This thread provides links to Custom ROM Central.
For the Moto X Play, ROMs in the above forum include:
[LUX][OFFICIAL][OMS] Ground Zero Roms - Tesla, Tipsy & Validus
If you have a ROM for this device in Custom ROM Central, contact a Moderator to have it added to the list.
MUSTFirst of all, this is not my rom, I have only been using for a couple of days
All credits goes to 668,123 Over at note 3 forum
For further detail about the rom you can check it out their forum here:
Based on aosb rom 4.3
blazing fast animation and recent card
Silky smooth UI
Haven't encounter any lags yet
countless mods in setting
theme engine, dark ui switch, with a hint of 5.0 lollipop
Works on hlte variants including tmobile note 3
Something fun to try
Comes with a couple of Chinese apps, you can delete them with root uninstaller from google playstore
I have only been using the kernel that came with the rom, use other kernels at your own risk
Pictures are here:
download link for rom:
If you are going to distribute a rom please familiarize yourself with the proper procedures in creating a rom thread. Also with all the proper compliance in posting source and gpl.
In the essence that you just want to share your find and information then a simple information thread posted on the General section telling users about where they can locate this Rom.
I have edited and removed your download links and moved this to the proper area. Please familiarize yourself with the rules regarding posting in the Development sections.
Have a great day!
SONIC OPEN KANG PROJECT >>SOKP is an after market firmware based latest "Android Lolly-Pop 5.X.X. This firmware is designed By Sonic-Developers Taking CyanogenMod Base and Selected features from various other roms like AOKP,AOSPA,SLIM,BeanStalk,AICP,LiquidSmooth Etc.This firmware suits specially for those people who like,Multitasking performance,optimum speed. Another major speciality of rom is Real Ture-HD DTS Sound with Brilliant HD Display optimizations for video & Images. In-addition to This the firmware has Inbuilt options and settings to make customization of your Device the way you like.
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Various Bug Fixes Compared To Goggle AOSP
Material Dark UI.
Advanced Mode In Settings.
Configurable Custom colours in Battery Saver Mode.
On The Spot
On Screen Navigation Bar switch.
Navigation Bar Left handed Mode in Landscape Mode.
Configurable Navigation Bar Hight.
Navigation Bar Button Colour.
Materialised Toast Frames.
Disable FC Dialogues.
Materialised Text Select handle.
Smooth Upload & Download Animations.
Fix For Battery Status wakelock
Status Bar Left Clock.
Customizable Battery icon.
Status bar Notification Counts.
Double Tap To sleep option in status bar.
Status bar Brightness control.
Quick Pull-down
Weather above Quick settings.
Quick Settings Customisations
Configurable Power Menu.
Configurable Multi-user Accounts.
Customizable device wakeup with home, volume buttons
Customizable long press action and Double tap action
Option to reorient volume button when screen rotates
Customizable lock screen slider short-cuts
Glow-pad double tap gesture
Wake Lock Blocker
Customizable Navigation Bar and Navigation Rings
Cyanogen Mod Themes with customizable Styles,,Icons,fonts boot animation,sound packs,etc
Custom Profile switcher
Expanded Desktop
Customizable advanced Display with Scenario,night mode.
Notification Light
Screen Caster
CPU and Memory Info In Settings About.
Custom Volume Steps
Ascending Phone Ring Tones
Privacy Guard
Mock Location and Mock SMS
Adoptive Back light
Beautiful SOKP Fonts System Wide.
Apex Launcher As Default Launcher for Time being.
Own Custom DTS Audio System with support of Digital Dolby & Dolby Digital Plus customizable equalizer which can be used for system wide sound control
Inbuilt Metaon Powered Performance Boost By Spike Lab
Many More ..... (Update List soon)
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We would like to thank CyanogenMod for their device trees, framework/settings mods and their code that was incorporated into this project. We also extend our gratitude to the devs whose code that we have incorporated. Proper authorship has been maintained and can be viewed on our repository.
Nico_60 for his great help & Supporting ...
My Friends @thereassaad & @worstenbrood
Goggle AOSP Source
Slim Rom Developers
PA Developers Team
Scott Hartbti & BeanStalk
Koushik Data
Rizal Lovigs
Zeroinfinity(i love you you are my motivation....)
Developers of HWAUIE ACSEND P6 k3v2oem1 Device
Developrs of Acer E1 Device
My Team Sonic-Developers & Members...
If I still miss any one by-mistake Please don't start Thermo-Nuclear War or Ward War -3 in with me In thread Just Push a PM to me we will Add your Name to list if you deserve it ...
Click Here to See Complete Credit List
Official Beta Testing Team:
If you want to see your name in this list and if you want to get all latest Test Builds before it get released to public then Join us in Official Forum
There is a Dedicated Area for Beta Testing Group !!!
We spend an astonishing amount of time developing this firmware. We can't spend much time on XDA as a result, so if you need support, please try the following:
Search. Search, search, search. Yes, you. I don't care how unique or important your question is, it's very likely someone has addressed it already. Especially if you're even close to new at this.
Read our FAQ, which can be found on ourMod edit: Links removed
Ask a question in your device forum either in xda or Official Forum. . Someone will no doubt try to help you. Warning: this help may come in the form of telling you it's a dumb question that has been asked before. See step 1 - such are the perils of asking questions when you haven't done the research yourself. Android is about helping yourself.
Please Do-not PM your Rom Related Issue to us in any media like xda and face-book.we are not answering to any Rom related issues via xda pm or face-book messages.
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Minimum Requirements To Install SOKP:
Your Device Should be Rooted with Unlocked Boot-loader & Latest Custom recovery Installed.
Recommended Custom Recovery TWRP : Click Here to View TWRP Offical supported devices
Installation Procedure:
(A)If you are making a Fresh Installation(or Coming from any other rom other than SOKP) :
Boot Into Recovery Mode
Wipe Data,System,Cache,Dalvik
Flash provide latest SOKP ROM Zip
Again Wipe Cache and Dalvik
Reboot To System
Now again Reboot into Recovery Mode
Flash latest G-Apps
Wipe Cache and Dalvik....and Reboot To System.
(B)If you are already Running SOKP Rom But You want to Update with latest Version:
Boot Into Recovery Mode
Flash provided Updates of SOKP ROM(latest weekly)
Again Wipe Cache and Dalvik
Reboot To System.
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Official Web-Page
Official Forum Interact Freely with Sonic-Developers !!!
SOKP Statistics
Find out here: Team Sonic-Developers
Remember, Every Penny you send to us goes right back into the rom. It's used for hardware, server costs, etc - all the things that help us make SOKP better with every release. Your support means the world to us! If you've enjoyed SOKP Rom, please consider a donation toward this goal.If you have any issues related to making Donation Please Don't hesitate to hit a PM or Mail to us .Thank you, and we hope you continue to enjoy SOKP Roms!
XDA:DevDB Information
SONIC OPEN KANG PROJECT- A Premium Quality , ROM for Redmi 1S
Lal Ayer
Source Code:
ROM OS Version: 5.1.x Lollipop
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.10.x
ROM Firmware Required: Rooted with Unlocked Boot-loader & Latest Custom recovery Installed.
Based On: AOSP,CyanogenMod
Version Information
Status: Testing
Current Stable Version: SOKP-RC-01-L-5.1-LMY
Stable Release Date: 2015-04-22
Created 2015-04-22
Last Updated 2015-04-21
XDA:DevDB Information
Lal Ayer, Adi Shakthi
Source Code:
ROM OS Version: 5.1.x Lollipop
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.10.x
ROM Firmware Required: Rooted with Unlocked Boot-loader & Latest Custom recovery Installed.
Based On: AOSP,CyanogenMod
Version Information
Status: Testing
Current Beta Version: 2015-04-22
Beta Release Date: 2015-04-20
Created 2015-04-21
Last Updated 2015-04-21
Mod edit: Links removed
Close your thread as already there is an official thread...
And by the way how did you dare to post my work as yours. Mods. request you to delete this thread and warn this imposter.
tapan15in said:
Close your thread as already there is an official thread...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Where ? already closed...ages ago
ok bro i can close soon
Are you really a developer?? Cause Redmi has an ulocked bootloader
Close this thread ... FORUM MODERATORS
12. Using the work of others.
If you are developing something that is based on the work of another Member, you MUST first seek their permission and you must give credit to the member whose work you used. If a dispute occurs about who developed / created a piece of work, first try to settle the matter by private message and NOT in open forum. If this fails, you may then contact a Moderator and provide clear evidence that the work was created by you.
Convincing evidence will result in the copied work being removed. If there is no clear evidence that it was you who created the work, then in the spirit of sharing, all work will remain posted on the forums.
As an addition, developers have the right to hold exclusivity over their work for as long as it is deemed necessary by that developer. However, if the work is claimed as exclusive, it must remain as such. No selective sharing will be allowed (ie, allowing certain people to use it and not others). If the developer decides to start sharing the work with others, the work automatically becomes available for all to use, albeit with the relevant credit displayed.
When permission has already been given, unless there is a very valid reason, it cannot be revoked (same applies to major updates on the work). Under that same premise, permissions cannot be denied unless the work is exclusive or under extreme circumstances.
In plain English: If you want to keep your work exclusive, go for it. However, if you are going to share your work, do it fairly.
These rules apply to all software posted on XDA (including but not limited to ROMs, RUUs, apps, games, kernels, themes, icons, etc) unless that software comes with a license that waives these rules.
Thread closed.
Hey guys,
Ever since I've bought my Moto G⁴ Plus, I've wanted to get into the crazy world of XDA, learn from the experienced folks and contribute in whatever way I can. And I've been pretty happy and impressed with the custom ROM/Kernel/Mod development that has been happening in the community especially for our device.
I've tested and experienced almost all the ROMs available for our device and have learnt a lot from all of you, newbie and experienced alike. So after a lot of thought, consideration and effort, I've decided to start designing custom wallpapers for custom ROMs as my way of giving back to this awesome community.
Since I have no expertise in development and being a designer by profession, I think this would the best way to start contributing to and showing the support for custom ROM development.
For the pilot, I have made a few wallpapers for our beloved custom ROM - LineageOS 14.1 OMS developed by @Silesh.Nair (being my first and one of the favs for the sense and quality of the experience it delivers)
I'd be happy to make wallpapers for any other ROMs on request and shall do it whenever time permits.
Anyways, sorry for the long intro and I hope you guys like the work!
Hit a thanks if y'all liked it! Cheers to all!
All wallpapers: DOWNLOAD
Custom Wallpapers:
> LineageOS OMS 14.1 by Silesh.Nair
> Resurrection Remix
> AOSP-Extended
> AOSCP/CypherOS
> Cosmic OS
More Lineage OMS wall(s)!
Added "Times" Cypher-OS wallpapers
Added initial Cosmic-OS wallpaper(s)
Added initial AOSCP/CypherOS wallpaper(s)
Added initial AOSP-Extended wallpapers
Added initial RR wallpapers
Added initial Lineage-OMS wallpapers
Hey guys
I got new AOSP custom ROM
Buugs - volte problem
Camera fixed and patch available
Features - nougat 7.1
Smooth ROM
Fully customisable
Links are
Open gapps :-
Camera patch :-
Thanks to the developers
Samar v and others
Xoxo enjoy
Please look at other ROM threads for a better idea of how to present this kind of thing. Layout, content and features for starters.
Pay particular attention to Sources, Credits, a full description and some screenshots.
Thread closed - PM a Moderator to re-open once you are ready to correct.
Evolution X for LG V30 (Joan)
About Us
Evolution X is an AOSP based ROM, with Google apps included and all Pixel goodies (launcher, wallpapers, icons,
fonts, bootanimation) and ADDITIONAL FEATURES.
Mobile data
FM Radio
Fingerprint reader
Sound / vibration
Face lock
Dirac Sound enhancer
Additional QS tiles
Battery Icon Styles
Lock screen clock/date styles
Lock screen visualizer/ambient visualizer
Ambient Music Ticker
and many more
Known Issues
-None at the moment-
Reboot to recovery
Download the proper zip for the device
Wipe data/cache/system when coming from ROMs that are not AOSP based
Flash the latest build
Flash Magisk
Reboot to system
XDA:DevDB Information
Evolution X, ROM for the LG V30
ROM OS Version: 9.x Pie
ROM Kernel: Linux 4.x
ROM Firmware Required: oreo firmware
Version Information
Status: Stable
Current Stable Version: 1
Stable Release Date: 2019-11-01
Current Beta Version: 1
Beta Release Date: 2019-11-01
Created 2019-11-26
Last Updated 2019-11-26
obb626 said:
Evolution X for LG V30 (Joan)
Known Issues
-None at the moment-
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
See post #3 of this thread for known issues on all AOSP/LOS-16 custom ROMs. You should post a link to that in the OP:
tech_infinity said:
Bugs on Pie AOSP ROMs
1. No VoLTE or VoWifi
2. AVC reset bug when you pause and play music.
3. Have to say 'Ok google' twice to launch google assistant.
4. Static sound on loudspeaker on video calls, PUBG etc. Use earphones and it will work fine.
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Unless you've solved those issues?
But thanks for new ROM!
why the link is BADA Evolution X 2019-05-03
sumochan said:
why the link is BADA Evolution X 2019-05-03
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
This is the updated links
why have you made a thread with ROM built by someone else?
Have taken permission from @BADA 187 ?
Wow. You've not even mentioned Bada.
so ehm . what happened here?
you do know copy pasting a thread from someone else isn't the same as building a rom yourself right?
Sorry I will take it down
Thread Closed due to violation of Forum Rules No. 12!
12.1. Give credits where due - Credits and acknowledgments for using and releasing work which is based on someone else's work are an absolute must. Works reported to have no credits will be taken down until proper acknowledgments are added by the member in question;
12.3. Re-releasing other's works as your own is forbidden. The code that you release into the wild must have something beyond minor aesthetic changes that makes it better than the last. As this can be subjective, kang reports will be reviewed on a case by case basis. If you feel that your code has been kanged, please contact the Dev Relations team (listed below) if you cannot solve the issue amicably via PM. Please understand that you will be asked to provide evidence to substantiate your claim;
12.4. Developers can issue take down requests (by contacting the Dev Relations team) under the following circumstances:
- in-process builds start showing up on forums when the developer is not yet ready to release the work;
- cases in which another developer is too aggressively soliciting donations or misrepresenting the work (kanging);
- unofficial builds where an official build is already available;
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Forum Moderator / Recognized Developer