Failed to Upgrade ! XDA 2 doesn't boot anymore :( - Upgrading, Modifying and Unlocking

hi all ! im very new in this domain ! first here is what i DID : i have this XDA with ver 1.6x (something like that) and i wanted to upgrade to the new version from etc...! so i dld it and started to write the new version.The program deleted my old version of windows and started to write the new ver after doing all the checks.But my laptop suddenly got into stand by when the program was writing the new soft at 7%.He said i should unplug then reset and re plug the poket pc! i reset it with my stilus and try to reconnect but now my setup program for upgrading doesn't FIND my XDA II at all....he tells me to connect the poket pc to cable.When the device want's to start i get the screen with O2 and the version down in the right corner but it wont get passt that...that is why probably the soft from my laptop says that i should connect the pda doesn't BOOT ! right ? my big there a program that i can use to WRITE windows mobile to my XDA II ? that he don't checks the version...he just overwites all data so my xda will work again! hopefully somebody can help me...or maybe is there a program that can delete all from my xda so i can start to write the new version to it ! pls ..smb help me with that ...i need to fix this very quick..if not im a dead person..PS :i forgot to mention,,, PDA doesn't belong to me this is why im dead..if i don't get soon a new ver of win to it !...i'll wait for your answer...! so the final question would be...where to find a TOOL that can WRITE my ROM without DETECTING (without active sync-cause this prg doesn't recognize anymore my XDA2) my PDA !...IF someone can help pls write me can also write me on yahoo: [email protected] ! thx alot guys

you get the upgrade files from not from microsoft....
re-do the upgrade dude.... goodluck... check out DCS's thread about upgrading

i upgraded (and switched languages in the process) my girlfriend's iMate 2k2 ( a.k.a. XDA2/MDA2) by flashing with an upgrade from my cellular provider.
the first time, things went wrong and I saw USB and some weird junk on the screen.
panicking, i decide to try it again.
this time it erased everything, and crashed when it came to 15 percent of the writing part.
REALLY spooked, i tried it a third time, and sat in front of the laptop to prevent a screensaver or hard-drive-spindle-down from happening, and the upgrade went smoothly.
it was a boring 45 minutes, occasionally jiggling the mouse to keep the computer alive, but it worked.
so try and try again

Thx All For Help
i've read a post by DCS a after that all went smooths for my noob knowledge ...the 3 button reset hlp me alot cu guys ..and HF!



i reaaly feel depressed .. & that is coz when i was tring to upgrade my T_Mobile Radio to RU 6.24.00
that i downLoaded from
my mobile gave me the messge of that the upgrade failed ...
keeping repeating restarting ..upgrading process progress for several times ...then i ting i did restart or something like that after that I think my device Died no longer working all what i could see is T)mobile start screen with the ROM vervion RT Lower Courner U above it & some letter above them without vervions #s!!! !!!.
I did reset+ON/OFF Botton pressing ... got into the WALLBAY Bootloader V5.15. then .............................. WAIT...
then i resseved the messege GSM ERROR.
I restarted same as before +on/off .
Recieved same message then Pressed RT Upper Botton got into FLASH TOOLS selected GSM ROM TO SD got the messege
SD Backup
connect rs232
and run PC Monitor
in your sitle this messege is followed by
connect rs232
and run
PC Monitor
We're not yet sure how to use this to dump the GSM ROM.
..... End.
Now ,,, what sould i do to recover my T-Mobile ....
GSM Error, 1% failed, and battery not charge
That was what happen on my XDA too. I've been upgrade, downgrade both OS and RS roms with my XDA for about 9 mos without any trouble until last week when I tried to upgrade RS from ATT A20.10 to TMO 6.24.01, the upgrade failed and now I am stuck with 1% failed problem. Worse, the battery is not charged any more causes any further upgrade fail. I still can upgrade/downgrade the OS rom but do not know how to fix the Radio stack.
I have tried virtually all suggestion on this forum: the 4 RS files upgrade, SD nb1, nbf upgrade,, Programme A, programme B, different OS and RS roms upgrade/downgrade. None worked.
I even opened the XDA and connected wires. Still not working.

Help / Advice Needed Regarding o2 Rom Upgrade for XDA IIi

I am in the process of upgrading my rom using the rom upgrade from the o2 www site.
Its been stuck on the
'checking the information on your device....Please wait.....Please do not disconnect your device from the PC or power supply until the upgrade is complete'
window for some time now. I dont know if its hung / crashed or in the middle of upgrading.
I dont want to chance it by removing the unit from the sync cradle but at the same time i dont wanna just leave it there for hours if its not doing anything.
Can anyone help ?
ps - the window I am speaking about came after the big window stating what your current rom / radio stack was and what they would be updated to giving you the option to click 'update' or 'cancel' I chose 'update' and got the message which I described earlier
Try this on a different PC...I'm assuming the phone itself is still functioning.
I had this a while back with the XDA2 and found that by attempting the upgrade on a laptop I had, it worked great without the hang.
I would then remove ASync completely (including registry items) and then reinstall it.
I had this happen, I just shut down and restarted the installer program

O2 Orbit German to english

Hello friends,
I am not new but this is my first thread.
I have just bought a sim-free O2 Orbit from germany and it is working fine.
How can I turn the OS language into english? and I also get a failure connection to the internet since I arrived home in australia. it is 0x8007278.
Please the experts any advice is appreciated. thanks for sharing the science.
I was in the exact situation as you, this is how you change your ROM to English.
Get this program called USPL, it was created by a member of this bard called Bepe. Look on the first post for the program AND the them.
What this program does is it unlocks the phones carrier lock so that it will take a ROM that is not OEM.
Once you have this, look for the ROM you want to run, I can personally recommend Bepes WM6 or WM6 Black and Blue v3.
Bepes rom...
PDA Viet WM6 ROM (super freaking cool, way better than I thought it would be)
Once you have these two things, put them all on the desktop for easy access, then run the USPL according to the instructions. You MUST have Active Sync installed, running and sync'd with your phone (plus its a great idea t have all your contacts backed up with Outlook). Once the USPL program has completed its process and the phone has restarted, you can then load any ROM you want. Simply plug in your phone via USB to your computer, then run the Rom Upgrade Utility that installs on your desktop when you download the ROM. It will show a progress bar, once you make it past 3 or 4 percent you know you are in the clear and the ROM will load right.
I cannot stress enough the importance of running USPL, if you dont you run an almost guaranteed risk of turning your phone into a cool looking paper weight.
If you follow these instructions, read a little in the Upgrading and the WM6 sections of this board, you will have an English phone in your hands by the time you go to bed tonight. Good luck and feel free to PM me if you need and help.
Oh and PS - For the data, once you have changed you ROM to English, you need to either find the settings or the CAB file for your data connection. Most of the time these can be found on your service provenders site, if not, run a search of this bard, almost anything you need - world wide - is on here somewhere.
THANK YOU Itschcase. your responce was brilliantly quick.
I was trying since yesterday. read most of the eplanatory threads. tried not to bother you again. but I am stuck at the USPL. after fist step the screen goes black or grey and the activeSync disconnects and it remains like that. if I continue the process nothing happened if I soft reset then continue I get error 270 "image file corrupted" and the pda reboots automatically and goes back to its state. tried 10 times. reinstalled my xp after formatting the computer. tried on my other computer vista . still no change.
any ideas please

help, interrupted ROM update, Stuck at bootloader screen

i'm a newbie, and yes i have screwed up.. performed (or should i say.. almost performed) my rom update on my desktop (which is kinda slow PC...) i had no applications or unwanted services running, my computer. The Progress on the Rom update (the desktop couterpart) had incremented and had become full (the progress bar i mean..) and it was nicely sitting there for about two hours with no indication of any further progress (yeah just wanted to make sure it wasnt me being hyperactive or in a hurry )
On the PDA it was a different story.. the screen indicated a 100% copy of some image file and then it was stuck at "Reset Hermon" stage. )for the record, i feel like a parrot now, these words dont really make sense to me.. )
So i removed the cable, battery and booted up my phone after about ten minutes... yup, just like i had expected it got stuck at the bootloader screen.
Now obvisously, my Rom update wizard wont work, as the very first step is to check for a existing Active Sync Connection. and Activesync is not a application tht recognizes phones connected in their bootloader mode...
Now i have no idea about trying to flash thru the memory card, i tried copy pasting all the files that the Rom update file had generated in the desktop folder it was run in(about 4 exe files that are supposedly 'not a valid 32-bit application' and two .abi files.. one of the abi file is 85 mb, so i guess that was the image file.. but when i copied these files into the memory card and re booted my PDA, it didnt show any change, as in it still asked me to connect the USB cable and was trying to get the image from there..
I have a o2 xda zinc. yeah, with no Operating system ..
to say that help would be appreciated is a understatement
damn, contacted the o2 support guys, but i have this feeling that this (forum ) would be a faster way to know if i have to drop my phone at the 'collection center' or not. i am still optimistic as the phones under warranty and its just a software glitch. Please enlighten me. what are my options?
my o2 zinc has the same problem just like yours
if your zinc fixed or any thing new pleas tell me
go to this post
hi mazi_v, i have problem when upgrading my XDA it just displaying
USB and V 1.02
what i have todo?
"what i have todo?"
connect it to usb and rerun the flash

I canoot start, i cannot repair ROM

Hi, all, i have problem with my SPV 700 (HTC 3600) - Trinity.. When I turn on it, I see only start screen eith HTC logo, (you'll see it in attachments) there is only M 05 B05, R, g 32.83.7020.20h, D 3.00, i can do nothing... I cant reflash ROM because my computer cannot find it, and instalation write updater is old, you must find newer updater.. When i install acivesync, it cannot find too, but my installers (5 downloaded) will start, but write Cannot find hardware. (or mobile phone). Is any program, to connect my htc, or reflash ROM?
I found Schaps_WM6Pro_Trinity_4.30.2008_WWE_Full(p3600I) or some next, but every write cannot connect. Thank you very much.
Load from mini SD!?
You can try loading your ROM from mini SD card !
You need to format sd card to FAT32 with Card Reader first!
Read this post:
Have you tried to hard reset, leave the device on tricolor screen and retry loading ROM?
Use the proper SPL to load!
If you are a Windows Vista user - the driver from this site it will be the sollution - search for it!
I cant go to tricolor display, i cant reset, i cant do anything, i thing it freeze.. sorry my english, im from slovakia. Or.. how I can go to tricolor mode? I try all combination clicks.
Power+Camera+reset button with ur touch pen
sorry, im stuppid, i now find reset button
but it dont work, i connect to pc, (no activesync but i connent) but when it sending new rom it still on 0% and cancel it.. i cant unlock CID. probably i havent good program.. I try HTC_Hermes_SIM_CID_Unlock_v3a and HTC_Trinity_SIM_CID_Unlock_v1, but nothing... this cannot find my device.. but HTC_Hermes_SIM_CID_Unlock_v3a find it, sending go to 7% but write I havent compatibile mobile phone with this software. What can I do?
OverrideCrash said:
sorry, im stuppid, i now find reset button
but it dont work, i connect to pc, (no activesync but i connent) but when it sending new rom it still on 0% and cancel it.. i cant unlock CID. probably i havent good program.. I try HTC_Hermes_SIM_CID_Unlock_v3a and HTC_Trinity_SIM_CID_Unlock_v1, but nothing... this cannot find my device.. but HTC_Hermes_SIM_CID_Unlock_v3a find it, sending go to 7% but write I havent compatibile mobile phone with this software. What can I do?
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Man please read from instruction from the passage named HARD RESET, the button you are talking about its for software reset only!
Use the seq. Power+Camera+reset!Keep each button pushed and then use stillus for reset and you will get the Tricolor screen - but first format your SD like i describe in the post #2 and then copy your ROM on it!
exactly the same problem here. i tried to re install gelly_01 greek rom. The only requirement i did not follow was the connection with active sync. I am using Vista and the connection with the pc invokes the windows mobile device center. I tried to reinstall through a xp vmware with activesync but i get an error 270.
Any thoughts?
I am trying to find sth relevant.
check this thread
manos4596 said:
exactly the same problem here. i tried to re install gelly_01 greek rom. The only requirement i did not follow was the connection with active sync. I am using Vista and the connection with the pc invokes the windows mobile device center. I tried to reinstall through a xp vmware with activesync but i get an error 270.
Any thoughts?
I am trying to find sth relevant.
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Hard reset your phone first, then use the bootloader method(Camera+Power+Reset then in the bootloader connect the usb cable)!
First try this
If not - read carefully the instructions from here:
- - all you have to know about hard SPL and how to do.
Anyway, also try to change the Rom image that you have used when you bricked your device!Try a new ROM by the date of release!
Thnx for the advice! I got it working. Before reading your reply I had started installing the original rom provided by htc (WM5). It installed correctly and at least i have my phone back. I will check your links about hard SPL (thanx ) but i had installed the gelly_01 rom before , not through vista though.
I will try to reinstall it.
It's getting late here so i will check it tommorow and infirm you.
problem solved Its working now, but I dont know how i repair it
for unlock CID (Its not compatibile, but my opinion is it unlock but dont repair rom) then i give there [P3600i] HardSPL v1.1.rar and end is Trinity_WM_6.1_NEW.OS_19965_Diamond_edition_by_Akeo_V3.1.rar all files are in attachments.
I give there too, before Akeo Diamond edition.
This can be closed now. Thanks for all thank you ! Here are lot of good peoples really thx
slimul said:
You can try loading your ROM from mini SD card !
You need to format sd card to FAT32 with Card Reader first!
Read this post:
Have you tried to hard reset, leave the device on tricolor screen and retry loading ROM?
Use the proper SPL to load!
If you are a Windows Vista user - the driver from this site it will be the sollution - search for it!
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Thanks a lot . i had the same problem but now my htc is back to life
i still have the problem with the rom , i just do every thing and don't work can any one cold help me
sorry the bad english

