Hi, I admit that I have been taking stuff from the community such as the excellent modaco rom and the gold card method and other stuff without giving stuff back to the community. After 2 days of work, here is my contribution back.
As some of you may know, Modaco's rom and other methods have flawed HTC_CIMEs either not complete or glitchy. So here is a fix.
Confirmed to work with modaco 2.6 and 2.7, should work with other roms as well.
1. Download and extract this package
2. Boot into recovery mode (home + power)
3. Wipe (I don't think it works without it)
4. Install the CORE version of Modaco's rom (NOT the Chinese version)
5. Reboot Phone, then reboot into recovery mode
6. Install the that is in the package
7. Reboot Phone (Checkpoint : Check if there is chinese input installed and all chinese input options are available.)
Note: Steps 8 to 11 is to fix the input in the messaging app.
8. Navigate via Command Prompt to the extracted folder with the adb.exe
9. Type "adb remount"
10. Type "adb push system /system"
11. Type "adb shell reboot"
12. Enjoy
BTW : you will need to change your default input method
I know that everything can be put into an, if someone wish to, please do.
References for the
I'm chinese,let me tell your guys who want to use modaco roms but don't like the ime what to do. "", you'll find this useful file from this forum.unzip it to your hd(eg.d:\hero).
2.connect your phone with usb.not mount the sdcard.
3.use "cmd" from windows start menu then type:
cd hero[enter]
adb devices [enter][this will show your connected hero phone]
4.when you connect your phone correctly.let us remove something:
adb shell rm /system/app/HTC_CIME* [enter]
adb shell rm /system/app/CN* [enter]
adb shell rm /system/app/HTC_IME* [enter]
*notice:this step will remove all your imes.
5.install the new ime.i suggest you use google pinyin and moto can find the google pinyin from market (keyword "google"),and you can use find moto pinyin (keyword "moto text input").
6.install it with htc sync or you have the best chinese ime.
ps. I strongly suggest Paul to use "moto text input" instead of others for next chinese core version.
Application can use Chinese IME after re-installing HTC_CIME and HTC_IME (from Dream)
Hi!!!Thx Soooooooooo much! It's amazing using your, I was finding a solution to type in both CHT n CHS with Touch Input! Now it do works!!!! Thxx!!!!! Haha~~~
awesome. Now i can finally type in wubi instead of writing
it hangs on mcr 2.8
tianci86 said:
it hangs on mcr 2.8
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I tested on 2.6, 2.7, 2.8 and 2.9
Which step did you encounter this?
Vener said:
I tested on 2.6, 2.7, 2.8 and 2.9
Which step did you encounter this?
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after i rebooted, and try to set it under locale and text. then it was forced to close the app.
i didnt choose to wipe though. i'm afraid all my settings will be gone
Thank you so much! It would be perfect if there is Traditional Chinese input, is there a way to install it? SEA Hero stock rom does have Traditional Chinese input if im not mistaken.
tianci86 said:
after i rebooted, and try to set it under locale and text. then it was forced to close the app.
i didnt choose to wipe though. i'm afraid all my settings will be gone
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I did the following:
1. A walk through follow the complete steps.
2. After reboot, same problem as u.
3. Follow step 1-7 again.
4. It works now.
P.S. I have never wipe anything. You do not have to wipe anything to make this update work.
ChiLam said:
Thank you so much! It would be perfect if there is Traditional Chinese input, is there a way to install it? SEA Hero stock rom does have Traditional Chinese input if im not mistaken.
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Traditional Chinese is included, it is in the settings
ericlin0122 said:
I did the following:
1. A walk through follow the complete steps.
2. After reboot, same problem as u.
3. Follow step 1-7 again.
4. It works now.
P.S. I have never wipe anything. You do not have to wipe anything to make this update work.
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tianci86 said:
after i rebooted, and try to set it under locale and text. then it was forced to close the app.
i didnt choose to wipe though. i'm afraid all my settings will be gone
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If you are comming from the chinese ROM, I think you will need to wipe, if you are comming from the core rom, it should work.
Based on what you said, it is very possible that you typed the command wrongly.
Vener said:
Traditional Chinese is included, it is in the settings
If you are comming from the chinese ROM, I think you will need to wipe, if you are comming from the core rom, it should work.
Based on what you said, it is very possible that you typed the command wrongly.
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Can't find it anywhere for pinyin input
ChiLam said:
Can't find it anywhere for pinyin input
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I think you using the chinese version, it will not work with it.
unable to delete HTC_CIME
pper said:
I'm chinese,let me tell your guys who want to use modaco roms but don't like the ime what to do. "", you'll find this useful file from this forum.unzip it to your hd(eg.d:\hero).
2.connect your phone with usb.not mount the sdcard.
3.use "cmd" from windows start menu then type:
cd hero[enter]
adb devices [enter][this will show your connected hero phone]
4.when you connect your phone correctly.let us remove something:
adb shell rm /system/app/HTC_CIME* [enter]
adb shell rm /system/app/CN* [enter]
adb shell rm /system/app/HTC_IME* [enter]
*notice:this step will remove all your imes.
5.install the new ime.i suggest you use google pinyin and moto can find the google pinyin from market (keyword "google"),and you can use find moto pinyin (keyword "moto text input").
6.install it with htc sync or you have the best chinese ime.
ps. I strongly suggest Paul to use "moto text input" instead of others for next chinese core version.
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Hi Bro,
Had tried to used the rm but these files are read only , I use chmod in terminal also unable to change to writeable or to delete them. (btw I had root access)
potterang said:
Hi Bro,
Had tried to used the rm but these files are read only , I use chmod in terminal also unable to change to writeable or to delete them. (btw I had root access)
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Ensure you have write permission on the directory before removing the files. Alternative, use root explorer and mount as RW before you remove the files.
CruiseMan said:
Ensure you have write permission on the directory before removing the files. Alternative, use root explorer and mount as RW before you remove the files.
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Thks bro, found a easier way, just had to
adb remount /system [enter]
adb shell rm /system/app/HTC_CIME* [enter]
adb shell rm /system/app/CN* [enter]
adb shell rm /system/app/HTC_IME* [enter]
Just sharing, I am running the MCR 2.9. In order to use the Google Pinyin. This is what I do.
1. Backup only the HTC_IME.apk from /system/app to /sdcard
2. Remove all the IME from /system/app
3. Restart my HTC
4. Install Google Pinyin IME
5. Install back the HTC IME (from step 1).
Everything working perfectly now I think I am using the Google Keyboard instead the HTC bundled.
does not work with modaco rom 3.0...
Why Should I root my phone?
Read Here
What can I do with recovery?
With recovery you can principally flash cooked roms, but also other things like make nandroid backups (Internal memory backups), partition your sdcard, fix problems etc...
If you want root there are 2 methods:
First Method
Is very simple, just download and install InstantRoot.apk (attached)
To install this from sdcard you need a file explorer like ASTRO
After the install a notify that says root access gained should appear, if not try second method
Second Method
This will install also recovery
1. Enable Debug USB from Settings->Applications
2. Download flashrec and install it with file manager like ASTRO
3. Download Amon_RA's recovery and put it in your sdcard
4. Run flashrec and tap Backup Recovery
5. Tap in the textbox and write this path:
At moment of writing last version is 1.5.2, so the path should be
6. Tap Download then flash recoery
7. If you get an error retry from step 3, else continue
8. Turn off your phone and reboot it keeping pressed Home button, recovery should start
9. Connect your phone via usb
10. Download Android SDK and extract all in the same folder
11. Download this and extract it in your sdk/tools folder
12. Open cmd (if you are on windows, if you are on a mac or on linux open terminal) and move to sdk/tools folder using this command
cd path
13. Give this commands in order
On windows:
adb shell mount /system
adb push su /system/bin/
adb shell chmod 4755 /system/bin/su
adb push Superuser.apk /system/app/
adb shell umount /system
adb shell reboot
On linux/mac
./adb shell mount /system
./adb push su /system/bin/
./adb shell chmod 4755 /system/bin/su
./adb push Superuser.apk /system/app/
./adb shell umount /system
./adb shell reboot
14. Now you have root access on your phone
If you want recovery:
Just follow root's second method to the step 7
Flashing Custom roms using recovery:
Custom roms are in Zip format, to flash it is really easy once you have recovery.
Once downloaded a rom put it in your sdcard root, then reboot into recovery (Keep home button pressed while turning on your phone)
Now make a wipe going to Wipe->Wipe data, then come back to main menu and go to Flash zip from sd card, select your zip and you're done
Thanks for the guide How does Nandroid backup fit into this?
maybe you need to tell how to downgrade(or a link to a guide )
nice guide, only i have already rooted my phone(2 months ago or something xD)
nandroid backup is recommeded when you install a new rom, so you can always back to your original/past rom
So i root with this guide, then nandroid and then i can flash the new rom?
One more small question Is there anything special i should know about flashing the radio?
culturelol said:
So i root with this guide, then nandroid and then i can flash the new rom?
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culturelol said:
One more small question Is there anything special i should know about flashing the radio?
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No, only that you can't flash a GSM radio on a CDMA phone and back, if you do this you'll brick your phone
Exit93 said:
No, only that you can't flash a GSM radio on a CDMA phone and back, if you do this you'll brick your phone
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Is that done the same way? Boot to recovery and then flash the radio? And is this done before or after wipe / install of the new rom?
culturelol said:
Is that done the same way? Boot to recovery and then flash the radio? And is this done before or after wipe / install of the new rom?
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You can install radio whenever you want, it's flashed in another nand partition
nice rom - but the Home button doesnt work - is that normal?
krueck83 said:
nice rom - but the Home button doesnt work - is that normal?
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Wrong discussion...
If you refer to CKDroid you need to flash googlebits to get home button working...
Exit93 said:
You can install radio whenever you want, it's flashed in another nand partition
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But it is flashed through the recovery screen?
culturelol said:
But it is flashed through the recovery screen?
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Yes, it is
Thank you - it works.
Thanks for the instructions.
1-Do you need to follow step 8-12 to get root and flash rom`s or is the android sdk and superuser only if you want to develope yourself?
2- If ypu do this and after want back to stock rom . As far as i`ve read it`s as easy as just flashing from HTC website and you`re back ? Won`t recovery still be left on your phone?
Rui-Cruz said:
Thanks for the instructions.
1-Do you need to follow step 8-12 to get root and flash rom`s or is the android sdk and superuser only if you want to develope yourself?
2- If ypu do this and after want back to stock rom . As far as i`ve read it`s as easy as just flashing from HTC website and you`re back ? Won`t recovery still be left on your phone?
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1. Steps from 8 to 12 are only to get root access on stock rom, if you want to change rom you don't need to make those steps
2. To get back to stock rom just flash official update, as far as i know recovery will be deleted
Thanks for the guide.
Was being anal and following the guide to the letter (not wanting a brick!) and it just rebooted to stock recovery
4. Run flashrec and tap Backup Recovery
5. Tap in the textbox and write this path: /sdcard/recovery-RA-hero-v1.5.2.img
6. If you get an error retry from step 3, else continue
Should we be tapping the download button once we entered the img location?
alfie196 said:
Thanks for the guide.
Was being anal and following the guide to the letter (not wanting a brick!) and it just rebooted to stock recovery
4. Run flashrec and tap Backup Recovery
5. Tap in the textbox and write this path: /sdcard/recovery-RA-hero-v1.5.2.img
6. If you get an error retry from step 3, else continue
Should we be tapping the download button once we entered the img location?
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Yes, sorry it's my fault, correcting...
Sorry silly question
Please could someone tell me, if using the first method the InstantRoot.apk. Will this wipe the current ROM/data/apps etc from the phone or will it just enable Root privilages and leave everything else the same?
Many thanks
It just roots your phone and leaves everything in tact, just did it now.
The guide is not clear on how to flash the rom though. Because it says "If you want recovery" I don't want recovery I just want to flash. I have root now what's next? In simple steps, no recovery required just want CKDroid.
hatski said:
It just roots your phone and leaves everything in tact, just did it now.
The guide is not clear on how to flash the rom though. Because it says "If you want recovery" I don't want recovery I just want to flash. I have root now what's next? In simple steps, no recovery required just want CKDroid.
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You need recovery to flash roms, it's written on the start of the first post
Root from Paul didn't come with one, and seeing as we can't get full system access (from what i understand) im curious as to if we can actually get busybox?
The 'busybox on rooted desire' on MoDaCo didn't help at all.
I've installed bb via Titanium, yet Metamorph didn't recognise it anywhere.
Cheers in advance for help
It comes with A2SD - but you can push the busybox binary to /system while the phone is in recovery.
If you pushed bb yourself, use its absolute path (like /data/somewhere/busybox) or put its path in your $PATH to get it going. I personally, without root, put busybox in the free-to-write-to /sqlite* directory (I put * because I don't recall the full name) and it runs fine from there.
do you have a link to apps2sd & does it come with a guide as to how to install it so noobs can understand?
A2SD was taken down "temporarily".
Although this still seems to work:
LeszekSwirski said:
Although this still seems to work:
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Bare in mind I think it was taken down as (for some) it 'removed root' and also got some phones stuck in a reboot loop. Bad times.
Root from Paul didn't come with one, and seeing as we can't get full system access (from what i understand) im curious as to if we can actually get busybox?
The 'busybox on rooted desire' on MoDaCo didn't help at all.
I've installed bb via Titanium, yet Metamorph didn't recognise it anywhere.
Cheers in advance for help
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You didn't read to the end of that thread
* install Titanium
* run Titanium
* click the "problems" button and install Busybox
* boot into recovery
* adb shell from my Mac
* mount /system
* cp /data/data/com.keramidas.TitaniumBackup/files/busybox /system/bin
* cd /system/bin
* ./busybox --install -s .
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By what I've read, though, Metamorph dies on its arse because of the lack of system rw access.
Loccy said:
You didn't read to the end of that thread
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Aye, I read that, but no Mac, and I can't get to the folder where Titanium saved bb to (assuming that because it's not on the sd card in any data or the titanium folders) the phone system(?)
jayshah said:
Bare in mind I think it was taken down as (for some) it 'removed root' and also got some phones stuck in a reboot loop. Bad times.
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Had heard about that, but I think he may be working for a solution?
From what I can remember from the rooting guide he said it was 'currently unavailable'
Had heard about that, but I think he may be working for a solution?
From what I can remember from the rooting guide he said it was 'currently unavailable'
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Yeah, hence it's hopefully only temporary.
Aye, I read that, but no Mac, and I can't get to the folder where Titanium saved bb to (assuming that because it's not on the sd card in any data or the titanium folders) the phone system(?)
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Install Titanium. Then get your phone into recovery using Paul's Linux ISO. In the Linux console (i.e. where you'll have typed ./ to get the recovery up), you should be able to do adb shell from there. Then follow my instructions from mount /system onwards.
I didn't follow Pauls guide as I only have access to Windows, so I used the lanarchy guide, which I think might have been taken from The Unlockr.
Maybe fill me in w/ bb according to that?
i am a bit ashamed to ask this but:
* boot into recovery
* adb shell from my Mac
* mount /system
boot into recovery -> ok
adb shell from mac.. ok? hm, i have macos as a seperate installation and i used it for rooting, so there is a pushfiles folder with sudo ./
How do i mount /system then? Don't know where to navigate to find access to the sdcard . @volumes there are only my harddrive partitions, can't see the sdcard?
No idea, sorry, first time (ok, second time after root) i get in touch with adb, mac, sudo wtf?
Ok, all you need is some kind of environment where adb actually works.
Get your phone into recovery (the green menu screen) using whatever means or method you have.
Then, if you have Windows, you'll need the Android SDK. Ditto on a Mac. Anything with adb so that you can plug your device into your computer, do adb shell, and get a shell window up. Then
mount /system
The key is that your phone needs to be in recovery before you do adb shell, otherwise you have no r/w access to /system.
ah! ok, perfect. The android sdk is on my windows computer, the push-files on my mac, that's the problem
thanks for your help!
the recovery is not the problem, but mount /system did nothing because there is no android sdk on my mac.. got it now i think.
mount system -> ok
copy busybok -> ok
when i try to install i get dozens of lines with "no such file or directory".
reboot -> phone not booting, hangs when displaying the HTC Logo omg
flash rom again?
same problem as watercool. Loads of "No such file or directory" messages.
But, I rebooted and it went through as normal, booted the OS fine.
hm, dont want to wipe again, pff..
flashed AhmgskMod mod again without wiping, everything ok now
watercool said:
mount system -> ok
copy busybok -> ok
when i try to install i get dozens of lines with "no such file or directory".
reboot -> phone not booting, hangs when displaying the HTC Logo omg
flash rom again?
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Sounds like you missed the . off of the end of the
./busybox --install -s .
You need that . if you're following my instructions.
ok, i did it with and without the "."
With the dot there was no response (so probably it installed correctly?).
Anyway it didn't boot afterwards. i will try it again
edit: ok, tried again and my phone stucks @ htc screen
i think busybox is installed but for some reason it doesn't boot (using the ahmgsk mod)
anyway, thanks for your kind help!
I'm trying to remove some preinstalled apps from /system/app folder. My phone is rooted.
When I'm trying this over adb it says that I only have Read permissions. What am I doing wrong?
Put the phone into recovery mode then do the adb commands.
You only have read access while booted. R/W access while in recovery.
Mh I tried this but I couldn't even open the shell, said is missing.
You mean the normal recovery and not Clockworkmod or something, right?
You have to put it in the custom recovery. Clockworkmod or whichever one you use.
Ah okay, thank you, I will try that.
Though I need to use the normal recovery.
I tried it with clockwork now. It works but when I do "cd system" and do "ls" it's I can't see any app-folder?!
Edit: Oh I forgot - do I need to mount system first using the partitions menu?!
Eggcake said:
I tried it with clockwork now. It works but when I do "cd system" and do "ls" it's I can't see any app-folder?!
Edit: Oh I forgot - do I need to mount system first using the partitions menu?!
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mount /system
At the adb shell.
Oy, thanks now I finally got it
Remove worked, pull didn't (or it took >5min for a simple apk file and I aborted it too early).
im having trouble wirh "reboot recovery" command in my terminal/adb shell
when i try to run in terminal, i get "not permitted!"
and adb shell says [1] Segmentation fault reboot recovery
if i try running reboot -f in terminal or adb shell, i get "usage: reboot [-n] [-p] [rebootcommand]"
i've checked /system/bin, and the reboot bin is there
i've checked the permisssions, originally set to rwsr-sr-x
changing them to rwxr-xr-x makes no change
i found several threads with ppl having the same trouble:
the only one i found useful is the 1st one
the only way i got reboot working is by deleting /system/bin/reboot, and using "reboot -f". without the -f switch nothing happens. if i do reboot recovery -f, it only rebots
but what i really want is to reboot into recovery. any idea on how to? i read in first linked post that the problem is in symlinked reboot to busybox, thats why deleting helped somewhat. anyone has an idea on how to get rebooting to recovery in terminal working?
oh, and my rom is rcmix 4.0. i've read that problem is rom related. but i dont want to switch, because it would defeat the purpouse in the first place....
You need an insecure boot img to run adb as root. No root no reboot. From terminal instead try sudo -i reboot recovery.
sudo not found
and i have root, i do get # in terminal and adb shell. adb commands like push/pull/chmod work fine
about insecure boot image, as far as i can understand you need that in order to have root, whuch i do have. and afaik, that means pretty much all custom kernels? if im missing something here, please do explane...