M2000 Extended Rom etc - MDA III, XDA III, PDA2k, 9090 General

Hi all,
well we have recently bought 36 m2000s and we use various software on them for our engineers out in the field.
So i was trying to unlock the extended Rom so i can add .CAB files i have tried using "ExtendedROMUnlocker 1 .arm" and this unhide the Extended Rom but I cant access the files inside they are read only still and the Unlock part of the tool generates an error. What else could i use and are there any tips you can give me.
Also we ideally would like all users information (Emails, contacts and calendar) stored to an SD card straight away, instead of the information stored on the device then having to backup... just encase they have a problem we can just send a new device and pull the information from the card.
Would that be a feasible idea?
cheers guys any info would be great!


Unlocking XDA IIi extended rom

Has anyone managed to unlock the extended rom on an XDA IIi, Just got my hands on one, so any help would be great.
I could also do with unlocking mine as well, i have tried all the extended rom unlocking software for the XDA2 and XDA2s but neither work on the 2i
Been at thiis for the last day, it would seem that HTC have revamped the memory layout, the Extended rom is now listed under vdisk under hkey local machine/system/storagemanager/profiles. so far had no luck trying to expose it let alone unlock it. will keep at it though.
anyone managed to get that chip unlock it's use?
I have some problem with unlocking my extended rom on Qtek2020i.
Anybody have any information about resolve this bad situation?
Guru&developers! Please help!
Hi Guys,
I do not remember the name and thread...pls try tosearch in Himalaya section.There's one chap who had extracted the Ext ROM from 2i and posted...and I have all those files...Pls check..and then we can ask how did he manage to do so
you can UNHIDE the ext rom and get files from it but cant delete or write to it as it remains unlocked..
you can unhide it by finding a file called loadvdisk in windows directory (be careful not to reset as it goes back into hiding after a reset)
how to unlock the ext rom remains a mystery.....
i hope someone is working on it though.....
Does this help?
I think it's what you are looking for...
I know about loadvdisk.exe from Windows directory, but this program only unhide this part of memory.
I need unhide&unlock program, like program for XDA II
please, is any news about unlocking Ext.ROM ALPINE? Utilitily "loadvdisk.exe" (see above) Extended ROM unhiding, but not unlocking.
Thanks and Regards
what are the advantages of unlocking the ext.ROM?
Customizing must have programs and simpler start them after hard reset for example.
I'm seek way for unlock ext rom in 2i too but didn't see one,now.
I've another solution to unhide your 2i without any addition program.
just Hard Reset your Device in first screen do notthing just leave it & connect it with computer you will see Extended ROM folder
anyone had UNLOCK it????

XDA IIi - Please help me !!

Hello Guys
Firstly, Ive been thru this forum and wiki and have tried various things without major success............Im now getting pretty fed-up.
Ive got an O2 XDA IIi, which Ive unlocked ready for my Orange Contract SIM.
My SIM works for phone and text, but keeps getting "no modem" errors if I try to connect GPRS.
Ive downloaded Resco and can see the Extended Rom folder.
Ive downloaded 3 or 4 different Ext Rom Unlockers - without success (Ive deleted each in turn, installed the next version and soft-reset as I went).
I actually have all of the Orange CAB files, which seem to load onto the PDA if i put them in My Docs and click each in turn - BUT, I still cant connect and all reverts back to O2 if I hard-reset.
So, now I have done a hard-reset and soft reset prior to O2 stuff being auto-installed from Ext Rom (?).
Im getting pretty frustrated at not being able to access the write-protected Ext Rom in order to swap the O2 stuff for my Orange settings.
PLEASE - can anyone give me some step-by-step instructions on what I can do ?
AND - let me know if Im looking in the totally wrong place to start with.
My XDA IIi details are :-
Model No PH10C
Windows Mobile 2003 2nd Edtn
Processor Intel PXA272
Speed 520MHz
Flash Size 64MB
Memory 122.04MB
ROM Version 1.10.00 WWE
ROM Date 12/24/04
Radio Version 1.00.00
Protocol Version 1337.39
ExtROM Version - Not Showing as soft-reset during software load
the last part
unhide your rom and unlock you rom
copy the cab files to the extented rom dir
edit the txt file to include the new added cab files
and remove the entry for the ones you are removing
hide and lock your rom
and hardreset
Thanks Rudegar
Unfortunately, Ive already tried the unlocker tool (and several different versions of them).
Ive just tried again with the one mentioned (it tells me that the software was written for an older version of windows software), and when i select Unhide, the image turns grey but nothing happens.
When I select unlock, i get an error message and "FL_IOCTL_BDTL_HW_PROTECTION"
When I click OK, i get "- A device attached to the system is not functioning."
Clicking OK again, gives me "extrom unlocked" - but it ISNT unlocked.
Any ideas ?
As I can see the Ext Rom folder, I tried to edit the config.txt file (just to see if it could be edited).
I got a message "No Storage memory available. Tap Cancel, use File Explorer to delete some files and try again. Or, move the note to an alternative storage location. Tap discard to close the document without sving changes"
If I then try to move or delete the config.txt (or any other) file, I get "The media is write protected"
I then installed the Repart_DOC_with_Default tool to make the Ext Rom file larger.
Unfortunately, I get an error "FL_IOCTL_FORMAT_PHYSICAL_DRIVE failed" message and I cannot increase the folder size.
Anyone have any ideas please ?
no if i were you i would try asking or looking in the apline forum because the IIi is alpine and there may be more people there who knows any special things you need to do to unlock alpine devices
Thanks Rudegar
Ive placed a link to this thread in the Alpine section, but as there are so few posts there Im not too hopeful.
Does anyone have any ideas on this please ?
I dont mind paying (or donating) a fair amount in order to get this sorted.
For the mobile that can not unlock by the Extended ROM Unlocker, You have to use the method that DrChair posted here.
You have to find the start point of the ExtROM image which is in Fat16 format, by using Hex Editor and Find "eb fe 90 4d 53 57 49 4e 34 2e 31" (Hex). Copy from this location till 23.2 MB of file size. Open it as virtual disk, then you can do modification.
OMG - I thought things were complicated already.
Surely there must be an easier way to edit Extended Rom on XDA IIi ?
All of the other models appear to have fairly straightforward methods to edit - all except for the XDA IIi
Im afraid all of the link you gave has gone way above my head - it is far too complicated for me.
1. First dump your rom to a SD-card, using the well know method.
Which method ? - its not well known to me as i havent found it yet ?
2. Next get the rom to your pc, using ntrw
ntrw ?
3. Using a Hex-editor, copy 2BC019C (HEX) till 3EC019C (HEX) to a file.
ok, i think i will be able to do this.
4. Mount that file as a virtual Harddisk (I use the virtualdisk-plugin for total commander)
5. Modify your ExtROM on that Virtualdisk.
ok, i think i know what this means.
6. Umount the Virtualdisk.
7. paste the contents of the (modified) file back into the rom-file, at precicly the same position and save it under a different name.
can i do this if the files are write protected ?
8. put the modified rom back onto your SD-card, using ntrw.
? as per 2.
9. Flash your Magician, with the new rom.
Flash ? - and I dont have a Magician, I have an Alpine.
Anyone able to clarify all of this please ??
Since you are not that technical, I suggest you to forget about it. Or else you may destroy your IIi.
Be understand that architecture of IIi II and Mini are all different. Extended ROM of II is located at DOC (disk on Chip) ROM. But Mini and IIi are not. Mini Extended ROM is located at normal flash memory and not locked READ HERE. I think IIi is the same as Mini. So, wait for some good programmer or hacker to do it. Which may be forever.
You can get some flavour by reading Here. Eventhough you could not read the language, but all the pictures will tell you something.
but it should not be requred to add the stuff to the extented rom to get it to access gprs and mms it's just about putting in the settings
and making sure the right settings are used if there are still
the old settings there
Thanks Guys
I have copied several .cab files onto the PDA for Orange UK Contract settings.
My concerns are that I know the Extended Rom is full of references to O2 and will revert to O2 should I need to hard reset (unless I always keep Orange settings on my MMC).
BUT, Im not convinced that simply clicking onto the Orange .cab files has given me the correct set-up to access GPRS etc - as I cannot access at all.
I keep thinking that somewhere in the darkest depths of the system those original O2 settings are still controlling my PDA.
If someone can confirm for me that by installing and running all of the orange .cab files will indeed set-up the PDA for full Orange access (with no O2 settings running from within the Ext Rom), then I can cope with having to store a copy on my MMC.
Thank very much guys
if you search the networking forum with the text
GRPS AND <insert your cellphone company>
you are sure to find the right settings plus how to manualy set it up
and when you then sync with activesync you can set it to backup
your settings so if you hardreset you can just restore your backup
and get your settings the way they were
Orange GPRS Settings on 02 xda i
The settings are:-
In New Connections:
SELECT A MODEM = Cellular Line (GPRS)
ACCESS POINT NAME = orangeinternet
DOMAIN = Blank
TICK User server assigned IP address
TICK Use Server Assigned Addresses - SERVERS TAB
You then tap on the G Symbol at the top of the screen and then tap on
Connect GPRS
Two seconds later you are connected.
Thanks Silverhill,
Unfortunately, those setings are already in the PDA and dont connect.
I get a "modem not found" error message.
I can connect with WAP dial-up, but not GPRS.
I have now ordered both O2 AND Orange pre-pay SIM Cards (as they cost less than £10 for the two).
If I do a hard-reset and the O2 SIM doesnt work, I will know the PDA is faulty.
If it works, I can then load the Orange .cab files (after doing a soft-reset during the hard-reset so as not to pre-load O2 from the Ext Rom).
I will then try the Orange Pre-Pay SIM to see if that works.
If it doesnt, it would suggest that the O2 files on the Ext Rom are indeed controlling the settings - even though I stopped them from loading on the reset.
Other than that, I am totally stuffed.
It may be that I have to do a number port of my valuable mobile number and go onto the O2 network.
I received my new Orange PAYG Sim Card, registered it and it worked first time. (I did the same with the new O2 Sim and that worked too.)
Instant GPRS connection - wonderful.
SO, we know that the settings I have on my XDA IIi are correct for Orange and that there isn't any hardware conflict and also that my PDA is not faulty.
They really are useless !
I explain (argue) that the PDA must be compatable as the new Orange Sim works fine.
Im told that the only way to check is to go to an Orange Shop and ask them to test my Sim Card in one of their GPRS phones - "which will prove the Sim Card is perfectly OK and the problem is with the PDA" (their words).
I travel 25 miles to a shop and the Sim Card DOES NOT work in their phone.
The assistant offers to call Orange Tech for me to confirm the situation. After being kept on hold for 35 minutes, Orange inform her that my Sim is an older (brown in colour) card and it isnt possible to programme it for newer technologies.
The assistant asks for a new replacement for me and is told that because my PDA is not an Orange supported phone, there is no way for them to run a diagnostic check on it and therefore no way to be 100% sure the Sim is the problem - despite the Orange Sales Assistant confirming it does not work on their GPRS phone.
I am then informed that I can BUY a new Sim Card (blue in colour) for £20 that will work.
At this point I have spent a week trying various settings at home and have stood in the Orange shop for over an hour, so I agree to buy the new card.
Hopefully, it will arrive today or tomorrow and all will be well.
My only "worry" is that I still have all of the O2 settings on my extended rom - so I will keep looking on the forums over the next few months to see if anyone has any better solutions to those currently available.
Thanks everyone for you feedback and assistance.
odd when i had my old xda1 stolen i just called my cellphone company
and said it was stolen and they sendt me a new sim card
no charge
same thing had i lost it
Hi Rudegar
Yes - BUY
Ive been an Orange Contract customer for around 9 years (OK, so my monthly bill is only around £3).
They are happy to change my account to Orange World (GPRS enabled) and charge me an extra £4 a month min.
They are told by their own staff that my Sim is actually faulty - the Sim they originally supplied.
They are shown that the XDA IIi is not at fault.
And then they insist on charging me to be able to access the things they are charging me to access.
Like I said, Orange really are a joke.
I have actually placed my mobile phone number (it is pretty special) for sale on ebay http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Rarely-Availa...429158530QQcategoryZ29781QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
When it sells, I will be moving network and will just go to pre-pay with any bog std number as my call charges and usage are so small.
PS, I hope I wont get told off for plugging my ebay sale.
cant you transfer your nr to your new sim with another company ?
here you can but they take a month to do it guess as a punishment because the thing only takes them 1 sec
SCREAM !!!!!!!
OK, thats out of my system now.
Ive just had the new Orange Sim Card for my contract with them.
Ive tried to register it with them and they REFUSE to pair the new Sim with my XDAIIi
They inform me that because it is a non-Orange phone the insurance would be invalidated - I explained that I do NOT have any insurance to worry about invalidating.
I asked why they were happy to pair a new PAYG Sim Card with the phone a couple of days ago but not my Contract Sim Card.
Their reply was that "by pairing the PAYG Sim and the non-Orange handset, we get new business, but by pairing your contract with a non-Orange phone, we are losing money because you've performed a back-door upgrade".
I havent a clue what to do next, as Im getting pretty fed-up of dealing with them.
lol brand now world where the customer is never right and a bit of a bother
and should count himself lucky that they want to talk to him at all
is at hand
take would take my business elsewhere and never look back
here orange just became more and more unpopular untill they sold their
department to telia and left the country

TomTOM 5 not saving settings

Hi guys and gals,
I've recently upgraded my XDA IIs to the latest iMate software. I've then re-installed tomTom 5 with the upgrade to version 5.1
Now my tomtom won't save any of my settings. So i can input my Home and favourties etc... shut down tomtom and then when i go back in, i have to accept the agreement again, and none of my settings are there.
Is anyone else having this problem? and more importantly - does anyone know what the fix is for this?
Thanks all
tcs44_uk - Are you installing from an SD Card? If you are check that the files are unlocked before you copy them onto the SD card or it will act as you have described.
I too had the same problem with a legit purchased copy from TomTom. Someone on another forum advised me to copy the files to the PC, unlock them, copy them back to the SD card the re-install - hey presto works a treat.
I have nearly the same problem. My settings stay, but favorite and base are gone after a few uses :
I record the base and a few favorites, I exit TT5 using the "quit" icon. When I restart it, the base & favorites are still there (so they are correctly recorded : the file is not locked, and the SD card not Read Only).
After a few runs (I have not been able to check how many, or what can cause that), they're all gone : no base and no favorite.
All I store in POI never disappear, so my work-around is to place all favorite and base in POI.
Tomtom support is ZERO. They have pre-formatted message they send not reading the whole problem, and it is impossible to reply, 'cause the case is closed after their crappy answer.
OhBuggerit2k2, how do I tell if the files are locked?
I have the same problem, TT5 will not remember any favourites when restarted.
I have the files on my computer, how do I check they are not locked?
Thanks Guys
Which files??
I also have this problem.....
does anyone know which file(s) it is that hold the info regarding:
Home location
and all the other personal settings
would appreciate any help,
i had a similar issue & resolved it by changing the settings on the file with extension .cfg from read only. i had 2 copy the file 2 my desktop change the settings then saving back 2 xda2i.
i have a problem with tomtom where it throws me out...any1 know how 2 sort it?
Thanks guys - after copying all of the TomTom files back to PC, taking off the Read Only flag, and then copying the files back - all working fine now.
hi guys
I cannot seem to find the .cfg file !
Which folder is it in?
also had a quick check, i dont seem to have any read only files !
Anyone help !
Ginnser said:
hi guys
I cannot seem to find the .cfg file !
Which folder is it in?
also had a quick check, i dont seem to have any read only files !
Anyone help !
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Click to collapse
Check out this thread for the answer:

Using Extended ROM or reformating DOC in Universal

Hi all, I have read lots of articles on the Extended ROM on Universal so far but I am still trying to find a great use out of it.
I used the tool developed by our mighty Buzz (thanks Buzz!) to unlock the Extended ROM which is excellent because I can now customize the contents in it. However I haven't been able to install programs on it. When I tried installing the program onto Extended ROM, though it let me select it on the list, the program ended up in the main memory instead.
I know Buzz was trying to develop a tool to reformat the Universal's DOC so that we can merge the Extended ROM into the main memory. I am not sure if he has completed it because I can't find this tool. At the moment I have an empty Extended ROM which I can't do much about. I can store files in it but since I have a 4GB SD card anyway I don't find it too useful to do that.
Can anybody tell me how to reformat this Extended ROM DOC partition and merge it to the main memory or other way of making more use of it? Thanks in advance!
It is too dangerous. IPL, SPL (aka bootloader) are located on DOC, and repartitioning may potentially kill them. Noone is willing to kill the device just to add additional 10 mb to storage
UUppss - so that killed my firs universal - I tried to format them and get a error - and after this may be 1 or 2 weeks later I lost my DOC.
Did you know from where to get new DOC and if is emty did I need to reprogram it outside of Universal because ot M-System site they give a program and shchematic to program DOC.
Thanks in advanced
if you can enter bootloader - use "task 28 55aa", this would restore DOC to its original layout.
If you cannot - contact service center.
Thanks for help - I'll try it imediately and post results ))
mamaich said:
if you can enter bootloader - use "task 28 55aa", this would restore DOC to its original layout.
If you cannot - contact service center.
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Click to collapse
Thank you very very very MUCH !!!
I'll put a complete new thread to help other universal users
Thank you again !!!
mamaich said:
It is too dangerous. IPL, SPL (aka bootloader) are located on DOC, and repartitioning may potentially kill them. Noone is willing to kill the device just to add additional 10 mb to storage
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Click to collapse
Thanks for the reply Mamaich, I will hold on to the 10MB empty Extended ROM then. It is better this way than having a dead Universal I suppose.
I like the way HP do some of theirs like my wife's iPAQ rw6828, which doesn't have a ExtROM thus it comes with 49.xxMB free space!!

Any way to add SD Encryption *back* into a ROM that had removed it?

Hi All,
I recently installed the latest MightyROM (2-10-10) but now cannot get my Exchange OTA ActiveSync working for my corporate e-mail.
Did some digging, and figured out that the issue is that my corporate Exchange security policy requires both devce and SD card encryption on any devices connecting to OTA ActiveSync.
Further searching revealed that SD card encryption was *removed* from MightyROM starting a few versions back.
I know for sure that my device is missing both encfilt.dll and mencfilt.dll which seem to be required for SD card encryption (the details of which I'm not familiar with).
So the question is: Is there any way at all for me to add SD card encryption back to the ROM, preferably without having to re-flash?
Can I somehow get copies of encfilt.dll and mencfilt.dll and register them on the device?
Any ideas / CABs that might help is greatly appreciated!!
Many thanks in advance.
regsrvceGUI.exe I believe is what you can use to register the .dll files. I however can not get it to copy out of the windows directory...
I did find this reg key and you can try to set it and see if it flies... Remember to do a backup and all that stuff. (I'm not 100% it applies to the SD card or not). And I do not know if you need those two files for it to work so use at your own risk.
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\StorageManager\Filters\E NCFilt]
'EncryptByDefault'=dword:1 (change from 0 to 1)
Soft reset
I will keep trying to figure out how to remove this file from my device so I can share it with you.
If that doesn't fly, then maybe you need to go back to an earlier rom. ???
Thanks! (for your response here and on PPCgeeks
That reg tweak you posted makes the UI appear like SD encryption is enabled, but it's not actually running (as key files are missing).
You're right, I may have to downgrade my ROM, but hoping there's an easier solution!
Which ROM version are you using?
BTW, when I try to sync without SD Card encryption, I get the 85010013 error code in activesync, which is pretty generic -- not sure if this info helps.
Hoping someone can chime in with more ideas.
I just found this post and was wondering if you solved your problem? I'm getting the same errors but I can't find out how to encrypt the entire handset just the SD card.

