Request to compile stock miui kernel with fixed TTL - Xiaomi Mi Mix 2 Questions & Answers

Can anyone compile stock miui kernel with activated "ttl"_target_support and insert in init.rc code:
service freebie /system/bin/iptables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -j TTL --ttl-set 64
class main


[Q] Stagefright help

I'm running the latest CM7 nightly and I added all of the necessary steps to get the boot audio working. The problem is that I have a 2 second audio file that I would like to repeat until the boot is complete. I know stagefright has the capability to repeat files but I cannot actual make it do it.
These are the listed options from the help
-n repetitions
-l(ist) components
-m max-number-of-frames-to-decode in each pass
-b bug to reproduce
-p(rofiles) dump decoder profiles supported
-t(humbnail) extract video thumbnail or album art
-s(oftware) prefer software codec
-o playback audio
-w(rite) filename (write to .mp4 file)
-k seek test
Here are the options that I have tried. If anyone knows how to do this I am sure it is simple.
#stagefright -a -o -n 9 /system/media/android_audio.mp3
#stagefright -a -o -9 /system/media/android_audio.mp3
unknown option -- 9usage: t
#stagefright -a -o -n9 /system/media/android_audio.mp3#
# stagefright -a -o n=9 /system/media/android_audio.mp3
Unable to create data source.
#stagefright -a -o -n=9 /system/media/android_audio.mp3
#stagefright -a -o -n = 9 /system/media/android_audio.mp3
Unable to create data source.
#stagefright -a -o -n='9' /system/media/android_audio.mp3
#stagefright -a -o -n="9" /system/media/android_audio.mp3
# stagefright -h
usage: stagefright
#stagefright -a -o -n-9 /system/media/android_audio.mp3
After a little more playing aorund with it I think I am able to get the file to repeat but not when it actually plays audio.
# stagefright -o -n 6 /system/media/android_audio.mp3
No suitable video track found. The '-a' option will target audio tracks only, the default is to target video tracks only.
# stagefright -a -n 6 /system/media/android_audio.mp3
avg. 2323.33 KB/sec
decoded a total of 207360 bytes
# stagefright -a -n -o /system/media/android_audio.mp3
avg. 1811.30 KB/sec
decoded a total of 34560 bytes
if you compare the output from the -n being placed in front of the -o options it will display the ..$ which I do not understand what that means but with a number of repetitions it will repeat the ..$ however many times. The only problem is that it will not play the audio when it displays the ..$

[Q] Developer Help Needed for 4G Wifi Tethering on 4.2.2 AOSP ROMs

I saw this code and it mentions that it fixes 4G Wimax tethering but I'm not sure if it will work on the Epic 4G Touch 4.2.2 AOSP ROMs
iptables -A bw_FORWARD -i !lo+
iptables -A natctrl_FORWARD -j RETURN -i rmnet+ -o wlan0 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED
iptables -A natctrl_FORWARD -j DROP -i wlan0 -o rmnet+ -m state --state INVALID
iptables -A natctrl_FORWARD -j RETURN -i wlan0 -o rmnet+
iptables -A natctrl_FORWARD -j DROP
iptables -A natctrl_nat_POSTROUTING -t nat -o rmnet+ -j MASQUERADE
I saw the code here
Wondering if it's possible to make a flashable zip to fix our 4G Wimax Wifi Tethering Woes on 4.2.2 ROMs?

No Firewall with 3G?

Hi, i have a SM-T211 (Tab3 7.0 3G) and I cant set any working firewall for 2G/3G. All these firewalls (Avast, Droidwall, Android Firewall) work perfectly with WLAN/Wifi but dont react on 3G/2G. All Rules in Iptables (and Ip6tables) are inserted correctly, but they seem not to work....
Has anyone a working firewall set (for 3G) with this Tablet? Could anyone with this tablet test if he has the same behaviour? Many thanks!
Interesting. I had been using Droidwall and was under the impression it was working. But I just unchecked Dolphin, and it turns out it isn't working.
I am also interested in this one. I would love to block Google Services Framework from detecting my internet connection.
I haven't tested on wi-fi.
thref23 said:
Interesting. I had been using Droidwall and was under the impression it was working. But I just unchecked Dolphin, and it turns out it isn't working.
I am also interested in this one. I would love to block Google Services Framework from detecting my internet connection.
I haven't tested on wi-fi.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I found out, that the interface-name of the common scripts does not match. So these Apps insert lines in "iptables" and "ip6tables", but they insert Lines with targets depending on interface-name. Seems our Interface-name (for 3G) is different, so no matching rule for 3G found. Same with Wifi works correctly.
So we have to find out Interface-name for 3g for iptables, after that our firewalls would be working...
OK found it, the interface-name is "ccinet0". This interface isnt used in scripts from Android Firewall or Avast or others.
Two Options so far:
1. You have to modify their scripts and add (u should find the right position for inserting) the following lines (xxx stands for your name of firewall):
iptables -A xxxwall -o ccinet+ -j xxxwall-3g
ip6tables -A xxxwall -o ccinet+ -j xxxwall-3g
2. You use an Script like the following (at the moment manually, may be automatic by a script-system):
# Avast Rules extended
iptables -N cvtwall
iptables -D OUTPUT -j cvtwall
iptables -A OUTPUT -j cvtwall
iptables -N avastwall-3g
ip6tables -N cvtwall
ip6tables -D OUTPUT -j cvtwall
ip6tables -A OUTPUT -j cvtwall
ip6tables -N avastwall-3g
iptables -A cvtwall -o ccinet+ -j avastwall-3g
ip6tables -A cvtwall -o ccinet+ -j avastwall-3g
You will have to modify the names in Bold to your specific Firewall-Names...
You can also use it as init.d script, if u have a kernel with init.d Support...

cm12.1-20151109-NIGHTLY-nicki: can't change ttl

I have installed CM 12.1-20151109-NIGHTLY-nicki, enabled root but can't change ttl value. Is netfilter module missing in kernel?
[email protected]:/ # grep ^ /system/build.prop
error example:
[email protected]:/ # iptables -t mangle -I POSTROUTING -j TTL --ttl-set 65
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
how to add/install the module to the android system to be able modify TTL values?
[email protected]:/ # iptables -t mangle --list|grep -i ttl
1|[email protected]:/ #
It seems to be not avaialble in the CM12.1
when I checked it on my asus zeonfon2 runing on stock Android 5.0, the module is there and I can modify TTLs.
[email protected]:/ # iptables -t mangle --list|grep -i ttl
TTL all -- anywhere anywhere TTL set to 65
TTL all -- anywhere anywhere TTL set to 65
TTL all -- anywhere anywhere TTL set to 65

Fix DNS issue (internet access) on NSTV Pro 2019 [Magisk]

Hello my friends!
*** You should have ROOT access ***
*** This steps is not contains details so is not for newbies ***
1- Install AFWall (
2- Install dnscrypt-proxy for Android (
3- Install NTP & GPS Clock [ROOT] (
4- Run AfWall and:
write thiscustom script:
iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp ! -d --dport 53 -j DNAT --to-destination
iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p udp ! -d --dport 53 -j DNAT --to-destination
iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp ! -d --dport 853 -j DNAT --to-destination
iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p udp ! -d --dport 853 -j DNAT --to-destination
and this shutdown script
iptables -t nat -D OUTPUT -p tcp ! -d --dport 53 -j DNAT --to-destination
iptables -t nat -D OUTPUT -p udp ! -d --dport 53 -j DNAT --to-destination
iptables -t nat -D OUTPUT -p tcp ! -d --dport 853 -j DNAT --to-destination
iptables -t nat -D OUTPUT -p udp ! -d --dport 853 -j DNAT --to-destination
5- Run AFWall and make sure all apps has access to Internet and start Firewall.
6- Turn Off Automatic Date&Time from settings.
7- Run "NTP & GPS Clock" app Sync device Date&Time. (try ntp-server: or or
#dcp stop
#dcp disable
#dcp start
8- Done! all DNS request redirect to dnscrypt-proxy (Magisk-Module)
Note: You can play around more with AfWall and dnscrypt to gain much more security.

