Startup files *PerSaveStar what are they for ? - MDA III, XDA III, PDA2k, 9090 General

I have many files in the \Windows\StartUp folder :
- aPerSaveStar
- cPerSaveStar
- nPerSaveStar
- tPerSaveStar
Somebody knows the purpose of this files ?, thanks

I think these file take care of the synchronizing contacts, agenda, connections and tasks after a soft-reset. When you use the Permanent Save function in start-settings-system, the items you select are saved in the storage to keep them safe for a hard reset. After a soft reset, the data are taken fromt there to synchronize with your latest additions.

I think you'll find these are the applications which make it possible to store and load appointments, contacts, tasks, connection settings from the flash disk so that they survive a hard reset.

Pope is correct, these files are the ones used for permanent save.
If you don't use this feature then you can delete them from the startup folder and save a few running processes on you XDA.
They are part of the ROM, so if you do a hard reset, they will reappear.


Question about "Permanent Save" feature

Hi there,
Could anyone assist? I am trying to make a cab of personal settings to reset my registry settings to after a hard reset, but am having trouble with Permanent Save. I have contacts, appointments and tasks stored in the permanent area, and after I do a hard reset I can go into Permanent Save on the control panel, tick the boxes and all my contacts reappear and all is well.
However, if I take a snapshot of the registry before activating the tickboxes, and then afterwards and apply the differences, it overrights the existing data with nothing. The keys I have tried are
It does work in ticking the boxes, but not in doing a restore - well only a restore to no data. Do I have to make some changes to any files as well?
Hello Q I'm in exactly the same boat, if you look at the \storage\persavebackup folder from you PC you'll see a bunch of files the saved info will look like TaskRecord.txt etc and yup they get overwriten with files of 0 value when I run my script and do a soft reset or add in new values.
I've tried copying files back into the persavebackup folder to see if they are then picked up but no joy - its very odd must be missing something.
I thought the entry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Pim\schedID might be something to do with it as an entry is put in here when there is data saved with perm save but didnt seem to make any difference when I changed this.
if I get anywhere I'll post back.
Why would you want to use the permanent save anyway?
I mean, hey, xBackUp is there, innit?

Am I wasting my time or just plain stupid?

Hi Guys,
I've had my XDA-IIs for quite sometime now and recently upgraded the ROM - thereby started playing with the Extended_ROM also...I just thought I would like to share my experience with all here - which may be usefull or just another waste of time - for gurus out there..
Firstly - let me explain - I got this idea as I dont experiment a lot with my unit - so hard re-setting my unit quite frequently was out of the question, secondly I recently dropped my IIs and realized how - valuable it is to keep all settings, software and other information intact - as after i got it back from the service center - it was all gone.
Then was the major issue of Space - I found that the 16MB Extended_ROM was a waste as it is only required - When you Hard why not use it ?
So i played with it a while and I got this solution : Please let me know If I am plain stupid or just wasted time on somthing simple by re-inventing the wheel !
First - thing I did was to clear all the clutter from my Extended_ROM by removing all the un-necessary stuff from the default CAB files (Thank you XDA-Developers)...
This reduced my Extended_Rom Contents to roughly 9MB - Then I added some of my MUST INSTALL cabs to the same and modified the Config.TXT file to execute them - This made the total Size to 12.4MB...(I still have space for case i Need!)
Then - I made a CAB-File for myself (using CAB Wizard) - with my Shortcuts, Registry Settings, and all the other files I needed - Like my Games, Regularly used applications like BetaPlayer, noteM, VX-Util, PHM Regedit, etc...a complete list is provided below for reference..
Now - for my hard reset - I take the following steps :
1. I do a soft reset - to close all programs and remove from memory..and Since my Extended_ROM is always open - I just format the same using storage tools...
2. I copy the Contents of the Extended_ROM from the Storae Card into the Extended_ROM area...
3. I lock/Hide the Extended_ROM and give it a Hard Boot (No Pun) !
4. All the default and memory based CABS get installed - with no hassels.
5. Unit Automatically boots - So i just open the Extended_ROM and reformat the using Explorer - Click on the Personal CAB that I made...This installs all my Other applications - Those I did not want to install on the Main Menory - the location for Installation is "Extended_ROM" and it also updates the registry for settings, Creates my Shortcuts etc.
6. That's It I Soft re-Boot - I just give a random check to see if all my settings are there...and start using my unit...Whole process takes NO MORE THAN 3-5 Minutes !
Now tell me am i stupid and wasting time ?
Oops - Forgot - abut the items the list is as follows :
In the Extended_ROM Folder (On Storage Card)
-- Filtered Default Installations
-- My Personal Programs Installed on Main Memory (Via the Config.Txt File - During Hard Boot)
In My 10MB Personal_App Cab File - Which I execute Manually After the above are installed !
Games : Monopoly, BubbleBuster, PocketPegs, NeoTiles
Utilities : Unit Conversion, Lamp, Tray Launcher, Off, Reset, Run, Space Detective, Suspend
Ring Tones : My Default and Favorite Rintones placed in the Rings Folder
Alarms : My Favorite Sounds placed in the windows folder
Applications : BetaPlayer, eWallet, Games, Globe, MobiPocket, Repligo, Syscleaner
Registry Settings: Notifications, Sounds, owner, Device ID etc.. etc..and other default application settings like Tray Launch, SPBGPRS Monitor, Notem, Camera, Repligo, Mobipocket, etc..
Shortcuts : to All my Applications - Placed in \Start Menu\Programs and also on the "Start Menu' - Place my regularly used Softwares.
Stupid Question
But still wondering ? - Why did i create the separate Cab file for the Personal Applications and not just place them in Extended_ROM to execute ?
Well- For one thing - The Extended_ROM has a limit of 16MB and All my applications put together - along with the defaultones were crossing 23MB! So I could not placethem on the Erom and hard boot - I had to find an alternative - secondly I wanted to use the 16MB to install programs !
Also i found it a better option to install my programs on the Extended_rom rather than waste expensive space on the storage and the storage Card was just used for mp3's, videos, etc etc..
That way I could use the Extended Rom for my Installed Programs, The Storage for My Documents etc...and the 1gb Storage Card - For my videos, etc etc. Hence even if I changed my Storage Card - I really did not need to worry abt the setup within. As most of my stuff was saving on the unit.
So thats what I did - Stupid or otherwise - whatever it is - Now when I re-set my machine - It takes me less than 5 minutes to get back on track !
I am attaching some screenshots of the Space after installation and execution of the above...Check it out..
Extrom.jpg - Shows the Items placed inside the Extended_ROM
inside_backup_folder - This is the backup folder inside the Storage Card. It has the folder for Extended_ROM - Which I just copy and also the personal Application CAB installation file.
Space - The Total Space available on the Unit after a fresh Install
Storage - The items On Storage - All my Documents etc Go into the "My Docments" Folder
StorageCard - Contains the "Backup" folder which has my Extended_ROM and also the "My Fun' Folder - Which holds my Movies etc..
Last Question - What happens if I need to Hard Re-Boot and My Storage Card Does Not work !
I keep and alternative - 64MB Card with me all the time along with my credit card etc - this has a replica of the backup folder. I have also uploaded the files on my Google Mailbox - Just being paranoid god knows why !
That's my experience...Too Long a Note ! I hope someone has the time to read this...and tell me I am not stupid !
Stupid or not...
Good note mate - can't stop wondering why you copy it all back to the extended rom before hard reset...
you could just as well just have them all run directly from the backup folder on the storage card... That would save the time copying and formatting every time...
Since you know how to do a custom cab file, my guess is, you also know how to add a registry setting (or shortcuts in start) to run thoose cab files at the existing location on the storage card at first boot...
(all cabs must be readonly however - otherwise it's a one-shot... and they are all gone)...
In the extended rom, you can just leave one tiny little cab with the regsettings/shortcuts, autostart.exe and config.txt running... That leaves all the rest free... Or - wondering... why not just change the paths in the config.txt file - or - wondering... the kernal might even look for autostart.exe in the root of the storage card??? Might be worth testing...
My cab file includes TomTom3 and settings, but now that tomtom5 is out, the setup is so simple that i didn't bother messing with it... Also, a custom written application for entering orders with replication, ending up in Navision Attain...
(Just showing off, but i like it )
Now see what you did... this note also became too long... can't stop writing when first getting started...
Oh - btw. - you have used a LOT of time making what you did - thanks for the notes, making me think of the above idea - might use that some day too...
Certified Stupid !
Thanks JanR,
Guess I now need a Hammer on the head to come back to senses !
You are right - Since I already have the CABS in the backup folder - I could have run the same directly from there by leaving the config.txt and the Autorun.exe on the Extended_ROM itself..and maybe a few critical CABS is necessary.
I wonder why the lightening did not strike me then. Please Punch me the next time I try to give out such Grande experience ideas on this forum !
Will change the script to accommodate and see how it works out.
Till then...cheers!
You could just create a self executing sprite backup of everything as you want it and put it in ExtROM and call it from the config file. That's what I did and it works fine on XDAII and MDAIII. Just Hared Reset and its all done in a minute or two.
Once again suggesting...use SPB Clone is bestg back up tool
spb clone
Don't you think it's a bit pricey for your average user?
I totally agree..
Some of these softwares are "Nice to have..but not really necessary" if you can find work arounds.
What i started of from a complicated process has by far progressed and reduced itself trementously and - i can thankfully say I dont need nothing more....
I have achieved the initial objective of using the Extended_ROM for installing softwares, keep all my docs are in Storage - so I could Switch Cards without issues...
...and that my friends, thanks to all of you here in XDA-Developers have been achieved.

Run down on startup programs

Hi guys. I am running stock ATT Tilt 2.
From the files in the Windows\StartUp folder
HTCStartUp - What does this program do? Important
MessageCSPTool - Does? Important?
PKG - Does? Important
poutlook - I assume it just loads the mail in the background so it loads and responds faster.
Question though,
On StartUp it runs NewBreak.exe, I want to dump that. How?
Also, it is running two programs for mail, one called "tmail.exe" and the other is the "poutlook.exe". Do I need both? What does tmail.exe do?
I'd also like to know what I can remove from startup. I have Tmous, and do not use Outlook to sync, I also do not use push email. I would like to remove anything that is not ABSOLUTELY necessary from startup. Some programs may have installed in startup, and I am perfectly happy just starting them manually when I need them, rather than having them start every time.
Thank you in advance for your insight to this matter.
Try to move the files...
Try to move (cut / paste) one of the files in the startup folder ONE AT A TIME!! to a temporary folder (any place will do other than where it is now)
(these files are "links" or "'Shortcuts" to the real files in /Windows directory)
Make sure you have all your data backed up to a flash card or SD micro flash card or try the Microsoft "MyPhone" service... After all.. it's free. so if you end up with a phone that wont start up normally you can do a hard reset and the phone will revert back to factory clean install or what ever ROM you flashed into it. Then you can recover your stuff off of the MicroSD card or the MyPhone service.
1 make a new folder in the /windows/startup folder e.g. "temp" or "test"
2 tap and hold one of the files e.g. 'poutlook' - hold it untill you get the blue dots and then a menu.
3. select the "CUT" option from the menu
4. tap on the new folder you created to navigate into it, and then tap and hold untill you get the menu again, and then select "Paste"
5. do a soft reset and see what happens. Play around and see what is working and what is not working.
6. If nothing bad happens try another file until either you get the result you want OR all the files a gone, OR badness happens.
Most of these programs just run in the background and start services like bluetooth or Pocket Outlook so that they will start faster when you select them.
I removed Myfaves from the startup folder on my wing and it stopped My Faves from starting and gave me about 6MB of program memory back.
I never tried the others.
I just got my Touch Pro 2 so i'd be curious to see how you make out.
Good luck!

Three Questions

1) where are the Palringo settings stored (userid/password in particular)?
2) Where are the SmartLock settings stored?
3) I am not getting my email and attachments to load to my SD card. I am using the technique (I believe) that has been well documented. I update my registry (via Sashimi) with the entries (below) and the reboot, and then do the XML provision for the email accounts (also Sashimi). The emails are getting stored on my main Storage, so I'm not downloading attachments. The folders are present on the SD card, but not getting populated.
email registry settings:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\Inbox\Mail Settings]
"AttachPath"="\\Storage Card\\Mail\\Attach"
"PropertyPath"="\\Storage Card\\Mail"
Theres an app out there called CeRegEditor, it allows you to backup and compare your registry.
I've used this app many times to find out where a program saves login info and other settings.
you simply back up your registry onto your computer before you log on, or do whatever changes you want to find.
Then log in to palringo, and once you've dont that, in CeRegEditor, you compare your phones registry to the one backedup
It will point out to you the differences in the two registries allowing you to find a lot of useful info.
or you could just open a reg editor on your device and search for "palringo" and go through to see if you spot your logon info.
best of luck
1 down
that worked very well for Palringo. I knew that and was apparently just being lazay. Smartlock appears to be saving settings from flash to flash now, not sure why (I started installing it to the SD card, so it must have settings stored there somewhere).
Still confused about why my email isn't saving to the SD card. I'm sure those settings used to work, but maybe that was for an earlier Windows or Manila.

Guide to Resetting Accounts without a Hard-Reset

Hi all,
I have found a way to remove the main Windows Live account associated with the phone and insert another one without having to Hard-Reset the device.
Removing the main WL account might be indicated in the following conditions:
Improper Region Selected with Your Account
Switching between 2 Windows Live accounts
Problem with Contact Sync through Windows Live
Problem with Contacts stored locally on phone
Dev-Unlocked Windows Phone
WP7 Root Tools
Goto WP7 Root Tools or any other file explorer on the device
Navigate to \Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook\Stores\DeviceStore\
Rename store.vol to store.vol.txt (or anything else) - can be used as a backup
Restart the phone
WP might indicate that there was a problem with updating and all your messages, contacts and accounts data have been removed.
Now you can manually add them again.
Please note that, all your stored emails, messages, locally stored contacts and other data associated with your setup accounts will be erased from the device (can backup by restoring store.vol.txt to store.vol). Make sure you sync your contacts before proceeding with this.
Were you able to use the existing installed apps and update them without any issues ?
Also note that it's possible to open the contact and messaging database (store.vol) with software an merge it into the new one. That's what the SMS backup app does when restoring, for example.

