6.24 radio - Upgrading, Modifying and Unlocking

guys...still having fun trying to unlock my xda...i will get there! been advised to downgrade 6.25.02 radio down to 6.24 radio as XDA UNlock doesnt work on 25...any idea where to download?

Try this:
But downgrading RSU is very dangerous.....

Thanks S...it wouldnt let me do it.

http://www.yorch.net/downloads/ROMS/TMOradiostackupgradeR624 .zip

t-mobile RSU 6.25 SIM unlock prolbem, final solution. XDA I
Error getting connection type
Error getting unlocking code
Upgrade RSU (Radio Stack)
RSU 6.25, RSU 6.24
Those are the keywords I have been using for about a day to get to the bottom of unlocking a t-mobile XDA I (siemens SX56).
I have started with being unable to flash the device with Special Edition ROM, then XDAUnlock unable to unlock the device etc..
Thanks to http://lumpistefan.dyndns.org/tools/ , they guy did a great job showing in details how to evenutally unlock this wild device with RSU 6.25. So look no futher, this is the holy grail! :idea:
I'm quoting from Lumpistefan website:
How to unlock your Device ....
The PDA side of the ppcpe and the radio/phone/gsm side are two totally different animals (not a surprise to some). When you refer to the 'operating system' you're talking about the ROM like the XDA Developers special edition or any of the ROMs from the ROM kitchen at http://lumpistefans.dyndns.org/. The Radio or RSU (for Radio Stack UPgrade) is totally separate from this. The other variable is the bootloader version (Wallaby in my case).
Now my goal was just to use the XDAunlock program. When I ran the program right from the defaults I got 'error getting unlock code.' All the posts I read said put on the Special Edition ROM and you'll be fine but that did not do the trick. Still got the same error message.
Here's what I started out with:
ROM: 4.01.16 ENG
Radio: 6.25.02
Wallaby booatloader: 5.22
What finally worked:
Radio: 6.24.00
ROM: 3.17.03 ENG (XDA special edition)
then upgraded back to 4.01.16 ENG
Wallaby boot loader 5.15
How I did it
I meandered my way through this to eventual success and since the dratted device now works fine I'm leery about putting it all back to the old way and doing it all over again. Therefore use this process as a guide only, not a definitive instruction set. Also I walked through this as a troubleshooting exercise so some steps may not have been necessary. I eventually succeeded but maybe went the long way around to do it.
- Bootloader utilities: Get to this by holding down the power button and pressing soft reset. You may have to hit the contacts button to get into the menu if you don't see it right away (like if you see a simple GSM OK message at the bottom of the bootloader display.
- Cold boot: the reset swtich on the right side bottom of the device with a picture of a red battery with an \ through it. This disconnects the batter from the mainboard and trashes all the data on the device except the Operating System in ROM.
What I grabbed
- XDAtools
- XDArit
- ActiveSync (I used 3.7.1) and connection by USB cable
- Wallaby bootlolader version 5.15 files
- XDA Developers Special Edition ROM
- RSU 6.24.00 files
- XDAUnlock.exe
- SD Card (mine is 128 MB but I think as long as it's bigger than 64MB or your current memory in the device you're OK)
- pnewbootflash_40116.exe
All of these files are available here, just search for them.
First back up everything. Not just using the sda backup tool, from the boot loader. You can do the SD backup if you want, consider it backing up your data. You can also do the ActiveSync backup if you want to save your data.
Second I'm doing ALL of this with no SIM chip in the device. This may or may not be necessary.
Stick your SD card into the PDA. If it complains about wanting to format it go ahead and let it format the card unless you have stuff on it you want. I'd recommend dropping anything you want from the card onto safe media and just working with it as a blank the rest of the way through because it's easier to just wipe the card in between some steps.
Go to the bootloader utilities. Hit Contacts button and you'll get the boot loader option stuff. If the bootloader utilities you get to right away takes you to a menu with things like Boot+CE-->SD then you don't have to worry about hitting the contacts button. You only need Contacts button if when you get to the bootloader screen you see nothing more than some nice colors, the bootloader version and "GSM OK" message.
Take the Boot+CE-->SD option to back everything up. This will take a few minutes.
Once it's done pull the SD out ofthe ppcpe and stick it into your SD card reader. Bring up XDArit and chose your removeable device.
If you have more than one MMC slot select the different ones until you get one that says 'Wallaby' in the hex codes at the bottom of the XDArit screen. You'll be writing out two files, the first is the NB0 file (which is the bootloader) and the second is the NB1 file (which is the OS or ROM). Name these something like original.nb0 and 1.
Wipe the SD card (format FAT). Stick the SD card back into the pda and soft reset, then cradle it.
Go to a DOS prompt and CD to where you put 'pnewbootflash_40116.exe.' Type 'pnewbootflash_40116 nbl515.nb0' to write the Wallaby 5.15 boot loader to the device. If when you downloaded the 5.15 bootloader you called it something else (like 'wallaby_boot_loader_V5.15.nb0' you should of course use that name instead!
The output looks like this:
D:\XDAtools\binaries>pnewbootloader_40116 bl515.nb0
Copying D:\XDAtools\binaries\itsutils.dll to WCE:\windows\itsutils.dll
in FindFlashInfoOffset
protection found at 8c0d60f8
result: 00000000 00000000
Now..why did I downgrade the bootloader? At this stage I'm troubleshooting why I get the 'error getting unlock code' message running XDAunlock. I've got three variables I know of, bootloader, ROM and Radio Stack. I chose to start with the bootloader because some posts out there say boot loaders 5.17 and higher have some checksum that keeps certain ROMS from working properly. Perhaps if I'd started with the radio stack I'd have been done right away and saved a few hours but all the posts about possible device destruction made me start with the bootloader! Again, your results may vary!
Next I changed the ROM to the XDA Developers special edtion.
Make sure the SD card is in the PDA and cradle it. Run OSIMagetool and load the ROM file in the first box, chose SD Card in the second box.
If you downloaded the Special Edition ROM you might have some luck using the Installer that comes with it but apparently that does not work with ActiveSync 3.7.1. I got messages that said it could not access the device or no connection etc. Instead I used OSImageTool to load the NK.NBF file included in the distribution. Note that to get to this file you DO have to unzip the EXE file you download!
Once complete pull the pda out of the cradle.
Hold power+soft reset to get the boot loader menu. This should show up as 5.15 now. It will automatically detect that the SD card contains a ROM that can be flashed to the device. If for some reason it does not automatically detect this maybe you have to hit Contacts. I did not have to do that, it just told me to hit Action to download the ROM.
Hit Action button (aka the jog button) to write it to the device. This will take a few minutes, go grab a beer or two or three. I took the safe route and connected power to the device while writing the flash.
Once it's finished cold boot the device. I waited 2-3 minutes before re-engaging the battery.
Here's a gotcha. On the right side of the SIM there is a little switch. If the rubber door for the SIM is not totally closed you can't get the device to boot. This switch is real small so it's very possible to miss it. You can see it fine if you take the back off the device (which I determined from a post here that told you how to get the battery out).
When it boots you should have the 5.15 Wallaby booting the XDA special edition. Follow the instructions to calibrate the screen and you're ready to move on.
Now if the radio is 6.25.02 XDAunlock won't work, it just generates the 'error getting unlock code' message. You have to downgrade the radio to have this work.
There's lots of posts around here that say don't screw with the radio because if it errors you've got a fried device. I imagine this is true so balance how bad you want to unlock the device against the possibility of totally frying the device. I've done two radio upgrades in my life on the PPCPE, both were OK but again, caution is advised.
Grab the 6.24 radio zip and unzip into a folder on your computer. Use ActiveSync to copy the files to \windows on the device.
Execute the rsupdate.exe program to reprogram the radio to 6.24. WHen completed soft reset the device and go into start-settings-system-device info to make sure you're at 6.24 radio vesion.
Copy the xdaunlock.exe to the device and execute. It should say 'you're device appears to be SIM Locked, would you like to remedy this?" click Yes to unlock the device.
Now the device is unlocked. You can change the ROM to WM2003 now if you want (which I did). I imagine you can re-upgrade your bootloader and radio stack if you want but I'm leaving well enough alone for now!


Which chip store the Bootloader and the WinCE ?

Dear XDA Developers #... and all other experts,
I had a T-Mobile MDA and I'm affraid that my bootloader had problem with all the buttons. The bootloader V5.15 boots and show GSM OK but none of the action buttons working ? Any Clue ?
Is the Intel #3204C 32MB Flash Memory chip store the bootloader and the WinCE because I had some technical guys who be able to clone the chips using some clonning machine.
Please advice as my MDA had been down for 2 weeks.
Thanks in advance
I would guess you have a hardware problem with the buttons.
Did flashed with SD card but checksum not correct
Dear Peter Poelman,
I did flashed with SD Card 2 weeks ago. Using the XDArit (old ver) and with O2 3.14.13 Rom. I did many restored but everytime it said restored completed but checksum not correct.
I did managed to see the O2 boot screen ( Blue O2) showig 3.14 at the right bottom of the screen but not be able to load the WinCE.
Is there a limit or counter that say number of times SD card restored ?
You think is hardware problem, any solution ? If you think where the fault is, maybe I be able to ask a Technical guy to open the MDA and repair it.
It is not possible to find any T-Mobile support around Asia.
Any respond would be much gratefull
Question: how big was the SD card you flashed with? (It has to be 64 MB minimum if you back up OS and bootloader at the same time.)
I would use XDArit to write an SD card (32 MB card is ok) that contains only the WinCE (OS) part, and try to flash from it. If your card is somehow corrupted, you can use XDArit to read from the OS from the Special Edition nbf-file inside Jeff's exe-file, which you can extract if you open the exe-file with WinZip.
Is there a limit or counter that say number of times SD card restored ?
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They actually built such a mechanism for bootloader 5.17, but gave up on it (maybe after is was cracked by us?). But this really does not apply to you as you probably do not have this bootloader (or you would not have been able to make a backup).
Bootloader doesn't kick start to restore ?
I am using a 128MB SD Card.
Now even I wrote the SD Card with the new SER 1.1 .nbf files and insert the SD card into the XDA, Bootloader boots up but it doen't show the screen that say press action buttons to start restore ? It only show Wallaby Bootloader v 5.15 and freeze....
I am afraid that the bootloader on the XDA might be corrupted as well. Any tips or solution for these problem.
I remember reading in this forum saying that the XDA be able to lock all buttons accept the Power button. Seems like my case, the Power buttons, soft reset and hard reset buttons working only, the rest are not functioning. The XDA are still be able to charge on the craddle and the power worn off quite fast. Sometimes I even be able to see the Phone Cancel Buttons ( Red one ), the red light are always on...
Any help would be much grateful
Re: Bootloader doesn't kick start to restore ?
suajw said:
Now even I wrote the SD Card with the new SER 1.1 .nbf files and insert the SD card into the XDA, Bootloader boots up but it doen't show the screen that say press action buttons to start restore ? It only show Wallaby Bootloader v 5.15 and freeze....
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You used XDArit to write the card, right?
You need to describe in much greater detail what you do for me or anyone to be able to help you.
I'm having a T-Mobile MDA in 3.13.12 GER ( 09/16/02) Radio T310
Bootloader v 5.15 and trying to flash O2 3.14.13 Eng Rom :
1. Using bootloader backup Boot+CE to SD Card.
2. Using XDArit (old ver) Read SD and store to PC ( WinXP )
3. Run RSU-eng of O2 Ireland, sucessfully upgrade, GSM no problem.
4. Run RUU-eng of O2 Ireland, Rom Image not found, error 007.
( forget to patch the NK_wallaby31413wwe_o2Full.nbf )
5. Decided to use XDArit (old ver ) to write Boot+CE ( O2 3.14.13).
6. Insert SD Card into MDA, flash restore compeleted but said checksum not correct
( Repeat many times of writing using XDArit (old ver), sometimes CE only but still checksum not correct )
7. Few occation, manage to see the O2 boot screen showing 3.14 but freeze
8. Left the MDA for few days and try the writing using XDArit again
9. Now soft boots, Bootloader boots show GSM OK, but none of the contact, calender and volume buttons work. If there is a SD card in the MDA, bootloader boots show v 5.15 but not be able to read SD Card.
( some of my posting are on Rom Upgrade forum under suajw)
Just to let you know all the about was done before the release of your SER v1.0 and v1.1 and the new version of XDArit v1.02
The MDA still be able to charge the power but will discharge if leave over night.
Any help will be much gratefull
InitDebugSerial can load bootloader+CE ?
Dear Peter Poelman,
If i boot the bootloader in a serial port from a PC using Hyper Terminal, do you think i be able to load the Bootloader+CE from a SD Card using the comand :
c2r ( from your Wallaby Bootloader Page )
Please advice and many thanks in advance
Notes : have not try using serial port to talk to the XDA
Good idea. Try and see, I guess.
Try hooking up the XDA to the serial com and it still not be able to communicate with XDA, even ? <enter> doesn't show any respond.
What could be the problem ?
By the way Peter Poelman, which is the chip that store the Bootloader+WinCE, I might need to ask someone to clon the chip for me from another XDA.
Thanks for your help and time
Still waiting for reply ????
Dear XDA Developers #.....,
I am still waiting for some replies in this matter....
Any info and advince would be grateful, Thanks.
Re: Still waiting for reply ????
suajw said:
I am still waiting for some replies in this matter....
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Can't speak for anyone else, but to be honest, I have no idea what your problem could be. It's something odd, and looking at the steps you performed, my first guess would be that it could be hardware related.
Did you try a different SD-card? 64MB or bigger (when doing BOOT+CE, 32 MB or bigger for CE)? A different SD-card reader/writer?
The fact that it first reported checksum error and now doesn't read the card at all is funny. Suppose there's nothing wrong with the bootloader that's in there, but that you have some weird hardware problem that messes up communication with the hardware-buttons and with the SD.
Once you tried a different SD-card: maybe open it up and clean the SD-card contacts? (And don't come complaining if you end up breaking it further, it's just an idea...)
Either way: I spent some time thinking about it and replying to your posts. Until new facts surface, I really have no clue what to do in your case, and unless I happen to come accross the same problem again, chances are I will not have a clue two days, two weeks or two months from now. Sorry....
Maybe you can have it repaired?
Good luck...
Still not working....
Dear XDA Developers #.....,
Tried with new SD Card and also clean up the contacts of the SD reader, still not be able to work????
Another thing I notice my MDA, when I boots in Bootloader Mode, after the GSM OK, the 'Phone Hangs Up' button always lighten up RED, is this normal. Is you XDA the same when in bootloader mode. The battery gets drain off easily, is it because the WinCE is not there as well????
By the ways, thank for all your reply and times. You have been a great help for me and I have learn quite a lots from these wonderful web site and forums. Keep up the good work......
I might not be able to find someone to repair the device but hopefully to look up for a secondhand O2 PCB Board to swap to...
Flashing bootloader with jtag?
Dear XDA Developers #....,
Do you think flashing the bootloader using jtag might solve my MDA problem ?
in your //xda-developers/jtag page you mention a patch do be download here.... I don't see the link to download the patches.
Could you please verify.....

Could someone please provide me with SX56 unlock code?

I am sure this bit of the question has been asked before so perhaps someone could cut and paste the procedure but I need to unlock this SX56 AT&T phone because I use T-Mobile AND travel abroad quite a lot.
The IMEI number is 350314000995655
(I couldn't find the SX56 model number or the correct ROM code or the Radio number in your pop-down menu so I entered it on the next line)
Unlock procedure
Sorry for last postingjavascript:emoticon('')
Embarassed: Siemens told me that I need an IMEI Number and that AT&T would provide me with an unlock code for this unit with that IMEI number (which obviously they won't)javascript:emoticon(':evil:')
Evil or Very Mad
Is the procedure (for my unit) to ask for an unlock code and then enter it or is it to download
* SD Card Reader
* 1x64Mb+ SD card
* XDATools
* XDA-Developers Special Edition ROM 1.2
1. Backup the existing bootloader and operating system using card reader
2. Extract the XDA-Developers Special Edition ROM 1.2 using Winzip
3. Write the NK.nbf-file (in the directory English) to your Device
4. Running the Programs -> Phone -> XDAUnlock file will remove the SIMlock...
5. after this time, the original ROM could be restored as desired.
And if I need to, can I do all this with Infra Red and sync or with the cradle which connects it to the computer? I cant find any reference to my ROM or Radio numbers in the pull down menu here and am a bit confused by this.javascript:emoticon(':?')
No, flashing the ROM will not unlock your device. Search for the wallaby unlocker, or check the wiki, as it is there, sticky and has been mentioned before.
Completing unlock process and flashing
I was directed to the flash upgrade program to unlock the device at the XDA-Wallaby Home Page and did flash but nowhere was I given the option to unlock: However the flashing process failed in an unusual and probably not important way: It completed successfully but I have lost the stylus and couldnt figure out how to stop the battery by pushing a fine screwdriver into the hole shown on the host computer screen. All that now shows on the screen is COMPLETED and a number of close-together vertical lines at the far right quarter inch of the screen.
Is there some trick to turning the battery off with some special tool or have I in fact completed the procedure and simply don't know that I have or what to do next? (get to a screen where I can run the XDAUnlock program which I transferred over to the SX56 before flashing the ROM?)
I wonder if I should or need to take the battery off if I Have lost that tool which does this by pushing into the hole on the lower quarter of the unit?
A bit of self-help going on here
So I DO appear to have flashed the ROM and the XDA ROM now appears on the screen although with no real backlight: The DO YOU WANT TO UNLOCK also appears but when YES is pressed, nothing happens. In fact one can see the unit taking the command but nothing further happens and the question just hangs on the screen.
Is this unlocking a command which takes a long time to execute? Or should I cancel out of it and carry on with bringing up the screen and can I execute it later on? Or have I done something major wrong and is there any way of rectifying? Sometimes if I press YES hard enough, the backlight appears for a half second (and the YES command pulsates once) and then goes off. But the question about unlocking still hangs on the screen.
Is this something to do with the program not being able to unlock an AT&T lock? Or has the screen lost sensitivity in some way and if so, (last resource here, improbably necessary) is there a source for Wallaby screens?
FOr the benefit of anyone trying this
After a night of the YES command taking and then not doing anything, I tried MOVING the over-screen by trying to drag it to another position
This didnt work. BUT tapping on the blue bar resulted in a message telling me that the unit was now unlocked. And the 7-8 black vertical lines to the right of the screen now have reduced to one, a quarter of an inch in
(Mind you, tapping on the ok button on THAT screen still mysteriously does nothing. This is a ROM which works in a VERY interesting, unusual and unexpected way!!)
new problem - report of invalid sim
now i am having another problem and am not sure i shoudn't start another thread
I did repalce the screen and the unit now starts up and reports invalid sim.
Is there any solution or should I re-flash the rom again and see if that works, hope for the best?
hello i bought a 6315 on ebay, i want to use it in latin america, gsm 1900, i need to unlcok it, room version is A.20.10 i wanted to download the special rom, but the link doesnt work and room folder on ftp is emty, i know is an old phone,can someone help me please unlock it? [email protected]
licensedtoquill said:
now i am having another problem and am not sure i shoudn't start another thread
I did repalce the screen and the unit now starts up and reports invalid sim.
Is there any solution or should I re-flash the rom again and see if that works, hope for the best?
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I found the same happened to me first time and a soft reset did the trick. It may also be that the "Hard Reset" will be needed. I seem to recall that this was what I had to do with a couple of them. If your stylus is missing, a push pin and a bit of control will do. Just shove it in the micro hole at the bottom left of the device and hold it for a few seconds then let it go. If it does not restart on its own, follow that with a "soft reset" by pressing the point of the stylus (or a ball point pen) into the larger hole at the bottom left of the unit.
For the upgrade/unlock rom . . . the best one to which I have access is at:
Hope it helps

crashed/frozen. wont boot (FInixNOver) - cant reflash!

Hi guys.
I was using the installed the FInixNOver 3.0.1 ROM onto my SPV M700 and it was great. I've had it for about 2 weeks without any problems.
Last night I looked at my phone, only to realise that it was completley dead. This didnt shock me to much because the battery was running low, and i decided to let it die completley before recharging it again.
I charged my phone overnight and switched it on this morning, but the phone would freeze at the 'FInixNOver' splash screen (the numbers at the bottom of the screen would appear overlaying the splash, but the phone wouldnt go pass this point).
The only way to turn off the phone from this state is to eject the battery. I have tried removing the sim card, turning it back on in as many ways as possible but to no avail. I am able to get to the TriColor test screen (im running IPL-0.50 / SPL-1.30.Olipro) but with all the custom roms available, they all use the ROMUpdateUtility which requires the phone to have established an activesync connection initially (but this would mean my phone would have to be 'on completley' - so this is catch 22.)
For the record, my phone/battery died while my wired handsfree was attached (dunno if thats of any interest to anyone or the rom baker).
But it looks like the only way i'll be able to flash my phone is by finding a way to install the .nbh file without using the RUU method. Because I can put my phone into test mode manually.... any help or guidence would be very much appriciated.
Ok can you get it into bootloader? power/camera buttons and reset?
sorry didnt read fully.
right get your device into bootloader first,
then open active sync (are you using xp)
then open connection settings and disable usb connection,
put your device into bootloader mode, then run any rom upgrade, i prefer the WM6.1 pdaviets from HERE (Username: PDAVIET / Password: pdaviet)
Your pda does not need active sync with ruu's, so no catch 22. if you turn off usb connection in active sync, you can still run ruu and it will be recognised, unless you are using vista, where you need to change your HTC SYNC drivers.
Thanks for your quick response...
Yes I can get into boot loader using the power and camera buttons (or holding the power and camera buttons when resetting the phone)...
When the phone is in boot loader mode, active sync doesnt even detect the phone anyway, but nevertheless, I have followed your instructions and disabled the USB Connection. (BTW, yes i am using XP)
The phone is still in boot loader mode, so now i try and execute the ROMUpdateUtility.exe and go through the steps, at the 1st step i tick the tickbox and click next, and the 2nd step i tick the tickbox and click next. (this step says DO NOT enter the bootloader manually? - but i have havent i?) anyway, when i click next, it says... "Verifying the information on your Trinity... Please Wait..." for about 10 seconds, and then i get a message "ERROR [260] : CONNECTION"
What am i doing wrong?
Huumm.. why dont you flash your phone throw the sd card??
Read this link:
try to flash your phone with some official rom and after that flash it with any other you want!
manos_23 said:
try to flash your phone with some official rom and after that flash it with any other you want!
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I would recommend this option above, to be safe, i usually get them error messages when the battery is below 50% or sometimes i try it again and it works. it does state do not manually enter bootloader but i always do it this way.
also make sure active sync is not still running in taskmanager under the alais: wcescomm.exe and WCESMGR.exe, end them both.
I've just tried using an official ROM, but the problem still occurs with the 'connecting'. It doesnt seem that the computer picks up a connection to the phone whatsoever.
Should i be concerned that at the bottom of the bootloader screen it says "serial", is this correct?
Im starting to get annoyed now.
the bottom of the sreen mast say "usb" not serial.
it seems there is a problem, if it states serial. as it should say usb. try THIS
Seems like the problem was that my USB lead was loose and made a bad connection, hence why the bootloader showed 'serial' and not 'usb'... as soon as i wiggled it and heard the 'connection noise' in windows, i knew i was good to go, and so using the RUU worked fine to reupdate my phones ROM.
Thanks for your help.
My only question is that why did it happen in the first plave?
WIZZKID - I just saw your post here now. I have to tell you that I also saw "SERIAL" at the bottom of the bootloader screen and not "USB". As I said I returned it to get another phone but maybe I will try something else for now instead of a P3600i. I will monitor your thread to see how it turns out for your phone, because it seems that we have the same problem.
if you see "serial" instead "usb" your problem is in the usb cable, usb port from your computer or in the usb connector from your trinity!!!!!
I was having the same problem that you have!! my problem was from my usb from mine trinity!! see if the conector is at good conditions !!!
Well as some of you may know, I got my Trinity replaced for sticking at the WM splash screen after a few days. This second one - I have had it ONE night - and the same thing has happened with incomplete booting. This time I have been trying all night to flash the phone to an official ROM, but I cannot do it (apparently) because I can't establish a connection via ActiveSync. When I stick the data cable in while in bootloader I see SERIAL replaced by USB and when I try the flash I get a "270" error (cannot connect to phone) and the phone re-boots to the sticking plash screen. What should I do now?
ladies and gentlemen...
we've got a lot of mixed messages in this thread.. please make sure you're posting the right thing. no need to disable USB when manually going in to bootloader to flash (at least in xp).. Also, you can ignore the part of the RUU that says 'do not manually enter bootloader' (you should really read the guide on my site)
foxuniform- can you please give some details..
1) are you running xp or vista
2) have you flashed hard-spl? if so what version?
in the mean time, try a couple of things.. first, flash hard-spl (even if you already have it, but from the sound of it i think you don't have it on your device).. if that works, try to flash an official ROM. Can also try to use splxploit, then flash hard-spl, and then flash official ROM (there's a guide on my site if you're unsure)
please post your results
here are the steps for SD card upgrade, but i HIGHLY recommend flashing Hard-spl first..
try to do it from SD card. how?
Extract the .NBH file from your prefered ROM upgrade: In windows use winrar (right click) to extract the contents of the exe file. In Linux / MacOS use cabextract (http://www.cabextract.org.uk/) .
Rename the .NBH file to TRINIMG.nbh and copy it to the root folder of your miniSD card.
With miniSD card inserted on the phone, start the bootloader (hold Power button on right side and Camera button at same time and stick with stylus in RESET on bottom).
You should see the screen pictured on the left, confirm flashing on screen by pressing the power button.
Flashing might hang after some time but this is normal. Just wait. Complete flash takes about 30 minutes, so check your battery or connect to charger before the flashing process starts.
When flashing completes soft-reset your device.
Make sure your SD has FAT32 and has no label. There have been reports that if SD has a label the bootloader can not access the TRINIMG.nbh
racerx_ I have carefully read your response and suggestions, and thanks for your expertise input on the matter. I am fairly new to this stuff so read below carefully as you may find errors in the way I tried to go about doing what I was hoping to accomplish.
First let me answer your questions. I am running Windows XP. The phone is in it's completely natural state in that I have not flashed it in any way. The ROM I was TRYING to flash to the phone while it was not starting properly (this is where I manually entered bootloader) is an official ROM from the HTC website (please note everyone that when I registered my P3600i on the HTC website it came up as the Dopod 810). Anyway, that never worked. ActiveSync never detected the phone (and I guess that's the reason I could not do anything as far as flashing goes). I HARD-RESET my P3600i and it booted normally. I re-installed all the stuff I had on it, from memory card to various .cab files, and the phone is working beautifully thus far. I will report if anything funny happens again.
I have to ask you racerx_, if I CAN flash hard-SPL on the P3600i according to the lovely guide on www.trinityguides.info. I have been of the opinion that things don't work for the P3600i as they did for the P3600, and that has been echoed by many P3600i users on this forum who are ready and waiting to try out some cooked ROMs (myself included).
For the sake of record, my phone is running rom version 3.00.707.17 and radio version I patiently await your response.
i didn't notice the 'i' in your previous post... yeah, as far as i know, these ROMs are not flashable on your p3600i.. sorry..
**correct me if i'm wrong somebody**
Yeah I kinda thought that would be your response. By the way - do you think that this phenomenon of sticking at the Windows Mobile splash screen (both the P3600 and P3600i models apparently) has anything to do with something users do with the devices, or you figure it's an inherent software glitch of some sort? I am wondering if I should try a different model or hold on to my P3600i? Hope it's not something that'll happen again - I fly for a living and it's not gonna be good to have the thing screw up on me away from base - I really count on it for everything from casual keeping in touch on Messenger to viewing my work schedule. I love the Trinity though - it's one of my all-time favourite HTC phones.
hmm... i don't think its inherent in the Trinity.. (not a hardware issue.. in my opinion)
its been a while since i followed the posts on it, but always seems to be software related.. sometimes ROM-specific problem. Personally, i've probably flashed as many ROMs as anyone and the only time i ever encountered problems was with the official HTC WM6 ha.. go figure.. I think ppl did find that hard resets before and after flashing are helpful as well..
i love my trinity, and there's not much else on the market to make me want to trade it in (is it just me, or have pda's kind of stopped getting cooler).. i'd stick with it..

[TUT] Unbricking your Excalibur

Everything you ever needed to know about "unbricking" your Excalibur but were afraid to ask is in this guide. I've put together this guide for those of you who either intentionally or unintentionally "bricked" or think you've "bricked" your Excalibur.
It is not easy to brick an Excalibur if you actually read and follow all of the steps and guidelines before a flash. In fact, not many things can go wrong unless a USB cables disconnects during a flash, your PC crashes in the middle of a flash, or you flash a corrupt image file to your device. Statistically, most of the time people only think their Excalibur is "bricked" when actually it's not.
There are three methods you can use depending of the severity of the "bricking". The first method will unbrick 50% of all Excalibur's that have simply "locked up" and won't reboot properly. The second method will unbrick 95% of all Excalibur's that encountered flashing problems or flash failures. The third and final method, and the most involved, is a "last resort" for those who have tried method's one and two numerous times unsuccessfully.
** Please perform these steps and methods at your own risk. I am not responsible for any damage you cause your device using this guide.
If you're new to the Excalibur or SmartPhones in general, please take the time to read the WiKi and this post by Stylez for valuable info before you post or try any of these steps.
But, before I even get into unbricking, if your phone is in fact working right now, I highly recommend you flash HardSPL to avoid even having to follow these steps anytime in the future. The steps and info for HardSPL and JumpSPL can be found in this thread by jockyw2001:
HardSPL basically flashes your phone with an "unlocked" security partition so all security checks are bypassed when you try to flash a cooked ROM or a ROM designed for another variation of the Excalibur such as Dopod, HTC, TMO Dash, etc. Makes life much easier when trying different ROMS or cooking and testing your own! Thanks jockyw2001!!
Ok, so onto the fun stuff... Your phone won't boot... Either it's locked up and simply stopped booting or you flashed your phone and it won't boot. What do you do??
Method 1: Assuming you didn't get "bricked" from a flash problem, the first and easiest method for "unbricking" your Excalibur is (this will erase ALL data in your Excalibur):
(This method works for 50% of supposedly "bricked" Excaliburs)
Remove your SIM and SD card
Remove and reinsert your battery
While holding the two softkeys with your thumbs, press the power button
Continue holding the softkeys until a black screen appears saying "This operation will delete all your..."
Press "'send"' to restore to hard reset your phone
Let the phone cold boot and restore
That didn't work!! . This next method will reflash your phone to the factory ROM.
Method 2: Second way to the path of unbricking is:
(This method will unbrick 95% of all Excaliburs)
Get a hold of your Shipped ROM. You can find these ROMS either in Dopod's site, HTC's site (with a valid serial #), TMO's site (http://www.t-mobile.com/wmupgrade/ with a valid IMEI), or right here at XDA at this post (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=381726)
Download one of these factory ROMS and unpack it. **Remember, if your phone is a TMO Dash, you MUST use a TMO Dash ROM. If your phone is HTC Branded, you MUST use an HTC ROM, etc., etc., etc...
Remove the SD card if one is inserted in the phone
Remove the battery from your phone for a few seconds. I found this step to be essential to reset the device. Put the battery back in.
While holding the camera button on the right side, press the power button. The phone will enter "bootloader" mode and you will see a tricolor bootscreen.
While in this mode, plug in your USB cable and you will hear the "ba-bing" USB sounds as the device connects
Unpack the ROM package you just downloaded and run RomUpdateUtility.exe. Follow the steps, check the appropriate boxes, and start the flash
Assuming all goes well, your phone will flash to the factory ROM and you can then troubleshoot what went wrong the first time that bricked your phone.
Oh no!! That still didn't work!? Or it worked but the flash failed with Error 270 or another error......... Never fear!! XDA-Developers is here! This next method is a bit more intense. It creates a "goldcard" which is used to SuperCID the Excalibur so that it doesn't care about what factory ROM you flash. Please have the factory (not a cooked) ROM ready to go.
** (This method is not intended for Newbie's and some enhanced knowledge of HTC devices and Windows is required to successfully work.)
** (Retry the second method several times with a few different factory ROMS before attemting the below)
Method 3: The third "goldcard" method is a bit more intensive and should be used as a "last resort" so follow closely:
(should unbrick ANY bricked Excalibur if performed correctly)
Get a cup of coffee or tea
You will need a working Donor HTC device with a microSD slot and a microSD card that is smaller than 1GB (will be formatted) to create "goldcard" image using QMAT tools as described below
You will need QMAT. Get it from http://revskills.de/index.html.
Go to the Download link and download the latest version and unpack QMAT
Have some coffee
Use a SD card reader (either USB for microSD adapter) in your PC to access the SD card through Windows. Format the SD card with FAT32.
* Insert the SD card into the donor HTC device and boot up the device. Connect the USB cable and establish an Activesync connection.
Open QMAT and go to the "Hardware Forensics" menu and select "Generate HTC Goldcard"
In "Select device key:" select the Excalibur
You will need the serial number fro the inserted SD card so click the "Get SD Card Serial from WINCE Device" button
Once the Serial number appears in the box, click the "Save Goldcard Image to WINCE SD" button below
If no errors pop up and all goes well, skip the next step
If you get an error or a popup saying "Goldcard for newer devices isn't implemented in newer devices", you must buy and register the software. Believe me, it's worth the small amount of $ you will spend to bring your expensive device back to life!
Now remove the SD card with the newly written Goldcard image from the Donor HTC device
Insert the SD card back into your PC using the microSD card reader adapter. Browse to the drive letter assigned to it. You will see no files on the SD card, this is normal.
(If, for some reason your PC sees the SD card as unformatted, something went wrong. Remove it and reinsert it into the Donor HTC device. The device should see the card as unformatted and ask you to format it, say yes. Now go back to the "* Insert the SD card into the donor HTC device" step above and repeat the steps)
Unpack your Dopod or other factory ROM and copy RUU_Signed.nbh to the SD card. Once it had finished copying, rename the file to EXCAIMG.nbh. Remove the SD card from the PC.
Make sure the Excalibur is off and insert the SD card
Enter bootloader mode as mentioned earlier (hold the camera button while pressing the power button). No need to connect the USB cable.
You will see a gray screen that says "loading". It will then find the EXCAIMG.nbh file and ask if you would like to start the update process. Follow the instructions and let the phone flash.
It will take 10-15 mins but your phone should boot fine and be back in action!
QMAT is a VERY powerful tool written by viperbjk that allows for full low level manipulation of HTC and WINCE tasks. Read all about it here http://revskills.de/index.html.
Many thanks to jockyw2001 for his amazing HTC device knowledge! Also thanks to all who contributed to this post.
Hope this tutorial helps!
Updates and more info will be here.
What if the phone will not enter bootloader mode?
ookba said:
Updates and more info will be here.
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Hi OOkba,
This happened to a friend in the office's Dash. It simply froze up while operating. I actually got on the phone with HTC support. We couldn't get it to do anything. It does power up but then freezes.
The HTC guy was of the opinion that it is hardware related.
You ever solved that one?
BTW - I am running the 7.18 6.5 - love it - thank you so much
all steamed out said:
Hi OOkba,
This happened to a friend in the office's Dash. It simply froze up while operating. I actually got on the phone with HTC support. We couldn't get it to do anything. It does power up but then freezes.
The HTC guy was of the opinion that it is hardware related.
You ever solved that one?
BTW - I am running the 7.18 6.5 - love it - thank you so much
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Thanks, glad you like it. Try this guide for your friend. Sounds like an easy fix unless it is indeed hardware related.
HI OOKBA. I can't find my shipped rom. I have a HTC Excalibur from Digitel, Venezuela. The serial number is SZ702FJ05879. I try all roms and not working. Please, help me. (sorry my bad english)
thank. I formated SD card and insert SD card in to my phone.But Do I need turn on my phone when connect with computer? because when I run QMAT software is error. " could not open connection? Device connected?". Help me. I need help from you
mydreamisrich said:
thank. I formated SD card and insert SD card in to my phone.But Do I need turn on my phone when connect with computer? because when I run QMAT software is error. " could not open connection? Device connected?". Help me. I need help from you
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Yes, you have to have a spare working phone to create a "goldcard". The phone must be powered on and sync'd via USB so QMAT can access the storage card.
alfatech said:
HI OOKBA. I can't find my shipped rom. I have a HTC Excalibur from Digitel, Venezuela. The serial number is SZ702FJ05879. I try all roms and not working. Please, help me. (sorry my bad english)
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English is good!! Who is your Carrier? Maybe your carrier has a ROM UPdate on their website? You should be able to use the TMO or Brightpoint ROM. You tried all the factory ROMS and they fail to flash?
ookba said:
Yes, you have to have a spare working phone to create a "goldcard". The phone must be powered on and sync'd via USB so QMAT can access the storage card.
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I tried turn on my phone. And connect computer by USB but the same error. QMAT can't access the storage card. What does I do?
Sup ookba!
I really want to flash my TMobile Dash using your rom, looks pretty cool but I'm deadly afraid of bricking my phone so first, I took a look on my System Info and it says
ROM Version: 1.33.422.1 (tho its a TMobile Dash, I think the seller flashed it with this international rom).
Model Name: HTC S621
So I got 3 questions
1) Can i flash 3VO rom on this phone?
2) If the flashing fails, can i just use another 1.33.422.1 ROM and reflash it?
3) Will the flashing process (both ways) will bring the SIM Lock back?
Greetings from Brazil and sorry about my glass-cracking, horrible and ultra-bad english.
aletkd said:
Sup ookba!
I really want to flash my TMobile Dash using your rom, looks pretty cool but I'm deadly afraid of bricking my phone so first, I took a look on my System Info and it says
ROM Version: 1.33.422.1 (tho its a TMobile Dash, I think the seller flashed it with this international rom).
Model Name: HTC S621
So I got 3 questions
1) Can i flash 3VO rom on this phone?
2) If the flashing fails, can i just use another 1.33.422.1 ROM and reflash it?
3) Will the flashing process (both ways) will bring the SIM Lock back?
Greetings from Brazil and sorry about my glass-cracking, horrible and ultra-bad english.
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Yes, your phone is fine. Make sure you follow all of the flashing instructions. Make sure you remove your SD card, connect your phone, run SDA Application Unlock, and run auto.bat from the update package.
mydreamisrich said:
I tried turn on my phone. And connect computer by USB but the same error. QMAT can't access the storage card. What does I do?
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I dont know what you're doing wrong. Sounds like you're not establishing an Activesync connection properly.
Ok, Ookba. My carrier is DIGITEL and don't have support in the website. The phone comes originally with WM5 in spanish. I try all the factory roms and not working. Please, tell me if there is any solution or I forget the phone.
Thank you any help.
alfatech said:
Ok, Ookba. My carrier is DIGITEL and don't have support in the website. The phone comes originally with WM5 in spanish. I try all the factory roms and not working. Please, tell me if there is any solution or I forget the phone.
Thank you any help.
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Try the "Goldcard"' method. This should SuperCID your phone and allow you to flash ANY shipped factory ROM. Please follow the tutorial closely. You will need a spare phone with a microSD slot.
Ok, Ookba. But the spare phone must be a same model than mine? (HTC S620)
alfatech said:
Ok, Ookba. But the spare phone must be a same model than mine? (HTC S620)
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No, just has to Windows Mobile based and have a SDHC slot.
OK. I try with 3rd method and when run Qmat and select "Get SD Card serial from WINCE Device" appears the message "You need to set rigth registry permissions. See QMAT manual for more info." and not recognizes the sd card.
What is the problem?
Thanks, Ookba. You're great, man. Finally someone offers solutions to my problem. Thank you very much. My Phone came back to life again. I make a donation soon.
alfatech said:
Thanks, Ookba. You're great, man. Finally someone offers solutions to my problem. Thank you very much. My Phone came back to life again. I make a donation soon.
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GREAT!!!!! Congratulations!
I tried but when I click Get SD Card Serial from WINCE Device in the box none found and click Save Goldcard Image to WINCE SD is card ID isn't 16 bit (32 charter) long. I isn't succesful. help me???????

[GUIDE]How to Flash Your Vogue (CDMA Only!!!!)

Hi all!!
Ever since I got my Sprint Vogue, I have spent God only knows how many hours looking for and gathering information regarding this phone (flashing instructions, unlocking, SuperCID, etc). There are a few sites that have fairly comprehensive guides as to how to do this, but there are very few posts in the Vogue Section here at XDA-Developers.
Having said that, I figured I would create my own "How to Flash Your Vogue"-Thread. This is a multi-step process and I cannot emphasize the importance of following every step down to the "T", that is unless you are looking for a silicone-skinned brick...
Who is this guide for?
*Anyone with a CDMA version of the Touch. [highlight]That means no GSM[/highlight]
*Noobs and Seniors alike.
*People who have trouble flashing their devices.
*Anyone looking for links to more information.
*Curious people in general.
*Anyone willing to get rid of the nasty stock rom and looking for a newer and cleaner OS (notice that I never said more stable, so do not blame me afterwards ).
[highlight]Please keep in mind that there is always a chance of bricking your device with these procedures. I will not be in any way, shape, or form responsible if you damage your device while doing this.[/highlight]
Got your coffee? Alright, let's do this.
Step 1. Preparing the device
As with every phone, you have to make sure that you have the following things done before flashing:
* Battery charged at least 50%.
* All the necessary programs (see next post).
* Instructions handy.
Make sure that you back up all your information (contacts, e-mails, files).... essentially, anything that you would like to keep post-flashing. You can do this via Active Sync/Mobile Device Center or via third party software (PIM Backup is really good)...
You will have to reinstall every last piece of software in your device as it will be hard reset. Some programs may work if installed in a SD card directly, but a lot of them write things to the registry and copy files to the device, which they require to run. Long story short, keep all your cabs and exe files in a safe place so you can restore later if needed.
Step 2. Unlocking the Device (HardSPL)
Unlocking the device is done so that you can flash custom roms in your devices. The unlocker that you are about to download and use was provided by "ImCoKeMaN" at PPCGeeks. If you are interested in the full thread, please click here.
If you have read the above link, you will see two versions of the HardSPL (0.40 and 2.31). Simply use 2.31 as it works fine with most devices.
[highlight]To use this under Windows XP,[/highlight]
1. Connect your device to your computer and make sure it is synced with ActiveSync.
2. Download and extract the contents of the zip file, which is an exe. Let it run to completion. You will be prompted to disconnect and reconnect your device at one point in the process. Do it... don't worry
3. It will look like it is flashing a rom via a RUU. Do not disconnect the device after it is done!!!!!
4. Once it is done flashing, you will see a prompt that says that it will run exitbl. DO NOT DISCONNECT YOUR DEVICE. At this point, open ActiveSync, go to File>Connection Settings> Uncheck "Allow USB Connections". Continue following the on screen instructions and let it finish.
5. Go to bootloader once more to verify that it worked. You should see 2.31 CoKe MFG.
[highlight]To use this under Windows Vista/7 x64 (thanks jitajt),[/highlight]
jitajt said:
connect your device to WMDC (it's not necessary to set up device, just connect without setting up device)
then right click on the 2.31 unlocker and run as administrator
follow the directions, you will get an error about sleep.exe not being compatible with x64 but just hit ok and continue, (you will get about 10 of them)
then just keep following the directions in the command prompt and it will put your phone into bootloader then you have to disconnect and reconnect when it tells you to. and it will flash your phone and reset it. then your done you can close the command prompt and disconnect your phone.
I did it just like above and I have not had any problems.
Do this at your own risk as I am not responsible for your phone
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Step 3. Flashing your Roms
The time has finally arrived. You sat down patiently through the unlocker and you are now ready to take the leap of faith into what you believe will bring your device to a new level of usefulness (also known as getting rid of that nasty, bloated, stock rom )
The process is relatively simple:
1. Download the RUU package from this post. I am only posting this because some cooks only post the rom nbh files rather than the whole package.
2. Go into the threads and look for whichever rom you prefer. Look at my signature to learn which one I am using. NFSFan (my current one) is by far the best one I have tried so far. You can download it from here
3. Put your device in bootloader mode and connect the device to the computer. [highlight]Once in bootloader, activesync will NOT see the device. If the RUU gives a connection error, try to run it with the devices in regular mode (with ActiveSync connected)[/highlight]
4. Open the Romupdateutility.exe and follow the steps.
5. Once it is done flashing the rom, disconnect it from the computer and hard reset it. To do this, simply hold "Send" + "End Call" +Stylus in the reset hole for about 3 seconds. It will prompt you to erase all the data and restore to factory defaults. Press "Enter", which is the center button in the directional pad. Once it is done, press "Send" to reboot.
Congratulations, you just flashed your first rom for Vogue
Step 4. SuperCID
This step can be skipped if you are not thinking of doing anything as far as your radio (such as flashing radios other than the ones intended for Vogue). This is also used to do other things such as modifying certain important things on your device such as the NV files, which is information that will not be discussed here. However, if you are interested in finding out more, simply google it, there is a ton of information out there.
Anyways, back to SuperCID... here is the procedure (thanks to hpnasik at mobile-files.com for the post)
1. Download the following special rom . This is an Alltel rom with radio 3.37. This was specially prepared to be able to reduce the Security Level of the device to level zero.
2. Download mtty since you will need it. Do not worry if you do not how to use it. You will have a step by step in this guide.
3. Flash the Alltel rom from above.
Now comes the fun part...
4. Disable USB in Connection Settings of Active Sync
5. Boot The Phone holding power button and camera button to enter bootloader.
6. Phone Will Display Serial in Bottom
7. Connect Phone to PC
8. Phone should Display USB instead of Serial in Bottom
9. start mtty.exe
10. Select All Default and Connect to USB in drop down box and Shoot the Following Commands (All Commands are case Sensitive)
11. run command rtask a : After this Command Phone will not Display any thing
12. run command echo_on : even though nothing is shown to screen
13. run command readCID : in Sprint it will display SPCS_001
14. run command writeCID 00000000 : Set CID Value to 00000000 replaces SPCS_001 in Sprint (This make PPC Radio Security Level to Zero)
15. run command readCID : This will Display the Update CID as 00000000
16. run Command retuoR : This will return to Original Boot Loader State
Congratulations, you just SuperCIDed your device. Original thread with the instructions can be found here if you are interested.
Step 5. Flashing your radio.
Now that your device has been SuperCIDed, you will have the opportunity to flash radios that have been ported to this device (ie. there is a version of the 3.42.40 radio for the Titan, which has been ported to the Vogue). There are two ways of doing this:
Way 1: Do it by flashing via RUU (same as with flashing a rom)
Way 2: Flash via microSD card. Simply put whichever radio that you wish to flash in the root of a 2GB or less microSD card formatted to fat32. Rename the radio to VOGUIMG.NBH and put your device in bootloader. The flashing will start by itself.
Way 3 (I know I said two ways...): There are a few stock roms that come with new radios. One of them can be downloaded directly from HTC and it is for the Sprint Touch. This one comes with Radio 3.42.30
The other one is for Bell Mobility and this one comes with Radio 3.42.50.
Why am I giving "Way 3" if the other two options seem much easier?? I have run into the problem where my device would not let me flash other radios than the one that I had. SD card method did not work and the RUU started out fine but quits at 8% rebooting my phone and displaying Error 328 in the RUU on the PC. Anyway, here are the links...
Sprint rom with radio 3.42.30
Bell rom with radio 3.42.50
Verizon Stock Rom
All Shipped Roms (All Carriers) - Thanks conflipper!
All Above Radios zipped
The newer radios perform a little better and give out better GPS signal (faster locks)....
Hang on a sec... did you just say GPS?!?!? But my Vogue does not have a GPS.... It does, just read a little further and be happy
Step 6. Enabling GPS, Returning to Stock, and Carrier Cabs
As I said before, there is a GPS hidden on your device. Now, if you are like me and went straight to the specs of the phone to confirm, you will probably try to call BS on this. Long story short, there are a few custom roms which have this "tweak" already implemented (like the one I am using from NFSFan). If you require some more info, I will post it later...
[highlight]Location must be on or else your GPS will not work. To activate it, go to Settings>Personal>Phone and change the Location setting to ON instead of 911 (thanks for pointing it out, th3lolz)[/highlight]
[highlight]For Verizon Users[/highlight]
br125 said:
For those of you with the official mr1 update from verizon that cannot get their gps working:
My xv6900 came with the official update and I got it working, it involves downgrading to a NON-GPS radio, then back to a gps radio...
go here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=533639
now the instructions are going to imply that you must load the unlocker before each flash... bs don't worry about that
1. flash the .40 unlocker
2. flash the non-gps rom (reset before customization)
3. flash the 2.31 unlocker
4. flash the vzw rom (reset before customization)
5. flash any custom rom or android rom
that's it, time consuming, but it works
*ignore the multiple flashing instructions, its completely unnecessary, I've never flashed more than once with no problem ever....
I also suggest keeping the vzw radio, but do as you will, I like the 3.37.38 radio.. ain't broke don't fix it
lastly, just make sure you RESET BEFORE THE CUSTOMIZATIONS RUN...... that is what locks your gps.
good luck!
ps. the verizon radio rom that is in that post is for the "leaked" 3.37.37 radio, I reccomend using the official update from verizon here for the 3.37.38 radio rom instead:
http://www.pcdphones.com/phone_downloads.aspx?bid=95&cid=1&mid=302&carrier=Verizon Wireless
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[highlight]How to Relock you phone[/highlight]
If, for whatever reason you need to return your phone for repair/replacement, you will need to relock it. To relock your phone, simply run the unlocker 0.40 and flash the stock rom of your carrier.
[highlight]Carrier Cabs[/highlight]
Thanks to Codybear for gathering all of the cabs with settings for various carriers. But since the link went down, here is another one courtesy of LMiller1708
This information was only gathered by me and I take no credit whatsoever other than trying to put it in a one stop thread. Thanks to the following people
and a bunch of people that were involved in developing all this...
Thread sticky'd as requested
ok so im a noob n all at this but for some reason when i go to start the Vogue unlocker it tells me to connect my phone, when its already connected. Ive tried everything my even switched to an xp from vista but still no luck. Please help
dwigginstm said:
ok so im a noob n all at this but for some reason when i go to start the Vogue unlocker it tells me to connect my phone, when its already connected. Ive tried everything my even switched to an xp from vista but still no luck. Please help
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How exciting!! My first victi...erh patient
Did you put the device in bootloader mode? If you did and it is connected to the PC, you should see USB on the screen of your device. Also, do you have ActiveSync on your XP machine? You will need it for the drivers on this step. Changing USB ports sometimes help as well. And one last thing, do not use a USB hub, go directly through the USB ports in your computer. Good luck!
yes i have activesync installed xp, and yes it changes from serial to usb in bootloader mode. But once i connect it to the pc while in bootloader mode my computer recognizes just activesync doesnt, only when its on and not in bootloader mode will activesync recognize it...
yes i have activesync set up with the phone and pc, but when i put the phone in bootloader mode and connect it the pc recognizes it but not activesync. is there another program i can unlock the phone with?
dwigginstm said:
yes i have activesync installed xp, and yes it changes from serial to usb in bootloader mode. But once i connect it to the pc while in bootloader mode my computer recognizes just activesync doesnt, only when its on and not in bootloader mode will activesync recognize it...
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Do not worry about ActiveSync. While you are in bootloader, the device is not running WM, which is why your computer only sees it as a USB device. This is perfectly fine. ActiveSync will not recognize it.
Please, follow the instructions in my post for unlocking. Read it thoroughly and try to understand it, else you will end up bricking your device.
ok but when i begin the unlocking exe it tell me to connect the device to activesync, althought the only way activesync will notice it is if i take it out of bootmode. your help is appriciated
dwigginstm said:
ok but when i begin the unlocking exe it tell me to connect the device to activesync, althought the only way activesync will notice it is if i take it out of bootmode. your help is appriciated
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that is a message in the RUU. do not pay attention to it. good luck...
so i finally got the unlocker to start and it begins the ten minute process and stops then show a 262 error code ive done this over and over again
Let's go from the top. I just saw the message that you were talking about. The unlocker does ask for ActiveSync as you pointed out and it is asking you to connect the device to the computer. Then it asks for you to press any key when that is done. So, try that and you should see the word "initializing" with a dotted line getting longer for about 20 seconds. Do that.
The RUU will start up afterwards. The prompt will tell you that it is going to flash a new SPL, and if I am not mistaken that is where you are getting stuck.
Just out of curiosity, which version of the Vogue do you have? (Alltel, Bell, Verizon, Sprint, US Cellular)?
no internet
i just flashes my cell for the first time in with sprint NFSFAN's WM6.5 1.00 FINAL ROM worked great but for some reason my internet doesnt work i downloaded NFSFAN Sprint Provisioning but i dont know how to use it. It has a cople files SPRINT~1.000 and 000DUMMY and setup.xls
thanks in advance
terrancextc said:
i just flashes my cell for the first time in with sprint NFSFAN's WM6.5 1.00 FINAL ROM worked great but for some reason my internet doesnt work i downloaded NFSFAN Sprint Provisioning but i dont know how to use it. It has a cople files SPRINT~1.000 and 000DUMMY and setup.xls
thanks in advance
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You downloaded a cab. Simply put it in your SD card and run it by tapping on it. Don't unzip it...
Unlocker is not 64 bit compatible... grrr....

