[WORKAROUND]For Device is not Certified by Google - OnePlus X Themes and Apps

Hi! This is little workaround for uncertificated devices. I just try in only for fun and maybe because 100 attempts by google will not be enough for me in future too Now I am on latest LineageOS 15.1 and my device is Certified :highfive:
So here is How to:
at first, this is the most important and most complicated part of whole tutorial - you need to run ROM, where you are "Certified"
I know that this steps sounds really stupid, but you need this only on first time and in future you can skip this step (I hope :angel
I was lucky, because I had twrp backup with AOSP-JDC ROM and there I had Certified Device, so I only took necessary file from my backup
now take your favourite file explorer and go to root/data/data/com.google.android.gsf/databases and find file gservices.db
copy it to your PC and open it in some HEX editor, for example in HxD:
now search for android_id (in text strings), there should by two matches and we are looking for the second match
it sholud looks like this:
the number will be different, but the number is exactly what we are looking for
copy it, remember it, write it on paper .... as you wish
now restore, flash or build ROM which you want to run and where you are Uncertified
again find gservices.db in root/data/data/com.google.android.gsf/databases
find second match of android_id and change that long number with that one founded in steps before
copy this moded file back to root/data/data/com.google.android.gsf/databases, set right permissions, clear Goolge Play Store data in settings/applications menu and restart device
after first boot i didn't get Certified nor Uncertified , there was nothing, but after some time it appears like Certified
So, maybe for some of you will this tutorial totally unnecessary, but I wanted to try if I can certify my OPX without Google and I am only sharing my results. So Good luck

Thanks for sharing your findings!
I found that titanium backup offers an option to restore an old Android id from a backup. Didn't work for me though (oreo rom) so your manual method is very much welcomed


[n2e] ull factory restore

Tis operation IS EASIEST AS you thinking about.
Just download this zip and make all by instruction:
1. Burn noogie.img [2] to microSD card (from 128Mb)with win32diskimager [1].
2. Turn off (10-20 second on power button) NOOK2E and plug in microSD with noogie.img.
3. Turn on NOOK2E
4. When Rooted Forever appear on screen - connect with cable to PC.
5. Wait for a wile.
6. Install Mini tools partition [3] (free).
7. Delete all partition from NOOK2E (Disk size - 1.82Gb)with Mini tools partition (first "Delete" - than "Apply" in top left corner).
8. Install Roadkil's Disk Image [4].
9. Run Roadkil's Disk Image select backup.img and burn on Nook (Physical Disk with 1,82Gb size)
10. After all - turn off NOOK, pull the noogie sd card from it.
Thanks for all who create root for Nook2E & forum.xda-developers.com.
P.S. NOOK image was made from CLEAR NOOK without registration.
Now working on changing s/n and mac. Need public key generator
Need help:
For now - find ./rom/devconf directory with lot of info:
for me are interesting 4:
DeviceID - same as S/N (on motherboard/on box)
MACAddress - as is (write on motherboard)
PublicKey - I don't know is this the same for all nooks or personal for each?
SerialNumber - the S/N as is (on motherboard/on box)
If change sn+id+mac - will work fine with new info.
But what about public key?
Waiting for you replays.
Find more - there are:
HashOfPrivateKey - some thing to use with PublicKey
ProductID - I don't know were to find
MainBoardSN - (write on motherboard)
Yep - there is 3 piece for making all works:
ProductID, HashOfPrivateKey, PublicKey
I'm trying to download this, but there are no seeds on the torrent. Any way you could hop back on and seed?
I can leave it seeding for a while after it's done.
So does this work or not ? I read somewhere that every nook has its own very personal default ROM. Since I didn't backup before rooting I suppose my own clean rom is gone, and I think it is impossible to do the other method which uses ADB wireless to do the 8 consecutive boots.
Can you host the file to another location, because it can not be downloaded.
vacano said:
So does this work or not ? I read somewhere that every nook has its own very personal default ROM. Since I didn't backup before rooting I suppose my own clean rom is gone, and I think it is impossible to do the other method which uses ADB wireless to do the 8 consecutive boots.
Can you host the file to another location, because it can not be downloaded.
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The wireless ADB method worked for me. Much better than trying to 'catch' the boot 8 times in a row.
*first post on XDA, btw!
For me the ADB method didn't work. The process froze at the very end without completing the whole procedure. I got scared that I had f****d the device, but happily it booted again, but with the rooted shell.
Guess I will have to be stuck with the Rooted Forever
Thanks very much for the instructions - I've managed to brick my NOOK and I'm desperate for help. But as others have mentioned, the file is no longer available. I cannot stress the amount of gratitude I'd have if you could possibly transfer the image to me via dropbox. I'm flying soon and really need my nook to work.
If you don't have dropbox, you can leave me some mail address and I'll invite you - you'll only have to copy & paste the file within your file system. If you do have dropbox - my mail is [email protected].
an image is nowhere to be found - please, please find it in your heart to transfer me your image.
alternatively, you can upload it to some file server and post it as a reply for the others in need of this file.
Thanks so very much in advance
I too screwed up and forgot to make a backup. I have acces to (and made a copy of) all the partitions I can view using a noogie bootable. On the factory partition, I noticed a zip file that has all the info for my nook (S/N, MAC address, etc...) in it. Is there any way you could try to put the backup img out, say with the files individual to each nook out, and instructions on where to replace them. Thanks
Warning: Do not use the image and method outlined in the first post!
It will replace data that are unique to _your_ Nook Touch, like your serial number and MAC address.
There are better options for restoring your Nook Touch, like this one.
Please let this thread die.
can you put direct download of (Just download this zip and make all by instruction):
I cant download it
uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu hooooooooooooooooo

[XAP][SOURCE][ROOT] XapHandler (RELEASE for Root Tools or full-unlock!)

Hi folks,
Wow, lots of bugs that needed fixing. There are still some things I'd like to improve, but they can wait. This is officially the first release of XapHandler, for stock ROMs with WP7 Root Tools, and optionally for custom ROMs as well.
1) Install XapHandler.
2) Run WP7 Root Tools.
3) Pivot to Policies, and set XapHandler as trusted (stock ROMs only).
4) Run XapHandler.
5) When prompted to set the file association, hit OK.
6) Exit XapHandler.
7) Open a XAP file from email, IE, or an app.
8) Check the data about the app given in XapHandler.
9) If the app is already installed and you want to do a clean install, exit XapHanderl and delete the app from your phone normally, then open the XAP file again.
10) Hit the Clean Install or Update button.
11) Wait for the Success message box.
12) Close XapHandler.
I don't have permission to release the actual XAP installation source code, which is from @ultrashot. Therefore, the source release just contains a pre-compiled static library (it's the same code as is used in the native XAP installer on custom ROMs, and the Bazaar app). You're able to build the full app, though.
The app has two parts: the native ARM DLL that has the COM library and does the actual installation, and the C#/Silverlight WP7 app that provides the UI and calls the COM library. You should unpack both parts to the same folder. Then, build the native part first (requires Visual Studio 2008 with the Windows Mobile 6.5 compiler). This will copy the native DLL into the managed app. Make sure the managed app includes the COM DLL, and then build it to produce a XAP file.
If you have any issues, please report the following info:
A) Your phone model.
B) Your ROM (including version and firmware)
C) The problems or exception messageboxes you encountered.
For stock ROMs, if you want to put the registry back the way it was so XAP files open in the built-in XAP handler of your custom ROM:
1) Open a registry editor
3) Change the default value back to what it used to be
3.1) The original value on most custom ROMs should be "xapfile" which is the same value the app uses; don't panic if it's unchanged!
3.2) The old default value *should* be backed up in a registry value simply called "0"
4) If there's a value called 0, delete it
5) Go to HKCR\<originalClassName>
5.1) For most people, that's HKCR\xapfile
6) Change the default value back to what it used to be
6.1) The original value on most custom ROMs should be empty
6.2) This step is not important; the value is cosmetic and intended for the user
6.3) The old default value *should* be backed up in a registry value simply called "0"
7) If there's a value called 0, delete it
8) If you have a registry key called BrowseInPlace (eg. HKCR\xapfile\BrowseInPlace) you can delete it
8.1) I don't *think* it'll hurt anything if left, though
9) Set the registry value EditFlags to DWORD 65536 (0x00010000)
9.1) This value is set by release versions of XapHandler
9.2) If the value is missing, create it with the data listed above
10) Go into the registry keys "shell", "open", and "command"
10.1) For example, HKCR\xapfile\shell\open\command
11) Change the default value back to what it used to be
11.1) The default value on most custom ROMs should be "XAPDeployer.exe "%1"" (remove first and last quotes)
11.3) The old default value *should* be backed up in a registry value simply called "0"
12) If there's a value called 0, delete it
13) If you had to change anything in step 3, go to HKCR
13.1) Don't do this step if you didn't have to change anything in step 3!
14) Delete HKCR\xapfile and all its contents
14.1) This step isn't needed, just cleanup
14.2) Don't do this step unless you had a different original progID than "xapfile"!
Have fun!
Please feel free to include this app in WP7 homebrew collections or custom ROMs, so long as the Author attribution is not removed.
Total downloads of the test versions: 330.
Thank you my friend
big business
Big Thanks to useful reports, of course!
I'm also looking at releasing an app that allows people to edit their file associations on the phone - things like add new filetypes that will open in Word (works for any plain-text file), or do complex things like "open" a Mobi file by putting it in the Kindle app's isostore, then launching the Kindle app. That will build on some of the work done in this app. It's also related to some stuff for the next version of Root Webserver. I really want to figure out what's going on here, though...
a.) Samsung Focus v1.3
b.) My ROM (see sig) firmware 2124.11.9.4
c.) xapfile
d.) no change, errors: system.io.filenotfoundexception the system can not find the specified at xaphandler.xapdeployerinterop.setfileassociation() and so on and on then crashes to home screen
e.) reboot changes nothing, no other steps apply.
I installed with my hd2 program
program did not work
19.Marc HD2 Pdaimatejam Rom Wp7.5 Tango 7.10.8773.98 v7.8 >FULLY UNLOCKED>CABS Update
5.13-based custom rom (fully unlocked of course)
FileNotFound exception when trying to associate, IndexOutOfRangeException when trying to launch xap (after manual association)
ultrashot said:
5.13-based custom rom (fully unlocked of course)
FileNotFound exception when trying to associate, IndexOutOfRangeException when trying to launch xap (after manual association)
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I get the same error
Thanks, guys. I know where the error is for you - I took a shortcut testing for the existence of certain registry entries and didn't check for FileNotFound, which I should have. Expect a new version in a day or so!
do you mean use xapdeploy.exe to install a xap?
XapDeploy.exe can't be used on stock ROMs until we break the policy system to allow homebrew executables. This app runs under TskHost.exe, like any other executable. Using WP7 Root Tools v0.9, it should be possible to run this app on stock ROMs.
Additionally, it's an alternative to XapDeploy.exe for users of custom ROMs. It displays more info about the XAP before installing it - not enough in any way to prevent Trojan malware, but enough to stop you from accidentally installing v1.15 when you wanted 1.16.
Please do post test results for the second test version. I still can't get it working on my phone, but I want to know if it works on a full-unlock - if not, there's a bug in the app, but if so then the issue is in the way I elevate. Please give it a try!
gave the same error
version 2
GoodDayToDie said:
Please do post test results for the second test version. I still can't get it working on my phone, but I want to know if it works on a full-unlock - if not, there's a bug in the app, but if so then the issue is in the way I elevate. Please give it a try!
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OOM exception while checking association, on minimizing-resuming it asks for associating (and does it correctly), but then SUCCESS on installation
except update
application tries to install
Now *that* is bloody weird; even without elevation the app gets further than that. This happens when you open a XAP file after associating the app with XAP files, right? (Was it really too much to ask that people actually provide a proper report?) There's only two places that the app uses GetResourceStream - one to open the XAP file, and one to open the manifest from within the XAP file.
I've made some changes to the app, which should make it more resilient to unexpected parameters and will hopefully help make the GetResourceStream calls less likely to fail. Please remove any manual file association you created for the app (set it back to the defaults) and run the test procedure again with the new test3 build (will be uploaded momentarily). The app was able to associate itself correctly on my phone starting with test2.
I'd also like to see this tried on some different custom ROMs. It *should* work but I still can't get the actual install to succeed on my phone (though it does get that far...).
@ultrashot: Wow, the OOM is weird and I haven't seen that in my testing, but hey, if it worked the second time... OK then! Thanks for the success report! Time to look into what level of unlock is required and figure out how to get it on a stock ROM, because elevating the app doesn't seem to be enough...
Hi GoodDayToDie, I am using HTC Gold with Dyanamic7 Rom. Firmware 51201.401. Have installed the XapHandlerTest2.xap and I am able to install Xap files which are stored in the device. Please let me know if you require any more details.
Can you do updates? I'm *sometimes* able to install an app that is not yet installed, but if the app is installed, either an update or a clean install always fails. Clean install seems more reliable immediately after rebooting the phone, but it still appears non-deterministic to me.
I hate Schroedenbugs... although HtcRoot seems to have a lot of them. I need to work on that some more.
Still, it's progress. Hopefully, by the time WP7 Root Tools 0.9 is out and the app can be used on more stock ROMs, it'll be fully working...
v3 test
except update
application tries to install
Where Internet explorer save the XAP? (I have a custom ROM (Omnia7))

[Q] Play Store

I have the Nokia N1. Is it there any way to install the Google Play Store (and Play Services) in it?
cisoprogressivo said:
I have the Nokia N1. Is it there any way to install the Google Play Store (and Play Services) in it?
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haven't found a method yet so far,just wait till international version rom release
Same here. Couldn't find a way to install Play Store yet >_<
The only way for now, is either to wait for a miracle on a root method on the tablet, or wait for the official international release for their ROM.
My N1 is back into its box, as it's pretty much useless now, since over 80% of the apps these days requires Google Service Framework.
It's fine to be a MP4 player now.Install MX player, some comics reader, and some China online games. Hope official GSF come out asap.
LeignHan said:
haven't found a method yet so far
,just wait till international version rom release[/QUOTE]
I tried several times also. I noticed the model at GMC was had the chinese version info on the back of the device but was running Play Store. Tried a few versions but it exited after a breif pinwheel. The N1 device is listed on googles accepted device list pdf with no specific model information. Maybe the next version of Play store ? IDK how it works. Anyway device is not useless for me - I found most apps I require on Amazon Store or APKs. The Nokia zlaunch is excellent and waking up with screen double touch I like also. I owned apple ipad mini and prefer the build of this. Feels very sturdy - well built.
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I also got my N1 yesterday. I tried to install the Play Store, yet no success. I also tried the method used to install it on Xiaomi devices, but the offered Play Store there is not compatible with 5.0 (permission READ_LOGS seems to be required, thus the apps crash)
I thought also about flashing the PA Gapps via the "stock" recovery. I tried following:
- Put gapps zip in /mnt/sdcard/ and renamed it to update.zip
- reboot into recovery using adb (adb works fine so far)
I hoped that the recovery would flash the zip as an update, but the error screen appeared. Knows somebody if the zip name and location are correct?
crys_ said:
I also got my N1 yesterday. I tried to install the Play Store, yet no success. I also tried the method used to install it on Xiaomi devices, but the offered Play Store there is not compatible with 5.0 (permission READ_LOGS seems to be required, thus the apps crash)
I thought also about flashing the PA Gapps via the "stock" recovery. I tried following:
- Put gapps zip in /mnt/sdcard/ and renamed it to update.zip
- reboot into recovery using adb (adb works fine so far)
I hoped that the recovery would flash the zip as an update, but the error screen appeared. Knows somebody if the zip name and location are correct?
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I think the GAPPS zip file is not signed officially. Unless 3rd party recovery is installed, the un-signed gapps is no way to get into N1.
How did you get adb working? It doesnt seem to work for me with the Google USB drivers
EDIT: Nvm I figured it out, I needed to manually install the Google USB driver
Has anyone of you checked if fastboot is available? Is the bootloader finally locked or not?
What have you actually checked/tested? At least could save some other guy sometime avoiding non-working retries ...
---------- Post added at 09:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:19 PM ----------
Just in case it gives someone some idea. Latest nexus player came with a 64bit Atom. Could gapps be obtained from there? Just in case architecture is the problem ...
inakipaz said:
What have you actually checked/tested?
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Okay, so I am far from an expert, here's what I found:
1. You can boot into fastboot by pressing power + vol. down when the device is off. See the attachment how it looks. I've tried a few oem commands: fastboot oem unlock, fastboot oem ?, fastboot oem command list, they don't work.
2. AFAIK there is no root method. I've tried Kingo root, others tried Root Genius, both fail to root it. Looking at chinese forums with Google translate looks like they're waiting for an international ROM with Google stuff to flash.
3. You can install Google play services. It will just crash each time something tries to use it. I've made a sample app that tries to use it, I see these exceptions in Logcat:
java.lang.SecurityException: attempting to read gservices without permission: Neither user 10060 nor current process has com.google.android.providers.gsf.permission.READ_GSERVICES.
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.app.settings.GoogleSettingsActivity}: java.lang.SecurityException: caller uid 10060 lacks any of android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to create service com.google.android.gms.gcm.GcmService: java.lang.SecurityException: attempting to read gservices without permission: Neither user 10060 nor current process has com.google.android.providers.gsf.permission.READ_GSERVICES.
If you are interested in anything else I can try it (unless its some dangerous stuff)
Thanks syddd,
As you say i would not flash anything. I'm not an expert either.
In other ocassions a command useful to me was to boot (not flash) into custom recovery. For recovery I would try one working on similar hardware ... And from there, install superuser to root. If it is simply a clean android, that should do it.
As I said previously on other posts, I will start doing this works on mine once I got one by mid-april.
Remember, It is always important to backup current status!
As I first step I will test something like it appears on this guide for the nexus 7:
Adapting things to similar hardware ...
Trying fastboot boot with custom recovery to know if the device is locked. If it is it should not allow this operation.
Something like method 1 in this other guide
Guide on how to port CWM
Similar guide on twrp
Thanks for the guide!
I tried to follow the clockworkmod recovery one, but could not dump the boot partition. I am thinking of extracting it from the official ROM, I just dont know where those are... We could find out by snooping on the connection while the device gets a new update.
EDIT: Also "fastboot boot test.img" results in:
C:\>fastboot boot test.img
creating boot image...
creating boot image - 2048 bytes
downloading 'boot.img'...
OKAY [ 2.521s]
BUT the device does not reboot and I see the following for a split second:
"boot command stubbed in this platform!"
where test.img is just an emty file. Does this mean that the boolloader is locked?
EDIT2: I've managed to get 2 update files by clicking the "check for update" button and snooping with Wireshark what happens. It makes a POST request to http://www.fc811.com/OTA/GetOTAFirm...&fw_id=A5CN30B&serial_no=XXXXXXXX&version=1.0 , where serial_no is the serial of your device (found in the about menu) and fw_id is your current firmware. I could download 2 firmwares with this method A5CN30B and A5CN315B. Both are minor updates, if someone has the fw version from the initial release it would be useful because we could get the 5.0.2 update.
I've put these in my dropbox: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/9186429/nokia_n1/A5CN30B_update.zip https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/9186429/nokia_n1/A5CN315_update.zip
Both have a droidboot.img file inside them, which is a RAMdisk boot image.
Really really nice advances!!
Thanks! You`ve been able to download I think a valid ROM for the device! Now it should be explored ...
And yes, I suppose the boot is locked which means it will not be easy to make changes.
We will need more expert hands to guide on what's next ...
In my opinion I would try to open the Image you have downloaded.
I've opened it, as you can see they are simple .zip files. But they are not ROMs. Part of them are Android patchfiles which contain just binary diffs. The bootloader is a RAMDisk which can be opened and patched with the methods you linked. The big question is whether they can be installed or not.
EDIT: see my other post, one of the older updates contains a full system image
I've been using for about 2 months. And had it repaired once, 'coz of screen issues. They sent me a new one. Very nice! Just the color changed from silver, originally, to grey, otherwise is fine.
The battery is good. It could last longer, if very much, when compared with N7.2013.LTE. The new Intel Atom looks very promising. But as you all know, there's no google play store. So I left it sleeping in the drawer.
New Play Store APK available. Just in case can anyone test it on the device?
Hope it now works ...
It does not work.
It installs normally, but closes when I open it, just like previous versions. The problem is that play store/Google play services need some special permissions that need root. So no root = no play store.
Just need to wait for the international ROM to leak for this thing. The problem is Nokia is taking it's sweet time to release this thing anywhere else....

Cannot find LineageOS install package when inside TWRP

I wanted to install LineageOS.
I followed the tutorial here: https://wiki.lineageos.org/devices/bullhead/install
I completed the folowing steps
6.) Select Cache, System and Data partitions to be wiped and then Swipe to Wipe.
7.) Go back to return to main menu, then select Install.
8.) Navigate to /sdcard, and select the LineageOS .zip package.
But couln't complete the 8th step becaus I think I don't have the LinageOS zip on my phone, How can I move it there?
How can I send LineageOS install package to my phone so I can install it with TWRP ?
I am using Nexus 5x with Windows 10.
Not to worry
Easy. Just boot up your current ROM and USB, SD Card, Bluetooth, WHATEVER means you have available to move the file to your downloads folder or someplace like that. As long as you can navigate to it, TWRP will let you do that when the time comes. Recommend you put your GApps zip file (I prefer nano) and the appropriate L.O.S. su-addon zip in there as well. After all, what's the use of the ROM if it isn't rooted
Now, fire it up in TWRP and do at least one complete, everything you can include backup of the whole thing before you do ANYTHING else. TWO backups are better if you can move one of them completely off device, as in to a USB stick, etc... The more good backups you have, the less the evil Gods of screwing up installs will try to seek you out. Yes, that has been scientifically proven, even if it sounds like superstitious mumbo-jumbo.
Still good? Wipe dalvik, cache, whatver your build recommends, and flash L.O.S., the su-addon, and GApps all at once. Reboot, be just a little bit patient the first time around, and enjoy. Good Luck.
nezlek said:
Easy. Just boot up your current ROM and USB, SD Card, Bluetooth, WHATEVER means you have available to move the file to your downloads folder or someplace like that. As long as you can navigate to it, TWRP will let you do that when the time comes. Recommend you put your GApps zip file (I prefer nano) and the appropriate L.O.S. su-addon zip in there as well. After all, what's the use of the ROM if it isn't rooted
Now, fire it up in TWRP and do at least one complete, everything you can include backup of the whole thing before you do ANYTHING else. TWO backups are better if you can move one of them completely off device, as in to a USB stick, etc... The more good backups you have, the less the evil Gods of screwing up installs will try to seek you out. Yes, that has been scientifically proven, even if it sounds like superstitious mumbo-jumbo.
Still good? Wipe dalvik, cache, whatver your build recommends, and flash L.O.S., the su-addon, and GApps all at once. Reboot, be just a little bit patient the first time around, and enjoy. Good Luck.
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Sorry I don't know what you mean exactly. Can you exlain a bit more?
My situation looks like this:
1) I don't need to backup anythig.
2) My problem is that I don't have the lineageOS zip on my phone so I can't install it with TWRP
3) because of step 5,6 on the tutorial I believe I don't have any current ROMS!
step 5,6:
5) Select Wipe and then Advanced Wipe.
6) Select Cache, System and Data partitions to be wiped and then Swipe to Wipe.
My assumption is that no ROM will load as the current ROM got deleted during step 5&6.
All I get when I start the phone is GOOGLE sign and the lock sign at the bottom.
4) When I go to Reboot inside TWRP and click System I get "No OS Installed! Are you sure you wish to reboot?"
Can you help?
flex567 said:
Sorry I don't know what you mean exactly. Can you exlain a bit more?
My situation looks like this:
1) I don't need to backup anythig.
2) My problem is that I don't have the lineageOS zip on my phone so I can't install it with TWRP
3) because of step 5,6 on the tutorial I believe I don't have any current ROMS!
step 5,6:
5) Select Wipe and then Advanced Wipe.
6) Select Cache, System and Data partitions to be wiped and then Swipe to Wipe.
My assumption is that no ROM will load as the current ROM got deleted during step 5&6.
All I get when I start the phone is GOOGLE sign and the lock sign at the bottom.
4) When I go to Reboot inside TWRP and click System I get "No OS Installed! Are you sure you wish to reboot?"
Can you help?
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H'mmm.......... It does appear that you wiped the whole thing, and THAT may make it a bit more of a challenge, but let us try our best. HOPEFULLY your device will recognize the necessary files on a USB stick. You can tell TWRP to MOUNT the USB drive in order to do that if you must, and many devices have no problem and will recognize the device with no added effort, and you just have to navigate to it within TWRP. THAT will be the EASY way, and given what you've described, there isn't anything left on the device to be concerned about with respect to backups, etc... so cross your fingers, and if TWRP can mount and find a USB storage device you just have to flash the three zip files from USB storage as previously described. Otherwise, there is not much I could do personally without the device in hand, although the easiest path forward might be to re-flash a stock ROM and start over again. And please note you would not be the first person reading (or writing) this message to need to do that. Once you get the hang of this, it is not a brutal process, but the first time or two it can be a bit intimidating. Hang in there, the good news is that it is somewhat difficult to totally brick most of these things, so persistence should win out. As long as you can still boot it into TWRP you're fine. Now, one other very important thing. If somehow the bootloader was not unlocked, none of this is going to work at all. SO if that is the case, your only recourse is going to be to get that taken care of first, which requires one of: some finesse with ADB / fastboot, a ROM of some sort (i.e. re-install stock) installed on the device that lets you unlock it by flipping the switch in developer settings , or some other more geeky process that is best supervised by a person who genuinely knows what they are doing and with physical access to the device. There will be no shortage of content out here concerning how-to, but some of the folks writing it are not necessarily technical writers targeting a less experienced audience, even if they are in many cases quite brilliant programmers.
nezlek said:
H'mmm.......... It does appear that you wiped the whole thing, and THAT may make it a bit more of a challenge, but let us try our best. HOPEFULLY your device will recognize the necessary files on a USB stick. You can tell TWRP to MOUNT the USB drive in order to do that if you must, and many devices have no problem and will recognize the device with no added effort, and you just have to navigate to it within TWRP. THAT will be the EASY way, and given what you've described, there isn't anything left on the device to be concerned about with respect to backups, etc... so cross your fingers, and if TWRP can mount and find a USB storage device you just have to flash the three zip files from USB storage as previously described. Otherwise, there is not much I could do personally without the device in hand, although the easiest path forward might be to re-flash a stock ROM and start over again. And please note you would not be the first person reading (or writing) this message to need to do that. Once you get the hang of this, it is not a brutal process, but the first time or two it can be a bit intimidating. Hang in there, the good news is that it is somewhat difficult to totally brick most of these things, so persistence should win out. As long as you can still boot it into TWRP you're fine. Now, one other very important thing. If somehow the bootloader was not unlocked, none of this is going to work at all. SO if that is the case, your only recourse is going to be to get that taken care of first, which requires one of: some finesse with ADB / fastboot, a ROM of some sort (i.e. re-install stock) installed on the device that lets you unlock it by flipping the switch in developer settings , or some other more geeky process that is best supervised by a person who genuinely knows what they are doing and with physical access to the device. There will be no shortage of content out here concerning how-to, but some of the folks writing it are not necessarily technical writers targeting a less experienced audience, even if they are in many cases quite brilliant programmers.
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The bootloader is unlocked becaues I unlocked it and I see the red sign:
DEVICE STATE - unlocked
When I click Mount I get the following options, System, Vendor Data, Cache, USB OTG, which one should I select ?
I was able to fix it and I installed it now the Lineage OS works
I had to go to
Mount > enable MTP
and after that I was able to use
and after that I was able to push the zip to the device. Once it was on the phone I was able to use TWARP to install it.
$ adb push lineage-15.1-20180430-nightly-bullhead-signed.zip sdcard
The only question I have is why I get this message every time I turn on the phone, how can I remove it? :
A vendor image mismatch has been detected. Typically this means your vendor images us out of date. Please enousre your vendor image matches OPM2. 171019.029
Since I decided not to install Play Store, how can I now install some programs without the playstore ?
flex567 said:
I was able to fix it and I installed it now the Lineage OS works
I had to go to
Mount > enable MTP
and after that I was able to use
and after that I was able to push the zip to the device. Once it was on the phone I was able to use TWARP to install it.
$ adb push lineage-15.1-20180430-nightly-bullhead-signed.zip sdcard
The only question I have is why I get this message every time I turn on the phone, how can I remove it? :
A vendor image mismatch has been detected. Typically this means your vendor images us out of date. Please enousre your vendor image matches OPM2. 171019.029
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Wow, you took what I would have thought of as the long way, but so far, so good it would seem. I was thinking you could have simply mounted the USB as an OTG device and flashed directly from that via TWRP. I have ZERO clue about the "vendor image mismatch" message. But now that you have it more or less working, you COULD try putting the zip files into the regular downloads folder, do a dalvik and cache (factory reset) wipe, and re-flash them. You haven't loaded up a bunch of stuff to worry about replacing. Worst case you repeat initial setup. What have you got to lose?
---------- Post added at 08:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:27 PM ----------
flex567 said:
I was able to fix it and I installed it now the Lineage OS works
I had to go to
Mount > enable MTP
and after that I was able to use
and after that I was able to push the zip to the device. Once it was on the phone I was able to use TWARP to install it.
$ adb push lineage-15.1-20180430-nightly-bullhead-signed.zip sdcard
The only question I have is why I get this message every time I turn on the phone, how can I remove it? :
A vendor image mismatch has been detected. Typically this means your vendor images us out of date. Please enousre your vendor image matches OPM2. 171019.029
Since I decided not to install Play Store, how can I now install some programs without the playstore ?
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Missed that one, sorry. If you did not flash the GApps zip when you installed Lineage, you can hunt down the .APK files for apps you want on the web. That'd be the only way I can think of and a good reason to re-do it before it is too long into the process !!! If you pick the nano or even pico options you won't be dragging much if any Google bloat onto the phone. Personally, while I often find the Play Store to be a pain in the .... I can ignore it until I need something. On some devices it can certainly be most intrusive.
I don't think I will play around with it now for some time.
I was thinking you could have simply mounted the USB as an OTG device and flashed directly from that via TWRP
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I tried to select the OTG thing but was unable to put the checkmark in.
I also found the fix for Vendor Image mismatch, didn't try if it works though:
I also think this needs to be updated:
you COULD try putting the zip files into the regular downloads folder
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I had problems pushing the LineageOS.zip file anywhere else, I coulnt create new folder.
flex567 said:
I was able to fix it and I installed it now the Lineage OS works
I had to go to
and after that I was able to use
and after that I was able to push the zip to the device. Once it was on the phone I was able to use TWARP to install it.
The only question I have is why I get this message every time I turn on the phone, how can I remove it? :
Since I decided not to install Play Store, how can I now install some programs without the playstore ?
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Congratulations for not installing play store. I think you not installed play services as well. You simply did not install any GApps. That's the first step to get your setup slim and privacy friendly. Next steps are installing f-droid app. From f-droid you can install free software. If you really need apps from play store you can get them with yalp. If they don't run without Google play services you can try microG.
I found a page from which I can download apk files from play store so I will just use that for now.

'Camera Keeps Stopping'

I keep getting this error after installing several Gcams. Then I have to close it. Any idea what it may be?
You must have camera2api enabeld in build.prop!!
look at this website for your solution;
If you want you can check if the api is enabled by searching in the build.prop file and look for "camera.HAL3.enabled=" string. In my case it wasn't there, so i knew the strings had to be filled in the build.prop. It is possible to just add the lines of code yourself, just copy the lines from the dosbox example from the website. You can also just flash the zip file from that site using Magisk. That's what i did and it works like a charm...

