video audio is terrible - Razer Phone Questions & Answers

hello everyone.
i have a razer phone 1 and i noticed when recording a video everything in the background sounds very weird, i really don't know how to describe it. I downloaded open camera and under audio source i selected unprocessed which completely fixed the problem, however the volume is much lower, you can still make it out and it's really not that bad, but it would be nice to not have to switch between apps for recording a video and using the camera. Can anyone with the same phone help me shed some light on this situation.
Listen to background noise in this video:
that is what i'm talking about.


[Q] Camera recording sound

Quick question about the way this device records sound. Its by far the best phone ive ever used to record sound, however i keep running into a problem with volume levels. It never stays constant and fluctuates depending on whether the sound is loud or quiet.
Now that wont make sense at first so heres a link to a video i shot in the studio with some friends. eyes - 12-06-12.mp4
Note at around 2:20 in the volume changes quite dramatically. I assure you, in real life the volume of the sound was constant throughout the song, the only change was that both guitars had stopped playing, thus decreasing the decibel level slightly (the guitar sounds at that point were from the effects pedals), which surely wouldve made it quieter if anything
I dont believe this a manufacturing defect as ive had it on the past 4 HOX's i owned, but perhaps more to do the way the sound is processed. It is the same result recording in mono/stereo/720/1080 etc.
EDIT Just remembered, i had to turn my speakers up all the way to hear that properly so the recording level is far too quiet as it is. I can barely hear it through the phones speaker.
Yeah got same problem,
I did turn the stereo off in video options which did improve it. Give it a go and turn the Stereo feature off.
The sound was not dropping as much,
I tested this out at a footy match.
Thats a temporary fix i suppose, it did improve it though it didnt fix it for me.
Does anybody know if this is something that is likely to be resolved by a software update? Or can anybody recommend any apps to record this type of thing with if it is a software issue.

[Q] Switch off auto mic gain in video?

The camera has automatic mic gain during video recording. This makes it completely useless in filming anything with music, since the volume keeps going all over the place ... totally unusable. I like filming live bands every once in a while, so that really sucks. The phone is sold with promise of great video ... and yes the video image quality is awesome... but sound quality often is not because of this.
I see nothing in the camera options and can't find anything on search. Am I missing something or is this function just completely missing?
Other solutions I see:
- Use a different app to record ... which would kinda suck, I like the sense cam, especially with the simultanious filming and pics
- Ask a dev to mod this in .. which means I need to start rooting..

[Q] Muffled sound a few seconds into recorded videos

Had my G3 for about a week and have noticed a few issues with the sound quality on the device. One being the hizzing/buzzing noise present when media is playing when headphones are connected which I have seen documented elsewhere.
However, I think that this issue is slightly more pressing for me, whenever I record a video from the camera and play it back, the sound quality is fine for the first few seconds until it becomes muffled and quieter with sound no longer sounding clear or crisp.
Here is a video that I have shot that the issue obviously present.. It's a shame that this sound issue is present, because the videos the G3 takes in 4K with OIS look fantastic.
The device I have is the D855 (16GB/2GB, UK/EUR variant) version and this is with the stock camera app on stock LG software.
Anyone having this issue that could potentially shed some light on it, would rooting and using the modified camera app make any difference.
Did you find a solution to the issue described? Even though your link does not work anymore I think my phone has the same issue. When video recording the left channel is full of hissing/buzzing noise.
Edit: Found a solution for my problem maybe it can help you too:

Stock camera - sound on video...and fix?

I love just about everything about the phone, especially the camera. However, the one thing that drives me crazy is the aggressive/crappy noise suppression on video recordings with stock camera. (i.e. - the so-called 'underwater' effect...after the first 2 secs you'll hear it kick in. If you record with just a tv playing across the room, it won't pick it all up perfectly; it wavers, and it's totally unacceptable).
So, you say, why don't you just use XCam? Well, I do. And I do think it's great too. It does the sound perfectly. (as does Google Camera).
The thing is, I'm a nit-picky jerk, and I just happen to like the UI of stock camera better, that's all. I like having camera shutter and vid recording button one screen, instead of having to use a slider.
So my question is: since it's obviously possible to have good sound recording on videos, is there any way I can "fix" stock camera to make it so?

Distorted Whatsapp audio when inside a moving vehicle

I'm facing a strange problem when recording audio messages on whatspp or instagram etc.
It happens only when I'm inside a moving vehicle . Really can't understand it. It isn't wind, as I tried recording with closed windows already.
Sample recording attached. In this audio I haven't said anything, it is the pure distortion sound. When I say something it gets worse, sometimes can't even understand what I'm saying.
Are you all having this issue or what?
Can anyone confirm this is a common problem or am I the only one facing it? Already swiched rom + kernel and the issue persists.

