[Tutorial] Install Windows 10 for ARM32 on your Surface RT - Windows RT General

This guide is made based on my experience and based on the other thread: "[Tutorial] Install Windows 10 for ARM32 on your Surface 2".
It is not complete yet. I will be adding files and more clear instructions slowly.
Do this at your own risk. Your device may be bricked. I am still not sure if the SecureBoot fix should be executed on 8.0 or 8.1
# How to Install Windows 10 on the Surface RT #
2020/02/16 kephax
Download complete tools: [will upload]
Download temporary link in attachments
## 0. Restore Windows 8.1
1. Turn the Surface Off
2. Insert this USB stick in the Surface
3. Press Volume Down and Power
4. The Recovery menu will start
5. Troubleshoot > Advanced Options > Command Prompt
6. Type: "restore.cmd" (this will whipe the whole disk, repartition it and install the Windows 8.1 image) (this will take a while)
## 1. Unlock Secure boot ##
1. Run Disable_UAC.reg
2. Start > Regedit > HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\BCD00000000" > Select "BCD00000000" > Click on file and select "unload hive"
3. Copy SecureBoot to Desktop > Open it > Run "InstallPolicy.cmd"
4. Restart
5. Start > cmd (as Adminstrator) > PostInstallPolicy.cmd
6. Restart
## 2. Install Windows 10 ##
If you don't have a message "Secure boot" in the bottom right corner then retry step 1
1. Turn the Surface Off
2. Insert this USB stick in the Surface
3. Press Volume Down and Power
4. The Recovery menu will start
5. Troubleshoot > Advanced Options > Command Prompt
6. Type: "script.cmd" (this will whipe the whole disk, repartition it and install the Windows 10 image) (this will take a while)
7. When restarting you will get an error popup: Press SHIFT+F10
8. Type Regedit and go to KEY_Local machine/SYSTEM/Setup/Status/ChildCompletion > setup.exe > Modify the value to "3"
9. Restart
### 2.1. How to activate Windows
1. Powershell
slmgr.vbs /upk
slmgr /ipk NPPR9-FWDCX-D2C8J-H872K-2YT43
slmgr /skms kms.03k.org
slmgr /ato
slmgr /skms zhang.yt
### 2.2 Install runtime
1. Copy APPX1 from Recovery USB to Desktop
2. Desktop\APPX1\APPX1.ps1 > Right click > Run as Administrator
3. Restart
4. Desktop\APPX1\AppxBundle.ps1 > Right click > Run as Administrator
5. Restart
6. Install:
## 3. After installation ##
### How to remove Expired version popup ###
1. Go to C:\Windows\System32
2. Right click on LogonUI.exe > Properties > Security > Advanced
3. Ower > Change
4. Enter your username > Check Names
5. Close all dialog boxes
6. Now rename the file to LogonUIbak.exe
### How to change the language to English (and remove chinese) ###
Start > Settings > Time & Language > Region & Language
Remove chinese and set English as Default
### How to install uBlock Origin on Edge ###
1. Download this:
2. Edge > about:flags
3. Select: "Enable extensions developer features"
4. Select the "..." > Extensions > Load Extension
5. Select the folder with uBlock Origin (this should be on the Surface itself)
### How to install UWP applications ###
1. Find your application here:
2. Copy the URL and copy it here:
3. You will need to find here the .appxbundle ARM and sometimes also the dependencies. Sometimes when you download the file it does not have the extension, so rename the file to .appx in the end.
4. Install first the dependencies then the application on the Surface RT
## 4. Pictures

Dumb question......I been reading the other post in regards to installing Windows 10 on the other surface 2..... Would I have to follow this tutorial or the one for the surface 2 if I have a surface 2 running rt? Also it says I need a keyboard..... Does it mean a USB keyboard or can I use my Microsoft soft keyboard?

This will work on rt 8.1 ??

Hey I see you've got a trick to install ublock on edge but the download link is missing, can you give it to us please, it's one of the last things I really need for my tablet to be totally functionnal

I finally managed to install Windows 10 on my Surface RT, and for now it's great! It's a shame that Microsoft didn't update the tablet officially, and that this version is so old that many newer apps don't work, but it's better than nothing!
Some useful informations I learned through the process:
1) Initially I used the recovery image for my language downloaded from Microsoft, and with this image I wasn't able to enable test mode after installing the secure boot policy. I tried the chinese image provided on Yandex (links are in other threads on this forum) and it worked on first try, so use that!
2) Even after enabling Test Mode, if you run the command Confirm-SecureBootUEFI in powershell, it still gives you True as result. I was worried that Secure Boot wasn't really disabled but I was wrong. To confirm that secure boot is disabled you have to enter the command prompt via recovery image and check the right corner of the screen if it says "secure boot is not configured correctly" or something like that. In that case, you can install W10 safely.
3) Some guides are wrong about the file you have to rename to remove the warning about the expiration of the build. The right file is LicensingUI.exe, not LogonUI.exe! LogonUI.exe is responsible for the login interface, if you rename it you won't be able to login on the next reboot, so pay attention!
4) Office 2013 is not activated for me, I tried to install the provided licences many times, but nothing. It seems to work anyway though. There's something I missed?
To be completely satisfied I need:
- a working version of the Crunchyroll app, the one in the store requires a newer build, anyone know how to find it?
- MSN Weather for W10, the one provided is the old W8 app.
- Ad blocker for Edge, someone wrote about sideloading uBlock but didn't share the files.

Does the office 2013 work? I installed it on my Surface RT with the Windows 10 build but it says that it only works on qualifying versions on windows and editing is disabled...

alexenferman said:
Does the office 2013 work? I installed it on my Surface RT with the Windows 10 build but it says that it only works on qualifying versions on windows and editing is disabled...
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I was able to install it and getting working 100%...... there's another tread that's for installing windows 10 on surface 2 tablet and there's a link in the OP for a mega folder that contains the office 360 files and in it a file that edits the registry

Hello. I can also confirm that it works. I have installed Win 10RT and very happy with it. It really brings a lot of new experience to our tablet as same as a bit faster response.

If you want to use an adblock for Edge, the only one that works is Adblock, directly from the Store. However, adblock support in this build of Edge is very buggy, it eats a lot of ram (sometimes leading to crashes) and some sites fail to load with adblock enabled. So I suggest to install it and to manually acrivate/deactivate it when needed.
Speaking of the Store, I found a bug, at least for me: the install button works only for the apps you already own. So, if you want to install an app you never downloaded, you have to acquire it first on another PC and then on the Surface RT.

Does someone know how to make the the newer Microsoft store (Provided by @_CNR_)to work?
I installed it but however, it won't install any app because of a licence problem probably...
(The older store worked but it does not include all of the apps for example myTube)

If everything goes wrong can I just download a recovery image for 8.1 and install it again?

Winroque said:
If everything goes wrong can I just download a recovery image for 8.1 and install it again?
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If everything goes wrong. Just boot from the recovery USB stick and reimage the Windows 8.1 using the same dism apply image method.

Does someone have the uBlock archive? There's no link in the OP

nar001 said:
Does someone have the uBlock archive? There's no link in the OP
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There you go! https://drive.google.com/open?id=18pyeDlRMpB0jF_36DJqdhF_Ybmy0eeRD
If you want to sideload more apps manually you can check my application I made recently: https://forum.xda-developers.com/windows-8-rt/rt-general/arm-rt-app-store-windows-10-rt-t4067813

Ok so I'm attempting to follow this tutorial and the other one for my original surface rt. Where is the wim for windows 10? Those instructions don't seem clear to me, or am I supposed to use the surface 2 image?

kmccmk9 said:
Ok so I'm attempting to follow this tutorial and the other one for my original surface rt. Where is the wim for windows 10? Those instructions don't seem clear to me, or am I supposed to use the surface 2 image?
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The wim is in that folder https://yadi.sk/d/mnCUeGKWm1XTXA

nar001 said:
The wim is in that folder https://yadi.sk/d/mnCUeGKWm1XTXA
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Ok I see. I ran into a different issue. I went to do the Windows 10 install today but to my surprise, I couldn't boot up. Luckily I still had my Windows 8.1 Full Recovery USB. But, for for some reason from the advanced troubleshooter, it tells me my USB device is invalid. Has anyone run into this before?

Can be updated to Windows 10 version 1909?

AmznUser444 Dev said:
Can be updated to Windows 10 version 1909?
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Of course not, the only build of ARM32 Windows 10 we have is this one, and it's leaked.

Wow, really cool!
I would like to know if the cameras work in windows 10? Thanks so much!


[Tutorial] install kitchen in linux en use it! tutorial thanks to theunlockr

Heey everyone here the quide for how to set up kitchen in linux virtualbox
Not made by me but made by the amazing guys from the unlockr Thanks!!!
Part 1
[I Before you begin]
1. This ONLY works for HTC Android devices at the moment, Also other devices!
[II. Download a Virtual Machine and Set It Up.]
1. Download VirtualBox for free from here (the one for Windows Hosts at the top). Then click next on the setup process until it installs.
2. Open VirtualBox and click on New.
3. Name the New Virtual Machine whatever you want (we named it Linux for simplicity’s sake).
4. For Operating System choose Linux, then choose Ubuntu for Version and click next.
5. Click Next again leaving the Memory Setting at what it is preselected at (should be 384mbs).
6. Click Next on the Boot Disk screen as well leaving boot hard disk and create new hard disk both selected.
7. Keep clicking Next until you get to the slider that asks how much space to set for the Linux. Move the slider to 8Gbs and click next.
8. Click next until it is done and shows you the original screen you started on but now with the Linux Machine Powered Off on the left.
[III. Install Linux Ubuntu on the Virtual Machine]
1. Download Ubuntu from here.
2. Once it is downloaded, in the VirtualBox program, click the Start button at the top.
3. Close out all the warnings that come up.
4. Then click on Devices > CD/DVD Devices > More CD/DVD Images… then select the .iso image for Ubuntu you downloaded.
6. Follow the prompts on the screen to install Ubuntu on your Virtual Machine.
7. Once it is installed and reboots, goto Applications > Accessories > Terminal and type this line with hitting enter at the end:
sudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin sun-java6-jre
It will ask you for a password, type in the password you created when you went through the Ubuntu installation process (it asked you for it before finishing the install).
Then it will ask you y/n. Hit y then enter. Then when it shows you the terms and conditions, hit right arrow on your keyboard and click enter to select ok. Then hit left arrow on your keyboard and enter to select Yes.
*NOTE – Your keyboard and mouse will not function on your regular computer once you use them in the Ubuntu virtual machine. To re-enable them, click the Ctrl button on the right side of your keyboard.
Download the java files manually FROM INSIDE THE EMULATOR/LINUX using Firefox here:
Java6 Bin
Java6 Jre
Then open the Terminal App in Ubuntu and type this with hitting enter at the end of the line:
sudo dpkg -i sun-java6-jre_6.18-4_all.deb sun-java6-bin_6.18-4_i386.deb
And that should fix it.
[IV. Download and Setup The Android ROM Kitchen]
1. Click on the Firefox logo at the top of your Ubuntu installation (in the Virtual Machine).
2. Type this into the url box:
theunlockr.com/2010/03/26/how-to-create-your-own-custom-rom-for-android-part-1-setting-up-the-kitchen (to navigate to this page from within the virtual machine).
3. Now download the latest version of the kitchen file  in the first post from the link below(again from inside the Ubuntu installation on the virtual machine. We are doing this because we want to save this file in our Ubuntu Virtual machine, NOT our regular computer).
4. Again on the Ubuntu machine, Find the .zip file you just downloaded, right click it and click open with Archive Manager and then click Extract at the top.
5. Once you click Extract, it will ask you where. Double click the folder that has the name you created when you installed Ubuntu (my username was theunlockr so my folder is called theunlockr. It is the first folder under recently used in the list on the left). Then click Extract at the bottom right.
[V. Run the Android ROM Kitchen]
1. To run the Android ROM kitchen, click on Applications at the top of Ubuntu > Accessories > Terminal then type the following and hit enter:
2. You will now be greeted by the simple text menu of the application. Enjoy!
VI. Create Your First Custom ROM
Part 2
Before You Begin
1. We are assuming you have already setup the Android kitchen. If not, use our How To Setup The Kitchen procedure and then come back to this one when done.
2. We are also assuming you have already done our How To Root and How To Load a Custom ROM for your phone and have a custom recovery image.
2. This ONLY works for HTC Android devices at the moment, Also other devices
3. Open the Kitchen in your Ubuntu Virtual Machine we created in the Kitchen Setup procedure by typing ./menu in the Terminal window in Ubuntu. Leave it open.
4. All of this is done INSIDE THE UBUNTU VIRTUAL MACHINE (that includes when I say “save to your computer” anywhere in here, means save to you Ubuntu Virtual Machine)!
II. Find a ROM to Dissect
There are two kinds of ROMs you can dissect to create your own custom ROM; Stock ROMs and Custom/Cooked ROMs. DsiXDA, creator of the ROM kitchen we are using, has put together a list of places to get stock ROMs for different devices and a quick how to load them into the kitchen:
From a Cooked ROM (Easiest Method):
1. Copy the update.zip (or equivalent ZIP file) to the original_update folder in the kitchen
2. Type the number for the option “Setup Working Folder from ROM” and hit enter in the Kitchen to create your working folder. (So if its number is 1, type 1 then hit enter).
From a Shipped ROM:
1. Find the shipped ROM for your device, usually from htc.com or from searching xda-developers (check the Wiki or sticky posts under your device’s sub-forum).
The links below may help:
2a. If the shipped ROM is in a .ZIP format, then simply extract the system.img and boot.img.
2b. If the shipped ROM is in .EXE format, then do the following:
A. In Windows, run the shipped ROM’s .EXE file till it gets to the first dialog. Stop there but don’t close the window yet.
B. Go to Start->Run and type: %TEMP%
C. When the folder opens, search for Rom.zip. Then, open it with an unzip tool. If you get errors trying to open the ZIP file with WinZip or the default Windows unzip program, then use 7Zip (download from here) to extract it.
D. Extract only two files from Rom.zip: system.img and boot.img
3. Copy the two .IMG files to your kitchen’s img_files folder in your Ubuntu Virtual Machine.
4. In the Terminal window that you opened in Section I, type 1 and hit enter to create a working folder from the two .img files.
Now, that you have either the update.zip in the original_update folder of the kitchen OR the system.img and boot.img of a shipped ROM in the img_files folder of the kitchen, you are ready to play with the ROM to make it your own.
III. Tweaking the Imported ROM Using the Automated Options in the Kitchen
So this is a basic kitchen, but you can do things like, add Root support, add/remove apps from the ROM, enable saving apps to the sd card, enabling Wifi tethering, do some automatic optimizations, and a few other things automatically just by selecting the option and hitting enter. It even allows you to put in your own scripts for the ROM to run (but that’s for more advanced users who know how to create scripts of course).
1. After importing a ROM using section II, select the options you want to do to the ROM (by typing the number of the option you want into the terminal/kitchen window and hitting enter. They are all pretty self explanatory.)
2. Continue this until you have all the automated options you want in the new ROM.
IV. Adding/Removing Applications from the ROM
1. In your Ubuntu Virtual Machine, goto Places at the top. Then click on Home Folder, then the WORKING folder that was created in section II when you dissected the original ROM or img files. Then goto system > app. (Also check Data > App as .apks can be put in there as well).
2. In the app folder you will see all the .apk files for all the applications you have currently in the ROM. Simply delete the ones you do not want to remove them from the ROM.
3. To add applications, simply copy any .apk file for the applications you want to add into the app folder.
V. Repackage the ROM so it can be Flashed onto a Phone
1. Once you have done whatever changes you want, you just need to type 99 and hit enter in the kitchen/terminal for the kitchen to take the working folder you have been messing with and compile it into a flashable update.zip ROM.
2. Once it is done compiling the ROM, we can transfer it to our phone.
VIa. Setup Ubuntu to See Your Phone via USB
1. In the Virtual Box windows with Ubuntu in it, click on Devices at the top then click Install Guest Additions. (It should autostart, if it doesn’t, click on the CD that appeared on the desktop in Ubuntu and then click on Autostart.sh. It will ask you for your password you created when setting up Ubuntu, put that in and let it install).
2. Once the Guest Additions are installed, close the Virtual Box Ubuntu Window (choose to Power Down the Machine).
3. Now, open Virtual Box itself (not Ubuntu) and highlight the Ubuntu machine, then click on Settings at the top.
4. Click on USB and make sure Enable USB Controller and Enable USB 2.0 are both enabled.
5. Now plug in your Android phone (do NOT mount the SD card, just plug it in).
6. Now in the USB menu of Virtual Box, click the + symbol on the right and then select your Android Device (name may be different).
7. Once that is installed, unplug your phone.
8. Now, Start your Ubuntu Virtual Box.
9. Once Ubuntu boots up, plug in your Android phone (do not mount the memory card yet) and look for the USB symbol at the bottom (fourth icon from the left) and hover over it and wait for it to say USB Device detected and display your phone. Once that happens, mount the sd card by pulling down the notification bar on your phone and clicking mount.
10. Ubuntu should pop up your SD card on the desktop (if any prompts come up just select do nothing and click ok). We can now transfer files to the memory card of our phone.
VIb. Use RapidShare to Transfer the File from Ubuntu to Windows (if Section VIa was giving you trouble)
1. If you can’t get the USB to work in Ubuntu, then simply open a Firefox browser window, goto Rapidshare.com and upload the ROM to there.
2.Once it is done uploading, ON YOUR WINDOWS COMPUTER NOT UBUNTU, put in the link it gave you when you finished uploading it, to download it to your Windows computer so we can transfer it to your phone.
VII. Flash the ROM
5. Copy the .zip file to the root of your SD card (NOT in any folders, just on the SD card itself).
6. Unplug the phone and turn it off.
7. Turn it back on by holding down home and power (do not let go until the recovery screen comes up) to get to recovery mode (you must have a custom recovery screen to do this, if you don’t find out How To Root and Load a ROM procedure for your phone and do those first).
8. Now select Nandroid Backup to create a backup before we flash the new ROM.
9. Once the backup is done, select Wipe Data / Factory Reset in recovery mode.
10. Select flash zip from sd card and select the ROM you just put on the sd card.
11. Once it is done flashing, click reboot. Enjoy!
Enjoy! Will update this as we add more things for you to tweak Feel free to suggest some in the meantime.
Thanks to DsiXDA for his awesome kitchen!
Thanks to Theunlockr For the amazing Guide !!!
greetings safariking
Video tutorials:
Part 2:http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=q-1ErGSW0ik
Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=94Az1kcQvc4
Thanks safariking!
very good tutorial thanks
Hi there
Does Android Kitchen Only work in virtual Machine for Ubunty? I have a full installtion of Ubunty and when I type ./menu at the terminal "no such file or directory" followed the installation video but I ain't getting nowhere
atomicsoul said:
Hi there
Does Android Kitchen Only work in virtual Machine for Ubunty? I have a full installtion of Ubunty and when I type ./menu at the terminal "no such file or directory" followed the installation video but I ain't getting nowhere
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kitchen can be used on all Linux/Unix OS.
(translation:Chinese people are trying to improve themselves!)
Very nice job. We thank you for your time and effort for writing all of that
Sent from my GT-S5660 using xda premium
Just a note: linux isnt required
You can use windows, but does require to install cygwin (linux like terminal)
Sent from my GT-S5660 using xda premium

LU620187 Rooting. Installing Recovery

I have currently LU620187 stock rom installed. I want to flash custom ROM. For this I am trying to flash the LU620042_00.kdz.But the flash tool KDZ_FW_UPD.exe crashing giving this error
MOD Up testEX MFC Application has stopped working
I have followed all the steps carefully but still same error. My OS is windows 7
use this guide,it never failed me dont know for other ,just make sure you follow the guide CAREFULLY & u have the kdz.Use this guide ONLY for flashing the kdz,but u can use the next step from other guide after flashing the kdz .
I already followed the same guide but after step 12 no other window Choose “Different Country” opens and while the LG software updater is opened.
ahsanshah said:
I already followed the same guide but after step 12 no other window Choose “Different Country” opens and while the LG software updater is opened.
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Just spent a day figuring out the issue.
1. The software is now checking online and require internet, when you connect to internet it downloads the files from internet and you can not use the KDZ file
2. In order to use the KDZ file you have to find a older version
Check this URL,
It has a download link to this file [http://dosya.co/xixcjv2lkth6/LG_KDZ_FW-Update_OfflineFix.rar.html]
1. change 'hosts' file in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc and add - csmg.lgmobile.com
2. Install some webserver, i am a webdeveloper so I already had APACHE web server installed.
3. By default, apache listens to port 80, change it to 9002 as the update software try connecting to lgmobile.com on this port
4. When done, follow the tutorial on the Turkish forum... here is something which i understood from there
1 - lg_kdz_fw-update_offlinefix \ b2cappsetup Extract these folders somewhere. There are two folders, "LGMOBILEAX FIX", "LG_KDZ_FW-Update_OfflineFix"
2 - c: \ ProgramData \ lgmobileax delete the contents. (If you can not find the folder create an empty folder)
3 - "lgmobileax fix" paste the files in the c: \ ProgramData \ lgmobileax folder
4 - C: \ Windows \ System32 \ drivers \ etc folder, scroll to and open the hosts file with notepad and at the bottom in " csmg.lgmobile.co I type" (without quotes)
5 - automatic offline file, run the procedure and confirm the warning GROUPS - i dont know what does that mean, so ignore it :laugh:
6 - There is a VBS file, well you can run from there or manually follow the tutorial to run the windows enabler and other file using win xp mode and stuff, you know what you are doig... right?
7 - Turn your phone settings developer settings and USB debugging mode on, if your phone is in DOWNLOAD MODE then no worries
8 - unmute your phone by pressing and holding the usb cable. will go into download mode.
9 - R & D test tool 3gqct in the program and bring the selected diag.
10 - at the bottom right of the screen windows enabler program has opened. Click it once and turn it over ten written.
11 - kdz select your file and click on the normal web upgrade test.
12 - The Republic of Korea has been selected under the on-screen language is not set in quarters. Click OK to start processing of fear.
13 - the phone will be opened automatically after installation.
(If your phone restarts itself constantly by long-pressing the power button, power off. Then take a hard format. Then did not pick up the phone I have installed has been installed smoothly kdz file)
so i hope this will work for you,,,
if it does.. press thanks
Thanks dear for looking into the problem. Will try it and update you later
aamirrajpoot said:
Just spent a day figuring out the issue.
1. The software is now checking online and require internet, when you connect to internet it downloads the files from internet and you can not use the KDZ file
2. In order to use the KDZ file you have to find a older version
Check this URL,
It has a download link to this file [http://dosya.co/xixcjv2lkth6/LG_KDZ_FW-Update_OfflineFix.rar.html]
1. change 'hosts' file in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc and add - csmg.lgmobile.com
2. Install some webserver, i am a webdeveloper so I already had APACHE web server installed.
3. By default, apache listens to port 80, change it to 9002 as the update software try connecting to lgmobile.com on this port
4. When done, follow the tutorial on the Turkish forum... here is something which i understood from there
1 - lg_kdz_fw-update_offlinefix \ b2cappsetup Extract these folders somewhere. There are two folders, "LGMOBILEAX FIX", "LG_KDZ_FW-Update_OfflineFix"
2 - c: \ ProgramData \ lgmobileax delete the contents. (If you can not find the folder create an empty folder)
3 - "lgmobileax fix" paste the files in the c: \ ProgramData \ lgmobileax folder
4 - C: \ Windows \ System32 \ drivers \ etc folder, scroll to and open the hosts file with notepad and at the bottom in " csmg.lgmobile.co I type" (without quotes)
5 - automatic offline file, run the procedure and confirm the warning GROUPS - i dont know what does that mean, so ignore it :laugh:
6 - There is a VBS file, well you can run from there or manually follow the tutorial to run the windows enabler and other file using win xp mode and stuff, you know what you are doig... right?
7 - Turn your phone settings developer settings and USB debugging mode on, if your phone is in DOWNLOAD MODE then no worries
8 - unmute your phone by pressing and holding the usb cable. will go into download mode.
9 - R & D test tool 3gqct in the program and bring the selected diag.
10 - at the bottom right of the screen windows enabler program has opened. Click it once and turn it over ten written.
11 - kdz select your file and click on the normal web upgrade test.
12 - The Republic of Korea has been selected under the on-screen language is not set in quarters. Click OK to start processing of fear.
13 - the phone will be opened automatically after installation.
(If your phone restarts itself constantly by long-pressing the power button, power off. Then take a hard format. Then did not pick up the phone I have installed has been installed smoothly kdz file)
so i hope this will work for you,,,
if it does.. press thanks
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Run Windows Bridge for Android (Astoria) on unsupported devices Build 10.0.10536.1004

First of all, use this thread at your own risk.
If you decide to give it a try make sure your smartphone has a SD Card slot otherwise this will not work and it's best to use this on a secondary device because there is always a chance that you have a critical bug and a hard reset is necessary to restore your device.
Also 512MB RAM devices are not supported, so only use this tutorial if your device has 1GB or more RAM.
There is already a thread on here from jimmy19990 that explains how to do this but it seems that people with less experience in this department do not understand it completely, so I decided to put all the steps in this thread:
1. (skip this step if you are on Windows Phone 8.1) If you already upgraded to Windows 10 Mobile make sure you go back to Windows Phone 8.1 with "Windows Phone Recovery Tool" or "Lumia Software Recovery Tool" which you can find here:
2. Backup your files on your SD Card and format it in Windows Phone 8.1 (settings < storage sense), if you get a message that asks to save new files to the SD Card click no and check in storage sense that new files are all saved to the phone, not the SD Card.
3. After this download and install the "WP8.1 SDK Tools Lite Setup Av1.20" from here:
4. With "WP8.1 SDK Tools Lite Setup Av1.20" installed you will have "Windows Phone Developer Registration 8.1" (start menu < Windows Phone SDK 8.1) open this and register as Developer.
5. Go to the app store on your phone and search for "Preview for Developers" and install this app, move it to the SD Card with storage sense (settings < system < storage < phone < apps & games) select the app and tap "Move to SD Card".
6. Now download "CustomWPSystem_0500.xap" from this thread:
7. Connect your phone with a usb cable to your computer.
8. Under "Windows Phone SDK 8.1" is another program called "Windows Phone Application Deployment 8.1", open it and click "Browse", navigate to the "CustomWPSystem_0500.xap" file and click "Deploy", after a while you get a message that it succeeded.
9. Download "CustomPFD_0003.xap" from another thread:
and copy "CustomPFD_0003.xap" to the root directory of your SD Card.
10. Take your phone and open "CustomWPSystem", tap "SD Card permissions", click on "sd card" and press the checkmark.
Now tap "Select the XAP" (at the bottom of the page in "CustomWPSystem"), navigate to "sd card", select "CustomPFD_0003.xap" and "Apply XAP".
Wait till you get a message "Operation Completed".
11. Close the "CustomWPSystem" app and open "Preview for Developers" app (icon will be changed), go to HKLM\SYSTEM\Platform\DeviceTargetingInfo and change these values (just open for example PhoneSOCVersion, put 8974 in the textfield, press "Write", back button and go to the next one):
For a Full HD (1920x1080) device:
PhoneSOCVersion: 8974
PhoneMobileOperatorName: 000-GB
PhoneManufactorModelName: RM-937_eu_euro1_231
PhoneModelName: Lumia 1520
For a HD (1280x720) or lower resolution* (800x480 / 854x480 / 960x540) device:
PhoneSOCVersion: 8926
PhoneMobileOperatorName: 000-HK
PhoneManufactorModelName: RM-984_1000
PhoneModelName: Lumia 830
*On lower resolution devices the interface will be a bit smaller as normal after the registery edit, but as soon as you complete step 14 your original device info and interface will come back.
12. After you changed your info to one of these devices, go to the app store, search "Windows Insider" app, install it and open it.
13. Sign up for the Fast Ring and check for updates, you will receive a message that "Build 10.0.10536.1004" is available, let it download and install (will take around an hour or more and the device will reboot itself a few times).
14. Once Windows 10 Mobile is installed do a hard reset (settings < system < info < factory settings) and let it format the SD Card also. (this will also take about an hour or more)
15. Now you will have back your original Device Info and in windows < system32 < aow will be the necessary files to run Windows Bridge for Android.
The following steps are to actually install an APK on Windows 10 Mobile:
1. Download Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013:
download and install "vcredist_x86.exe" and "vcredist_x64.exe".
2. In this thread you will find the new files for the "WindowsBridge.7z":
Extract "WindowsBridge.7z" and install "IpOverUsbInstaller".
3. Here you will find the installer to deploy the APK's to your device (Download Version 1.3.1 Here / minimal_adb_fastboot_v1.3.1_setup):
Download and install.
4. Turn off your lock screen (settings < personal settings < lock screen), time-out: never.
5. To enable developer mode on the phone and to find it in the network:
First find your ip adress from the phone: settings < network and wireless < wi-fi and press your network, type your ip address in a document.
Then go to settings < update & security < for developers, press "Developer mode" and tap "Yes".
Turn on "Device discovery" and press pair.
6. Open your map "WindowsBridge" from step 2, copy the directory and open an elevated command prompt (run < cmd < right-click < run as administrator).
Type "cd" and paste the directory of the "WindowsBridge" map (example: "cd C:\Users\User\Downloads\WindowsBridge".
After this type "wconnect.exe" and copy paste the ip adress from the document in step 5 and press enter (example: wconnect.exe xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx).
Enter the pin you see on your phone, wait a while and it will say "connected".
7. Now download the APK you want to test with this link (just search the app in the Google Play Store, copy the link and paste it in the website below):
Cut and paste the app to C:\Program Files (x86)\Minimal ADB and Fastboot and copy the directory of this map.
8. Go back to your command prompt type "cd" and paste the directory ("cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Minimal ADB and Fastboot")
9. Type "adb install" and copy and paste the name of your apk with the .apk extension included ("adb install test.apk").
10. Wait a few minutes and there will be a message "Succes", now on the phone press "Abort" and "unpair all", your APK will be installed.
I tested this method with a Lumia 640, used the Lumia 830 device info and it works like a charm.
Thanks to all the threads and websites I mentioned, because all these tools make it possible and easier to run this project.
My lumia device is 635 had a lower resolution es 480 ¿can use the device info for lumia 835 with more solution 720?
razr2312 said:
My lumia device is 635 had a lower resolution es 480 ¿can use the device info for lumia 835 with more solution 720?
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Not sure about that, but just to be safe, I think you should use info from a compatible device that has the same resolution as yours.
---------- Post added at 01:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:25 AM ----------
Windows Blue said:
First of all, use this thread at your own risk!
If you decide to give it a try make sure your smartphone has a SD Card slot otherwise this will not work and only use this on a secondary device because there is always a chance that you have a critical bug and a hard reset is necessary to repair your device.
There is already a thread on here from jimmy19990 that explains how to do this but it seems that people with less experience in this department do not understand it completely, so I decided to put all the steps in this thread:
1. (skip this step if you are on Windows Phone 8.1) If you already upgraded to Windows 10 Mobile make sure you go back to Windows Phone 8.1 with "Windows Phone Recovery Tool" or "Lumia Software Recovery Tool" which you can find here:
2. Backup your files on your SD Card and format it in Windows Phone 8.1 (settings < storage sense), if you get a message that asks to save new files to the SD Card click no and check in storage sense that new files are all saved to the phone, not the SD Card.
3. After this download and install the "WP8.1 SDK Tools Lite Setup Av1.20" from here:
4. With "WP8.1 SDK Tools Lite Setup Av1.20" installed you will have "Windows Phone Developer Registration 8.1" (start menu < Windows Phone SDK 8.1) open this and register as Developer.
5. Go to the app store on your phone and search for "Preview for Developers" and install this app, move it to the SD Card with storage sense (settings < system < storage < phone < apps & games) select press the app and tap "Move to SD Card".
6. Now download "CustomWPSystem_0500.xap" from this thread:
7. Connect your phone with a usb cable to your computer.
8. Under "Windows Phone SDK 8.1" is another program called "Windows Phone Application Deployment 8.1", open it and click "Browse", navigate to the "CustomWPSystem_0500.xap" file and click "Deploy", after a while you get a message that it succeeded.
9. Download "CustomPFD_0003.xap" from another thread:
and copy "CustomPFD_0003.xap" to the root directory of your SD Card.
10. Take your phone and open "CustomWPSystem", tap "SD Card permissions", click on "sd card" and press the checkmark.
Now tap "Select the XAP" (at the bottom of the page in "CustomWPSystem"), navigate to "sd card", select "CustomPFD_0003.xap" and "Apply XAP".
Wait till you get a message "Operation Completed".
11. Close the "CustomWPSystem" app and open "Preview for Developers" app (icon will be changed), go to HKLM\SYSTEM\Platform\DeviceTargetingInfo and change these values (just open for example PhoneSOCVersion, put 8974 in the textfield, press "Write", back button and go to the next one):
For a Full HD (1920x1080) device:
PhoneSOCVersion: 8974
PhoneMobileOperatorName: 000-GB
PhoneManufactorModelName: RM-937_eu_euro1_231
PhoneModelName: Lumia 1520
For a HD (1280x720) device:
PhoneSOCVersion: 8926
PhoneMobileOperatorName: 000-HK
PhoneManufactorModelName: RM-984_1000
PhoneModelName: Lumia 830
12. After you changed your info to one of these devices, go to the app store, search "Windows Insider" app, install it and open it.
13. Sign up for the Fast Ring and check for updates, you will receive a message that "Build 10.0.10536.1004" is available, let it download and install (will take around an hour or more and the device will reboot itself a few times).
14. Once Windows 10 Mobile is installed do a hard reset (settings < system < info < factory settings) and let it format the SD Card also. (this will also take about an hour or more)
15. Now you will have back your original Device Info and in windows < system32 < aow will be the necessary files to run Windows Bridge for Android.
The following steps are to actually install an APK on Windows 10 Mobile:
1. Download Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013:
download and install "vcredist_x86.exe" and "vcredist_x64.exe".
2. In this thread you will find the new files for the "WindowsBridge.7z":
Extract "WindowsBridge.7z" and install "IpOverUsbInstaller".
3. Here you will find the installer to deploy the APK's to your device (Download Version 1.3.1 Here / minimal_adb_fastboot_v1.3.1_setup):
Download and install.
4. Turn off your lock screen (settings < personal settings < lock screen), time-out: never.
5. To enable developer mode on the phone and to find it in the network:
First find your ip adress from the phone: settings < network and wireless < wi-fi and press your network, type your ip address in a document.
Then go to settings < update & security < for developers, press "Developer mode" and tap "Yes".
Turn on "Device discovery" and press pair.
6. Open your map "WindowsBridge" from step 2, copy the directory and open an elevated command prompt (run < cmd < right-click < run as administrator).
Type "cd" and paste the directory of the "WindowsBridge" map (example: "cd C:\Users\User\Downloads\WindowsBridge".
After this type "wconnect.exe" and copy paste the ip adress from the document in step 5 and press enter (example: wconnect.exe xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx).
Enter the pin you see on your phone, wait a while and it will say "connected".
7. Now download the APK you want to test with this link (just search the app in the Google Play Store, copy the link and paste it in the website below):
Cut and paste the app to C:\Program Files (x86)\Minimal ADB and Fastboot and copy the directory of this map.
8. Go back to your command prompt type "cd" and paste the directory ("cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Minimal ADB and Fastboot")
9. Type "adb install" and copy and paste the name of your apk with the .apk extension included ("adb install test.apk").
10. Wait a few minutes and there will be a message "Succes", now on the phone press "Abort" and "unpair all", your APK will be installed.
I tested this method with a Lumia 640, used the Lumia 830 device info and it works like a charm.
Thanks to all the threads and websites I mentioned, because all these tools make it possible and easier to run this project.
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My prayers worked, thank you!
IPRJ25 said:
Not sure about that, but just to be safe, I think you should use info from a compatible device that has the same resolution as yours.
---------- Post added at 01:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:25 AM ----------
My prayers worked, thank you!
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OK thanks :highfive: I try it but you know what device is more the same than my device lumia 635 ? and you can provide the info from the other lumia device or in what place (website) can provide this info?
razr2312 said:
My lumia device is 635 had a lower resolution es 480 ¿can use the device info for lumia 835 with more solution 720?
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Make sure you have the 1GB RAM version of the lumia 635 because the 512MB version will not work in this stage of the project. (only 1GB devices supported)
If you have the 1GB version, your device is on the supported list so you only have to install W10M (step 12 and 13) and then follow the 10 steps to delpoy an APK to your device.
@IPRJ25 your welcome.
Windows Blue said:
Make sure you have the 1GB RAM version of the lumia 635 because the 512MB version will not work in this stage of the project. (only 1GB devices supported)
If you have the 1GB version, your device is on the supported list so you only have to install W10M (step 12 and 13) and then follow the 10 steps to delpoy an APK to your device.
@IPRJ25 your welcome.
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Thank for you support Bro:victory: but my Lumia 635 device is the 512mb version is a unsupported device :crying:
---------- Post added at 06:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:33 AM ----------
Is very interesting because I have this lumia 635 with 512mb ram with this windows phone 10 10.0.10536.1004 version i see have the AOW files inside around 100 mb maybe in the future the 512 mb devices support android deploy apps but limited by the ram.
This method work today or not bcz i have try on the build 10512 and its not work and ~100mb files also present into aow folder
razr2312 said:
Thank for you support Bro:victory: but my Lumia 635 device is the 512mb version is a unsupported device :crying:
---------- Post added at 06:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:33 AM ----------
Is very interesting because I have this lumia 635 with 512mb ram with this windows phone 10 10.0.10536.1004 version i see have the AOW files inside around 100 mb maybe in the future the 512 mb devices support android deploy apps but limited by the ram.
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That's indeed interesting, it's not sure yet but I suppose when they have polished the Android subsystem that there is chance that 512MB RAM devices will be supported.
A AJAY said:
This method work today or not bcz i have try on the build 10512 and its not work and ~100mb files also present into aow folder
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If you follow the steps to the letter, you should be fine with a device that has a microSD slot and minimum 1GB RAM.
I cannot open Preview for Developers because it always reject and exit when I try to open it. No hope...
polwath said:
I cannot open Preview for Developers because it always reject and exit when I try to open it. No hope...
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Did you already patch the Preview for Developers app with CustomPFD or do you have the problem after downloading and opening the original app?
Windows Blue said:
Did you already patch the Preview for Developers app with CustomPFD or do you have the problem after downloading and opening the original app?
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I already resolve a problem. Because I use wrong version of CustomPFD. Thank you for your reply help.
Windows Blue said:
First of all, use this thread at your own risk.
If you decide to give it a try make sure your smartphone has a SD Card slot otherwise this will not work and it's best to use this on a secondary device because there is always a chance that you have a critical bug and a hard reset is necessary to restore your device.
Also 512MB RAM devices are not supported, so only use this tutorial if your device has 1GB or more RAM.
There is already a thread on here from jimmy19990 that explains how to do this but it seems that people with less experience in this department do not understand it completely, so I decided to put all the steps in this thread:
1. (skip this step if you are on Windows Phone 8.1) If you already upgraded to Windows 10 Mobile make sure you go back to Windows Phone 8.1 with "Windows Phone Recovery Tool" or "Lumia Software Recovery Tool" which you can find here:
2. Backup your files on your SD Card and format it in Windows Phone 8.1 (settings < storage sense), if you get a message that asks to save new files to the SD Card click no and check in storage sense that new files are all saved to the phone, not the SD Card.
3. After this download and install the "WP8.1 SDK Tools Lite Setup Av1.20" from here:
4. With "WP8.1 SDK Tools Lite Setup Av1.20" installed you will have "Windows Phone Developer Registration 8.1" (start menu < Windows Phone SDK 8.1) open this and register as Developer.
5. Go to the app store on your phone and search for "Preview for Developers" and install this app, move it to the SD Card with storage sense (settings < system < storage < phone < apps & games) select press the app and tap "Move to SD Card".
6. Now download "CustomWPSystem_0500.xap" from this thread:
7. Connect your phone with a usb cable to your computer.
8. Under "Windows Phone SDK 8.1" is another program called "Windows Phone Application Deployment 8.1", open it and click "Browse", navigate to the "CustomWPSystem_0500.xap" file and click "Deploy", after a while you get a message that it succeeded.
9. Download "CustomPFD_0003.xap" from another thread:
and copy "CustomPFD_0003.xap" to the root directory of your SD Card.
10. Take your phone and open "CustomWPSystem", tap "SD Card permissions", click on "sd card" and press the checkmark.
Now tap "Select the XAP" (at the bottom of the page in "CustomWPSystem"), navigate to "sd card", select "CustomPFD_0003.xap" and "Apply XAP".
Wait till you get a message "Operation Completed".
11. Close the "CustomWPSystem" app and open "Preview for Developers" app (icon will be changed), go to HKLM\SYSTEM\Platform\DeviceTargetingInfo and change these values (just open for example PhoneSOCVersion, put 8974 in the textfield, press "Write", back button and go to the next one):
For a Full HD (1920x1080) device:
PhoneSOCVersion: 8974
PhoneMobileOperatorName: 000-GB
PhoneManufactorModelName: RM-937_eu_euro1_231
PhoneModelName: Lumia 1520
For a HD (1280x720) or lower resolution* (800x480 / 854x480 / 960x540) device:
PhoneSOCVersion: 8926
PhoneMobileOperatorName: 000-HK
PhoneManufactorModelName: RM-984_1000
PhoneModelName: Lumia 830
*On lower resolution devices the interface will be a bit smaller as normal after the registery edit, but as soon as you complete step 14 your original device info and interface will come back.
12. After you changed your info to one of these devices, go to the app store, search "Windows Insider" app, install it and open it.
13. Sign up for the Fast Ring and check for updates, you will receive a message that "Build 10.0.10536.1004" is available, let it download and install (will take around an hour or more and the device will reboot itself a few times).
14. Once Windows 10 Mobile is installed do a hard reset (settings < system < info < factory settings) and let it format the SD Card also. (this will also take about an hour or more)
15. Now you will have back your original Device Info and in windows < system32 < aow will be the necessary files to run Windows Bridge for Android.
The following steps are to actually install an APK on Windows 10 Mobile:
1. Download Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013:
download and install "vcredist_x86.exe" and "vcredist_x64.exe".
2. In this thread you will find the new files for the "WindowsBridge.7z":
Extract "WindowsBridge.7z" and install "IpOverUsbInstaller".
3. Here you will find the installer to deploy the APK's to your device (Download Version 1.3.1 Here / minimal_adb_fastboot_v1.3.1_setup):
Download and install.
4. Turn off your lock screen (settings < personal settings < lock screen), time-out: never.
5. To enable developer mode on the phone and to find it in the network:
First find your ip adress from the phone: settings < network and wireless < wi-fi and press your network, type your ip address in a document.
Then go to settings < update & security < for developers, press "Developer mode" and tap "Yes".
Turn on "Device discovery" and press pair.
6. Open your map "WindowsBridge" from step 2, copy the directory and open an elevated command prompt (run < cmd < right-click < run as administrator).
Type "cd" and paste the directory of the "WindowsBridge" map (example: "cd C:\Users\User\Downloads\WindowsBridge".
After this type "wconnect.exe" and copy paste the ip adress from the document in step 5 and press enter (example: wconnect.exe xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx).
Enter the pin you see on your phone, wait a while and it will say "connected".
7. Now download the APK you want to test with this link (just search the app in the Google Play Store, copy the link and paste it in the website below):
Cut and paste the app to C:\Program Files (x86)\Minimal ADB and Fastboot and copy the directory of this map.
8. Go back to your command prompt type "cd" and paste the directory ("cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Minimal ADB and Fastboot")
9. Type "adb install" and copy and paste the name of your apk with the .apk extension included ("adb install test.apk").
10. Wait a few minutes and there will be a message "Succes", now on the phone press "Abort" and "unpair all", your APK will be installed.
I tested this method with a Lumia 640, used the Lumia 830 device info and it works like a charm.
Thanks to all the threads and websites I mentioned, because all these tools make it possible and easier to run this project.
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After installing the apk , It crashes !! Any help ? Running Windows 10 Mobile 10536.1004 on Lumia 535 DS
Captain Prabodh Ballurkar said:
After installing the apk , It crashes !! Any help ? Running Windows 10 Mobile 10536.1004 on Lumia 535 DS
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You can try restarting the device this will refresh Astoria and if this does not work, you simply can't run the APK.
The project is still in beta so it takes a while to polish all the bugs out and many APK's won't run and others will run perfectly.
polwath said:
I already resolve a problem. Because I use wrong version of CustomPFD. Thank you for your reply help.
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I am glad you got the problem resolved, your welcome.
Windows Blue said:
You can try restarting the device this will refresh Astoria and if this does not work, you simply can't run the APK.
The project is still in beta so it takes a while to polish all the bugs out and many APK's won't run and others will run perfectly.
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I used Messenger , Clash of Clans , WhatsApp but none of them work
Edit :- Now the Error code 14 is popping up
http://forum.xda-developers.com/win...w-to-install-android-apps-windows-10-t3174629 try this, in the OP look for "C. Errors you might encounter and how to fix them."
Can't seem to get past the connection issues. Trying on Lumia 1520. Keep getting error code 14. what's up with that.
Windows Blue said:
First of all, use this thread at your own risk.
If you decide to give it a try make sure your smartphone has a SD Card slot otherwise this will not work and it's best to use this on a secondary device because there is always a chance that you have a critical bug and a hard reset is necessary to restore your device.
Also 512MB RAM devices are not supported, so only use this tutorial if your device has 1GB or more RAM.
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Thanks for the post I'm wondering if this hard work (downgrading to 8.1, registry changes, again updating to 10 etc) really worth, most of apps are not working or working to some extent but missing some important functionality. Its good for learning purpose anyway.
Hello Guys, I m pretty sad now, because I have a supported Lumia 830,
but I didnt manage to solve to install APKs.
Finally I tried your method in first comment, I did everything step by step,
and dosent work already Error 14... "Not supported device"
But I dont understand why. ANybody any help?
Thank you!
testuser987 said:
Can't seem to get past the connection issues. Trying on Lumia 1520. Keep getting error code 14. what's up with that.
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System322 said:
Hello Guys, I m pretty sad now, because I have a supported Lumia 830,
but I didnt manage to solve to install APKs.
Finally I tried your method in first comment, I did everything step by step,
and dosent work already Error 14... "Not supported device"
But I dont understand why. ANybody any help?
Thank you!
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In some countries the project is not supported, I guess this has something to do with both devices because they are on the support list and they should work without doing any registry edits.

[ROOT - ZS570KL] ZenUtil + everything you need to root the Z016D quickly and easily!

ZenUtil was created for use with the Zenfone 3 Deluxe Special Edition ONLY.
Hello everyone my name is Sandman45654. I would like to share a little root utility I put together in my free time over the last couple of weeks. After not having much luck with the root packages/images I found here on XDA and the internet in general I decided to create my own solution! ZenUtil was created specifically for the Zenfone 3 Deluxe Special Edition (SD821) and has been tested on seven different computers. Four physical and three virtual machines. Operating systems from Windows 7 through the latest Windows 10 build have all been tested. Two machines even had fresh Windows installations with no prior ADB driver installations and Wi-Fi set to disabled to ensure drivers were in fact installing and not downloading! This package includes EVERYTHING to get the job done quickly and easily!
View attachment 4270854 View attachment 4270855 View attachment 4270856
View attachment 4270857 View attachment 4270859 View attachment 4270860
1. Completely menu driven CMD file! Typing or remembering commands is not required.
2. ZenUtil is able to create a support files (help/uninstaller/log files) dynamically.
3. Install Asus ADB Drivers. Fastboot drivers are also installed but not enabled by default. Instructions below.
4. Install the Asus UnlockTool v1.1 onto your phone.
5. Push the SuperSU 2.82 zip file into \sdcard\ in preparation for rooting.
6. Push just about any file or folder, even over network shares into \sdcard\. Supports drag & drop too!
7. Able to boot TWRP 3.1.1-0 without flashing.
8. Able to boot included stock Asus recovery image (v5.15.44.2562) without flashing. Boots upside down for some reason but works.
9. Reboot into the recovery that is currently installed.
10. Reboot into Fastboot mode.
11. Exit out of Fastboot mode. No more holding for power button for days!
12. Able to flash TWRP 3.1.1-0
13. Flash/restore stock Asus recovery image. It does not boot upside down when flashed.
14. Remove any lock screen PIN/Password/Pattern. Useful after restoring a Nandroid and getting "Incorrect PIN" error.
15. ADB transfers are check and verified as either successful or failed.
16. ADB transfers are also logged with date/timestamps and shown automatically on error.
17. The ADB log file is deleted on each launch to keep it small, clean, and simple.
18. Confirms before any "permanent" actions are completed. (Flash / Pin Removal / Uninstall)
19. Maybe more to come...
ZenUtil will be updated with the latest image files for the foreseeable future regardless.
Included files and versions with notes.
ADB Files = 1.4.2 Minimal (Preferred for logging)
Asus Stock Recovery = Z016_1-WW-
Asus UnlockTool v1.1 = UnlockTool-
TWRP = twrp-3.1.1-0-Z016-20170826.img
NO LAG ON BOOT with this version of TWRP!!! I was also able to create, wipe, and restore without the issues of previous versions. Might this be the one?!
Finishing Fastboot driver installation.
Your phone must be connected and in fastboot mode before you are able to install the drivers.
1. Right click on the start button and select "Device Manager" or WinKey+R>devmgmt.msc>enter
2. Right click on "Android" with a yellow ! next to it and select "Update driver".
3. Click "Browse my computer for driver software"
4. Click "Let me pick from a list of available drivers on my computer"
5. Select "ASUS Android Device" and click next.
6. Select "ASUS Android Bootloader Interface Version: [3/16/2015]" and click next.
7. Click "Yes"
8. Click "Close"
A HUGE thank you goes out to Judago for creating CmdMenuSel!
Download ZenUtil v1.0
Fastboot Help Files (with pics)
I have the ASUS Zenfone 3 Deluxe ZS570KL (Z016S)
but I can not do it ROOT
if it does HELP
alkis68 said:
I have the ASUS Zenfone 3 Deluxe ZS570KL (Z016S)
but I can not do it ROOT
if it does HELP
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According to the page below that phone has the Snapdragon 820 and not the 821. So there is high likelihood that this would fail. If the included Twrp is compatible across both phones you could install the bootloader unlock tool from Asus website and then finish rooting with Zenutil. I cannot however say for certain that Twrp would be compatible.
Any chance of getting this uploaded again, it's no longer available

[Tutorial] Install Windows 10 for ARM32 on your Surface 2

Hi guys, following the recent release of a Windows 10 ARM32 install tutorial in Chinese to install it on the Surface RT 1 and Surface RT 2, I've decided to come and try my luck by using google translate to follow the procedure and then decided to refine it and to make it into this tutorial for the Surface 2 (The procedure for the Surface 1 should not be much different aside from the files you have to use but as I don't have one, I haven't tried out the files for it...).
Download: https://yadi.sk/d/mnCUeGKWm1XTXA
- The files available in the Yandex Repo
- A recovery USB Disk for Surface 2: Surface2_BMR_20.2.19.0.zip (https://support.microsoft.com/en-hk/help/4023512/surface-creating-and-using-a-usb-recovery-drive)
- A keyboard
1. Copy the following files from the yandex repo to the root directory of your recovery disk:
- Disabling_UAC.reg
- SecureBootPatch.zip (extract it)
- APPX1.rar (extract it)
- surface2_win10_zh_cn_new.wim
- Microsoft.NET.Native.Framework.1.1.appx
- Microsoft.NET.Native.Runtime.1.1.appx
- Camera_fix.reg
2. Boot into Recovery mode (insert the recovery disk, hold the "vol dow" button then press the "power" button and release the "vol down" button when the surface logo appears)
Open a command prompt and type the following commands:
- diskpart
- list disk
- sel disk 0
- list part
- sel part 4
- for quick fs = ntfs override
- exit
- dism /apply-image /imagefile:d:\sources\install.wim /applydir:c: /index:1
3. Reboot the device and Disable UAC, then run "Disabling_UAC.reg" as admin and reboot the device once again
Once the device has rebooted open regedit and go to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\BCD00000000" select "BCD00000000", click on file and select "unload hive"
Once this is done extract "SecureBootPatch.zip" and open the "SecureBootPatch" folder to run "InstallPolicy.cmd" as admin and then reboot the device once again (l If the secure boot debug policy interface appears after restarting, it means normal. Select accept and install to install)
Open a command prompt as admin and enter the following command to enable test mode :
- bcdedit /set {default} testsigning on && bcdedit /set {bootmgr} testsigning on
4. Now we can start serious business and install Windows 10 on the device, to do so, we'll start by rebooting the device in recovery mode (Check the lower right corner to indicate that secureboot is not configured correctly and it will succeed)
Once in recovery mode open a command prompt and type the following commands:
- diskpart
- list disk
- sel disk 0
- list part
- sel part 4
- for quick fs = ntfs override
- exit
- dism /apply-image /imagefile:d:\surface2_win10_zh_cn_new.wim /applydir:c: /index:1
5. Plugin your keyboard and reboot the device, you should get an error message related to the boot configuration, at this moment press shift+f10 and open regedit
Go to the following registry entry: HKEY_Local machine/SYSTEM/Setup/Status/ChildCompletion and then select the "setup.exe" entry, modify it to "3", exit regedit and commandline and click "Ok" on the error dialog box, the device should reboot(don't reboot the device in any other way), and configure correctly now
Configure the system the way you want it
Once on the desktop open a powershell command prompt and type in the following commands:
- slmgr.vbs /upk
- slmgr /ipk NPPR9-FWDCX-D2C8J-H872K-2YT43
- slmgr /skms kms.03k.org
- slmgr /ato
- slmgr /skms zhang.yt
Your device is now activated
6. We must then proceed to install the runtime environment and store app
Select the APPX1 folder and copy it to the Desktop, open it and select "APPX.ps1",and choose "Run with powershell", once done press "enter" reboot the system, go back to where you were and do the same with "AppxBundle.ps1"
Then Select "Microsoft.windowsStore.appxbundle" and install it (this will install a chinese version of the Microsoft Store (better than nothing I guess? Maybe someone can provide and english version?)
Finally install the following files from the root of your recovery disk:
- Microsoft.NET.Native.Framework.1.1.appx
- Microsoft.NET.Native.Runtime.1.1.appx
7. Now all we need is a few tweaks to remove usability quirks and then your device will work like a shine :
7.1. You might have noticed than when you boot your device you get a message telling you that the licence is about to expire and that you also get a paging file error popping up at every login, this kinda ruins the experience, so we're gonna get rid of those.
- To remove the licensing popup first it go to " C:\Windows\System32" and take ownership of "LicensingUI.exe", then rename it to "LicensingUI-old.exe"
- To remove the paging file popup just manually set the page cache to 16 MB min and 512 MB max.
(Thanks to betanu701 for indicating us these tricks)
7.2. We're also gonna get totally rid of the Chinese language pack to favor any language you might want, this will also change the Store language to whatever language pack you put in.
- Go to Settings>Time & language>Region & language, and then set the whatever language pack you want as the default and remove the Chinese one (that's of course if you don't speak Chinese ^^)
(Thanks to ShotSkydiver for this trick)
7.3. We'll also make the camera work simply by applying the "Camera_fix.reg" registry entry as admin.
Your device is now ready to use.
Bonus: You can download and install the following apps from our fellow community member _CNR_, you'll get a bunch of stock apps that'll work for this build like mail, maps, solitaire...etc and Office 2013, here's the link : https://mega.nz/#F!ivwlHKaZ!hFwEHZnyw_nNTe4b3TN4wA
Quirks: at the moment I am getting a paging file error at every login along with an expired version warning, if anyone knows how to get rid of those two things, that'd be very helpful, I'd update the tutorial and mention your help in here of course...
(Edit: the quirks have been ironed out thanks to fellow community members)
I think this is only the beginning, we can probably improve this, first of all, we need an english store app (done), we'll also need to get rid of the error and warnings at every bootup(done), then we'll need to compile some apps and update existing ones and then list them, I hope the community on this forum will be helpful for these tasks :angel: For the time being enjoy what you get
Will this work in Asus winRT?
Enviado desde mi G8441 mediante Tapatalk
notass said:
Will this work in Asus winRT?
Enviado desde mi G8441 mediante Tapatalk
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No, there are two images available, one made for the Surface 1 and one for the Surface 2, maybe it could work if you make a custom image from the leaked build but certainly not that way...
Hey !
I do have a problem with the "bcdedit /set {default} testsigning on && bcdedit /set {bootmgr} testsigning on" step... it don't work for me I don't understand why..
Are there any difference in the procedure for the Surface RT, other then using the corresponding W10 image?
Kiba85 said:
Are there any difference in the procedure for the Surface RT, other then using the corresponding W10 image?
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No difference, if you try, tell me if you can install the secure boot patch and if the command "bcdedit ....." works for you. Because i'm stuck at this step
First off, thanks for the guide; it worked perfectly for my Surface 2! Also, I stumbled across a simple way to get the Store to display in English rather than Chinese: just go into Settings, then Time & language, then Region & language, and then set the English language pack as the default (optionally you can also remove the Chinese language pack as well). From there, open the Store, and it'll be in English!
AlGaib said:
Once this is done extract "SecureBootPatch.zip" and open the "SecureBootPatch" folder to run "InstallPolicy.cmd" as admin and then reboot the device once again (l If the secure boot debug policy interface appears after restarting, it means normal. Select accept and install to install)
Open a command prompt as admin and enter the following command to enable test mode :
- bcdedit /set {default} testsigning on && bcdedit /set {bootmgr} testsigning on
Now we can start serious business and install Windows 10 on the device, to do so, we'll start by rebooting the device in recovery mode (Check the lower right corner to indicate that secureboot is not configured correctly and it will succeed)
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I would like to give a little warning to people following this guide - don't try to see what happens if you flash the Win10 WIM without having secure boot disabled. I just did that, and my Surface 2 is now bricked. If you want to be super sure that SecureBoot is off, run this cmdlet in PowerShell: Confirm-SecureBootUEFI
If it returns True, SecureBoot is still enabled.
I have an official Windows RT 8.1 recovery stick from Microsoft (but I also tried to make my own stick from the provided ZIP), but when I try to boot into Recovery (Volume Down + Power), I get the following error:
"A required device isn't connected or can't be accessed.
Error code: 0xc000000f"
When I just turn on the Surface, the boot fails, because the Windows 10 installation I flashed fails the SecureBoot test:
"The digital signature for this file couldn't be verified.
Error code: 0xc0000428"
Bloody hell, I was looking forward to having a more functional Surface and I ended up with a bricked one. Not sure what else can be done, when it refuses to boot even from official recovery stick :crying:
AlGaib said:
Following the recent release of a Windows 10 ARM32 install tutorial in chinese, I've used google translate to follow the procedure and then refined it, here is my tutorial for the Surface 2...
Download: https://yadi.sk/d/mnCUeGKWm1XTXA
- The files available in the Yandex Repo
- A recovery USB Disk for Surface 2: Surface2_BMR_20.2.19.0.zip (https://support.microsoft.com/en-hk/help/4023512/surface-creating-and-using-a-usb-recovery-drive)
- A keyboard
Copy the following files from the yandex repo to the root directory of your recovery disk:
- Disabling_UAC.reg
- SecureBootPatch.zip (extract it)
- APPX1.rar (extract it)
- surface2_win10_zh_cn_new.wim
- Microsoft.NET.Native.Framework.1.1.appx
- Microsoft.NET.Native.Runtime.1.1.appx
Boot into Recovery mode (insert the recovery disk, hold the "vol dow" button then press the "power" button and release the "vol down" button when the surface logo appears)
Open a command prompt and type the following commands:
- diskpart
- list disk
- sel disk 0
- list part
- sel part 4
- for quick fs = ntfs override
- exit
- dism /apply-image /imagefile:d:\sources\install.wim /applydir:c: /index:1
Reboot the device and Disable UAC, then run "Disabling_UAC.reg" as admin and reboot the device once again
Once the device has rebooted open regedit and go to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\BCD00000000" select "BCD00000000", click on file and select "unload hive"
Once this is done extract "SecureBootPatch.zip" and open the "SecureBootPatch" folder to run "InstallPolicy.cmd" as admin and then reboot the device once again (l If the secure boot debug policy interface appears after restarting, it means normal. Select accept and install to install)
Open a command prompt as admin and enter the following command to enable test mode :
- bcdedit /set {default} testsigning on && bcdedit /set {bootmgr} testsigning on
Now we can start serious business and install Windows 10 on the device, to do so, we'll start by rebooting the device in recovery mode (Check the lower right corner to indicate that secureboot is not configured correctly and it will succeed)
Once in recovery mode open a command prompt and type the following commands:
- diskpart
- list disk
- sel disk 0
- list part
- sel part 4
- for quick fs = ntfs override
- exit
- dism /apply-image /imagefile:d:\surface2_win10_zh_cn_new.wim /applydir:c: /index:1
Plugin your keyboard and reboot the device, you should get an error message related to the boot configuration, at this moment press shift+f10 and open regedit
Go to the following registry entry: HKEY_Local machine/SYSTEM/Setup/Status/ChildCompletion and then select the "setup.exe" entry, modify it to "3", exit regedit and commandline and click "Ok" on the error dialog box, the device should reboot(don't reboot the device in any other way), and configure correctly now
Configure the system the way you want it
Once on the desktop open a powershell command prompt and type in the following commands:
- slmgr.vbs /upk
- slmgr /ipk NPPR9-FWDCX-D2C8J-H872K-2YT43
- slmgr /skms kms.03k.org
- slmgr /ato
- slmgr /skms zhang.yt
Your device is now activated
We must then proceed to install the runtime environment and store app
Select the APPX1 folder and copy it to the Desktop, open it and select "APPX.ps1",and choose "Run with powershell", once done press "enter" reboot the system, go back to where you were and do the same with "AppxBundle.ps1"
Then Select "Microsoft.windowsStore.appxbundle" and install it (this will install a chinese version of the Microsoft Store (better than nothing I guess? Mybae someone can provide and english version?)
Finally install the following files from the root of your recovery disk:
- Microsoft.NET.Native.Framework.1.1.appx
- Microsoft.NET.Native.Runtime.1.1.appx
Your device is now ready to use.
Quirks : at the moment I getting a paging file error at every login along with an expired version warning, if anyone knows how to get rid of those two things, that'd be very helpful, I'd update the tutorial and mention your help in here of course...
I think this is only the beginning, we can probably improve this, first of all, we need an english store app, we'll also need to get rid of the error and warnings at every bootup, then we'll need to compile some apps and update existing ones and then list them, I hope the community on this forum will be helpful for these tasks :angel: For the time being enjoy what you get
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To get the Store in english: Start > Settings > Language > Region & Language > Remove chinese
To get rid of the popup (old Windows version): C:\Windows\System32\LogonUI.exe > Right Click > Properties > Security > Advanced > Owner...Change > Add your username > Check Names. Close all popups and rename the file to whatever you want
Do i have to Downgrade to 8.0?
I have a problem. I cant disable Secure Boot. Therefore this command doesn't work:
bcdedit /set {default} testsigning on && bcdedit /set {bootmgr} testsigning on
I already launched SecureBootPatch 100 times. I get the screen on boot where I need to press Agree.
I completely restored with USB recovery Windows 8 RT. Non success
this doesn't change anything. Secureboot stays on.
Avonlady said:
I would like to give a little warning to people following this guide - don't try to see what happens if you flash the Win10 WIM without having secure boot disabled. I just did that, and my Surface 2 is now bricked. If you want to be super sure that SecureBoot is off, run this cmdlet in PowerShell: Confirm-SecureBootUEFI
If it returns True, SecureBoot is still enabled.
I have an official Windows RT 8.1 recovery stick from Microsoft (but I also tried to make my own stick from the provided ZIP), but when I try to boot into Recovery (Volume Down + Power), I get the following error:
"A required device isn't connected or can't be accessed.
Error code: 0xc000000f"
When I just turn on the Surface, the boot fails, because the Windows 10 installation I flashed fails the SecureBoot test:
"The digital signature for this file couldn't be verified.
Error code: 0xc0000428"
Bloody hell, I was looking forward to having a more functional Surface and I ended up with a bricked one. Not sure what else can be done, when it refuses to boot even from official recovery stick :crying:
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Hmmm... are the flash drives formatted to Fat32? I don’t really understand how applying an image could cause this much damage...
Do you get any options when you try to boot into 10? If you can find a way to get to the command line, you can restore a Windows RT image from the restore disk
Evandarkfire said:
I don’t really understand how applying an image could cause this much damage...
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It's quite simple, really. The sole purpose of SecureBoot is to prevent booting of non-signed operating systems. Like this leaked Windows 10. And since I removed the recovery partition (containing command prompt, etc.), the device is now toast. And yes, the recovery sticks are FAT32.
Avonlady said:
It's quite simple, really. The sole purpose of SecureBoot is to prevent booting of non-signed operating systems. Like this leaked Windows 10. And since I removed the recovery partition (containing command prompt, etc.), the device is now toast. And yes, the recovery sticks are FAT32.
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Are you sure you booted from usb stick? You should still be able to boot from usb. I broke my efs partition, but could still boot from usb stick and recover everything.
I have to ask and I'm sorry for sounding like a noob..... but will this tutorial work for a Microsoft surface 2 running 8.1rt? I saw theres another post that says windows rt but I'm confused...... also when one of the requirements is a keyboard does that mean a USB keyboard or can the type keyboard work?
Fix quirks
Quirks : at the moment I getting a paging file error at every login along with an expired version warning, if anyone knows how to get rid of those two things, that'd be very helpful, I'd update the tutorial and mention your help in here of course...
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To solve the 2 quirks. For the page caching. Manually set the page cache to min 16 MB and max 512 MB.
For the Build is about the expire. Go to C:\Windows\System32. Find the file LicensingUI.exe. Take complete ownership. Then rename it to LicensingUI-old.exe (or anything).
That will prevent the popups from showing up
Anybody have a working adblocker for the included version of Edge? Also does anybody where to get one of the old UWP arm32 versions of Kodi? They've all been removed from the official servers. Other than that it's amazing, so much better than 8.1!
Avonlady said:
I would like to give a little warning to people following this guide - don't try to see what happens if you flash the Win10 WIM without having secure boot disabled. I just did that, and my Surface 2 is now bricked. If you want to be super sure that SecureBoot is off, run this cmdlet in PowerShell: Confirm-SecureBootUEFI
If it returns True, SecureBoot is still enabled.
I have an official Windows RT 8.1 recovery stick from Microsoft (but I also tried to make my own stick from the provided ZIP), but when I try to boot into Recovery (Volume Down + Power), I get the following error:
"A required device isn't connected or can't be accessed.
Error code: 0xc000000f"
When I just turn on the Surface, the boot fails, because the Windows 10 installation I flashed fails the SecureBoot test:
"The digital signature for this file couldn't be verified.
Error code: 0xc0000428"
Bloody hell, I was looking forward to having a more functional Surface and I ended up with a bricked one. Not sure what else can be done, when it refuses to boot even from official recovery stick :crying:
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When I first attempted to flash win10 on my device I did not follow completely the chinese tutorial and therefore I had not disabled secureboot, the Tablet wouldn't boot but I could easily just reflash win8.1 from a recovery drive, your issue sure sounds weird my friend... I'm sadly not knowledgeable enough to help you solve this
Cnnrduncan said:
Anybody have a working adblocker for the included version of Edge? Also does anybody where to get one of the old UWP arm32 versions of Kodi? They've all been removed from the official servers. Other than that it's amazing, so much better than 8.1!
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I'd love to find a working adblocker too, I really don't understand why ublock won't work, this kindof thing should be platform agnostic, how weird... Also we need to start a thread with a collection of usable software...
Edit: I've updated the tutorial and thanked the users who indicated us how to iron the quirks out, Win10 ARM32 bits on the surface 2 is now as usable as it can get, we just need to make a collection of useful apps and list them (find some and compile others) and everything will be as great as it can be...
Will this work if my surface 2 is running 8.1rt?
---------- Post added at 03:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:57 AM ----------
AlGaib said:
When I first attempted to flash win10 on my device I did not follow completely the chinese tutorial and therefore I had not disabled secureboot, the Tablet wouldn't boot but I could easily just reflash win8.1 from a recovery drive, your issue sure sounds weird my friend... I'm sadly not knowledgeable enough to help you solve this
I'd love to find a working adblocker too, I really don't understand why ublock won't work, this kindof thing should be platform agnostic, how weird... Also we need to start a thread with a collection of usable software...
Edit: I've updated the tutorial and thanked the users who indicated us how to iron the quirks out, Win10 ARM32 bits on the surface 2 is now as usable as it can get, we just need to make a collection of useful apps and list them (find some and compile others) and everything will be as great as it can be...
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Would there. E any possible way of making a video tutorial????
---------- Post added at 03:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:00 AM ----------
AlGaib said:
When I first attempted to flash win10 on my device I did not follow completely the chinese tutorial and therefore I had not disabled secureboot, the Tablet wouldn't boot but I could easily just reflash win8.1 from a recovery drive, your issue sure sounds weird my friend... I'm sadly not knowledgeable enough to help you solve this
I'd love to find a working adblocker too, I really don't understand why ublock won't work, this kindof thing should be platform agnostic, how weird... Also we need to start a thread with a collection of usable software...
Edit: I've updated the tutorial and thanked the users who indicated us how to iron the quirks out, Win10 ARM32 bits on the surface 2 is now as usable as it can get, we just need to make a collection of useful apps and list them (find some and compile others) and everything will be as great as it can be...
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Would there. E any possible way of making a video tutorial????
trollingwhovian said:
Will this work if my surface 2 is running 8.1rt?
---------- Post added at 03:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:57 AM ----------
Would there. E any possible way of making a video tutorial????
---------- Post added at 03:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:00 AM ----------
Would there. E any possible way of making a video tutorial????
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I don't have time or the ressources to do that, sorry, also I don't wanna redo the whole thing again on my device just to make a video tutorial, the text one is good enough...

