You can download the P30 Pro stock audio files (alarms¬ification sounds) and ringtones), stock themes and wallpapers from EMUI 10.1. from the links below. I managed to access these files with the help of the Solid Explorer app. íno root or any other tricks.
audio files:!Am_Ua-w7Rbt6zxbV1OINk6zCFLII?e=3PJ8UD
Stock EMUI 11 P30 Pro sounds, themes and wallpapers
Install as normal app
Samsung live wallpapers
G5 Kaleidoscope Mod /Girl Dancing/
LiveWallpaper Mod 7.0/7.1.1/8.0
The original theme
1. New application icon
2. live Wallpaper 2X2/3X3/4X4/5X5
3. Install as normal app
Galaxy Fold Video Wallpaper
1. Install as normal application
Mi9 Video Wallpaper
1. Install as normal application
Here are my 2 emui 5 themes... with animated LOCKSCREEN They are also in EMUI THEME MANAGER apk in playstore
Based on Deivs technology
For them to fully (lockscreen ) to work ,you need the Theme engine and no surprises in it )
Virusdunilz BlueRemix
Virusdunilz RedRemix
Bootanimation...its based on OLD BIOS sequence with hickups... just rename the ZIP to
LONG version... bootanimationLONG
In Nova Plus, (NEED ROOT)
the bootanimation is in CUST_SPEC/MEDIA
for the boot sound,its in CUST_SPEC/MEDIA/audio/animations... just rename the FILE.mp3 to FILE.ogg
If you want my bootSound, its from an old Modem connecting sound
Pics are from RED version
Pics from my blue edition...
New wallpapers
This theme based on samsung theme bodhisattva v4.1 by @envy~
Apply instruction:
This theme works only with EMUI 5/8 Devices
Don't Apply it in EMUI 4 and below versions.
How do I add a theme?
- For EMUI 8.0.1/8.0.0 :
1. Download the theme file (.hwt file)
2. Copy the theme file into the '/sdcard/Huawei/Themes ' folder
3. Delete the .cache folder in '/sdcard/Huawei/Themes ' (optional)
4. Clear 'Themes' from the Recents (If opened) and Open again.
5. Under the tab titled 'Me' in the themes app select the Theme and apply it
6. Done!
- For EMUI 5.1
1. Download the theme file (.hwt file)
2. Copy the theme file into the '/sdcard/Hwthemes' folder
3. Clear 'Themes' from the Recents (If opened) and Open again.
4. Under the tab titled 'Me' in the themes app select the Theme and apply it.
5. Done!
Link to download theme & wallpaper
*font are different with picture as it will mess your custom widget.
*clock widget also different as it modded from moon kwgt with music player from Marcus B. (google+) for my personal use only.
How did you get the widget? So cool. Thanks!
lexybabes said:
How did you get the widget? So cool. Thanks!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
kwgt pro with moon kwgt and i add music player komponent
Sent from my Huawei P20 Lite using XDA Labs
This Widget looks very cool!
Can you update it for EMUI 9?
Here is a theme compatible with EMUI 9 beta on Honor 10 with round icons and Google Product Sans font. To install extract the hwt file from the zip and place it inside Internal Storage > Huawei > Themes folder. Apply the theme in Themes app.
As DARK UI mode is not available in EMUI 9 on Honor 10, I am working on a complete dark theme with support for stock Huawei apps.
I'll be updating this thread with new themes.
Please post suggestions.
I found on other thread the first emui 9 dark theme here is the link
kldpdas said:
Here is a theme compatible with EMUI 9 beta on Honor 10 with round icons and Google Product Sans font. To install extract the hwt file from the zip and place it inside Internal Storage > Huawei > Themes folder. Apply the theme in Themes app.
As DARK UI mode is not available in EMUI 9 on Honor 10, I am working on a complete dark theme with support for stock Huawei apps.
I'll be updating this thread with new themes.
Please post suggestions.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Gr8 work
Hope u can make dark theme for honor 10 emui 9 very soon
The theme looks awesome, thx. I have one question. Is it possible to update the theme to change the colour (from black to white) of the status bar when the notification panel is shown?
Because on the home screen, the status bar is transparent, in the settings app status bar is white as the whole settings app (image) but when I open notification panel which is white, the status bar is black (image). It will be nicer when it will have the same colour as the notification panel. It is just an idea. I don't have any experience with the creation of themes, so I don't know whether it is possible or not.
Will there be deep black for honor v10?
Very good theme!
Thank you for the very beautiful theme! Its working on a P20 Pro!
Will try on my honor 10
will try on my honor 10.
I cannot found! 410 gone!
Will there be these themes for EMUI 9.1?
Good theme with roundicons is this
Thank you, great theme.
I started to make G3 theme for emui because I have a fondness to old LG UX. If you have it too, now you can make your Huawei/Honor look like G3.
But remember. This is a very first version and now only app icons are working good. I need to fix UI theme as well as statusbar and quick settings.
If you don't care about bugs, you can try it by downloading HWT file and by placing it in /sdcard/Huawei/Themes/ for emui 8 or in /sdcard/Themes/ for emui 5, where "sdcard" means internal storage OR microSD.
HWT: http: //samurajpotrafi .pl/ hwt/ G3.hwt (I can't use links )
I hope that anyone will use it after final release