wired gps cant connect tomtom5 - MDA III, XDA III, PDA2k, 9090 General

I have an SPV M2000 and i have just purchased a wired gps tomtom5. After disabling the IR beam my gps still doesn't connect. i have hard reset the unit to make sure i have no other drivers interfering but it still doesn't connect.
all the help lines tell me to disable ir beam but it still doesn't work.
Does anyone know anything more about this issue?

Hey Kitrider, I apologise in advance if I'm insulting your intelligence but have you selected it in the preferences? I don't have a Tom Tom reciever but I still select it and it works with Navigator 5.
In Tom Tom go to preferences, select GPS status, if you have no signal (assuming its connected!) then select configure and select each of the others in turn to see if you get signal. Bear in mind, sometimes it takes 15 seconds or so for it to show.

TT5 andd GPS..
Regardless as to what GPS device you have (wired/BT), if you go to the GPS status screen (from where you can configure the GPS) there is a blue and yellow circular icon in the top right hand side of the screen (below the time), if this is "turning" then you have selected the correct COM port and data is being received - GPS signal or not...
What COM port have you chosen (try saying is is a TT Wired GPS as that defaults to COM1) - or did you say it is a TOMTOM model?
If it is and you can't getthat to work , try selecting other wired...

Yep i am selecting it in the TT5 preferences i've tried all of them and left it for over 30 secs on each one. The blue and yellow disc never spins though. I get a message which looks like a pocket pc windows alert box (identical to when it connects to activesync) that says it is trying to connect. this flashes up a few times then it comes to a bigger windows message box that says that the device cannot connect to the computer. the port may be busy or unavailable. Restart device and try again.
After restarting (hard or soft) there is no difference.
The gps is not a tomtom version but is one that apparently works according to PDAMODS.com, whom i bought it off. They reckon that there is something wrong with the m2000 and told me to get orange to replace. But orange are being very slow and not forthcoming with this request. basically as i have no proof that there is something wrong.
Any ideas please???????
i'm flumuxed!!

just to add i#m selecting other wired gps, baud rate 4800, serial cable on com 1.
but have tried all the options


tomtom 5 & bluetooth gps

just got myself tomtom 5. unfortunately cant hook up my gps which is Altina GBT708. It is a bluetooth gps which i could use successfully with previous versions of tomtom on com port 6 now it dosent work. any tips. tried using com port 5 patch in other forums still no result. tried installing previous version of gps driver over current still nothing.
TomTom5 is a pain in the butt to configure your GPS. I have the NavMan GPS sleeve for the IPAQ and just sleecting NavMan GPS from the settings screen doesn't work. I had to configure a standard NMEA GPS unit and set the baud rate to 38400 and then it worked. Play about with the settings, one will work eventually!
how do you go about doing that.i have been trying to select various options dosent seem to work
I am having the same problems with a Fortuna Clip-on Bluetooth GPS. Worked fine with previous TT3 and works fine with Memory-Map software.
The only thing I noticed is that you can pick com port but not the baud rate.
Any help on this would be appreciated. :?:
Just select standard wired GPS or standard bluetooch GPS (wired in my case). It then asked for baud rate. I searched the web to find the right baud rate to set for my device.
i chose the standard bluetooth gps. then it asked me to selected the port. so i selected com port 6. after that it just doesnt do anything. for tomtom 4.44 it goes to bluetooth manager automatically and asks to confirm the gps device
After selecting Standard bluetooth the next screen asks what the unit is connected too and after selecting com6 nothing happens?
If I select TomTom bluetooth I get some blue light flashes from the GPS unit and that is it.
Mine is wires, not bluetooth so I can't help I'm afraid.
I have Orange SPVm2000, TT5, Fortuna Clip-on Bluetooth GPS, Motorola HS850 Bluetooth Headset and have them all working together.
I had the same problem as reported hear of not being able to setup GPS on com 6, TT5 would either freeze when selecting com 6 or no communication would start between GPS and PDA.
First my observations:-
Always start to configure GPS with a soft reset this is a must as this is the only way I can guarantee a connection now that I have it working.
The only time I could get the blue light to flicker on my GPS was when I selected TomTom GPS receiver
When I select Com6 I am not given the option to select baud rate?
The sequence of events that made the final connecton:-
Do a soft rest.
I selected TomTom Bluetooth GPS and left the PDA and GPS trying to communicate for 5mins. During this time the blue light on the GPS flashes at different rates.
I then selected "Other Bluetooth GPS" then Com6 and it sprang into life.
This is not a guaranteed solution, but it worked for me. Why?
The problem is clearly with TT5, as I have no problems with this setup with other navigation software.
Remember in TT5 if it fails to connect once it will not connect at all until you do a soft reset of your PDA.
Hope this helps.
Daron at Tekguru seems to have solved this problem:
"...I've resolved the issue, which stems I think from the BT GPS unit I use (Emtec as supplied with CoPilot Live).
It seems that TTN5 has decided it is not a valid BT unit, which is a major grr.....
But in the end after a good hour of hard resetting the machine to give me a clean platform I've found the following works (assuming BT is on and the GPS already paired):
- Tap on the screen and select Change Preferences (big spanner)
- Tap the black triangle until it says Preferences 4 of 6
- Select Configure
- Select 'Another cabled NMEA GPS' set the GPS Baud Rate at 38400 and select DONE.
The BT wizard will then allow you to select the correct bluetooth port, for my machine it was the top of the two BT ports (COM 8 - if you tap and hold).
You will notice a small orange and black circle at the top right of the screen this will start to spin if you are connected to the GPS if it does not spin then soft reset the PDA and try again.
This did take three tries before it connected for me but it worked beautifully.
TTN5 uses a superb VGA graphics set and it looks damned beautiful! Worth the effort but by God TT could have made it less painful!"
Hi, might be worht giving my post here a look http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?p=125995#125995
Might be able to help you.... James
I was a bit sceptical at first but xda-rocks found the solution from us. he might not be the one to find it but atleast brought it to our attention. im sure a lot of people were suffering with this problem and will be pleased that they can use their tt5 at last. i had almost given up hope at one point and move back to tt4.44 as i find tt3.07 utterly rubbish, slow and without features.
i can now start playing round with the gps once again like when i first got my m2000...
TT5 & Blutooth
Hi Guys
I thought I would post this. I had the same problem with TT5 and it not connecting to my BT gps until I installed 5.10 . The only problem is that I already got my refund from TT due to lack of functionality. I had to install a cracked ver off of the net and Piratebay has a 5.10 hack on there now. I think I will reorder my TT5 as it seems to work great now.

installing tomtom navigator5

Hi I have recently purchased tomtom navigator 5 software and great britain maps on a memory card from tomtom plus tomtom wireless gps mkii unit. I have tried to install on both my xdaII and xdaIIs devices. everything goes as instructions until i get to the screen where it asks me to configure gps device. i select picture of gps mk11 but the following screen with the spinning yellow and black circle continues to say no gps device. i have tried leaving this running for sometime on both devices to no avail. blue tooth recognises the gps unit and friends with PDAs installed with tomtom can connect to my unit. Any ideas?
TT5 and wired GPS
Turn off "receive incoming beams" in the "beam" sectiom of settings.
This will release Com 1 which TT5 expects to be assigned to the Wired GPS.
Thanks for the advice have tried this on both devices to no avail. the GPS Status screen still says No GPS device even if i leave it running for some time.??
Daft question I know, but you have paired the GPS device with your XDA before you try and get it to work with TomTom?
If you have and it does not work on the default GPS MKII then try other bluetooth GPS and select the BT com port and see if that does the trick.
It should work just fine, no need to pair first.
Have you tried a soft reset when it sticks and starting Navigator from the start menu?
Failing that you can tell Navigator that it is "Other bluetooth device" http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=26883&highlight=tomtom
You have downloaded the update to Navigator 5.1 from the TomTom site?
Try choosing "other bluetooth gps", failing that choose wired gps and tell it the com port and speed settings for the bluetooth.
Tried all the things suggested thank you all but still wont work!
1. switch on Bluetooth on the XDA.
2. pair the 2 devices, XDA & TomTom Bluetooth receiver.
3. Start TomTom Navigator and choose the option as mentioned above "other bluetooth gps", choose one of the bottom 2 Com Ports for the conection.
if one doesnt work then try the other....you should get the TomTom connected using this method.
if unsuccesful, please explain how far you got and what failed at that point then we can better assist on what's causing the problem.
ok using com 6 when i look at blue tooth manager active connections out going is connected nothing on incoming connections?
thanks again for all your help.
does this mean you got TomTom connected and working?
do the 3 steps and explain where it goes wrong.
well it seems i have connection one way at least but on the configure/done screen with the compass etc it still says no gps device and nothing happens in the top right hand corner ie numbers moving etc or any movement in the vertical bars at bottom of screen
well it seems i have connection one way at least but on the configure/done screen with the compass etc it still says no gps device and nothing happens in the top right hand corner ie numbers moving etc or any movement in the vertical bars at bottom of screen
try changing the com port you selected in step 3 and each time your doing so, leave it for 30 seconds to see if it connects....you should also try using the Wired connection, i beleive it's a problem with your TomTom software install, have you upgraded it to version 5.10?
before upgrading, try to configure within TomTom on your XDA using the Wired connection as suggested above then selecting the com port...i reckon this should work....otherwise something small is being overlooked or you got serious issues...it's probably the 1st one though.
I have started from scratch again and when i go into bluetooth connection wizard the gps wireless mark 2 icon comes up with a question mark on it. then it says service not available on this device?
ok, we're gonna get this sorted Clair
i'll try walking through the steps to making a successful connection, you may have covered some of these already and no doubt been through most of it before but it's worth trying from the top again....as when it works it's pretty good.
here goes - Bluetooth Pairing:
when your in the Bluetooth Manager on the XDA, go to Tools, Paired Devices, click Add.
it will say 'Device' and to the right of it there will be an icon of a sheet of paper with a magnifying glass on it, click this icon and it will search(make sure your GPS unit is on)....when it finds the TomTom or GPS Wireless, select it and enter the passkey, should be 0000(4x zero).
now the GPS unit will be paired with the XDA.
press 'OK' on that screen and go to 'My Shortcuts' and select 'New', you'll be in Bluetooth Connection Wizard, scroll down to the bottom, select 'Explore a Bluetooth device', select the TomTom or GPS Wireless, select the text that says 'GPS output' and click 'Next'....you'll now have the shortcut created which you can double click to connect....do this before starting the TomTom application.
when i click on magnifying glass icon the screen says bluetooth browser select a bluetooth device and below tom tom wireless gps mkii icon with a question mark in blue over the top of it and a red tick in a black box to the left and cancel at bottom right of screen no activity
click on the 'tom tom wireless gps mkii icon' to select it.
ok done that blue tooth manager says status connected signal strength just right sent o bytes received increasing press ok go to change preferences show gps status. screen still locked on configure/done with compass etc yellow and blue circle spinning whatever way i try configure
the compass is yellow and blue spinning?
this is in TomTom, at the configure page i assume, thats sounds like a good sign if the yellow and blue circle are spinning i think....it's probably not picking up satellite's...you'll need to position the GPS adapter near a window so it can see the satellite's.
here's what you do, exit from TomTom completely, make sure the program is not still running.
establish the Bluetooth connection again, then start TomTom once it's established and go to the same 'Change Preferences', 'Show GPS status' screen and choose 'Other Bluetooth GPS', 'Bluetooth Serial Port COM6'....when you see the blue and yellow circle spinning it means it's searching for satellite's if i'm not mistaken....right under the text 'GPS Status' int eh top left corner it should say 'Other Bluetooth GPS'.....this means it's connected......now you just have to position it so it can see some satellites as if your in a house or flat indoors it may not be picking them up
p.s. i've been sitting here reconfiguring my unkles device at the same time so i'm hot on how this thing works.
yes i think this is where it all gets stuck. even though yellow and blue is spinning whether i configure using tomtom wireless gps picture or other bluetooth gps picture and select com 6 neither one shows under gps status both say no gps device. gps device itself is flashing green light which means it is locked on and i have tried all this in various locations around country always outside

GPS Help Please!!

Just bought a new Nokia LD-1W GPS and trying to connect via bluetooth.
How do I pair the two devices and how do I create a incoming/outgoing com port to work with tomtom.
I've searched the forum & found nothing:-(
Please can Someone post a step by step process please as it's all confusing.
Anyones help will be gratefully appreciated.
Are you using this with the phone on WM2003SE or WM2005? - then I should be able to assist - Mike
Thanks for replying so fast. I'm using it on WM2003SE.
Turn on Bluetooth on the Phone, Turn on the GPS unit.
Go to Bluetooth Manager.
Press Bluetooth symbol on the bottom task bar.
Scroll to the bottom of Bluetooth Connection Wizard.
Select Explore a Bluetooth Device.
after a while you GPS unit should become visable, select it.
On the next page select SPP Slave, then press Next followed by Finish.
On the Bluetooth My Shortcutspage (which sould show automatically at this point) Tap & Hold the GPS icon, from the pop-up select connect. You should get two small green arrows on the GPS icon showing it is connected.
All Done, all you are left with is to configure TomTom, run it up then go to prefferences/ GPS page, select "Other cabled NMEA device" (yes I know its a BT unit but trust me), set the Baud rate (check for this with the supplied info from the manufacturer, or web site, then on the last page go for outgoing Bluetooth comm port 6 (It helps if you put it in landscape mode for this bit as you can see the port numbers this way) - tke it all outside and wait for upto 30 mins for a lock, after this it should be far faster. Sorry for the edit, but didn't add the TomTom bit in first time!!
If you want any further tips on configuring your TomTom, adding speed cameras, voices etc. try www.pocketgps.co.uk that is set-up for GPS rather than phones (I use both this site for the XDA technical bits) and the other for GPS/ TomTom - Mike
Thanks mike for your thorough step by step guide, but my main problem is making a new bluetooth com port so tomtom can see it in the GPS settings.
Do you know how to access them in bluetooth setting to change outgoing and incoming ports?
I'm lost:-(
At which point following the above set-up does it not offer the selection I have stated to take, I know this works with my BA as deleted the GPS unit and started from scratch just to make sure? - Mike


Hi all, awesome forum by the way, helped me out a lot.
I had Tomtom navigator 5 working on my BA fine, but fiddled too much and now it doesnt. Ive hard reset the BA and re-installed Tomtom (ver 5.00), as well as the Char recognition tool and the Pocket bluetooth tools (recommended on these forums) that helped make the thing work in the first place. Now Tomtom doesnt recognise hte GPS module and, when paired, when i quit out of Tomtom either there is no data sent/recieved from the paried Navman connection or BT just turns itself off.
Any help would be greatly appreciated as its drivin me nuts.
Make sure you have the GPS paired with the BA, make sure its using the Bluetooth OutGoing connection port, and that the serial port profile is selected, once this is done go to BT manager tap and hold the GPS icon from the pop-up select connect.
Then run up TomTom, select other cable NMEA GPS, set the Baud rate and Com Port, take i toutside and wait for it to start up, if the little black/ Yellow disk isn't spinning (top rh corner of the GPS page in TT) then you have a setting wrong somewhere, one other thing is to consider upgrading to vs5,1 or 5,21 otherwise you are forced to use the inbuilt hardware keyboard, the new versions give you an on screen keyboard, its just easier to use - Mike

Bluetooth GPS going in the bin soon

I'm hoping for some instructions in "laymans" terms here, I'm happier playing around with cars than tapping away on a PDA!
Got an XDA 2 for work data communication, and just had the bright idea to buy a Bluetooth GPS BT74 receiver and TomTom6......and can I get it to comunicate!! Read plenty on here, but theres plenty of talk of Bluetooth device manager , bluetooth shortcut icons, comm port etc which I can't find. Only settings for Bluetooth are Start/settings/connections and the Bluetooth icon on the bottom right.....where am I going wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP..............going back out to the garage to play with some spanners for an hour or so ......to forget "Bluetooth" and "PDA"
i know some people have issues with this but i got a generic AUD$60 gps bt unit last night for my jam,
i had it working within a minute using tomtom 5.
just did the usual pair then launched tomtom and away it went,
get a free program called VisualGPSce i ran that first to make sure the phone was seeing the gps, it also shows the number of sats it can see and the number it connects to.
visual gps
Would you have the visual gps programme. if so could you post it ass an attachment to direct me were to get it?
try to get the TomTom gps unit - it works out of the box with no configuration at all.
you need to set the gps up in the tomtom application select other bt gps and then slect com 5
It's been more than a month so I can only hope you got it working. But if not, here are some generic instructions. I don't own an XDA2 or BT74 (I bought the BT-359)
1. Turn bluetooth on on your XDA
2. Turn your GPS on and put it in pairing mode (if it requires a pairing mode, the manual will tell you if it does, if not, step 3).
3. Have your XDA 'search' for bluetooth devices. It should find the device (sometimes it calls it 'unknown' for a few seconds) and ask for a pin code. Usually it's 0000, again, check your manual.
4. Once they're paired (ie the XDA can see it) it may ask you what services you want, select 'serial port'. Then you have to somehow create an outgoing serial port. It may do this when you tell it you want to use the serial port or you may have to select 'new outgoing port. Pick a port number.
5. Now look on the CD that should have come with it and run a tool on your PDA called 'GPSINFO'. Plug in the com port number and whatever the manual tells you the baud rate should be and verify connectivity. If it can't find it at this point, stop and go back.
Next configure tomtom, install tomtom, run tomtom, go 'configuration' and setup your GPS as 'other gps' and plug in the above mentioned settings. Easy.

