Is there anyway to remap the keys? - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam ROM Development

I just upgraded to WM6 and now a bunch of my alt keys are wrong.
Heres what I get when I press the following:
: = ;
@ = ?
? = -
~ = !
! = @
; = _
- = "
As you can see it can be very annoying. Is there anyway to remap these keys?

yes and it's all over these forums.
I assume you have a cingular 8525. Try searching for a cingular keyboard fix, there's at least a half a dozen ways to do it.

My Fix...
Hi there.
I ended up creating a .CAB file to do the registry changes for my SoftBank X01HT keyboard.
I have only tested my Cab File on a SoftBank X01HT - not the Cingular model.

Here ya go
Different keyboard layouts for different Hermes versions
Issue: When applying a non-cingular ROM to an 8525 its default keyboard is different than the 8525.
The Fix:
"Layout"=263177 (decimal)

Pumpiron579 said:
"Layout"=263177 (decimal)
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for someone who knows nothing what does this mean? this is like reading chinese

If your using a WM6 Schap ROM do this
Goto Start>Settings>System>Advanced Config>Misc> then theres an option that says "Keyboard Layout: English"....Change that to Cingular in the dropdown menu.

I have wm6 but not the version you are speaking up because mine goes as far as this Start>Settings>System>I have no advanced config

thestarofdeath said:
If your using a WM6 Schap ROM do this
Goto Start>Settings>System>Advanced Config>Misc> then theres an option that says "Keyboard Layout: English"....Change that to Cingular in the dropdown menu.
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I downloaded schap's ROM so hopefully it will correct the problem. Thanks for the tip

No problem, I ran into the same problem and this fixed mine, I used the newest rom he made, being 3.60a


changing keyboard from english to german

I have a german t-mobile device with a qwertz keyboard and loaded with english wwe version. I would like to have the right mapping so can i change the english mapping to german on the keyboard ? what is the registry key for that a what is the value for the german qwertz keyboard layout ?
Thanks for nay advice
I have the same keyboard also but don't know how to go to Reg Edit mode. Please advise.
Use TotalCommander. It is an file explorer with an good registry editor.
keyboard layout
I just upgraded my qtek 9100 to AKU 2.3 but the slide-out keyboard that I have is in Swedish. I tried to make the changes suggested at
but that didn’t work. Has anyone been successful in changing the keyboard language?
I was not able to do it also. Can someone help?
It just needs a hard reset
I kept on trying at this and finally after changing the value to 0414 and doing a hard reset by using the stylus in the hole it worked. I went back and tried the 041d and it too worked so I guess the reset was what was needed. Also there is a Swedish keyboard fix circulating but don't use it since it will only work for Ext_ROM ver. Hope this helps someone else!
Can you advise how I can go to the following step?
For German layout (QWERTZ):
HKCU\ControlPanel\Keybd\Locale = 0407 (REG_SZ string)
Thank you in advance.
you need a registry editor
First of all you need to download and install a utility that will allow you to access the registry. There are a number of good freeware applications that will let you do this. Unlike regular windows there is nowhere you can type regedit. I use Total Commander and it can be downloaded from
Once you have access to the registry (in total commander you click on the folder named “\\” ) click on registry -- >HKC-- > ControlPanel -- > Keybd . Once under Keybd create a key called Locle . In Total Commander this is done by double clicking on “+Add Value+” Set the name to Locale and select String. Click Ok and then when the value box pops up enter the LCID Hex number like 0407. If you need to change the number highlight the key and click properties.
Don’t forget to reset the machine by pressing the stylus into the reset hole.
Hope this helps.
Thank you very much for the elaborate procedure. I followed every step you wrote and locale = 0407 was sucessfully entered. After reset, the keyboard still did not change to German! I tried many times but the result was the same. Did I do any thing wrong? Many thanks.
Change from Ger Z: 66567 to 66569 (eng Y)
Good luck
I am sucessful!
Thank you very much. I got it now!! :lol:
used for Wizard not Uni

Keyboard - please help on Scandinavian settings

Hep. Have been looking around the forum to find a way to change the keyboard layout (Hardware), to Danish.
I simply cant make it work. I have the Live 0.2 rom, and have tried the reg. editing as written in the forum..but no go.
Can someone please give a guide to which rom that I can use if I want a Danish Keyboard - or can someone do anything about the Keyboard issues. (Make some kind of a cab or??) I cannot do it myself, but would really be thankfull.
And - great thing with all this rom biz. I know nothing about it - but loves to jazz up my phone...hehehe
Greatings from Viking Land
Isnt that avalible in the extrom?
stinger32 said:
Isnt that avalible in the extrom?
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I dont know??
I'm using LVSW version and somehow every softreset reverts \oem\qwerty registry back to uk mapping, manual edit and/or nordic is useless, it have to be something with LVSW version, because xda live was working with nordic cab...
kha said:
I'm using LVSW version and somehow every softreset reverts \oem\qwerty registry back to uk mapping, manual edit and/or nordic is useless, it have to be something with LVSW version, because xda live was working with nordic cab...
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I have tried to change the registry, but i does not seem to do anything for me. I wonder if the settings somehow can be extracted from wm5?
Look at this post Norwegian Keyboard on WM 6?, it has the cab file for the keyboard attached, this is used for all nordic tytn.
I've just installed xdalive keyboard fix cab-> softreset -> nordic keymap cab -> softreset and now the mapping is correct!
kha said:
I've just installed xdalive keyboard fix cab-> softreset -> nordic keymap cab -> softreset and now the mapping is correct!
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HAHAHAAAAA - its working. Yaaahuuuuuuu. Lets get som ROMs.... I cannot tell you how glad this made me..
TyTn Rules - The King Of Phones
Go Chefs, Go - lets get som roooommmmsss
Where can I download xdalive keyboard fix cab and nordic keymap cab?
callahan said:
Where can I download xdalive keyboard fix cab and nordic keymap cab?
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I am wondering the same thing, have tried to search the forum with no luck
are there some who got the xdalive keyboard fix cab and nordic keymap cab?
when you guys find all the solutions to the mapping add them to the wiki, or pm me the list of fixes all nice and neat and i will put them on there
This works on XDA-Live & Black (at least)
Here's the one I use and it works on most of them anyways. Remember to soft reset afterwards.
Whenever I flash a new ROM or do a hard reset I just change the following ONE registry setting.
Why not make a fix_my_qwerty_mapping.reg file and save this on your storage card, content like this (I have no idea how to make a .cab file, but this works fine for me):
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
This is the Norwegian settings, but it doesn't matter for Finnish, Swedish and Danish users - it's all the same mapping. I got a TyTN/Herm 200 and for all I know this could be firmware dependent.
The number "132116" is decimal and found by:
20+countrycode, country code for Norway: 0414. That will be 20414. Converting this hex to dec gives 132116.
(When using the .reg file it writes in hex and therefore 20414, but you can manually enter the number directly into the register using hex if you like.)
Country codes:
Remember to power down/up after applying this registry change - not just a stylus soft reset.
shadoefrizon said:
Here's the one I use and it works on most of them anyways. Remember to soft reset afterwards.
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Thanks man it worked on my HTC TyTn. No im typing in swedish
How do i get the æøå maped to a key so i don't need to go in to sym?
Shauge said:
How do i get the æøå maped to a key so i don't need to go in to sym?
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You have of course searched, found og tried:
So then I dont know....
after running the cab file in this forum my h button is now a + when i am in contackts searching for a person?
Hi fellow Scandinavians.
Try these attached files.
They work perfectly in both WM5 and WM6.
Both should be installed on the device at the same time.
thx Torben schould i do a reset first now that the other things are ****ed up?
and how will i get the æøå maped to a key?

WM6 Black 3.01 Kayboard Problem

I have upgraded to Black 3.01 and I have a small issue. All is GREAT except for the fact that my "special character" assignments are all out-of-whack. I am currently running this on a Cingular 8525 Hermes. I use the bottom left blue alternate character button and try to instert an @ sign, and receive a ? question mark.
Here is the list of incorrect keys
~ is !
! is @
@ is ?
; is _
- is "
_ is :
? is -
: is ;
Here is the list of correct keys
/ # + * & + ( )
the number pad
caps lock
Is this a known issue? Is there a resolution?
Thank You
Working perfectly on my TyTN / Black 3.01
Have a look to this thread
and download HTCustom. Then change the keyboard layout to "cingular", maybe this works.
this is indeed a known problem. You require the 8525 keyboard fix cab file. do a google search of the site to find it.
Just in case HTCustom doesn't work here's the link to the cab file .vibe mentioned:
gerald_s said:
Just in case HTCustom doesn't work here's the link to the cab file .vibe mentioned:
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This fix worked well, after installation and power off/on. Thank you!
I was having this same problem and figured there was a fix for it... The rom just recently installed turned out to have HTCustom pre-installed, so the fix took less time than i thought.
Thx :-D

German keyboard file for wm6.1 ENG?

i install the shadow 2.1 CE Clean version ENG but everything works fine
but the problem is i can`t writing in my qwertz keyboard german
Have you people a idea how can write in german
it is possible to add german keyboard files in wm6.1 ?
Whats folder and File Please help me?
Peace to the people
i have a mda vario 2
If you're talking about hardware keyboard, look at the Hermes Wiki or install Advanced Configuration Tool by Schaps.
Is this corectly i must only change the registry to use German Hardware Keyboard nomore files needed
Great Thanks
Restore local language support for sliding keyboard after upgrade to a different language ROM
This has been reported not to work, see below for another hack
You need to create Registry value of name "Locale" and type of "String" and data of "Localization ID" within
Localization IDs:
German = 0407
superman13 said:
Is this corectly i must only change the registry to use German Hardware Keyboard nomore files needed
Great Thanks
Restore local language support for sliding keyboard after upgrade to a different language ROM
This has been reported not to work, see below for another hack
You need to create Registry value of name "Locale" and type of "String" and data of "Localization ID" within
Localization IDs:
German = 0407
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no. you have to read carefully the wiki. you will see there that you have to create it in
the name of the key is Layout
the value (hex) of the key is 20407
do a soft reset via switching the device off (long button press of the on/off button) as it keeps your changes. otherwise you will loose your changes.
Thanks that works fine
this CAB does the registry entry for a german keyboard and installs the file (\windows\sym.0409.txt) for the german umlauts (that you get ä first and not á when you switch via dot + space)
Vielen Dank
i've installed the rom HTC HERMES_CE OS 5.2.19949 Build 19949.1.2.0. and your tool doesn't work with this rom. Do you know what I can do to have the german Umlaute (äöü)?
Thanks a lot.
edit the file \windows\sym.0409.txt yourself. it is very easy.
have a look into it and you will see what i mean.
colt-ca0 said:
i've installed the rom HTC HERMES_CE OS 5.2.19949 Build 19949.1.2.0. and your tool doesn't work with this rom. Do you know what I can do to have the german Umlaute (äöü)?
Thanks a lot.
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Goto the following registry entry
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Oem\Qwerty]There is a key called 'Layout' and it is in Decimal.
The suitable value for German Hermes keyboard is 20407 (132103 in decimal). =qwertz
Thanks for the posts. I installed the rom, then I installed the tool of stan23. I looked into the registry and the value is 20407. When I want to use the hardware keyboard I can't write a "ä, ö, ü" not even an "á". I can't understand it.
check the following:
- is the file sym.0409.txt still there (maybe you have deleted it?) and have a look into it.
- is the value of the reg.key 20407 HEX
- when typing: make sure you press "a" then "dot-key" then "space-bar".
if this does not work, hard-reset.
if this does not work, try a different rom

Q: Dutch (or other non-default) Word Completion on WWE ROMs? (crosspost)

Crosspost from the Q&A boards, cause nobody knows, or wants to answer :
I've been trying out some new ROMs for my Touch HD. Basicly I wanted to get rid of my Dutch language ROM, because I prefer English based OS'.
I tried several new ROMs, both Topaz & Rhodium versions (which are Manilla 3 I believe?).
Anyway, the ROMs themselves seem to work fine, but I'm missing 1 big thing in the WWE version: Dutch Word completion (and possibly Dutch T9, but that's less important).
I've tried several cabs, but none seem to work for me. The best I got was 1 that did add more Languages to the menu, but none actually worked, and this also broke my English Word completion
So, can anybody point me to a cab that makes Dutch Word Completion possible in WWE English?
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i have this on mijn hd and i think it works
Unfortunately, this 1 also doesn't work Properly in Manilla 3.
Word Completion in ABC doesn't work, in XT9 it does work, but the keyboard layout is wrong. Also, the language Dutch isn't selectable in the menu (it does get turned on after install).
check, i am trying, misses 4 key's to complete
I need to know only this 2 lines for my dutch TX9
_________________________________________________ ____
"AvailableLanguages"="0108,0109,010C,0107,0110,010 A,0113”
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Tegic\eT9\Sip\Language KeyboardIDMapping]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Tegic\eT9\Sip\Language KeyboardIDMapping]
"AvailableLanguages"="0109,010C,0107,0110,010A ,0108,0113"
It can be solved in an easier way.
Search forum for: Dutch language WM6, and it will lead you here:
Download, install, soft reset and it should work.
Gwystyl said:
It can be solved in an easier way.
Search forum for: Dutch language WM6, and it will lead you here:
Download, install, soft reset and it should work.
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Are you sure that is works for Rodium and Topaz roms?
I have downloaded the cab, installed it, soft reset it, but I still dont have dutch word completion and cant select it in the menu, What am I doing wrong?
The things i did:
Just edit the registry with TC or something similar:
- Add to AvailableLanguages 0113,
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Tegic\eT9\Sip\Language KeyboardIDMapping
- Add new string value: Name: 0113 Data: 0913
- Add new string value: Name: 0113 Data: NLlsUN_xt9.ldb
-edit Whow! my first post since march 2007
i have already posted this in the miri wm6.5 thread, but i guess i'll share here too.found some time ago, but cannot remind where a cab which works. check out attachment! have fun!

