BlissOS-x86_64 Kernel Parameters reference - BLISS ROMS Discussion

Looking around online there seems to be a lot of confusion on kernel parameters and what they do, so let's get a central thread going to clarify exactly what each kernel paramter does.
Here's what I've come up with after a lot of trial and error, I know if this information was more readily avaible it would have saved me a fair chunk of time.
Please feel free to add to the list and I will try to maintain the list as I continue to verify and understand what each parameter does.

INSTALL=1 #Run an installer, ( Extracting kernel,initrd.img,system.sfs & ramdisk.img from the iso and adding a new grub entry is sufficient. I dunno, it must be a linux thing, you windows boys wont get it? )
root=/dev/ram0 #needs more explanation
SRC=/android/ #the location of system.img&ramdisk.img
DATA=/path #the directory to use for persistent storage. this path is relative to the SRC directory Alternatively, DATA can be assigned a block device.
CREATE_DATA_IMG=1 #needs more explanation
DATA_IN_MEM=1 #Needs verifying and more clarification
REMOUNT_RW=1 #Enable rw remount of /system
VULKAN=1 #Enable VULKAN api support
nomodeset #?disable autodetecting video output settings
vga=0x1d4 #load specific video output. To determine supported modes, at the grub loading screen press c to enter the console and use the command vbeinfo

XxyZ4114 said:
INSTALL=1 #Run an installer, ( Extracting kernel,initrd.img,system.sfs & ramdisk.img from the iso and adding a new grub entry is sufficient. I dunno, it must be a linux thing, you windows boys wont get it? )
root=/dev/ram0 #needs more explanation
SRC=/android/ #the location of system.img&ramdisk.img
DATA=/path #the directory to use for persistent storage. this path is relative to the SRC directory Alternatively, DATA can be assigned a block device.
CREATE_DATA_IMG=1 #needs more explanation
DATA_IN_MEM=1 #Needs verifying and more clarification
REMOUNT_RW=1 #Enable rw remount of /system
VULKAN=1 #Enable VULKAN api support
nomodeset #?disable autodetecting video output settings
vga=0x1d4 #load specific video output. To determine supported modes, at the grub loading screen press c to enter the console and use the command vbeinfo
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Most of these are documented in our site. If you find anything that might need to be added, the repo can be found here: and commits can be sent for review to
Thanks for helping out so far

XxyZ4114 said:
INSTALL=1 #Run an installer, ( Extracting kernel,initrd.img,system.sfs & ramdisk.img from the iso and adding a new grub entry is sufficient. I dunno, it must be a linux thing, you windows boys wont get it? )
root=/dev/ram0 #needs more explanation
SRC=/android/ #the location of system.img&ramdisk.img
DATA=/path #the directory to use for persistent storage. this path is relative to the SRC directory Alternatively, DATA can be assigned a block device.
CREATE_DATA_IMG=1 #needs more explanation
DATA_IN_MEM=1 #Needs verifying and more clarification
REMOUNT_RW=1 #Enable rw remount of /system
VULKAN=1 #Enable VULKAN api support
nomodeset #?disable autodetecting video output settings
vga=0x1d4 #load specific video output. To determine supported modes, at the grub loading screen press c to enter the console and use the command vbeinfo
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Command is videoinfo BTW...


Google Android and Linux for Kaiser Volume II

The original thread: needs an abridged version.
Go to if you're just starting as it has the latest info. This thread is to highlight the info from the original thread only.
Latest Builds
Port Status
Compiling Android Kernel for Kaiser
Modify initrd.gz files and CPIO handling
system.img mounting, editing and rebuilding with ext2/3
system.img mounting, editing and rebuilding with cramfs
Howto: Pull from git (new/update/resync)
[WIP] Configuring WiFi Interface
system.img mounting, editing and rebuilding with ext2/3
seidler2547: Post:
Actually I've played with Android a bit for now, and I changed to ext3. It doesn't only work - it's much faster, too! Startup time during the blinking android is about half of what it was before.
cd /tmp
# prepare dirs
mkdir a-sys
mkdir a-ext
# prepare image
dd if=/dev/zero of=/where/is/sdcard/ bs=1M count=64
mkfs.ext3 /where/is/sdcard/
# mount old image and copy to new
mount -o loop /where/is/the/system.img a-sys
mount -o loop /where/is/sdcard/ a-ext
cp -a a-sys/* a-ext/
Now you can unmount the old image and happily edit in the new image. Don't forget to rename the to system.img (after you have unmounted it).
In your initrd, in file init, where it says
losetup /dev/block/loop1 /sdcard/system.img
mount -t cramfs -o ro,noatime,nodiratime /dev/block/loop1 /system
change "-t cramfs" to "-t ext2" or "-t ext3". You can also change the path (/sdcard/system.img) there.
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Modify initrd.gz files and CPIO handling
dcordes: Post:
There is no magick in the initrd files. They are .cpio.gz files, gzipped cpio balls. To extract a .cpio.gz file named initrd-android.cpio.gz simply do
gunzip initrd-android.cpio.gz && cpio -i <
Then you have the extracted rootfs. The reverse way would be, assuming you are inside your rootfs folder:
find ./ | cpio -H newc -o | gzip > ../my-initr-android-with-custom-stuffs.cpio.gz
And yes, you can remove and add applications you find that way.
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system.img mounting, editing and rebuilding with cramfs
dzo: Post:
Hi, you can't just use mkcramfs on the system folder because the permissions will be wrong. This is the script I use:
out/host/linux-x86/bin/genext2fs -d out/target/product/generic/system -b 80000 -a system.ext2
mount -o loop system.ext2 /mnt/system
cp /mnt/system/usr/keychars/qwerty2.kcm.bin /mnt/system/usr/keychars/vogue-ts.kcm.bin
cp /mnt/system/framework
cp Maps.apk Street.apk /mnt/system/app
mkfs.cramfs /mnt/system system.img
umount /mnt/system
#pcp system.img :/Storage\ Card/system.img
This also puts the maps app in (just copy from one of my images) and the vogue keymap. Without the source for the ril you will also need to copy my RIL (
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[WIP] Configuring WiFi Interface
This has been able to initialize the interface, assign arbitrary IP addresses but can not go further at the moment.
# ifconfig tiwlan0
# ifconfig tiwlan0 up
error: SIOCSIFFLAGS (Cannot assign requested address)
# ifconfig tiwlan0
tiwlan0: ip mask flags (down broadcast multicast)
dmesg will show:
wlan: no version for "struct_module" found: kernel tainted.
TIWLAN: Driver loading
trout_wifi_power: 1
trout_wifi_reset: 0
trout_wifi_set_carddetect: 1
TIWLAN: Found SDIO control (vendor 0x104c, device 0x9066)
TIWLAN: Driver initialized (rc 0)
TIWLAN: Driver loaded
Android's built-in wireless settings seem to disable the interface beyond just interfering with it, therefore it's best to stay with terminal and using 'ash' will give you a shell with command history (up/down scroll).
markya23: Post:
Need to create a folder in you system image package called /etc/wifi and copy tiwlan.ini, wpa_supplicant.conf and fw1251r1c.bin.
Need to copy the wlan.ko to /lib/modules in the system image (create the dir if required).
Create the new system image and boot Android. Start the dev console and type:
cp /system/etc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf
insmod /system/lib/modules/wlan.ko
wlan_loader -f /system/etc/wifi/Fw1251r1c.bin -e /proc/calibration -i /system/etc/wifi/tiwlan.ini
cd /data/local/tmp
wpa_supplicant -f -Dtiwlan0 -itiwlan0 -c/data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf &
ifconfig tiwlan0 netmask
ifconfig tiwlan0 up
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Compiling Android Kernel for Kaiser
dwaradzyn: Post:
Here are brief instructions on how to compile android kernel for Kaiser from repository. I assume that running OS is Linux and it has everything required to build x86 or ia64 kernel. Beside that latest git software should be installed. The shell is assumed to be bash.
1. Let's start with creating a directory for kernel in home directory:
mkdir ~/android-kernel
cd android-kernel
2. Next thing is to get the sources from repository. To make it happen (this could take a while, it downloads 280MB):
git clone git://
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/user/android-kernel/kernel/.git/
remote: Counting objects: 908251, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (153970/153970), done.
remote: Total 908251 (delta 755115), reused 906063 (delta 753016)
Receiving objects: 100% (908251/908251), 281.86 MiB | 292 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (755115/755115), done.
Checking out files: 100% (22584/22584), done.
3. The htc-msm branch is of our interest (again it could take a few seconds):
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*** Update, poly_poly-man states we are working off of htc-vogue not htc-msm. I'm leaving the original code here but I would urge you to modify the next line as poly has suggested:
cd kernel
git checkout -b htc-msm origin/htc-msm
Branch htc-msm set up to track remote branch refs/remotes/origin/htc-msm.
Switched to a new branch "htc-msm"
4. Let's take care of arm toolchain. Download this file (64MB) into ~/android-kernel:
Unpack it:
cd ~/android-kernel
tar xjf arm-2008q1-126-arm-none-linux-gnueabi-i686-pc-linux-gnu.tar.bz2
5. Compile the kernel
Prepare default .config for Kaiser:
cd ~/android-kernel/kernel
make htckaiser_defconfig ARCH=arm
lots of output
# configuration written to .config
And finally compile the kernel to get zImage (takes a minute or two):
export PATH=~/android-kernel/arm-2008q1/bin:$PATH
make zImage ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi-
lots of output
Kernel: arch/arm/boot/zImage is ready
Now copy ~/android-kernel/kernel/arch/arm/boot/zImage to your phone and play with it.
Some ending tips:
A. You can compile earlier versions of sources in repository. To do that click on one of "commit" links on page:
and read commit id (for example: f9d1bcea9342348623f5a57588044f76d8b649cd):
git reset --hard f9d1bcea9342348623f5a57588044f76d8b649cd
It will override any changes you made to files in ~/android-kernel/kernel.
B. Once you have downloaded git repository, you can swallow latest changes by issuing:
cd ~/android-kernel/kernel
git pull
C. If your machine has more than one cpus/cores you can speed up kernel compilation by adding -j <cores/cpus_number>, for example (dual core):
make -j 2 zImage ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi-
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bad internet makes for double post. Please delete
wrong directions for kernel - we are working off of htc-vogue branch... not htc-msm...
can we make the internet work through the usb cable?
how does android know which device node is gps? it's not picking it up for kaiser...
if you enable gps in winmo (or enable it in smd0 - I believe the command is @startgps), smd7 is a nmea stream (acts as a serial GPS).... could a symlink possibly be the right solution to this?
Howto: Pull from git (new/update/resync)
This will download the latest from git:
dwaradzyn: Post:
Here are brief instructions on how to compile android kernel for Kaiser from repository. I assume that running OS is Linux and it has everything required to build x86 or ia64 kernel. Beside that latest git software should be installed. The shell is assumed to be bash.
1. Let's start with creating a directory for kernel in home directory:
mkdir ~/android-kernel
cd android-kernel
2. Next thing is to get the sources from repository. To make it happen (this could take a while, it downloads 280MB):
git clone git://
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/user/android-kernel/kernel/.git/
remote: Counting objects: 908251, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (153970/153970), done.
remote: Total 908251 (delta 755115), reused 906063 (delta 753016)
Receiving objects: 100% (908251/908251), 281.86 MiB | 292 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (755115/755115), done.
Checking out files: 100% (22584/22584), done.
3. The htc-msm branch is of our interest (again it could take a few seconds):
cd kernel
git checkout -b htc-msm origin/htc-msm
Branch htc-msm set up to track remote branch refs/remotes/origin/htc-msm.
Switched to a new branch "htc-msm"
4. Let's take care of arm toolchain. Download this file (64MB) into ~/android-kernel:
Unpack it:
cd ~/android-kernel
tar xjf arm-2008q1-126-arm-none-linux-gnueabi-i686-pc-linux-gnu.tar.bz2
5. Compile the kernel
Prepare default .config for Kaiser:
cd ~/android-kernel/kernel
make htckaiser_defconfig ARCH=arm
lots of output
# configuration written to .config
And finally compile the kernel to get zImage (takes a minute or two):
export PATH=~/android-kernel/arm-2008q1/bin:$PATH
make zImage ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi-
lots of output
Kernel: arch/arm/boot/zImage is ready
Now copy ~/android-kernel/kernel/arch/arm/boot/zImage to your phone and play with it.
Some ending tips:
A. You can compile earlier versions of sources in repository. To do that click on one of "commit" links on page:;a=summary
and read commit id (for example: f9d1bcea9342348623f5a57588044f76d8b649cd):
git reset --hard f9d1bcea9342348623f5a57588044f76d8b649cd
It will override any changes you made to files in ~/android-kernel/kernel.
B. Once you have downloaded git repository, you can swallow latest changes by issuing:
cd ~/android-kernel/kernel
git pull
C. If your machine has more than one cpus/cores you can speed up kernel compilation by adding -j <cores/cpus_number>, for example (dual core):
make -j 2 zImage ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi-
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poly_poly-man: Post:
This will pull from git which will update/resync a git pull:
mkdir foo
cd foo
git init
git pull git:// htc-vogue
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I'll follow-up with some nice, full instructions...
1. prerequisites: arm-none-linux-gnueabi toolchain (gentoo users can use crossdev - otherwise.... uhh... idk?), git, a host toolchain (gentoo users have this by default, most other distros have this under "development" in their package managment... if you have gcc, you're probably set).
2. mkdir kernel
cd kernel
git init
git pull git:// htc-vogue
3. make vogue_defconfig
4. make
5. cp arch/arm/boot/bzImage /path/to/sdcard/
6. to update, run the git pull command by itself again, run make (may have to do the config line again if it's changed) and cp.
Thanks for the post poly. I don't know how that's different from what the post I referenced as I'm not +4 at this stuff.. I did what you posted with android kernel from git and got a 1.2mb zImage that crashed HaRET.. I'm guessing this is my bad. What could I have overlooked? Thanks
enatefox said:
Thanks for the post poly. I don't know how that's different from what the post I referenced as I'm not +4 at this stuff.. I did what you posted with android kernel from git and got a 1.2mb zImage that crashed HaRET.. I'm guessing this is my bad. What could I have overlooked? Thanks
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where'd you get your toolchain?
does building a regular (host arch) kernel work?
Also - what's the proper way to build a system.img by hand? I'm looking to modify that quite a bit, but can't find a persistent source tree besides the main one, which is seriously crippled.
I thought you were one of the experts, lol. I've been left with no support on how dzo, et all are customizing kernels so I've been in read only mode on the 'other thread' looking elsewhere for support.
Just wanted to ask you first, what's with the Dream radio? I know you posted the mods censored it but what's with the sig now? It piqued my interest... as I'm using (shudder) winmo on the regular while Android is being worked on I was hoping it would be worth looking into if it doesn't brick my phone.
Answers to your questions:
As I said, my own zImage is no go. Check this link (not for our phone but the links at the bottom are pretty useful):
I got the toolchain from the steps I (re)posted on this thread: so that gave me a 1.2mb zImage where everyone's been posting 1.4mb-- I know there's something not right. As far as building a system.img by hand? I've taken existing ones either from posted bundles or from Android src directly. Maybe I suck (real possibility) but cupcake and 1.0 have been pretty flaky for me (there are system.img's included in the source). You should know how to mount and edit them though (look at the first post on this thread). My experience is the git source is useless unless you've got a G1-- I don't know how to make it run on Tilts. If it does work, then the answer to your question about host arch compiling is no-- it has to be ARMv5 for our phones. That's where this line comes in:
make zImage ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi-
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Seriously, I need help learning how to modify the kernel-- I've been a "google will have the answer for me" Linux bystander for a while and while I'm good at what I've done I'm not so good at this uncharted territory. I'm really looking for help to figure out how to compile modules (saurik and dzo never got back to me about that) and all I've gotten is "wait while I do it myself" which is cool they're working on it but we're obviously here to work on it too.
I've even been trying to get Debian installed (familiar territory for me) so I can at least get stuff working. You do know that Android is nothing but a Java VM layer for Linux and it will (could be) put on any self-respecting distro. Personally, I want Debian on my phone with an Android chroot as that would trump all.
Sorry to rant but you seem more about figuring this out like me and I don't know who else is really working on this besides the dev-gods who have no tutorials.
enatefox said:
I thought you were one of the experts, lol. I've been left with no support on how dzo, et all are customizing kernels so I've been in read only mode on the 'other thread' looking elsewhere for support.
Just wanted to ask you first, what's with the Dream radio? I know you posted the mods censored it but what's with the sig now? It piqued my interest... as I'm using (shudder) winmo on the regular while Android is being worked on I was hoping it would be worth looking into if it doesn't brick my phone.
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It never actually worked... maybe. My phone was reporting the wrong version on a *different* radio (, was saying 19) before, and trying to flash this changed the version to be correct. 0x300 radios will never flash, and this as a 0x301 *will* brick your phone. Then again... like 2 people reported epic success... In other words, no, it never really existed.
Answers to your questions:
As I said, my own zImage is no go. Check this link (not for our phone but the links at the bottom are pretty useful):
I got the toolchain from the steps I (re)posted on this thread: so that gave me a 1.2mb zImage where everyone's been posting 1.4mb-- I know there's something not right. As far as building a system.img by hand? I've taken existing ones either from posted bundles or from Android src directly. Maybe I suck (real possibility) but cupcake and 1.0 have been pretty flaky for me (there are system.img's included in the source). You should know how to mount and edit them though (look at the first post on this thread). My experience is the git source is useless unless you've got a G1-- I don't know how to make it run on Tilts. If it does work, then the answer to your question about host arch compiling is no-- it has to be ARMv5 for our phones. That's where this line comes in:
make zImage ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi-
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unnecessary - zImage is implied, and the other two are in the Makefile already.
Seriously, I need help learning how to modify the kernel-- I've been a "google will have the answer for me" Linux bystander for a while and while I'm good at what I've done I'm not so good at this uncharted territory. I'm really looking for help to figure out how to compile modules (saurik and dzo never got back to me about that) and all I've gotten is "wait while I do it myself" which is cool they're working on it but we're obviously here to work on it too.
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we have 0 modules at the moment (but perhaps support - I forget). Just compile stuff in - modules are very bad.
I've even been trying to get Debian installed (familiar territory for me) so I can at least get stuff working. You do know that Android is nothing but a Java VM layer for Linux and it will (could be) put on any self-respecting distro. Personally, I want Debian on my phone with an Android chroot as that would trump all.
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It's a nice idea, but remember where a lot of the current coding is taking place - the ril, which is part of android (the system.img, at least), and doesn't go across to other distros quite as well. I think running Dalvik alongside whatever you're running in Debian might be too much for this phone's epically slow processor (compared to msm7201a).
Sorry to rant but you seem more about figuring this out like me and I don't know who else is really working on this besides the dev-gods who have no tutorials.
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my instructions should work - they are what I use, at least.
Someone should change the instructions to (in the Wiki they are correct):
make ARCH=arm vogue_defconfig
I compiled my kernel, booted in Ubuntu, but had no touchscreen at all, I am not sure if the vogue_defconfig file takes care of everything necessary, so now I am checking everything via menuconfig to see whether eveything is all right or not.
Do not Use Ext3 on SD cards
enatefox said:
seidler2547: Post:
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You should NOT be using ext3 on any sort of flash ram device. You will wear out the medium. Journaling is just a bad idea in this sort of situation.
3) ext3 is "very bad" because of the way it does journaling. It does journal, which seems like a good idea, but it also automatically periodically writes a lot of things out to the same secors on disk. I don't have first hand experience with this, but I remember somebody familiar with ext3 writing about this. It's method of journaling is not particularly intended for any kind of wear leveling at all.
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There are three disadvantages with the journaled file system:
- lower performance at write time, since there is the extra work of the
- increased chance of damaging the SD card due to extra use of the
journal causing wearing
- increased space usage (for the journal)
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And this is the general consensus within most of linux on ext3 and wearing mediums. I'm not sure if Andriod's kernel can do ext4, but ext4 can run without a journal.
Yet another reason not to use ext3 is that is near impossible to undelete something, something you can do with ext2.
It looks like Android can use Ext4
haha! is a good job, i like it
can't run android on my kaiser
hi folks,
i have read many threads here and on, i have read also the install instructions, but it seems im too stupid to run it.
it fails on "can't find system.img". i wil not flash it, i will run it from sd-card.
so, please can anyone attached an actually zip file which i just unpack und run haret.exe to work android on my kaiser ?
thanks and best regards

[App] RGUber v1.21a, RGUOrder v1.4

This purpose of this VBScript is to process and organize data in RGU/REG files to remove duplicates, identify faulty entries, and move entries to ascending alphabetical order (the same way it is displayed in a registry editor).
Windows Scripting Host (included in most versions of windows)
rgucomp.exe and cereg400.dll located somewhere in your path (same folder as the script probably won't work if the script is run from another folder)
.reg and .rgu files are expected to be UTF-16LE with BOM
Drag a .rgu, .reg, or .hv onto RGUber.vbs OR run "wscript.exe RGUber.vbs example.rgu"
When an rgu|reg file is specified, RGUber will:
1) create backup of input file
2) rename input file to boot.rgu
3) use rgucomp to convert it to *.hv
4) use rgucomp to convert new .hv to original rgu path\name
5) Reorder all keys in ascending alphabetical order and all values for each key in ascending alphabetical order with default value first
When an hv file is specified, RGUber will:
1) use rgucomp to convert it to *.rgu
2) Reorder all keys in ascending alphabetical order and all values for each key in ascending alphabetical order with default value first
Open RGUber.vbs in your favorite text editor. All options are set at the beginning with (hopefully) meaningful descriptions.
'//Path to rgucomp (leave this as default if rgucomp.exe is located in your system path)
Const RGUCOMP = "rgucomp.exe"
'//Path to notepad, only needed if %OPENAFTER% is true
Const NOTEPAD = "notepad.exe"
'//The following options can be set to True/False or 0/1
'//Organize registry entries in ascending alphabetical order
Const REORDER = True
'//Open in %NOTEPAD% after conversion is done
Const OPENAFTER = False
'//Save any errors from rgu -> hv conversion
Const LOGERRORS = True
'//Save a backup copy of %INPUTRGU% as "%INPUTRGU%_Backup.rgu"
Const BACKUPRGU = True
Other info
If target file already exists, RGUber will ask if you want to overwrite.
Text files (the MS way) typically contain CRLF for next line. Output from rgucomp.exe contains many CRCRLF. RGUber removes the extra CR.
I have very few comments in the code. If requested, I will upload another copy with as many detailed comments as I can manage.
I tried to code this as efficiently as VBScript can possibly be. I kept getting errors when trying to run 'rgucomp.exe -b -nologo' so instead of running it directly, RGUber creates a bat file, executes it, then deletes it.
On my AMD Phenom 9600 with Vista64 and 3 SATA in Raid5, RGUber completes rgu->hv->rgu of 2084 lines in <3s
RGUber always saves output from rgu->hv conversion but deletes the file if there were no errors.
RGUber crashes on files with no reg entries (e.g. empty app.reg in an EXT package that does not add any registry entries)
Values are now sorted in alphabetical order for each key
Replaced Organize function with one from RGUOrder
Lost ability to reorder values for each key (To be readded in next version)
Fixed a bug with removing hashdata from output (RGUber would mix data from two keys under one)
Changed sorting algorith with a much faster one
Added option to remove RegistryUpdate key from rgucomp output
Fixed a typo where RGUber was not removing the system attribute from input rgu files
Fixed typo where RGUber was waiting for backup file instead of log file
Change 'Done' msgbox to one that shows beginning time and ending time
Initial Release
RGUOrder v1.4
This script will only reorder the contents of an rgu without processing with RGUComp, thereby keeping comments and delete key entries. RGUComp/cereg400.dll are not needed to use this app.
Fixed a bug where if the original rgu did not end with a new line then the last entry after being sorted would be lost.
Fixed two bugs where only the first 25 tabs and first 25 spaces would be removed before sorting (This did not affect data integrity or performance, but the checksum would be different each time you run the output back through RGUOrder until all the original tabs/spaces were removed)
Added code to prevent multiple entries of the same key from being reordered
Fixed other miscellaneous bugs/oddities introduced with v1.3
Added code to add a delete key for each subkey of a deleted key so that when reordered, the key deletion isn't broken
Fixed a bug where the last key processed was being concatenated to another with no CRLF producing an invalid rgu file
I'm not sure if this relates to your app but I have a small question:
If a dumped a rom (raw, not kitchen type) and removed several apps/programs but did not clean the registry (very tedious), will this help me clean it up (remove dead paths, etc)?
And if so, how will it know just by dragging the .hv file? I mean how will your app know if a registry entry does not have the app/program included in the rom anymore?
Please forgive me if my question does not relate to your app
There is no way for my app to know, it isnt that smart
It would take an extensive app/database to know which keys are related to which apps.
Thanks for this post
updated to v1.1
v1.02 had a bug in the code which removed hash data from output which made it mix data from the key before it with the key after it
If I ever get around to updating again, I will use hvedit instead of rgucomp
I get an error.
Script: D:\RGUber.vbs
Line: 136
Char: 2
Error: File not found
Code: 800A0035
Source: Microsoft VBScript runtime error
Any reason why?
I attach the file i want to sort alphabetically.
I have no idea
It worked for me with no problem (file attached)
Please tell me the location of RGUber.vbs and of 51329f91-0017-4364-bcff-e032c5d45b01.rgu
Great application bro!!
Only limitation is that I have to put reg400.dll and rgucomp in C:\windows
c_shekhar said:
Great application bro!!
Only limitation is that I have to put reg400.dll and rgucomp in C:\windows
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
yeah, I tried to get around that but I didn't find anything feasible with vbscript :-/
Actually, they don't have to go in C:\windows
I reinstall windows regularly so I keep as many apps portable as I can. I have a bin folder on another partition that I add to the system path variable after a new install for stuff like this.
selyb said:
yeah, I tried to get around that but I didn't find anything feasible with vbscript :-/
Actually, they don't have to go in C:\windows
I reinstall windows regularly so I keep as many apps portable as I can. I have a bin folder on another partition that I add to the system path variable after a new install for stuff like this.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
can you elaborate this a bit more. Because I too would like a similar arranfements...
My C:\ partition has Vista64
My F:\ partition has all my documents, downloads, music, movies, etc and a folder F:\bin\
F:\bin contains >100 downloaded command line programs and vbs scripts that I have written including
find Advanced System Properties (I can't remember how, it's different for XP/Vista/7) go to the Advanced tab and hit the Environment Variables button
Under system variables, scroll down to 'Path', double click it. This defines your 'system path'. It contains a list of folders separated by semicolon ";". At the end, add a semicolon and the path to the folder you want to add (e.g. ;F:\bin) after that, hit ok. XP may need to reboot to reflect the change but I'm not sure. Vista and 7 are affected immediately.
With this setup, you can open a command prompt in any folder on your computer and type "RGUber.vbs xyz.rgu" and it would work as if all the files are in that folder.
Thanks a lot bro!!!
I am grateful...
I'd really like to use this, but unfortunately I get this error regardless of the app.reg I drag onto the script:
Script: C:\RGUber\RGUber.vbs
Line: 232
Char: 3
Error: The system cannot find the path specified.
Code: 80070003
Source: (null)
Thanks if you can advise.
Quetzecotyl said:
I'd really like to use this, but unfortunately I get this error regardless of the app.reg I drag onto the script:
Script: C:\RGUber\RGUber.vbs
Line: 232
Char: 3
Error: The system cannot find the path specified.
Code: 80070003
Source: (null)
Thanks if you can advise.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Hmmm... this line asks the system for what is in the %temp% variable and attempts to change the working directory to the result.
Open RGUber.vbs in notepad and go to line 232
WSH.CurrentDirectory = WSH.Environment("SYSTEM")("temp")
WSH.CurrentDirectory = "C:\RGUber\"
then try again
Works great after your fix, selyb. Thank you for this useful app and your many helpful contributions to the Kaiser forums.
Quetzecotyl said:
Works great after your fix, selyb. Thank you for this useful app and your many helpful contributions to the Kaiser forums.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yeah, I may relocate from Kaiser forums to Rhodium. I have an AT&T Tilt 2 in the mail to me ATM
Grats on getting a Rhodium. Found a question after using it for a while. This is just one example of such behavior, but why does:
get turned into:
How do I make it regard CURRENT_USER keys?
Quetzecotyl said:
Grats on getting a Rhodium. Found a question after using it for a while. This is just one example of such behavior, but why does:
get turned into:
How do I make it regard CURRENT_USER keys?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I had this problem with an earlier version. If you are using v1.1 then please attach the original rgu/reg. I have tried and I can't seem to reproduce it since I fixed it already.
Please, replace rgucomp with hvedit . I really need your help because rgucomp doesn't work for me . Thanks in advance .
tomcug said:
Please, replace rgucomp with hvedit . I really need your help because rgucomp doesn't work for me . Thanks in advance .
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
why doesn't rgucomp work? I would be surprised to learn that hvedit will work when rgucomp won't.

Help Needed: Need a file from the Incredible dumped!

Basically, i'm looking for the file 'dev/tpa2018d1' or something along those lines, it might be called something slightly different. I'm not in a position where i can build the source so if anyone could do this for me, i would be incredibly grateful!!
may we ask what is it for =)
I am sure I can look around for you
Getting a volume hack working on the Nexus/Desire/Incredible. As they are running very similar firmware on very similar hardware it should be compatible across all 3 phones
tpa2018d1 controls speaker amplification on the Nexus/Desire but isn't present. I'm just hoping that the Incredible has it
I looked on my incredible and can't find such a file in /dev, or indeed any files beginning with the letters tpa.
i dont think we can get this file for you untill we have root..... but i will take a look and see what i can find.
here is what we have in /dev/
C:\AndroidSDK\tools>adb shell
$ ls /dev/
ls /dev/
Ah, that's a shame
It was worth a try though, thank you very much guys
I shall continue hunting and i'll let you know if i find anything!
Thanks again!!
Yea cant find them for you... yet
FWIW, I took a look at the output from dmesg and I think the first part of the file may be named tpa6130. I really have no idea. If this is irrelevant or unhelpful, please ignore this post. :]
Ok. I ran a full ls -R on the filesystem and found the following files containing the string tpa
/sys/bus/i2c/drivers/tpa2018d1 (is a directory, contains uevent, unbind, bind)
/sys/bus/i2c/drivers/tpa6130 (is a directory, contains 0-0060, uevent, unbind, bind)
the CSV file contains the text
Let me know if any of the files in the i2c/drivers directories may be of use to you. I tried to pull one but got permission denied - the files themselves are chmoded to writable by owner (which is root) and readable by noone.

How to reconstruct a binary identical I9000XWJP6 kernel image, and more

The idea of this exercise is (at least) to get a stable starting point for kernel development. The thing which is currently missing is a proper working .config. I have reconstructed it using differential analysis and in the process hoped to find which components have actually been activated and to uncover changes (or Easter eggs) in the sources which have not been advertised. Having a working and identical I9000XWJP6 kernel also means that open development can continue from the current official public release. From there the things possible are only limited by your imagination.
The following is a walk-through on how to build the kernel, description of pitfalls that will cause changes in .config to break, and some annotations on discoveries made in the process.
The things you need are:
- I9000XWJP6 zImage : from your favorite location
- Source tree : opensource•samsung•com the GT-I9000 OpenSource Froyo Update
- Sourcery G++: www•codesourcery•com/sgpp/lite/arm/portal/release1039
- Tweak-Kit : <attached>
- Arm enabled GCC and binutils, including a development libbfd.
- Lots of your favorite beverage
The md5sum of the zImage should be: 26e9d5d206baf1515144c6b8de6f10d2
It is critical that the Sourcery G++ version is 2009q3-67.
The Tweak-Kit contains the following components:
Readme.txt - You're reading it - convert zImage to vmlinux and extract the init ramdisk image
I9000XWJP6_defconfig - default .config
stamp.patch - set date/time and such to original
style.patch - fix style related warnings
prototype.patch - fix prototype related warnings
error.patch - Recoverable errors
houston.patch - Unrecoverable errors
shadow.patch - Fixate data structures
I9000XWJP6.h - Fixated macros
I9000XWJP6.c - Entry point stubs
a) What I absolutely did not expect was that I found two different encodings of the build timestamp. I could deduce that the timezone was central Europe. I had the assumption it would be Asia or America.
b) What was to be expected is that the source tree is incomplete. The directories drivers/fsr and fs/rfs are missing. You can still compile the kernel as the missing files are used to build modules. Problems start when you change the config. Doing so will change entry points and data structures and your kernel might die a horrible death when it loads modules who are unaware on these changes. There is a workaround which I will explain later.
c) The weirdest thing I encountered were the functions enable_hlt() and disable_hlt(). The are located deep in the unwind tables, a section not intended for code. I spent many hours trying to figure out how they got there or why but I still have no clue. I found exactly only one way to reproduce this behaviour and it is certainly not due to a typo, accident or ignorance.
d) The kernel is not a production but a debug version. It has nearly all tracking/tracing/debug bells and whistles switched on. If the energy required to maintain the statistics where to emit light, you could use your Galaxy as a Christmas tree. Function profiling is enabled and has a considerable negative effect on performance, code is not optimized for size but speed, and unwind tables have been enabled which are not used. These have a really bad impact on footprint size. I really hope that the same compiler and settings are not used for the Android layer. Changing the config into a production version will not work (and crash) as the non-native modules expect the debugging hooks which will no longer exist. But the same workaround as above can be used.
e) The functionality of the power management domains have been optimized to oblivion due to the excessive placing of code disabling comments in large parts of the clock, power management and mach-aries.c. Maybe because the Galaxy hardware is too different than the evaluation boards, or the hardware is buggy and disabling the code makes it less unstable, or there was just not enough time to get the code working. Anyway, at this moment I have no oversight into what degree the absence of power domains influence battery usage.
f) When I started examining the binary code I was puzzled by snippets of code I could not reproduce. Even worse, I encountered snippets that were just questionable. Unusual instruction sequences, and resister usage. Thinking I bumped into a GCC bug, I started debugging the compiler and even tweaked instruction scheduling weights but with no satisfying outcome. I know that GCC is very stubborn with regard to saving and clobbering registers in/across function calls and the code I saw was just incorrect. I knew a different compiler was used and I suddenly realized that it may be more different than what first meets the eye. The culprit turned out to be Sourcery G++. It is a private maintained branch of GCC for reasons I have not investigated. Even the Sourcery assembler is tainted as it played a nasty trick on me with the enable_hlt/disable_hlt thing. I do not like the code I see and I am aiming into getting the sources stock GCC friendly with a working kernel. However, GCC and Sourcery generate code which seem difficult to mix, but I'm getting closer.
g) Compiler warnings. Many of the Samsung sources generate warnings, something I really dislike. In my opinion a warning is emitted for a piece of code which can be interpreted in several ways, leaving the compiler to choose which. Usually it will choose the wrong one. Most warnings were related to coding style shortcuts, a couple of incorrect function prototype resulting in functions that should return int to return random or falsely ignoring return values. There were also a couple of nasties like deference of uninitialized pointers, accessing out-of-bound data and mixing clock data-structures of different types. Included are a number of patches to fix them.
h) I looked deeper into why GCC and Sourcery won't mix and discovered that they have different implementations with regard to constant definition within enum declarations. Google points to the staring point "GCC bug 30260" where is written that the behaviour of enumeration constants has changed to becoming signed int. I have noticed that even explicit unsigned values will change to signed.
Here is an example of what is going wrong:
Take following declaration
enum rt_class_t { RT_TABLE_MAX=0xFFFFFFFF }
. GCC will consider RT_TABLE_MAX to be -1, and Sourcery will consider it 4294967295. Now, in net/ipv4/fib_rules.c there is this code snippet
for (u32 id = 1; id <= RT_TABLE_MAX; id++)
GCC will skip the loop, and Sourcery will have a hard time doing nothing.
There are more examples like calculating the location of physical memory or signed/unsigned comparisons. The compiler switches -fwrapv and -fstrict-overflow might influence things, but it general the behaviour is hardcoded and both compilers have a different flavour. I think it would be wiser to choose the GCC flavour as it is more widespread and thus better tested (and fixed).
i) GCC. I noticed that early versions of kernels compiled with GCC would not start. At first I thought it was because of Sourcery /GCC code generating differences. After a number of buxfixes (in error.patch) I suddenly noticed that the GCC kernel is working. My phone is running a GCC compiled production configured kernel for nearly a week.
j) "Houston, we've had a problem" with the light sensor. One of the compiler warnings brought me to the file drivers/sensor/optical/gp2a.c. There within are located two routines which read the light and proximity sensor. They seem copy-pasted identical, however the sensor value types are different as the proximity value is a char and the light intensity a double. What is more convenient than to simply change the data type of the supplied buffer in the function prototype. Now headache starts as the semantics of the read (and write) call say that the unit size is byte. So returning "1" indicates that only the first byte of the sensor value is copied. Also, there is no bounds/access checking so supplying an invalid pointer to the call will crash the kernel. So, assuming this is all one big mistake, I redesigned the function to do better (see houston.patch) and built a new kernel with it. To my utter surprise my battery charge extended from <24 hours to 2 days and 20 hours.
However... I also noticed that my backlight intensity level was constant at it's lowest although the setting was set to auto. I needed to know how the caller invokes the call, but after an extensive search of internet and android sources it is still something I have not found. Heuristics show that the reading the light sensor is called with a buffer length of 1, and the returned value is only accepted when returning a 1 and that the sensor value type is a double (8 bytes). This is wrong: read() semantics require that you supply a length of 8, and expect a return value of 8. This may be the base of many light sensor issues I found when Googling.
Anyway, I returned the code to it's original faulty behaviour, and being illuminated I disabled the auto backlight intensity and changed it to it's lowest setting to enjoy a longer life between battery charges.
1) Prepare a working environment
1a) Unpack Sourcery G++. No installation needed, unpacking is sufficient
1b) Unpack the Samsung sources and cd to the location of the top-level Makefile.
1c) Unpack the zImage and the contents of the Tweak-Kit to the same location
1d) Make sure the zImage is called zImage.I9000XWJP6
2) The ramdisk image is required and can be extracted from zImage.I9000XWJP6
2a) Create an uncompressed image Image.I9000XWJP6
gcc scripts/binoffset.c -o scripts/binoffset
ofs=`scripts/binoffset zImage.I9000XWJP6 0x1f 0x8b 0x08 0x00 2>/dev/null`
dd ibs=$ofs skip=1 <zImage.I9000XWJP6 | gzip -c -d >Image.I9000XWJP6
2b) The Tweak-Kit includes mkvmlinux which converts the uncompressed binary image into a bfd object. You need an Arm enabled libbfd to get it working. This does not get installed by default so you need to deeplink into binutils. mkvmlinux locates and decodes the kallsym data and econstructs the symbol table. It then uses the values of __initramfs_start/end to extract the initramfs. If you are not bothered with the hassle, just use dd with hardcoded values.
g++ -o mkvmlinux -lbfd -liberty -lz [-I and -L that deeplink into binutils]
./mkvmlinux Image.I9000XWJP6 vmlinux.I9000XWJP6 -r initramfs.cpio
dd if=Image.I9000XWJP6 of=initramfs.cpio bs=1 count=2739712 skip=165568
3) Patch date/time and other environmental issues to the moment of original creation
patch -p1 <stamp.patch
4) Make your computer happy
# edit Makefile line 184 and update the macro CROSS_COMPILE=
cp I9000XWJP6_defconfig arch/arm/configs/I9000XWJP6_defconfig
make I9000XWJP6_defconfig
5) Verify that the kernel is identical
diff zImage.I9000XWJP6 arch/arm/boot/zImage
Tweaking the configuration will build you a new kernel but when your Galaxy powers on it will either die silently (hang) or experience a horrible death (reboot). The problem is that there are modules built from sources located in the removed directories drivers/fsr and fs/rfs. These modules were compiled with a specific data structure layout and entry points. These will surely change when re-configuring. The way to keep the non-native modules happy is to keep the structures and entry points intact.
The structure layout is influenced by the CONFIG_ macros. The structures can be fixed to reflect the state of the I9000XWJP6 kernel by replacing the CONFIG_ macro's by something that does not change after reconfiguration. For that I use a collection of 'shadow' macro's which have SHADOW_ as prefix. Because the data structures cannot expand, you cannot (easily) enable configure functionality which require extra fields in the data structures. Reducing functionality is highly seldom a problem.
If changing kernel functionality results in removal of entry points, then stubs are required for those entry points needed by the non-native modules
There are automated methods to verify that a new kernel abides to the above constraints. For the data structures the compiler must generate gstabs debug information. This is human readable and includes detailed structure descriptions. This information should be identical across re-configuration. However, the scripts get confused by anonymous structs which are by product of "typedef struct {" constructions. These need to be named, something shadow.patch also does.
The kernel modules have easily-readable symbol tables containing needed kernel entry points. These should all be present in all re-configured kernels. Validation tests that fail emit enough information to further fix data structures and entry points. The Tweak-Kit contains two files: I9000XWJP6.h containing the SHADOW_ macro's and I9000XWJP6.c for the stubs. Both were constructed in an on-demand basis for the reconfiguration I am currently using and both serve as good examples on what to do when validation fails.
Before reconfiguring, rebuild the kernel for usage as a validation checkpoint.
1) Undo the timestamp patches
patch -R -p1 <stamp.patch
2) Fix the warnings
patch -p1 <style.patch # style related issues
patch -p1 <prototype.patch # prototype related issues
patch -p1 <error.patch # bug fixing
3) Apply datastructure fixation, entrypoint stubbing and Makefile tweaking
patch -p1 <shadow.patch
cp I9000XWJP6.c arch/arm/plat-samsung
4) Before recompiling everything, you need to issue "make clean" first. However, the missing directories will now pose a problem as "make clean" will include their Makefiles and will fail if it can't. Just create empties to keep the build happy.
mkdir -p drivers/fsr fs/rfs
touch drivers/fsr/Makefile fs/rfs/Makefile
5) Optionally change the Makefile to point to your favorite compiler/toolchain. Please note that I am using GCC 4.4.5. GCC 4.5.1 is bumping into problems I haven't looked into yet.
# edit Makefile line 184 and update the macro CROSS_COMPILE
6) This build will generate gstab debug information. Unexpectingly, this might bite when combined with function profiling, so disable that. But do not CONFIG_FUNCTION_TRACER yet as that does more.
# edit Makefile line 553, disable the line containing KBUILD_CFLAGS += -pg
7) Unpack the initramfs image. The directory /lib/modules needs to be examined/updated
mkdir initramfs.dir
cd initramfs.dir
cpio -i --make-directories --preserve-modification-time --no-absolute-filenames <../initramfs.cpio
cd ..
8) Repack initfs as a tarball, as make clean will erase all the modules
tar cf initramfs.tar initramfs.dir
9) The initramfs image will contain new kernel modules. Make sure a new version will get generated.
# in .config line 80 point to the unpacked initram location
# in .config lines 86-89, select your favourite compression
10) Build a new kernel
# not cleaning will confuse the verification
make clean
# install the modules
tar xf initramfs.tar
cp `find drivers -name '*.ko'` initramfs.dir/lib/modules
# rebuild with a fresh new ramdisk image
rm usr/initramfs_data.cpio*
11) Checkpoint structure/entrypoint information. This is architecture independent.
# extract structures. They are the entries with :T
objdump -G vmlinux | awk '{ print $7 }' | grep :T | sed 's/([^)]*)/()/g' | sed 's/=\*()//g' | sort -u > gstabs.ckp
# extract the entrypoints
nm vmlinux | grep 'r __ksymtab_' | awk '{ print $3 }' | sort > ksymtab.ckp
12) Do a test-run. Pack zImage and flash with Odin. If your Galaxy is up and running, I strongly suggest you make a backup of your environment. If you later change something and it breaks, then this is the best place to restart.
cp arch/arm/boot/zImage .
tar cf I9000XWJP6- zImage
13) Make your re-configuration. I really suggest you do not make too many changes in one go because it gives more work when the structure/entrypoint verification fails.
# re-configure. For this exercise, change the kernel to a more production version
14) Build a new kernel
# not cleaning will confuse the verification
make clean
# install the modules
tar xf initramfs.tar
cp `find drivers -name '*.ko'` initramfs.dir/lib/modules
# rebuild with a fresh new ramdisk image
rm usr/initramfs_data.cpio*
You get "struct has no member named" errors if you have enabled subsystems that require data structures to change which are incompatible with the non-native modules.
15) Verify structure/entrypoint checkpoint
# extract/verify structures
objdump -G vmlinux | awk '{ print $7 }' | grep :T | sed 's/([^)]*)/()/g' | sed 's/=\*()//g' | sort -u > gstabs.t
# new/changed structures are tagged with '+'. Display only the changed ones
diff -U0 gstabs.ckp gstabs.t | grep '+' | grep ':T' | sed 's/+//' | sed 's/:T.*/:T/' | while read s; do
grep -q "$s" gstabs.ckp
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo $s;
# extract/verify entrypoints
nm vmlinux | grep 'r __ksymtab_' | awk '{ print $3 }' | sort >ksymtab.t
# extract all entrypoints needed by the modules
nm `find initramfs.dir/ -name '*.ko'` >allkosym
# some symbols are referenced in other modules. Cross-reference and remove from list
grep ' U ' allkosym | sort -u | awk '{ print $2 }' | while read s; do
if ! egrep -q "^[0-9a-f]* . $s\$" allkosym; then
echo $s;
done > allusym
# check that kernel has entrypoints for all final undefined symbols
cat allusym | while read s; do
if ! egrep -q "^__ksymtab_$s\$" ksymtab.t; then
echo $s;
Both scripts will generate output if you have enabled subsystems that require datastructures to change. These do not necessarily have to be data structures needed by non-native modules. However, missing entrypoints are those used by the modules. If it's about datastructures, your best chance is to lookup the data type and see if there any #ifdef CONFIG_ macros that need to be changed into #ifdef SHADOW_. If it's a missing entry point, you need to add a stub in I9000XWJP6.c.
16) Do a test-run. Pack zImage and flash with Odin.
cp arch/arm/boot/zImage .
tar cf I9000XWJP6- zImage
17) If you want more, jump to step 13
18) When you are really done, rebuild a final and fresh kernel and initramfs image with debugging stuff removed. The -gstabs compiler switch slightly influences code generation.
# not cleaning will confuse the verification
make clean
# install the modules
tar xf initramfs.tar
cp `find drivers -name '*.ko'` initramfs.dir/lib/modules
# rebuild with a fresh new ramdisk image
rm usr/initramfs_data.cpio*
My uncompressed image has now shrunk from 14700623 to 11822559 bytes.
Happy Hacking...
[...and now to find a better workaround for those non-native modules.]
WoW, Nice work !! very good info for beginners like me
thx a lot for this tut and i've learnt a lot
btw, seems there r some typos or something is missing. i did it with (XXJPO):
Hexabit said:
make I9000XWJP6_defconfig
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
make defconfig I9000XWJP6_defconfig
- modified include/linux/a.out.h by removing the 2nd def for SEGMENT
- changed the boolean to lowercase for .config
PS i use the cpio extracted by myself coz i couldnt enable libbfd on my ubuntu x64
Good tips. Thanks.
Really insightful i hope the dev take all the tweaks into consideration and make a new optimized kernel
good job here!
I think it's the most amazing first post ever! It should be sticked or kept somewhere safe.
Awesome first post. Will have to work through this.
Great post with very interesting findings!
I'm no expert, so maybe my question is a bit silly:
Is Samsung's published code just a buggy and incomplete pre-release debug version? Then how can e.g. Voodoo get a good working kernel?
Or is the official firmware really built of this, so possibly full of strange bugs and missing optimizations?

Where can I find the "sswap" utility?

Sorry if this is posted in the wrong forum. XDA's brain-damaged posting policy doesn't allow me to post in the development section.
Moderator Edit: Definitely in the wrong Forum, you're right. Should have been in Q and A... which it now is. This Post will help you understand the XDA stance on posting in Development
I've been scratching my head trying to figure out the location and purpose of a mysterious file introduced in recent Cyanogenmod builds for the Samsung Galaxy Tab S 8.4 (klimtwifi).
The file is sswap. The file is referenced in at least two files within the Cyanogenmod build directory, i.e.:
In proprietary-files.txt we see the following lines:
# Samsung SSWAP
Basically, proprietary-files.txt is the list of files that the script uses to download the prebuilt binary-only vendor files (without source code) from a working Cyanogenmod installation. This appears to place the file within the /system directory. At least this is my understanding of how the script works, i.e. it takes the relative paths found in proprietary-files.txt and appends the base path /system.
if [ "$SRC" = "adb" ]; then
adb pull /system/$FILE $BASE/$DEST
# if file dot not exist try destination
if [ "$?" != "0" ]
adb pull /system/$DEST $BASE/$DEST
However the reference to sswap in init.universal5420.rc puts it in a different location:
service sswap /sbin/sswap -s
class core
user root
group root
seclabel u:r:sswap:s0
I can only assume that sswap is hardlinked or softlinked to or from the /system directory. However, this kind of defeats the
purpose of /sbin being assigned root-only read permissions.
Finally, I've not been able to find any documentation with regard to sswap, particularly what its advantages or disadvantages are when compared to the standard Linux swapon/swapoff utility.
DisposableName said:
Sorry if this is posted in the wrong forum. XDA's brain-damaged posting policy doesn't allow me to post in the development section.
Moderator Edit: Definitely in the wrong Forum, you're right. Should have been in Q and A... which it now is. This Post will help you understand the XDA stance on posting in Development
I've been scratching my head trying to figure out the location and purpose of a mysterious file introduced in recent Cyanogenmod builds for the Samsung Galaxy Tab S 8.4 (klimtwifi).
The file is sswap. The file is referenced in at least two files within the Cyanogenmod build directory, i.e.:
In proprietary-files.txt we see the following lines:
# Samsung SSWAP
Basically, proprietary-files.txt is the list of files that the script uses to download the prebuilt binary-only vendor files (without source code) from a working Cyanogenmod installation. This appears to place the file within the /system directory. At least this is my understanding of how the script works, i.e. it takes the relative paths found in proprietary-files.txt and appends the base path /system.
if [ "$SRC" = "adb" ]; then
adb pull /system/$FILE $BASE/$DEST
# if file dot not exist try destination
if [ "$?" != "0" ]
adb pull /system/$DEST $BASE/$DEST
However the reference to sswap in init.universal5420.rc puts it in a different location:
service sswap /sbin/sswap -s
class core
user root
group root
seclabel u:r:sswap:s0
I can only assume that sswap is hardlinked or softlinked to or from the /system directory. However, this kind of defeats the
purpose of /sbin being assigned root-only read permissions.
Finally, I've not been able to find any documentation with regard to sswap, particularly what its advantages or disadvantages are when compared to the standard Linux swapon/swapoff utility.
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When I put together the prop* there was no option to get files from the roms ramdisk ( assumes all needed files reside in /system/. sswap lives in /sbin/ and should be in /sbin for the source build rom, too. If you look here:'ll see that sswap is copied to /root/sbin. In /root the android build environment assambles the ramdisk.
You can use mkswap on the swap partition and go ahead with swapon and swapoff. This will work. But since I havn't found any documentation of samsungs sswap partition format, I decided to use samsungs sswap instead of standard linux kernel swap interface: I have no idea hpw to "mkswap" for sswap. If you use mkswap and swapon be prepared to have a hard time to get back to sammy tw.

