anybody here ever heard of it's a chinese website that allows you to view movies and tv shows in crystal clear definition....even on EDGE...only problem is it's in chinese....there's an app that you can download over at that you can put install on your phone but again, the controls are in chinese...using it involves a lot of trial and error but once you get the hang of it, it's pretty easy....would love to hear anybody's opinion of this thing...
There is no "crystal clear" definition for our tiny 320 x 240 pixel screen and definitely not on EDGE!!! There's only so much you can do with the small bandwidth EDGE offers and the relatively small resolution the screen will display.
not misleading anybody...
I can tell you this's a whole lot clearer than Technology's BLU-RAY player( not knockin' ya Tech...I still love the player and use it everyday) or the TCPMP flash video bundle player(which I also love and use all the time)...and besides , I wasn't trying to sell anybody on this thing...I just wanted to know if anybody's heard of it and/or using it and what they thought of has it's limitations...for one thing there's a lot of movies but you don't actually get a chance to choose just any movie or're limited to what they have on site...but it's a lot and it's updated almost all the time...and gotta look through every link to find a movie you want to watch since the titles are in Chinese...
actually....what I really wanted to know if there's a website like that in English...and how come we don't have anything like that here in the States...
thats why
Because we have legislation that strangles the American people from enjoying anything.
you tried it?? what do you think of it?
naars90 said:
actually....what I really wanted to know if there's a website like that in English...and how come we don't have anything like that here in the States...
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...copyright laws perhaps?
10 Live
It's a great software. I have in both of my Tilt, Blackjack and N95. Great viewing quality and ability to fastward and resume at any point. It's only avaliable in chinese, however it is not that difficult to master it.
I tried using Google to translate the page and this is what I came up with as the description:
10LIVE billion from the Shanghai Science and Technology Co., Ltd network of independent development, a cell phone client software for playing audio and video, support online live television, online support feature film programming; have the latest streaming media technology, no waiting, no need to download. More Multi-version landing
10LIVE support cmwap, cmnet wireless streaming media player software! 10 LIVE can be realized in low-speed networks under the condition of smooth wireless streaming video viewing experience!
1. Brand new interface, more rich content collection
2. Built-in programs here, here to watch a one-stop service
3. Automated software upgrades
4. Infinite Playlist
5. For the adjustment and optimization of China's mobile network transmission network
6. To support a variety of networks (including wifi, gprs, edge, Bluetooth)
7. Fluency high
8. High-definition
let me try and get the software
can someone post the link to the software and is it workable at all or it's of no use to us English -speaking peeps?
Here's the .cab. latest version 1.6.1538
it's kinda hard to use at first. with all of the chinese writing and all, but the movies that are english speaking moves. the audio is in english.... but there are chiniese subtitles for them. It runs at abour 15 to 18 fps and rarely buffers, even on edge.
Shouldn't the thread be locked already since the OP leads to a warez site..?
naars90 said:
I can tell you this's a whole lot clearer than Technology's BLU-RAY player( not knockin' ya Tech...I still love the player and use it everyday) or the TCPMP flash video bundle player(which I also love and use all the time)...and besides , I wasn't trying to sell anybody on this thing...I just wanted to know if anybody's heard of it and/or using it and what they thought of has it's limitations...for one thing there's a lot of movies but you don't actually get a chance to choose just any movie or're limited to what they have on site...but it's a lot and it's updated almost all the time...and gotta look through every link to find a movie you want to watch since the titles are in Chinese...
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Guy I know where you are coming from, first of all, you are talking about DEFINITION Mobile Video, a ultra clear stream, because of what they have in their stream signal. That why I dont argue with the mind that say, Oh this phone is a 320x240 resolution, like setting a LIMITATION on a LCD screen.(LOL) That because they don't know, if you know something that that they don't, then it cannot be true.(LOL) Here is my favorite DEFINITION mobile entertainment website {IN ENGLISH} with super ultra clear video resolution, The video is ultra super clear because of what's in the video stream signal,{Ultimate Codecs} now see will it set ANY limitation on your 320x240 screen LCD, but you already know that it will not, because you said that it better than my Blue-ray Screen Video Player and you are correct(LOL), because it's a DEFINITION video stream. Their will be more DEFINITION website in the future, take care enjoy Saturn Liberty...............!
Hiya Tech...been to the saturn liberty website's no good if you're not on a wireless connection...too much buffering and choppy video...unless you know a setting that makes it smoother...would love to hear from you....btw...any luck on
Wifi Or 3g Only
naars90 said:
Hiya Tech...been to the saturn liberty website's no good if you're not on a wireless connection...too much buffering and choppy video...unless you know a setting that makes it smoother...would love to hear from you....btw...any luck on
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Sorry guy, I forgot to tell you that it only works on wifi or 3g. They play up to date movies, super DEFINITION crystal video resolution on your 320X240 LCD screen DVD/HD/Blu-ray like quality on the real side, check it out when you can................!
Got everything working, you were right, DEFINITION TV...............!
lol...good to know you got it...! beautiful, isn't it?
Beautiful, Lots Of Good Movies
naars90 said:
lol...good to know you got it...! beautiful, isn't it?
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I was watching a comedy earlier with Marvin Lawrence, yes very beautiful. PM me your e-mail address and I will send you a Master Codecs Pack 2 with instructions, plus *Windows Media player Codecs for 6.1 mobile devices.....!
Saturn Liberty Digital Definition TV
Below are a few photos of what Saturn Liberty Digital Definition TV looks like at!:D
10live Video Movie Player 4 Smartphones And PocketPC
You can get the 10live video movie player here and you will have to learn how to play the movies from the square blocks. it's very easy, then you will have access to a lot of good movies most are in English. Get you a good BT headset and popcorn, enjoy.........!
I got my TP2 a few days ago and already had a custom ROM (EnergyROM Sense 2.5 Cookie + dinik glass May 31) waiting to be flashed before I even got the phone.
Yesterday I flashed the phone after reading the great noobs guide a few dozen times.
Flash went perfectly and the new ROM kicks the crap out of the stock 6.5 (obviously).
Then late last night, I decided to test Video playback by copying 2 random vids to the SD card on my phone.
(Both vids are Divx (.avi), one is 624x352 res and the other was similar resolution).
The SD is a Transcend 8GB Class 6.
Both videos were a complete slideshow in core player (built into ROM). Probably 5fps in the 'small screen' and maybe 1 frame every 3 seconds in full screen!
This was the first time I have felt dissapointed with my new phone. My previous phone (Samsung Jet) played these same vids super smooth. (I know its 800mhz vs 538 etc).
After doing a fair bit of searching/reading this morning I have learned that temporarily disabling sense SHOULD help ( I will try ASAP tonight) and I can use a script for auto disable/enabling of sense. But people who used this fix didnt report framerates half as bad as mine so I'm not too hopeful on that.
Even worse is that I read that TV-out is screwed on ALL custom ROMs except maybe Valkyrie. Is that still the case??? I cant test this as my TV-out cable still hasnt arrived.
Smooth video and TV-out are two of the MAIN reasons I bought a TP2 AND the Jet before it.
I hope thats not the case because in every other respect this energyROM has been a pleasure to use. Eyecandy and customisation are EXACTLY what i was hoping for as is the improved performance/speed. Please dont tell me I cant use this ROM.
ANY help on this would be GREATLY appreciated.
I HAVE searched, I HAVE read the FAQ
Also one quick question
Neither vid would even start in WMP. Is that just a case of missing codecs? Whats the best codec pack for these ROMS?
Thanks in advance.
short answer. NO.
Use coreplayer to play divx etc. You have to play around for the correct settings. Then you can watch your movies smooth. Search for some tutorials. The tv-out will work BUT, the quality is poor.
Thanks for the reply Lennyz1988.
I'll keep looking for tweaks and tutorials re: luck so far, cant seem to find anything.
As for the TV out being poor quality....I'm devastated to hear that.
There are a couple of TP2 tvout demos on youtube and the framerate and resolution looks great (on a 42inch plasma).
Whats the deal with that, is the TVout quality better on stock rom?
Also just found a very strange quirk with my problem.
I just tried playing both vids again and both played much smoother in fullscreen than they did last night (still only ~10fps though).
So then I open up task manager and kill 3 apps that were running (file explorer, comm manager and I forgot the 3rd)....
After closing these and trying the vids again it was back to 1 frame every few seconds in full screen mode!
How can I get worse performance with less apps running in background?? that just doesnt make sense...does it?
Now I'm really stumped.
Gonna try the mortscript to disable sense as soon as I can....fingers crossed.
Thanks for your help Lenny,
I agree that if you are getting poorer playback on the Energy than the stock ROM, you just need to tweak the Core settings.
This is what I did: In TCPMP, go to Option>Video and select GDI. I forget what the default burned into the EnergyROM is, but I think it was Direct Draw, which was incredibly stuttery. Changing to GDI made the playback smooth on most videos for me. Some videos (probably higher res ones) will still stutter/freeze. But most of what I play works great, and MUCH better then it did on my phones stock ROM.
well... after playing around with some settings in TCPMP the framerate has improved from 0fps to around 10fps (guess), but obviously thats still pretty unwatchable.
In TCPMP I went to options>video, and changed the driver from Drirect Draw.
Raw Framebuffer runs at ~10fps but with bad tearing.
GDI runs at ~12fps with no tearing.
I tried all other options with no luck. I havnt tried any buffer settings yet in TCPMP or WinMo.....Got any suggestions for buffer sizes?
One setting that did give DirectDraw the same performance as GDI was to disable "Use Device stretching for blitting".
I have no idea what this does though so it doesnt help me when it comes to gaining some more fps.
Just gotta find that mortscript to try now and see if that helps too.
Any help on any of this would be greatly appreciated. I AM trying to find the answers for myself but Im having no luck.
only just saw your reply redpoint, lol. Thanks for that though.
I'm still only getting low framerates with GDI though, lower than you get by the sounds of it.... and this is only with a ~170mb Simpsons episode @624x352 resolution.
There must be another setting I need to tweak, somewhere. Hopefully the script to disable sense will give an acceptable framerate.
Thanks for your help.
PS... Is WMP not worth trying? Where can I get codecs for it? any searches for codecs keep coming up with links to coreplayer.
You should use Qtv in Coreplayer. The playback will mostly be good but not 100% of the time.
djr83 said:
You should use Qtv in Coreplayer. The playback will mostly be good but not 100% of the time.
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Qtv is not available on the version of TCPMP that is cooked into the Energy ROMs. And using Qtv when I was on the stock ROM had tearing down the middle of the screen constantly, that was not watchable for me.
doh! so thats why I cant find any mention of qtv in TCPMP.
Can someone PLEASE do me a big favour?
Point me in the direction of the mortscript which shuts down TF3d/sense while coreplayer is running and then re-enables it when CP closes?
I cant find it anywhere and Ive spent the last hour trying.
Does this scrupt exist? I read about it earlier - was it just speculation/ wishful thinking?
Anyone know where to find this script
Here are my buffering settings that I am currently using. No real reasoning here, just trial and error. And its something I always seem to be messing with, just to see if I can get it a bit better.
Normal buffer size: 4992
Preload at underrun: 5%
Preload for audio: 128kb
Microdrive unchecked.
Make sure you different videos from different sources. Some (a minority) videos will stutter and freeze no matter what. But most of the TV shows and movies I've obtained from "sources" on the internet play fine on Core.
Don't feel alone that you are confused by the Core settings. I was searching around, and found a post on the Core official forums, and it basically said that their documentation is terrible, even for the pay version, and it something they are working on. So there is no official documentation explaining the setting options, and not much better info on the internet from users, aside from trial and error experiences. Pretty much most users have no idea what many of the options even mean.
And no, WMP is not worth trying. Codecs are pretty non-existant. And even for formats which are compatible, the playback is usually not watchable. Most everyone on these forums and elsewhere will tell you Core is the best player on WM.
thesweeney said:
doh! so thats why I cant find any mention of qtv in TCPMP.
Can someone PLEASE do me a big favour?
Point me in the direction of the mortscript which shuts down TF3d/sense while coreplayer is running and then re-enables it when CP closes?
I cant find it anywhere and Ive spent the last hour trying.
Does this scrupt exist? I read about it earlier - was it just speculation/ wishful thinking?
Anyone know where to find this script
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I can't help you as far as the script. But what I can say is that some users will swear that unloading TF3D/Sense got them better Core performance. But I tried this on the stock ROM (unloading TF3D), and it made zero difference to Coreplayer performance.
Thanks for the help peeps.
Just tried those buffer settings and it did seem to help slightly....will play around with those some more.
And yeah, I'm gonna try a whole load of vids tonight see if there is a encode configuration which plays smoothly.
I'd even be willing to convert my movies (from similar sources to what you probably use, redpoint) if I can find the right encoding settings for good framerate and reasonable resolution.
If you have any suggestions for a good converter and some good encode settings, I'd love to hear them
I still REALLY want to try coreplayer with sense disabled.
Anyone know where to find that script please?
I notice that CHTEditor restarts Sense when it applies changes, Is there any way to use the editor to shut down Sense and then let me start it after playing a movie?
Failing that...
What about video drivers? Is it worth updating them or does the latest energyROM come with the latest and greatest drivers included?
Sorry for all the questions people. I just really want to get this playing smoothly and its driving me nuts
Thanks again for all your help.
Well... I couldnt find the script I was talking about but I did find one for the HD2 which disables sense while Youtube is running (Created by 'HJ200' here on XDA).
regWriteDword HKLM, Software\Microsoft\Today\Items\HTC Sense, Enabled, 0
RunWait "\Windows\YouTube.exe"
regWriteDword HKLM, Software\Microsoft\Today\Items\HTC Sense, Enabled, 1
So i simply changed the RunWait so that it waits for TCPMP.
Ran the script and I get the warning about disabling SENSE, I click OK and nothing happens
It doesnt shut sense down like TCHEditor does.
Can any of you coders/devs tell me why it doesnt shut sense down?
Or can someone please tell me a simple way to temp disable sense?
Come on guys, Im trying Ive spent all day on this and I'm getting nowhere fast lol.
If I can try playing vids with sense disabled then I can rule that out (or not) and move on to something else
I too was frustrated with poor playback with divx. Even after re-encoding for TCPMP. So I just bit the bullet, and encode with the "Ipod touch" settings and have excellent quality with the built in (but limited featured) players.
fishel said:
I too was frustrated with poor playback with divx. Even after re-encoding for TCPMP. So I just bit the bullet, and encode with the "Ipod touch" settings and have excellent quality with the built in (but limited featured) players.
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yeah, I'm pretty much ready to give up on it too
Looks like I might have to buy a cheap Portable media player that takes a micro/sd card, even if only for decent TV-out.
I'll definitely try encoding to "ipod touch" standards though.
What do you use to encode? Are the settings basically .mp4 @ 480x320?
Ive tried half a dozen different divx files now and all are slow/stuttery. Some are better than others tho as redpoint pointed out.
I also found a few semi-interesting things out.
On the files that play 'resonably' well, lowering the volume to 0 seems to help quite a bit (good for buster keaton movies? lol)...indicating a sound driver or codec issue?
Also, in the buffer settings of TCPMP....
Setting the "preload at underrun" to 1% seems to help quite a bit with some files, especially the ones which were helped by the volume=0 thing.
Setting the "Normal Buffer Size" to 5120 and the "preload for audio" to 192 SEEMED to help all videos VERY SLIGHTLY.
I'll try encoding with ipod touch settings and see what its like, but I'm guessing that resolution will look horrible stretched to 42" making the TVout almost useless? Gutted.
Can anyone tell me how to disable sense please? Once I try that and the re-encodes, I give up
Cheers fishel
fishel said:
I too was frustrated with poor playback with divx. Even after re-encoding for TCPMP. So I just bit the bullet, and encode with the "Ipod touch" settings and have excellent quality with the built in (but limited featured) players.
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With CORE player select GDI it was VERY choppy. I selected QTv and it plays ultra smooth. This is a youtube Avatar HD trailer btw. My normal video files on the card play smooth too as long as I get the right enconding..which I am still trying to figure out.
Lennyz1988 said:
The tv-out will work BUT, the quality is poor.
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thesweeney said:
As for the TV out being poor quality....I'm devastated to hear that.
There are a couple of TP2 tvout demos on youtube and the framerate and resolution looks great (on a 42inch plasma).
Whats the deal with that, is the TVout quality better on stock rom?
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Very surprised to hear that...
I use the TV-out functionality on my Touch Pro 2 quite a bit. The quality is excellent for things like presentations and pretty good for videos when using the built in album to play them. The setup I'm using is the 2.07.401.1 stock ROM with PAL output via the official HTC store TV-out cable.
by built in players I mean the windows media player or the HTC player (by Photos and Videos) and it plays great, I never tried video out.
You disable sense by un-checking sense in the item tab in the today icon in settings and choosing "windows Default", (or anything) instead.
Well first of all I'm an idiot When I was mentioning coreplayer earlier, I was actually talking about TCPMP... I didnt even realise there was a difference lol.
So now I have aquired coreplayer with mixed results
QTV seems to help on some videos and doesnt seem any quicker than GDI on others.
The only thing is... I tried one vid which has AC3 audio and of course coreplayer gives me a codec error. But it lets me play the file with video only and it runs SMOOTH AS SILK.
Benchmarking gives around 150% on this file compared to ~60% on most of the others ive tried.
So I'm guessing this is mainly (soley?) down to the greatly reduced total bitrate (looking at the benchmark results).
My SD card is a transcend class 6 so I doubt that is the problem.
The only thing I'd like to test now is An AC3 codec for coreplayer and/or a QTV plugin for TCPMP.
Anyone know if either of those exist?
Searches turn up nothing.
Thanks for that fishel! Tried tcpmp without TF3d and there was very little or no difference.
Was worth trying anyway.
Chazco, I'm glad to hear that about the TV-OUT. But It will be useless for me unless I can get a smoother framerate on some vids.
Looks like I'll just have to start converting my movies....
either that or try a stock rom
Bad times.
Thanks for all the help anyway peeps.
I'm off to try and get TomTom working instead....maybe that will cheer me up
I had all but given up hope on this topic, but I guess I'll ask.
The Samsung Galaxy S will play Divx/Xvid/MKV natively without a conversion. This is probably one of the best features I have ever heard, as I have hoped for it to be in some sort of mobile device I already owned, such as a phone, psp, or some other multi-purpose device, instead of having to buy a standalone media player which tends to play many formats.
All videos I watch are encoded in these formats (well mkv encoded in x264, with mkv container). Is there, or will there ever be a way to play these on Android 2.1 or 2.2 for other models? I have an evo, and would be EC-FREAKING-STATIC if I could just drag and drop videos to watch on it. Especially with the hdmi out!! I love the evo, I really think it is great. This one feature is the icing on the cake for me.
If it cannot be done, can somebody just give me a brief description as to why? The way I see it, when you need to play these files on a pc, you just install a video codec to decode it. Isn't there some way it can be added?
Thanks to anyone who takes the time to answer this.
P.S.- For anyone who thinks conversion isn't a big deal, I agree, it really isn't. The thing is, a lot of the time I find out I need to be somewhere, have to leave right away, and don't have anything converted to watch. I can't tell you how many times I wish I had this feature!
atm there are not many options, at least as far as i know...
stock player (good baseline h264 playback)
rockplayer (good divx/xvid playback)
yxplayer (decent main/high h264 playback)
for everything else, i simply have "stream" folder on my PC, drop all other vids there, and play them using OrbLive while on the go.
Damn I have been living in the dark. Thanks!
just finished playing with rockplayer, and its pretty darn good
im actually waiting for something bad to happen, and then i
remember... I'm not using a windows mobile phone anymore.
gabemeyers said:
just finished playing with rockplayer, and its pretty darn good
im actually waiting for something bad to happen, and then i
remember... I'm not using a windows mobile phone anymore.
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lol, see now that's funny!
Wuzhenhua player maybe? I havent tried it out on the evo yet but it worked solidly on my other device.
ever since I upgraded to Rhodium I could not get proper video playback.
Basically no support for overlay.
I was/am using CorePlayer v1.3.6.Build.7427.
Qtv (Tytn II mode on) should work, but it never has. Tried all other video output options, didn't help.
Tearing is always there as is s*itty framerate. Getting ~65%/880kbps on a 1.3mbit video, mp4 avi 640x352.
Coreplayer was working perfectly on my Raphael and working good on the Kaiser.
This all happens on NRG roms (the only one I use ), currently on: Energy.RHODIUM.21903.Sense2.5.Cookie.May.22
Any ideas?
kosmarnik said:
ever since I upgraded to Rhodium I could not get proper video playback.
Basically no support for overlay.
I was/am using CorePlayer v1.3.6.Build.7427.
Qtv (Tytn II mode on) should work, but it never has. Tried all other video output options, didn't help.
Tearing is always there as is s*itty framerate. Getting ~65%/880kbps on a 1.3mbit video, mp4 avi 640x352.
Coreplayer was working perfectly on my Raphael and working good on the Kaiser.
This all happens on NRG roms (the only one I use ), currently on: Energy.RHODIUM.21903.Sense2.5.Cookie.May.22
Any ideas?
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Known issue with TP2 and WM6.5 and above. Search the forums for more info.
Only known solution - turn off Sense when playing videos.
Try this
This cab fixed my tearing issues in Core Player.
Lightspeed said:
This cab fixed my tearing issues in Core Player.
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Thanks but in my case it didn't fix anything on the Tilt2. Framerate is still choppy until I turn off HTC Sense.
dario69 said:
Thanks but in my case it didn't fix anything on the Tilt2. Framerate is still choppy until I turn off HTC Sense.
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For me, it works sometimes. Try soft-resetting the phone
Speed Issues
Are other things slow on ur Tilt2 or is it just Media Playback perhaps you have too much stored on ur internal memory and it is slowing ur whole phone down. Just a possible solution...hope it works or hope that somehow ur problem gets fixed
I've never had this problem, except from tcmp that was cooked in... Never core player...
Sounds like a RAM problem, which would be why shutting off sense would fix this. Might need to look at all the apps you are using and disable some. Depends on whether you prefer using all the apps you have now, I disable all the tabs I don't use\need and usually have soft reset the phone a little earlier to clear the RAM.
ultramag69 said:
I've never had this problem, except from tcmp that was cooked in... Never core player...
Sounds like a RAM problem, which would be why shutting off sense would fix this. Might need to look at all the apps you are using and disable some. Depends on whether you prefer using all the apps you have now, I disable all the tabs I don't use\need and usually have soft reset the phone a little earlier to clear the RAM.
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RAM has nothing to do with it. It is related to Sense. Pure and simple. Nothing to do with apps, RAM, the video bit rates. It is Sense, WM6.5 and up, and Tilt2. I have done enough testing with both my TP2, TP, and Diamond2 to know it has everything to do with this combination. Sense on the TP2 hijacks the video drivers and unless you turn Sense off video will run choppy on Coreplayer or TCMP.
Coreplayer renders my (DVDFab Mobile mp4 ripped from DVD9) 1.87GB Avatar file ( 2 pass / 1519kbps / 29fps / 368x208 @ full screen) flawlessly on my stock ROM Tilt 2 running Sense 2.1.
Fluid, non-stuttered fast scene movements/changes with great detail tracking 100%.
It has everything to do with fine-tuning OS to have +60MB RAM free (60%) too. Of course, Coreplayer MUST be installed into main memory, not running from SD.
Something else is at fault if still having issues.
AVI container is terribly inefficient, try a pure .mp4 encoding video+audio together (PSP profiles work particularly well). Walle as same .mp4 also plays butter smooth, another tough file to lose fast panning jitters and momentary lags.
Reducing frame size greatly helps without perceptible crispness losses.
I too am having problems with playing video
on my touch Diamond 2 i just used to transferr over avi files straight from my pc with no conversion and it worked fine.
tried it with the touch pro and the video was well stuttery and unwatchable.
i am just about to load up tcmp to see if that is better
I did turn of sense but that didnt seem to make any difference.
I am also going to try the following conversions:
mp4 PSP settings
h264 original resolution
i dont really want to have convert every video but if i do what is the resolution to go for?
also i have seen people talk about adjusting the settings for core player but cant see any resolution settings on the player.
sorry to be a bit thick.
thanks in advance
Coreplayer is the best video player. For resolution I find 1/2 display 800x400 gives best compromise of detail. For example, see above post about Avatar, a particularly difficult movie due to high detail levels combined with virtually zero non-moving backrounds adding rendering complexity.
368x208 gave very good detail, full 16:9 image and allowed high frame per second and high kbps which are far more important smoothing out high-action rendering. Higher resolution is just too much to process without lags.
PM me for a sample of what a good conversion can provide, without fooling around disabling Sense, etc.
see the other post i did on testing players and resolutions.
I agree that the mp4 PSP (368 x 208) works well
its just a pain that i have to convert all my files (or turn off sense)
I know its a business device but it seems a bit crap when it wont play as well as the TD2
Hi all,
I broke my blackstone (Touch HD) last week and bought a used Touch Pro, so I am new to this section of XDA.
The first thing I noticed was the poor video playback using coreplayer. I never had this problem with blackstone.
I decided to install (, since it is compatible with our device and I must say it is a big improvement.
I wacthed the new A-team movie without any stutter or glitches, so for me this solution seems to work nicely. I left sense running and did nothing else to improve video playback. The file is a "regular' movie file (MPEG-4, 720x304, 25.000fps).
Hope I can be of some help.
extra comment: I found the ram usage of stockrom and a lot of custom roms very high, but after flashing a couple I think I found a winner.... see signature. After using it for a whille, the ram usage is "only" at 45%, which is prettu descent I believe for rhodium roms. I installed the driver pack and R6-16 shortcuts and a bunch of other "crap" like changescreen to have TomTom and other programs to run in landscape, so it's no clean rom anymore.
in fairness to core player wheni played an mp4 file on it it was fine without the sense switched off - see my other post regarding the video player testings i did
I forgot to mention in my post here above that using tnyynt SD Tuneup will increase the access speed of the storage card.
You can read about it here:
Install this tweak first and see how the video works. It will smoothen the playback even without NeoSdrivers installed.
Best Results (IMHO)
Original At&t Ship ROM (Winmo 6.5, Touchflo3D disabled)
Coreplayer v.1.3.6 build 7427 for ARM (Video set to Qtv)
WiMoSpeed v1.04 (Overclock set to 768Mhz)
With these settings, I was able to play a video (AVI: DIVX, 848x480, 23.976fps) with audio (mp3 48000 Hz 2 Ch, 81 kbit/s) smoothly, with no tearing.
brettzx said:
Original At&t Ship ROM (Winmo 6.5, Touchflo3D disabled)
Coreplayer v.1.3.6 build 7427 for ARM (Video set to Qtv)
MiMoSpeed v1.04 (Overclock set to 768Mhz)
With these settings, I was able to play a video (AVI: DIVX, 848x480, 23.976fps) with audio (mp3 48000 Hz 2 Ch, 81 kbit/s) smoothly, with no tearing.
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Please don't resurrect old threads for no reason.
cajunflavoredbob said:
Please don't resurrect old threads for no reason.
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Sorry CFB, but I've been looking through threads for good info on quality video playback and unfortunately this thread was one of the few that offered any useful info (as old as it was) and I figured I'd leave my 2 cents for anyone coming after me that wanted the same.
Having owned an HD2 for 9 months and struggling to type on it, I decided to try the Touch Pro2 and bought a nice example on eBay. In terms of usability as a phone I find it way better that the HD2, the acoustics and volume are great, it’s comfortable to hold, and finally I can type properly. I also bought this phone for the TV-out that the HD2 lacks. However, the video playback is terrible!
I have been through the forums here, tried all the tweaks and fixes, tried every setting in TCPMP/Core, tried disabling Sense (which makes no “sense”) but still videos which play fine on the HD2 are barely playing at all on the TP2 - jerky, low frame rate. I don’t want to have to re-encode everything; I download DIVX TV episodes, around 350MB each, and just play them directly on the HD2. I realise the HD2 has a much faster processor, but I’m sure my old Diamond played these videos just fine too.
I have tried the latest stock HTC (unbranded) ROM that the phone came with, with Core Player, and also tried the latest Energy ROM with the built in TCPMP – no difference. All I see on the forums is that it’s a known problem with the TP2 and WM6.5. But I can’t believe that all the loyal TP2 users on this forum are just happy to accept the virtual lack of video playback capability on a phone like this.
Is there a fix, or am I going to have to put this great phone back on eBay and continue my quest for the perfect phone?
79 views and no opinions?
i hear about this problem a lot. try converting the file format of the video to .avi or mp4.
personally i have no problem with video playback. havnt tried mkv yet but im not too hopefull on that one.
If you cant play it decend, then it's a rom problem. I use valkyre roms and I never had problems what so ever when I wanted to play a video.
So try that rom and see how it goes.
If i want to view a video on my TP2 i convert it with this tool:
Works like a charm
Grtz, FeareX
I spent much of yesterday trying out different DVD/video conversion software and finally settled on one that does a great job of converting files into a format that plays well on the Tilt 2/TouchPro 2. I don't know why, but it appears this phone's version of WMP doesn't like MPGs or WMVs as much as it likes 3GP files. These files (in both *.3gp and *.3g2 format) play almost flawlessly and without artifacting, something neither MPGs or WMVs do on the Tilt 2. In the process of auditioning all these various programs, the best I found was Pavtube's Blu-ray Video Converter Ultimate. Don't let the name fool you, it does much more than just Blu-ray. In fact, it can handle almost anything you throw at it and the flexibility of output choices is amazing. Not only are there templates for just about any video/audio format you'd want, but they are editable, so you can change them to your needs and then save them as custom templates. I was hesitant about the $69 list price (the trial puts a watermark in the middle of the screen), but I did some searching and found a discount coupon online and got it for only $37. I have converted all 3 Matrix movies, the Lord of the Rings trilogy and a BD of the 2nd Narnia movie. I had the choice to preserve the theatre aspect ratio or go full screen and both look stunning on the Tilt 2 and play with barely a hiccup. I have some traveling coming up and wanted to take some movies on the road. This program was well worth the money and I spent hours trying others with varying degrees of success. The one free option (Freemake) is OK, but has nowhere near the customizability and its 3GP conversions do not play properly on the Tilt 2. The WMV conversions I did had artifacting issues with fast motion and the MPGs looked horrible and laggy. I wholeheartedly recommend this program from Pavtube. Here's a link to the discount I used.
BD conversion is a real-time process (yes, you need to have a BD reader), but DVD conversions take about 25 minutes for a 2 hour movie. The one BD movie I did yielded a 900mb file and the standard DVDs yielded about 500mb files. You can get them smaller, but quality will suffer a bit. I have a 16gb card, so no worries for me.
BTW, the serial number worked on both my desktop and laptop PC installations, so I can take it with me on the go.
I don't understand why you would do all this workarounds when all you need to do is flash a decend rom?
What workarounds? If you want to transfer DVD movies to the device you have to convert them somehow, and the software I recommended makes it possible. Not everyone wants to go through the hassle of flashing ROMs. Yeah, I know it can be easy, but the trial and error of finding a ROM that suits your needs, is stable and the chore of reinstalling all your tweaks and programs is a real pain. No thanks.
Hate to say it cuz I love my TiltII but IMHO it is that hardware acceleration of the video was not implemented in the driver by HTC just like the original Tilt which was a dog for playing video files as well. I have found that the HTC video player will play H264 mp4 files that are great looking and not jumpy but it cannot be that high of throughput.
Have you looked here for a discussion about the problems:
And try this cab/driver found here:
I assume you've tried all the various settings within Coreplayer?
agrickard said:
Have you looked here for a discussion about the problems:
And try this cab/driver found here:
I assume you've tried all the various settings within Coreplayer?
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Are you running Atom's or Neo's cab? After reading through all the related threads, seems like Neo's latest V3 cab has better performance and higher compatibility with the Tilt 2/TP2, but it's over 1mb compared to 80k. I assume this needs to be installed to system memory, not the SD card.
I installed Atom's cab and while it did speed up the box animation, I see no difference in any of my 3D games or in TF3D performance. I read where many are installing both Atom's and Neo's cabs and seeing improvement. I may try this, but I'd like to hear from others that have done so.
Have you tried overclocking your phone?
buru898 said:
Have you tried overclocking your phone?
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Yup. Running OCX at 710. Movies played fine even without that. 3D games are a little laggy, though. Just wondering if I need both 3D drivers to see the full benefit.