Some here may have saw my old post with just MSM8974 cabs, here we have WPAKs for both "16212.1000_rs_xbox" and "16212.1001_rs_iot" branches!
Don't expect some magical build, it's a very cool build to test, but not stable enough for Daily Driving. Also, this does NOT magically make WhatsApp work!
• 10.0.16212.1000.rs_xbox.170531-1534.7z (4.7GB)
• 10.0.16212.1001.rs_iot.170531-1800.7z (4.7GB)
Download Links:
9.52 GB folder on MEGA
2 files
If you want a simple method of installing this build, please see the guides I have created here, this is recommended.
There are several "Known Issues" with this build, make yourself familiar with them.
For those wanting to manually try, Enable Flight Signing > extract your device log cab > match 16212 cabs against the list of packages in "InstalledPackages.csv" > deploy from 14393 with 2nd June 2017 set as date..
Make sure to NOT flash:
Otherwise you will be stuck with a bootloop or other issues
what is the use of this update if it have all these bugs you told abut?? We all looking for fixing bugs in any new update
hooooossamq said:
what is the use of this update if it have all these bugs you told abut?? We all looking for fixing bugs in any new update
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I'm just sharing as it's a fun build to test, it's a prerelease build so it's for people wanting to test it.. it's not meant to be a new update for people, just a fun experiment
But it does give a glimpse to what W10M would be like with CShell
keep getting
cooldude20000 said:
keep getting
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I've only just had time to check sorry!
Did you still receive this error?
Empyreal96 said:
I've only just had time to check sorry!
Did you still receive this error?
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yes still get it
cooldude20000 said:
yes still get it
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Right okies, when you next try to re-deploy, after you get the error can you run (getdulogs.exe is in IUTools/Win ADK) "getdulogs -o .\ &&" and send the imgupd.log file please?
We'll try see what failed
What's the difference between the rs_xbox and rs_iot build?
Is there any features/bugs difference?
Empyreal96 said:
Some here may have saw my old post with just MSM8974 cabs, here we have WPAKs for both "16212.1000_rs_xbox" and "16212.1001_rs_iot" branches!
Don't expect some magical build, it's a very cool build to test, but not stable enough for Daily Driving. Also, this does NOT magically make WhatsApp work!
• 10.0.16212.1000.rs_xbox.170531-1534.7z (4.7GB)
• 10.0.16212.1001.rs_iot.170531-1800.7z (4.7GB)
Download Links:
9.52 GB folder on MEGA
2 files
If you want a simple method of installing this build, please see the guides I have created here, this is recommended.
There are several "Known Issues" with this build, make yourself familiar with them.
For those wanting to manually try, Enable Flight Signing > extract your device log cab > match 16212 cabs against the list of packages in "InstalledPackages.csv" > deploy from 14393 with 2nd June 2017 set as date..
Make sure to NOT flash:
Otherwise you will be stuck with a bootloop or other issues
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Not helpful
EP012014 said:
What's the difference between the rs_xbox and rs_iot build?
Is there any features/bugs difference?
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Not any differences that I have seen, both builds seem to have the same bugs stated in the docs
madwolfbad1 said:
Not helpful
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What about it is not helpful?
Empyreal96 said:
What about it is not helpful?
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hi there.if i want to test this update. i must use the .xbox one or the .iot ? iam using L950XL...
edit: and what abut the battery life and performance?
and what if i want to mix some .cab files or replace them from any other it possible?
hooooossamq said:
hi there.if i want to test this update. i must use the .xbox one or the .iot ? iam using L950XL...
edit: and what abut the battery life and performance?
and what if i want to mix some .cab files or replace them from any other it possible?
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If you are following the guides linked you won't need to worry which version, but for reference both update tools use rs_xbox iirc
And performance don't expect luxury, as in the known issues page it's not the most stable builds
And you won't be able to mix packages from other builds, it might work between both builds posted here but I'd expect issues if you did
I'm a noob, what's the difference between cabs and WPAK? And Xbox?
I'd love to see this build, stuck on 15063.254.
edit: problem solved, patch attached. i also made an with the new kernel, see here.
there is a vncserver for android out there. so far it works fine, but there is no keyboard or mouse control for the host (android). this being a kernel limitation it can be patched. unluckily for us the patch is available only for the magic kernel version 2.6.23, not for the hero kernel version 2.6.27. i would kindly ask all the developers out there to have a look at the links below, and at least comment about the possibility to "port" (don't know the right expression) the patch to the heros kernel, or teknologists version. i can do the compiling and testing myself, just need someone to have a look at the patch, this is way beyond my skills for now. just compiled the teknologist kernel successfully, as my first compiled kernel ever!
the vncserver project
the patch
htc kernel source
teknologist kerne git
thank you in advance.
i think i managed to apply the patch manually, once i looked into it it turned out that there where only a few lines in 3 files, plus one completely new file, so it seemed pretty easy. yet to be tested, but first i figure out why the kernel won't boot at all, not even with teks sources...
so stay tuned for the kkernel, with full vnc support!
kendong2 said:
i think i managed to apply the patch manually, once i looked into it it turned out that there where only a few lines in 3 files, plus one completely new file, so it seemed pretty easy. yet to be tested, but first i figure out why the kernel won't boot at all, not even with teks sources...
so stay tuned for the kkernel, with full vnc support!
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I thought Tek's kernel was based on the GSM hero kernel, not the CDMA one, which might be one of the reasons.
thecodemonk said:
I thought Tek's kernel was based on the GSM hero kernel, not the CDMA one, which might be one of the reasons.
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uhm, i have only the gsm hero, no cdma in germay...
anyway, i forgot the --base 0x19200000 in my script, so the boot.img was faulty. it is working now, fbvncserver recieves keyboard inputs, but mouse does not do anything
maybe i can figure that out somehow, already posted in google code of the project.
i will release an this afternoon, containing the kernel and fbvncserver for easy installation, but now i gotta get some sleep
kendong2 said:
i will release an this afternoon, containing the kernel and fbvncserver for easy installation, but now i gotta get some sleep
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who needs sleep anyway here's the kkernel-1.0
could one of the mods please set a [SOLVED] in front of the titel? if i am supposed to do this myself please tip me of how, i don't get it...
Great work. Will you share the Patch ?
kendong2 said:
could one of the mods please set a [SOLVED] in front of the titel? if i am supposed to do this myself please tip me of how, i don't get it...
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You can do it editing your first post
i will, was going to do it tonight anyway, please be patient for a few more hours...
Lox_Dev said:
Great work. Will you share the Patch ?
You can do it editing your first post
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patch is there. thx, i think i forgot to click on "go advanced" when i tried...
kendong2 said:
patch is there. thx, i think i forgot to click on "go advanced" when i tried...
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Great thks a lot for the patch. I'll apply it to next community kernel release.
There's a fork of android-vnc that works without patching, android-vnc-server (both kbde and touch events).
rejser said:
There's a fork of android-vnc that works without patching, android-vnc-server (both kbde and touch events).
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lol although it makes my work on the patch completely obsolete it sounds really good. i will look into that this evening, thanks for the hint.
nevertheless, it was interesting to find out how kernel-compiling and cross-compiling works, i actually had fun doing it
too bad, doesn't work for me
console output shows that keys are received, but no action
rejser said:
There's a fork of android-vnc that works without patching, android-vnc-server (both kbde and touch events).
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thx for the hint, doesn't work for me either though... gonna try it with another kernel, but not before next week, having the gf over the weekend... no kernel baking then
Edit 2: This thread is about @MSF Jarvis 's port of the OOS camera app for custom roms, which can be found here:
I'll leave it like this until the ownership of the thread is transferred to him.
Original post:
Hey guys,
Yesterday I asked Funk Wizard when OP will release an OOS camera fully compatible with custom roms.
He replied with a zip as attachment and said I could try it in the meantime, but I don't have a op5 yet.
Apparently, the caught the zip in the wild.
If I'm not allowed to distribute this please delete this thread!
EDIT: removed zip, adding link to developers github
This was made by harsh
Doesn't improve quality and might not work with all custom ROMs.
Can someone try it on official lineage os please?
nxss4 said:
Hey guys,
Yesterday I asked Funk Wizard when OP will release an OOS camera fully compatible with custom roms.
He replied with a zip as attachment and said I could try it in the meantime, but I don't have a op5 yet.
Apparently, the caught the zip in the wild.
If I'm not allowed to distribute this please delete this thread!
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Lol I understand the love for fame and that beautifully tempting thanks meter but please, don't do this. The ZIP is mine and open source since August 2 at (thanks for showing up though, reminded me to push the v0.4 changes). Pretty sure Funk Wizard didn't pass off the ZIP as his though. You can keep the thread but add the GitHub link to the OP.
Also, I had been sending the ZIPs to other OnePlus 5 developers to test around which is probably how he came across it. Not exactly wild.
MSF Jarvis said:
Lol I understand the love for fame and that beautifully tempting thanks meter but please, don't do this. The ZIP is mine and open source since August 2 at (thanks for showing up though, reminded me to push the v0.4 changes). Pretty sure Funk Wizard didn't pass off the ZIP as his though. You can keep the thread but add the GitHub link to the OP.
Also, I had been sending the ZIPs to other OnePlus 5 developers to test around which is probably how he came across it. Not exactly wild.
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To begin with ... i appreciate your efforts and full credits for this. I have already linked your github to the post i made and obviously i got the zip through one of the developers.
Keep up the good work :fingers-crossed:
beache said:
Can someone try it on official lineage os please?
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There is no official Lineage for the OP5 yet.... the thread is open but no downloads.
biohaz55 said:
There is no official Lineage for the OP5 yet.... the thread is open but no downloads.
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Look here :good:
Funk Wizard said:
Look here :good:
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Unless I'm missing something there are no official downloads yet..... here
That's the link from the OP.
MSF Jarvis said:
Lol I understand the love for fame and that beautifully tempting thanks meter but please, don't do this. The ZIP is mine and open source since August 2 at (thanks for showing up though, reminded me to push the v0.4 changes). Pretty sure Funk Wizard didn't pass off the ZIP as his though. You can keep the thread but add the GitHub link to the OP.
Also, I had been sending the ZIPs to other OnePlus 5 developers to test around which is probably how he came across it. Not exactly wild.
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Sorry for posting it, I googled the zip and only Funk wizards thread came up. I would never have posted this if I knew this was already out.
And really, I don't care about fame or thanks. It's just that I am willing to buy this device but not until the camera quality on custom roms is the same as on OOS
@MSF Jarvis Whats the requirements to flash this? I'm on AEX and it said error invalid zip file format.
kgr said:
@MSF Jarvis Whats the requirements to flash this? I'm on AEX and it said error invalid zip file format.
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It's probably a bad upload.
Tried it on unofficial aospa and the app force closes every time. Probably need to force hal1 or something.
MSF Jarvis said:
It's probably a bad upload.
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I downloaded it twice from the github page. Do you have a good copy you can link me to?
kgr said:
I downloaded it twice from the github page. Do you have a good copy you can link me to?
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This should work
andre0005 said:
Tried it on unofficial aospa and the app force closes every time. Probably need to force hal1 or something.
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Same thing happening to me on AEX :|
MSF Jarvis said:
This should work
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Thanks! Flashed this over my existing setup (running Dirty Unicorns) and couldn't get it to run. The app exits as soon as it is launched, and the only thing that worked for me was the front camera. Attempting to run the back camera in any way (pro-mode, video, photo, etc.) closes the app.
Just an update for anyone who wants to try, of course, nothing else.
MSF Jarvis said:
This should work
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Amazing! Contains the latest improvements of 4.5.10 Firmware?
JAlvarezFlores said:
Amazing! Contains the latest improvements of 4.5.10 Firmware?
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Not yet. Will update soon.
Missing Portrait Mode
It seems to work well in the official build of LineageOS, but it seems to be missing portrait mode and therefore the bokeh effect.
Thanks for the great work!
I have a 30.00 PayPal for whom ever can fix the lte boost mobile radio break issue after security patch update.
Bailey36375 said:
I have a 30.00 PayPal for whom ever can fix the lte boost mobile radio break issue after security patch update.
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Try this
Edit: only flash the rom and gapps at first, nothing else
It works great. Now if I dirty flash dots os will it stick or will I have to wait for them to up date that custom rom
Bailey36375 said:
It works great. Now if I dirty flash dots os will it stick or will I have to wait for them to up date that custom rom
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No. Only this build will work. I'll push the necessary changes to @squid2 perry trees though. If you want dot os I can make a build but the security patches will not be up to date.
I'll be looking for ROMs to start coming now that you fixed the radio issue I really like to customize so if you build one let me know thanks again. I'll test Anything you build
Bailey36375 said:
I'll be looking for ROMs to start coming now that you fixed the radio issue I really like to customize so if you build one let me know thanks again. I'll test Anything you build
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I'll make a dot build if you want but I'll leave the rest to the devs already here for others. I really just wanted to get things working for everyone who updated and lost data. ?
OK I'll take it. Wish I could learn to build I've tryed but not any good at it
Bailey36375 said:
OK I'll take it. Wish I could learn to build I've tryed but not any good at it
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Research. Google is your friend (when you need to learn something anyway).
Can confirm the rom provided by Jason M. Works perfectly on xt1766 boost variant NCQS26.69-64-10. Thank you so very much.
Edit: Magisk 17.1 installs fine, and flashes modules without a hitch, Thanx again.
Hey Jason can you make the crdroid rom like you did the dots.
Jason M. said:
No. Only this build will work. I'll push the necessary changes to @squid2 perry trees though. If you want dot os I can make a build but the security patches will not be up to date.
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Why did you remove the dots os rom
Sorry everyone I had some family visiting and my 3yr old nephew was caught playing around with my PC. I had some browser windows open with github and Android File Host and he must have deleted my github and roms on afh. I'll fix it asap but I'm gonna have to completely redo the trees.
Jason M. said:
Sorry everyone I had some family visiting and my 3yr old nephew was caught playing around with my PC. I had some browser windows open with github and Android File Host and he must have deleted my github and roms on afh. I'll fix it asap but I'm gonna have to completely redo the trees.
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Got to love those meddling nephews. I have a couple myself.
Jason M. said:
< mod edit >
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Thanks your a standup guy. And I do thank you for your dedication to help people with there projects.
Jason M. said:
< mod edit >
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True thank you for getting everything worked out. I'll be waiting for the exclusive Jason Friday the 13th build coming to moto e4 soon lol
Bailey36375 said:
True thank you for getting everything worked out. I'll be waiting for the exclusive Jason Friday the 13th build coming to moto e4 soon lol
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Ha, ha that ain't happenin
Thread cleaned.
Telegram group (or similar) dramas won't be redirected to XDA. Please keep this kind of discussions out of XDA or via PM for instance.
Also, if you decide to post on XDA, please be on topic, stay civil and respect other members anytime and follow the other rules.
Thanks for understanding.
Wood Man
Senior Moderator
There´s a new rom available for our xz1 compact. Probably the March security patches.
I download it now
What's the changelog?
I hope it will fix random reboots. Since last update i have almost every day 1-2 random reboots.
kombajnik said:
I hope it will fix random reboots. Since last update i have almost every day 1-2 random reboots.
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That's strange never had a reboot myself with last update
Sent from my G8441 using Tapatalk
I also have random reboots, but only since a few days. I first thought they are related to the AOSP rom I am using, but now I am thinking...
on the website i can only view the changelog by subscribing to the newsletter i assume..
need system-wide dark mode Sony!
Release: 47.2.A.10.28
*edit, lol in the support the ''release notes'' redirect back to update.
And at Xperia System Update it says: ''Information not available''
TGN said:
on the website i can only view the changelog by subscribing to the newsletter i assume..
need system-wide dark mode Sony!
Release: 47.2.A.10.28
*edit, lol in the support the ''release notes'' redirect back to update.
And at Xperia System Update it says: ''Information not available''
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Hey , please can you upload this ROM on gdrive or mega and gimme a link xperifirm is too slow if you can't do that can you please tell me a faster server for the download
TGN said:
on the website i can only view the changelog by subscribing to the newsletter i assume..
need system-wide dark mode Sony!
Release: 47.2.A.10.28
*edit, lol in the support the ''release notes'' redirect back to update.
And at Xperia System Update it says: ''Information not available''
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Lol its true, I've been subscribed for long time. I never get Changelog detail for update
danish0175 said:
Hey , please can you upload this ROM on gdrive or mega and gimme a link xperifirm is too slow if you can't do that can you please tell me a faster server for the download
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You gotta ask the Official Poster.
I just got it OTA.
kiratheone said:
Lol its true, I've been subscribed for long time. I never get Changelog detail for update
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Spam them for system-wide dark mode! ;p
Kind of worthless they don't even mention anything in their so called ''news'' letters.
Ever since this update, I've been having a strange issue where every now and then, whatever app I'm in will minimize when tapping anywhere in the app.
What's more, sometimes a very short but full-screen ad will appear out of nowhere.
I've ran several of the major virus scanners but none of them find anything suspicious.
danish0175 said:
Hey , please can you upload this ROM on gdrive or mega and gimme a link xperifirm is too slow if you can't do that can you please tell me a faster server for the download
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I uploaded it to my google drive. It is the "Customized DE" version.
SkyHigh76 said:
I uploaded it to my google drive. It is the "Customized DE" version.
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Unfortunately still after update i'm noticing random reboots
Here's a post about this update
They do post about updates on that blog, but it's really frustrating how little detail they give you about the updates.... "The latest update adds the 1 March 2019 Android security patches for these phones, but there are few other changes." Ok, WHAT OTHER CHANGES??
kombajnik said:
Unfortunately still after update i'm noticing random reboots
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Are you using Magisk and the Hide Props module?
DerSteppo said:
Are you using Magisk and the Hide Props module?
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Hi, no, 100% full stock, no root, no magisk, no supersu. Stock rom + only apps from google play store. Is any easy way to check what causing crashes and reboot without root?
I think this update(or the previous one) might have included a modem firmware update as well. My maximum 4g speeds went from 100 Mb/s to above 200.
kombajnik said:
Hi, no, 100% full stock, no root, no magisk, no supersu. Stock rom + only apps from google play store. Is any easy way to check what causing crashes and reboot without root?
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Hmm looks like root and modules are not the cause of the issue. I was running AEX unofficial and had random reboots all day long. I don't know how to find out what's causing them, unfortunately I am not a dev
Eventually, I went back to Oreo with a stable LineageOS version and it is just awesome! Battery life is back to more than 2 days (I had less than 1 day on Pie?!), so I guess I wait with the Pie upgrade until someone figures out what the issue is.
DerSteppo said:
Hmm looks like root and modules are not the cause of the issue. I was running AEX unofficial and had random reboots all day long. I don't know how to find out what's causing them, unfortunately I am not a dev
Eventually, I went back to Oreo with a stable LineageOS version and it is just awesome! Battery life is back to more than 2 days (I had less than 1 day on Pie?!), so I guess I wait with the Pie upgrade until someone figures out what the issue is.
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So, you had a problems on AEX Pie. Now you don't have that problems on LOS Oreo. Therefore you conclude that STOCK Pie has a problem. ... ?!?!
komer said:
So, you had a problems on AEX Pie. Now you don't have that problems on LOS Oreo. Therefore you conclude that STOCK Pie has a problem. ... ?!?!
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I had reboots on Stock Pie, too, when I tried a few things that worked on Oreo. Sorry, I forgot to mention that.
Debloats unnecessary services and apps on your OnePlus devices to give moar free ram and improve battery.
Works both on stable and beta and any device running oos11
Use it. If it affects your daily usage, don't.
New apps and services have been added in this version.
No seperate versions. Since most of the 9 series guys are rooted, they be using the oxygen updater app. The default updater keeps running in bg and hence, has been removed.
If someone wants services like OnePlus account or red cable club, go to apk mirror and install it from there. Or can keep using the previous one.
Do not forget to flash Overlay mount fix from magisk repository else, u might end soft-rebooting your device.
If you like what I do, consider buying me a coffee
UPI: [email protected]
Moar updates HERE.
If uh want live wallpapers to be working again after installing the module, install the apk given below.
Vpn issue has been fixed and I'm attaching v7 below. Those facing vpn issues, flash this
which apps and services are debloaded?
kostasntamas said:
which apps and services are debloaded?
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DebloaterList V6 - is the number one paste tool since 2002. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time.
Check this link
Your mods are too good man especially your starwars mod. Thanks for ur mods man.
Karun Stratum said:
Your mods are too good man especially your starwars mod. Thanks for ur mods man.
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Thanks Dark pero
Worked great on my OP6T.
Thank you!
SMcC2 said:
Worked great on my OP6T.
Thank you!
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If you interested in becoming a tester, ping me on telegram
Great mod! I used it to get rid of the bloat mostly but directly after installing, AdGuard starts saying it cannot create a VPN connection and my devices firmware might now be compatible. I reflashed stock system.img and it was operational again, however I produced the same result after reflashing the module again. Do I need to reinstall anything to make it work?
intp.pisces said:
Great mod! I used it to get rid of the bloat mostly but directly after installing, AdGuard starts saying it cannot create a VPN connection and my devices firmware might now be compatible. I reflashed stock system.img and it was operational again, however I produced the same result after reflashing the module again. Do I need to reinstall anything to make it work?
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Not sure why does it do that
Link me to the adguard version if possible. Will see
Link me to the adguard version if possible.
RedSkulxHYDRA said:
Not sure why does it do that
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Updated, thanks for reporting the issue
intp.pisces said:
Great mod! I used it to get rid of the bloat mostly but directly after installing, AdGuard starts saying it cannot create a VPN connection and my devices firmware might now be compatible. I reflashed stock system.img and it was operational again, however I produced the same result after reflashing the module again. Do I need to reinstall anything to make it work?
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Updated to v7. Should fix the issue
does it work on my oneplus 6t?
xtreamxahid said:
does it work on my oneplus 6t?
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RedSkulxHYDRA said:
Updated to v7. Should fix the issue
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I did indeed. I do the debloat\oneplus acct delete every time I do a clean flash (always) so I'm very thankful for this. THANKS! So fkn glad I can just flash and save myself 30 mins doing my Oneplus Detox routines lol
intp.pisces said:
I do the debloat\oneplus acct delete every time I do a clean flash (always) so I'm very thankful for this. THANKS! So fkn glad I can just flash and save myself 30 mins doing my Oneplus Detox routines lol
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Caused soft bootloop this time around. Not sure why but it said Google something wasn't installed
intp.pisces said:
Caused soft bootloop this time around. Not sure why but it said Google something wasn't installed
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Flashed on h2os? If not, flash overlay mount fix and reboot.
RedSkulxHYDRA said:
Flashed on h2os? If not, flash overlay mount fix and reboot.
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Yup, forgot overlay mount. Thanks man! You're my setup hero
intp.pisces said:
Yup, forgot overlay mount. Thanks man! You're my setup hero
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I like that title
would love to use this, but i need android auto, and this kills it.... anyway to modify this script myself and/or get a AA compatible version ? thank you for your work