Bricked X50v - PLEASE help - Upgrading, Modifying and Unlocking

I was trying to flash my x50v wm03 se to wm05. I have used the DiMa_B_A01_X50v_WM5_ENG.nb0
files downloaded from the link here. After turning into bootloader mode it asked me to confirm the file which i did. It falshed everything normally and asked for a hard reset which i did. Since then nothing works, no hard reset no nothing. Only the charging led is orange when charging and green when full.
Anyone got an idea how to fix this?


x50v does not powerup - fixed!
I ran into a similar problem. I made the mistake of doing a hard reset when prompted on the display rather than the Wireless + Power + Reset.
It 'bricked' my x50v. No lights no nothing unless it was plugged into the cradle and then the orange power light was lit.
To recover I did the following(first install the sd card with files as described below): Plug the Axim into AC Power. Press the Record + Power + Reset then the Wireless + Power + Reset. Make sure you hold the keys down for 2 sec before a short tap on the Reset.
When I did this I had the original windows 2003se files DiMa...(bootloader and image) and the WM50...(bootloader and image) files on the sd rom. Since the WM5 bootloader was active it found the WM50_B... and WM50_K... files. I selected the WM50_K... image file and after several minutes of installation the display instructed me to do a hard reset (power + reset). After the hard reset I pressed the power key and after about 30 seconds the Dell Logo was displayed with a progress bar across the bottom. The progress bar completed after about 30 seconds and now I'm the happy (relieved) owner of a flashed Windows Mobile 5 x50v.
Here are the list of files that were located on the SD-Card:
I found this fix originally documented here:
A couple of other tidbits:
1) The upgrade process requires you to tap the action key twice. The action key is the center of the navigation button.
2) Read the instructions completely before attempting any of the upgrades (note to self-read the instructions completely before attempting an upgrade).

Thank you. This worked for me!
I was attempting to update my Axim x50v from WM2k3SE A05 (ROM_A05_R106214.EXE) to WM50 A01 (Dell_Axim_x50v_A01_ROM) via the USB connection. The connection somehow was lost. It would not boot up, but only show the Amber light when charging. It looked like it was completely lost aka Bricked. Then I found this link.
It seemed like this process was not working for me because it did not respond to the Record + Power + Reset (Dell Troubleshooting). I then let the device sit without battery overnight and then attempted again with Battery in. This failed.
What did work was taking the Battery out, putting the device on AC power, and then pressing Record + Power + Reset. Once it was in Memory test mode, then I pressed Wireless + Power + Reset (boot from SD Card). This then brought up the Boot Menu. Since the WM5 bootloader was active it found the WM50 files. If the WM2KE bootloader was active I would have seen the DiMa file. I was then able to install WM50 A01. I am now up to A02.
It took several attempts to get into booting from SD Card. I had to take the Axim off AC power everytime it failed. I did not see what stage of the memory test it was in when it finally accepted the boot from SD Card. (Sorry, wish I could be more help there). Just keep trying.
Thank you everybody for Saving my Axim x50v!

Axim x50v
hello need help with a Dell Axim X50v when I try intala a ROM, it is primed in erasing storage, nose to do, does the same with all roms I hope to help me

Welcome to forums
Perhaps here you can find more info:
Good luck,


a little help on upgrading...

dear ladies and gents,
i am new to this forum; i have been using my xda2 for 2 years now and i am more or less up to speed on the how to's. but i have a question on upgrading to wm2005. i deeply apologize if this topic has been discussed before and now here i am again bringing it up...but hear me out first.
i have downloaded ALL the files needed to upgrade to wm2005; the roms (version c) from, the ramdisk, doctools, even the skins. so far i know only the following steps (i got this from xda2jojo's downloads). everything.
5. Start your device in bootloader mode by pressing and holding down:
DPad + PowerButton + ResetButton
After a second release ResetButton, then release the rest of them.
Your screen will show word "Serial" at the top.
You are in bootloader mode now.
6. Place your device in the cradle, ensuring that the cradle
is plugged directly into a USB port on your PC and not to a hub
and that the power supply is connected to the cradle.
It is also a good idea to disable any screensavers on your desktop PC.
Once your device is cradled, the text on the screen will change to "USB".
7. Run HimaUpgradeUt.exe
8. Sit back and wait for the Congratulations screen to be displayed
on your PC. Your device will still be displaying 'Upgrading radio stack, please wait',
but as long as the PC says it is done, then its all OK.
9. Detach your device from the cradle.
10. Now you have to hardreset your device.
Press ResetButton and hold down CameraButton + RecordButton.
Hold them pressed until the "Boot Options" menu appears on the screen.
Select the options as follows:
(for selecting use RecordButton, change values with CameraButton)
Enable KITL -> NO
Clean Registry Hive -> YES
Format Storage -> YES
When done, press DPad and wait until OS starts.
i have successfully done this already but the storage is low. i have done reading and browsing on expanding the storage to 30-plus mb using ramdisk and the doctools. i would like to ask for assistance on how to use these. i read in this forum that you have to use doctools first? it is a little confussing.
please advise how to use these 2 tools together with the steps mentioned above.
again i apologize in advance because i know that this topic has been discussed so much.
you need to (got this from the forum):
1. Downgrade to WM2003SE (2.06 ROM) via PC method
BUT if you're already running WM2003SE then you don't need to do step one. But at the very least I think your ROM should be 2003SE.
2. Install Extended_ROM Unlocker
3. Unlock the Extended_ROM (but don't click unhide)
4. Copy the Hima_DOC_Tool.exe to the Temp folder on the device
5. Run the Hima_DOC_Tool.exe
6. Perform a soft reset only (not hard reset)
7. Checked the new size (30.07M
8. Upgraded to WM2005 (1.60b.96) via PC method
it worked for me. you may want to also refer to this link:
these will more or less answer other concerns you might have.
in my case i didn't use ramdisk...but it worked well for me and i'm still using wm2005.
Thank you very, very much for your post! After some experimentation I was finally able to solve the storage problem based on the guide you gave me!

Guys, need hlp. Eten m700 not starting.

Hello everyone.
I do have some experience with rom modifications on my I-mate Jam, but this was the first time I tried to change my m700's rom.
Things I've removed from my rom (pretty fearsome):
-ircomm.dll (only!)
I didnt modify my registry, cause I thought it will give errors, but the rom will still be working. I was going to clean up non existing keys with sktools.
I've packed my rom back, everything went ok.
I've uploaded rom to my eten m700 via usb. Again everything was ok.
Then I've made a hard reset (after the installation) and the device booted (the screen was orange). But nothing happened after. The device froze.
Could it happen becouse I didn't remove 'today plugins' in a registry?
Or some programms are hardcoded to wince, so u just cant boot without them?
Oh yes, ActiveSync doesn't see my device. I've heard it is possible to start usb sync from the knight mode. How do I do it?
press the camera button and screen off button together. reset the cellphone while still holding the two buttons. it will go to dark mode
Thx for the tip.
In test mode, I've found out that my Os image checksum is smaller. So I'd probably add irda dll back. I'll also remove all today plugins in registry settings to make sure the os can boot properly.
Here comes the question!
I enter the bootloader mode on my device. It says USB host is connected. Waiting a download.
But my activesync doesn't see the device... And when I start upgrading the device here what comes out:
Can't connect to the device. Please make sure ActiveSync is working normally.
How do I fight this? I don't have a sd card yet...
Yes, there is a trick! Thx to Юрка, from 4pda.
U just need to plug any other communicator (wince) to the cord, start the updater. When it comes to the download (black pic apears to the left, saying smth about download)
-put your nonworking device in a bootloader mode (hold down turn on/off button + recorder button and push restart, then release power button, but still keep holding the recorder button)
-unplug ur other device from the cable
-plugin the eten nonworking device
click upload and after everything went well - ENJOY!

flashed dell x50v (how to fix...?)

When performing downgrade from 2005 -> 2003se, I followed onscreen messages, but Axim is black/dead/ dunno what to do to "make him alive again" !?!?!
I searched a bit forums and found out that:
In a few seconds, you'll be prompted to do a hard reset by pressing the power and reset buttons simultaneously. Ignore this message. What you want to do is hit the power, wireless, and reset buttons again.
BUT I did power/reset...
Is it possible to fix it not sending it so service?
I still have warranty by Dell, but I am not sure if they will cover that...
I used the following images for downgrade:
with this filenames:
Current version running on Dell was AximX50v_WM5_A01_EN.
Thanks for any help and suggestions...
fixed it
It's working now...
After taking battery out, inserting it back... putting boot/image on sd card...
This is crucial: combination and timing
1. wifi+power button (pressed - hold them) + reset (quick press/release), in meantime hold wifi+power buttons and release them when loader menu shows!, (WM50_B_A05_X50v_WM2k3SE_EN.nb0)
A) device tells you to hard reset device (power + reset), DON'T do that!!!
what you need to do here is wifi+power, then quickly press reset button (less than a second) in the meantime button you need to hold buttons (wifi+power) until boot menu appears
3. choose this WM50_K_A05_X50v_WM2k3SE_EN.nb0, confirm it 2 times and wait for round 15min!
4. the result is: alive DELL with 2003se os, test this, 100% success guaranteed!!!
SUN with BIG SMILE appeared to me after DARK clouds
Thanks to Goldwin
A big clap for your clear and useful advice ; I was lost and you saved me.
Thank you very much .
By Geppoxy

DEAD Dell Axim X50V after upgrate

After trying to upgrade my Dell, it no longer will turn on. Please tell that I really do not have that so called "300 dollar paper weight". Is there anything that can be done.
Ok, I have upgraded the rom on a HImalaya device (NOT an Axim) several times, and with those devices, after you upgrade the rom you need to do a SPECIFIC hard reset.
Pressing the normal power button or other buttons to wake it up doesn't work.
On our device it involves holding down the reset button, camera and record (it will be different on yours).
This takes us to a screen where we need to change three settings (such as cleaning the registry hives) before the device starts up.
You need to figure out what the specific reset combination is for your phone (generally it isn't the same as the hard reset you would usually use ETC on a Himalaya device the normal hard reset is reset plus power, but the reset after bootloader is reset, camera and record).
Hope this helps.
Thank you for you help. I got it working.
would you share how you did this?
Hard Reset for X50 is Hold Power Button and Push Reset Button

Axim x50v Not Booting

THANK GOD! I found a way back to bring it back. The info was buried in hundreds pages in threads so I'll bring to the front on how I revived my Axim x50v.
1st: Make sure the battery is charged all the way. When it is on the cradle the Power button should be green not red.
2nd: Make sure you have your SD card reformatted to Fat 32.
3rd: Make sure you have this update your PDA to A01 Windows Mobile 5 ROM. CREDIT TO MAGLITE.
4rd: When you unrar the file. The four following files should read like this:
You need to rename them as the following:
5th: After the files are renamed, put the sd card back into the Axim x50v
6th: Hold the RECORD + POWER Buttons down and then tap the reset button. After the taping of the reset button do not let go of the RECORD + POWER buttons.
7th: When the diagnostic screen pops up, hold the WIRELESS + POWER buttons and tap the RESET button. AGAIN< DO NOT LET GO OF THE WIRELESS & RESET BUTTON. The screen will show up again to reflash the rom with the file on the sd card. Press the action button twice and you are on your way to WM5 AO1.
Ignore the hard reset message and press wireless-power-reset once the Axim loaded the new rom.
nightryder21 said:
THANK GOD! I found a way back to bring it back. The info was buried in hundreds pages in threads so I'll bring to the front on how I revived my Axim x50v.
1st: Make sure the battery is charged all the way. When it is on the cradle the Power button should be green not red.
2nd: Make sure you have your SD card reformatted to Fat 32.
3rd: Make sure you have this update your PDA to A01 Windows Mobile 5 ROM. CREDIT TO MAGLITE.
4rd: When you unrar the file. The four following files should read like this:
You need to rename them as the following:
5th: After the files are renamed, put the sd card back into the Axim x50v
6th: Hold the RECORD + POWER Buttons down and then tap the reset button. After the taping of the reset button do not let go of the RECORD + POWER buttons.
7th: When the diagnostic screen pops up, hold the WIRELESS + POWER buttons and tap the RESET button. AGAIN< DO NOT LET GO OF THE WIRELESS & RESET BUTTON. The screen will show up again to reflash the rom with the file on the sd card. Press the action button twice and you are on your way to WM5 AO1.
Ignore the hard reset message and press wireless-power-reset once the Axim loaded the new rom.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I tried to use your suggestion to reflash my X50v, but it still failed. I can success go into the diagnostic screen. However when I tried to hard reset(Wireless+Power+reset button) my X50v to load the Image loader, the X50v will hang up and blank screen. I tried to do many times but still failed. Do you have any suggestion or experience to solve it?
My X50v previous version 2003SE A05

