Surface windows 10 RT have problem. - Windows RT General

please help me after I get installing windows 10 rt have problem system32 not working also can not reset tablet, what can I do please help me


[HELP] WP7 Emulator on XP in VirtualBox

Hi all,
I've got a problem and I hope someone will be able to help me :fingers-crossed:
I'm now working on a Core Due Duo PC at 2.1GHz on Kubuntu.
When I need Windows, I usually virtualize it in my VirtualBox. Since now, I had no problems with it.
Because I HATE Windows 7 for previous problems, I tried to install Windows Phone SDK on my Windows XP virtualized, following this guide:
Now, emultators starts but it is too slow!
After it starts, after about 20mins disappears the writing as in "booting_1.jpg" file here attached and after some minutes appear Windows Phone Logo as in "wp.png" file attached.
After that, emulator don't go on any more.
I tried the same emulator in a Windows XP machine no virtualized and after some minute emulators was ready.
According to you, is there something I can do for developing for WP7 in my virtual XP? Some particular settings?
I hope in some help, thank you very much

[REQ]Recovery image for Windows 8 RT

Can anyone share their Recovery image to Windows 8 for my Surface RT? Is it possible to share? Don't like this 8.1.. I need to be able to install my drivers for USB Ethernet :/

Asus Vivotab RT Touchscreen not working after booting Windows

the touchscreen of my Vivotab RT is not working after booting Windows.
In recovery mode its working fine.
Reinstalling Windows RT did not help.
Anyone an idea?
You can plug a mouse to it, get to the device manager and look up for a touch screen device to see if windows sees it and if its turned off or something else is wrong

ativ 300zt problem

hello for all
i have samsung ativ 300t tablet it came with built in windows and with one partition the windows still update till win 10 then the tablet became too slow so i got to re install another windows win7 so i deleted the partition then create a new one through the windows setup suddenly it freezes so i installed win 10 through a usb
the problem now is win 10 didnt recognize the touch screen or the wireless driver or overall the tab it acts like a desktop
what are the solution for that should i go back to win 8 rt but i dont have a recovery for it also i saw recovery partition on the bios system and when i tried to recover it using win 10 it failed?
thx for all

anyone tried win 10 image on Vivotab RT?

Since Asus Vivotab RT is identical to surface RT in many ways, have someone tried installing a windows 10 image on it?

