[GUIDE] Customize your OEM bootlogo (logo.img) - OnePlus 5 Themes, Apps, and Mods

Hello, this guide is essentially the usage of the previously developed tool OP3TInject, ported to the Oneplus 3T by @Jo_Jo_2000 here.
OP3TInject works perfectly with Oneplus 5 bootlogo, grab your LOGO partition, unpack, edit bootlogos pictures, repack everything and flash to your phone.
I have tested this and it works on my phone, but you still have to USE THIS ON YOUR OWN RISK.
First, dump original logo.img from your phone, you can grab via adb:
open the adb shell on your pc:
adb shell
you need to be superuser to dump partitions:
list all partitions and find the one corresponding with LOGO (in my case sde18):
cd /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name
ls -all
dump LOGO partition (in my case sde18) to /sdcard/logo.img:
dd if=/dev/block/sde18 of=/sdcard/logo.img
exit from the shell and pull "logo.img" on your pc:
adb pull /sdcard/logo.img
you will find logo.img in the "adb.exe" directory.
Download OnePlus3TInjector.zip from the offical thread and extract somewere, place logo.img in the same directory.
Open a command prompt inside the folder with OP3TInject.exe & logo.img and execute:
OP3TInject -i logo.img -D
You will get bootlogo images in png format.
Modify as you like with image editor of your choice but do not change png format.
Execute in the same command prompt to repack logo.img:
OP3TInject -j fhd -i logo.img
You will get a new file called "modified.logo.bin".
To flash it on your phone i suggest you to edit the original OP5 bootlogo restore zip (download here) with 7zip replacing "logo.img" with the one you got from OP3TInject
(remember to rename from "modified.logo.bin" to "logo.img" before replacing the original one in the zip.)
Flash via TWRP and have fun!.
Huge thanks to @Jo_Jo_2000 and @makers_mark for all the work made on OP3Injector and OP3TInjector.

where can i get this for the oneplus 8t


[dev]How to Un/Re/Pack a Boot.blob and unyaff a boot.img

Technically i have to give credit to scott crossler
for showing me the method
and then i came upon turges
Thanks Turge and Scott and whomever created these blobpacktools
but since i keep getting pms
and im sure you do to
Here are the steps for repacking the boot.img. Some involve running the commands via cygwin, others involve running them via the Windows Command Prompt.
The instructions for installing cygwin, extracting and repacking the boot.img were found here: http://www.freeyourandroid.com/guide...ot-img-windows
Once you have setup cygwin, extract the attached files in a folder under your "home" folder in cygwin.
Also unzip blob tools into the same folder as your boot.blob
copy boot.blob to the same folder and run the following via
the Windows Command Prompt to extract the boot.img from the boot.blob:
BlobUnpack.exe boot.blob
ren boot.blob.LNX boot.img
which will create boot.img
From the cygwin bash terminal window,
switch to the same folder and run the following
to extract the ramdisk from the boot.img:
./extractboot boot.img
You now have an out/ramdisk folder
that contains the files you want to edit.
Once done, repack the ramdisk and kernel into boot_new.img
with the following command (via cygwin once again):
then from the Command Prompt repack boot_new.img
into boot2.blob using the following:
blobpack -s boot2.blob LNX boot_new.img
You can now flash the boot.blob to the staging
partition via a command in updater-script:
package_extract_file("/boot.blob", "/dev/block/mmcblk0p4");
or by using adb while in recovery/android:
dd if=/sdcard/boot2.blob of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p4
Lastly the rundown is like this
if you want to take a ota blob
and extract the contents for a raw base
and a raw kernel
take the ota and extract the blob file and place
in your folder with blobtools
2. then run
blobunpack.exe blob
Which now creates
Blob.APP =System.img (can be renamed system.img and unyaffed in the kitchen)or straight cygwin
Blob.sos=Recovery Img
Blob.Ebt=Bootloader information
Blob.Lnx=kernel (can also just be renamed boot.img and unyaffed in kitchen)
Blob.pt=Partition info
so to repack lets say your custom remade image
and your custom kernel
and a recovery of your choice
blobpack.exe -s blob lnx boot.img sos twrp.blob app system.img
then simply take the blob replace in the ota file
and flash in recovery
and it should flash a rom packed as a blob
...also you can flash the new boot.blob via fastboot mode
>fastboot-i 0x0B05 flash boot boot.blob
Call me stupid, but what does repacking the boot.img do? I never pm'ed you, but what would we gain from this. a lil lost
unpacking a boot.img allows you to take a stock already built kernel
and make specific changes to the ramdisk
more specifically
can make kernel insecure
bootanimation enabled
blah blah blah
and init.rc
but also
and goldfish.rc
and init.trace
and init.usb
then repacked and good to flash
seanzscreams said:
Lastly the rundown is like this
if you want to take a ota blob
and extract the contents for a raw base
and a raw kernel
take the ota and extract the blob file and place
in your folder with blobtools
2. then run
blobunpack.exe blob
Which now creates
Blob.APP =System.img (can be renamed system.img and unyaffed in the kitchen)or straight cygwin
Blob.sos=Recovery Img
Blob.Ebt=Bootloader information
Blob.Lnx=kernel (can also just be renamed boot.img and unyaffed in kitchen)
Blob.pt=Partition info
so to repack lets say your custom remade image
and your custom kernel
and a recovery of your choice
blobpack.exe -s blob lnx boot.img sos twrp.blob app system.img
then simply take the blob replace in the ota file
and flash in recovery
and it should flash a rom packed as a blob
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For a linux (Ubuntu) machine you can easily unpack blob.APP
> sudo mkdir mnt
> sudo mount -o loop blob.APP mnt
- now in your mnt directory , you will have /system ! :good:
My TF300tl can't unlock bootloader. so can I use this way to pack custom ROM ( cm11, liplop...) as official ROM to flash for my tablet ?
konnichiwa said:
My TF300tl can't unlock bootloader. so can I use this way to pack custom ROM ( cm11, liplop...) as official ROM to flash for my tablet ?
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I wouldn't think so, as the ROM would have to be signed to be official

[HOWTO] / [GUIDE] Compile Loki_patch and execute

Things you will need:
Cygwin- http://www.cygwin.com/setup.exe
ADB- http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html
Loki Patch source- https://github.com/djrbliss/loki
These are the steps i took to compile and use loki_patch.
I will assume you have the android sdk setup and ready, I will assume your SDK is under c:/AndroidSDK(this is how mine is setup)
Pulling aboot.img using adb:
You can copy cmd.exe into the folder where adb is located and run it from there so you do not have to navigate to the folder manually, or just run cmd.exe and navigate to the adb folder, for me it is c:\AndroidSDK\sdk\platform-tools.
Once you are in your adb file path and your phone is connected and in debug mode follow these instructions to pull aboot.img from your phone.
Original instructions from djrbliss here https://github.com/djrbliss/loki
[email protected]:~$ adb shell
[email protected]:/ $ su
[email protected]:/ # dd if=/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/aboot of=/data/local/tmp/aboot.img
[email protected]:/ # chmod 644 /data/local/tmp/aboot.img
[email protected]:/ # exit
[email protected]:/ $ exit
[email protected]:~$ adb pull /data/local/tmp/aboot.img
3293 KB/s (2097152 bytes in 0.621s)
Now you should have the file aboot.img in the platform-tools folder(where the adb.exe file is located)
Copy this file to your desktop so you know where it is.
Installing gcc with Cygwin:
Original Instructions came from here http://www.eecg.utoronto.ca/~aamodt/ece242/cygwin.html
Step 0: Download and run the cygwin installer.
Step 1: Select “Install from Internet”
Step 2: Install to default location
Step 3: Use default local package directory (click next)
Step 4: Use whatever internet connection settings (click next)
Step 5: Select a mirror (use the one already selected, click next)
Step 6 (a): In the “Select Packages” expand “Devel”:
Step 6 (b): Select gcc, gdb, and make
Step 7: click next and follow the rest of the installation instructions.
Ok, now that gcc is installed we can compile the loki_patch source to make the executable.
Go here https://github.com/djrbliss/loki
You should see a file called loki_patch.c, click this link and it will open and you can see all the code.
Select the code from top to bottom and right click, copy.
Now right click on your desktop and select new> text file.
Open this text file and paste the code into it, go to file and save as loki_patch.c (make sure you have your file extensions turned on so you can save this as a c source and not a txt file).
We should now have a file called loki_patch.c on the desktop, keep it there for now.
Open up windows explorer and navigate to the following:
(You will see a few files and a kitchen folder)
Create a new folder in here called compile.
Now, let's go back to the desktop and copy loki_patch.c and aboot.img and paste those into the compile folder you just created.
Go ahead and run cygwin.
Now we need to change directories, so let's type the following:
cd compile
We should now be in the compile folder.
Lets compile this code so we can use it, type the following command:
gcc loki_patch.c -o loki_patch
We should now have a file in the compile folder called loki_patch.exe( windows added this .exe, the file extension can be left alone or deleted)
Now you need a boot.img file to patch, grab one from a rom or kernal and copy this into the compile folder.
Once all the files are in the compile folder run the following command to patch the boot.img file:
./loki_patch boot aboot.img boot.img boot.lok
We should now have a boot.lok file in the compile folder, hope this helps and i hope i didnt leave anything out, i will try and update this with screen shots later.
Nice work..thanks
C13v3r0n3 first link is Broken: Cygwin, my friend!!
TheAxman said:
Nice work..thanks
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And that's why you guys rock because that's all greek to me.
"If you ain't first yer last"
Sent from my rockin ATT S4

[TOOL]ADB + Fastboot v1.0.31 for OS X/4.3 [NOW Includes ADB & Fastboot][08-17-2013]

[TOOL]ADB + Fastboot v1.0.31 for OS X/4.3 [NOW Includes ADB & Fastboot][08-17-2013]
There has been some confusion since I discuss using Fastboot in this post, but the zip only contained ADB. This is completely my fault and I apologize. Either way I've updated the .zip to include ADB & Fastboot.​UPDATED: 08/17/2013 - Added Fastboot to adb-1.0.31-mac.zip​
I've seen several people having issues on OS X trying to use ADB since the release of Android 4.3. In my case ADB recognized my device, but each time I ran adb devices my device would be reported as offline. I downloaded the SDK from Google several times and always ended up with ADB v1.0.29 (4.2.2).
This will should solve your OS X & ADB issues if you're running Android 4.3. This ONLY includes the ADB & Fastboot executable files and is for Mac OS X ONLY. I, like many others, do not need the full SDK. If you're not an app developer, like myself, this is all you need to have ADB working on your machine.
For any new OS X users I'll add a how to just so you don't have to go search for it else where:
How to setup ADB + Fastboot on OS X
Note: This is for not for developers. This only includes ADB & Fastboot and is not the full Android SDK
Step 1: Download the ZIP containing ADB & Fastboot
Step 2: Extract the ZIP to the directory of your choice
Step 3: Optional Create an environment variable
1. Open Terminal
2. Type cd to take you to your home directory.
3. Type touch .profile to create a hidden file in your home directory named .profile
touch .profile
4. Type open -e .profile to open the file you just created in TextEdit
open -e .profile
5. In the file, add the following:
export PATH=${PATH}:/PathToDirectoryWhereYouExtractedTheZIP
6. Save the file and close TextEdit, quit Terminal, and relaunch the Terminal
Step 4: In Terminal type adb devices, you should see your phone's corresponding serial number Ex: HXM1005HNF012345 device
adb devices
Note: If you choose not to create an environment variable from Step 3 it effects two things:
1. You will need to cd to the directory containing ADB each time you want to run ADB.
2. When executing ADB commands you will need to add ./ in front of ADB. Ex: ./adb devices
Dropbox Download
Alternate Download

[TOOL]ADB + Fastboot v1.0.31 for OS X/4.3 [NOW Includes ADB & Fastboot][08-17-2013]

[TOOL]ADB + Fastboot v1.0.31 for OS X/4.3 [NOW Includes ADB & Fastboot][08-17-2013]
There has been some confusion since I discuss using Fastboot in this post, but the zip only contained ADB. This is completely my fault and I apologize. Either way I've updated the .zip to include ADB & Fastboot.​UPDATED: 08/17/2013 - Added Fastboot to adb-1.0.31-mac.zip​
I've seen several people having issues on OS X trying to use ADB since the release of Android 4.3. In my case ADB recognized my device, but each time I ran adb devices my device would be reported as offline. I downloaded the SDK from Google several times and always ended up with ADB v1.0.29 (4.2.2).
This will should solve your OS X & ADB issues if you're running Android 4.3. This ONLY includes the ADB & Fastboot executable files and is for Mac OS X ONLY. I, like many others, do not need the full SDK. If you're not an app developer, like myself, this is all you need to have ADB working on your machine.
For any new OS X users I'll add a how to just so you don't have to go search for it else where:
How to setup ADB + Fastboot on OS X
Note: This is for not for developers. This only includes ADB & Fastboot and is not the full Android SDK
Step 1: Download the ZIP containing ADB & Fastboot
Step 2: Extract the ZIP to the directory of your choice
Step 3: Optional Create an environment variable
1. Open Terminal
2. Type cd to take you to your home directory.
3. Type touch .profile to create a hidden file in your home directory named .profile
touch .profile
4. Type open -e .profile to open the file you just created in TextEdit
open -e .profile
5. In the file, add the following:
export PATH=${PATH}:/PathToDirectoryWhereYouExtractedTheZIP
6. Save the file and close TextEdit, quit Terminal, and relaunch the Terminal
Step 4: In Terminal type adb devices, you should see your phone's corresponding serial number Ex: HXM1005HNF012345 device
adb devices
Note: If you choose not to create an environment variable from Step 3 it effects two things:
1. You will need to cd to the directory containing ADB each time you want to run ADB.
2. When executing ADB commands you will need to add ./ in front of ADB. Ex: ./adb devices
Dropbox Download
Alternate Download

Pre Rooted PATCHED_BOOT.IMG (10.0.4) for Magisk Root

Original tutorial located at https://forum.xda-developers.com/oneplus-7t/how-to/guide-how-to-root-oneplus-7t-twrp-t3979307
Hello all. Just providing this file for convenience. All credit goes to original author of the guides. This file is a pre-rooted, magisk patched boot.img for firmware version 10.0.4. Use this boot.img for flashing/booting if you are on version 10.0.4 and want to have root using magisk.
STEP 1 - Put phone into fastboot mode
adb reboot fastboot
STEP 2 - Boot the patched boot.img. Download here
fastboot boot patched_boot_10.0.4.img
STEP 3 - Backup current boot.img. Open an adb shell and find which block device contains your boot partition and then using dd, make a copy of it.
Open ADB Shell
adb shell
Find boot partition
ls -lah /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name | grep -i boot
You will see something like this as output:
boot_a -> /dev/block/sde11
boot_b -> /dev/block/sde38
Make copy of boot partition(s)
dd if=/dev/sde11 of=/sdcard/boot_backup.img
Backup boot.img file(s) to PC
adb pull /sdcard/boot_backup.img
STEP 4 - Install magisk manager
Get magisk manager APK from here. Download the app-release.apk and install on phone.
adb install app-release.apk
STEP 5 - Open magisk manager and select Install -> Direct Install.
After you have completed the above steps, if everything worked correctly, and you followed the steps with common sense, everything should be good to go.
The download link is not working. Do you still have a patched 10.0.4 boot image?

