Annoying screen lock galaxy s9 help wanted - Samsung Galaxy S9 Questions & Answers

Since last two days my phone suddenly is locking with a black screen floating padlock symbol with a digital clock and date and alarm symbol.This display turns on immediately as soon as screen idle / not used and blocks everything until home button hard pressed or power key depressed which is very annoying and pin code screen comes after that.[/IMG]
I have turned on / off AOD and this screen display is not AOD as AOD is being displayed separately if turned on.I have tried every option and setting I can think of but this screen does not disable.[IMG="screenshot"][/IMG]


SMS Notification on screen when screen is "off"

I'm no developer so i have really no idea if this would work.
But, as this mobile is a AMOLED screen, each pixels are lighted up and so not much battery is drained on a black screen.
What if we could somehow make something when a new sms has not been read and screen turns of, a black screen like this appears
Is something like this possible?
pic example, could even be smaller or just 1 blinking pixel.
I think to display a message on screen the machine would need to be awake, so it would be using more power than with an led notification (afaik the device can normally go to sleep then).
Your idea would still save power over just showing the lock screen though because you are right that using fewer pixels would proportionally reduce power usage of the screen.
I guess the hardest part would be making the device appear off - It would need to ignore screen and button touches (except power).

BUG: screen lock does not kick in

first i thought it was launcher pro's fault, but after changing launcher and rom release i'm pretty sure it's something else i haven't tracked down yet.
just after a reboot phone works as usual: screen lock runs after 30 seconds or by clicking the power button
after a while (days or even hours sometimes), the screen lock does not kick-in anymore: the screen just turns off and when you press the power button the phone is already unlocked.
i noticed that when the phone is in this "lock-bug" mode the notification led constantly shows a faint red light (you can barely notice it in the dark because it's really faint).
tested with:
launcher pro
go launcher
factory rom 2.21
blurless 2.34
I used to have the faint red light on after flashing a new rom.
It disapeared after I changed display setting to not automatic brightness.
It seems that the faint red light is the light sensor.
But I know nothing about your screen lock problem.
I have run into the same thing. I have not yet noticed the light, but I've had the screen lock stop working on my phone twice (I bought 3 phones 5 days ago for work). Like you, a simple reboot fixed the problem. I also tried toggling screen lock in the settings, and setting up a lock code, to see if the screen lock would start up. Both of my times, the first I noticed the issue was when I received a phone call and didn't have to swipe to answer, but that could have just been coincidence.
It isn't really a big deal for me or the employees, but it is a nuisance.
Happened to me as well, twice. First time it was just annoying that I had to reboot, second time it drained the s**t out of my battery in three hours.
So it's a bug allright.
Sent from my MB525 using Tapatalk
same here.. it just stops working.. any fixes yet?

initial lock screen with clock and small icons

I really hate that initial lock screen when you hold your phone and it wakes up (color clock with small notification icons). Is it impossible to remove/bypass?
I wish it could wake up in the notification screen like the 5 does. What was OP point to add that stuff, and worst, making it impossilbe to remove ? (if you choose to wake your phone when you hold it)
You can turn off "lift up display" in the settongs>display. Doing that will not turn on the screen when you lift it.

My phone screen will not timeout automatically

My LG G5 recently stopped automatically turning the screen off despite the time settings. I first noticed the phone would warm up in my pocket, so I investigated further. Even though I attempted to work-around the issue by disabling lockscreen notifications, the screen will turn itself on whenever I get a notification then never turns off (doesn't even dim itself). First of all, I do not want my screen turning on for notifications, but additionally, I want the screen to timeout on its own. Any suggestions?

Moto G6 [17.1/ali] idle time/date/battery screen is always on

I installed LineageOS 17.1 on my Moto G6 "ali". Its working fantastically except there seems to be no way to turn off the 'idle' screen that shows the Time/Date, and the battery percentage at the bottom.
Lock Screen is set to none, Screen Saver is set to none, Moto -> Ambient Display is set to off. I've turn off everything I can find, but the screen is still there. I believe it is killing my battery because an LCD screen cannot turn on just a few pixels the way an OLED screen can and I think thats what this page was made for. Anyone know whats going on and how to turn it off?
Strange. What GApps have you installed? Can you try without for evaluation?
After a lot of trial and error and asking around, the problem has been found. Display -> Lock Screen -> Always show Time is the setting, but Display -> Lock Screen is not available when the Lock Screen is set to None in Security. I added a PIN lock, got to the menu to turn off Always show Time, then removed the PIN lock, and its fixed now!

