1st time cook a little confused - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam ROM Development

Hi. I've read hundreds of posts and followed dozens of tutorials. I'm aiming to gain an understanding of what actually happens during the rom cooking process and I think I'm getting there. I've used loads of different toolkits and kitchens and most recently I've been using 'romdonalds' which has given me a better understanding.
However I'm a bit confused about the difference between the dump directory with loads of files and folders, and the OEM/SYS versions of these which I've seen when using packagetool and buildos. I know how to go from the 'flat' structure to the oem/sys structure, but I don't know how to go back again.
I'd also like is to know what really happens behind the scenes when you click the go button in buildos.exe.

I could really use a little help to understand what's going on here. If there's some clear explanation of what actually happens during cooking that I've missed, could someone point it out to me please? I've searched thoroughly, read extensively, and pulled my hair painfully... but I just don't get it. I've analysed batch files in just about every kitchen there is but I've reached a point where I need some help.
If there's some unwritten quid-pro-quo requirement that I've missed before I can ask a question then tell me that too - I'm no freeloader, I've just donated to Slither2006 for his cube, and when I've fully grokked the process I'll write up everything I've learned in a really clear guide, I promise.
I'm not an idiot either - I was a technical architect at a large UK ISP until recently, doing stuff like building a huge virtualised server farm with custom management tools and a homebrewed iSCSI /LVM2 snapshot system that blows away anything commercially available, and now I work for myself... I've used HTC devices since the Blue Angel, also an Exec and now a hermes... but I could really use a hand here.

I suspect you are quite a bit ahead of me here, but here goes.
The OEM/Sys folders are just part of the Dump folder, but extracted and turned into a more logically arranged order for manipulation.
When you run buildos it just takes these and a few other bits such as the XIP section and puts it back in a format for rebuilding.
Best I can do I am afraid.

Thanks for your reply crazyc. It's getting a little clearer now. Can anyone else shed any light? Ideally I'd like to know exactly what buildos does to turn the organised folders back into the dumped ones.
Piecing it all together:
A: I know how to get the dump folder from a source rom (nbhextract->nbsplit->imgfsfromnb->imgfstodump).
B: I know how to make changes to the dump directory manually (add/delete files; extract/convert .hv files to .rgu; edit .rgu files and reconvert to .hv; edit initflashfiles.dat to create shortcuts on first boot)
C: I know that instead of all that I could convert the dump directory to the organised oem/sys pair (pkgtool) and know that in theory I could manage that with BuildOS.exe to integrate oem packages with the option.xml file in them - but I don't understand what's happening here relative to (B) above
D: I can turn the dumped folder (but not the oem/sys folder) back into a flashable rom (imgfsfromdump->imgfstonb->nbhtool)
Can someone who really understands what's going on explain where I'm confused?

Here is my take about cooking....
When the dumped OS has all the rgu files in tact then spliting the dump folder as OEM and SYS will work.
Where as some OS do not have rgu file in them (some cooks prefer to cook this way...all OEM OS have rgu files). In this case you would have to use only the dump folder and edit default and user.hv to add and delete stuff. You cannot use package tool for this method.
You sure can turn OEM and SYS back to ROM, just use the right kitchen (Pandora, Bepe Kitchen, etc)
Hope this helps.


Installing software in a OS.nb

Hey everyone,
I have some problems while I am playing with my OS.nb.
I know how to flash the phone, extract and pack the NBH. However, I am looking a way to modify/add/delete the softwares/components inside the OS.nb. I know how to add or remove a file in the OS.nb, I just cant find a way to add a software in it. (I know how to add a file, but what i mean is a "software", which is a group of files, and some registries depending on each other, how do u get all those information from a cab/exe?)
Search for the "Pandora Kitchen" or the "Core Kitchen for hermes", these will allow you do (with a little work on your part) what you need. Look specifically at the "CAB to OEM", and remember to create an initflashfiles.txt that says where each file goes.
Core kitchen is probably better if you want to do some serious cooking, whereas pandora has everything there already to include or exclude.
One word of warning though, Core Kitchen does have a couple of bugs. The only show-stopper I've found is the splash screen generator panel doesn't add the padding required for a hermes device. Not a big problem if you have HardSPL, but it will cause your first flash to hang if you use it!
If you want to replace your splash screens (by including them at the end RUU_Signed.nbh stage in Dutty's tool) then use the guide on mrvanx's site (google mrvanx).
Good luck, and remember to read the forum posts and wiki extensively, this stuff isn't easy for a reason (you are rebuilding an entire operating system).

How to cook?

Hi Chefs,
I want to cook a BigStorage/Light Edition of the new O2 Germany Rom. What should i do?
My my first thoughts: I extract the os.nb of the exe file, load it in the Rom Koch...OK, now, it's getting difficult...I want to remove for example Feedback, ringtones, example pics and vids, old office, games, windows live, homezone plugin etc. I don't know, which files i have to delete. Is there a list, which files belong to which programms?
Can i brick my phone, if i delete a wrong file?
Is it dangerous to flash my hermes with a selfcoocked rom (BADBLOCKS)?
Is that the right way to create a big storage rom?
What shouldnt i forget?
PS: pleas don't flame me...
Nobody can me help a little?
pello said:
Nobody can me help a little?
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if you have HardSPL as the bootloader before you flash and are just flashing OS only upgrades you should be ok...
jepp...ok, thats nice, so i can try without bricking my hermes.
can i just delete the files without changing user/default registry/flashinitfiles?
Is there a documentation for which files belong to which app, for example WindowsLive?
Windows live stuff is normally in directories called "WindowsLive*" inside the SYS folder.
Just play about, it's a fun way to learn and with HardSPL you shouldn't brick your device (for example I messed up a splash screen creation by not adding the padding required for the hermes. Looked horrible, didn't boot, but put it into three color bootloader screen and was able to flash a fixed version easily).
sorry I didn't reply in the other thread.
the software is somewhat modular - in that if you remove all of the Windows Live folders or Entertainment folders, you should remove all of that component.
Under /SYS/SQM is a .rgu file. The first entry is "Enabled"=dword:00000001. Change that to 00000000 to disable feedback.
Note that some kitchens uses an options.xml to allow BuildOS to determine what gets installed. The one for the files in /SYS uses a single one in /SYS.
I'd suggest grabbing a kitchen and following the directions. If you got HardSPL installed, and are careful, you should do well.
I "bricked" my phone twice in the first hour I started because I tried flashing a Wizard formated extended rom to the Hermes... gotta learn somehow
thnx mattk...
can i use the bepes rom kitchen or pandoras rom kitchen only with the included WM6Rom or can i swap the OEM,SYS Folders and the os.nb with the included?
What should i do with the XIP Folder?

Looking for infomation regarding cooking roms

Hi to all chefs,
I am looking for as much info on rom cooking as possible as to understand the process that is happening,
what i want to know is when the batch file is run this launches other commands could somebody please explain what is happening behind the scenes
when the buildos runs it processes all the files into a temp folder,
now my most important question is,
when building up the registry, what is the order that the files are processed, by dsm filename? package filename?
also when are the mxip_******.provxml files processed (reg esttings added to the registry and in what order
how is the best way to add a custom mxip_****.provxml to garantee my setting don't get changed,
also if there is enough useful answers posted, i will edit this post to make a time-line in post2 to help others new to cooking there own roms,
then infos wanted for timeline are the background into whats happening in each program launched (buildos,nbhtool etc) from pressing the cook batch file through to windows being flashed and autorun kicking in, sdautorun if exists, then the end would be the final reset and windows ready to use,
hope you will make useful answers
many thanks.
Reserved for timeline
1 cook button pressed
1.1 BuildOS launches
1.2 G'Reloc launches
1.3 NBSplit -kaiser OS.nb
1.4 ImgfsFromNb OS.nb.payload imgfs.bin
1.5 ImgfsFromDump imgfs.bin imgfs-new.bin
1.6ImgfsToNb imgfs-new.bin os.nb.payload os-new.nb.payload
1.7NBMerge -kaiser os-new.nb
1.8 HTCRomTool.bat
1.9 DiamonCustomRUU.exe
1.10 Cleanup.bat
garymeg said:
Hi to all chefs,
I am looking for as much info on rom cooking as possible as to understand the process that is happening,
what i want to know is when the batch file is run this launches other commands could somebody please explain what is happening behind the scenes
when the buildos runs it processes all the files into a temp folder,
now my most important question is,
when building up the registry, what is the order that the files are processed, by dsm filename? package filename?
1. the *buildos*.exe generates logfile with order
2. you can minimize the number of dsm-files/packages by your self.
i.e OEM, Packages and SYS to one dsm/rgu/provxml
also when are the mxip_******.provxml files processed (reg esttings added to the registry and in what order
mxipCOLD at coldboot (first time/only one time)
mxipUPDATE at resets (allways)
how is the best way to add a custom mxip_****.provxml to garantee my setting don't get changed,
"your device will ... in 3 seconds ... 2 seconds"
also if there is enough useful answers posted, i will edit this post to make a time-line in post2 to help others new to cooking there own roms,
these are not usefull answers, but iam to tired for details but i cant write nothing ...
then infos wanted for timeline are the background into whats happening in each program launched (buildos,nbhtool etc) from pressing the cook batch file through to windows being flashed and autorun kicking in, sdautorun if exists, then the end would be the final reset and windows ready to use,
hope you will make useful answers
many thanks.
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generaly the kitchen/device that you use and/or how much detaild you have cooking-knowns will determines the order.
I Know very little, i can take a rom add packages and rebuild, thats my limit, i want to create this thread so i can better understand what is happening, edit files, make sure my edits dont get changed later during the setup process, I would think this applies to most devices (i have a diamond and also Artemis) the kitchen i use is the modifyed kiaser kitchen as when i was modding artemis i found a simular kitchen for that device and a lot of my packages were reused.
for extracting artemis i use the hypercore-kitchen. but for cooking i changed to ARTEMIS_DEV_v2.1_Build_19199-kitchen. the reason is, that the file-structure in hypercore dismis/damages my brain.
for diamond i use the "kitchen"-kitchen (orig. download filename was kitchen.rar).
ohh, its ringing, so i have end again ...
study the system.txt inclusive the batch-files together with the batch-files from "kitchen"-kitchen.

Have some questions i cant seem to find answers to.

im new to this cooking thing and wanted to make sure of somethings.
1. what exactly goes into the SYS folder? i read somewhere on the forums that the only folders needed in this folder are the .ROM, .VM, and the shell folder with the shell32 folder is all that is needed in there. is this true.
2. does the my programs and games i want to cook into the rom go in the OEM folder after i use the cab2oem program? oh yeah and where do i put the cab files that dont want to seem to convert?
3. what would i need to make my rom a RBSC rom and how do i get rid of the ULD partition?
4. where would i put the files in for like the different shells so that it starts up on these shells after it is flashed like for example: the iphone shell or http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=354866&highlight=SCLPF
I think thats about it. Oh and before you start scolding me and say "its called a search box" or "maybe you should look"...well just know that i have and cant find anything. I have been seeking these answers for about three days now.
Many answers to wich i know the meaning and knowledge...
1.-In sys folder goes all the OS Base...
What do i mean by this? well it depends on the kitchen you use... if ou can see on the kitchen of Josh its a modified kitchen betwen ervius visual and bepes platform rebuilder so not so much folders in it! the sys hs two folders more... 0409 and common... in this original kitchens you can do many lang OS or many devices OS, so thats why there is more folders than OLD School way... so there are so much folders in it like the office... the bronzeres the manilla 2d and many more...
in old school the OEM folders becomes sys when dump again the rom so imagine how many things must be on SYS!!!
the .rom .vm and shell and shell 32 is a way to port the sys... but is not ported well with this method. and yes that folders must be on SYS anyways.
2.- Yes exactly the programs you wish to add to the rom must be on OEM folder... and the cabs that dont wants to be converted into OEM must be in OEMOPERATORS to install them on first UC... you must to edit the config file like the SD config way...
3.-RBSC is related to the os.nb.payload... so get a dumped rom with RBSC and get it's os.nb.payload... and add it where this file must be... On ROM folder of the kitchen, to get rid of changing the ULD partition many people is working on it... so the modules can be added there to have more storage... wel its not so much i thing 3 MB of storage not RAM.
4.- Well dude that link is not a shell... but what do you mean by "SHELL"?
This is a program that emulates... the htc cube... that was an app too so it is not a shel but if you said you want a new theme... home plugin... or UI use them as it is a programm add it via OEM or cab thats all.
thank man that was really helpful that cleared my everyting up

Samsung SGH-i780 (and any other WM device for that matter!): Learn how to cook ROMS

Hi guys,
I decided to open a blog which explains how to cook roms for the i780. There are very few chefs, and cooking is a really hard science to learn without help! So, I decided that I take the time and write posts so that everyone could learn the process in a methodical manner and cook roms in the future!
I'd slowly write posts explaining each step of the process in detail, so that we can have more people learning how to cook and make the i780 community more happening
Head over to this URL to check out the first few posts -
Attached core kitchen tools that you'll need to use! Enjoy!
I never was a fan of this forum, not sure why, maybe because I use a ASUS P527 and there are not proper instructions on how to create a custom ROM, I appreciate your taking the initiative
I think its good fun to try and figure out things on your own
Non-HTC devices do have a very small fan base unfortunately....and ironically, HTC makes the crappiest devices imo (highly crash prone, buggy, lousy drivers, useless qualcomm processor)!
You can apply the same tools and techniques even to cook asus roms....its not all that different
wooooooow thanks a lot buddy finally we have it also !!!
when will u release part 3? and also can u give the links of programs? like pkgtools_? coz i tried to download it from somewhere else and it had virus
benveq said:
when will u release part 3? and also can u give the links of programs? like pkgtools_? coz i tried to download it from somewhere else and it had virus
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hi m8!
i'll try and upload the set of tools shortly. You can get it in any of the kitchens posted for the i780 here. I'll however consolidate them and add it in this post as an attachment!
Part 3 - very soon
You guy thanks for sharing your experience at cook ROMS,I whink I need this for my SmartPhone.
Hey guys, just dropped the next part of the series on the blog. Check out http://i780romdev.blogspot.com
Of course, the same theory, tools and understanding goes to cook for any other device too
kitchen tools attached in the first post.
dreamtheater39 said:
Hey guys, just dropped the next part of the series on the blog. Check out http://i780romdev.blogspot.com
Of course, the same theory, tools and understanding goes to cook for any other device too
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yeah, now i am reading part 3 and u really teach very well! i think i will cook my own room soon with ur help i wanna ask a question if i dont want ms office and internet explorer in my rom which folders should i delete? i wanna add different office program
benveq said:
yeah, now i am reading part 3 and u really teach very well! i think i will cook my own room soon with ur help i wanna ask a question if i dont want ms office and internet explorer in my rom which folders should i delete? i wanna add different office program
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To remove a package, you can get rid of the corresponding folders in your SYS folder. But its not recommended that you knock off office/ie as they might be referenced within other apps. You can always take it off, build a rom and see if everything works fine
For example, to remove IE, just delete your Browsing, Browsing_DPI_xx and Browsing_Lang_XXXX, BROWSINGCORE, browsingie, browsingie_LANG_XXXX folders. That should get rid of IE for you! Then you need to recreate your bin!
thanks a lot for kitchen tools and ur explanations! i read ur blog all the time great work!!
The next post is up
dreamtheater39 said:
The next post is up
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yes i read it, and u r teaching with examples it is great
i have two problems while i am using ervius pkgtools
1. when i open dumo folder it shows
[Missing Manifests]
are these important dsm files?
2. when i press build packages it gives this error:
not found: select .os file to extract XIP
and i extract xip file using osbntool as xip.bin
any solutions for both of these?
benveq said:
i have two problems while i am using ervius pkgtools
1. when i open dumo folder it shows
[Missing Manifests]
are these important dsm files?
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This is not important....ignore them, its normal
benveq said:
2. when i press build packages it gives this error:
not found: select .os file to extract XIP
and i extract xip file using osbntool as xip.bin
any solutions for both of these?
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When you start, it asks if you would like to run build xip.bat.....just hit NO for that....
trojan reported in the attachment
false alarm?
well last night i finished my own wm6.1 build 20270 128dpi pdxib1 according to your guide i wanna tell what i did to complete it ;
1.i exctracted my rom using i780 kitchen and i got dump folder and i also added some extra tools like ervius buildos,osnbtool etc...then i used pkgbuildos to seperate folders into oem and sys
2. i used oem part from krizky82's kitchen and i add some extra packages using ervius package creator 2.7 and add them with oem_blahblah to oem folder.
3. i deleted windows live and msn messenger from sys folder and copied netcf 3.5 and flashlite v3.1 from krizky82 kitchen. i also used his initflash and rgu file coz i had same structure almost(oem totally same and sys programs also)
4.i looked at both efn's kitchen and krizky82 kitchen and i saw that they have this structure oem,sys and rom and in rom there is xip folder. when i looked at inside xip folder i saw that there is only coredll.dll folder and others are dsm rgu and boot files so my next step
5. i used osbn tool to exract xip.bin and after i got that xipkitchen_beta6 and i choosed the same donor and original and after extracting i got original xip files and i ordered in same structure like efn's kitchen
6.then i used pgkbuildos and let the process starti had some dsm duplicate errors and i delete duplicated ones and later i didnt start xip extract bat and flashable bin bat so after process again i had temp/dump folder
7. during buildos there wasnt any error and i was happy about it
8. using inputTXTFileMaker ( thanks to u dreamtheather93) i got input text and after that using these commands;
mgfsfromdump imgfs_raw_data.bin new_imgfs.bin
del imgfs_raw_data.bin
ren new_imgfs.bin imgfs_raw_data.bin
make_imgfs i780.nb0.payload.body -nosplit
merge i780.nb0.payload.header i780.nb0.payload.body i780.nb0.payload
nbmerge -data 2048 -extra 8 i780.nb0 -conservative
and conv3 input.txt > conv3_output.txt
ren i780.nb0.b000ff !!i780_flashable_bin.bin
i got my flashable bin file yupiiiii i controlled the size of flashable bin and it is 86.2 mb and the size of dump folder almost 125 mb i hope it is ok
now i will flash my phone but is there any possibility that my phone can be bricked ?
thanks a lot for ur guide again!!!
note: i already used i780.bin as 12mb page pool size i did it before kitchen using osbn tool
good job m8
You cant really brick your i780 because of this I've done way crazier stuff....like trying out omnia's xip, drivers of omnia on i780....and nothing's given way
However, i'm hoping you've ported your XIP accurately, and i'm unsure how've you've built your SYS folder.
but, go ahead and flash and see if it boots nothing to be paranoid if it doesnt boot/hangs at startup/throws an error and fails etc. etc. If any of this happens, then we could troubleshoot it together
cheers & good luck
Great job!
Nice start San!
Not even some days left from your first successful cooking and you already best gid on it!
Keep on do it. And we wait for new mods for our best touchphone!
I think now anyone is able to break Eagles wings =P

