Back Button Please?!?!??!?!? - Upgrading, Modifying and Unlocking

Does anybody know where I can get a "Back Button" aka "Go Back" aka "previous" aka "return" command that could be assigned? I use to have a smartphone and now have a ppc. It is probably the button I used and missed the most. Easy to just go back a step if you made a wrong entry/selection etc, (kindof like the "up" command in file explorer, but different and a little more involved than the Alt-Tab for switching programs)... This would take me to the next level.
I would like to assign it to HButton as I have the "Alt-Tab" program. This function is good only to Switch between different programs and sometimes you just need to go back a step in the program you are in.
I notice a lot of Samsung devices both PPC and Smartphone have this button actually on the device and the program assigned to it. So maybe someone with a device by them could extract it for me??????


Accented Characters: Remap Excalibur Keyboard (some success)

I'd like to report partial success and ask for your input.
I have a O2 XDA Cosmo (which is close to Excalibur but is somewhat different from Dash, eg. it does not have (x)T9) and was shocked to see how cumbersome it is to enter accented characters (eg. German Umlauts). In contrast to other HTC devices, one needs to press the SYM (symbol) key upon which a table pops up, then one needs to use the cursor to get to the right character and press enter. Outrageous.
I did a search and ended up using AEKmap. I did not succeed to reprogram the FN key. Alas, that would have been just what I wanted. Press FN once + "o", get "ö", press FN twice, get "_" (which is marked blue on the key). I could not pull this off, even though I know the code of the FN key and AEKmap can in principle do this (via the definition of both Accentkey and Accentkey2, setting them to the same value). No success.
Then I took the "Message key" (buttom row, far right, with the envelope on it) and used that as Accentkey. This works, sort of. When I activate the Remapping (I switch it on with the Symbol key, needs to be done only once per session, gets unfortunately lost on reboot), then I get something usable: pressing "o", produces "o", pressing "FN + o" produces "_" (as before), pressing "Message" + "o" gets "ö" and "Message+CAPS+o" gets even "Ö". So far so good, this works in email and SMS.
However, it does not work if I need to enter text in Calendar, or Tasks or in a Freeware Notes editor, because in those cases the Message key calls "messages" FIRST and transfers control to that app.
Does anyone know how I could prevent this. If the "message key" in deactivated totally (in the sense that it does not call "messages") that's ok, I do not need that function (or can reprogram the adjacent "Explorer" key to do that by changing the shortcut SHORT_IE in \Windows). But I can not delete the function attached to either of those keys, so that they do not call Messages or the IExplorer.
This all has probably to do with the fact that AEKmap is not a proper driver and therefore catches the key somewhat "late".
From this unqualified statement you can defer that I am not very skilled. So please help me if you can. I am determined to get this "project" done, as I think I might just love this device, if it was easy to enter those ä,ö,ü etc.
Thanxx for any help, Mixx
I found the solution here on these forums.
Cut and paste:
Fiddling around with WM6 Beta's eT9.Excalibur.0409.kmap.txt
I discovered that by fiddling around with this file (found in the /windows folder, you can quickly change the keymappings in the beta version. For example, I've only done a quick test, but I remapped the '%" symbol on the Q to be a "!" when alt is pressed or a long press is done. This worked in both Outlook and Word on my test. No reboot was needed BTW.
Can you please, please be a bit more verbose?
I do not have the beta on my device, it is standard O2 Cosmos WM5 (very close to Excalibur). Can I do anything with that? I do n ot have T9 or ET9. Will this file still work? What do I need to change in it (syntax)?
Thanxx a million, Mixx
BrumBrum74 said:
I found the solution here on these forums.
Cut and paste:
Fiddling around with WM6 Beta's eT9.Excalibur.0409.kmap.txt
I discovered that by fiddling around with this file (found in the /windows folder, you can quickly change the keymappings in the beta version. For example, I've only done a quick test, but I remapped the '%" symbol on the Q to be a "!" when alt is pressed or a long press is done. This worked in both Outlook and Word on my test. No reboot was needed BTW.
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Maybe I am not asking the right question

Does anybody know where I can get a program that simulates the Back Button on many smartphone and some ppc devices. It is a "Go Back" aka "previous" aka "return" command that could be assigned. I would like to assign it using Hbutton to one of the buttons on my 8125.
I use to have a smartphone and now have a ppc. It is probably the button I used and missed the most. Easy to just go back a step if you made a wrong entry/selection etc, (kindof like the "up" command in file explorer, but different and a little more involved than the Alt-Tab for switching programs)... This would take me to the next level.
It's not that you are asking the wrong question, its that there is no answer...
You see all that 'back' button does is send the same code as 'Esc' key on your PC keyboard. (thats 0x27 if you are interested).
There are probably several utilities that can simulate this, but the problem is the whole OS and the apps designed for PPC are not made to take in to account the existence of a 'back' button so they just won't respond to it.
(Well maybe some will, but it will never work as smoothly as on smartphone and may have some undesired side effects).

Button Assignment Nightmare

Originally, this was posted by someone else at the following link:
The problem is, in this forum and in ppcgeeks, there is no clear cut answer. Truthfully, I dot really want to assign buttons, however, there are other options that are available for personalizing. Following this paragraph is my situation:
Phone: Sprint HTC Touch Pro 2
ROM: Stock - Windows 6.1 & Manila 2.1
I have a few apps, but none that should have messed with these settings (MS My Phone, Resco File Explorer (has the ability, but I didn't change it through it), Resco Radio, Resco Picture Viewer Pro, a few games, Office Mobile 10 beta, etc... The rest are all stock, coming with the phone)
When I go into the button config here is the settings:
Send Key(Hold) - Voice Command
Button - <Context Menu>
Button - <Today>
Button - <Context Menu>
Button - <Context Menu>
Button - <Context Menu>
When I try to goto any other tab in the setting program, it tells me "Each program button must have a unique button assignment" and then goes back to the button assignment tab. When I try to exit, goto the today screen, or open any other program it does the same.
There are three possible ways of dealing with this:
1. Deleting these other button assignments - The problem here is I don't know what buttons these refer to and if deleted could pose problems.
2. Changing the names - Not really changing the names, I guess to me, it seems that the system is assigning five separate possible tasks to "Button." Again, not knowing what these buttons refer to, if changed, I could have to press volume up to hang up a call and press the power button to send a call.
3. Hard reset - I thought about this, but there are a few places where there have been cases of people trying this and it didn't do anything. I guess I would rather try alternatives before going through this drastic a measure.
If anyone has ideas on how to do any of these (save the hard reset, as I know that), I would be very much appreciative. Also, if any one has any other suggestions, besides those above, I would be more than happy to try them.
Thought it prudent to add, most of these apps (save of course Office 10 beta) that I now have, I have had through three phones (Mogul, Touch Pro, touch pro 2). The first two never had any problems with these apps and as they are all HTC phones, I don't see why it would cause these kinds of problems in this phone and neither of it's predecessors.
Sorry.. haven't heard a reply, so Bump it up.
such an story,, such an answer..
the best way to assign app/programs to buttons is with this program!!
I was just about to post that link!
OP, whatever it is you're using to remap keys, drop it and use the linked keyboard controller. It's ridiculously good.

Back Hardware Button

Hello folks,
I would like to see how I can get the Back hardware button (the button between the END key and HOME key on the front of the phone) to work in all programs.
I find the back button works properly in some applications by going back in the application one step (such as MS Word Mobile), while it does not work properly in other programs like File Explorer (included with the operating system).
Can anyone think of a fix?
Hi, I didn't try it on the back button but surely this app will work :
mail_e36 said:
Hello folks,
I would like to see how I can get the Back hardware button (the button between the END key and HOME key on the front of the phone) to work in all programs.
I find the back button works properly in some applications by going back in the application one step (such as MS Word Mobile), while it does not work properly in other programs like File Explorer (included with the operating system).
Can anyone think of a fix?
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The reason why some apps have it working properly (such as IE) is because of entries in this key:
For example, HKCU\ControlPanel\Keybd\ChangeBackVKeyCode\IExplore=8 means setting the "back" key to "backspace" (8 is the keycode for BS), thus allowing you to go back 1 page instead of the default "back" behaviour (which goes to the previous application opened).

Disable Send Key

My send key is sticking.
1) How do I disable the send key
2) how can I start the phone application with a shortcut ( I would need it if I can disable the send key)
3) how do I change my text message that I can send for an incoming phone call. I've changed it before, but cannot remember how.
1) Why on earth would you want to do that?
2) Your start menu should already have a short-cut somewhere in it with the phone application, just find it and use it.
3) Start Menu/ Settings/ Personal/Phone/Advanced (this is on a WWE rom).
Ok, found #4.
Also, lookined in the windows directory and found vtkey.exe (phone application) and redial.exe (redial). Does anyone see a problem with renameing them so hopefully my send key will not be able to use them?
There is a System -> Button application. Guess I could map the end key hold to the vtkey_rename.exe?
OK, how do I rename system files?
Because my hardware send key is sticking and it constantly opens the phone application and redails the last person I spoke to. My friends are getting quite annoyed and I do not want to spend a week of my life reloading a new phone with my software.
Do you have a better solution?
I do not have a phone dialer application on my start menu. I had to find vtkey.exe in the windows folder.
thebrenda said:
Because my hardware send key is sticking and it constantly opens the phone application and redails the last person I spoke to. My friends are getting quite annoyed and I do not want to spend a week of my life reloading a new phone with my software.
Do you have a better solution?
I do not have a phone dialer application on my start menu. I had to find vtkey.exe in the windows folder.
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Maybe you can remap the hardware key to nothing? The remap program is in the themes and apps section.
Maybe you can remap the hardware key to nothing? The remap program is in the themes and apps section.
I turned off all the Sense/FLO stuff that I could find. Mostly I have just stock WM 6.1. I do not see themes. I do have Settings-> Personal -> Buttons. But I cannot figure out how to add the Send Key. I have the following. My phone has 4 buttons and not really sure how to use the Buttons screen.
Send Key (Hold) <None>
Button <Today>
Button <Context Menu>
Just tryed to remap the key using Rhodium Keyboard control. Worked flawlessly
Where is the keyboard control?
I have T-Mobile HTC TP2, WM 6.1.
Take a copy of a link file .lnk of any application you have on your phone and rename it to short_send.lnk and put in \windows. Same trick works with long_send.lnk, short/long for end and power buttons. By doing this i created button shortcuts to apps i want. Super convenient.

