Failed to read fstab from device tree - Treble-Enabled Device Questions and Answers

I try to early mount partition for treble-enable. But it said failed to read fstab from device tree even vendor entry defined. What should I do?
Here is logcat:


[Q]F2FS: f2fs.fsck: Assertion Error!

First, sorry for my first thread.
I'm making custom kernel with f2fs support.
All things fine except first booting.
When booting with my f2fs kernel that has mount option in fstab, the booting time is so long.
And when I checked kernel log by dmesg command. The log says.
f2fs.fsck: Assertion error!
I have two f2fs partiion /cache and /userdata.
There are no error log with /cache partition. Only occured in /userdata partition.
Is it problem with my kernel source or data corruption..?

Problem when installing cyanogenmod using twrp recovery.

Hello to everyone
I have a problem when installing cm-13.0-20160305-NIGHTLY-nicki using twrp recovery. If I try to flash the zip it says:
"Installing zipfile ´/external_sd/Zips/´
Checking for file MD5...
Skipping MD5 check: no MD5 file found
Tarjet: 1457165414
could not detect filesystem for /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/system, assuming ext4
mount: failed to mount /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/system at/system: Invalid argument
unmount of /system failed; no such volume
Patching system image unconditionally...
Verifying the updated sytem image...
system partition has unexpected contents after 0TA updated
Updater process ended with ERROR: 7
Error installing zip file ´/external_sd/Zips/´
Updating partition details...
Failed to mount ´/system´ (Invalid argument)
Failed to mount ´/cache´ (Invalid argument)
Does anyone know what is the problem and how to solve it?
LinuxHacker said:
Hello to everyone
I have a problem when installing cm-13.0-20160305-NIGHTLY-nicki using twrp recovery. If I try to flash the zip it says:
"Installing zipfile ´/external_sd/Zips/´
Checking for file MD5...
Skipping MD5 check: no MD5 file found
Tarjet: 1457165414
could not detect filesystem for /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/system, assuming ext4
mount: failed to mount /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/system at/system: Invalid argument
unmount of /system failed; no such volume
Patching system image unconditionally...
Verifying the updated sytem image...
system partition has unexpected contents after 0TA updated
Updater process ended with ERROR: 7
Error installing zip file ´/external_sd/Zips/´
Updating partition details...
Failed to mount ´/system´ (Invalid argument)
Failed to mount ´/cache´ (Invalid argument)
Does anyone know what is the problem and how to solve it?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Download zip file again.
It was that I bricked the mobile.

my device is showing failed to mount /dev/block/bootloader/by-name/userdata at /data:

my device is showing failed to mount /dev/block/bootloader/by-name/userdata at /data: device or resource busy no need delete data
Same issues

failed to mount '/system' '/vendor' '/odm'

I installed twrp and wanted to have lineageos on my s9.
I am fairly new to all of this and I don't know what I did wrong but always when I want to format data for example I get the following errors:
failed to mount '/system'
failed to mount '/vendor'
failed to mount '/odm'
I am really at loss here. I can't even install a os at the moment and I am stuck with no phone. can somebody help me maybe? I honestly just want any os running again.
thank you.

Update to TRWP 3.4.0-0 failed - factory reset?

TWRP won't start after updating from 3.3.. to 3.4.0-0 using fastboot. Output includes "Failed to mount '/data'" - see following post.
I guess because I accidentally ran fastboot unlock although it was already unlocked. (The TWRP website fastboot update procedure starts right back with installing the tools and I jumped in at the wrong place)
Tried installing previous TWRP version but no dice.
Any ideas?
I did a TWRP backup before all this. Not exactly sure where it's located but would like to recover it if possible. Will a factory reset likely overwrite it?
Lenovo P2 LineageOS 17.1 Kuntao
Output when booting to recovery:
Could not mount /data and unable to find crypto footer.
Failed to mount '/data' (Invalid argument)
Unable to recreate /data/media folder.
Updating partition details...
Unable to mount storage
Failed to mount '/data' (Invalid argument)
Full SELimux support is present.
Unable to mount /data/media/TWRP/.twrps
Running recovery commands
Failed to mount '/data' (Invalid argument)
Formatting cache using mke2fs...
Done processing script file
Renamed stock recovery file in /system to prevent the stock ROM from replacing TWRP.

