.P8
Radio 1.15
q9000 said:
Help Help!!! Recently I try to update my qtek 9000 to Jwrightmc 2.12.8 , once I finished update it start normally till e mail set up, but instead of doing autorunsetup main screen appears, I re download few different Roms and repeat the operation few couple of times but protocol version (42.51.P8) is not changed, then I installed ExtRom.exe the message ok to reboot appears, once it turn on an error message appears that “An unexpected error has occurred in extrom.exe select quit and then restart this program …” I selected details icon at the bottom, this screen says that “ ExtROM.exe Directory not found exception An error message cannot be displayed because an optional resource assembly containing it cannot be found at system.IO._Error.WinIOError()….
Normally I used to get the answer very easily by searching in your forum but this time I couldn’t
If any body knows how I can solve this problem it will be very grateful
Thanking you in advance.
Qtek 9000
Jwrightmc 2.12.08
Protocol V 42.51.P8
Radio 1.15
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Hi welcome to the forum
If you already READ the Wiki and couldn´t find solution, I would recommend to reinstall form cero another ROM, perhaps is a compatibility problem
Good luck

Hotfix to enhance the internal GPS capability: Installation fails

when i try to update my TP2 with the hotfix from here I get an error message saying
PS: Contrary to what is stated on the HTC home page I have of course NOT
copied the exe file to the device, but started it from my Vista desktop.
HTC should take more care of their instructions
Refer to this thread:
Sorry and thanks.

