Jasjar First Day, Upgraded And Now Dead ! Need Help Plz - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro Software Upgrading

Hi guys,
I tried to upgrade my jasjar with "JASJAR_WWE_19096_19505_11300_AKU_3_2_ship.exe" i download it from this forum, first i tried it and it said " error 101 communication problem" or something like that then i tried it again and it took a bit more time to give the same error but when i looked at my pda on the screen says : Serial V1.0 the PC doesnt recognize it.
Ive searched throw the forum few hours and ive tried reset+power+camera or light and it doesnt work, its my first day with it, i was so happy and now dead
Please i need your help
P.D : Its the V1640 of Vodafone.

Intunes said:
Hi guys,
when i looked at my pda on the screen says : Serial V1.0 the PC doesnt recognize it.
Please i need your help
P.D : Its the V1640 of Vodafone.
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First, here is the instruction guide: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=269118
Second: You are on the BootLoader Mode. That is fine, don't worry. Relax and breathe easy.
Third: If you are going to try NEW ROMs try Helmi's: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=284887
Good luck, mate.

Cktlcmd, thanks for your fast answer i was getting desesperated, ive downloaded few ROMS also the one you're telling me and i can only see nk.nbf not the radio or the extended rom only the windows mobile one, and the one i tried to upgrade was a .exe ..any other link i can download the rom ? doesnt matter if its the last one, now ill be happy if i could switch it on

Intunes said:
Cktlcmd, thanks for your fast answer i was getting desesperated, ive downloaded few ROMS also the one you're telling me and i can only see nk.nbf not the radio or the extended rom only the windows mobile one, and the one i tried to upgrade was a .exe ..any other link i can download the rom ? doesnt matter if its the last one, now ill be happy if i could switch it on
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That is fine, that's all you need, because technically, you already have the radio and Ext ROM installed on your device. Read the instructions FULLY on the 1st link. Since you don't have the ms.nbf and radio.nbf file, you are just upgarding the CE ROM. Therefore on the new folder that you are going to compile, you only need 9 files enumerated on the list (some are included on Helmi's File download).

cktlcmd, im inserting maupgradeut_noid_602.exe in Helmi directory and execute, it goes everything ok but when i click on upgrade it appers "ERROR 150 : ROM UPGRADE UTILITY ERROR "

Intunes said:
cktlcmd, im inserting maupgradeut_noid_602.exe in Helmi directory and execute, it goes everything ok but when i click on upgrade it appers "ERROR 150 : ROM UPGRADE UTILITY ERROR "
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Did you put your device on boot loader mode by pressing the RESET PIN, BACKLIGHT BUTTON, and POWER BUTTON all at once? If NO, do that first then double click or run the Ma_Upgrade file included.

Replace the Ma Upgrade file, I updated the file from the 1st link.
Good luck my friend.

Hi cktlcmd, ive tried to do the RESET PIN, BACKLIGHT BUTTON, and POWER BUTTON ive done it thousand times and the only thing that happens its that the Serial V1.0 goes off one second and comes back

Intunes said:
Hi cktlcmd, ive tried to do the RESET PIN, BACKLIGHT BUTTON, and POWER BUTTON ive done it thousand times and the only thing that happens its that the Serial V1.0 goes off one second and comes back
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Have you tried replacing the Ma_Upgrade_No ID File? Download it again from the 1st link. Sometimes they become corrupted for no reason.
Intunes said:
cktlcmd, im inserting maupgradeut_noid_602.exe
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I don't know why your Ma_Upgrade file has numbers behind it??????

Intunes said:
Hi cktlcmd, ive tried to do the RESET PIN, BACKLIGHT BUTTON, and POWER BUTTON ive done it thousand times and the only thing that happens its that the Serial V1.0 goes off one second and comes back
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You are on the right track here. It must be the Ma_Upgrade file. You just need to reflash your device.

Ive downloaded the new maupgradeut_noid_602.exe but keeps on with the same 150 error ive tried it like 20 times already and it doesnt go

First objective is to get instead of SERIAL the "USB" message.
Please disable any firewall you have first ! Second reboot pc and change the USB port.

Hi Decebal,
Thanks for your help, the firewall is already off, should i uninstall active sync ?

try installing the 4.5 beta.

Installed Active Sync 4.5 beta and it keeps without detecting the pda

Intunes said:
Ive downloaded the new maupgradeut_noid_602.exe but keeps on with the same 150 error ive tried it like 20 times already and it doesnt go
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Why do you have the number "602" behind the name???? Mine does not have it.
Does your PC make a sound at all when you plug your Universal?

cktlmd first thank for all your time and answers, when i plug the universal it just appears that it doesnt recognize the usb device that's it and the file ive got for the upgrader is MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe i download it again from the link you told me and it doesnt goes, i uninstall the active sync and it seems like nothing is connected when i double click the upgrader, it finishes with congrats but nothing has been done to the universal.

Intunes said:
cktlmd first thank for all your time and answers, when i plug the universal it just appears that it doesnt recognize the usb device that's it and the file ive got for the upgrader is MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe i download it again from the link you told me and it doesnt goes, i uninstall the active sync and it seems like nothing is connected when i double click the upgrader, it finishes with congrats but nothing has been done to the universal.
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When you say you double click the upgrader, which do you mean, the "maupgrade no id" file or the "ROM UPgrade" File? You should be running the MaUpgrade File.
If this still does not work, try downloading the original ROM from the device manufacturer.

if you have another PC around without activesync retry the procedure !

decebal said:
if you have another PC around without activesync retry the procedure !
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Or use a friends computer just so your Universal can be recognize.
Another thing, are you using a USB hub? If yes, then switch to a different USB plug. Your Universal needs to be connected directly to your computer and not a hub.


Downgrading to WM2003 problems.

Hello ppl,
I have upgrading my PDA2k to WM5 but now I'd like to downgrade to WM2003.
I followed the instructions by doing.
pressing record and camera,
make 2nd and 3rd option YES,
press messages,
setup the device,
doing a power+camera+reset
it went to Serial/USB screen.
I run the Maupgrade but when I click next to "check the device" it shows no versions, and when I click next it cannot upgrade.
when I click on reset and try to run the maupgrade while the operating system is running it shows the version that I want to install but when I click on next it cannot upgrade.
any ideas?
MegaHz said:
Hello ppl,
I have upgrading my PDA2k to WM5 but now I'd like to downgrade to WM2003.
I followed the instructions by doing.
pressing record and camera,
make 2nd and 3rd option YES,
press messages,
setup the device,
doing a power+camera+reset
it went to Serial/USB screen.
I run the Maupgrade but when I click next to "check the device" it shows no versions, and when I click next it cannot upgrade.
when I click on reset and try to run the maupgrade while the operating system is running it shows the version that I want to install but when I click on next it cannot upgrade.
any ideas?
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Follow this:
I did that step by step.
I told you what is the problem man, when it goes to the serial/usb screen it does not recognise the version
I am waiting for it to check a lot of time and then it shows that it cannot upgrade.
if I run Maupgrade while it is booted it shows the versions but cannot upgrade
MegaHz said:
I did that step by step.
I told you what is the problem man, when it goes to the serial/usb screen it does not recognise the version
I am waiting for it to check a lot of time and then it shows that it cannot upgrade.
if I run Maupgrade while it is booted it shows the versions but cannot upgrade
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If you get the error the first time with MaUpgrade_Ut then without removing the BA from the cradle, run MaUpgrade_Ut again..
I tried that also.
nothing happens
any other idea?
MegaHz said:
I tried that also.
nothing happens
any other idea?
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What Error are you getting.. No one will be able to help without knowing what the Error is..
I am getting Connection error.
MegaHz said:
I am getting Connection error.
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Then you need to run MAUpgrade_Ut twice.. As seen in Wiki..
Wiki said:
However, if you are installing a rom on a device other than that which it is meant for, you will get a Device ID error, so follow these steps:
First Method (Quick/Easy) (TYPE II)
Download update to desktop
Unrar or unzip all files in exe or rar into a new folder
Open the folder with the extracted files
Download this file: MaUpgradeUt_noID.ZIP
Extract MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe from this file and place it with the other upgrade files.
Run this new exe file instead of BaUpgradeUt.exe to update your rom
If you get an error the first time, run MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe again without touching your device (don't take it out from the cradle, don't reset it, don't touch it at all!)
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I run it more than 10 times.
MegaHz said:
I run it more than 10 times.
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Then I'm sorry but I can't help any more.. Can you take a screen shot of the error message on your PC Screen so I can see what it says..?
MegaHz said:
I run the Maupgrade but ....
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Maupgrade? I was using BaUpgrade or MaUpgrade_noid
MegaHz said:
I tried that also.
nothing happens
any other idea?
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I've got the same problem.
Try this:
Remove PDA form craddle
Uninstall ActivSync 4.x
reboot PC
Remove [or rename] directory C:\Program Files\Microsoft ActiveSync
Remove [or rename] directory C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\ApplicationData\Microsoft\ActiveSync
Install ActiveSync 3.x [you can find this version on your original CD]
reboot PC
Don't synchronize, don't pair [!!!]
Kill winword.exe, outlook.exe etc
Don't kill rapimgr, wcescomm, etc
Start bootloader [power+record+reset]
put PDA into the craddle [now should display "USB" instead of "Serial"]
start MaUpgrade_noID or BaUpgrade [probably it wil not recognize software versions, but don't worry]
Good luck
give feedback if it's working, pls
i run the procedure exactly as you instruct me.
and at the point where it starts upgrading it finishes after 2 seconds with message: Successful upgrade.
Do you have NBF files in the directory, where BaUpgrade or MaUpgrade_noID is dtored? For example - nk.nbf
It looks, that BaUpgrad [or MaUpgrade_noID] can connect now and is ready to downgrade, but there is nothing to downgrade.
yes I have the files.
let me explain again the problem.
with activesync 3.0 it happens the above problem
and at the point where it starts upgrading it finishes after 2 seconds with message: Successful upgrade.
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with activesync 3.8 it does not even connect
or maupgrade stays and checks for versions forever.
re leventes,
anybody has any idea?
These all files need to downgrade from WM5 to 2003 SE on BA.
Put all these files into one folder.
1. MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe
2. RUU.conf
3. RUU.dll
4. nk.nbf <---------- The most important file, because this file is ROM. When you run MaUpgrade, it will search what ROM do you have. In you're case maybe you don't have this file. That's why there's nothing show in version ROM....
baniaczek said:
MegaHz said:
I run the Maupgrade but ....
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Maupgrade? I was using BaUpgrade or MaUpgrade_noid
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Again: Maupgrade? I was using BaUpgrade or MaUpgrade_noid
all those files are in place
and I am using MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe
any other ideas?
MegaHz said:
all those files are in place
and I am using MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe
any other ideas?
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Nothing more. Sorry.
I saw this problem while downgrage my IIs and I did the following:
First you need: MS ActiveSync 4.1 installed on your Desktop PC (If yes, the first time you see "Connection error" you need to restart you destop PC before downgrage). Connect your device let ActiveSync conected and..
1. Press Power + Soft Reset button
2. Fast press both Camera + Record at the same time before
3. The Record button to move down and the Camera button to change status. You should set 2nd & 3rd option to Yes ( It's boot with format Registry & Storage on your PPC). You will see the white screen for a few minute and next the color stripe. It means you device is booting
4. Press all Power + Soft Reset + Record + Camera at a time( It's not easy . The screen will display Serial & version ready to up/downgrage
5. Run MaUpgrageNo_ID (should put in the same folder with nk.nbf, ms_.nbf &...) This tool will skip some error for up/downgrage, you may try more time if first time see error.
I did that and succeeded but can anyone tell me why my device can't receive Delivery Report? I'm sure that my current ROM version have it (I used this for a time). Please help me!

i'm gonna kill myself..3 my friends Jasjar plus 1 qtek dead

Please guys..could anybody help me??error 150 rom upgrade utility error
this rom upgrade utility does not design for your device...
I tried everything but i can't make it works...the window is always the same ... :shock: error 150 rom upgrade utility error
this rom upgrade utility does not design for your device...
MaUpgradeUt_noID doesn't work...
Did you tried hard reset it?
First, don't get panic! Well.When I tried to unlock my device and make it Super CID that message appeared in my screen too.I tried anything I was told in this fantastic forum and nothing worked.Finally I was told to reinstalled windows on my PC and...it worked!! I think it's a problem of drivers. If you are desperated try it.
Good luck and be the force with you...
may the force be with you! :lol:
but like alberbrando said, don't panic. panic would only make things worse. try re-installing your windows. Hopefully, that should resolve your problem.
gtm55 said:
Did you tried hard reset it?
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hi guys..i tried to hard reset it but nothing happend..i'm very depressed...how can it be possible??i've already done this operation with this pc..and it worked..is that possible ?drivers?reinstall windows??****..is one of the of the worst boring operations i've ever done..
any other ideas?
frz said:
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thanks frz..i've hard resetted...nothing happend...
So do the other thing they told you and reset windows.
Which is worse? a few hours boredom of backups and reinstalls, or spending what. . . 1300. . £2600 on new PDA's for you and your friends?
I know which one I'D pick.
Try with this upgrade Tools
-put nk.nbf file on this folder
-put your device to bootloader mode
-deactive active sync on your computer
-connect to USB
-Run upgrade tools
Right, don't panic, not being able to flash isn't such a big deal.
First, get an official update package for your QTek, and for your friends an I-Mate update package.
Next, hold the power button and the light-button (next to the volume slider), and stick the stylus in the little reset hole in the back. Hold the keys for a little longer, untill you vaguely see "Serial" or "USB" on the bottom part of the screen (put a little light on the screen, as the backlight will not be lit).
At this point make sure it's connected to your PC through the USB cable.
Right-click the MS ActiveSync icon (on your PC) and choose connection settings, make sure "Allow USB Connections" is unticked.
Next run the update utility, and everything should be fine again
If this doesn't help, ask again and state clearly that you've tried this already.
TheBlasphemer said:
Right, don't panic, not being able to flash isn't such a big deal.
First, get an official update package for your QTek, and for your friends an I-Mate update package.
Next, hold the power button and the light-button (next to the volume slider), and stick the stylus in the little reset hole in the back. Hold the keys for a little longer, untill you vaguely see "Serial" or "USB" on the bottom part of the screen (put a little light on the screen, as the backlight will not be lit).
At this point make sure it's connected to your PC through the USB cable.
Right-click the MS ActiveSync icon (on your PC) and choose connection settings, make sure "Allow USB Connections" is unticked.
Next run the update utility, and everything should be fine again
If this doesn't help, ask again and state clearly that you've tried this already.
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Thanks Blasphemer but i've done that 2000 times with no success at all...i think that entirely rebuild the pc is my last chance... I don't wanna think at what will happen when the same old window will came out...I' m preparing my gun... :shock:
b4 attempting to flash
b4 attempting to flash,
chk if the 3 steps with mtty work,
if u don't get any error,
plz get ur battrey charged fully from a friend.
then attempt a flash by downloading a different rom from the one u r presently using
disable ur pc firewall
also disable ur anti virus [dont know if this is really required...but i read it in quite a few forums & it worked for me...]
flash only the rom
no extended rom or radio
use the MaUpgradeUt_noID
hopefully this should sort out ur problem....
i know coz i had the same problem....
Another suggestion....
before making any other test, if it's possible, try on another PC, using a fresh rom (not the same used...) .... can be a PC problem, so test the procedure on another host ....
... sorry, again...
have you checked the bootloader version on the devices ? ... verify it before any other tentative ....

Pocket Loox N560 stuck on boot screen. Won't start up

Does anybody know if there is a way to boot N560 using SD card? I think I killed my FS with some "rom killer" and all I get now is FS boot screen, no other activities.
Any way to start it from SD card and flash it from there?
Perhaps any other way to bring it back to life?
i have the same problem
is there anybody for help???
SOS please
Eenigmaa said:
Does anybody know if there is a way to boot N560 using SD card? I think I killed my FS with some "rom killer" and all I get now is FS boot screen, no other activities.
Any way to start it from SD card and flash it from there?
Perhaps any other way to bring it back to life?
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You cannot burn the ROM from an SD card.
If the device has had the anti-theft password set at some stage then you cannot reburn the ROM! This might be the problem?
A hard reset on the N560 followed by running the Loox burn program on a PC with ActiveSync connection to the N560 cradle is the only answer i.e. a normal ROM burn.
fingerstoo said:
You cannot burn the ROM from an SD card.
If the device has had the anti-theft password set at some stage then you cannot reburn the ROM! This might be the problem?
A hard reset on the N560 followed by running the Loox burn program on a PC with ActiveSync connection to the N560 cradle is the only answer i.e. a normal ROM burn.
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Theft protection is not a problem here. It was wrong ROM and now it is stuck on boot screen, active sync does not see it at all, maybe there is a trick to somehow anable burn, flash, service mode on it? So far nothing helps....
Eenigmaa said:
Theft protection is not a problem here. It was wrong ROM and now it is stuck on boot screen, active sync does not see it at all, maybe there is a trick to somehow anable burn, flash, service mode on it? So far nothing helps....
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read, and pay attention here:
[email protected]@p://a.mod-site.net/gb/u/newplow-1.html
POST 203.
Edit/Delete Message
vladtapes said:
read, and pay attention here:
[email protected]@p://a.mod-site.net/gb/u/newplow-1.html
POST 203.
Edit/Delete Message
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Thanks ever so much! You are real HELP!!!!
You should close process "wcescomm.exe" on PC in task manager. Then hold button record, power and puch reset after that you will come in boot loader. Run the program mtty.1.42 and select usb connect. If You will see the any error just start again mtty. Put command l c:\os_213u.nbf (You should put correct flash file in c:\ or use correct path to os_213u.nbf, l - like L but small). When it will done You should start PocketLOOX5xxFlashTool.exe and flash you PDA.
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Eenigmaa said:
Thanks ever so much! You are real HELP!!!!
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do you confirm the method is fully functional?
I made a backup of my german original rom, if i have problems i want to restore it...
have you got a backup of your old wm5?
Yes it is working! Even if error comes at the end, shut the appie and use FS update tool to finish it up! All perfect!
Google for WM5, it is somwhere out there!
Eenigmaa said:
Yes it is working! Even if error comes at the end, shut the appie and use FS update tool to finish it up! All perfect!
Google for WM5, it is somwhere out there!
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could you please p.m. to me the link of wm5 other language?
If you refer 4pda...it can't be downloaded, i don't know russian, i registered, but always cannot download...
if you have other link...pls send me...
vladtapes said:
could you please p.m. to me the link of wm5 other language?
If you refer 4pda...it can't be downloaded, i don't know russian, i registered, but always cannot download...
if you have other link...pls send me...
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You can if you use an translator like www.windowslivetranslator.com or translate.google.com
then it is pretty easy.
I've resolved...
Fully functional WM6.0 newplowe in English...
now I'm searching for editing it in Italian/French but I need to edit the rom part of the XIP (just that).
For doing that, I need to open decrypt the file .nbh file (don't really know howto, and newplow doesn't answer about that... ).
Hi everybody, I need your help. I spent 2 hours to read several posts about N560 brick recover, and I still can't figure how to do it.
I flashed the N560 with the WM 6.1 and then I tried to flash the backup Rom Image ... which failed. Now is stucked in the climbing image ... and is not reacting to nothing. I didn't try the mitty sol because I don't have a clear ideea about using it, I am still a newbie ...
Please, I am begging for help if you can , thanks
rcretu said:
Hi everybody, I need your help. I spent 2 hours to read several posts about N560 brick recover, and I still can't figure how to do it.
I flashed the N560 with the WM 6.1 and then I tried to flash the backup Rom Image ... which failed. Now is stucked in the climbing image ... and is not reacting to nothing. I didn't try the mitty sol because I don't have a clear ideea about using it, I am still a newbie ...
Please, I am begging for help if you can , thanks
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Try this?
Take the N560 off the cradle. Remove the battery for at least 30 seconds. Reinsert battery and back cover. Do not worry if the screen shows the dolphins again. Do a full hard reset to get back to factory setting i.e Simultaneously press and hold the Suspend/Resume button (1) and the Calendar application button (2). Briefly press the stylus tip into the soft reset opening (3). Continue to hold down the Suspend/Resume button and the Calendar application button for a few seconds. The reset can take a few minutes. At the end an acoustic signal sounds. Please follow the further instructions on the display.
A hard reset should put the device back to the existing (last burned ROM) and you can try the burn again.
You probably do not know why the burn originally failed. The most common reason is some interrupt of the processor (internet access, switch of all internet access) but more likely something is polling the USB port, which might be shared in the PC. My external USB TV tuner constantly polls the USB port and interrupts any transfers on other ports! I suggest that you disconnect all other USB devices and make sure that your N560 cradle is connected to a USB port directly on the motherboard of the PC (not a USB hub or expansion card with multiple USB ports).
Hope this helps.
N560 - still stucked in the climbers bagground after WM 6.1 flash
fingerstoo said:
Try this?
Take the N560 off the cradle. Remove the battery for at least 30 seconds. Reinsert battery and back cover. Do not worry if the screen shows the dolphins again. Do a full hard reset to get back to factory setting i.e Simultaneously press and hold the Suspend/Resume button (1) and the Calendar application button (2). Briefly press the stylus tip into the soft reset opening (3). Continue to hold down the Suspend/Resume button and the Calendar application button for a few seconds. The reset can take a few minutes. At the end an acoustic signal sounds. Please follow the further instructions on the display.
A hard reset should put the device back to the existing (last burned ROM) and you can try the burn again again.
You probably do not know why the burn originally failed. The most common reason is some interrupt of the processor (internet access, switch of all internet access) but more likely something is polling the USB port, which might be shared in the PC. My external USB TV tuner constantly polls the USB port and interrupts any transfers on other ports! I suggest that you disconnect all other USB devices and make sure that your N560 cradle is connected to a USB port directly on the motherboard of the PC (not a USB hub or expansion card with multiple USB ports).
Hope this helps.
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Hi and thanks a lot for your post ... I tried several times this procedure ... I see no change for the hard reset .. No dolphins image at all ... I would say whatever I do it doesn't affect it. No sound, no other signs ... same climbing image.... Please keep remember other solution, It should be one ... thank you again ...
rcretu said:
Hi and thanks a lot for your post ... I tried several times this procedure ... I see no change for the hard reset .. No dolphins image at all ... I would say whatever I do it doesn't affect it. No sound, no other signs ... same climbing image.... Please keep remember other solution, It should be one ... thank you again ...
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THANKS FOR HELP, I didn't made correctly the the procedure ... now all it's Fine ... really appreciate your help ... saved my precious loox ...
rcretu said:
THANKS FOR HELP, I didn't made correctly the the procedure ... now all it's Fine ... really appreciate your help ... saved my precious loox ...
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PHEW! Thank goodness. I suspect you did not do the hard reset correctly at first. But I agree about the Loox being precious! I look after mine very carefully! Glad I could help you. My pleasure....
My fs560 is brikked!!!!
It remains to climbing people...
I can enter to bootloader (dolphins) but i cannot update to Windows mobile 6.1 Classic ver. 063.07
I need your HELP!!
I tried to use mtty and i can arrive to:
Image Download Finish
Download Fails !!!
OEMFlashWrite error(12)
Error : DownloadImage return error (code = 0xFFFFFFFF)
but then I cannot initialize normal update, it remains to dolphins with the blue bar fullfilled by precedent mtty...
the PocketLOOXN560FlashTool.exe can't find the device...
Can someone explain me the CORRECT method after mtty?
vladtapes said:
My fs560 is brikked!!!!
It remains to climbing people...
I can enter to bootloader (dolphins) but i cannot update to Windows mobile 6.1 Classic ver. 063.07
I need your HELP!!
I tried to use mtty and i can arrive to:
Image Download Finish
Download Fails !!!
OEMFlashWrite error(12)
Error : DownloadImage return error (code = 0xFFFFFFFF)
but then I cannot initialize normal update, it remains to dolphins with the blue bar fullfilled by precedent mtty...
the PocketLOOXN560FlashTool.exe can't find the device...
Can someone explain me the CORRECT method after mtty?
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I think you have received a reply from Newplow on his guestbook....
I tried to upgrade to 128mb but after restart I see only climbing. I tried everything here but on dolphins afterr line is blue it is finished. that I am unpluging device. starting looxflastool for 560 and first is trying to connect by active sync and that when no connection made I see dolphins on left screen of flash tool window. than I am pluging again and after couple secs I see that: Error"The language in this Flash Image update (ENGLISH) differs from that on your device. I tried to change rom on every language but not working as well. PLEASE HELP!!
if that helps than i will add than on top when delfins i see on 560 is two lines. first is typed 2.14.G4 on second directly below is 2.15.
and when mtty 1.42 finishing flashing i see following:
Image Download Finish
Download Fails !!!
OEMFlashWrite error(12)
Error : DownloadImage return error (code = 0xFFFFFFFF)
I've done already procedure You've mentioned here with taking of the battery for at least 30 secs with hard reset afterwards but it is still climibing screen. Can U manage this as well???
The most common error with the procedure is NOT making a proper or true hard reset, or back to factory settings reset. If you do it wrong, you will only achieve a soft reset, the same as you get if you just put the stylus in the reset hole in the base of the N560.
The correct procedure is to hold Power/Resume/Suspend button (on/off button) and the Calendar button simultaneously. Keep holding them and with the other hand press in the reset hole with the stylus. The screen should blank out. KEEP holding the other two buttons all this time, and release the stylus. KEEP holding those two buttons until the screen display returns, only then release them.
This should allow another burn.
I hope this is the problem. It has happened to me and others, so I think I am right. But if this fails, you may need another approach.

Unlocked P3300 WM6 can't upgrade to WM6.1

Hi friends,
I recently purchased an unlocked HTC Artemis P3300 which has WM6 on it, I tried to flash WM6.1 but in vain, I tried the USPL and everytime it reaches the step where it's updating the image it gives me an error 270 file corrupt.
And I have tried to install Manila 2 TouchFlo on my WM6, but it seems to run out of RAM and the whole phone becomes very slow, if anyone has an idea about this, I'd be more than grateful.
I also have a 4GB SDHC card and I have tried with and without it and I still have the same issue.
theorthodontist said:
Hi friends,
I recently purchased an unlocked HTC Artemis P3300 which has WM6 on it, I tried to flash WM6.1 but in vain, I tried the USPL and everytime it reaches the step where it's updating the image it gives me an error 270 file corrupt.
And I have tried to install Manila 2 TouchFlo on my WM6, but it seems to run out of RAM and the whole phone becomes very slow, if anyone has an idea about this, I'd be more than grateful.
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Hi m8
i hate the same probleme 1 week looking for a solution
Artemis Touch 4.02 Full with 4 sided cube <--- i have this rom right know.... there are 2 files on it on file
STEP 1 - activesync then uspl cid unlocking
whene its finisch
STEP 2 - activesync then flash artemis touch rom
it works for me
let me know if it work for you
one thing when you have done step 1 you doesn't have take this rom you can take every rom you like
Hi Dookus,
I did actually try the USPL first and when it finishes the activesync green icon goes inactive and my phones screen is blank, so I do soft reset then when the activesync is green I do try to flash the new rom, but that's when it keeps on giving me error.
Could you give me the links to your USPL and Rom please
Thanks again,
this is the 1 i use you may remove you mem card
alternatively flash via sd-card flashing:
p.s. i only flash that way, better even reflash a new rom twice! - i even do so with radio rom!
thormdac said:
alternatively flash via sd-card flashing:
p.s. i only flash that way, better even reflash a new rom twice! - i even do so with radio rom!
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I checked that one out, but it's saying at the bottom that SDHC cards are not supported and this is what I have actually, I even tried the whole process after removing the SDHC card from my phone, but I still got the same error (270) corrupt image file
...even if it might sound funny at this point, but use another computer and see if you have another usb cable as well...
thormdac said:
...even if it might sound funny at this point, but use another computer and see if you have another usb cable as well...
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I have another computer and it's Vista, I hope it'll work with it, I'll let you know
thormdac said:
...even if it might sound funny at this point, but use another computer and see if you have another usb cable as well...
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SAME PROBLEM, I tried it on the other computer and it gave me exactly the same error
theorthodontist said:
Hi Dookus,
I did actually try the USPL first and when it finishes the activesync green icon goes inactive and my phones screen is blank, so I do soft reset then when the activesync is green I do try to flash the new rom, but that's when it keeps on giving me error.
Could you give me the links to your USPL and Rom please
Thanks again,
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When your screen went blank, was that after the DOS screen finished? If so, USPL is not finished yet. RUU should automatically start and you flash the USPL (don't need activesync connected here but don't remove USB cable). Then your phone should automatically restart. Once restarted, activesync will re-establish and now you flash the new ROM.
yvrRome said:
When your screen went blank, was that after the DOS screen finished? If so, USPL is not finished yet. RUU should automatically start and you flash the USPL (don't need activesync connected here but don't remove USB cable). Then your phone should automatically restart. Once restarted, activesync will re-establish and now you flash the new ROM.
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Yes the screen goes blank while the USPL is working then after it reaches 100% the RUU kicks in but my screen is still blank and the activesync is grey and when I continue with it it tells that there's a connection problem.
I really appreciate your help but still can't seem to figure it out, does having a, SFHC has any effect on that ??
theorthodontist said:
Yes the screen goes blank while the USPL is working then after it reaches 100% the RUU kicks in but my screen is still blank and the activesync is grey and when I continue with it it tells that there's a connection problem.
I really appreciate your help but still can't seem to figure it out, does having a, SFHC has any effect on that ??
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Yes, you should remove your SDHC card when updating. Start again with USPL but make sure your card has been removed. When RUU kicks in after DOS window shows 100%, my screen is blank too with Activesync disconnected, just continue with RUU to flash the new USPL.
After it reboots, run the RUU for the new WM6.1 ROM.
There's pdf instructions in the USPL thread if you're still having problems.
theorthodontist said:
Hi friends,
I recently purchased an unlocked HTC Artemis P3300 which has WM6 on it, I tried to flash WM6.1 but in vain, I tried the USPL and everytime it reaches the step where it's updating the image it gives me an error 270 file corrupt.
And I have tried to install Manila 2 TouchFlo on my WM6, but it seems to run out of RAM and the whole phone becomes very slow, if anyone has an idea about this, I'd be more than grateful.
I also have a 4GB SDHC card and I have tried with and without it and I still have the same issue.
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CID Unlock is the first to do....
And NO SDHC card in during flashing....
TPA said:
CID Unlock is the first to do....
And NO SDHC card in during flashing....
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Thanks guys, I managed to flash ROMs on my Artemis, thank you for your help,

I canoot start, i cannot repair ROM

Hi, all, i have problem with my SPV 700 (HTC 3600) - Trinity.. When I turn on it, I see only start screen eith HTC logo, (you'll see it in attachments) there is only M 05 B05, R, g 32.83.7020.20h, D 3.00, i can do nothing... I cant reflash ROM because my computer cannot find it, and instalation write updater is old, you must find newer updater.. When i install acivesync, it cannot find too, but my installers (5 downloaded) will start, but write Cannot find hardware. (or mobile phone). Is any program, to connect my htc, or reflash ROM?
I found Schaps_WM6Pro_Trinity_4.30.2008_WWE_Full(p3600I) or some next, but every write cannot connect. Thank you very much.
Load from mini SD!?
You can try loading your ROM from mini SD card !
You need to format sd card to FAT32 with Card Reader first!
Read this post:
Have you tried to hard reset, leave the device on tricolor screen and retry loading ROM?
Use the proper SPL to load!
If you are a Windows Vista user - the driver from this site it will be the sollution - search for it!
I cant go to tricolor display, i cant reset, i cant do anything, i thing it freeze.. sorry my english, im from slovakia. Or.. how I can go to tricolor mode? I try all combination clicks.
Power+Camera+reset button with ur touch pen
sorry, im stuppid, i now find reset button
but it dont work, i connect to pc, (no activesync but i connent) but when it sending new rom it still on 0% and cancel it.. i cant unlock CID. probably i havent good program.. I try HTC_Hermes_SIM_CID_Unlock_v3a and HTC_Trinity_SIM_CID_Unlock_v1, but nothing... this cannot find my device.. but HTC_Hermes_SIM_CID_Unlock_v3a find it, sending go to 7% but write I havent compatibile mobile phone with this software. What can I do?
OverrideCrash said:
sorry, im stuppid, i now find reset button
but it dont work, i connect to pc, (no activesync but i connent) but when it sending new rom it still on 0% and cancel it.. i cant unlock CID. probably i havent good program.. I try HTC_Hermes_SIM_CID_Unlock_v3a and HTC_Trinity_SIM_CID_Unlock_v1, but nothing... this cannot find my device.. but HTC_Hermes_SIM_CID_Unlock_v3a find it, sending go to 7% but write I havent compatibile mobile phone with this software. What can I do?
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Man please read from instruction from the passage named HARD RESET, the button you are talking about its for software reset only!
Use the seq. Power+Camera+reset!Keep each button pushed and then use stillus for reset and you will get the Tricolor screen - but first format your SD like i describe in the post #2 and then copy your ROM on it!
exactly the same problem here. i tried to re install gelly_01 greek rom. The only requirement i did not follow was the connection with active sync. I am using Vista and the connection with the pc invokes the windows mobile device center. I tried to reinstall through a xp vmware with activesync but i get an error 270.
Any thoughts?
I am trying to find sth relevant.
check this thread
manos4596 said:
exactly the same problem here. i tried to re install gelly_01 greek rom. The only requirement i did not follow was the connection with active sync. I am using Vista and the connection with the pc invokes the windows mobile device center. I tried to reinstall through a xp vmware with activesync but i get an error 270.
Any thoughts?
I am trying to find sth relevant.
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Hard reset your phone first, then use the bootloader method(Camera+Power+Reset then in the bootloader connect the usb cable)!
First try this http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=299659
If not - read carefully the instructions from here:
- http://trinityguides.info/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=39&Itemid=66 - all you have to know about hard SPL and how to do.
Anyway, also try to change the Rom image that you have used when you bricked your device!Try a new ROM by the date of release!
Thnx for the advice! I got it working. Before reading your reply I had started installing the original rom provided by htc (WM5). It installed correctly and at least i have my phone back. I will check your links about hard SPL (thanx ) but i had installed the gelly_01 rom before , not through vista though.
I will try to reinstall it.
It's getting late here so i will check it tommorow and infirm you.
problem solved Its working now, but I dont know how i repair it
for unlock CID HTC_Hermes_SIM_CID_Unlock_v3a.zip (Its not compatibile, but my opinion is it unlock but dont repair rom) then i give there [P3600i] HardSPL v1.1.rar and end is Trinity_WM_6.1_NEW.OS_19965_Diamond_edition_by_Akeo_V3.1.rar all files are in attachments.
I give there HTC_Trinity_SIM_CID_Unlock_v1.zip too, before Akeo Diamond edition.
This can be closed now. Thanks for all thank you ! Here are lot of good peoples really thx
slimul said:
You can try loading your ROM from mini SD card !
You need to format sd card to FAT32 with Card Reader first!
Read this post:
Have you tried to hard reset, leave the device on tricolor screen and retry loading ROM?
Use the proper SPL to load!
If you are a Windows Vista user - the driver from this site it will be the sollution - search for it!
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Thanks a lot . i had the same problem but now my htc is back to life
i still have the problem with the rom , i just do every thing and don't work can any one cold help me
sorry the bad english

