I have attached all the files needed to do this on windows, mac, and linux at the end of this post. The creation of these apps, goes to the respective people, including Koush, JF, Infernix, and alansj.
Want to get rid of that t-mobile boot image?
Disconnect, over at, has figured out how to do it using the new unlocked bootloader from the g1 dev phone. Below is a quote from the source. ( )
"So you want to join the party and flash your own boot image, but its a weird undocumented format and you don't want to spend all year researching it in the source. Well, I'm here to help.
It is actually very simple. Start with an image you want to use, make sure it is 320x480 with 8bpp color. (In my examples, I'll use splash.png: PNG image data, 320 x 480, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaced
Just make sure you have ImageMagick installed, and the utilities from the source build. (Specifically, rgb2565.)
$ convert -depth 8 splash.png rgb:splash.raw
# Make sure it is 460800 bytes long!
$ rgb2565 < splash.raw > splash.raw565
# Triple-check size before flashing! 307200 bytes
$ fastboot flash splash1 splash.raw565
$ fastboot reboot
Lets break it down. the convert turns it from a png (or any supported image format) into a raw 8-bits-per-color no-alpha data file. This file should be 460800 bytes - no more, no less.
Next, rgb2565 converts that file to a raw 565 16bit file (for the framebuffer on the G1.) This file is exactly 307200 bytes long - if its not, you messed up somewhere.
Finally, you use fastboot to flash the splash image and reboot. Instead of the B&W T-mobile logo, now you will see your custom splash screen. Congrats! "
Thanks to Infernix for the following extended how to:
1. find an image you like
2. edit it with your favourite editing suite and scale it to 320x480
3. after scaling it, convert the colorspace to 256 colors (8-bit)
4. Save it as a PNG without alpha channel/transparency.
5. Use the convert tool from the ImageMagick toolkit (use cygwin, or a linux box): convert -depth 8 splash.png rgb:splash.raw
6. Check that the splash.raw file is exactly 460800 bytes!
7. Compile the android tool called rgb2565 (gcc -O2 -Wall -Wno-unused-parameter -o rgb2565 to565.c)
8. Run the conversion command: rgb2565 < splash.raw > splash.raw565
9. Check that splash.raw565 is 307200 bytes. if it isn't, DO NOT FLASH IT ON YOUR PHONE. double-check your steps, something went wrong.
10. Boot your phone in SPL mode (hold camera +power).
11. After SPL shows, plug in USB connector/cord/whateva and push trackball or hit back. SPL restarts and now shows FASTBOOT.
12. If on windows, you need to install
13. Compile android (see and make sure the fastboot binary (mydroid/out/host/*/bin/fastboot) is compiled (* being your OS)
14. use fastboot devices to check whether if your phone is showing up. if it isn't, try it as root (user might not have permission to access the usb device).
15. Double check that splash.raw565 is 307200 bytes. if it isn't, DO NOT FLASH IT ON YOUR PHONE.
16. Flash the splash image: fastboot flash splash1 splash.raw565
17. Reboot your phone to check: fastboot reboot
The instructions below are for users trying to flash their own boot image using windows.
The instructions below are also JF's work and not my own:
(note: you have to check the USB device in Computer Manager when the phone is in fastboot mode. The computer sees the phone in fastboot mode as a different device than the phone in normal mode)
Download the file and extract it in the same folder as adb. (if you don't have adb yet, it's included in the android SDK for windows. go download it!)
Take out the usb cable and boot up your phone into the SPL (back + power). You have to have the dev bootloader for this to work (white background with 3 skateboarding androids).
Plug in the usb cable, and make sure the display on the phone changes from "Serial0" to "FASTBOOT". If it doesn't, try pressing the back button.
If it asks you to install drivers, then go ahead and use the same usb drivers that you used to get adb working. You can skip the rest of the instructions. Fastboot should be working for you now.
If it doesn't ask you to install a driver, you need to figure out if the correct driver is loaded already.
Right click on My Computer, and click Manage, then go to the device manager
If you see an "ADB Interface" category at/near the top, with "HTC Dream" under it, then you're good to go. Fastboot should be working for you.
If you don't see an "ADB Interface" category, then it's likely that windows loaded the USB Mass Storage driver for it automatically. In the device manager, go down to "Universal Serial Bus Controllers", and see if you have at least one "USB Mass Storage device". If you have multiple ones, you'll need to go through each to find the correct one.
To find the correct one, right click on the USB Mass Storage device and click Properties. Go to the Details tab. In the combo box at the top that says "Device Instance Id", bring up the pull down and choose "Compatible Ids". If that is the correct device, then you will see 3 entries:
* USB\Class_ff&SubClass_42&Prot_03
* USB\Class_ff&SubClass_42
* USB\Class_ff
Once you find the correct device, go to the driver tab, and click "Update Driver". Choose "No, not this time", then "Install from a list or specific location", then "Don't search, I will choose the driver to install", and then choose the same usb driver that you used to get adb to work.
After that's done, you should be good to go. Open a command prompt and type fastboot devices and it should list the phone.
Here is a very good set of instructions for applying this to your phone if you haven't gotten it already:
Additional Information
another way to convert to 565 raw, but from ANY format, is to use ffmpeg like so:
ffmpeg -i input.png -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb565 output.565
where input.png could be jpg, gif, tiff, etc. whatever you want.
credits for this goes to
Heres some info about FFmpeg and where you can download it: FFmpeg
“It won't work,” droned Marvin, “I have an exceptionally large mind.”
It's possible to modify the code to show a different startup animation: for example, the cylon strobing eye animation that was present up till Android V0.9.
Check out \frameworks\base\libs\surfaceflinger\BootAnimation.cpp. Just need to redeploy the one surfaceflinger file to see the changes.
Stericson, You ROCK!
I'm getting hung up at this line
fastboot flash splash1 g1-splash.rle
it says g1-splash.rle not found. what'd i miss? everything else has worked like a charm thus far.
Correction in instructions:
$ rgb2565 < splash.raw > splash.raw565
# Triple-check size before flashing! 307200 bytes
$ fastboot flash splash1 splash.raw565
$ fastboot reboot
Stericson said:
This file should be 460800 bytes - no more, no less.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
460800 shall be the size of the file, and the number of bytes in the file shall be 460800. 460801 shalt not the size of the file be, neither shall the size be 460799, excepting that thou then append a byte to 460800.
460802... is right out.
Once the file size 460800, being the 460800th byte be reached, flasheth thou thy boot image onto the G1, who, being naughty in my sight, shall display it.
(note: please read the instructions, and don't actually flash a file that's 460800 bytes long. I had to take some artistic liberties here )
Ok, now the terminal just hangs on
< waiting for device >
Is the phone supposed to be in recovery? I've tried that, but have had the same results. I have the /system mounted and the phone is on a jailbroken RC30 (1.2). And it also is running the Dev 1 bootloader. Any helpful hints?
when i do an 'adb devices', the phone is listed...
can I do this using windows? I made an image, with paint shop pro, and used convert to convert it to the raw format and it turned out to be 403,200 bytes, is that wrong? What did I do? Also, can I use rgb2565 on Windows? or do I have to run this in linux? Lastly, when using fastboot, do I boot my phone into the dev bootloader and connect to it via adb shell and then type that command?
Any help would be great!
OK let me extend the howto:
1. find an image you like
2. edit it with your favourite editing suite and scale it to 320x480
3. after scaling it, convert the colorspace to 256 colors (8-bit)
4. Save it as a PNG without alpha channel/transparency.
5. Use the convert tool from the ImageMagick toolkit (use cygwin, or a linux box): convert -depth 8 splash.png rgb:splash.raw
6. Check that the splash.raw file is exactly 460800 bytes!
7. Compile the android tool called rgb2565 (gcc -O2 -Wall -Wno-unused-parameter -o rgb2565 to565.c)
8. Run the conversion command: rgb2565 < splash.raw > splash.raw565
9. Check that splash.raw565 is 307200 bytes. if it isn't, DO NOT FLASH IT ON YOUR PHONE. double-check your steps, something went wrong.
10. Boot your phone in SPL mode (hold camera +power).
11. After SPL shows, plug in USB connector/cord/whateva and push trackball or hit back. SPL restarts and now shows FASTBOOT.
12. If on windows, you need to install
13. Compile android (see and make sure the fastboot binary (mydroid/out/host/*/bin/fastboot) is compiled (* being your OS)
14. use fastboot devices to check whether if your phone is showing up. if it isn't, try it as root (user might not have permission to access the usb device).
15. Double check that splash.raw565 is 307200 bytes. if it isn't, DO NOT FLASH IT ON YOUR PHONE.
16. Flash the splash image: fastboot flash splash1 splash.raw565
17. Reboot your phone to check: fastboot reboot
This list together with instructions at should get you going.
The tools mentioned here are commandline tools.
I have attached static versions of the tools mentioned for linux x86 to this thread. However I can't guarantee that they will work for you. they should, though.
A quick note: you can save directly to raw format from gimp or photoshop (allowing you to skip the imagemagick step). It just has to be 8-bit (which has been the default when I tried it).
Also, I attached rgb20565 and fastboot compiled for OS X 10.5.
Could someone upload the compiled binaries for Windows for those lazy people out there (me included)?
Here is the compiled binary for rgb2565
I don't have the compiled binary for fastboot, hopefully someone else will post it for you guys...I found it easier, way easier, to do this on a linux box.
After a bit of tinkering, i finally got it. The biggest problem i was having was that after i booted into the SPL, THEN i was supposed to connect the USB cable... i had it plugged in and then tried to boot SPL and nothing happened. Everything is great now. Big thanks
Thanks Stericson for the compiled rgb2565 file(for windows)
Can someone please upload the fastboot binary? I don't know how to compile it myself....Thanks a lot in advance for everyones previous hardwork on this and forthcoming.
to build the file yourself go to the root android source directory (mine is linux, but it looks like this "/home/ryan/android_source"), your's might look something like "C:/Source Codes/android/" or whatever. Once you navigate to that directory (via the command prompt... just go to start > run > and type in 'cmd' and hit enter, then use the 'cd' command to get there... e.g., "cd C:/Source Codes/android/"), once there, simply type 'make' and hit enter and it will start building everything, it might take a few minutes to complete. Then just go into the 'out' directory, then it's under "host/windows-x86/bin" (i'm not sure about the windows-x86 part, it might just be windows or something like it, i'm just assuming based on mine), once in that folder you'll have the fastboot as well as all of the other binary files ready to go. Then you can just type fastboot w/e w/e and it'll work just fine.
Here's my updated bootloader logo:
It's kind of difficult to see, my camera sucks... it's my fraternity letters with the crest in the background. Here's the image i used for it:
big head white robot guy
Id like to have the big head robot one in the first of this post, mind sharing the properly pressed,flipped,shook,stirred and what not, Id just like to dump the tmob splash, really anybody who has tried tested images attach them here, if you don't mind sharing...
just figured I'd ask as I didnt see any posted anywhere I don't always do so well at looking for stuff, at least thats what my wife is always b1tchen in my ear...
Ok, I'm sure I can do that, but now how do I get the android source onto my windows installation? Do I use cygwin? How, if so?
Thanks so much....
BTW, I've tried googling this, and still am, with no luck, thusfar.
Here's what I finally settled on.
Take 2...
Awesome, thanks for the help!
You mentioned that disconnect figured out how to do it with a dev bootloader - does this mean my rooted rc30 phone should be upgraded to a dev phone bootloader for it to work? Or will I be able to perform it on my modified rc30 v1.2 setup?
edit: nm, figured it out thanks! here's a pic:
Here's a friendly guide for all the people with 1.33.0010 SPL INDIAN VERSION AIRTEL and who would like to switch over to the 1.33.2010 Engineering SPL with Amon_RA's ROM. This has been tested on my Indian HTC Magic, but I do think it will work for other Magics with the same SPL. Remember, this is for 32A only.I tried different options given in xda forum but this method is full proof and now I have a working hero rom on my HTC MAGIC AIRTEL ASIA.
1. Download the latest Android SDK from Create a folder called "AndroidSDK" on your C drive and extract the contents of the zip file to the folder such that the folders called "tools", "usb_driver" and all are within the "AndroidSDK" folder.
2. On Windows XP : Go to Control Panel->System, Choose the 'Advanced' tab and then click 'Environment Variables' To do this on Vista/Windows7: Simply go to Control Panel->System and choose 'Advanced System Settings' and then 'Environment Variables'
Now that you've got here locate Path under System Variables and click Edit, then add the following to the end of the string displayed:
Then click OK until you get out of the menus.
3. Enable Debugging mode on the phone by going to
Menu > Settings > Applications > Developement > USB Debugging
4. Go to and download the ADB drivers for windows.Not needed in HTC Sync 2.04 version as drivers are embedded in it.
5. Connect your Android device via USB. When the Found New Hardware Wizard appears, you'll be asked if you'd like Windows Update to search for software, select No, not this time and click Next.
Select Install from a list or specified location and click Next.
Select Search for the best driver in these locations. Browse and select the unzipped folder. Click Finish.
6. Go to "Run" in Start and type in "cmd". This is the standard procedure for invoking the Command Prompt. Remember this. Type "cd\" hit enter and then enter "cd AndroidSDK", hit enter. Then cd\tools ,hit enter The command prompt should look like :
Now type in "adb devices" and hit enter. You should see something like this :
C:\AndroidSDK>adb devices
List of devices attached
If you do, everything is great. Disconnect your device.
7. Now go to HTC's global site and download the latest version of HTC Sync(2.04 Version), unzip and install. When you connect your device now, HTC Sync should recognize your phone.
8. Now comes the Gold Card part. Go to and follow the guide to create your Gold Card. The 2GB Sandisk one which comes in the box works just fine. If you don't have Android Market, don't fret. Forget about the Steps 3 & 4. Instead, connect your device with the card in it. Invoke command prompt and cd to "AndroidSDK" as told before. Type in "adb shell cat /sys/class/mmc_host/mmc1/mmc1:*/cid". You will get the CID. Follow the rest of the steps from the guide to create a Gold Card.
9. Time for action. Now you gotta get Engineering SPL 1.33.2010(find it on xda forum)- MD5 : 865020FBDFBD9C08950076A701A8A003 Flash this Rom in Hboot mode.
# Copy the required file zip file and rename it (Do not add zip only rename as sappimg as it is already a zip file.) and copy it to the Goldcard.
# Boot your phone while holding the VOLUME-DOWN key.
# Press the ACTION KEY (=trackball) to start the update.
# Wait until the update completes and press the ACTION KEY (=trackball) to reboot your phone.
10. Now time to create a Nandroid Backup. Download • RAv1.2.1H – (Find it on xda forums) MD5Sum: E08D0A38BCCADAE416F644EE9D370D8B Put it in the "AndroidSDK\tools" folder. Switch off your phone. Hold the Back button and Switch it on. This takes you to the Fastboot mode. Standard procedure. Remember this. Connect the phone to the PC. Invoke the command prompt, cd to "AndroidSDK\tools" and type :
fastboot boot recovery-RAv1.2.1H.img
The recovery image will boot and you'll see the recovery screen in green colour. Wait for 2 minutes. Select the Nandroid Backup option and follow the on-screen instructions to create a backup. Reboot device. And copy over the "nandroid" folder on you sd card to a safe place.
11. Time to flash the HERO ROM Go to myhero-1.12 (find it on XDA forum) I tried flashing other roms but the screen jams at start so this particular rom is working well on my HTC AIRTEL ASIA Rename the file to "" and copy over to the sd card. Switch off your phone. Hold the Back button and Switch it on. This takes you to the Fastboot mode. Connect the phone to the PC. Invoke the command prompt, cd to "AndroidSDK\tools" and type :
fastboot boot recovery-RAv1.2.1H.img
The recovery image will boot and you'll see the recovery screen. Wait for 2 minutes. Select the Wipe Data option, and follow instructions to Wipe your present ROM. If you don't do this, your phone might not boot after flashing the ROM. Select the Apply option. Follow onscreen instructions to flash the ROM. Reboot. All done. Welcome to Android.....
All credits go to XDA FORUM , and everybody else for their respective contributions.....
PS. Please do chip in with a Thanks if you found this guide helpful and any corrections are welcome.....
PPS. After you flash the ROM, if HTC Sync isn't working, use Google Sync, since the ROM is a Google ION based one.
Hello Everyone,
The following steps can be used to enable MMOS mode on the Alcatel Idol 4S with Windows 10:
1. download and install WPAK. It can be found at
2. extract the files of the attached zip and put them in the same directory as "ffutool.exe".
3. Start your phone in Recovery mode (lightening bolt and gear), and connect it to the computer. (the Idol 4S, this is VolUp & Power.)
4. now open a command prompt as administrator and navigate to the path where WPAK is installed.
5. run the following command: "FFUTool.exe -setBootMode 1 ProfileName" Where "ProfileName" is one of the following:
a. "Default"
b. "Factory"
c. "FactoryFullOS"
6. wait for the device to reboot. While it is booting, the startup screen will say "Not For Resale."
To disable MMOS mode, perform the same steps as above, but replace the command used in step 4 with the following: "FFUTool.exe -setBootMode 0"
FactoryFullOS is useful immediately after a flash and before first boot because it will skip OOBE and let you just use the phone. This is good to install Interop Tools and make changes to the device before OOBE is run. Once you disable it after making changes, it will run OOBE. FactoryFullOS also enables the Qualcomm ports so you can use QPST and other Qualcomm tools to interact with the radio.
Here is a list of optional features that may be enabled only when Manufacturing Mode is enabled:
NOTE: the "ProfileName" for other devices can be found at the following registry key: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\ControlSet001\Control\ManufacturingMode" The subkeys that are listed are the names that are used by FFUTool.exe. (There is no space between the M and the a, but the forum keeps adding one for some reason)
Thanks for sharing this. Could be getting closer at more development for this device. I have never used this mode for Windows phones, can you give anymore insight or details on this? Like how to add features manually or check for what is enabled already? I do see it opens the diag port like you said. So it could be possible to back up the qc partitions which is good.
@nate0 This mode is typically used by device manufacturers for the testing and debugging of retail devices. I think in WP 8 there was a hard-requirement to remove this from pure-retail devices. In Windows 10 Mobile, it is not required to remove these from retail images. I haven't played with it much myself, but it should let you do things that you couldn't normally do like editing the BCD store. If you expand the registry key that corresponds to the MMOS mode being used, it will show you the customizations that are taking place when that mode is used.
Thanks. I was actually able to dump a qcn file from the T-Mobile model last night.
This mode also works on the Madosma Q601. Have only used "setbootmode 1 factory" successfully.
I've been trying to enable US LTE bands on it. Dumped the nv memory prior and had to restore it after using qpst as I inadvertently blanked out the imei on accident. Good news is that I successfully restored the nv modem settings from the dumped qcn file which restored defaults and the imei.
new ffutool please
Could you please kindly help to upload a new version ffutool.exe and its dll ffucomponents.dll ?
My version was built on April 2014. which might too old to have the setbootmode option.
PS D:\ffutool> .\ffutool.exe
Usage: FFUTool -flash <path to FFU file to apply to disk>
FFUTool -uefiflash <path to FFU, flashed from UEFI directly>
FFUTool -wim <path to WIM to boot from RAM>
FFUTool -skip
FFUTool -list
FFUTool -massStorage
FFUTool -clearId
FFUTool -serial
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Tools\bin\i386
Unhandled Exception: System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'FFUComponents.FFUManager' threw an exception. ---> System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'ufphostm, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
at FFUComponents.FFUManager..cctor()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at FFUComponents.FFUManager.Start()
at Microsoft.Windows.ImageTools.FFUTool.Main(String[] args)
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\tools\bin\i386>ffutool.exe -setBootMode 1 Factory
Logging SimpleIO to ETL file: C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Local\Temp\ffutool23024.etl
[Device 0]
Name : Nokia.MSM8926.P6204.1.1
ID : 00000011-728a-c92f-0000-000000000000
Type : SimpleIODevice
Failed to reset to specified boot mode. Error 2147483662At least one of the devices failed to execute the operation.
Failed on Lumia 640 LTE RM-1073
augustinionut said:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Tools\bin\i386
Unhandled Exception: System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'FFUComponents.FFUManager' threw an exception. ---> System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'ufphostm, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
at FFUComponents.FFUManager..cctor()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at FFUComponents.FFUManager.Start()
at Microsoft.Windows.ImageTools.FFUTool.Main(String[] args)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I am updating the first post with the two missing files. I don't know why they are missing!
i can't enter MMOS mode. when i try to enter factory mode, it just shows bluescreen on boot.
***Warning: I am not responsible for bricked or broken devices, warranties, computers, etc. This is your phone and your free will to follow the below steps and you bare the full burden of any consequences.***
A note for the Moderators: I am aware that the information I am about to provide exists outside of this thread. The purpose of this is not for redundancy or to clutter the forum. I am making this thread because I had to go to SEVERAL different sources to find these solutions and pull pieces from each. Hopefully, this is comprehensive enough to help someone who may have been in the same boat I was in. This is truly Noob friendly and intended for someone just beginning in the Android community, because of this it is painfully detailed. Hopefully, you will allow it to stay up.
The purpose of this thread is to address several issues I ran into while attempting to unlock my bootloader as well as address questions I personally had that I couldn't find answers to by using myself as the test dummy. Those items are as follow:
1) ADB was not functioning properly with Windows 10.
2) My Windows 10 laptop could recognize my OneTouch 7t in ADB devices but could not recognize it in Fastboot. Windows 10 wouldn't let me install the drivers that come pre-loaded on the OnePlus 7t.
3) After Unlocking the bootloader I hit a "checking info" loop with Google.
4) Does unlocking a bootloader on the OnePlus 7t cause any Safety Net Issues?
5) What does a SafetyNet failure result in?
6) Will every app work with an unlocked bootloader?
Solutions and answers:
1) This is going to be a detailed process but in the end, you'll have universal ADB and fix your windows issues:
If you decide to unlock the bootloader IT WILL WIPE EVERYTHING. This includes photos, apps, music, etc. So start by doing a backup:
-Settings>search "switch">OnePlus Switch>Backup & Restore> New Backup
-Copy that backup folder to your computer by plugging the phone into the computer> settings>search "USB">USB preferences>select file transfer>On your computer open up HD1905>internal shared storage>copy the "opbackup" folder to your computer (this will take a while)
Now to get Developer options:
-On your phone>settings>about phone>Tap build number until it says you are a developer
-Settings>system>developer options>turn on USB debugging
Getting ADB set up on your computer:
-Download and install SDK Platform-Tools for Windows:
-on Windows>Open up Command Prompt (run>cmd>enter)>Type sysdm.cpl> hit enter
-Go to the advanced tab in the window that pops up> environment variables>path>new>browse.
-Now find where you installed the SDK platform-tools and select the folder that says "platform-tools"
click ok>ok>ok
Testing ADB:
-Open a new Comand Prompt in Admin mode. To do this Open run type "cmd" and then hit Ctl+Shift+Enter and click ok to the pop-up
-Plug your phone into the computer
-In Command Prompt type "adb devices" and hit enter
-You should now see your phone ID
-Type "adb reboot bootloader" and hit enter
-Your phone will reboot into bootloader
-Type "fastboot devices" and hit enter
-If your ID does not show up go to step 2 without changing anything (ie. stay in Command Prompt with the phone plugged in at the bootloader menu)
2)-This step fixes the driver issue that likely causes problem #1.
Get the newest Android drivers:
-Download and install Android Studio:
-Launch Android Studio
-Configure>SDK Manager>SDK Tools>Google USB Driver>Apply>Ok
-At the top, it will say SDK path I highly suggest you copy that or write it down you will need it soon.
-Click Finish and close Android Studio
Installed drivers for fastboot:
-Open any folder and then select "view" at the top of the window and check the box that says hidden files then close the window.
-windows key+x>device manager>right click on the phone with the orange exclamation point>update drivers>browse my computer>browse>go to the folder location>next>finish
If that doesn't work and you get "Windows was unable to install driver" error do the following:
-click search for updated drivers on windows update>a new window will come up> Update and restart your computer
-Once back on and updated>windows key+x>device manager>right click on the phone with the orange exclamation point>update drivers>browse my computer>let me pick from a list>Android Bootloader interface>next>once finished, close the window.
To Test if this fixed the issue:
open an Admin Command Prompt and type "fastboot devices" and hit enter, you should now see your phone's ID.
Now to unlock the bootloader:
-In Admin Command prompt type "fastboot oem unlock" and hit enter
-On your phone use the volume keys to select "unlock the bootloader" then use the power key to select it.
Congrats your bootloader is now unlocked. Now for the problems you may face once it's back on
3) If you hit the "checking info" Google loop follow these steps:
-Go to Settings> Battery> Battery Saver>Turn off when fully charged>Select OFF,
-Go Settings> Apps¬ifications>See All ## Apps>3 Dot menu>Reset app preferences> reset Apps,
-Go Settings> Apps¬ifications>See All ## Apps>3 Dot menu>Show System
-----Select Google play store >Storage & cache>Clear Storage
-----Press Back
-----Select Download manager> Storage & cache>Clear Storage
-----Press Back
-----Select Google play services> Storage & cache>Clear Storage>Clear All Data
-Go to Settings >Accounts> Google Account name/ Names> 3 Dot Menu> Remove ALL Accounts
-Restart device
-Connect to Wifi
-Go to Settings >Accounts>Add Account>Google
4) Yes, unlocking your bootloader on the OnePlus 7t results in a "CTS Profile Match=false" failure in SafetyNet
5)From what I can tell this SafetyNet failure doesn't really cause too many issues but time will tell and I will update this accordingly.
6) I tested the known problem children ie. Google pay, PokemonGo, and Snapchat. All were good. The only exception I ran into was Netflix. It will not work with an unlocked bootloader. There may be ways to resolve this but I haven't tried them yet as this is all without Root. I will update this post when I find solutions.
Again I know that most of this can be found but it took me a decent amount of digging. More importantly, a lot of the stuff was implied knowledge that many of us already have but a newcomer wouldn't. Hopefully, this is useful to the new and old alike feel free to ask questions below as I will be continuing to test stuff further.
How to fix SafetyNet failure:
Get Root
-Follow this link:
This is hands down the easiest root method I have ever seen for any device. HUGE shoutout to @daxiaamu and @mauronofrio for this!
Install Magisk Manager
On Your phone go to
and download the latest version of Magisk Manager.
Allow unknown sources> install
Update Magisk
Once in Magisk Manager it will prompt you to install some updates for our phone. Install them and let it reboot.
Install Magisk Hide
Open Magisk>Three lines in top left corner>Downloads>MagiskHide Prop Config>download>install
Once your phone has rebooted open Magisk>SafetyNet Check Status>Prosper!
Thank you to the Magisk team for making this hands down the easiest experience I have ever seen on Android and to @daxiaamu for making a truly one-click install that works flawlessly!
This should be pinned, but I have ctsProfile: false.
Is that expected?
lucfig said:
This should be pinned, but I have ctsProfile: false.
Is that expected?
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If you have the bootloader unlocked, yes. Magisk won't be able to hide the lock/root status from SafetyNet once Google fully rolls out their updates to SafetyNet/Play Services.
Signing ROMs with custom keys and relocking may be a possibility, but I haven't tested anything on the 7T, and I'm staying locked until official support ends since the days of passing SafetyNet with root/unlocked bootloaders appears to be over.
lucfig said:
This should be pinned, but I have ctsProfile: false.
Is that expected?
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Thank you, it took a while to write was a little discouraged with the lack of response lol. To fix cts error:
Open Magisk>settings>turn off magisk hide
Magisk>Downloads>MagiskHide Props Config> Download and reboot
Magisk>Settings>Turn on MagiskHide
Test again should be good
C4sp3R911 said:
Thank you, it took a while to write was a little discouraged with the lack of response lol. To fix cts error:
Open Magisk>settings>turn off magisk hide
Magisk>Downloads>MagiskHide Props Config> Download and reboot
Magisk>Settings>Turn on MagiskHide
Test again should be good
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Hope it gets more visibility, is the most detailed and easy to follow instructions.
I figured that out. Without riru or edxposed the Magisk hide works great.
otto888 said:
If you have the bootloader unlocked, yes. Magisk won't be able to hide the lock/root status from SafetyNet once Google fully rolls out their updates to SafetyNet/Play Services.
Signing ROMs with custom keys and relocking may be a possibility, but I haven't tested anything on the 7T, and I'm staying locked until official support ends since the days of passing SafetyNet with root/unlocked bootloaders appears to be over.
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We were able to fix it through MagiskHide. Both methods above worked.
Hey guys, I just received my OP7T today (upgrading from the 5T), and I see that there's no official TWRP yet. I've been looking around to see if it's worth it to root the phone already.
Is the rooting already stable enough, or should I wait a couple more months for full modded roms to come out? 'cause I really enjoy having the root features that some apps offer, but I also definitely need MagiskHide to work so my bank app won't have any issues with the unlocked bootloader.
If the guide above is up to date and working like C4sp3R911 posted, I'd be down to try it today.
Could I still use the the following command if OEM Unlocking is grayed out in Settings? Thanks.
"fastboot flashing unlock"
"fastboot OEM unlock"
What?... You need to learn a bit more before messing with bootloader unlocking, fastboot flashing unlock is not a command and will do nothing... Check yourself before you wreck yourself as the saying goes,
If it's greyed out doesn't that mean the BL is already unlocked?
C4sp3R911 said:
***Warning: I am not responsible for bricked or broken devices, warranties, computers, etc. This is your phone and your free will to follow the below steps and you bare the full burden of any consequences.***
A note for the Moderators: I am aware that the information I am about to provide exists outside of this thread. The purpose of this is not for redundancy or to clutter the forum. I am making this thread because I had to go to SEVERAL different sources to find these solutions and pull pieces from each. Hopefully, this is comprehensive enough to help someone who may have been in the same boat I was in. This is truly Noob friendly and intended for someone just beginning in the Android community, because of this it is painfully detailed. Hopefully, you will allow it to stay up.
The purpose of this thread is to address several issues I ran into while attempting to unlock my bootloader as well as address questions I personally had that I couldn't find answers to by using myself as the test dummy. Those items are as follow:
1) ADB was not functioning properly with Windows 10.
2) My Windows 10 laptop could recognize my OneTouch 7t in ADB devices but could not recognize it in Fastboot. Windows 10 wouldn't let me install the drivers that come pre-loaded on the OnePlus 7t.
3) After Unlocking the bootloader I hit a "checking info" loop with Google.
4) Does unlocking a bootloader on the OnePlus 7t cause any Safety Net Issues?
5) What does a SafetyNet failure result in?
6) Will every app work with an unlocked bootloader?
Solutions and answers:
1) This is going to be a detailed process but in the end, you'll have universal ADB and fix your windows issues:
If you decide to unlock the bootloader IT WILL WIPE EVERYTHING. This includes photos, apps, music, etc. So start by doing a backup:
-Settings>search "switch">OnePlus Switch>Backup & Restore> New Backup
-Copy that backup folder to your computer by plugging the phone into the computer> settings>search "USB">USB preferences>select file transfer>On your computer open up HD1905>internal shared storage>copy the "opbackup" folder to your computer (this will take a while)
Now to get Developer options:
-On your phone>settings>about phone>Tap build number until it says you are a developer
-Settings>system>developer options>turn on USB debugging
Getting ADB set up on your computer:
-Download and install SDK Platform-Tools for Windows:
-on Windows>Open up Command Prompt (run>cmd>enter)>Type sysdm.cpl> hit enter
-Go to the advanced tab in the window that pops up> environment variables>path>new>browse.
-Now find where you installed the SDK platform-tools and select the folder that says "platform-tools"
click ok>ok>ok
Testing ADB:
-Open a new Comand Prompt in Admin mode. To do this Open run type "cmd" and then hit Ctl+Shift+Enter and click ok to the pop-up
-Plug your phone into the computer
-In Command Prompt type "adb devices" and hit enter
-You should now see your phone ID
-Type "adb reboot bootloader" and hit enter
-Your phone will reboot into bootloader
-Type "fastboot devices" and hit enter
-If your ID does not show up go to step 2 without changing anything (ie. stay in Command Prompt with the phone plugged in at the bootloader menu)
2)-This step fixes the driver issue that likely causes problem #1.
Get the newest Android drivers:
-Download and install Android Studio:
-Launch Android Studio
-Configure>SDK Manager>SDK Tools>Google USB Driver>Apply>Ok
-At the top, it will say SDK path I highly suggest you copy that or write it down you will need it soon.
-Click Finish and close Android Studio
Installed drivers for fastboot:
-Open any folder and then select "view" at the top of the window and check the box that says hidden files then close the window.
-windows key+x>device manager>right click on the phone with the orange exclamation point>update drivers>browse my computer>browse>go to the folder location>next>finish
If that doesn't work and you get "Windows was unable to install driver" error do the following:
-click search for updated drivers on windows update>a new window will come up> Update and restart your computer
-Once back on and updated>windows key+x>device manager>right click on the phone with the orange exclamation point>update drivers>browse my computer>let me pick from a list>Android Bootloader interface>next>once finished, close the window.
To Test if this fixed the issue:
open an Admin Command Prompt and type "fastboot devices" and hit enter, you should now see your phone's ID.
Now to unlock the bootloader:
-In Admin Command prompt type "fastboot oem unlock" and hit enter
-On your phone use the volume keys to select "unlock the bootloader" then use the power key to select it.
Congrats your bootloader is now unlocked. Now for the problems you may face once it's back on
3) If you hit the "checking info" Google loop follow these steps:
-Go to Settings> Battery> Battery Saver>Turn off when fully charged>Select OFF,
-Go Settings> Apps¬ifications>See All ## Apps>3 Dot menu>Reset app preferences> reset Apps,
-Go Settings> Apps¬ifications>See All ## Apps>3 Dot menu>Show System
-----Select Google play store >Storage & cache>Clear Storage
-----Press Back
-----Select Download manager> Storage & cache>Clear Storage
-----Press Back
-----Select Google play services> Storage & cache>Clear Storage>Clear All Data
-Go to Settings >Accounts> Google Account name/ Names> 3 Dot Menu> Remove ALL Accounts
-Restart device
-Connect to Wifi
-Go to Settings >Accounts>Add Account>Google
4) Yes, unlocking your bootloader on the OnePlus 7t results in a "CTS Profile Match=false" failure in SafetyNet
5)From what I can tell this SafetyNet failure doesn't really cause too many issues but time will tell and I will update this accordingly.
6) I tested the known problem children ie. Google pay, PokemonGo, and Snapchat. All were good. The only exception I ran into was Netflix. It will not work with an unlocked bootloader. There may be ways to resolve this but I haven't tried them yet as this is all without Root. I will update this post when I find solutions.
Again I know that most of this can be found but it took me a decent amount of digging. More importantly, a lot of the stuff was implied knowledge that many of us already have but a newcomer wouldn't. Hopefully, this is useful to the new and old alike feel free to ask questions below as I will be continuing to test stuff further.
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Just bought the op7t pro and followed your guide step by step, but still fastboot devices does not show nothing to me
Tried in 2 different windows pc with same results, don't know how to do now
Having trouble getting adb setup on my computer. Specifically here:
-Now find where you installed the SDK platform-tools and select the folder that says "platform-tools"
click ok>ok>ok-
In "Environment Variables" popup, I select "path" in the top field, then click "new". The next popup is "New User Variable". Here, I've clicked "Browse Directory", as well as "Browse File", but each time I click platform-tools and click OK, the OK in the "New User Variable" popup is greyed out. I've tried even clicking on a subfolder to platform-tools, just to see if that 2nd OK would be active, but it isn't. Any help is much appreciated.
doncheadlesdriveway said:
Having trouble getting adb setup on my computer. Specifically here:
-Now find where you installed the SDK platform-tools and select the folder that says "platform-tools"
click ok>ok>ok-
In "Environment Variables" popup, I select "path" in the top field, then click "new". The next popup is "New User Variable". Here, I've clicked "Browse Directory", as well as "Browse File", but each time I click platform-tools and click OK, the OK in the "New User Variable" popup is greyed out. I've tried even clicking on a subfolder to platform-tools, just to see if that 2nd OK would be active, but it isn't. Any help is much appreciated.
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Great. Thanks for the help.
Hi! I need your help.
I currently have Miui 11 port from sakura.
I want to go to the stock rom. latest version on android 9.
Where can I download it?
How do I install it? Using twrp as a custom rom or through MiFlash or another program?
Thanks for reading, I use google translator
There is lot of ways but the easiest ( in my opinion) is downloading Fastboot rom and flashing it via MiFlash
[CLEAN] Install Xiaomi Mi A2 Lite STOCK ROM:
(Instructions based windows)
* Bootloader must be Unlocked. ()
Steps ahead assumes know-how-to-use ADB-fastboot.
Can be done through ADB-fastboot: "fastboot oem unlock" , but ...
search & study about it before as it brings critical changes,
and additionally 'oem unlock' will normally wipe all data on your device.
although "platform-tools" in the next steps includes this ADB-fastboot and uses its function(s).
Device Drivers for Windows needed. (Qualcom is the xiaomi's recomended, but Google's general driver works too.)
* If PC already "sees" the Phone Device through ADB then you don't need to install latest driver.
( Source: ~10MB
includes "Qualcomm_USB_Driver_V1.0.exe" installer,
so I don't need to guide how to point .inf file through Device manager to manual update driver.
At any cases you need to Restart Computer for take effect installed driver, If there were not already installed. )
Download the latest "platform-tools" .zip for Windows.
( Source: ) ~11MB
Download the latest official [STOCK] ROM for your device model. (V11.0.21.0.QDLMIXM)
( Source: ) ~1.39GB
1. Extract into a folder:
i. Just double click on "" and drag & drop the "platform-tools" folder into the C:\ .
ii. Open "platform-tools" folder C:\platform-tools in a window as you will need it next in step "3." .
2. Manage needed files from downloaded latest official [STOCK] ROM:
This is the latest: "daisy_global_images_V11.0.21.0.QDLMIXM_20210630.0000.00_10.0_5cab9352ea.tgz"
Exract it in a folder, and then drag & drop from within, these "14 items, included 'image folder'",
into -> "platform-tools" folder. C:\platform-tools
Point "flash_all.bat" for later...
3. Open admin CMD in "C:\platform-tools":
Open "platform-tools" folder directory C:\platform-tools in a window, (from step "1. ii.")
[Shift+]R-Click in empty space -> "Open command window here",
or just type cmd in addrress navigation bar and press [Enter].
This will bring cmd prompt in C:\platform-tools\ with adb-fastboot commands environment.
Remember: "platform-tools" includes "adb-fastboot" 's functions, (ie .dlls & .exes).
i. Use ADB cmd to boot in fastboot.
(boot to "FASTBOOT" bootloader environment to proceed fastboot flash cmds between devices)
a. At this point, connect Phone to PC through USB !
b. In the cmd window opened, type adb devices just to check if connected...
should show device #Num plus connection type. (eg. 234afd3f0405 recovery)
c. Type adb reboot bootloader (to boot device in bootloader [FASTBOOT])
wait a moment, device should show FASTBOOT logo...
ii. Use Flash-All .bat script from [STOCK] ROM to install all system files at once:
By running this, ALL data existed on device will be wiped as a "factory reset".
a. In the CMD type: fastboot devices just to check if connected...
should show device #Num plus connection type. (eg. 234afd3f0405 fastboot)
b. In the CMD type: flash_all to start flash procedure.
should be look like: C:\platform-tools>flash_all
Remember, "flash_all.bat" script from STOCK ROM... doing now automatically the job:
wait the "flash_all" script to finish erasing old, and installing all system files, one by one, in both a/b slots . . .
/!\ DO NOT INTERRUPT procedure ! . . .
The phone will boot automaticaly in brand new fresh factory settings system.
Was a xiaomi Mi A2 Lite (daisy) "CLEAN" install . android One/ 10/ Q, stock ROM
Don't forget to delete C:\platform-tools folder as it weights 3.14GB and don't needed any more.
* Maybe you check the "platform-tools" for regulary use. (ie pull/push files or flash, install img, apk, zip etc.)
* maybe yet, want to TWRP, Magisk, root + OpenGapps with SafetyPass and other magi(s)k modules...
I hope this guide(s) will some day became useless because of future exists of Stable custom ROM for miA2Lite as possibly as degoogled. amen!
Sorry for my English