Petition to return HTC default gallery back - HTC 10 Guides, News, & Discussion

Hello guys,
I made a petition with the request to return default HTC Gallery back. Please sign and share if you agree.
Best Regards,


close account

Dear all,
I used a HTC universal and wizard, but I've sold them both. Therefore I would like to close my account, but how is this possible? I couldn't find the option under user control panel.
Thank you,
You can either scroll to the bottom of a page and click contact us and then from there ask to have your user account deleted or you can just stop using the site. You might as well just leave the account and stop using the site as you never know in the future you may get a new HTC phone and wish to return.
You raised a very important legal question, & believe me you will be answered very appropriately by XDA management as I have found them to be very law abiding people.
pvanbrakel said:
Dear all,
I used a HTC universal and wizard, but I've sold them both. Therefore I would like to close my account, but how is this possible? I couldn't find the option under user control panel.
Thank you,
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Click to collapse
Hi Pieter,
I can remove your account if you send an e-mail to the webmaster account ([email protected]) requesting the removal of your account including your username and registered e-mail address. Please note that this will not automatically remove your posts, if you need your posts to be removed as well please explicitly ask so in the e-mail.
Best regards,

[Q] contact manager on htc one v

hello all,
is there a way to merge all contact from google apps work account to personal google account in the contact manager without the need to click merge one by one? i found it frustrating to click merge all the time.
any tips and trick will be much appreciated. thanks.
kind regards,

[Q] Need Mail and Messaging App of Xperia Z2 for M8

Dear Folks
I have a query, if anyone can help me out in it.
I want the mail client and messaging app of Xperia Z2 for one of my phone HTC M8
Anyone aware of any ports available ?

[Q] Features Missing from hTC One M8

Hi Guys,
I have been a big fan of hTC while all of my colleagues and friends are Samsung and iPhone. I was using htc one x before having this htc one m8. I thought this flagship would be great phone..but I have discovered that they have gotten rid off some of the coolest features. Galley feature from "People" (where you could see all the pictures of your fb friend without going to fb), Notes, Soundhound...I don't know what else as I have been using this phone only for couple of weeks now. Does anyone realise it? is there any way we can have them back..especially Gallery option?
niloyuk said:
Hi Guys,
I have been a big fan of hTC while all of my colleagues and friends are Samsung and iPhone. I was using htc one x before having this htc one m8. I thought this flagship would be great phone..but I have discovered that they have gotten rid off some of the coolest features. Galley feature from "People" (where you could see all the pictures of your fb friend without going to fb), Notes, Soundhound...I don't know what else as I have been using this phone only for couple of weeks now. Does anyone realise it? is there any way we can have them back..especially Gallery option?
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You've already been told about a couple of these from @Sneakyghost on the VenomROM tickets.
Notes isn't there because HTC didn't renew the contract with Evernote. You can install the Evernote app from the playstore, or install Google Keep or Scribble. They are both similar to the Notes app.
Soundhound is also available on the Play Store..
HTC got rid of the Gallery option for a reason I don't know, but probably because they didn't renew the contract with Facebook as well. You aren't going to get that with the M8.
I was going to close your ticket at VenomROMs after answering this post, but I'll leave it up so the devs can see it. Maybe they will try to implement it, but I really doubt it. This is the first request I know of for Venom to get facebook back into the gallery.
Low demand=lots of work for a select few.

[Q] Old Zoe?

Can anyone help me find the old Zoe apk - the one before HTC made it available on Google Play store? That one allowed me to create Zoes as long as I liked. The new one wants me to cut them down to 40 second and to sign in to Zoe's app.
Thanks in advance!

