Question Clearing all apps in the recent apps section - Google Pixel 6 Pro

I dunno if other people feel the same way but don't you hate it that you have to scroll all the way to the left to press the clear all apps button? Is there a way to make that show up on the right instead?

Yes, bad design ...

I've submitted a request to google via settings/about phone/send feedback about this device to move the clear apps button to be placed next to screen shot and select options when you open up the recent screen.
It is annoying when if like me you have the habit of clearing apps down, although I read somewhere that Google would preferer you to not clear recent apps so they load quicker when next opened and that their learning adaptive battery preferences help snooze the apps in the background and learns when you are likely to use them next so it so they are ready for you. I'm sure if I'm wrong I'll be corrected about the info.

I mean, it's pointless having it there lol, it's like they sat down and asked each other, would would be the most inconvenient place to put this!

m1ckbr1t said:
I've submitted a request to google via settings/about phone/send feedback about this device to move the clear apps button to be placed next to screen shot and select options when you open up the recent screen.
It is annoying when if like me you have the habit of clearing apps down, although I read somewhere that Google would preferer you to not clear recent apps so they load quicker when next opened and that their learning adaptive battery preferences help snooze the apps in the background and learns when you are likely to use them next so it so they are ready for you. I'm sure if I'm wrong I'll be corrected about the info.
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What you read is apparently true actually. I saw the same answer when searching around.

orlans21 said:
What you read is apparently true actually. I saw the same answer when searching around.
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Argh that's good, so I never dreamt about it Thanks for confirming

There is little to no reason to actually clear this list. It may help clear up some RAM, but the phone has so much that it truly does not matter.
Apps will go into suspended state after not being touched after some time.

stuff said:
There is little to no reason to actually clear this list. It may help clear up some RAM, but the phone has so much that it truly does not matter.
Apps will go into suspended state after not being touched after some time.
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I know this but it's habbit for me and others alike, I just like them to be closed been doing it since I got my very 1st android a million years ago also it's a little OCD to clear things off, for me it is..... I sometimes get frustrated with myself because I'll clear an app that I've just been on and know I'm going back to it but still close it....

Left is weird for me as well

m1ckbr1t said:
I know this but it's habbit for me and others alike, I just like them to be closed been doing it since I got my very 1st android a million years ago also it's a little OCD to clear things off, for me it is..... I sometimes get frustrated with myself because I'll clear an app that I've just been on and know I'm going back to it but still close it....
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This is a bad habit, Google is doing you a favour by making it more difficult.
Clearing the apps will actually make the phone slower and waste more battery. Because it has to load every app from scratch, every time. Every app will take a few seconds longer to open, CPU will be stressed harder, doing tasks it already did a couple hours and would not need to do again if apps were not cleared up.
Obviously the CPU re-doing tasks will consume more battery and the phone will likely die before the end of the day and people will come here and complain about the battery being bad.
Apps being kept in memory is done for a reason and it is the best practice. It's how it's done in every OS, especially Linux.
In iOS, for instance, even if you clear the apps from the list, it won't actually clear everything from memory. and this is the best practice. If the app is misbehaving, go into settings and force kill it. Otherwise, you want the app to be in mem cache.
Do yourself a favour and drop this bad habit.

Teio said:
Do yourself a favour and drop this bad habit.
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Agree. At first coming from my S8+, I missed clearing recents just out of habit to keep things organized when switching apps. Now however, I'm finding switching apps via swiping left/right on the bottom of the screen on the P6P to be super convenient. I hardly ever even open recents anymore, and if I need to remove a rarely used app from there it's much more practical to remove one with a swipe than all of them. Get out of the bad habit and save yourself some battery and loading time

The only time I ever clear an app from Recents is when a single app is giving me issues.

Agreed, I dropped this habit a while back as it really doesn't serve any purpose to clear them for the aforementioned reasons!


What causes the Home Screen to crash?

Relatively often I find when turning the Desire on I get a white spinning circle and the home screen has basically crashed. Most of the time this clears itself but sometimes it doesn't and I have to turn off/on the phone (* see below).
What background apps/services are known to do this? I'm pretty sure I'm killing something using Task Panel, I shouldn't be.
* I've found pressing the Search button and then accessing the People App (from the Phone option) clears the crash.
If you're allowing any process to automatically kill other processes, you're asking for trouble. First disable that, its pointless and uses more resources/battery than it saves.
If you still have an issue with the home app locking up, in my experience its usually a badly written widget. If you have any widgets on your screens that aren't "original" I would start by getting rid of them and then re-adding one-by-one over time until you find the culprit. Check the comments/reviews of them too, if they're locking up the phone people will usually comment about it on the Market.
If that still hasn't fixed it, I'm not sure what else would be locking up the home app, my next suggestion would be a hard-reset to "clean up" and go from there.
foner78 said:
If you're allowing any process to automatically kill other processes, you're asking for trouble. First disable that, its pointless and uses more resources/battery than it saves.
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What do you mean? I use Task Panel, that kills apps/services. Is that what you mean? But I'm not using it to kill system services just :
BlueTooth share - I don't use Bluetooth, why does this still run?
Photos - HTC Photo App
Gallery - Nexus One Phto App
FM Radio
MyBackup Pro
3G Watchdog - Monitor data usage
ShopSavvy - Check prices elsewhere
Footprints - What a pointless app!
TrainTimes UK
Facebook App
These are killed when I put the phone in standby or I click Kill All.
I really don't see why most of these have to run, when I turn the phone on but there's no option to stop them doing it. I really don't need a lot of these running all the time!
I'd also think, if I kill an App and it's needed, it would just reload itself. So when the Home Screens re-loaded, it would be running again in the Task Manager but there's nothing there.
foner78 said:
If you still have an issue with the home app locking up, in my experience its usually a badly written widget. If you have any widgets on your screens that aren't "original" I would start by getting rid of them and then re-adding one-by-one over time until you find the culprit.
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The only widget I'm using that doesn't come with the HTC Desire is the HTC Notes widget. Thanks btw.
As foner78 has already suggested, I would try first try removing your task killer (TaskPanel) so as to eliminate it as the cause of your issue.
It is also worthwhile reading up on how Android manages processes/multitasks - good sources are here and here.
The Desire is my third Android phone, and whilst I've tried using task killers, I've come to the conclusion that leaving the OS to handle it itself is the best option.
This is also my second Android phone.
I would definitely recommend you read the links posted by foxmeister to get a better understanding of processes/activites/services on Android and why you don't need to play any role in killing them.
The short version is... you have nothing to gain from killing processes in this way and you do risk having problems with your phone. Right now, you DO have a problem with the home app and you are randomly killing processes. Logically it makes sense to rule this out as the cause.
Got to be worth trying, surely!?
Thanks guys.
I removed Task Panel and put on Advanced Task Killer instead. Advanced Task Killer lets you filter out system services, so you can only kill Apps. Problem fixed.
bradavon said:
Thanks guys.
I removed Task Panel and put on Advanced Task Killer instead. Advanced Task Killer lets you filter out system services, so you can only kill Apps. Problem fixed.
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Geez, talk about missing the point...
Well I'm glad that you've got rid of the problem, though I would still urge you to stop ANY automatic process killing as that still leads to problems and has no advantage. There are many topics on here to explain why, and the links posted previously. Do yourself a favour and learn about android processes. Your understanding of processes from other systems such as Windows simply does not apply here.
Still, you can lead horse to water...
The explanation from the Android devs is quite nice and help understand how it works but in reality is not always like that.
If you use any task amnager to monitor the memory usage you will notice that overtime the OS will consume a lot of the memory to the point that will render the OS slower.
What i mean is that even if Android works perfectly managing the memory we cannot say the same about the applications we install.
I've used/tested pratically all the top 100 apps for Android and a LOT of them will not work as the devs say.
I know it is not an Android problem, but still from time to time you need to kill some of those apps manually.
My opinion is to not get rid of the task manager, but just stop the auto-killing process. Then if you notice some slow down on the system, use it to check what apps are holding back memory (after you have closed them for a while).
Once you found what application is giving problems, search an alternative because the one you are using is not developped correctly.
cgrec92 said:
Geez, talk about missing the point...
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I've not missed any point thank you. I asked for advice why the home screen was crashing and I was given it. I read that informative document over at Android HQ and now have a better idea of how Android memory management works.
It still means I want to be in control of the apps running on "my" phone. Some apps consume way too much memory (although as that document describes, that "usually" isn't a problem) and some connect with my phone's data connection way too often. It also annoys me Apps I never ever use still insist in running all the time, like the Stock Control App and Footprints (does anyone use that?). The latter seems to do more than it appears (usually if I kill it, it takes the home screen with it). I don't kill those two any more but it still annoys me they run.
It looks like Android is much, much better than Windows Mobile at App memory management but that too claimed to kill apps when memory was low. Except it never did.
Since "not killing" system services/apps my Desire's Home Screen hasn't crashed once. I see no harm in killing Third Party Apps, as Krpano says it can sometimes be necessary.
It's always really annoyed me Windows Mobile has no ethos of a simple "exit" button, so few apps have it. On Android I've yet to come across any app with an exit buton. Some apps say they have one but it merely hides the app to the background. We should be given the choice of exiting an app, when we're finished with it. Windows, Linux (correct me if I'm wrong) and MAC OS all have such a feature as default.
bradavon said:
I've not missed any point thank you. I asked for advice why the home screen was crashing and I was given it. I read that informative document over at Android HQ and now have a better idea of how Android memory management works.
It still means I want to be in control of the apps running on "my" phone. Some apps consume way too much memory (although as that document describes, that "usually" isn't a problem) and some connect with my phone's data connection way too often. It also annoys me Apps I never ever use still insist in running all the time, like the Stock Control App and Footprints (does anyone use that?). The latter seems to do more than it appears (usually if I kill it, it takes the home screen with it). I don't kill those two any more but it still annoys me they run.
It looks like Android is much, much better than Windows Mobile at App memory management but that too claimed to kill apps when memory was low. Except it never did.
Since "not killing" system services/apps my Desire's Home Screen hasn't crashed once. I see no harm in killing Third Party Apps, as Krpano says it can sometimes be necessary.
It's always really annoyed me Windows Mobile has no ethos of a simple "exit" button, so few apps have it. On Android I've yet to come across any app with an exit buton. Some apps say they have one but it merely hides the app to the background. We should be given the choice of exiting an app, when we're finished with it. Windows, Linux (correct me if I'm wrong) and MAC OS all have such a feature as default.
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OR you can just let Android do all this for you...
cgrec92 said:
Geez, talk about missing the point...
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That was a bit harsh my friend!
While I respect the point that it is YOUR phone and of course you can choose how you use it, we are simply offering you advice. Please don't take offence at this, but some of the things you say in your last post show us that you still do not understand Android processes.
I would just like to explain that very often when you see an app "running" in the background using a Task Manager, it is not actually running at all... by which I mean it is not consuming any CPU time. These apps are simply left resident in the memory so that they are quick to resume if/when you come to use them again. When memory is short and another task tries to grab some Android makes a decision about which of those applications you are least likely to use again soon and kills it. Literally kills it, erasing all traces from memory. This is of course totally transparent to the user.
On older Android phones the "cleanups" often resulted in pauses in the user experience and this is why I used a Task Manager on my G1. However the Desire has so much more memory and CPU time combined with the updated Android code that this all happens without you seeing it. I would suggest to you that the only reason you are aware of these apps in the background is because you have gone looking in a Task Manager which is giving you misleading information.
I don't recommend removing the Task Manager, it is useful when an App does "go bad", but I strongly recommend disabling all automated task killing. By running that you are using actual CPU time and battery resources, which has a greater impact on overall system performance than the resident background applications. You may disagree based on your PC or WinMo experience, but it simple is the case with Android which manages tasks and memory very differently to those.
The final point is... having 30MB of free memory on the device is no different to having 40MB free. As long as a process has space to load and run it the "free" space is irrelevant on these devices. When a process doesn't have space Android makes space by killing the background apps in the most efficient way possible.
I hope you'll consider my advice carefully and at least try it, you will have a better Android experience if you do, but of course if you choose to do things your way then I still hope you have a good experience with your Desire

Why you don’t need a task killer app with Android.
Why you don’t need a task killer app with Android.
Posted Posted by Cody Banks on 25th May 2010 Comments 5 comments
A lot of people have asked us what the best app is for killing tasks? Well, the answer is none of them. Sure there are some nice apps out there for killing tasks, but the fact is you just don’t need one with Android. In fact, most developers
won’t even look at your logcat file if they see you running a task killer app on your Android-based phone.
To clear things up about this, Google’s Android developers blog has finally put this debate to rest about why a task killer is unnecessary, as well as why there are certain services that run in the background all the time, I’m sure at one time or another you’ve seen them and asked yourself “Why do those services keep starting after I kill them?”. Below you can read about when applications stop.......
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I've found no matter how many times it's said, someone will have an anecdote about how their phone became amazingly fast or they doubled battery life using one of these apps. People who want to use them will continue to do so. Don't trouble yourself.
It's nice to have one to kill the odd app that is messing up, but other than that I don't use one.
Aitese said:
I've found no matter how many times it's said, someone will have an anecdote about how their phone became amazingly fast or they doubled battery life using one of these apps. People who want to use them will continue to do so. Don't trouble yourself.
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the reason people say this is because it's actually true.
that's just the truth, maybe you should try using one and notice the difference.
I uninstalled mine for the first time yesterday to test the theory and today, my battery lasted a grand total of 4.5 hours. that's a whole 3 hours less than before.
and at the end of the day, when it's laggy and then use the TK, it really does clear things up.
still wish there was a way to make the battery last longer, it really does suck
samac92 said:
It's nice to have one to kill the odd app that is messing up, but other than that I don't use one.
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You can do this from android... no need for an app.
Barff1984 said:
I uninstalled mine for the first time yesterday to test the theory and today, my battery lasted a grand total of 4.5 hours. that's a whole 3 hours less than before.
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I'd say if you're only getting between 4.5 and 7.5 hours battery life, I'd say you've probably got a rogue app installed anyway.
foxmeister said:
I'd say if you're only getting between 4.5 and 7.5 hours battery life, I'd say you've probably got a rogue app installed anyway.
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I agree, taskkillers aren't battery savers they are drainers...
Have had my desire for a couple of days now (comming from a htc hero) and since I removed my taskmanager my desire has juice for about 1,5 days.
With taskpanel I hardly reached 24 hours... And I haven't noticed the device becoming slower...
I don't miss it and if I don't get any strange apps I won't ever install a taskmanager again...
well there are some apps which don't work properly.
Take the xda android app as example. it would sometimes just freeze, and there was no way to restart the app, no option for force close was provided by Android OS either.
In this case Android isn't doing anything, so you have to kill the process manually using
1. the default android feature
2. using a task killer.
I like the quick access to the advanced task killer over the notification area, therefore i use it.
People can tell me whole day long how ingenius Android is, and that it will do everything automatically. But i made very different experiences with some 3rd party apps, which needed some killing every now and then. The xda app is only ONE example of many.
Barff1984 said:
the reason people say this is because it's actually true.
that's just the truth, maybe you should try using one and notice the difference.
I uninstalled mine for the first time yesterday to test the theory and today, my battery lasted a grand total of 4.5 hours. that's a whole 3 hours less than before.
and at the end of the day, when it's laggy and then use the TK, it really does clear things up.
still wish there was a way to make the battery last longer, it really does suck
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The thing is I HAVE used them. Advanced Task Killer was the first app I installed on receiving my Desire...the phone became glitchy and buggy and laggy and it was horrible. I uninstalled ATK and all that stopped. It now NEVER slows down, and I'm getting well over 8hrs of use a day.
I suspect you have a buggy app, and THAT is what you need to find.
We need to stop giving bad app developers a feww ride by ignoring their bad code and just killing the process. Uninstall their app, give it a bad review and insist on using a rival app.
Shahpur.Azizpour said:
well there are some apps which don't work properly.
Take the xda android app as example. it would sometimes just freeze, and there was no way to restart the app, no option for force close was provided by Android OS either.
In this case Android isn't doing anything, so you have to kill the process manually using
1. the default android feature
2. using a task killer.
I like the quick access to the advanced task killer over the notification area, therefore i use it.
People can tell me whole day long how ingenius Android is, and that it will do everything automatically. But i made very different experiences with some 3rd party apps, which needed some killing every now and then. The xda app is only ONE example of many.
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You can force close an app from Android. Menu > Settings > Applications > Manage Applications > Locate the app > open it and force stop.
Create a shortcut to manage applications short cut on your home screen if you like, then you'll only need to do this:
Open Manage Applictions short cut > Locate the app > open it and force stop. - This is just as simple as using a task manager shortcut.
TheOriginalKi said:
You can force close an app from Android. Menu > Settings > Applications > Manage Applications > Locate the app > open it and force stop.
Create a shortcut to manage applications short cut on your home screen if you like, then you'll only need to do this:
Open Manage Applictions short cut > Locate the app > open it and force stop. - This is just as simple as using a task manager shortcut.
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actually using the notification drawer is more comfortable for me. But this is just personal preference.
Yes-They might be useful to kill the occasional rogue app. but apart from that they are pretty pointless. Android does a good job of killing tasks itself.
Despite all the evidence to the contrary people many will continue to use them and use them indiscriminately. Still if they want generally poorer performance and reduced battery life surely that is their choice.
Shahpur.Azizpour said:
actually using the notification drawer is more comfortable for me. But this is just personal preference.
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How does that work. the notification draw is pretty much blank most of the time save for new message/downloads etc ?
has anyone actually tried to load up so many apps, so there's almost no memory left, so android kills other apps by himself? It's all excellent in theory, but never witnessed it in real life.
guys I had advanced task manager installed in my phone and my phone was laggy, and my battery was always down to 40-50% at the end of the day, but yesterday on someone's advice I removed ATM, and instantly i noticed the difference, there was no lag in the menus and everything was smooth, and today my battery was an astonishing 85 % remaining when i came back home, and I intentionaly used my phone more than usual. so at least one thing is sure that I will not be using any task manager.
matthoy said:
How does that work. the notification draw is pretty much blank most of the time save for new message/downloads etc ?
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with advanced task manager you can see a small icon at the notification area (at all times). When pulling down the drawer you'll see an entry which says "advanced task manager".
just touch it and a list with current running apps will show up.
kamidadevil said:
guys I had advanced task manager installed in my phone and my phone was laggy, and my battery was always down to 40-50% at the end of the day, but yesterday on someone's advice I removed ATM, and instantly i noticed the difference, there was no lag in the menus and everything was smooth, and today my battery was an astonishing 85 % remaining when i came back home, and I intentionaly used my phone more than usual. so at least one thing is sure that I will not be using any task manager.
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there are way too many variables in this equation, as to just claim that ATM is responsible for hogging 30-40% battery power per day.
Of course it will have some kind of impact, just like other apps too. But i don't think that it will have a much bigger impact.
no, I dont think there are any variables involved in my case except ATM, I never use internet on mine phone during the day coz i always have internet access on my laptop, instead today I used wifi intentionaly just for testing battery and played asphalt which I normaly dont play during the work hours,
Here's a video from the Developer site that explains very well how Android manages Apps:
And if I really need to kill something (very rare!) then I use Task Tray Beta: or find it in the Market.
This app is also great for seeing what 's actually running and what 's not anymore. And for switching to some App that you know is running, but in the default Android task switcher you can see only 6 apps.... and this will show all.
I tried out a few task killer but all they did was stop my alarm going off in the morning! I'm sure that's something I could have changed though.
I find the best way to keep my desire running nice and quick is to give it a reboot every morning on my way to work. Only takes a couple of minutes....give it a try...

Mango Beta Multitasking Thoughts?

Multitasking should be nice and easy, on WP7 it isn't. I don't know whose idea it was to make the screenshots so big, it's a waste of space. I think they should've done multitasking the way they do tabs in IE9.
I also noticed that you can only swipe one app at a time in the multitasking view, so if you want the 5th app, you have to swipe 5 times. I find that very inefficient which is not the goal of multitasking. It wastes time...
Where is the little red x in the top right hand corner to close apps in multitasking view. Instead you have to swipe over to the app, open it hit back and then hold back to get back into multitasking view. What a waste of time...
Anyone else think this multitasking blows?
::missing the days of WM6 task manager::
Going to install Mango today. I'll report my impressions then Hope that it's still rocking
blindpet said:
Multitasking should be nice and easy, or WP7 it isn't. I don't know whose idea it was to make the screenshots so big, it's a waste of space. I think they should've done multitasking the way they do tabs in IE9.
I also noticed that you can only swipe one app at a time in the multitasking view, so if you want the 5th app, you have to swipe 5 times. I find that very inefficient which is not the goal of multitasking. It wastes time...
Where is the little red x in the top right hand corner to close apps in multitasking view. Instead you have to swipe over to the app, open it hit back and then hold back to get back into multitasking view. What a waste of time...
Anyone else think this multitasking blows?
::missing the days of WM6 task manager::
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Yeah, the swipe thing kinda sucks. You don't need to close no apps though. Just keep in mind how the so called multitasking works. There is actually NOTHING running in the background. Apps you leave remain in a frozen state until you revive them (or not).
this means that a ringer app must like in w7.0 run and the akku power goes low over night?
ahlMAR said:
this means that a ringer app must like in w7.0 run and the akku power goes low over night?
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10 chars
ahlMAR said:
this means that a ringer app must like in w7.0 run and the akku power goes low over night?
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If you are referring to an alarm app, in Mango it would schedule a task / background agent that will be invoked when the necessary time comes. It won't have to run in the background and use any battery.
dkp1977 said:
Yeah, the swipe thing kinda sucks. You don't need to close no apps though. Just keep in mind how the so called multitasking works. There is actually NOTHING running in the background. Apps you leave remain in a frozen state until you revive them (or not).
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That's what's changing. It is real multitasking in mango but the apps need to be built to utilise it (which they're not at the moment, because we've only just started to build for it).
i keep pressing the start button for multitasking lol
Casey_boy said:
That's what's changing. It is real multitasking in mango but the apps need to be built to utilise it (which they're not at the moment, because we've only just started to build for it).
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No its not. There is support for background tasks (periodic or scheduled) which have limitations on how often they can run and their CPU usage. There is also some special support for background file transfers and audio, not sure what else.
Your apps will definitely not continue to run in the background.
As someone said above, there is no true background multitasking. Your apps freeze in the background, and they now have the ability to instantly resume (rather than having to restart completely or take a few seconds to resume) when re-programmed to do so.
There are also special tasks that applications can take advantage of, but it is very restricted, and then you also have your background tasks, which is kinda like "services" on a Windows PC. The background tasks sit in the background and can do certain things, and that can be managed from the settings menu, but they too are still rather limited.
Holding "back" on your phone is just a list of recent applications, it's not something that shows you what is running in the background (because nothing is). Because of that, there is no need for a close button since there is nothing to close really.
I agree the way they do it in IE is more elegant. I also would like the ability to swipe away something. I know that since most of the time something isn't actually running, there is no need, but since it only keeps the last few tasks, I could then potentially keep something open all day by swiping away other cards first.
PG2G said:
No its not. There is support for background tasks (periodic or scheduled) which have limitations on how often they can run and their CPU usage. There is also some special support for background file transfers and audio, not sure what else.
Your apps will definitely not continue to run in the background.
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Ah ok. Thanks. Must have gotten mixed up between what we can actually do!
I think it would be better if the swipe could make us roll more than one app at a time. Just like in IE; if you want to go down, really down on the page, just swipe up fast.
Oh crap.. dont know how it's called or how to explain in a decent way.
Anyway, I hate having to swipe one app at a time, and I think there is no need to show "Start" in cards.
mikeeam said:
I think it would be better if the swipe could make us roll more than one app at a time. Just like in IE; if you want to go down, really down on the page, just swipe up fast.
Oh crap.. dont know how it's called or how to explain in a decent way.
Anyway, I hate having to swipe one app at a time, and I think there is no need to show "Start" in cards.
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I've noticed that if you swipe really gently, you can get it to scroll across multiple tasks. It seems really sensitive, and maybe that' just a bug. Sometimes it'll go one at a time, and sometimes it'll swipe across 2 or 3 apps with just the right amount of pressure.
Has anyone here played with the HP TouchPad yet? They use a card like system for multi-tasking too and it has some good ideas. To close a task, you flick the card upwards off the screen and it's killed. I think something like this would work well for WP7.
Also, I'm with everyone else who doesn't like how you can't scroll smoothly across several tasks. I wanna be able to flick across the list quickly.
mikeeam said:
I think it would be better if the swipe could make us roll more than one app at a time. Just like in IE; if you want to go down, really down on the page, just swipe up fast.
Oh crap.. dont know how it's called or how to explain in a decent way.
Anyway, I hate having to swipe one app at a time, and I think there is no need to show "Start" in cards.
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ken52787 said:
Also, I'm with everyone else who doesn't like how you can't scroll smoothly across several tasks. I wanna be able to flick across the list quickly.
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I think I found out how to make it scroll multiple tiles consistently. Simply do two swipes very quickly. Once it starts a smooth scroll you can also move back and forth easily without it snapping to each tile.
prjkthack said:
I think I found out how to make it scroll multiple tiles consistently. Simply do two swipes very quickly. Once it starts a smooth scroll you can also move back and forth easily without it snapping to each tile.
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Nice one! Now it got better.
So it's not a bug. It's a feature. Still, I dont like the "Start" card. It's useless.
prjkthack said:
I think I found out how to make it scroll multiple tiles consistently. Simply do two swipes very quickly. Once it starts a smooth scroll you can also move back and forth easily without it snapping to each tile.
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Hmm yes that seems to work. It should really be like that all the time though.
Thanks for pointing that out, it's still flawed though. You shouldn't have to make two quick swipes to make it go quickly it should depend on the speed of the swipe.
The cards are also too big, I really hope they change it to the IE tab style which has easily has enough space for the 5 previous tasks we were doing.
Other than that Mango is snappier and everything which is great but they still have a ways to go, their multitasking interface is nothing to be proud of.
I would bet that in the final build (or perhaps sooner) the scrolling through the MT menu will change to only require one swipe as does everything else in the OS.
As far as the style, when I first saw it I was thinking the same thing. When you hold the back button, why not have it look like the tabs in IE with a little "x" in the corner?
Considering it freezes apps, there is no need to really kiil any. But, I do agree that it would serve a good purpose if you didn't want something pushed out of memory and wanted to keep a particular app around for awhile.
Regardless, I like the functionality and thinks it works well as intended.
And, let us remember people, THIS IS SPARTA!!! er... I mean, this is beta.
Things will be fixed, rerendered, optimized further, added, deleted, and so on. So, let's not get in too big a tizzy over what things look like right at this moment. I mean, ya gotta admit, for a beta, this thing is damn good.

Close all?

What's a good app or way to close all apps at once?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
mario24601 said:
What's a good app or way to close all apps at once?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
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Press the Home button.
irishtexmex said:
Press the Home button.
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lol apps dont close when you press the home button smart one. and op if you click the multi-window button(the one on the right of home button) you can swipe them all away really fast but dont really know about all at once
FaDeGFX said:
lol apps dont close when you press the home button smart one. and op if you click the multi-window button(the one on the right of home button) you can swipe them all away really fast but dont really know about all at once
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Yes was hoping for an all close at once type app. Had that on iPhone thought might have something similar.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
There are 3rd party app killers in the play store. Check there...
There was a stock task manager...but I guess Google removed it for JB
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
App killer
Cyanogenmod 10.1 has a button on the multitasking menu to do that. But it's kinda pointless except to clear the list of recently used apps. Android, if my understanding is correct, automatically fills the memory with tasks so killing apps is worse than pointless since you're just causing the system to prioritize unused background processes over the ones that you use more often.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
irishtexmex said:
Press the Home button.
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You should listen to this guy. I know you're coming from a different OS, so you aren't aware of how Android deals with memory. The system is very good at multitasking. Apps that have been idling in the background will be pushed out and won't consume resources or ramp up your CPU. By killing those apps, you force the system to have to reload and process resources necessary to start the app. Android will keep enough of the resources to quickly fire up the app, but restrict activity so that your battery is pretty much unaffected.
An analogy if you need it: Android will bookmark and close whatever you were reading. That way, you can move the book around or leave it on the shelf and quickly pick it up and continue from the last page you were on. You are requesting that the system instead just closes the book, and buries it in a box with other books, and which is located in the attic. It takes more resources to find the book and locate the page again. Just let Android do its thing. Any popular dev will tell you the same thing.
TL;DNR - Don't use a task killer, you will get far better battery life and performance if you let the system deal with system resources.
FaDeGFX said:
lol apps dont close when you press the home button smart one. and op if you click the multi-window button(the one on the right of home button) you can swipe them all away really fast but dont really know about all at once
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Don't listen to this guy. He used the phrase "smart one," which I haven't heard since I was in elementary school (and I thought it was un-clever and uselessly sarcastic then). He also thinks that swiping away apps from the recents menu kills them. This is not how Android works. AOKP devs will not implement a recents menu that actually does let you swipe to kill apps because it's a useless feature that does more harm than good (zero benefit, actually). Just trust that your system knows how to handle its resources.
TL;DNR - Swiping away apps from the recents menu doesn't kill them. Stop trying to kill apps; only do so if they're unresponsive.
If u really want it, aokp has this feature
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
Hung0702 said:
You should listen to this guy. I know you're coming from a different OS, so you aren't aware of how Android deals with memory. The system is very good at multitasking. Apps that have been idling in the background will be pushed out and won't consume resources or ramp up your CPU. By killing those apps, you force the system to have to reload and process resources necessary to start the app. Android will keep enough of the resources to quickly fire up the app, but restrict activity so that your battery is pretty much unaffected.
An analogy if you need it: Android will bookmark and close whatever you were reading. That way, you can move the book around or leave it on the shelf and quickly pick it up and continue from the last page you were on. You are requesting that the system instead just closes the book, and buries it in a box with other books, and which is located in the attic. It takes more resources to find the book and locate the page again. Just let Android do its thing. Any popular dev will tell you the same thing.
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Let's say I start loading a web page and quickly jump to another app before it's loaded, then when I return to Chrome the page is ready and waiting. Doesn't this imply that apps are not just simply bookmarked and closed, but may remain active in the background? I am asking, not saying btw.
1234568 said:
Let's say I start loading a web page and quickly jump to another app before it's loaded, then when I return to Chrome the page is ready and waiting. Doesn't this imply that apps are not just simply bookmarked and closed, but may remain active in the background? I am asking, not saying btw.
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Foreground apps are told that they are no longer in view, but are allowed to keep running if they wish. The OS will stop them if the memory is needed - which with 2GB is not very often on the nexus 4!
So Hung0702 was wrong on the last page when he said:
Apps that have been idling in the background will be pushed out and won't consume resources or ramp up your CPU
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It seems as though background apps can use resources and may have a negative impact on battery. Now I have got to the bottom of this I also want a clear all button!
1234568 said:
So Hung0702 was wrong on the last page when he said:
It seems as though background apps can use resources and may have a negative impact on battery. Now I have got to the bottom of this I also want a clear all button!
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Yes, they can keep using resources in the background. However, they will usually not keep the cpu awake unless they have an actual background service, so they will not stop the device from sleeping. As far as I know this is not enforced, but most apps will release the wakelock when told to pause by the OS (because the app is now hidden). This means they shouldn't have much impact on battery life.
You can see what is currently running by going to Settings -> Apps and select the Running tab. The recent apps list is not the same - most will have actually closed when you hid them.

Battery drain issues

I've been experiencing battery drain issues with random apps even after shutting off permissions for those apps and shutting off background activity. These apps have also been added to battery optimization.
I've noticed this happens when I open the app and then shut them down, by swiping away from recent apps screen - verified by reopening the app and it never is in the memory and reloads. But they still continue to drain the battery in the background (as can be seen on the screenshot with battery drainers). Facebook is a usual culprit but not the only one, there is generally a few of them as you can see there are some games too. This pretty much keeps changing to different apps every now and then. I feel I'm doing something wrong which is really causing this drain.. every now and then. Any suggestions / opinions?
rezapatel said:
I've been experiencing battery drain issues with random apps even after shutting off permissions for those apps and shutting off background activity. These apps have also been added to battery optimization.
I've noticed this happens when I open the app and then shut them down, by swiping away from recent apps screen - verified by reopening the app and it never is in the memory and reloads. But they still continue to drain the battery in the background (as can be seen on the screenshot with battery drainers). Facebook is a usual culprit but not the only one, there is generally a few of them as you can see there are some games too. This pretty much keeps changing to different apps every now and then. I feel I'm doing something wrong which is really causing this drain.. every now and then. Any suggestions / opinions?
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To add, I'm on the latest firmware with May security update (the one has been persistent throughout before and even now) ans not rooted.
How many time you do it ? Because it consumes less battery to keep them in memory than to reload all the apps every time you use them.
rezapatel said:
I've been experiencing battery drain issues with random apps even after shutting off permissions for those apps and shutting off background activity. These apps have also been added to battery optimization.
I've noticed this happens when I open the app and then shut them down, by swiping away from recent apps screen - verified by reopening the app and it never is in the memory and reloads. But they still continue to drain the battery in the background (as can be seen on the screenshot with battery drainers). Facebook is a usual culprit but not the only one, there is generally a few of them as you can see there are some games too. This pretty much keeps changing to different apps every now and then. I feel I'm doing something wrong which is really causing this drain.. every now and then. Any suggestions / opinions?
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Just a pointer re Facebook.
Take a look at your System apps in Device /Settings /App category
Look for Facebook... and you will see other 3 x Facebook related
apps also listed ..!
You shut Facebook down but the Facebook Services, Facebook App Manager.. etc...? is still running and suckling battery.?
See my screen snip.
I most probably don't need to remind you that Facebook,
has over the past years, been fingered/known, to drain battery
My solution, which you most likely won't l "ike"
is to temporarily disable Facebook and the other Facebook related system apps.
Uninstall the one small Game or both??
and see if there is a improvement ?
Good luck.
Nastrahl said:
How many time you do it ? Because it consumes less battery to keep them in memory than to reload all the apps every time you use them.
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I meant I've tried both strategies. Shut them off by swiping them away, letting them be and also shutting off thr app's setting to run in background. Nothing worked really.
willcor said:
Just a pointer re Facebook.
Take a look at your System apps in Device /Settings /App category
Look for Facebook... and you will see other 3 x Facebook related
apps also listed ..!
You shut Facebook down but the Facebook Services, Facebook App Manager.. etc...? is still running and suckling battery.?
See my screen snip.
I most probably don't need to remind you that Facebook,
has over the past years, been fingered/known, to drain battery
My solution, which you most likely won't l "ike"
is to temporarily disable Facebook and the other Facebook related system apps.
Uninstall the one small Game or both??
and see if there is a improvement ?
Good luck.
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That's the issue, Facebook doesn't really bother me but the games (or other apps like Twitter or tiktok or Instagram) do. And it's not always Facebook or these specific games. It's different each day - any apps I more frequently used that day continue to stick there consuming power. Every day it's a different set of apps. But wondering why stick causing a drain!
rezapatel said:
That's the issue, Facebook doesn't really bother me but the games (or other apps like Twitter or tiktok or Instagram) do. And it's not always Facebook or these specific games. It's different each day - any apps I more frequently used that day continue to stick there consuming power. Every day it's a different set of apps. But wondering why stick causing a drain!
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yes ,
Firstly ,
over the years ,i have been a few times, in similar "position" than you, re apps and battery draining .!
I know it's very frustrating ..annoying .....
and in the end i always ended up doing a factory reset . !!
I use a cross section of a different "set " of tools eg BettterbatteryStats ,Wakelock Detector lite ,Gsam Battery etc . ( all ADB enabled) to try and pinpoint the culprit ..
Unfortunately ,the permutation/reasons can be many ??
eg You installed and uninstalled an app and "something " eg System settings got corrupted .?
You disabled /freezed ,an System app and it has an knock on effect .
You did some mod /hack or maybe a sideloaded app thats causing it ..?
App that you installed that's badly coded .
It also could be that when you did an OTA to latest firmware that something/system ,got corrupted..?
Bottom line ,
You sitting with a very irritating/frustrating issue .
Your options is either to live with it ? or try and find the culprit ?
or doing a factory reset .?
Yes, i know you most likely, don't favor a factory reset.
As stated i always ended up doing a factory,on the spur of the moment !!!
Then doing a clean install from scratch ..a few apps at a time .......
Anyway it's your choice .??
Good luck .
willcor said:
yes ,
Firstly ,
over the years ,i have been a few times, in similar "position" than you, re apps and battery draining .!
I know it's very frustrating ..annoying .....
and in the end i always ended up doing a factory reset . !!
I use a cross section of a different "set " of tools eg BettterbatteryStats ,Wakelock Detector lite ,Gsam Battery etc . ( all ADB enabled) to try and pinpoint the culprit ..
Unfortunately ,the permutation/reasons can be many ??
eg You installed and uninstalled an app and "something " eg System settings got corrupted .?
You disabled /freezed ,an System app and it has an knock on effect .
You did some mod /hack or maybe a sideloaded app thats causing it ..?
App that you installed that's badly coded .
It also could be that when you did an OTA to latest firmware that something/system ,got corrupted..?
Bottom line ,
You sitting with a very irritating/frustrating issue .
Your options is either to live with it ? or try and find the culprit ?
or doing a factory reset .?
Yes, i know you most likely, don't favor a factory reset.
As stated i always ended up doing a factory,on the spur of the moment !!!
Then doing a clean install from scratch ..a few apps at a time .......
Anyway it's your choice .??
Good luck .
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Thanks buddy, you make some really good points. This is the first time ever that I haven't rooted the phone or done anything to disrupt the default OS. All I've done is the ADB permissions required for the GSAM Batteey app tk be able to pill detailed info.
I'm thinking if there's some way to reset all permissions and reconfigure them as the apps require? That has fixed things for me in the past.
Factory reset isn't an easy option for me because of RSA apps configured on the phone otherwise I've got to go through a few calls to get access - sorta irritating.
Hopeful something works but until then I'm letting it be lol.
rezapatel said:
Thanks buddy, you make some really good points. This is the first time ever that I haven't rooted the phone or done anything to disrupt the default OS. All I've done is the ADB permissions required for the GSAM Batteey app tk be able to pill detailed info.
I'm thinking if there's some way to reset all permissions and reconfigure them as the apps require? That has fixed things for me in the past.
Factory reset isn't an easy option for me because of RSA apps configured on the phone otherwise I've got to go through a few calls to get access - sorta irritating.
Hopeful something works but until then I'm letting it be lol.
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I understand above if you say factory reset is an issue.!
I have a app call Bouncer paid (Play Store) installed on my device.
Don't think there is a free version, cannot remember, as I've had it for a while.
It basically controls your app permissions.
You can configure it to automatically remove permissions after using relevant app.
Also you can reset permissions.
It might help you.?
You can Google around a and see reviews.
To give you a idea, look at my screenshot.
Sorry, can't give any links, as it a paid app.
Good luck
willcor said:
I understand above if you say factory reset is an issue.!
I have a app call Bouncer paid (Play Store) installed on my device.
Don't think there is a free version, cannot remember, as I've had it for a while.
It basically controls your app permissions.
You can configure it to automatically remove permissions after using relevant app.
Also you can reset permissions.
It might help you.?
You can Google around a and see reviews.
To give you a idea, look at my screenshot.
Sorry, can't give any links, as it a paid app.
Good luck
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Purchased the app. Kinda handy, but even after rule once set, when you come out of the app, you need to remove the permissions (the overlay window on top requests for removal) - that sorta adds work opening / closing apps.
My battery issues have improved immensely by putting the Facebook app in deep sleep. Battery life now is pretty decent.
check find my mobile.apk and samsung internet browser.apk if at all installed official apps from apkmirror etc the uninstall that apk and go through galaxy store but in galaxy store dont update findmymobile.apk
rezapatel said:
Purchased the app. Kinda handy, but even after rule once set, when you come out of the app, you need to remove the permissions (the overlay window on top requests for removal) - that sorta adds work opening / closing apps.
My battery issues have improved immensely by putting the Facebook app in deep sleep. Battery life now is pretty decent.
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The facebook app is infamous for being a total battery hog, I disabled it and all aps related to it
rezapatel said:
Purchased the app. Kinda handy, but even after rule once set, when you come out of the app, you need to remove the permissions (the overlay window on top requests for removal) - that sorta adds work opening / closing apps.
My battery issues have improved immensely by putting the Facebook app in deep sleep. Battery life now is pretty decent.
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I suggest you take another look at your Bouncer settings.
You can auto remove it.
I had it on this setting but, change it to lock notifications, as i had better control.
Also remember to back up your Bouncer settings.
If ever you make a mistake you can just import you permission settings.
I forgot to do this a one stage and had to redo over Bouncer 200 apps.. Permissions...!
Otherwise if not sure as dev of Bouncer, for assistance
Good luck

