Need of XDA2 LCD - General Accessories

I am in need of an LCD, may be new or replacement doesn't matter...It shd just work...Pls let me know with details..shipping to India.Pls help...


Qtek 9090 screen model?

am not god at this forum type of thing so stick with me
ive broken my screen and i am wondering what i would need to do to get a replacement
(edit) the screen is still giveing me full visual desplay but its cracked in two places and only 1/3 of the touch still works (edit)
ive spent a couple of days seaching on and around ebay but it seems thairs different models of screen and maby the posablity that i dont have to buy the whole screen unit just part of it
if anyone could give me any advice on what model i need or if i can just buy the glass unit
i dont have a clue how touch screen technolegy works so i dont understand what anything does
i have an engineer who is willing to do fit it for me but only when i have all the parts and stuff
al wrte down asmuch infomation as i can but i don have a clue about wair the phone ifs from cos i got it from ebay
after looking in the device info on the phone
model No PH20B
in the back of the phone under the battery
S/N HT513D608071
i dont know my board number and i dont have a clue about how to find it out
i dont realy wana go takeing my phone apart cos am not 100% confident with doing it
so any help would be awsum guys/gals
aswell if anyone has any idea of a ballpark price for sutch an item please let me know
Did you've searched in ebay? There are a lot offers for replacement displays for VPA III/XPD III/VPA III. They all should be compatible.

Diamond Motherboard

Hi guys!
Few days ago my diamond was dead
Today the man of the assistance center tell me the motherboard is damaged
how it's possible?
and how i can damage that?
pls someone tell me something about it and where i can buy a diamond's motherboard because i would continue my project of my ROM
send it to HTC service center. Mine was damaged to suddenly after soft reset. They replaced it....
i have a custom rom and hardspl on my phone it's equal?
does not matter (if the Mother board is faulty)...

[Q] Replaced new digitizer not working

replaced new digitizer not working, original was been witch chip on flex cable, new one is without chip
It is possible fix it? It si HW or SW trouble?
I did not know that there are two versions digitizer
Touch panel fail:
Thanks for any help
I think if u dont have the chip on it, It wont work. U need the exact same thing to get things working. Sure HW related. Sry.
thank you for info, new digitizer with chip ordered


Ok guys, here is my deal =/ i have a customer that brought in a water damaged S3, when she brought it in, the touch response didnt work on the screen, so at first i thought...damn, great condition phone and LCD and glass are mint...but still needs a new i said, before i go ahead and order this $100+ part, let me make sure, so i put in a test logic board i have from T-Mobile, same as hers, and hey! it worked! so it wasnt the LCD, so i tested her logic board on one of my test LCD, and didnt work -_- so heres the deal.
I have the test board that im willing to destroy, to fix hers, she has tmobile, however the board cannot use a tmobile sim since it has a bad imei, first off, could i technically desolder the chip(s) that has that info on it and just swap them on the boards? and if so...can someone please show me what components i have to switch to do this?
please guys help me, i have to have this phone done by monday and its a good chunk of change, and i need every penny for court to get custody of my daughter!!!
any help is appreciated, thank you guys
Unfortunately, this is going to be getting much deeper than anyone else has likely been wiling to go. I would avoid trying to remove a chip from one board and putting on the other. chances are, while desoldering the chip will be damaged, and then you are totally out of luck.
I wish you luck with it though. Sorry no one is able to help you out.

Desire 820 with broken lcd

Hello, if anyone know anyone that owns this phone and he is ready to sell it, please let me know. I need the motherboard and internal parts, wuth broken lcd.
Thank you

