Remap Home key to open Voice Command 1.6 - HTC Excalibur

Can anyone help me remap the home key so it opens VC 1.6. Right now when I press it it opens voice speed dial not VC 1.6.

ch8 said:
Can anyone help me remap the home key so it opens VC 1.6. Right now when I press it it opens voice speed dial not VC 1.6.
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Which ROM are you running on your device.....?

I am running the rogers WM6 rom

ch8 said:
I am running the rogers WM6 rom
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Try to find this download {eT9 Excalibur.0409.Kmap}, I believe this is what you need! Just copy to the Windows folder..................!

Thanks I did d/l the file but I have no idea how to make voice command launch since they are using program codes here.
// N O T E: This file must be saved as Unicode
// This file contains the virtual keys mapping table for the
// Excalibur device. The mapping table is define as follow
// VK_TPOUND = 0x78
// VK_TSTAR = 0x77
// VK_TAB = 0x09
// We do not support escape value yet. So the key/char values should be
// entered explicitly or by encoding start with 0x
// Format:
// {VK VK' CH1 CH2}
// VK -> value from keyboard driver
// VK' -> printed on keys
// CH1 -> symbols produced by Fn + key
// CH2 -> symbols in 123 mode
// KeyIndex -> matched the kdb key index, 0xff -> no key index
{Q Q % % 0x00}
{1 W 1 1 0x01}
{2 E 2 2 0x02}
{3 R 3 3 0x03}
{T T + + 0x04}
{Y Y ( ( 0x05}
{U U ) ) 0x06}
{I I - - 0x07}
{O O _ _ 0x08}
{P P " " 0x09}
{0x78 A # # 0x0a} // VK_TPOUND maps to Device Button A
{4 S 4 4 0x0b}
{5 D 5 5 0x0c}
{6 F 6 6 0x0d}
{G G / / 0x0e}
{H H ? ? 0x0f}
{J J @ @ 0x10}
{K K $ $ 0x11}
{L L = = 0x12}
{0x77 Z * * 0x13} // VK_TSTAR maps to Z
{7 X 7 7 0x14}
{8 C 8 8 0x15}
{9 V 9 9 0x16}
{B B ' ' 0x17}
{N N & & 0x18}
{M M ! ! 0x19}
{0xBC , ; ; 0xff} // 0xBC = VK_COMMA
{0xBE . : : 0xff} // 0xBE = VK_PERIOD
{0 0x09 0 0 0xff} // 0x30 = VK_TAB
{0xE9 0xE9 0xC1 0xC1 0xff} // Launch Camera with Fn

Copy To The Windows Folder
Copy the download to the Windows folder,don't take the download out of the package leave the download in the package, just copy it to the Windows folder, soft reset the device.

Actually, this is an interesting topic in itself, i.e. remapping the long-press (aka. press-and-hold) functionality of the HOME key. For example, I'd like to change it to be something completely different (perhaps the VITO AudioNotes recorder, for example), and it doesn't look like this can be achieved from fiddling with the keymap (kmap) file.
On the some smartphones, the long press of the HOME key can be tweaked by simply replacing the default application that gets loaded by tweaking the appropriate registry key. For example, on the Motorola Q, the long-press of the HOME key brings up the quickapp.exe (i.e. the "quick list" that seems to come up on my T-Mobile Dash w/WM6 when I quickly press the Power button). So, if I had a Motorola Q, all I'd need to do was go to:
and replace quickapp.exe with something else.
I just can't figure out the right place to tweak things for my Dash. All I know is that now when I press-and-hold the HOME key it brings up the Voice Recorder. I can't even find where the Voice Recorder program is stored... it's link file (.lnk) in the Start Menu contains:
And I can't seem to find any reference to notesapp (either in the \Windows directory -- e.g. no notesapp.exe or notesapp.lnk, nor in the registry).
My only hint was to look under HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Shell\Rai\:MSTNOTES
but there I found that it was referencing ":MSPOUTLOOK notes"... Another mystery to me. It feels like I'm going through magic rabbit holes like Alice in Wonderland, that lead to nowhere...
Anyone with some further insights on this?

Remap Home key for Voice Command
Will the above keymap change the rest of my keys? I don't know how to read those things, so I can't just create my own keymap by changing that one line.

For me holding the Home key launches Voice Command. Do you have App3 selected as the voice Button? Do you have voice command enabled. I am using an s621 with the Rogers WM6 ROM.


SQL CE is driving me crazy !

Hi !
I'm trying to create an application based on location aware concept.
And I'm trying to do a simple query to update some records in my database but it isn't working..
I'm trying to do a simple query like "UPDATE markers set status = 0 WHERE id = 10"
This is giving me an error like this "[1,8,markers]". BUT WHAT THE HELL DOES THIS MEAN ?
If I try to run que query manually it does work ! So what i'm I doing wrong ? How can I activate a (MUCH) more verbose error information ?
This is my function :
Public Sub turnMarker(ByVal id As String, ByVal status As String)
Dim query As SqlCeCommand = myCon.CreateCommand
query.CommandText = "UPTADE markers set status = " + status + " WHERE id = " + id + ""
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("Error updating markers !" + query.CommandText + ex.Message)
End Try
End Sub
thanks !
EDIT: Nevermind ... found out the problem.
Nevertheless, does anyone know how to make errors more verbose ?
Use SqlCeException as opposed to Exception, and then run through the errors collection....
strX = strX & ex.NativeError
For I = 0 To ex.Errors.Count - 1
strX = strX & "Index #" & I & vbCrLf & "Error:" & ex.Errors(I).ToString() & vbCrLf
do a search for sr.dll. you need to deploy this as part of your app to be able to see exception data when debugging .net ce apps.
or go here -> .That sample project has got a copy. you'll need to add it as part of whatever project you're making.

Adding context-menu extensions in File Explorer

I am trying to add an extension to the context menu of the File Explorer. I know how to do this in desktop windows, but it doesn't work in Windows Mobile. This is what it looks like for destktop windows:
RegistryKey key = Registry.ClassesRoot.CreateSubKey("*");
RegistryKey shellKey = key.CreateSubKey("Shell");
RegistryKey emacsKey = shellKey.CreateSubKey("emacs");
emacsKey.SetValue(null, "Edit with emacs");
RegistryKey commandKey = emacsKey.CreateSubKey("Command");
commandKey.SetValue(null, "c:\\emacs\\bin\\emacs.exe %1");
I tried the same thing on WM6.5.3, only I switched the call to emacs for "pword.exe %1". No additional items showed up in my context menu. I decided to ditch the "*" and try to add a context menu for a specific file type first. My next attempt looked like this:
RegistryKey extensionKey = Registry.ClassesRoot.CreateSubKey(".csv");
extensionKey.SetValue(null, "csvfile");
RegistryKey csvfileKey = Registry.ClassesRoot.CreateSubKey("csvfile");
RegistryKey shellKey = csvfileKey.CreateSubKey("Shell");
RegistryKey openKey = shellKey.CreateSubKey("Open");
RegistryKey commandKey = editKey.CreateSubKey("Command");
commandKey.SetValue(null, "pword.exe %1");
RegistryKey editKey = shellKey.CreateSubKey("EditFile");
editKey.SetValue(null, "Edit This File");
RegistryKey commandKey = editKey.CreateSubKey("Command");
commandKey.SetValue(null, "pword.exe %1");
Which creates an (abbreviated) registry tree like this:
[-] .csv = csvfile
[-] csvfile
[-] Shell
[-] Open
[-] Command = "pword.exe %1"
[-] EditFile = "Edit This File"
[-] Command = "pword.exe %1"
My "Edit This File" option still does not show up in the context menu when I right click on a .csv file, but if I left click on it, it opens up in Pocket Word, as expected.
There must be some way to do this. I just don't know why it can't match the way it works in desktop windows. I guess I have two questions:
1. Is it possible to add context-menu items in File Explorer through the registry?
2. If so, can I extend it to files of all types? ( "*" )
I am using C# right now, but if there is an easier solution in C/C++ I'm open to it. Thanks in advance for any tips.
I'm trying the same thing and I also have no solution for this.
But i found a code sample from Microsoft, it's called CTXMenu and is included in the Windows Mobile 6.5.3 DTK.
It demonstrates how to implement a context menu extension handler.
The application extends the File Explorer context menu that appears when you tap and hold a file.
Unfortunately it's coded in C++ and I'm not so familiar with C++, so I can't help you with your problem.
But if this code sample is useful for you, I would appreciate it if you could tell me how you managed it to get this work.
I had similar problem these days. After about 2 days of googleing and editing and trying (with my minimal c++ knowledge) I succeded to create menu item which started my application with filename parameter. Of course I used the CTXMenu example and some other examples too.
As far as I know (and tried) there is not other way than extension to file manager.
Good thing is you can create menu item for all filles ("*").

[Q] Custom Key Mappings for keyboard and FN?

Hello, I use my HTC to connect to Linux based machines.
Unfortunately the keyboard is missing a few things.
I would like to know if it is possible to extend the keymapping of the FN+[KEY] to add new keys?
For an example of the mappings I would like:
FN+[KEY] = [KEY]:
Q = {
W = }
A = [
S = ]
D = <
F = >
Z = |
X = \
C = `
G = ~
Is that possible?
yay yay YAY YAY yay yay yay!
Perhaps I should test it first though.
That key remapper works great. But I don't see a lot of the symbols you want listed as possible options in the remapper. But maybe they can be entered manually.
The key mapper wont work, however it might if I upgrade to 6.5. Unfortunately, I cannot find any way to perform a full backup of the device's memory.
Edit: I've tried with 6.5 and no luck. I've moved my enquiry to the keymapper thread (took some hardcore google usage to find that) as that looks best.

Possibility to execute download mode programmatically on Omnia 7?

Us T-Mobile users cannot flash Roms at the minute because the download mode button combo has been disabled.
Maybe there is a way to do this programatically or use a resistor accross certain USB pins like the Galaxy S method.
What's your opinion on this?
Sent from my OMNIA7 using Board Express
Yesterday I wasted some time playing around with the USB diagnostic port (enable in the Diagnosis app, it's the third USB mode option). Both PSAS and QPST can connect to and mess with the phone, so I think if someone knows his way around, the phone can be kicked into Download Mode.
(I only managed to crash the phone in many different ways, but I was really just monkeying around.)
If this can be done it would be great as this is the first phone I have owned where I cannot flash firmware myself.
Might be worth while seeing if everyone with a tmobile uk branded omnia 7 has this issue?
FYI I have included my firmware versions etc so we can try and collate a list of working/non working ones to see what the differences are if any.
os version 7.0.7004.0
firmware revision number 2424.10.10.6
hardware revision number
radio software version 2424.10.10.6
radio hardware version
bootloader version
chip soc version
KarmaXXK said:
Yesterday I wasted some time playing around with the USB diagnostic port (enable in the Diagnosis app, it's the third USB mode option). Both PSAS and QPST can connect to and mess with the phone, so I think if someone knows his way around, the phone can be kicked into Download Mode.
(I only managed to crash the phone in many different ways, but I was really just monkeying around.)
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Yes, I tried the *#7284# code and changed the USB Path Control to "Modem, USB Diag" and my phone was recognised by the ROM Downloader but the phone was not in download mode.
I have stumbled upon something which may be what we are looking for though, after reverse engineering the Samsung Diagnosis app I notice there are codes to access 'Operator Specific' Admin areas in the app. Take a look at the attached image.
Now as you can see, the values listed cannot be typed into the Diagnosis app as there is a formula to decipher them. I have the formula but cannot get it to work.
Private Overloads Function GetHashCode(ByVal str As String) As UInteger
Dim num As UInteger = 0
For i As Integer = 0 To str.Length - 1
[B]num = ((num << 5) + num) + str(i)[/B]
Return num
End Function
Now the bit highlighted in bold is the bit I cant get to work.
It gives the following error:
Operator '+' is not defined for types 'UInteger' and 'Char'.
Once someone can help to get this working, reversing the formula should in theory show us the correct *#000# code combination for each area.
Fingers crossed you can crack it!
lyriquidperfection said:
Yes, I tried the *#7284# code and changed the USB Path Control to "Modem, USB Diag" and my phone was recognised by the ROM Downloader but the phone was not in download mode.
I have stumbled upon something which may be what we are looking for though, after reverse engineering the Samsung Diagnosis app I notice there are codes to access 'Operator Specific' Admin areas in the app. Take a look at the attached image.
Now as you can see, the values listed cannot be typed into the Diagnosis app as there is a formula to decipher them. I have the formula but cannot get it to work.
Private Overloads Function GetHashCode(ByVal str As String) As UInteger
Dim num As UInteger = 0
For i As Integer = 0 To str.Length - 1
[B]num = ((num << 5) + num) + str(i)[/B]
Return num
End Function
Now the bit highlighted in bold is the bit I cant get to work.
It gives the following error:
Operator '+' is not defined for types 'UInteger' and 'Char'.
Once someone can help to get this working, reversing the formula should in theory show us the correct *#000# code combination for each area.
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I worked on this few days ago, I couldn't reverse the hash function but we had some brilliant ideas how to do it (see the stackoverflow thread about it
but I used brute force and extracted some 60 diagnosis codes that you can find here
and here
This is great stuff martani if there is any way to decipher these ones, they may be worth looking at:
g_ADMIN_GENERIC = 3370684588
g_ADMIN_TMOBILE = 469486183
g_ADMIN_VODAFONE = 474092301
These ones indeed look very interesting and may offer a way to enable ADC or even the Download Mode some people like me have been looking for.
lyriquidperfection said:
This is great stuff martani if there is any way to decipher these ones, they may be worth looking at:
g_ADMIN_GENERIC = 3370684588
g_ADMIN_TMOBILE = 469486183
g_ADMIN_VODAFONE = 474092301
These ones indeed look very interesting and may offer a way to enable ADC or even the Download Mode some people like me have been looking for.
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Actually the code is a little misleading, if you see closely, the enum HashCodeTable is used nowhere.
The app waits for user input, after each "tap" on a number it calls the function ParseDial() that hashes the input with GetHashCode then calls the function GetEnumFromList() on this hashed value.
In GetEnumFromList, there is no use of HashCodeTable and even the codes you provided are not hard-coded in this function. I am not sure why they are there but as far as I can tell, to access these parts of the diagnosis app, you need another method than dialing a code it seems
martani said:
Actually the code is a little misleading, if you see closely, the enum HashCodeTable is used nowhere.
The app waits for user input, after each "tap" on a number it calls the function ParseDial() that hashes the input with GetHashCode then calls the function GetEnumFromList() on this hashed value.
In GetEnumFromList, there is no use of HashCodeTable and even the codes you provided are not hard-coded in this function. I am not sure why they are there but as far as I can tell, to access these parts of the diagnosis app, you need another method than dialing a code it seems
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Damn it! Looks like we are back to square one!
Have you seen also on the Samsung Galaxy S the Download mode is disabled on some devices, but some users made a jig where you bridge 2 pins with a certain resistor and it knocks the phone into download mode. Maybe this would work on the Omnia 7 also????
I am hoping for a software based fix rather than hacking together something.
**ALL** diagnostic codes for SAMSUNG devices
I reverse engineered the Diagnostic Menu Application. It contains a list of configuration "Titles" with corresponding hash-codes. I made a tool to reverse the hash-codes to dial-codes. The dial-codes may not be the same as some codes that were already known, but the dial-codes are absolutely correct for these menu. Differences are due to hash-collisions (same hash-code may have multiple possible dial-codes). I just used the shortest dial-codes for every menu.
The list of menu's is very long and I discovered that not all menu-codes were not actually implemented. I guess this list of codes is used for all Samsung devices (possibly also for Galaxy S and older Windows Mobile devices). So not all dial-codes may actually work on your device.
WARNING!! The menu's can configure low-level settings of your phone. And if you don't know what you're doing you may brick your device or maybe hard-reset the device and loose all your data and settings. Or you may faulty calibrate your sensors. Be very, very careful with experimenting!! I will not take any responsibility for damaging your device in any way.
I would personally be very interested if anyone finds a way to get the device in download-mode by using these menu's (I have a bad bootloader which does not let my Samsung Omnia 7 go into download-mode to flash it to a newer firmware).
By the way: the admin menu's are NOT implemented on the Omnia 7 :-(
This is the list with menu-titles, dial-codes and their hashcode:
FTAMain = 15 (0x686)
QUALCOMM TEST = *09# (0x17DB96)
TMOServiceMenu = *74*# (0x31710C2)
SMDINFO = *#03# (0x30C0953)
SIMPLE FUNCTION TEST = *#05# (0x30C0995)
IMEI NUMBER = *#06# (0x30C09B6)
VIEWHISTORYNW = *#07# (0x30C09D7)
LCDTEST = *#0*# (0x30C082A)
QWERTYTEST = *#1*# (0x30C0C6B)
BATT TEST = *#2*# (0x30C10AC)
BRIGHTNESS TEST = *#3*# (0x30C14ED)
TouchDelta 80 = *#80# (0x30C2AF8)
LIGHTTEST = *#12*# (0x648DBCDD)
BTLOGDUMP = *#232# (0x648E4E87)
RILNETLOG = *#638# (0x649080D1)
RILDUMP = *#745# (0x64911110)
VPHONE770 = *#770# (0x64911D2E)
VPHONE771 = *#771# (0x64911D4F)
VPHONE772 = *#772# (0x64911D70)
VPHONE773 = *#773# (0x64911D91)
VPHONE774 = *#774# (0x64911DB2)
VPHONE775 = *#775# (0x64911DD3)
VPHONE776 = *#776# (0x64911DF4)
VPHONE777 = *#777# (0x64911E15)
VPHONE778 = *#778# (0x64911E36)
VPHONE779 = *#779# (0x64911E57)
SR TEST = *#780# (0x6491216F)
VT DUMP = *#938# (0x649225F4)
Disable Testbed = #12358# (0xFC28BE89)
Enable Testbed = *12358# (0x170067D0)
DEBUGMODE1 = *#0011# (0xF63246F2)
BATTERYINFO = *#0228# (0xF63364DC)
AUDIOTEST2 = *#0289# (0xF6337E83)
FMRADIORX = *#0368# (0xF6340241)
LIGHTSENSORTEST = *#0589# (0xF63523A6)
RRCVERSION = *#0599# (0xF63527E7)
AUDIOTEST = *#0673# (0xF635AB00)
SOUNDTEST = *#0675# (0xF635AB42)
RTC = *#0782# (0xF6363B81)
DEVICETEST = *#0842# (0xF636B6DE)
MultiTouch = *#0987# (0xF63754E8)
SWversionFTA = *#1111# (0xF644EBD4)
MOUSETEST = *#121*# (0xF645774E)
SWversionEx = *#1234# (0xF645811A)
MOUSECAL = *#123*# (0xF6457FD0)
MOUSECAL06 = *#126*# (0xF6458C93)
GPSTEST = *#1575# (0xF6473762)
MICROUSB TEST = *#1793# (0xF6485864)
HWversionFTA = *#2222# (0xF6579518)
BANDSELECTION = *#2263# (0xF657A63D)
PHONEDUMP = *#2454# (0xF658BADF)
CAMERAUPDATE = *#2470# (0xF658C2DD)
CAMERADISABLE = *#2480# (0xF658C71E)
NAVIKEY TEST = *#2486# (0xF658C7E4)
INTEGRITY = *#2580# (0xF659537F)
TouchFirmare 2663 = *#2663# (0xF659D7C1)
TouchDelta 2664 = *#2664# (0xF659D7E2)
TouchDelta 2665 = *#2665# (0xF659D803)
RILNETLOG OFF = *#6380# (0xF6A09CC1)
RILNETLOG ON = *#6381# (0xF6A09CE2)
NETLOCK NETWORK = *#6955# (0xF6A3DAE9)
USBPATHCHANGE = *#7284# (0xF6B22965)
POWERONATTACH = *#7298# (0xF6B22E2A)
DebugOption = *#7450# (0xF6B334E0)
ERROR REPORT ON = *#7451# (0xF6B33501)
ERROR REPORT VERIFY = *#7452# (0xF6B33522)
NETLOCK SERVICE = *#7755# (0xF6B4DAA8)
VPHONE DISABLED = *#77*0# (0xF6B4AB38)
VPHONE ENABLED = *#77*1# (0xF6B4AB59)
UARTCHANGER = *#9090# (0xF6D54562)
DEBUGDUMP = *#9900# (0xF6DA0E82)
PILEDUMP = *#9901# (0xF6DA0EA3)
NETLOG LOG START = *#9905# (0xF6DA0F27)
DEBUG RIL DUMP = *#9906# (0xF6DA0F48)
UARTPATH = *#9910# (0xF6DA12C3)
BATTERYMONITOR = *#9911# (0xF6DA12E4)
CONNECTION SETTING = *#9920# (0xF6DA1704)
VERIFYCOMPARE = *#9990# (0xF6DA34CB)
YSSHINTEST = *#9999# (0xF6DA35F4)
VersionScript = 19104#2* (0xD21FC43E)
BLUETOOTH LOG DISABLE = 20652609 (0x1598F3DE)
BLUETOOTH LOG ENABLE = 20652619 (0x1598F3FF)
BT SSPDEbugModeEnable = 20652629 (0x1598F420)
BT SSPDEbugModeDisable = 20652639 (0x1598F441)
OMADMCLIENT LOG DISABLE = 20653609 (0x1599803F)
OMADMCLIENT LOG ENABLE = 20653619 (0x15998060)
CELOG LOG DISABLE = 20654609 (0x159A0CA0)
CELOG LOG ENABLE = 20654619 (0x159A0CC1)
TOTALCALLTIME = 2934331* (0xC35403F3)
RESET CUSTOM = 35180948 (0x77496B66)
RESET FACTORY = 35190718 (0x775B7B02)
ERASE IMEIITEM = 35190728 (0x775B7B23)
IMEI ADJUST = 35190738 (0x775B7B44)
BLUETOOTH RF TEST = 3##65*88 (0xECE73A9E)
AutoSimSetting = 40*047#3 (0xD1C556DF)
PVKKey = 40*549#3 (0xD21FD9E6)
LEDTEST = *#14789# (0xBF1C1ADD)
DMSessionInit = *#15428# (0xBF2C7494)
CIPHERING = *#32489# (0xC3A095FA)
CAMERAUPDATESVC = *#32589# (0xC3A1225B)
LOGDUMPMGR = *#33284# (0xC3B19514)
SR DISABLED = *#780*0# (0xCD5F5D49)
SR ENABLED = *#780*1# (0xCD5F5D6A)
NETLOCK SUBSET = *#78255# (0xCD60A57B)
LAUNCH UAEDIT = *#92782# (0xD1A12DFC)
PdaBuildTime = *#99820# (0xD2204C1C)
VersionTime = *#99821# (0xD2204C3D)
WIFI TEST = 0373385#6 (0xECE73BA6)
EN LOCK NW = 074578132 (0xBBF27D35)
GCFTESTMODE ENTER = 086#58023 (0x1807BAE3)
FILE SYSTEM TEST = 089559715 (0x28F3F681)
AUDIOGAINCONTROL = 08#766104 (0x902D68E3)
DIS LOCK SUB NW = 17#991#3* (0x1D45A6AE)
PVKFileName = 18*357#25 (0x161B193C)
EN LOCK SUB NW = 193582504 (0xBC073A15)
GPSTESTTOOL = 1#8865#55 (0xF61EC09C)
EN LOCK CORP = 1*0273411 (0xF62C007D)
EN LOCK SVC = 1*0278411 (0xF62EBE62)
DIS LOCK NW = 20789802* (0x1D30E9CE)
SellOutSMS = 2615#0922 (0xD04CA8DE)
TFlashUnPairing = 30334*733 (0x51B892C4)
DIS LOCK SVC = 38025*93# (0xCA957BDB)
GPSTESTTOOL2 = 400#40*08 (0xB9F6D60D)
GPSTESTXTRA = 400#40*18 (0xB9F6D62E)
SerialNumber = 5317*0648 (0x6E256D8C)
EN LOCK SIM = 5494585*3 (0xBC051995)
SERVERURL = 553378683 (0xD8389060)
SLIDECOUNT = 584644021 (0xF0BF3052)
SellOutSMSTestMode = 597#*224# (0x96E7B26D)
APPSLAUNCHER = 5**6244*3 (0x33B0B76)
SLOGSERIAL M2 = 66#6757#1 (0x7050E07C)
AutoReceive Enable = 7160*5088 (0xEF2C5E0D)
TESTMODE = 718071#49 (0x8A09ACC8)
RESET SERVICE = 72673#00# (0xEC5B4BEF)
ReactivateSellOutSMS = 74201#086 (0x807DB65F)
AUDIOCODEC = 7#16#1#37 (0x902D68C2)
ADMIN GENERIC = 838*5448* (0xC8E890AC)
SLOGSERIAL ALL ON = 8644*3081 (0x705107AC)
VT MANUALSETTING = 8802*7*5# (0x104384B5)
DISLOCK SIM = 98217*243 (0x1D43862E)
DMTESTMENU = 9#7357764 (0x414D9633)
SLOGSERIAL ALL OFF = #22#6214# (0x7050E03A)
SLOGSERIAL M1 = #22#6215# (0x7050E05B)
SLOGSERIAL M3 = #22#6217# (0x7050E09D)
SLOGSERIAL M4 = #22#6218# (0x7050E0BE)
SLOGSERIAL M5 = #22#6219# (0x7050E0DF)
ADMIN VODAFONE = #75471648 (0x1C42130D)
DisableSellOutSMS = *4587*676 (0x903477AF)
RANDOM BT MAC = *#232336# (0xECE73B43)
BLUETOOTH MAC VIEWER = *#232337# (0xECE73B64)
WIFI MAC VIEWER = *#232338# (0xECE73B85)
PRECONFIGURATION = *#638738# (0x213EF313)
SLOGSERIAL M6 = *#745*06# (0x7050E100)
DIS LOCK CORP = 00*2*2#524 (0xCA92BDF6)
ADMIN TMOBILE = 0612824763 (0x1BFBCA67)
AutoReceive Disable = 09925572#3 (0xD4B8217D)
SWversionIn = 1309653522 (0xECB23FC4)
GPSTTFFTESTTOOL = 154*068271 (0xF61EBC7C)
SellOutSMSProductionMode = 1#3341#5#0 (0x96D7C68A)
LOCK STATUS INFO = 28##**23*0 (0x7D8C72E3)
SWversionNewIn = 32456464#7 (0xFD58D7FC)
Heathcliff74 said:
I reverse engineered the Diagnostic Menu Application. It contains a list of configuration "Titles" with corresponding hash-codes. I made a tool to reverse the hash-codes to dial-codes. The dial-codes may not be the same as some codes that were already known, but the dial-codes are absolutely correct for these menu. Differences are due to hash-collisions (same hash-code may have multiple possible dial-codes). I just used the shortest dial-codes for every menu.
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Can you share how did you reverse the hash function? I worked on this some time ago but finally just brute forced it to extract the keys.
I would also like to know how he reversed the hash codes! I tried for hours and had no luck!
Haha.. Well, I first tried to calculate the original dial-codes, but that seems to work only for dialcodes shorter than 8 digits (5 bits per digit, 32 bits hash-code = 32 / 5 = 7 digits + 1 digit for the extra add):
uint hash = 0; // enter hash here
string DialCode = "";
while (hash > 0)
uint digit = (hash % 33) + 33;
if (digit > hash)
hash = 0;
hash = (hash - digit) / 33;
DialCode = Convert.ToChar(digit) + DialCode;
return DialCode;
But this does not work for long dial-codes. So after that I just made a little program to brute-force it. I copied the enum with menu-titles and hash-codes to my project. Then I used reflection to populate a sortedlist. Then I started to brute-force and check all dialcodes for their hashcode and see if it exists in the list. If it exists, I add it to a textbox and remove the item from the list. That's it. So it is not really reversed, but my program took about an hour to get dial-codes for all the hashcodes in the enum.
SortedList<uint, string> hashCodes = new SortedList<uint, string>();
int l = typeof(HashCodeTable).GetEnumNames().Length;
string[] menunames = typeof(HashCodeTable).GetEnumNames();
for (int i = 0; i < l; i++)
hashCodes.Add(Convert.ToUInt32(Enum.Parse(typeof(HashCodeTable), menunames[i])), menunames[i].Substring(2).Replace('_', ' '));
catch { }
char[] chars = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '#', '*' };
for (int length = 1; length <= 20; length++)
ushort[] digits = new ushort[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) digits[i] = 0;
while (true)
// calc hash
uint hashCode = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
hashCode = ((hashCode << 5) + hashCode) + chars[digits[i]];
if (hashCodes.ContainsKey(hashCode))
int m = hashCodes.IndexOfKey(hashCode);
string str = "";
for (int j = 0; j < length; j++)
str = str + chars[digits[j]];
textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text + hashCodes.Values[m] + " = " + str + " (0x" + hashCode.ToString("X") + ")" + Environment.NewLine;
// increase
digits[length - 1]++;
for (int k = length - 1; k >= 0; k--)
if (digits[k] >= 12)
if (k == 0)
digits[k] -= 12;
digits[k - 1]++;
if ((digits[0] >= 12) || (hashCodes.Count == 0)) break;
if (hashCodes.Count == 0) break;
Excellent stuff! Thank you for this very interesting code snippit!
WP7 diag codes
martani said:
Actually the code is a little misleading, if you see closely, the enum HashCodeTable is used nowhere.
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This is because the compiler optimized out the switch statement and compiled the constants into the IL code for the hash codes.
Within the main switch statement where keypad entries are evaluated there are ~112 codes and I've reversed all of them. Writing hash algorithms is not straightforward and it's quite a simple one, since my app captured 2-3-4 variants of keycodes for the same hash value.
Regarding the most interesting entries at the top of the enum the ADMIN_ entries...those hash values are not handled by the application, maybe Samsung has another diag app or a different app which is using the same method.
The other thing I can think of is there are APIs in the diag app which one is sending the hash of a keycode to the given driver...I tried that but the ADMIN stuff did not worked that way either :-((
If anyone is interested I can post the resolved codes, but not sure if I can post it in the forum or not ;-)
Regsitry entry to enable SLDR mode
I found this definition in B44C7A84-5068-4b43-A1E5-F870A80F6FF8.rgu:
"OsMode"=dword:0 ; 0 for Main OS, 1 for SLDR
Is the download mode == SLDR mode?
Since maybe we can set this entry "somehow", and upon next reboot we will get into download mode so we can flash the device?
So the question is, what is SLDR mode? Secure Loader mode? I don't know this, a more pro in this area should help out ;-)
I was able to read the value (0) and write it back (0). Did not tried to write 1 there
Hey guys. I know this thread is about programmatically enter downloadmode, but I wanted to try the 301k resistor trick and I can confirm it works on Samsung Omnia 7.
I used this guide. If you're gonna do that too, then you should pay attention to these things:
- The guide refers to pin 4 and 5 being closest to the headphone socket. But on the omnia 7, the headphone and micro-usb sockets are the other way around if you compare it to the Galaxy S. The guide is for the Galaxy S, so you should really pay attention to which pins you solder the resistor(s). This is the best picture on how you should solder the resistor(s).
- Many micro-usb cables have no wire for pin 4. Some connectors don't even have a pin 4. You should first verify that your connector has all 5 pins. If you only have 4 wires, then you have to dismantle the connector and solder directly on the back of the connector.
I switched off my Omnia 7. I plugged in my jig and it went to downloadmode immediately.
It's late now, so I will see tomorrow what I will be going to flash on it. There quite a few roms and I'm not sure which one I should use. I have to figure that out first.
If anyone has questions about how to make a jig, just ask. I know how to make one now.
You should post pictures, how to make such a cable. Thanks
FromOuterSpace said:
You should post pictures, how to make such a cable. Thanks
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The picture I linked to in my previous post look pretty clear to me. It shows what pins you have to use. The guide I linked to contain all the other necessary details. If you have any specific questions about something that is still not clear, you can ask me.

[Q] PhoneGap Storage Problem

Hi all,
I'm stuck with my first Android App and I really hope you can help me out. I've build a simple app with a SQL database, based on the documentation on docs.phonegap.
I've created this script:
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
// Wait for device API libraries to load
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
// Populate the database
function populateDB(tx) {
tx.executeSql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS DEMO (id unique, date, naam, description, image)');
tx.executeSql('INSERT INTO DEMO (id, date, naam, description, image) VALUES (1, "2014-04-23", "Jacques Villeneuve", "Canadees autocoureur","test.jpg")');
tx.executeSql('INSERT INTO DEMO (id, date, naam, description, image) VALUES (2, "1954-09-04","Dennis Quaid", "Amerikaans acteur","test.JPEG")');
tx.executeSql('INSERT INTO DEMO (id, date, naam, description, image) VALUES (3, "1933-09-04","Jean-Paul Belmondo", "Frans acteur","test.jpg")');
// Query the database
function queryDB(tx) {
// Datum van vandaag
var today = new Date();
var dd = today.getDate();
var mm = today.getMonth()+1; //January is 0!
var yyyy = today.getFullYear();
today = yyyy+'-'+mm+'-'+dd;
alert (today);
tx.executeSql('SELECT * FROM DEMO WHERE date = "2014-04-23" ORDER BY DATE ', [], querySuccess, errorCB);
// Query the success callback
function querySuccess(tx, results) {
var len = results.rows.length;
console.log("DEMO table: " + len + " rows found.");
for (var i=0; i<len; i++){
console.log("Row = " + i + " ID = " + results.rows.item(i).id + " Data = " + results.rows.item(i).date + " Naam: " + results.rows.item(i).naam);
// Transaction error callback
function errorCB(err) {
console.log("Error processing SQL: "+err.code);
// Transaction success callback
function successCB() {
var db = window.openDatabase("Database", "1.0", "Cordova Demo", 200000);
db.transaction(queryDB, errorCB);
// device APIs are available
function onDeviceReady() {
var db = window.openDatabase("Database", "1.0", "Cordova Demo", 200000);
db.transaction(populateDB, errorCB, successCB);
And I get the information in a div:
function querySuccess(tx, results) {
var len = results.rows.length;
console.log("DEMO table: " + len + " rows found.");
for (var i=0; i<len; i++){
var div = document.getElementById("textDiv");
div.innerHTML = div.innerHTML
+ "<div>"
+" " + results.rows.item(i).date +" "
+"<h1>" + results.rows.item(i).naam +"</h1>"
+" " + results.rows.item(i).description +" "
+"<img src=\"" + results.rows.item(i).image + "\">"
+ "</div>";
When I test it in Chrome Ripple, I see the information from the database perfectly! Only when I check it in Dreamweaver, I don't see the information. Also when I build the app with Dreamweaver Phonegap build and emulate it, it doesn't work either. This is probably a beginner question but I really need some help right now!!!
Thank so much for your help!
Kind regards,

