Information about using Windows Mobile 2005 for XDA II. - Upgrading, Modifying and Unlocking

What you need
A stable radio rom, and id recommend that you skip using the
extended rom for now since there might be programs that is incompatible
with Windows Mobile 2005. So, get a blank extended rom for installing.
Id recommend using the new radio rom from WM2003SE that seems
to be the most stable so far.
To install this, you also need nk.nbf, Patch1.exe to patch nk.nbf to work
with your XDA II (whateverbrand). And you need the update utility.
Summary of files:
Actice Sync 4.0 beta.exe
"empty" extended rom. ms_nbf
1. Installing Activesync 4 Beta.
- Install ActiveSync 4. Make shure that you can sync with your XDA II
just like it is, with the current Windows Mobile.
- If you run into problems, remove ActiveSync and reinstall.
- If it still wont work, try removing the device driver in windows control
panel - system - device manager. Look for the driver on the error messege.
(have not tested this, but should work if you have driver problems)
2. Going to boot mode.
- Put your XDA II in boot mode, by pressing the direction key left while
holding the off button and then pressing reset button with your stylus.
- It should go black, displaying only a version Nr. Like V 1.03 or V 1.06.
3. Patching nk.nbf.
- Run the Patch1.exe to fix the nk.nbf for your XDA II.
- Now run the WM2005 update program (HimaUpgradeUt.exe) and follow
onscreen instructions. If it complains about Country ID, download
the tool ER2003Edit.
Make shure you do as it says on the info page on this, so that you wont
change anything you shouldnt change!
When in boot mode, the thing to edit should normally be the brand name.
So set it to the brand on your XDA II.
4. Finishing up!
-When it is done, just reset your device and you all set.
5. About WM2005 bugs and stops.
- The new operating system handles memory differently, so you cant
install the programs in the default directory because of low memory install
it to the Storage Card (SD), in Active Sync 4.0 you can not chose this, but
you will be prompted on the device after install of a program.
- Some programs that have _not_ been rewritten into WM2003SE does
not work, and will likely to crash on WM2005.
That is mainly directed to programs that have heavy multimedia demands,
or rewrites the screen graphics.
- Be aware that bad SD card may slow down the system
extremely! But if that is the problem, i promise you will notice!
Skinning programs is to forget directly, i have not found a single program
that works.
- Pocketbreeze have problems updating on the Today screen, i do not
know if that is because of the new database system or if it is a new today
screen code. Also, contactbreeze does not work at all, seems like the
database for handling contacts is all new.
Good news!
Bluetooth works perfecly, and syncing is flawless, its faster and seems
more stable. (i will write more good things later, have to go eat now)


WM5 on BA - Why Upgrade?

In all the excitement of the hacked ROM coming out - I need to ask one question. Why should I upgrade my BA to the WM5 ROM? What benefits does it offer over the existing WM2003SE ROMS?
I'm tempted like everyone else just to bung it on and update it every day for the next few weeks until it's working properly - I'm also tempted to wait for the official O2 1.4 ROM that works properly.
I must admit that I'm going to wait before upgrading to WM5. I see no compelling reason to upgrade other than "beacuse I can". I wouldn't necessarily wait for the official O2 1.40 ROMs though, you might be waiting forever. I use the imate 1.40 ROMs with no problems.
Having said that, I hope to get hold of a "spare" Blue Angel this week & might experiment with WM5 on it
The existing 1.4 ROMs are annoying for me because I have problems with GPRS and disconnections and a few other niggles that are hard to live with - whereas tghe O2 ROMs have these niggles fixed - hence the wait for the O2 1.4 ROM.
I was thinking of tinkering with the WM5 ROM, but not for a little while until a few things are sorted out, just to see what the interface was like but if it's too much hassle.....
I've got my heart set on an O2 Exec which looks like it might be out soon.
I use it and apart from lack of camera function and a longer boot up time, I MUCH prefer it over 2003SE. First it has a revamped design and it makes 2k3se looks boring.
OK, there are some stability issues but what can you expect for a leaked rom?
If you don't vitally depend on your BA i'd give it a try, and if you don't like it, get activesync 4 and flash back.
Now, seeing how we came accross WM5, is there reason to believe we will be getting the FINAL version of the WM5 firmware for the BA??
In other words, is Mamaich's patched WM5 version the best we're going to get??
What do y'all think?
man(darkblak) is askins simple...if someone knows what benefits gets with wm5...if someone had experience should tell interested in that to... will be blueangel with wm5 faster or slower how will be in performances and itc...
10x in advance
WM5 on SX66 (Blue Angel)
I updated my SX66 to WM5 before the ROM was patched (by Mamaich)... and then spent the next few days working on the issues of performance/sound.
With sound disabled (prior to patch), the device was undoubtedly faster. I made registry changes to increase cache size, disable animations, etc. but I had made those changes in 2003SE as well... and WM5 still outperformed it by a significant margin.
As for the areas not dealing with speed/performance, the new OS requires some getting used to. Hardware buttons that are unassignable (old Windows and OK buttons are softkeys now) and a few other issues (such as GPRS on only when activated by Internet Explorer and Bluetooth shutdown on power off) were a little unnerving, but nothing that would make the OS unusable.
What makes WM5 indispensable is PERSISTENT STORAGE. This is the Holy Grail for all Windows Mobile devices prior to this OS. When your battery dies and your backup battery dies, you must re-load all of your aftermarket software and PIM info. Software such as Sprite Backup made this process easy... but what if you're mid-flight to another country without a laptop and your PDA crashes? This is not an issue with WM5. All after-market software and PIM data is stored to ROM (software install location is optional)... which means that it is stored in non-volatile memory. It is not lost during power/system failure. What this means in terms of device security is that the person that finds your PDA on your desk at work cannot simply "hard reset" it to remove all of your info and use it themselves... Your password/PIM data and software will still be secure/in place and only downgrading the device to 2003 and repartitioning the ROM will clear it.
At the moment, I have no issues with WM5 on my SX66. Editing the camera keys in the registry solved the issues with sound and there are plenty of patches available to reconfigure the hardware buttons, etc. But I'm learning to like the OS as shipped...
I've been using Windows Mobile for more than three years and this iteration is undoubtedly worth the upgrade. If you have the time and patience to read through these forums, make an installation checklist and then follow it to do the upgrade.
My checklist would read:
-Download patched WM2005 ROM
-Download MaUpgradeUT_NoID.exe
-Download all patch CABS
-Download DOC tool (Disk On Chip partition tool)
-Run DOC tool (if successful, the ROM size is now ~63MB in control panel)
-Copy and rename the HTCRUU.dll and HTCRUU.conf files to RUU.dll and RUU.conf
-Run MaUpgradeUT_NoID.exe (if the first try is unsuccessful, put device into bootloader mode. Rec/Media/Power/Reset all at once)
-After upgrade check functionality BEFORE applying any patches, there are as many differences between just SX66's as there are between all of the Blue Angel devices... some patches may NOT be required.
-Apply patch CAB's
-Apply registry edits suggested in the forums for performance improvement
I hope this enlightens those waiting to see the efficacy of this ROM upgrade. I have had a good experience with WM5, in spite of the initial problems. I'm happy with its performance and will not downgrade to 2003SE unless I screw up WM5 bad enough to make it necessary to re-partition the ROM... then I'll go right back to WM5.
Cheers all...
MRwheeler2: Where is the edited rom on the FTP site? I cannot find it where it says it was, BA/test or something like that. Where can I get it from
Also, I have noticed that using the standard rom I cannot change bootup images. It is constantly the stupid colour thing (how about that for a name!) and it's more like a TV test screen.
Download locations for patched ROM
Sorry for the delay... I was out.
You can download the patched ROM from:
There currentyly isn't a fix for the boot screen... I'm looking right now at the MSDN site for CE5.0 and searching their registry settings for Bluetooth and boot screen. Nothing yet... I'll post a new thread if I figure it out.
Hope this helps...
any reason that I'm getting permission denied errors?
I'm logged in but can't do it withe IE or FF, and firewall on or off.
One says permission denied, the other says can't find.
Download locations for patched ROM... continued.
Looks as if it was moved... Try the BlueAngel/BA_WM5/Shipped_Extracted_Updates folder and look for WM5_pack_v1.rar
That should do it...
Good luck.
Still says 530 permission denied. I tried looking in some of the higher level folders and still no joy.
Download locations for patched ROM... continued.
A 530 error is an incorrect login... Go to the "File" pull-down in Internet Explorer and click on "Log In" then when prompted, enter xda for both user name and password.
The default setting for Internet Explorer is to log in anonymously... most non-public FTP sites require some type of non-anonymous log in to ensure that the user has been referred from a site and not someone searching FTP servers.
Once you've logged in, you should be able to see a list of folders/files. You can use the "Folders" button if you would like to see a directory tree in the left panel.
Post a reply if you're successful (or if you're not)...
10x mwheeler2 i will hawe that what u write in my mind...but 530 error i hawe still in ftp ... hope that will solve soon...
Download locations for patched ROM... continued.
For those still looking for the patched ROM...
try this:
ftp://xda:[email protected]/BlueAngel/BA_WM5/Shipped_Extracted_Updates/WM5_pack_V1.rar
The above link is on the wiki page for the upgrade:
There is a walkthrough on the site and some helpful information...
Well - after reading all the stories about persistent storage and speed I was about to go ahead with the install until I found out that my main application TomTom 5 would not install - a quick search later found a workaround - seems like everyone is pulling together on this.
So I'm now running WM5 on my O2 XDA IIs and it's not too bad - it's no worse that O2's existing "beta/official" ROM (1.31) and there is very little reason not to go for the upgrade as it's easy to install - just a little hairy with the funny screens at the start.
I can't say that the I have noticed much difference with the speed issues once all my baggage is loaded on the machine. I'll keep checking the reg fixes etc from time to time.
The interface is much the same as the old interface apart from a few nice touches - but as someone said earlier the ability to re-map certain keys is a pain - until you become used to the context sensitive buttons.
All in all - probably worth the upgrade - you just have to get used to the new ways that some things work.
Where can I download the files to update my SX66 to WM5
I did try to search the fourm but can someone please send me the web link to where I can down load the files to upgrade my Cingular/Siemens SX66 to WM5?
Thank you and I have donate to BA***
mwheeler2 said:
I updated my SX66 to WM5 before the ROM was patched (by Mamaich)... and then spent the next few days working on the issues of performance/sound.
With sound disabled (prior to patch), the device was undoubtedly faster. I made registry changes to increase cache size, disable animations, etc. but I had made those changes in 2003SE as well... and WM5 still outperformed it by a significant margin.
As for the areas not dealing with speed/performance, the new OS requires some getting used to. Hardware buttons that are unassignable (old Windows and OK buttons are softkeys now) and a few other issues (such as GPRS on only when activated by Internet Explorer and Bluetooth shutdown on power off) were a little unnerving, but nothing that would make the OS unusable.
What makes WM5 indispensable is PERSISTENT STORAGE. This is the Holy Grail for all Windows Mobile devices prior to this OS. When your battery dies and your backup battery dies, you must re-load all of your aftermarket software and PIM info. Software such as Sprite Backup made this process easy... but what if you're mid-flight to another country without a laptop and your PDA crashes? This is not an issue with WM5. All after-market software and PIM data is stored to ROM (software install location is optional)... which means that it is stored in non-volatile memory. It is not lost during power/system failure. What this means in terms of device security is that the person that finds your PDA on your desk at work cannot simply "hard reset" it to remove all of your info and use it themselves... Your password/PIM data and software will still be secure/in place and only downgrading the device to 2003 and repartitioning the ROM will clear it.
At the moment, I have no issues with WM5 on my SX66. Editing the camera keys in the registry solved the issues with sound and there are plenty of patches available to reconfigure the hardware buttons, etc. But I'm learning to like the OS as shipped...
I've been using Windows Mobile for more than three years and this iteration is undoubtedly worth the upgrade. If you have the time and patience to read through these forums, make an installation checklist and then follow it to do the upgrade.
My checklist would read:
-Download patched WM2005 ROM
-Download MaUpgradeUT_NoID.exe
-Download all patch CABS
-Download DOC tool (Disk On Chip partition tool)
-Run DOC tool (if successful, the ROM size is now ~63MB in control panel)
-Copy and rename the HTCRUU.dll and HTCRUU.conf files to RUU.dll and RUU.conf
-Run MaUpgradeUT_NoID.exe (if the first try is unsuccessful, put device into bootloader mode. Rec/Media/Power/Reset all at once)
-After upgrade check functionality BEFORE applying any patches, there are as many differences between just SX66's as there are between all of the Blue Angel devices... some patches may NOT be required.
-Apply patch CAB's
-Apply registry edits suggested in the forums for performance improvement
I hope this enlightens those waiting to see the efficacy of this ROM upgrade. I have had a good experience with WM5, in spite of the initial problems. I'm happy with its performance and will not downgrade to 2003SE unless I screw up WM5 bad enough to make it necessary to re-partition the ROM... then I'll go right back to WM5.
Cheers all...
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read files from stuck in calibration screen and activesync KO???

Hi to all! I installed a new cooked great rom to my trinity a month ago and it worked fine. it is this rom
[ROM][ITA]WM 6.1 Elegance edition 2.14 (OS 5.2.19213 Build 19213.1.0.0)[ONLINE]
today I got a strange error and the phone was stuck. I unplugged the battery and when I started again it was stuck on the calibration screen. if I tap on the screen nothing happens but the backlight turns on if it was off so it still catches the taps. I connected the phone via usb to delete from the autostart menu the link to the configuration screen (welcome.exe) but the phone is not deteced by activesync so no way to browse folders on my device or use a program like SOTI to control the ppc. I want to bring it back to life as I know that my files hasn't been deleted. in fact if I press the right soft button I get a menu of a program I put in the ppc and it's not included in the elegance rom so I'm sure my files and my configuration and everything are still there.
if i get a phone call the phone rings (with the default ringtone anyway, but the name of the caller is displayed correctly, that's why I'm sure my device still has all my contacts and more)
what could I do?
is there a way to edit files from bootloader? does mtty work for this? (I have no idea how to use mtty so I might be wrong) could I make a full dump, edit the startup folder and reflash the phone with all my data?
I tried to use mortscript witht the autorun feature to read a part of the register regarding the welcome file and deleting it's link in the startup folder but the sd card driver is not loaded I think as the files are not launched, while in another phone the same script works fine.
thanks in advance to all who will have time and will to help me
as far as i know (not that much), reading files from bootloader is pretty impossible.
You can always just reflash. If the touchscreen problem persists, it's possible that the problem is hardware related.
Your computer should detect your device when in bootloader, and failing that, you should be able to SD flash (assuming you're HardSPL'd or equivalent, thats just what we have in the herald forum)
Thanks for your help
I'm quite sure the hardware is fine as all my problems started after a crash of the OS.
Anyone has an idea to get access to my ppc?
pcwizzul said:
Hi to all! I installed a new cooked great rom to my trinity a month ago and it worked fine. it is this rom
[ROM][ITA]WM 6.1 Elegance edition 2.14 (OS 5.2.19213 Build 19213.1.0.0)[ONLINE]
today I got a strange error and the phone was stuck. I unplugged the battery and when I started again it was stuck on the calibration screen. if I tap on the screen nothing happens but the backlight turns on if it was off so it still catches the taps. I connected the phone via usb to delete from the autostart menu the link to the configuration screen (welcome.exe) but the phone is not deteced by activesync so no way to browse folders on my device or use a program like SOTI to control the ppc. I want to bring it back to life as I know that my files hasn't been deleted. in fact if I press the right soft button I get a menu of a program I put in the ppc and it's not included in the elegance rom so I'm sure my files and my configuration and everything are still there.
if i get a phone call the phone rings (with the default ringtone anyway, but the name of the caller is displayed correctly, that's why I'm sure my device still has all my contacts and more)
what could I do?
is there a way to edit files from bootloader? does mtty work for this? (I have no idea how to use mtty so I might be wrong) could I make a full dump, edit the startup folder and reflash the phone with all my data?
I tried to use mortscript witht the autorun feature to read a part of the register regarding the welcome file and deleting it's link in the startup folder but the sd card driver is not loaded I think as the files are not launched, while in another phone the same script works fine.
thanks in advance to all who will have time and will to help me
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if the sdcarddriver is not loaded then the following will not work but give it a try anyways. make a text file "whatever.txt" no quotes then rename it to "welcome.not" no quotes then put it in the root of your storage card and it should skip the whole startup process. that is if it loads the sd card driver or you might want to think about flashing another rom
I already tried the "welcome.not" trick but got no results. I'm afraid that the sd card driver is not loaded then.
Thanks for the hint irus anyway!
Really there's no way to read files from bootloader or something similar?
not that i know of
but the fact that your issue was noticed during a rom flash
dont mean it's not hardware related
much like a heart attack which happens during a thunderstorm
dont need be related to the thunderstorm
Wait! The error never happened during a flash. I never said it. I had that rom on my trinity since a month and it worked like a charm. Then suddenly I got an error and the phone was stuck.
I have understood what you mean but at least I hope it's not a hardware failure!

Asus Mypal A6x6 WM6.5 rom version 1a (4-4-10)

I wasn't expecting to do this, but I had a 2 hour delay at my college due to snowy weather, so I decided to take the time to upload my 1st official WM6.5 rom for the Asus A6x6 early. Keep in mind that this rom is far from perfect and the fancy new WM6.5 today screen is not working (looks like the today screen from WM6/6.1).
Thanks to Makuu (for helping to get me started), Lenny, AstainHellbring (thank you for all the nightly help sessions), the creators of the tools I used to make this rom, and anyone else that I failed to mention in name who gave me the knowledge to complete this rom.
Asus Mypal A6x6 WM6.5 version 1a
Windows CE version 5.2.21234 (Build 21234.5.0.1)
This was tested on an Asus Mypal A626 (and works). It should work with the A686/A696, but the other models were not tested. Any other models not metioned above WILL NOT WORK.
1. os build
2. bug fixes
1. Windows Marketplace
2. File Dialogue Changer
3. PsShutXP
Removals (you can reinstall these via windows marketplace)
1. Windows Live
2. MS Office Mobile (get the beta from marketplace)
Removals (non-Windows Marketplace)
1. Remote Desktop Mobile
At this time, this will be the only download link. Mirrors will be created in the future (after I give permission).
Instructions (I have included a txt file with same instructions for offline convenience)
Before you do anything, make sure you have at least a 256mb SD card and a card reader (you can get one at a place like Radio Shack or Office Depot). You also need to install winrar (found at Your SD card must be formatted with the FAT16 file system.
To format your SD Card with the FAT16 file system
Step 1: To do this insert the SD Card into the reader and go to "My Computer".
Step 1a: BACKUP YOUR FILES before you start!!
Step 2: Right-click the drive letter of the SD Card reader (differs for each computer, probably either E:\ or F:\ or G:\) and click "Format".
Step 2a: Don't worry about any of the options except for file system, choose "FAT"
Step 3: Click "Start" and wait until it is done
Step 1: Get (OS) rom image
Step 2: Extract files to any folder on hard drive using Winrar
Step 3: Go to the folder where you extracted the files in the RAR archive
Step 4: Make sure that the filename is "CANNES_A_WM6.img"
Step 4a: if the img file it's not exactly "CANNES_A_WM6.img", rename it to that
Step 5: Format the SD card if you haven't already done so using the instructions above
Step 6: Copy the img file to the SD card, see step 6a
Step 6a: Make sure that the img file is the ONLY file on the SD card after formatting
Step 7: Take SD Card out of SD Card reader and put it in the a6x6
Step 8: Make sure that the a6x6 is plugged in via ac adapter before doing the next few steps
Step 9: activate SD Loader using the following instructions {
Step 9a: Hold down the power button and enter button (that's the button in the center of the d-pad)
Step 9b: Double tap the soft reset button while holding the other 2 buttons
Step 9c: After double tapping the soft reset button, keep the other 2 buttons held until a blue screen comes up that says something like Asus Cannes flashing utility
Step 9d: Wait until the process is finished (it's near the end when it says "writing private")
Step 10: At this point, your a6x6 should reboot on its own
Step 11: enjoy your updated rom
If you have any questions, feel free to just post or PM me.
As I release new roms, if you have a support question, please give me the rom version so I know what rom you are working with. You can get the rom version from the filename of the rom pack.
Example: Asus_A626_WM614_1
A626 = device (most often it will be A626, will rarely be different), WM614 = os version, 1 = release #
Update: Ok, I put out a bug fix rom with a fix for the today screen. I am still trying to find a fix for the sound and notifications control panel applet. The old rom (version 1) is deprecated and is not available for download any more. Use version 1a instead.
ASUS A696 User
Hi, Thanks for the release and good work. Since this is only the beginning (I hope), I begin to inform the performance firmware on my PDA (ASUS A696).
1 - Bluetooth - does not work (does not receive or send files)
- In the settings instead of the icon is a black square.
2 - Today - of all the elements shown only date and time, and only in the old form (as in the previous OS). I wish that Today was like other communicators.
3 - Start - which happened to all the sounds from the "Sounds and Notifications"?
4 - Software & others - as the 696 series have more memory, you can not throw out the program and plug-ins.
Waiting for a new version
Sorry for my English? i'm from Ukraine).
Skromnjaga said:
Hi, Thanks for the release and good work. Since this is only the beginning (I hope), I begin to inform the performance firmware on my PDA (ASUS A696).
1 - Bluetooth - does not work (does not receive or send files)
- In the settings instead of the icon is a black square.
2 - Today - of all the elements shown only date and time, and only in the old form (as in the previous OS). I wish that Today was like other communicators.
3 - Start - which happened to all the sounds from the "Sounds and Notifications"?
4 - Software & others - as the 696 series have more memory, you can not throw out the program and plug-ins.
Waiting for a new version
Sorry for my English? i'm from Ukraine).
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A few comments on your post:
1. I will check on the bluetooth situation. When I tested bluetooth, I didn't quite test file exchange enough.
2. I am working on a remedy/fix for the today screeen. However, I have no idea how long it will take for me to get it working.
3. This is just a matter of updating a few files. I used an older (and verifiably working) package to give non-phone support.
4. I am aware that the A696 and the later version of the A626 carry more flash rom space than the older version of the A626 and the A686. However, no matter what device I make roms for, there is a finite amount of space to fit everything into. As operating systems and programs progress, they get bigger and bigger. If everything keeps growing in file size, there is less space to fit more items, so I must remove some files/programs to keep within that finite limit of storage space. Where do all the files that I put into the rom go? Well, if you take a look at your storage memory, you will see that the total storage memory available is less than the standard 256 rom size.
I've downloaded and successfully flashed. Working good so far. I'm just installing some programs that I normally use and haven't run into an issue yet. It will be nice to have a working home screen but for now it isn't that big of a deal. I don't use bluetooth often so I can't comment on that yet. Wifi working, my music plays with S2P, I used windows market place to install netflix and office.
Keep up the good work!
Good job, but there are many failures to complete.
1) Today
2) Pictograms from former versions
3) "Sounds and Notifications"
4) Black pictogram Bluetooth in menu
5) When I close program - PDA show me Today(but must show menu)
6) Where is Oficce?
7) The pictograms not move in Start menu(only "Move to top")
Can you change your previous OS(WM6.1 rom version 2) context menu, pop-up menu and other for new from this OS?
P.S.: Sorry if you don't understand me I used translator...
Do you have french rom...?
Thank you.
just tested this build together with your WM6.1 release.
first impression - looks nice
even though seems slower on A696 - but this could be just because it's not tailored fully.
1) didn't test bluetooth much but seems to work fine with sending/recieving. I'd even say it's faster than on WM6.1 v2 release;
2) "Sounds and Notifications" problem with Events from previous v2 WM6.1 build;
3) under "System - Bluetooth" sometimes on BT icon there's black square - didn't notice when it happens though;
4) closing program throws you into Today screen insted of previous step;
5) same problem with Task Manager as I've said in previous thread for WM6.1
good luck
Hello, Steven!
I'm very thankfull to you for WM 6.5.
I have trouble, while installing, to say correctly, on the beginning of installing on my a626. I did everything as in instructions, even for few times. When i press power and enter button, make double tip on the soft reset, I see blue screen, where said sth about Cannes and its version.
it write my FAT type(FAT16), i see very little blink of "Reading file", if not take off fingers from power and enter button, it resets to blue screen again, if take fingers off the buttons, PDA loads...I just don't know what to do.. please, help me!
ps: sorry for my english.
I think I've found an issue. This morning when I turned on the device I had a missed appointment, the notification dialog at the bottom of the screen showed up but it was blank and had the wrong time on it. Not sure if this is a 6.5 issue or an Outlook 2010 issue.
bmasephol said:
I think I've found an issue. This morning when I turned on the device I had a missed appointment, the notification dialog at the bottom of the screen showed up but it was blank and had the wrong time on it. Not sure if this is a 6.5 issue or an Outlook 2010 issue.
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Oh dear..I will be sure to check on that. As far as Outlook, do you mean Outlook on desktop Windows or Pocket Outlook on Windows Mobile? The only thing is that office (outlook) 2010 is still in beta and hasn't been released officially to the general public yet, so I can't find any definite fixes. I still believe you, but the fact remains that Outlook 2010 is still in beta and the code for the finished product could always change.
Steven, why have you ignored my message?
Hello, Steven!
I'm very thankfull to you for WM 6.5.
I have trouble, while installing, to say correctly, on the beginning of installing on my a626. I did everything as in instructions, even for few times. When i press power and enter button, make double tip on the soft reset, I see blue screen, where said sth about Cannes and its version.
it write my FAT type(FAT16), i see very little blink of "Reading file", if not take off fingers from power and enter button, it resets to blue screen again, if take fingers off the buttons, PDA loads...I just don't know what to do.. please, help me!
ps: sorry for my english.
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I had the same issue. With a slightly modified .img ("replace:0xC 09 04 => 36 D6" by _barmaley; because I'm a new user I couldn't link the original post...) the update completed successfully.
PS: Steven thank you for the ROM!
Steven855 said:
Oh dear..I will be sure to check on that. As far as Outlook, do you mean Outlook on desktop Windows or Pocket Outlook on Windows Mobile? The only thing is that office (outlook) 2010 is still in beta and hasn't been released officially to the general public yet, so I can't find any definite fixes. I still believe you, but the fact remains that Outlook 2010 is still in beta and the code for the finished product could always change.
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I am using Pocket Outlook, the new 2010 beta. But it doesn't seem to be related to that, if I make a Notification Dialog popup from something like turning off the A626 it gives me a blank white box. Now I've soft reset the device and it seems to have gone away. I'll keep trying to figure out how to recreate it.
First of all, thank you Steven855 for your job
Skromnjaga said:
1 - Bluetooth - does not work (does not receive or send files)
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i have no problems with a bluetooth (i can send and get files from my nokia e60)
Skromnjaga said:
2 - Today - of all the elements shown only date and time, and only in the old form (as in the previous OS). I wish that Today was like other communicators.
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Try to change values in System Registry:
HKLM\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\TODAY\ITEMS\Windows Live\Enabled (from 1 to 0)
HKLM\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\TODAY\ITEMS\Windows Live Search\Enabled (from 1 to 0)
make a soft reset, check(ON) your plugin in today's settings, make a soft reset
now i have a problem with a today's size (you can see a scrollbar at the right side of the today's area) but its a better as nothing
_barmaley said:
First of all, thank you Steven855 for your job
i have no problems with a bluetooth (i can send and get files from my nokia e60)
Try to change values in System Registry:
HKLM\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\TODAY\ITEMS\Windows Live\Enabled (from 1 to 0)
HKLM\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\TODAY\ITEMS\Windows Live Search\Enabled (from 1 to 0)
make a soft reset, check(ON) your plugin in today's settings, make a soft reset
now i have a problem with a today's size (you can see a scrollbar at the right side of the today's area) but its a better as nothing
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Are you telling me this is how to fix the today screen issue? If it is (I still have to test it), I commend you for finding a fix that actually works.
Steven855 said:
Are you telling me this is how to fix the today screen issue? If it is (I still have to test it), I commend you for finding a fix that actually works.
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yes, this is a tricks to fix the today screen...
i've tested it on my ASUS mypal a696 (but due to the fact that wm6.5 is not stable, I was forced to return to the WM6)
Is this all? Is there a step you're not telling me (I can't seem to replicate it)? What registry editor did you use? Did you use the (soft) reset button or did you use a program to soft reset the device?
Steven855 said:
Is this all? Is there a step you're not telling me (I can't seem to replicate it)? What registry editor did you use? Did you use the (soft) reset button or did you use a program to soft reset the device?
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I edited the registry, because I was not able to check (ON/OFF) plugins in today's settings
i use resco explorer & reset button.
!!!!!!!!!Try to set ENABLE to 1 for your Plugin (HKLM\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\TODAY\ITEMS\"YOUR TODAY'S PLUGIN"\Enabled (from 0 to 1)!!!!!!!!!!!
what program can record video from screen PDA, I could write all steps
ASUS 696 owners please check and confirm the efficiency of the method.
what's the soft reset button on the asus a626? Not quite sure, the device reboots into OS D:

Asus Mypal A6x6 WM6.5 rom version 2 (5-19-10)

Well, school is out for the summer, so I can focus on putting out roms again. With this release, I made another WM6.5 rom to test a new compression type that I'm working with. With the original stock compression type (XPR), I didn't have enough space to fit all the goodness of WM6.5, so I switched to a new compression type (LZX) that lets me pack in more. I'm curious to know how the new compression type performs in comparison to the old one. Does anyone notice things are faster or slower?
Thanks to Makuu (for helping to get me started), Lenny, AstainHellbring (thank you for all the nightly help sessions), the creators of the tools I used to make this rom, and anyone else that I failed to mention in name who gave me the knowledge to complete this rom.
Asus Mypal A6x6 WM6.5 version 2
Windows CE version 5.2.21892 (Build 21892.5.0.89)
This was tested on an Asus Mypal A626 (and works). It should work with the A686/A696, but the other models were not tested. Any other models not metioned above WILL NOT WORK.
1. new compression type
2. os build
3. bug fixes
1. Windows Marketplace
2. File Dialogue Changer
3. MS Office Mobile
4. Remote Desktop Mobile (has been added again)
Removals (you can reinstall these via windows marketplace)
1. Windows Live
Removals (non-Windows Marketplace)
1. PsShutXP
At this time, this will be the only download link. Mirrors will be created in the future (after I give permission).
Instructions (I have included a txt file with same instructions for offline convenience)
Before you do anything, make sure you have at least a 256mb SD card and a card reader (you can get one at a place like Radio Shack or Office Depot). You also need to install winrar (found at Your SD card must be formatted with the FAT16 file system.
To format your SD Card with the FAT16 file system
Step 1: To do this insert the SD Card into the reader and go to "My Computer".
Step 1a: BACKUP YOUR FILES before you start!!
Step 2: Right-click the drive letter of the SD Card reader (differs for each computer, probably either E:\ or F:\ or G:\) and click "Format".
Step 2a: Don't worry about any of the options except for file system, choose "FAT"
Step 3: Click "Start" and wait until it is done
Step 1: Get (OS) rom image
Step 2: Extract files to any folder on hard drive using Winrar
Step 3: Go to the folder where you extracted the files in the RAR archive
Step 4: Make sure that the filename is "CANNES_A_WM6.img"
Step 4a: if the img file it's not exactly "CANNES_A_WM6.img", rename it to that
Step 5: Format the SD card if you haven't already done so using the instructions above
Step 6: Copy the img file to the SD card, see step 6a
Step 6a: Make sure that the img file is the ONLY file on the SD card after formatting
Step 7: Take SD Card out of SD Card reader and put it in the a6x6
Step 8: Make sure that the a6x6 is plugged in via ac adapter before doing the next few steps
Step 9: activate SD Loader using the following instructions {
Step 9a: Hold down the power button and enter button (that's the button in the center of the d-pad)
Step 9b: Double tap the soft reset button while holding the other 2 buttons
Step 9c: After double tapping the soft reset button, keep the other 2 buttons held until a blue screen comes up that says something like Asus Cannes flashing utility
Step 9d: Wait until the process is finished (it's near the end when it says "writing private")
Step 10: At this point, your a6x6 should reboot on its own
Step 11: enjoy your updated rom
If you have any questions, feel free to just post or PM me.
As I release new roms, if you have a support question, please give me the rom version so I know what rom you are working with. You can get the rom version from the filename of the rom pack.
Example: Asus_A626_WM614_1
A626 = device (most often it will be A626, will rarely be different), WM614 = os version, 1 = release #
I only added MS Office Mobile this time because the new MS Office Mobile 2010 had not been released yet. For my next release, I am not including MS Office Mobile due to the fact that you can download the new version free from Marketplace.
My work is free for everyone's use, but if you feel compelled to give a donation towards my work (I am a full-time college student working on this in what little spare time I have), my paypal e-mail is "[email protected]"
Steven855 said:
I only added MS Office Mobile this time because the new MS Office Mobile 2010 had not been released yet. For my next release, I am not including MS Office Mobile due to the fact that you can download the new version free from Marketplace.
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Some indication about free memory after 6.5 rom installation?
If something wrong, is possible to reinstall the official 6.1 rom?
maxambro said:
Some indication about free memory after 6.5 rom installation?
If something wrong, is possible to reinstall the official 6.1 rom?
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Nothing is wrong with the rom. I would just like to find out if people notice a performance impact (good or bad) with the new compression type (that is supposed to give you more storage space) that I'm trying out with this rom. Iif there was something very wrong with this rom, I would never release it to the public (ok, perhaps I jumped the gun with the 1st WM6.5 rom, but I did put out warnings and a bug-fix rom to remedy some issues with the 1st rom). And yes, it's possible to downgrade to WM6.1 (just a note, Asus never put out an official WM6.1 stock rom, so I had to make it). The latest stock rom is WM6.
Appropriate to glorify
Steven855 said:
Nothing is wrong with the rom. I would just like to find out if people notice a performance impact (good or bad) with the new compression type (that is supposed to give you more storage space) that I'm trying out with this rom. Iif there was something very wrong with this rom, I would never release it to the public (ok, perhaps I jumped the gun with the 1st WM6.5 rom, but I did put out warnings and a bug-fix rom to remedy some issues with the 1st rom). And yes, it's possible to downgrade to WM6.1 (just a note, Asus never put out an official WM6.1 stock rom, so I had to make it). The latest stock rom is WM6.
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Thank you so much for extraordinary job on rom ver. 2 !!!
I was intalled this on my ASUS 696 and it went smoothly without any problems.
In addition, it looks more faster as you mentioned beside rom ver. 1.
The current rom taking the sum of 29.53MB from a total of 53.35MB memory (what let us 23.82MB free at the program memory section).
Again you made a really holiness work due to the fact our mypals still relevant...
Steven855 said:
Nothing is wrong with the rom. I would just like to find out if people notice a performance impact (good or bad) with the new compression type (that is supposed to give you more storage space) that I'm trying out with this rom. Iif there was something very wrong with this rom, I would never release it to the public (ok, perhaps I jumped the gun with the 1st WM6.5 rom, but I did put out warnings and a bug-fix rom to remedy some issues with the 1st rom). And yes, it's possible to downgrade to WM6.1 (just a note, Asus never put out an official WM6.1 stock rom, so I had to make it). The latest stock rom is WM6.
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Installed this ROM today, and performance on my A696 is not so good...
First – after reboot it was stuck on Windows startup screen for 4-5 minutes. I thought the flashing process went wrong, but eventually it booted up.
I haven't tested it thoroughly yet, but the first things I noticed – reaction to any user event (tapping, scrolling, etc.) is MUCH slower than on the WM6.1 I'd had before. Haven't tested the application performance yet.
Also, when I tap on the battery indicator nothing happens.
v.real said:
Installed this ROM today, and performance on my A696 is not so good...
First – after reboot it was stuck on Windows startup screen for 4-5 minutes. I thought the flashing process went wrong, but eventually it booted up.
I haven't tested it thoroughly yet, but the first things I noticed – reaction to any user event (tapping, scrolling, etc.) is MUCH slower than on the WM6.1 I'd had before. Haven't tested the application performance yet.
Also, when I tap on the battery indicator nothing happens.
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Yeah, I forgot to mention that 1st boot time has increased with this rom. This is due to the new compression type. For the power icon, I just noticed your concern. Unfortunately, I don't have a fix for it right now. You can still view battery information by going into the settings.
If anyone knows how to flash a rom in a different language, please enlighten me. I have made an attempt at making an international rom (this time was German), but I can't get it to boot (I have an English version A626). I think the reason it won't boot is because I didn't configure the firmware right (the os is right though).
ROM working very good so far on my Asus A696. Looking forward to a German version but I could live with the US ROM. Thanks for your hard work.
You could also see battery level by using the ASUS Manager Icon on the Today Screen.
Good job
I would donate, for a Portuguese language rom. Thanks!
Problem with rom 2
Hi Steven,
I noticed in a one small problem of rom 2 after flashed on my asus 696.
The problem is that whenever i push the power button shortly and alternatively i'm trying to push it again to power on, it failes to succeed what leaves me to make an another resets for several times.
Can you resolve this issue during upcoming next rom?
Thanks for your good job!
Was a little slow and less responsive on the first startup, but after a soft reset it worked GREAT!
Once again beautiful work Steven, thank you very much!!!!!
dj.brudo said:
Hi Steven,
I noticed in a one small problem of rom 2 after flashed on my asus 696.
The problem is that whenever i push the power button shortly and alternatively i'm trying to push it again to power on, it failes to succeed what leaves me to make an another resets for several times.
Can you resolve this issue during upcoming next rom?
Thanks for your good job!
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Same problem.
And a second issue: my A696 freezes if I work with the BT module (handsfree, file transfer)
Thanks for the ROM.
When I was making the rom, I was looking for a way to delete the MS Bluetooth stack to free up some space (which is perfectly fine). I'm not sure, but I think the problem could be caused by me deleting some dll file packages related to bluetooth that are shared between the MS Bluetooth stack and the stock Broadcom stack (which is better).
Finally got around to flashing the new ROM. It appears to be working fine. I mostly use the A626 as a music player so I've had no issues so far. There is one thing that I'm not sure if its just my A626 or if anybody else has the problem but when I plug in the external AC adapter it doesn't seem to recognize the external power source... it will charge the battery it doesn't use the screen brightness and timeout settings, it will stay using the settings as if it is running on battery. Anybody else notice this?
Actually after playing around for a couple hours I have an issue where once the device blanks the screen out I cant wake it up by pushing on the screen or the power button. If I connect power and disconnect it and reconnect it I still can't wake it. I have to reset the device to get it back to functional. I've tried reflashing and still have the same issue.
I switched to a different mini usb charger and now it is recgonizing that the external power is hooked up... must have a weird usb charger. I've also gone back to using 6.5 1a to see if I have the same stand by/blank screen issues.
Bluetooth handsfree
I found some registry entries in a french site, with these settings we can enable the bluetooth handsfree service. I attach this file, maybe Steven will integrate in the next ROM (this service can be disabled in the bluetooth settings like any other service if you don't use). The application (which is from asus \windows\bthandsfreedevice.exe) has a little bug: can't do the synchronization of the phonebook and calllog from the phone (I tried with nokia 6233). If anybody know about a newer version of bthandsfreedevice.exe or know another (better) bthandsfree application, maybe we can make a working handsfree device from A696.
bmasephol said:
Finally got around to flashing the new ROM. It appears to be working fine. I mostly use the A626 as a music player so I've had no issues so far. There is one thing that I'm not sure if its just my A626 or if anybody else has the problem but when I plug in the external AC adapter it doesn't seem to recognize the external power source... it will charge the battery it doesn't use the screen brightness and timeout settings, it will stay using the settings as if it is running on battery. Anybody else notice this?
Actually after playing around for a couple hours I have an issue where once the device blanks the screen out I cant wake it up by pushing on the screen or the power button. If I connect power and disconnect it and reconnect it I still can't wake it. I have to reset the device to get it back to functional. I've tried reflashing and still have the same issue.
I switched to a different mini usb charger and now it is recgonizing that the external power is hooked up... must have a weird usb charger. I've also gone back to using 6.5 1a to see if I have the same stand by/blank screen issues.
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I noticed these today as well, and re-flashed but wasn't able to resolve the problem. Will continue testing the ROM.
While I don't need the Microsoft entries (since they pertain to the MS bluetooth stack), but I will definitely take a look at the widcomm entries. I won't be able to work on rom building until the weekend, but I will take some time to test it (to tell you all the truth, I didn't really test bluetooth as much as I should have with this release).
bmasephol said:
Actually after playing around for a couple hours I have an issue where once the device blanks the screen out I cant wake it up by pushing on the screen or the power button. If I connect power and disconnect it and reconnect it I still can't wake it. I have to reset the device to get it back to functional. I've tried reflashing and still have the same issue.
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It seems that the device can't wake up only when goes in standby after applying the screen lock. Without locking, it can be powered on with the power button.
Downgrading to rom version 1
Hi steven,
After several times i tried to discover what's appear to make the battery totally empty (due the fact i couldn't start my 696 on every time i shut it down or just pushed shortly the "power on" button just to make it sleeping mode) i figured that something in the rom version 2 caused the problem.
I alreasy noticed (my last reply) that even the battery still ok, during trying to make the 696 go to sleeping mode it's refuse after that to power on and forced me to make couple of resets (because even after some resets the 696 still stuck without any responding).
Finally i downgraded the 696 to rom version 1.

Epix i907 Official Samsung WM 6.5 Upgrade - Tips and Tricks [Updated July 9 2010]

On July 2, Samsung released WM 6.5 for the Epix / i907. It is available here:
Q: How do you get the Samsung official WM 6.5 upgrade for the Epix / i907 to work on Windows 7 64bit?
The trick is to get the drivers installed and then the Vista 32-bit installer works fine. You can get the drivers from:
Run this install program. It will put the drivers in Program Files (x86)/Samsung but installation won't work. Next open the device manager and then update the driver for each of the non-working devices... Select the Program Files (x86)/Samsung directory. Windows 7 will successfully find and install the drivers.
Note that you will also need to set the USB connection mode to "Modem". This is located in Settings / Connections / USB Connection Mode.
Q: Does HTC CM Internet WiFi Sharing work on the official Epix WM 6.5 release?
Yes. But to get it to work I also needed to install and RUN the Topaz CommManager. Start CommManager running and then start CM Internet Sharing. See this thread for details.
Note that the Topaz CommManager works but is not as clean as the default Wireless Manager. Also I installed the Application Unlocker from:
But not sure this was necessary.
Q: How do you get rid of the Startup and Shutdown animations and noise.
The following works on the official update.
Q: Does this patch update the radio? Does this patch fix the ID1 GPS issue? How can I tell if the update was successful?
The patch updates the phone, radio, and fixes GPS issues with ID1.
To confirm a successful update type *#1234# into the phone. According to the Samsung FAQ both the PDA and Phone field should be 'pi907UCJD1'.
Some people are reporting an occasional hang during the update process and consequently the radio is not updating. Try it again.
Q: How is battery life?
So far battery life has proven to be as good if not better than the original rom.
Q: Is GPS working?
GPS works without issue with the latest versions of both Bing and Google maps.
Bing turn-by-turn voice-announced navigation is working great.
The latest versions of Google and Bing maps are available in the Marketplace.
Q: How can I configure the Today screen?
One easy way to do this is with the free "Home Screen Customizer" available in the marketplace. Works great.
Q: Can I reorganize the Start Menu?
You can use file explorer to navigate to \Windows\Start Menu. Then cut and paste. It looks like the shortcuts are no longer locked in ROM.
Seems to Work
Several people have asked how well the official Samsung WM 6.5 upgrade / patch is working...
My experience is very positive; no issues so far.
And it seems fast.
USB modem error
im trying to upgrade my epix with my windows xp, but im always having an error on failed to install usb modem, it says that there's already installed for the device. i tried installing and uninstalling it but the program always says that there's already installed for the device. anyone encounter this glitch?
USB modem
i guess my windows XP can't seem to locate my modem driver even if its installed already... am i right?
Updating Epix to Windows Mobile 6.5
jazua said:
i guess my windows XP can't seem to locate my modem driver even if its installed already... am i right?
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you can try this. which is for win 7/vista
therealzam said:
I'm writing this response as I had a whole hell of a lotta trouble getting this to flash properly and ended up having to figure out some stuff for myself and here are my steps:
Assumptions = I am using Win 7 64bit, w/ windows mobile device center in normal setup, My windows is genuine which may be required to get the driver from Windows Update
1 = make sure phone is off with battery removed. I'd have the usb cable in so you can get it going as quick as possible.
2 = download and run an application called USDL Grand Prix (the vista version works on win7). You'll have 2 find the dl yourself unfortunately, but googling 'usdl grand prix vista' is your best bet.
3 = under select a profile, choose: Grand Prix LV Image
4 = hit the pda button &browse to the 'bin' format image you downloaded at the start of the thread
5 = review step 7 so you can be ready to do it in a timely manner!
6 = under 'grand prix's step 3, select detect
7 = place the battery back in the samsung and hold the vol up key, the ok key, and hte power key and wait for grand prix to start doing its thing and a green status bar to begin growing freakishly at the bottom of the 'samsung' screen.
8 = once the 'grand prix' says 'pda finished!!' in the status area, you are ready to remove and replace your battery then power on as normal!
YAY, how easy is that?
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or this
Download the following files:
* Windows Mobile 6.5 build 23017 15MB page pool BIN (Mirror 1)
o Check the first post of this thread for newer BIN versions
o Microsoft contacted me and told me to take PDA6.5_15mbPP.bin of
* USDL GrandPrix v1.6.4 (Windows XP/Vista/Win 7) (Mirror 1) (Mirror 2, XP) (Mirror 2, Vista)
1. Verify that your Samsung Epix can connect to your Windows computer via USB. You should be able to browse your Samsung Epix in My Computer > Mobile Device and/or make a successful connection via ActiveSync. If you cannot do this, the GrandPrix program most likely will not see your Epix.
2. Turn off your Samsung Epix, but it connected to your Windows computer via USB.
3. Start USDL GrandPrix (Windows 7 users run the Vista version)
4. Under “Select a profile” choose “GRANDPRIX LV image”
5. Click the “PDA” button and locate the Windows Mobile 6.5 BIN file.
6. Press the Detect button in USDL GrandPrix
7. Power on your Samsung Epix
8. Wait for the process to full complete (mine idled at “Writing Dummy CSC Header” so I moved to the next step and everything was fine).
9. Power off your Samsung Epix (may require a battery pull if your CSC Headers hang).
10. Power on your Samsung Epix.
11. The first “boot” of your Samsung Epix may take a while (up to 5 minutes) so don’t panic if your phone seems unresponsive at the orange Windows Mobile screen – be patient.
12. Complete the Windows Mobile 6.5 setup wizard and voila – Windows Mobile 6.5 on the Samsung Epix.
which is from this page where the author also has a youtube video you can watch:
official 6.5
Can someone please extract the .bin file on the official 6.5 update. cause the update is a .exe. i want to try grand prix on updating my epix with the official update. having trouble with the usb driver, installed or not the patch wont work
jazua said:
Can someone please extract the .bin file on the official 6.5 update. cause the update is a .exe. i want to try grand prix on updating my epix with the official update. having trouble with the usb driver, installed or not the patch wont work
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check this out maybe
How to config GPS,
Com 1
Com 9
Rate 4800
Not work (Google Map)
thanks gistofit!
Quick Update
Q: How is battery life?
So far battery life has proven to be as good if not better than the original rom.
Q: Is GPS working?
GPS works without issue with the latest versions of both Bing and Google maps.
Bing turn-by-turn voice-announced navigation is working great.
The latest versions of Google and Bing maps are available in the Marketplace.
Q: How can I configure the Today screen?
One easy way to do this is with the free "Home Screen Customizer" available in the marketplace. Works great.
Q: Can I reorganize the Start Menu?
You can use file explorer to navigate to \Windows\Start Menu. Then cut and paste. It looks like the shortcuts are no longer locked in ROM.
I'm having trouble having Grand Prix or the offical updater recognize my phone. I'm using Windows 7 home premium 64bit. Anyone have a solution? Grand Prix responds but then my phone "disconnects" and nothing ends up happening.
NEVERMIND. Finally ended up getting it to work. Not sure how but after uninstalling and reinstalling the drivers many times it decided to finally flash.
5 column Start menu 320x320
i searched the other cooked wm6.5 threads and couldn't find any 5 column Start screen menus, so I uncabbed and modified the isangelous StartMenu cabs (link) for 320x320. I made 3 sets, the (5x4) looks best with EpixVGA:
1. These look best with EpixVGA or RealVGA installed, i prefer EpixVGA.
2. Remember, installing EpixVGA on WM6.5 will disable Internet Explorer 6. (but who needs PIE6 when there's Opera and Skyfire?) If you ever need PIE6 again, just uninstall EpixVGA and it'll work again.
Since the stock StartMenu file is in the rom, you cannot simply copy it to \Windows\ folder to make it stick, here's a simple instruction:
1. Unzip, Use Total Commander to Copy the StartMenu(5x4)_GridScene_320x320.cpr into your Epix's \windows\ folder.
2. Sort the Windows folder by filename, find the stock StartMenu_GridScene_320x320.cpr, and rename it by adding a few characters into the filename, for example StartMenuSTOCK_GridScene_320x320.cpr
3. Find the (5x4) file you just copied, and erase the "(5x4)" from the filename.
4. That's it. Confirm by simply Refreshing the screen, and you'll see the StartMenu_GridScene_320x320.cpr will have the new file date.
5. Soft reset.
these .cpr files are just .txt files, and you can open it and play with the values. If you're not using EpixVGA, just decrease the text size by 2 and the (5x4) will still look good. Request: can somebody re-CAB these 3 files again? or remind me which program/settings to use for the cab?
Thanks a lot for it, Atlaswing, great work!
Here are my screenshots of (6x4) and (5x4) configurations along with RealVGA (96dpi pack for build 28008) on fenrir's WM6.5.x 23668 with Robert Batman Blue skin.
EDIT: and btw... what exactly is EpixVGA? I've never heard of that. What are the differences between EpixVGA and RealVGA? trying to google something but with not much luck.
pojir said:
Thanks a lot for it, Atlaswing, great work!
Here are my screenshots of (6x4) and (5x4) configurations along with RealVGA (96dpi pack for build 28008) on fenrir's WM6.5.x 23668 with Robert Batman Blue skin.
EDIT: and btw... what exactly is EpixVGA? I've never heard of that. What are the differences between EpixVGA and RealVGA? trying to google something but with not much luck.
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Its the same thing. Either one just changes the phone to 96dpi.
how come EpixVGA breaks PIE6 and RealVGA doesn't?
According to what I've found so far EpixVGA uses older 96dpi resource files which are not compatible with latest pocket IE.
When you switch from default to another theme and after switch to any of AT&T theme back, you getting wm 6.1 interface?
No option for sms delivery in sms application for default?
Is this joke or samsungs is so poor to complete update...
i907 wont power on
I initiated the update of the 6.5 patch... when it started the download of the eboot... the application crashed after probably 3-5 second that it started.
My phone was stuck on a black samsung screen. it wouldn't respond. I remove the battery and now the phone will not power on.
Remove battery and hold power button > no go
Use ac adapter > nothing
tried a hard reset (hold H key and power button) > same thing
It's a freaking brick... I'm so frustrated.. Samsung said to send it in but Im in Costa rica not US.
Anything else I can try ???
Does anyone knows how to turn off/on delivery report from options in new Epix sms/mms client?
Change Notification Settings
heineken78 said:
Does anyone knows how to turn off/on delivery report from options in new Epix sms/mms client?
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isn't this all in the start menu/settings/sounds and notifications/event ?
or am i misunderstanding you?
you can select an event (ie Message: New Text Message) and decide if you want:
-play sound
-what sound to play
-repeat sound
-display message on screen
-flash light for...
i don't know if any of these options fall in the category of "delivery report" but this is what i thought of. hope its helpful.

