Phone kept resetting after soft reset! - P3300, MDA Compact III General

Ok has that anyone had this issue with their Orbit?
I had noticed that the keyboard was not giving me any predicted text choices while typing, so I tried to change the input method to no avail. So I decided to perform a sft reset to sort the problem.
Oh was I not happy with the result as for over 5 mins all that was happening with my phone was the screen would light up o2 screen, green screen then enter pin and reset and it would do this again and again.
So even after removing the battery for a few minutes not change once I attempted to start the phone. I even reset the device via the button on the side and it made no difference.
I was just getting ready to bite the bullet and sound off the o2 when I remembered reading on here of something similar happening so I searched and found a posting saying to try and press soft reset just after phone started. And guess what it worked after that so what I want to know is why or what I did to get my phone working again?
Any ideas guys, only thing I can add was the phone was plugged in to my workstation USB so was charging when the initial soft reset was performed while using Valksoft's space reclaimer reset option.

Ok an update the phone is now doing this everytime it is turned off. And since the last time it occurred I have been unable to get the phone to work.
Any ideas, I believe it could be a registry issue with the phone as I had recently installed a couple of programs that worked fine for a couple of days then while installing a dictionary several programs were uninstalled in error.
So after installing again this problem has arisen. It is possible that this was not th cause as I hae noticed tat the last scheduled back up was on the 22/01/07 so Monday's was not carried out possibly due to this?

my orbit has also this bug. after a soft reset he is booting up till the pin entry and then a boots again and again. Up to 5 times

Yes, my Orbit sometimes needs to reboot 4 times before it will sucessfully bring up the Home Screen. Anyone got any ideas on why???!!!??

I had enough of it doing this so I have done a hard reset and the problem has gone now just need to set everything back as I want it as backup still had the initial issue once it was retored.
I guess it was to do with the registry but not sure what exactly, maybe redundant reg keys etc?

I've experienced same problem on my dutch t-mobile mda compact III.
Happend after installing different programs, but i can't find the exact cause.
when i remove the microsd (on which i installed the programme's) the device starts en doesn't softreset when phone screen shows.
At first i thought it had to do with programs that tried to connect to gprs before even entering the pincode of the phone. But even without pincode it keeps restarting.
Happend on my 1gb microSD once en also on my 2 gb microSD.
Hope that someone knows what the cause is, so i can prevend it from happening.

Resets caused by the Memory Card Fault
Look at the posts regarding the memory card corruption if you back-up the card format it and then put it back everything is fine for a while. Not puttting a My Documents folder on the storage card usually helps with this issue...

as you well understand there are only 2 possibilities: software and hardware failure.
Surely, you don't want to think about hardware failure, because in this case the solution is to send it back to seller or to service center. Except for the cases caused by battery and sd card. These are 2 elements you can replace on your own easy.
However, "instability" of the device normally caused by installed software.
The first thing you do, like it or not, if you have a problem, hard reset your device.
BACKUP your DATA before hard reset!
You can try to to remove software piece by piece, but could be time consuming thing and not necessarily lead you to a good result.
Radical approach is to return device to "factory state" - hard reset.
If after hard reset you still have a problem with your device like accidentally rebooting, address to service center or ask seller to to replace the good.

double post.

I had the issue once... card corrupted. Had a back up so formatted the card, put data back in, issue gone.

This has happened to my orbit a couple of times. But I think if I reset by pressing the reset button on the side of the machine it only resets once. Resetting after installing apps for example from the prompt is bad, do it later by pressing the actual button. This seems to work for me but only time will tell.

my htc p3300 has reset problm
my htc p3300 restarts automatically while im calling or using net it starts autuomatically it goes till green screen where it shows wm 6.1 then restarts again n again i dnt know plz tell me is it software or hardware problm


Disappearing SD card

Since I've had my Artemis occasionally after a soft reset the SD card appears as not installed. I would have to remove the battery and sim etc, replace the SD card into the holder and start-up the phone and it'd usually be ok. The only trouble is lately it seems to be doing this more frequently and it is becoming more difficult to get the phone to recognise the card upon start-up again. Anyone else experience this? Have an cure?
i've had the same problem on my magican. The solution i found was to remove the SD card and place it back. It seems to me that cardreader's contacts broken.
Its big but you must read first.
So the card is corrupt? Because when I stick it into my pc it reads it perfectly fine, no problems or slowness.
My phone has stopped recognising the card completely now, but when I started the phone in safe mode using iLauncher it recognised it surprisingly. I'm suspecting there may be a piece of software or a setting stopping the phone from recognising it. I'll have a read through that link some more tho just in case there is a solution.
If anyone else has another solution then it would be greatly appreciated.
Update: I've tried another 2 known working SD cards and neither of which are recognised by my device to it looks as tho its an issue with the phone and not the card. Has anyone experienced this before?
I've the same problem. I use 2 SanDisk cards, 512Mb and 2Gb, both of them seem to disappear as I boot the device. It hapens 50% of times and begins when I installed the HTC ArtemisSDEnhancement program.
I've tried to uninstall and reinstall several times and to format the crad but the errors continues at the 50% times.
When the P3300 reads the card I notice an abnormal slow response to any input and at the end it hungs for a big while. If you leave it alone it comes back but I usually need the phone now and I must have to soft reset.
I'm about to hard reset and try again but I don't have time.
Well I hard reset my device before I was going to post it back to o2 for a replacement and surprise surprise its working fine again!
That was 23 days ago and since then its behaved perfectly. I've installed the SD enchancement just in case but not certain if that's made any difference. Finger crossed its the last time the card starts disappearing.
This happens on my MDA C3 too now and again.
When it does, a soft reset does not solve it.
I have to take the battery out and then reinsert it.
After powering up the problemis not there.
Anyone know why this is happening as its really inconvenient to keep taking the battery out.
Thanks in advance.
BTW, one thing I have noticed, it seems to happen more often after a registry value change if that help anyone???

Problem with my HTC P3300

[email protected]
I'm a new member and a happy owner of new HTC P3300. But i have a problem with this device. I get the phone yesterday and do customize it with some applications like IGO, Phonepad, Corplayer. I let the system on WM5, till the official WM6 Update from HTC is released. I did install the SD-Card patch. So now to my problem.
I go out yesterday and the device constant hangs up. It happens the first time i did navigate with igo. The only way to recover was a soft-reset. After the navigation i start it again. Then i walk around on a festival, after 10 minutes walking, the device hang-ups. One time i could tracing the hang-up. The buttons didn't react on actions. The display is gone darker.And bit by bit, several vertical-screen-lines do go missing, till the screen was a black, and only a soft reset was possible, to turn on the device. The blinking green light on the top was still shining, but if somebody try to call me, i wasn't available
Today morning i did a Hard-Reset of the device. And start carefully with the customizing.
Do somebody know this Problem? Is this a software problem or maybe a hardware problem? Any solutions?
try the process of ellination, hard reset, wait long enough for it to crash, yes, it a faulty phone, no its some of your software, install 1 by 1 each software till it starts crashing then you know where the problem is
btw redownload each software to a different folder on HDD first because this could also be caused by a slightly faulty cab file. search threads on RESET LOOP for tips on finding faulty software, i had the reset loop problem,
Thanks to gerymag for you help.
Now i found out the defect. It's a faulty phone i guess. Because every time i put the device in my pocket and take some steps, the device isn't approachable. The malfunction i described obove. So i took the device and hit easily with one finger on it. And yes, its turned off and stay blocked. So thats a faulty phone
I have one more question. Did somebody know, how long the german support from HTC, need to repair this device in general?

SMS not working anymore (and it happened already in the past but...)

I have a VODAFONE 1605 (a plain Hermes 200, a TyTN). It had the original Italian Vodafone WM5 ROM until last month when I decided upgrading it.
I first tried the CH Vodafone version of WM6 ROM, but I had to remove it quickly because for no apparent reason, it was not working with SMS at all (no SMS out, no SMS in...).
I then decided to use HTC WM6 ITA ROM and to apply manually all the needed configurations to use it with my VODAFONE.
It run perfectly until yesterday, when it stopped sending and receiving SMS.
This is very strange as I did not install any program since one week (at least) and it seems difficult for me to be able to find any reason.
Probably the pim.vol file grew too much it is not anymore able to handle more SMS (provided the infos are inside there) ?
I have no explanations available to me and I was not able to find any kind of hint digging into the forum...
I was only able to find some other people with similar problems in the last few days but on different platforms...
Is this maybe a WM6 bug ???
Any hint appreciated.
I'll in the meaningwhile backup all of my infos and proceed to a HR... I'll keep my fingers crossed...
Dear Mix,
I wish I could give you a good answer, but... well, maybe the answer is not really an answer, but it could be at least an hint for other people like you (ME !!!).
You do not want to lose all of your settings, all of your received SMS, you do not want to waste a lot of time setting everything as it was before, so an HR is REALLY the LAST solution for you. You would like to find a tricky path to follow to bypass this unlucky situation...
You already tried to SOFT RESET your device but you did not succeed. The problem is still there...
Well, there seems to be another kind of RESET, before the HARD RESET.
I would define it the "DEEP SOFT RESET", which is something more than a SOFT RESET, but it is right before the HARD RESET.
This kind of reset solved the above problem. I don't know why, I don't know how. It only worked.
The DEEP SOFT RESET is this: press OK and ON button and while pressing those two buttons, put your stilus into the reset hole, pressing the recessed switch. This will place you into the BOOTLOADER MODE.
Keep the device there, showing all the colors and Bootloader information for around 20 seconds at least (obviously, not connected to any cable).
Then, put your stylus again into the hole for resetting and press the internal swith one time more (without pressing any other button).
Your device will reset again, your data will still be into your TyTN and your TyTN will start loading all the data it still has inside.
As soon as I did this, the waiting SMS started reaching their addressee and they moved to "sent" folder.
It only worked.
Good luck.
I've noticed that the problem aroused again and I did a DEEP investigation, with a complete reset of my Hermes...
I then placed all the same programs inside and again no problem...
Problem came back once I used a program called Hermes Tweaker v2.1b which tweaks some parameters around in the WM device...
Once I reset the parameters to default again, the problem went away.
I'll have to discover which parameter is creating the problem...
I'll post the results here (beside fit4cat's pm...)
Good luck.

Device start up failed due to sudden loss of power. Please click "Yes" to continue...

Device start up failed due to sudden loss of power. Please click "Yes" to continue...
"Device start up failed due to sudden loss of power. Please click "Yes" to continue. Note: Do not remove battery before device has been completely shutdown (OFF)."
I get this message when I reset my PDA after some heavy surfing the internet or mail trafic (GPRS). I'm still not sure what the real cause is.
I tried a different battery, SD card, CE version (official HTC upgrade) memory location for my IE cache and sync software to resolve it. The hard resets (that I cannot get around) occur around every other day so you can imagine that this is frustrating! i have been using Active Sync and Mobile Device center (vista) mixed but the problems continued after I stopped syncing my PDA. Now even after a do a hard reset I cannot use the mobile synchronization. Thanks for your help!
No help, but I've had that one too... I suspect there is a faulty batch of Artemis motherboards out there.
Having the same problem last few weeks... Once in a few day's the same error after resetting (because of memory shortage message). Never happened until a few weeks ago. Apart from this I also had some strange, unremovable folders (named a/b/c and so on) a week ago but they disappeared after one of those hard resets. Looks like hardware issues. Thinking about returning the device or even buy a new one...
DO NOT USE THE TOUCH SCREEN.....use the LEFT soft key instead to selec "CONTINUE"
device start up failed due to sudden....
Hello, i have the same problem and i don`t know what can i do...but if you press the reset button and the camera button a new message will appear.
Mi mail is [email protected], please if you found the solution contact me...
ARTEMIS problem
Hi,have the same problem,any one has some idea how to fix it,many thanks for help.
Isolate the problem
I have the same problem. I found so far that if I don't install ANY application to the phone, it works fine (I mean, after a hard reset) Is it feasible to sync. BUT, if I install anything, I mean anything, the problem happens.
Anyone can confirm it with his phone?
buchog said:
DO NOT USE THE TOUCH SCREEN.....use the LEFT soft key instead to selec "CONTINUE"
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Click to collapse
thnx for help simple bt imp
Same problem since a few weeks ago after using wm6.5 .
It started a month ago after wm6.5 installation. At the beginning i identified a really high power compsumption with wm6.5, but some other people had the same problem.
After that this problem appeared and i had tried a lot of things. I installed 3 different wm6.5 ROMs and i decided to return back to wm6.1, but the problem persists sometimes.
I can use it with few programs with no much resources comsumption, but with heavy software and a reset, it occurs.
I thought that it is a battery problem, but arghsplutt sais that he as tried different batteries so i've no idea what can produce it.
It is nothing to do with flashing 6.5 ROMs
I had a stock ROM on a Wing and flashed a newer stock ROM and then got the message.
and the whole screen is shifted a bit over to the right (AND NOW GOES INTO CONTINUOUS RESTART)
I suspect that large connector which holds the main board to the video cards?
licensedtoquill said:
I had a stock ROM on a Wing and flashed a newer stock ROM and then got the message.
and the whole screen is shifted a bit over to the right (AND NOW GOES INTO CONTINUOUS RESTART)
I suspect that large connector which holds the main board to the video cards?
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Click to collapse
what you've tried to hard reset the device ....?

FM Radio problem

Hi all, first time posting on this forum
Had the Desire since last Friday and for the first time tried out the FM Radio on it. All seems well at first but after a few minutes use the app just stops responding completely and the Radio continues to play whatever your currently listening to. You can still manipulate the on screen buttons but nothing happens at all. You cant change stations, re-search for stations doesnt work its just effectively stops the current station from playing, or change anything via the menu button. The app power off button on the top right stops working and the only thing you can do to make the Radio work again is rebooting the phone
This is very frustrating because i use the radio on my phone alot normally. Is this a software fault or hardware fault or something else im missing here?
This would be a software issue. Would you be willing to try a Hard Reset? By performing a Hard Reset, this will return your phone to the state it was in before the first time you turned it on (factory settings). This will hopefully eradicate any software bugs that you are experiencing with the handset.
Note: A Hard Reset will not remove the data and files that are in your phone’s microSD card. However, a it will permanently delete all your data and customized settings, and will also remove any applications you've downloaded and installed. Be sure to back up any data and files you want to keep before you do a Hard Reset.
A Hard Reset can be performed using two different methods:
Method 1: Performing a factory reset via settings
The most convenient way to do a factory reset is via the phone settings.
1. From the Home screen, press MENU and then tap Settings.
2. Scroll down the screen and then tap Privacy > Factory data reset.
3. On the Factory data reset screen, tap Reset phone, and then tap Erase everything.
Method 2: Performing a factory reset using phone buttons
If you cannot turn on your phone or access the phone settings, you can still perform a factory reset by using the buttons on the phone.
1. With the phone turned off, press and hold the VOLUME DOWN button, and then briefly press the POWER button.
2. Wait for the screen with the three Android images to appear, and then release the VOLUME DOWN button..
3. Press VOLUME DOWN to select CLEAR STORAGE, and then press POWER.
4. Press VOLUME UP to start the factory reset.
I had the same issue a while ago, I haven't used the radio since as I can't be bothered with the hassle of finding out why.
Factory reset seems to have worked a charm Will test some more later but seems to have corrected a right pain of a problem
Nice easy solution, thank you Mastoid, your help was greatly appriciated
woody75 said:
Factory reset seems to had worked a charm Will test some more later but seems to have correct a right pain of a problem
Nice easy solution, thank you Mastoid, your help was greatly appriciated
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Click to collapse
no problem Bud, anytime
No, i was wrong. It hasnt sorted the problem as its back exactly as before. Is it just a poorly written app or a fault elsewhere
Ok after the problem persisting i contacted Orange and got the handset replaced but to my disappointment the new unit is doing exactly the same thing
I havnt even been able to pinpoint what triggers this from happening. Sometimes it happens after a few minutes with it on in the background whilst casually playing with other apps, other times after it stops working and locks up after a phone call and other times after the Radio has been playing and the the phone is otherwise idle and you press the power button to bring the screen back on
The only things that are the same on both the old and new handsets are the sim, earphones, and 8gb SD card that were swapped between the old and new phone but surely they could not be the issue???
I have read on other threads/forums that a few other people are having identical problems but im really at a loss and cant believe its because i have had 2 faulty handsets in a row with the same problem
It's not a handset problem, the FM radio app locks the phone up so something is going rogue.
The strange thing is my Dad got the Desire as well and ive tested the Radio a couple of times now at length and his works perfectly without freezing up. Could it be something sim card related? I shoved in my own reformatted 8gb sandisk SD card...could there have been data on the original SD card that it accesses whilst the FM Radio is in use and as the original 4gb card's not there the Radio player locks up? Corrupted software twice on 2 seperate handsets? I really havn't got enough tech knowledge to know if these things are possibilites or if im way off track
I would guess it is most likely due to another application running in the background which is taking resources or preventing the radio application from getting resources and then the app starts to lock up. I really don't feel like removing my applications 1 by 1 and testing though.
I had a similar problem it turned out to be the task killer I was using. I put it on the ignore list and restarted the phone and its working normally now.
I don't know if its same issue as yours but might be worth a try
Unfortunately not - the only app i installed was 3G Watchdog. Suppose the only thing to do now is uninstall that too and retest
I have exactly same problem , it's totally random, we need to contact HTC about this problem , it is clearly software problem , really i think that all units are faulty ,manu people just didn't test radio yet. My friend also has same problem.
Europe stations.
ok , i just contacted htc support and their response is to try to boot desire in safe mode, i just did that , and again freeze , radio is playing in background, but GUI is totally out of sync in fm radio app , buttons doesn't react
mines been fine, mines unlocked - used radio loads this last week, on and off for around seven hours a day, is you're desire branded/locked to a network? maybe oranges software?
i've the same problem, also randomly the radio starts to scan for new stations... it's really annoying but i managed a way to stop it, simply putting my finger on the "picker" a couple of seconds stops the scan.
I've got also a problem while listening to mp3s, the phone randomly switchs between tracks when in standby.

