Determine what CAB's do what!? - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro Software Upgrading

Hi all,
I did a "Clear Storage" today on my MDA, and then reset it before it ran the T-Mobile rubbish.
I was left with an extremely clean device, but the T-Mobile settings were absent.
It would be nice to have this clean interface, but have the best dialer (Qtek version?), best voice command, and all the T-Mobile operator settings after a clean install.
Would it be possible to create 1 CAB file for t-mobile's settings (GPRS,MMS,SMS etc) to run after a hard reset?? Ultimatley leaving the MDA in a minimal state, with a smaller EXTENDED ROM??? :idea:

I dont know if this helps - but Ive kind of just done this using the new tmob rom in the xda ftp. Though I havent actually created a CAB.
The one in the xda ftp has a good set of stuff / different dialer etc, and the crappy tmobile branding isnt there either.
Though it does have a couple of things in it, eg the i-mate email program, that arent much use to me.
I updated to the latest tmob rom using the files in the XDA ftp space
Used Buzz's extended Rom unlocker to remove the unused customisation files (and that stupid backgammmon game
Hard reset again. And let it do the full thing, incl tmob customisations. I think all it adds is the network info.
Then went here :
to get the GPRS settings, which were missing. Though other network / mms settings were fine.
Theres a bit of i-mate branding and that email prog in the progs list to ignore forever, but apart from that its sweet.

One other point though - this doesnt actually make the space used up by the extended ROM any smaller. Dont have a clue if its possible to change the partition size. Search the forum for that because if its possible its bount to be around here somewhere.
Though if you use the extended Rom unlocker again once youre all set up you can write to the free space in the extended rom if you want. SOme progs even give you the option to install there.

Extended rom you can 'crack' and use as disk storage, but you can't resize (yet - as far as I know, although please tell me otherwise if you can!)
For cab info, i'd suggest here:
Very useful. I use exclusively t-mobile stuff, as it actually seems pretty good. for me, even running voice command, xcpuscalar and magic button in my startup, i kick off with 20-25mb free at startup, which is pretty good.

Lost camera application
I have a brand new Exec (7 days old)
Having done a corporate install and then set up connections manually (I will try Dingo's connections CAB next time), I don't have a working camera - the spinning wheel goes round and round for a minute then reports missing components. Also, I have no MMS account in Messaging.
Can I install these components from a CAB without doing a hard reset and starting again? If so which CABs?


O2 Configuration Software

I've got a small problem with some XDA IIs phones I just got. If I do a hard reset, left the O2 software run and install all the stuff it needs and then install the syncrologic client we need for the PDA's to replicate with our Lotus Notes servers the device just seems to be slower that a slow thing thats very slow. ie opening the battery meter program can take 5 minutes.
If I do a hard reset and when I've done the digitiser and cutting and pasting etc.... if I do a soft reset before the O2 configuration software runs then installing the syncrologic client it all works fine.... except.... some of the software that O2 installs is needed, like album, for playing the MP4's, etc....
So, does anyone know where I can find this software? Presumably there is a copy in the ROM somewhere, is there any way to see and get a copy of the software?
Any help appreciated.
The software youre refering to is in the Extended ROM.
The Extended ROM can be unveiled by the Extended ROM tools, available from this site (try search).
By unhiding the Extended ROM you can run (install) any program that is in it.
Thanks - glad there is something that will do that... however, searching at the front page brings up quite a few rom tools, but nothing that I can see that just "unlocks" it for me to see and run apps from the ROM....
Maybe you could point me to something specific for a newbie...

How to get more program memory (RAM)

I have to admit that it was by mistake (actually I was looking to get rid of the t-mobile phone skin) that I stumbled over a nice way to get 10MB more program memory out of the MDA Pro:
Change from "1" to "0"
as a result of that, you cannot make videocalls anymore, but you can change this setting back within 2 minutes...(resco reg editor brings up the latest entry at startup so its right there, and then warm reset) and the ugly t-mobile skin is gone and replaced by the original nice blue windows skin.
I also squeezed 3 MB more by installing the ext.ROM of the qtek instead the one of t-mobile, since qtek is just 0.5MB vs 3.5MB from t-mobile. I did not really find a difference in performance.
Does anyone know of any similar "simple" tricks that would release more memory? at what ever price, but everyone has different needs, so it may be an option for some people?
check the WIKI!!! weve added alot of WM5 reg tweaks to it now, mainly making teh phone to what was expected when getting it out of the packaging!!
Actually I have (and that is where the the phone skin thing comes from)
but it did not mention that not only you loose the skin but also the video phone feature and gain actually I am wondering if this happened to me only because I am using the combination of t-mobile ROM and qtek ext.ROM??
and then: none of the reg hacks in wiki seem to free up some RAM (at least as far as I can tell..but I really am just a little better reg. user, I cannot write one line of code...)
When you say your program memory increased by 10 Mb, does it mean that you now have 55 Mb of memory avalable?
I have a Jasjar and i recently hard-reset my device. When the Ext.Rom was about to install, i soft-reset the device. My device i now 40% faster, and i am NOT exaggerating. All the bloatware from i-mate didn't get installed which is perhaps the reason the Jasjar is working as fast as any other device, SIMPLY SUPERB.
When i go to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Phone\Skin ", i get 2 folders with further sub folders and one entry.
The 2 folders are:
1) Dialer (with further subfolders such as Landscape and Portait etc)
2) Progress
The last entry available is "default which has no value set".
I don't see any entry that plainly says "Enabled". Solution?
I've been harping on about the curse of the phone dialer skin since writing VJBigPhone. I was forced to install the skin etc for compatibility, and it makes such an enormous difference, slows things down so much. If you don't care for the bubbly buttons, remove it ASAP. You'll have much faster screen rotations and generally feels snappier.
Also clears up unsightly rashes
Trust me, after resetting the device prior to Ext.Rom installation, my Jasjar is now BLAZING fast and in now way is this an exaggeration.
you see, I have two more entries on that page. below this default string comes the dword "enabled" entry that has to be switched from 1 to 0. and below that one comes the string phcanhtc.dll
What I am observing, is: I did an installation prior to this one, with no ext ROM. that gave me the same amount of program memory as I am having now. the difference is only, that now I have some functions that were missing when I did not install ext rom, for instance I did not have the voice commands. and also not the video calling, same as now.
So what I think is: since you did not install the ext ROM, maybe that is the reason why you do not have these registry entries....because there is nothing to disable, since it was not installed at all? what do i
and to answer your other question: my MDA Pro has 50MB of program memory, this value remains unchanged. But, with the skin enabled, I had 17MB (!) after warm reset...(1900 contacts, a few today plug.ins)...and it was hardly viable. And now i have much better.
Also: i have the latest (german) t-mobile rom (1.20), i find it much more stable than the first one which was terrible. and the qtek wasn't bad either.
(german version too)
Well after taking a rough guess into what all the bmp's are for the dialler and that awquard quickdial pad thing i get around 1.4mb of images the the portrait and landscape backdrops 500k between them, shame they aint removed totally!! that would give 2mb more rom to use.
Someones got to sort a nbf editor out! *wink plz!!! i'd really like to be able to make a rom with all MY apps and layout in it
phcanhtc.dll is surlly whats causing it, what else does that call on, can anyone dicect it?
I also tried a rotate whilst on the phone screen and its dam near instantanious
and tbh i actually quite like this skin, simple, does what it says on the tin.
I use pocket informant 2005 for dialling out normally non frequent numbers, and use the phone app to just do most common numbers from the call history.
non the less its an odd way to get more performance, i like it
Hi Andy,
Thanks for the response.
You might be absolutely right. Since i didn't install the Ext. Rom in the first place, i don't have these entries. Also, at present, i have 27Mb of program memory free which is exactly what you have I was thinking that you actually got 37Mb of memory free which IMO would be Fan-bloody-tastic!!!
Thanks anyways.
AndyME said:
I have to admit that it was by mistake (actually I was looking to get rid of the t-mobile phone skin) that I stumbled over a nice way to get 10MB more program memory out of the MDA Pro:
Change from "1" to "0"
as a result of that, you cannot make videocalls anymore, but you can change this setting back within 2 minutes...(resco reg editor brings up the latest entry at startup so its right there, and then warm reset) and the ugly t-mobile skin is gone and replaced by the original nice blue windows skin.
I also squeezed 3 MB more by installing the ext.ROM of the qtek instead the one of t-mobile, since qtek is just 0.5MB vs 3.5MB from t-mobile. I did not really find a difference in performance.
Does anyone know of any similar "simple" tricks that would release more memory? at what ever price, but everyone has different needs, so it may be an option for some people?
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Hi AndyME
Thanks for this tip. I applied this to my Dopod 900 (Universal sold in Singapore) and my RAM increased from 20M to 27M.
I might just do a hard reset and then follow universaldoc's suggestion of soft-resetting before any Dopod bloatware installs.
On the whole I am happy with the performance of this device as it is now, especially since I upgraded the Radio to 1.60.00.
i a mglad it was useful for you. you can always check the difference between this way and the reset as per universaldoc and see what suits you better.
Hard-resetted my jasjar
Soft-resetted before extRom installation
Result is: everything is working better, from signal level, to phone calling, to internet browsing. Thanks for the tip!
I'm interested to know you guys. I've always done the ext rom skip, but do you find it has any effect on your use of Voice Command. I'm suspicious why someone who didn't do the skip, but is using the same headset, doesn't have the problem I have, whereby the audio gateway is left open and I can't close it by pressing the headset button.
when I once skîpped ext rom, i noticed that voice command seemed not to have been installed (at least I did not see it in the programs)
now, that i just disable the phone skin, i feel i get all the benefits the others are reporting, but i have full voice control support.
but i have installed a qtek ext rom on a t-mobile rom, as mentioned above, and the qtek is just 500 kB while t-mobile is 3.5MB
so it is probably anyway difficult to say what is the content of the various ext roms, they can be quite different i would guess...
I have actually 30mb on reset, if I disable my auto starts, it drops down to 26mb on boot up when I am running:
1. M$ Voice Command (cant get rid of the old, but dont use it)
2. SPB PP (beta 3.1), SPB Diary (latest), and SPB Weather
These are my today plugins and startup folder.
I also skipped the extended rom entirely, and then selectively installed the bits I wanted using total commander to copy the specific extended rom items i wanted, and the phone wasnt one of them, I dont know anybody with the video bit anyway.
Dont use the antivirus...
I think your bluetooth problem might be rectified by te .cab noted as SSD BTUR_Patch_for_BT.
Without the extended rom, and few of the other registry tweaks, I get awesome memory, awesome startup, awesome screen rotations, never hangs except for 3rd party apps, never misses an sms, rings at the beginning of the first ring.
Yes, I agree, the phone video things sucks heaps of resources, skip it if you dont use it.
Mind you, after a day of hardwork, wifi, internet, lots of mail and playing, it does drop down towards the 20 - 15mb mark, but overall, I am happy with it...
So in summary, just skip the rom entirely, and consider just your bluetooth patch file.
simon, what other registry tweaks are you recommending?
Hi all,
allow me to jump in on this subject. Just did another hard-reset this morning to build a new system fromscrap as I had a huge problem (memory was used by whatever and I did not get further then the today screen).
I am using the Jasjar 1.13.53 WWE and have an empty ExtROM. I noticed that if I only install the .cab for BT ( I get stuck without the smart-dialing. For me it only starts working if I install to more .cab files : and
I am having a system which has 30 M free on startup, but only until I start using ASync to get my contacts and calender in, the system immediately drops down to 24MB after that.
Do You guys know another way of getting the smart-dialling working except for the above mentioned .cab-files ? I do not need the video-call at all, wouldn't miss is at all, so would very much like to get more speed excluding it at all. On the other hand I do not like the original dial-skin and would like to overwrite it with the ones from Vodafone.
Is such combination possible ?
Ruud, I am afraid, I cannot help you..but it is always so frustrating to get no replies...
i have a VPA iV too (MDA Pro was lent for 3 months only and i will have to return it), i understand what you are talking about, the voda skin is sooooo cool...i asked VJ and he told me that:
"You can grab themes by find the *.tsk files in the \windows\ folder. While you're there, grab all the *.gifs and *.bmps that you can. You should be able to reassemble all the themes from there."
since this was only yesterday, i have not had the time yet to do it. i will try though.
also: on there is a downloadable skin that is basically the voda skin..unfortunately when i installed it over the default windows skin (the naked blue one) it did not really work. try for yourself...
I have so far kept the vodafone installation as is, it has a very small ext rom of just 2-300 kB, and just removed the skin enable command in the registry which brought 10MB same as on the MDA Pro. (and I do not see the beautiful phone skin anymore...
Why actually did you not keep the voda installation? I think the new (german) t-mobile 1.20 is more stable, but it is definitely better than the old t-mobile was. is it your feeling that jasjar is better than voda?
Hi AndyME,
First of all, I have a vodafone because of my contract with them in Germany, but I am actually a Dutch guy living in Russia. There is no need for the German language, actually I do not like any other language then English for everything in electronics, specially software.
My hope that the device would be multiple language was gone at the moment I unpacked my package. So I used the website here to change to english.
I have all the .gif, .jpg and .bmp from the vodafone installation kept for backup purposes, but had to change them to fit to the iMate size. Also not all the transperency is working like I wanted.
Do You know the .cab file necesssary for just changing the skin ?
It is quite some work to install each of them seperately, softreset and if they do not do the trick, do a hard-reset before You try the next. I found out that the combination of the two I mentioned before helps, but maybe I need this DiscoButton as well ?
I have asked this question before, but did not get an answer, does somebody know what thedifferent .cab-files are for ?

Dopod 900 Extended ROM Guide (help would be appreciated!!!)

I'm gonna start a guide for Dopod 900 Extended ROM files. I am using a Dopod 900 bought in Singapore. Information has been gathered from various sources.
CABs that I installed
CAB-Customization-DopodAsiaWWE-<Insert Telco Name>-Universal-01-02-28Sep05.CAB
From the name, and cross-referencing with the O2 Exec ROM, I think this installs the MMS settings for your phone.
I think this also configures some MMS setttings/profiles. Can anyone advice me on which CAB files are really needed for MMS?
Signed_DopodAsia_113150_Conn_<Insert Telco Name>.sa.CAB
Signed_Conn_<Insert Telco Name>
Both are files actually serve the same feature, just that they have different file names. Installs some kind of telco settings. Can someone help with this?
From the name, I think it's some kind of audio driver patch.
Installs the feature (under settings) to disable error reporting. Useful.
Installs SIM Manager and Enroller. Not necessary if you don't use these programs (but I think most people do).
No idea what this does. Help would be appreciated!
Allows one to view the Extended ROM version. Not necessary if you don't want this feature (but I think most people do).
Absolutely no idea what it does. Help would be appreciated!
CABs that I did NOT install
Installs the AutoConfig feature (under settings). Not necessary if you only use one telco (which applies to most people).
Removes the telco settings applied by the Autoconfig program I mentioned above.
No idea!!! Can anyone please help in identifying this? I think they're related to the telco settings...
Installs MIDlet Manager and Clearvue PDF reader. Not necessary if you don't use those programs.
Installs Video Call function and Phone Skin Plug-in. Not necessary unless you have 3G and make video calls. Read that it takes up quite a lot of system resources too.
Installs the Cyberon Voice Commander programme. Not necessary unless you use voice recognition/commands.
From the name, I think it installs some Pocket IE favourites. Not necessary.
From the name, I think it configures the Pocket IE default homepage. Not necessary.
Modifies some Pocket IE settings. What exactly... I have no idea. I used a custom CAB file instead - see below sections.
Installs a media streaming program/function from Singtel (a Singapore telco). Not necessary if you don't use it.
Removes the battery icon from the home screen. We all have better battery monitoring programs around.
Fixes some BT Headset bug.
Enables tap-hold "Save As..." in Pocket IE. Useful.
Allows unsigned CABs to be installed.
Credit goes to BeyondTech for this. It "change search engine to Google, smallest text setting, default layout, makefit". Useful.
Credit goes to BeyondTech for this. Further modified it to tweak Glyph Cache = 16MB, Font Cache = 4MB, File Cache = 4MB and disable Start Menu animation.
Credit goes to BeyondTech for this. It customes owner information, device name and descripion, bluetooth name, etc.
Credit goes to BeyondTech for this. Add blank page for Pocket IE key (just loads IE not attempt to open a particular page with it)
Credit goes to BeyondTech for this. Enable ClearType and Landscape ClearType.
Hi Rommie2k6,
Not sure about other cab files but one thing is certain. If you can configure the settings of MMS/GPRS manually then you can remove auto config and SingTel-related cab files. I configure my QTEK 9000 for SingTel manually, hence, there's no need of any SingTel-related cab files.
Similarly for some of the registry tweaks. You can edit the registry manually and so no need of cab files.
I don't understand why you want to do away with video call. In the first place if you do not want video call then you should not have selected this Dopod 900. One of the reasons people remove video call feature is because their country or the area they're living in do not have 3G. If you're a SingTel subscriber the video call and voice call rates are the same for the moment. :roll:
Re: RE
FOSA said:
Hi Rommie2k6,
Not sure about other cab files but one thing is certain. If you can configure the settings of MMS/GPRS manually then you can remove auto config and SingTel-related cab files. I configure my QTEK 9000 for SingTel manually, hence, there's no need of any SingTel-related cab files.
Similarly for some of the registry tweaks. You can edit the registry manually and so no need of cab files.
I don't understand why you want to do away with video call. In the first place if you do not want video call then you should not have selected this Dopod 900. One of the reasons people remove video call feature is because their country or the area they're living in do not have 3G. If you're a SingTel subscriber the video call and voice call rates are the same for the moment. :roll:
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Don't suppose you can enlighten me on how to configure my own MMS settings? I'm using Starhub btw...
As for video calls, I never liked the idea nor have the need for it. I bought the Dopod 900 for other reasons. 3G functionality is just extra.
I'm a Singtel user. Configuration like servers, ports and addresses etc will be different, however, the principles apply. If you can configure manually then you can remove StarHub-related cab files
StarHub & 3G... hmmmmm......not sure of its pricings
Why don't you do one thing? Can you call StarHub tech support to ask them to go through with you step-by-step for manual settings? Record the steps especially servers, ports and addresses. Re-post here if you've further problem

what are the best Apps and roms? and other questions

i just got my self an O2 XDA Orbit and i'm wondering what are the best apps and roms to have. i know it's a lil up to preference - i'm interested in the opinions out there. I already picked myself up copies of opera and cardexport 2 (i used the palm version and was very impressed). My main concerns is that i have previously been told that a firewall and a virus scanner were needed. Is this true?
Also i have read a lil bug the sd card issue. how do i know it has struck me? is the fix i have seen good?
i'd also love to be able to play fps games on the device when i am away. goes anyone know of any good review sites and/or shops? i also love playing GPL (general public license) games on my linux machine (no windows machines in this house. may have to, begrudingly, get a cheap laptop if i get problems with the device) so if there are any good free ones i will take a look.
I think that will cover it for now. if i get any more questions i will post and thanks for your thought guys and gals
if you feel progressive you'll start by joining the touchflo club using B&B4 rom (-->here<--). that might be a bit ...well, progressive.. if you just got the device, but hey, you got it for playing around like the rest of us, right?
before you flash a non-original rom to your device, make sure you read this thread. i recommend to ALWAYS use USPL before flashing something.
soardiac said:
if you feel progressive you'll start by joining the touchflo club using B&B4 rom (-->here<--). that might be a bit ...well, progressive.. if you just got the device, but hey, you got it for playing around like the rest of us, right?
before you flash a non-original rom to your device, make sure you read this thread. i recommend to ALWAYS use USPL before flashing something.
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whats the difference between B&B4 and the official wm5 and wm6 roms? i do have the o2 wm6 update rom but i haven't installed it (coz i hadn't looked up how yet). so the phone is pretty much stock.
I bought the phone as a work tool but as i'm a techie and techie's get bored and wanna tweak stuff there is room for tweaking
The B&B4 ROM is WM6 but has extra features such as touchflo: like the HTC touch, certain finger movements make access to contacts, messages, music easier and finger scrolling like the iphone. It also has a much cooler look.
For WM6 and thus probably B&B4 there is a reg hack to reduce CPU usage:
To put a new ROM on your device, It is recommended to flash with USPL unless it is from your manufacturer and for your country. USPL allows other ROMs to be downloaded without disabling your device. I could describe it as a sim-unlock for ROMs, if you use a sim from your carrier, all is good, if not, you cant use the phone. A little more serious than a simlock though, if you flash the wrong ROM without USPL, it could damage the phone/bootloader so as to make it a 'brick'.
To flash a ROM, make sure device has more than 50% battery. Soft-reset it and wait for it to load. Plug into usb port and wait for activesync to recognise. Run USPL and a command prompt will load, wait for it to finish (~5 mins). A new window will open with a picture of the device, tick boxes, click next then update... A progress bar will let you know how far the download has got to. Once complete, the device will reboot to wondows mobile. It is now temporarily CID unlocked with a SuperCID. Now run the exe for the ROM you wish to flash. The same kind of interface will appear as before, tick boxes, next, update... Watch progressbar eagerly (wipe drool off mouth) and let it complete. Your device will reset with new ROM.
If at any point a problem occurs, aslong as you see windows or a multicoloured screen (the bootloader) you can do this (whole) process again to complete installation.
Hope this rather messy post helps you out a bit. As to applications, somewhere on the FTP site I think is pocket doom. BEWARE: Some files on the FTP site are viruses, not detectable by antivirus software.
wicked and that leads me on to my Anti virus question. is that any anti virus tools for WM5/6? iirc i have seen some pc side ones that scan the phone if it's connected and the app is setup for it. also is a firewall advised? are there any?
There are a few antiviruses for PDAs, but TBH the only viruses I have heard of for them are proof-of-concept so I doubt anyone really bothers.
If you really want an antivirus, I've tried this before and it seems to be ok
When I mentioned viruses on the FTP site, I meant for your home PC!
oh right. i run linux so it's pretty much impossible to catch a virus infection. although i spose caution would be needed if i needed to install windows for something. i'm trying to install stuff straight to the device from the net atm using cabs and i have a tool that strips the cabs out of the exe files so all looks good there.
one question that has just crossed my mind (coz i just tried to do it and couldn't). Is there a way to install cabs once they have been save to the eeprom or memory card? i checked out "File explorer" for an option and didn't find one. "remove application's" seems to be remove only so, i'm a lil lost as to what to use. If i hit open in the d/l dialog in opera or PIE it installs them. Any tips?
You should be able to just tap them in flie explorer and they will run... You'll get a notification asking whether you want to run and then the usual installer screen will come up asking where etc...
i have to admit i didn't try that. i was thinking too far outside the box
thanks for all the help so far btw
No probs, I'm not an expert, computers and techy things just seem to come naturally to me!
same here but i'm known to have moments of thinking too abstractly and after using linux for so long i have kinda gotten used to having to think to get most of the things i do done.
i just saw some screen shots of B&B 4 and i do have to say "how good does that look?" i can't seem to find a feature list. i found it the other day. seems to have vanished in to the depths of the board tho. any clues?
Well I've got B&B4 and I must say It's probably the best ROM you can use on your Orbit... The black and blue go really well with the black and blue (duh) of the Orbit...
Heres the post for B&B4 with some screenies and the programs list:
It's basically WM6 based, with TouchFlo making it a bit like an iphone where you can use your finger to scroll through stuff. Other finger friendly interfaces like the new today screen interface (with quick contacts access, programs, weather, time, phone profiles etc), htc audio manager, new skin for wmp, some very useful utilities, etc etc
Like WM6, and in the (edited) post I made earlier, you should carry out the reg hack to reduce cpu usage, other than that, and needing a separate cab for live messenger, it is _thebest_
If you decide to flash it, remember to use USPL...
i may do. i think i'm gonna check out my options first. i don;t wanna mess about with it too much because it is spose to be a tool for work. but seeingas realvnc works pretty well i think i'm pretty much covered for my objectives in the software department except for GPS software. money is no object there. i want the best. i heard tomtom was a bit unstable (from a treo 750w user) so if that's true i'm gonna stay away from it
Tomtom seems to work fine on mine so far ...
As a 'working' tool
I've tried all the flavours of roms out there - but didn't like the touchflo stuff on B&B4... I need my today screen to have my calendar and messages on it, so the big clock is no relevance, and the touch stuff is gimicky.
I'm running O2 WM6 on mine, with a few tweaks. It's definitely most stable, and quite fast, although I run batterymeter to overclock to 240-ish mhz for a bit more slickness.
I also use todayagenda to replace the calendar plugin as its far more useful.
I have a synchronisation with my corporate Exchange server for office mail, and route my personal mail throuh an excelllent free imap service at - simple imap servers, no frills, works excellently.
TomTom 6.02 or 6.03 work absolutely fine, no issues whatsoever.
I've just started using SPB PhoneTools on my todayscreen to give me a decent quickdial in the car... I've just replaced my car stereo with a Sony MEX-BT2500 unit (£90 on ebay) that gives full bluetooth handsfree integrationand streaming with minimal fuss.

New tilt 2 owner. Have questions

Ive been a previous tilt owner for about 2 years and I just upgraded to the tilt 2. First thing I did was install spb mobile shell. I think its so much better then touchflo 3d. Im also using the kaiser tweaks. Ive never looked into using different ROM's. I think im nervous about installing something like that.
Ive noticed when leaving the phone on overnight (about 8 hours) it uses 10% battery life. The original tilt would use 1-2%. I dont have email set-up (ive heard that eats battery life), why is the phone using so much battery life?
There seems to be so much memory being used right when the phone turns on. About 113 megs. I feel like the phone runs pretty fast but I know it can run faster. Is using cooked ROM my only choice here?
I mainly use the phone for the internet and text messages. Im using opera mini 5. Is there any way delete opera mobile or is that integrated into the phone like internet explorer is? How can I make opera mini the "default" web browser?
I used the kaiser tweaks to enable HSPDA. Right after I did this, I noticed the "H" icon but after I restarted, it went away and hasnt come back? Any reason for this? I looked at the "tilt 2 data speed fix" but when I goto start/settings/connections/advanced network there is no option to enable HSPDA. Only PAP and CHAP
How do I remove some of the programs on the phone that I never plan to use?
Welcome aboard
I recommend installing a cooked ROM, it´s faster than any stock ROM and you will get rid of all garbage that slows your Rhodium.
bentz69 said:
How do I remove some of the programs on the phone that I never plan to use?
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A lot of the programs on there (including the default opera install) are cooked into the stock ROM and are unremovable, unfortunately.
However, Crud Scraper will help clear out a lot of the stuff AT&T slipped in on top of the ROM. It won't get rid of everything you'll never use, but it can still clear a fair amount of space for you.
I'd like to add that it has been my experience, that frequent use of the internet does drain the battery much more quickly.
If you go cooked, choose your rom wisely. Some are configured more for business while others are more for fun.
I haven't done it myself, as I don't go online too much, but I have heard that sending your cache to your sd will help. Again, I haven't tried it myself, but Advanced Config (if my memory is right) does this, so does MemMaid.
Finally reclaim your ram throughout the day, shut down programs that may be running in the background, but that you are not currently using, and make minor adjustments and tweaks which will help you consume less resources, which will in turn help save your life.
Just downloaded MemMaid. Are any of these startup programs optional?
Is there any way to add Icons with shortcuts to spb mobile shell? Id like to make a youtube shortcut and even a MemMaid shortcut. All I see is "add widgets" but it doesnt allow and option to add my own
^Nevermind about the shortcut, I figured that out
bentz69 said:
Just downloaded MemMaid. Are any of these startup programs optional?
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I do not have an answer, and welcome any chefs to address this, as I myself have wondered what things I can remove from startup!!
bentz69 said:
Just downloaded MemMaid. Are any of these startup programs optional?
Is there any way to add Icons with shortcuts to spb mobile shell? Id like to make a youtube shortcut and even a MemMaid shortcut. All I see is "add widgets" but it doesnt allow and option to add my own
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1) Needed for automatic download of e-mails.
2) Bluetooth support.
3) HTC messager.
4) Deletes WMP's temp (like it says in title)
5) Starts services that creates missing icons whatever.
6) Needed, won't recommend delete it.
Jackos said:
1) Needed for automatic download of e-mails.
2) Bluetooth support.
3) HTC messager.
4) Deletes WMP's temp (like it says in title)
5) Starts services that creates missing icons whatever.
6) Needed, won't recommend delete it.
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Thanks Jackos, and considering how awesome your roms have been I trust this info completely!! I appreciate you taking the time to clarify that for all of us non-chefs.
Could you please tell me what the following does, and is it safe to delete...
1-Instant Forward
Thank you in advance.
You're welcome.
I don't have your shortcuts, so I assume they're from some installed programs.
From my experience you may delete all those shortcuts and the phone will boot anyway Just keep in mind that your programs may not work correctly if you delete too much

