Seeing as the G9 doesn't have a Themes section, it'll have to go here
The theme simply adds battery % in the notification area and gets rid of the no signal icon present in Non-Archos based custom ROMs
Instructions to apply:
1.) Using a root file manager, backup your build.prop
2.) Open the build.prop (in /system)
3.) Find ro.sf.lcd_density and change the value from 160 to 240
4.) Reboot
5.) Drag down notification bar and select settings
6.) Select Theme Chooser and hit apply
7.) [JB] Open Google Now (hold home and drag to google) and search for your root file manager to open it
[ICS] Set your root file manager as one of the UPPER lockscreen shortcuts in the settings, lock and unlock to the root file manager
8.) Restore the original build.prop
9.) Reboot
10.) Hit thanks, you're done
As the title says, I will show you how to reduce the data usage.
1. Of course reduces data usage.
2. Webpages load faster (due to the some items are blocked).
1. Block ads.
i. AdAway app
1. Download the app here:
2. Install the app.
3. Open it.
4. Press menu button, then select Hosts sources.
5. Add this six hosts sources:
6. Go back and tap on the button that written "Download files and apply ad blocking". (This may take some time)
7. After the app finishes applying the hosts file, simply reboot and done.
P/S: You can use this app to block some inappropriate websites.
1. If you want to do so, go to Menu>Your lists.
2. Go to the Blacklist and add the website (plus button, hosts file didn't supports website address like this "").
3. Back and tap "Download files and apply ad blocking".
ii. @BSDgeek_Jake 's hosts file:
1. Download it here:
2. Turn off your phone.
3. Boot to CWM Recovery.
4. Mount everything.
5. Flash the downloaded file.
6. Reboot.
2. Disable Service app:
1. Download here:
2. Open the app......
3. Check every app that have the service name that written "analytics" and "ads", and untick.
P/S: or you can use my settings below (may break some features of the app):
Facebook: Untick MemoryDumpUploaderService, SuggestProfilePicUploadServce, NotifcationsLogService, VideoAdsFetchService & AnalyticsService.
Camera360: Untick f & UpdateService.
Boat Browser: Untick PushService and CampaignTrackingService.
Google Play Services: Untick CoreAnalyticsIntentService, AdRequesterBrokerService, AdvertisingIdService & AnalyticsService
Google Services Framework: EventLogService & GTalkService (If you didn't use Hangouts app).
Greenify (Android 4.x.x only): Untick CampaignTrackingService
3. Android Firewall app:
1. Download here:
2. Open the app.
3. Menu>Enable firewall
4. Change the mode to the block selected.
5. Tick the apps and games that you want to block.
6. Menu>Apply rules.
4. Extra tips:
1. Disconnect data when not in use.
2. Uninstall any app that you didn't use anymore.
3. Always turn on Airplane Mode before sleeping.
4. Don't use your quota for unnecessary activity.
Nice buddy
Sent from my GT-S5360 using Tapatalk 2
Thread updated guys!
can i disable eventlogservice in google play services
you said i can disable eventlogservice in google framework but can i also disable it in google play services (i dont even have hangouts installed)
i think, for our device, data usage is smaller than new device nowadays, just untick background data and autosync, and all will work good, and small data usage , but of course, some notifications of certain apps will not appear
i use 600MB for one month
(My thread is also available in the Nextbit Development Forum)
This thread will always be a Work In Progress. Please be patient, as we receive new development it will be posted here. Thank you very much!
Do subscribe to this thread to get notified on any new updates.
The "Complete Guide" series is back, now for the holy Nextbit Robin! (check out my profile for other "complete guide" threads for my past devices)
First things first, this guide is made mainly for our great Nextbit Robin - Ether. Some steps may or may not work for other phones...
Please note that the results of the following methods may vary. I will not be held responsible for destroying your device. PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK.
For increased chances of these working, ensure you're on the latest version of Robin.
If you don’t know what rooting, flashing and *explosion* means, this probably isn’t the thread for you.
Credit me if you want to take anything from this thread. DO NOT create duplicates of such threads.
Complete guide to all things Robin:
NOTE: The chapters are in chronological order, meaning everything after Chapter 2 assumes you already have root and unlock.
CHAPTER 0: TERMINOLOGY (in my own words)
- Terms
- Tidbit
(To be honest, if you need to even look at this, this thread isn't for you.)
- Root: Gaining full administrative control of your device. "Jailbreaking" in terms of Android.
- ROM: The customized operating system that your Android runs on.
- Kernel: The thingy that links software and hardware
- Radio: The thingy that sends and receives messages, calls and data.
- Flash: Installing a zipped file in Recovery Mode
- Recovery: The software that allows tweaking and flashing, and other weird stuff that will destroy your phone.
- Fastboot: The thingy that allows recovery mode to happen.
- Brick: The term says it all.
- Bootloader: Quite literal; loads the phone for bootup.
- Nandroid backup: A backup-ed image of your current system
- ADB: Android Debug Bridge; some command line tool that sends information from and to the phone to, and from the computer
- CWM: ClockWorkMod; a recovery system
- XDA: The holy website that is full of weird stuff that makes your phone wayyyy better.
Now let's paint a picture:
Imagine you are your Android phone.
Before "rooting", you are trapped in jail.
Upon "rooting and unlocking", you are released from jail.
You go to a shopping mall named "XDA".
You find a credit card lying on the floor from the company "Recovery". On the back, it says there is no passcode required, and there is a infinite amount of money inside.
You enter a store and get a sweatshirt with the word "ROM" on it.
You didn't buy the shirt, the shirt just happens to be free, but still requires you to swipe your credit card anyways.
You keep the receipt as a "backup", just in case the shirt spoils.
Just then, you get greedy and get all the badges in the store.
Stupidly, you pin all the badges on your shirt, turning it as heavy as a "brick".
Then, the shirt rips, unable to put (it rhymes with boot) it back together again.
Luckily you still have the receipt to return the shirt, and return back to your good old disgusting shirt.
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Click to collapse
- Nextbit drivers are installed on your computer:
- A proper and working Wi-Fi network
- Enable Developer Options
- Enable USB Debugging
- Ensure Robin is charged to at least 50%
- Original and genuine Nextbit in-box USB cable
- Backup all files!
- Backup
- Root
- Unlock
- Flashing
- Restoring backups
Titanium Backup Method:
Use “Titanium Backup” batch backup
1. Menu -> Batch
2. Run -> Backup user apps + system data
Manual Non-Root Method:
- Messages: “SMS Backup & Restore”
- Contacts: should be synced with the cloud, if not: Export to SIM card
- Calendar: should be synced with the cloud
- Notes: use “Google Keep”, it will be synced with the cloud
- User Dictionary: “User Dictionary Backup”
- Call Logs: “Call Logs Backup & Restore”
- Launcher (assuming you use Nova Launcher): Settings -> Backup & import settings -> Restore or manage backups
- Apps: “Helium” or any other app
- Nandroid Backup
store all backups in internal storage and transfer to your computer
(kudos to @daavm)
1. Download the tool
2. Just follow the instructions
**NOTE: Relocking again will result in data wipe**
Clean Flash:
1. Backup your data!
2. Reboot into TWRP Recovery
3. Go into settings and enable “Use Aroma File Manager”
4. Wipe Dalvik, Cache, System & Data
5. Flash your chosen ROM, basebands, firmware updates and other crap
6. Flash any GApps package. (the one I use:; kudos to @raulx222 & @slim Team)
7. Flash anything else (e.g. frameworks, boot animations, splash screens, themes etc.)
8. Reboot
9. DONE!
Dirty Flash: (flashing without wiping anything, used for updating to newer ROMs or reflashing)
1. Reboot into TWRP Recovery
2. ONLY wipe Dalvik Cache
3. Flash your chosen ROM, basebands, firmware updates and other crap
4. Flash any NEWER GApps package. If you manually installed/updated through Play Store, skip this step.
5. Flash anything else (e.g. frameworks, boot animations, splash screens, themes etc.)
6. Reboot
7. DONE!
It is perfectly fine if the first bootup takes a while, that is perfectly normal. Upon boot, Android will optimize itself so just let it do it’s work. Do put the phone under a fan as it does tend to get hot when optimizing since it is at max brightness or some dumb reason.
If it takes ages (like over 10mins) to boot up, it means you might have bricked your phone! Do source the XDA indices for any unbricking tutorial, or keep a lookout for an update on this page for instructions. (I don’t have any/don’t need to find any as I have never bricked any Android, so ya.)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
DO NOT dirty flash if your newer ROM:
- Doesn't allow/support it
- Has a major update
- Has a Android version or firmware jump (e.g. from Lollipop to M)
- Is a totally different ROM from the previous one (e.g. from Stock to Cyanogenmod)
If after dirty flashing you experience any ROM issues (e.g. battery drain, lag etc.), I would advice you to do a clean flash instead.
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Click to collapse
Titanium Backup Method:
1. Use “Titanium Backup” batch restore
2. Menu -> Batch
3. Run -> Restore missing apps with data (*NOTE*: DO NOT RESTORE SYSTEM DATA)
4. Once done, go to Backup/Restore on the main app interface
5. Restore manually: Calendar Storage, Internet Bookmarks, Messaging SMS/MMS Prefs, Phone SMS/MMS/APN, User Dictionary, Wi-Fi Access Points**
6. Launcher Settings: (assuming you use Nova Launcher) Settings -> Backup & import settings -> Restore or manage backups
**What can I manually restore?**
White: 99% safe, go ahead
Green: 70% safe, beware of potential brick
Grey Stirkethrough: DO NOT RESTORE
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Click to collapse
Manual Restoration Method:
- Messages: “SMS Backup & Restore”
- Contacts: should be synced with the cloud, if not: Export to SIM card
- Calendar: should be synced with the cloud
- Notes: use “Google Keep”, it will be synced with the cloud
- User Dictionary: “User Dictionary Backup”
- Call Logs: “Call Logs Backup & Restore”
- Launcher (assuming you use Nova Launcher): Settings -> Backup & import settings -> Restore or manage backups
- Apps: “Helium” or any other app
store all backups in internal storage and transfer to your computer
- Boot Animation
- TWRP Recovery Theme
- ExoPlayer for YouTube
- Ad-free
- Control
- Task Management
6.x Marshmallow:
(kudos to @Upstreammiami)
1. Download “Root Explorer” app
2. Go to root/system/media
3. Mount R/W
4. Change “” to “bootanimation.old”
5. Download “” and flash in recovery
6. DONE!
5.x Lollipop:
(if not flashable)
1. Download “Root Explorer” app
2. Go to root/system/media
3. Mount R/W
4. Change “” and “” to “bootanimation.old” and “shutdownanimation.old” respectively
5. Copy your boot animation and shutdown animation of choice and rename to “” and “” respectively
6. Change permissions to rw-r-r-T (Read Owner, Read Group, Read Others, Write Owner, Sticky)
7. Mount R/O
8. Reboot
9. DONE!
TWRP Recovery Theme
(kudos to @z31s1g)
1. Choose 1440x2560 Themes Folder
2. Download your chosen zip file to your device
3. Change "" to ""
4. Open your favourite file manager app
5. Go to the TWRP folder
6. Create a folder named "theme" **no capital letters!**
7. Copy "" into this folder
8. Reboot to recovery
9. DONE!
Faster YouTube: ExoPlayer
1. Download “Root Explorer” app
2. Go to data/data/
3. Add the following lines below "<map>":
<string name="exo_player_activation_type">ADAPTIVE</string>
<boolean name="enable_exo_cache" value="true"/>
<boolean name="show_exo_player_debug_messages" value="true"/>
4. Once done, close and mount R/O
5. Force Close YouTube app in Application Settings
6. Reboot
7. Done!
- Download "AdAway" app from F-Droid
- Download "SELinux Mode Changer" from F-Droid
Task Management
- Download "Greenify" or "Servicely"
Honestly, I don't encourage battery managers such as "Battery Doctor" or "Clean Master (Speed Booster)" as realistically, it takes up more battery or RAM in trying to keep the app open to "properly manage the battery". Yes there are benefits such a having a zippier G3, but there are better methods out there.
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Click to collapse
- Fonts
- Emoji
Changing ROM Font
(kudos to @gianton)
Simply flash the zip in recovery and done!
Changing Emoji
New iOS 9.1 Diverse Jaundice Emoji:
(kudos to @caiosilva96)
1. Download “Root Explorer” app
2. Go to root/system/fonts
3. Mount R/W
4. Change “NotoColorEmoji.ttf” to “NotoColorEmoji.old”
5. Copy your emoji of choice and rename to “NotoColorEmoji.ttf”
6. Change permissions to rw-r-r (Read Owner, Read Group, Read Others, Write Owner)
7. Mount R/O
8. Reboot
9. Now, on your phone (with new emojis installed), go to
10. Copy the "(skin colour)" that comes before "Emoji Modifier Fitzpatrick Type-1-2"
11. Go to your settings app, then keyboard settings, then personal dictionary
12. Create a new word "(skin colour)", shortcut of "skin2"
13. Repeat for skins 3-6
14. Reboot if you want to
15. DONE!
- To change the skin colour, type the emoji, followed by the shortcut word (e.g. "skin2")
Traditional iOS Emoji:
(kudos to @Soulfly999)
1. Download “Root Explorer” app
2. Go to root/system/fonts
3. Mount R/W
4. Change “NotoColorEmoji.ttf” to “NotoColorEmoji.old”
5. Copy your emoji of choice and rename to “NotoColorEmoji.ttf”
6. Change permissions to rw-r-r (Read Owner, Read Group, Read Others, Write Owner)
7. Mount R/O
8. Reboot
9. DONE!
- The cliche...
- Extreme
the cliche stuff...
Turn on power saving, turn off bluetooth, Wi-Fi, data, NFC etc., turn off automatic brightness and blah blah blah...
The Extreme Battery Life
(kudos to @vaisakh7)
please note this chapter is incomplete.
- Going back to stock
Robin Factory Images:
(kudos to @Nextbit_Khang)
1. Download "" accordingly and unzip
2. Connect Robin to your computer
3. Boot into Fastboot (Power + Volume Down)
4. Windows: Open command window in the downloaded folder (Shift + Right click)
Mac: Open Terminal and navigate to the folder location
5. Windows: Type
, then Enter
Mac: Type
, then Enter
6. Let the terminal do the magic and you're good to go!
- Developer Settings
- System UI Tuner
- Smart Storage Activity App
- Fix Smart Storage FC
- Access FQC Menu
- Nova Launcher Secret Labs
1. Settings app
2. About phone
3. Software info
4. Tap build number repeatedly until it prompts you
ENABLING SYSTEM UI TUNER: (i.e. enable battery percentage indicator & customise quick setting tiles)
1. Pull down the notification shade
2. Tap and hold onto the 'gear' icon until prompted
3. You're done! Just open the settings app and tweak away!
ENABLING SMART STORAGE ACTIVITY APP: (on third party launchers)
1. Open Smart Storage Options
2. Continuously tap "Version" until prompted
3. Now enable "Show Smart storage in Launcher" and you're good to go!
(you need to try this multiple times until you can complete all steps)
1. Pull down the notification shade
2. Open Smart Storage's "More Settings"
3. QUICKLY scroll to the bottom
4. QUICKLY Tap "Sign out"
5. Now close the app and clear it's cache
6. Relog and it should be fine
(kudos to @Nextbit_Khang)
NOTE: Only work for 119F build!
1. Open Dialer app
2. Type:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
1. Nova Settings
2. Hold down ‘volume down’ key until it prompts you
- Device Architecture
Architecture: arm64 + arm
Screen DPI: 480
Drawable Class: xxhdpi (extra extra high density)
Google Play services - Build Suffix: (-448)
How does this affect me?
Well, when you install apps, downloading the correct arch version means the app is better optimised for our phone (and you'll potentially save some internal storage space too!)
As for Google Play services, you MUST install the correct build version. (Example: v9.0.90 (448-xxxxxxxx) )
For more info, click here:
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Click to collapse
Thanks for reading. If this helped, do give me a thumbs up or donate ad-free to me.
"Let's get this pinned on the General Thread shall we? Pretty please with cherry on top..." :victory:
26th May:
- Removal of Development Index
10th May:
- Added "Going back to stock" method
- Added more users to credits
- Changed several links to XDA threads
8th May:
- Changed rooting method to "Robin Toolkit"
- Subtle changes after proofreading
- Shorten forum naming
7th May:
[LEGACY] Dev Index
NOTE: This will no longer be maintained.
Thanks! @Lousyguyy
Sent from my Robin using Tapatalk
@Lousyguyy : Thanks for this - it was about time there was a dev index for the Robin.
Just a couple of points to note in your OP:
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Click to collapse
Except it doesn't! Nextbit have explicitly stated that rooting your phone or loading a custom ROM etc will NOT void the warranty.
For increased chances of these working, update your KDZ to Lollipop first using OTA or Flash Tool.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I think you've accidentally copied this from an LG thread?
[deXter] said:
@XDeathy : Thanks for this - it was about time there was a dev index for the Robin.
Just a couple of points to note in your OP:
Except it doesn't! Nextbit have explicitly stated that rooting your phone or loading a custom ROM etc will NOT void the warranty.
I think you've accidentally copied this from an LG thread?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Oh haha thanks for taking time to read through the thread mate! I'll get it changed tomorrow when I'm free. (And yes I did copy the templates from my V10 thread oops)
All info here:
"Adhell3 is merely an app that is using the Samsung Knox SDK APIs.
In order to use these APIs, the Knox SDK and a KPE Development license key are needed.
These are Samsung's properties which are not available in this repository and therefore they need to be downloaded and obtained by the developer after accepting the agreement given by Samsung.
The developer is then responsible how this app will be used and I don't take any responsibilities of any damages caused by this app."
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Click to collapse
Install Notes:
-Generate License Key: You need two keys: KPE key and backwards-compatible key
-Build your app
-Install the app
1. Grant the app administrator privileges.
2. Enter your license key.
For those who lazy, you can try my build attachment
If the app fails to activate, it's usually because of one or more of the three following reasons:
1. The key it should be a 35 character long key that begins with KLM. (eg: KLM06-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX . Do not delete the "-"s. Copy/paste the key as given by Samsung)
2. Your package ID was black listed. (uninstall app > rename apk package ID > install again)
=>Rename your APK package ID as unique of a name as possible:
-use any tool apps for edit apk
eg: Apk Editor Pro_ver_1.8.28(not use newer)
-Open APK Editor Pro
-Choose "Select an APK File" and find the downloaded apk file
-Select "Common Edit"
-Edit the "Package name" field and change it to a unique name.
+It's best to stick to the same package ID length. 3.12.8 characters
+If you use same name each time, you should be able to just install updates over your existing AdHell 3.
+Ensure "Rename the package name in resources.arsc" is checked.
-Press Save.
-Select "Install".
3. Your license key was suspended.
=> Generate a new key and use that.
It's recommended to look at all 3 possibilities before trying again.
If you get an 201 error, try closing and re-opening the app.
Disclaimer: I'm not the owner of these fonts. They are collected from "Font Manager" module by androidacy
Font manager is availabe, so why I'm posting this thread?
It's because I found some disadvantages in font manager module-
1/That completely depends on internet
2/Previewer is not great
3/So many almost same looking fonts
4/Often gives errors
Preview all & pick one from 112 cool fonts + download & apply it using file manager(Rooted).
Note: Don't use solid explorer. Install & use "MT File Manager" . Otherwise you will face auto reboot while applying font.
1/ Backup default font: Open Mt file manager . Grant superuser permission. Right hand side is the rooted part. Go to /system/ . Long press on "fonts" folder. Click on copy button. Now it will be copied to the non rooted part. That's your backup.
2/ Preview fonts: Download the attached file. Extract it using Zarchiver. You will find a folder "preview fonts" & an apk file "Font Viewer". Install the apk & open it. Go to settings of the app. There are 2 text boxes. Erase the pre-written text of first box & write "The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over the Lazy Dog." In the 2nd box, Erase the russian numbers & write "1234567890". Go back to the main interface. Now browse & open the "Preview fonts" folder. All 112 font previews will appear in a group. You can see detailed preview by clicking on each. Find which font is best for you & note the font name.
3/ Download fonts: Click on the download link below. That's a google drive folder. Click on search button. Search the font name that you liked in preview. Download the zip file of that font.
4/ Apply/Install: Open MT file manager. On your left side, click on zip file of the font. On right side, Go inside /system/fonts/. Scroll a bit on left side (So that you can select all in left). Click 3 dots on top right . Select all. Long press on the selected files. Copy them to right side. Check the box to replace all without permiting one by one. Reboot your device.
Go back to default font:
Select all files in your backed up "fonts" folder. Copy and replace to /system/fonts as mentioned in the 4th step.
Download fonts : here