My phone just suddenly stopped vibrate! It was working 5 minutes ago and it just stopped. No matter what I do, keyboard, vibrate mode, vibration test, etc nothing works. I suppose this is a hardware issue. I'm running cm14.1 with team m8 kernel. If this is a hardware issue, would anyone please tell me how to fix this.
does it vibrate on reboot ?
restore to stock or flash another rom and see how it's going
ahmed.ismael said:
does it vibrate on reboot ?
restore to stock or flash another rom and see how it's going
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No it does not vibrate on reboot. Neither does it vibrate in twrp. BTW it was working in the morning and without me doing anything, it just suddenly stopped working. I don't this this is a rom problem.
Sent from my HTC One (M8) using XDA Labs
justinchao740 said:
No it does not vibrate on reboot. Neither does it vibrate in twrp. BTW it was working in the morning and without me doing anything, it just suddenly stopped working. I don't this this is a rom problem.
Sent from my HTC One (M8) using XDA Labs
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i don't think it's a rom bug
twrp doesn't vibrate on reactions,neither on rebooting ( on splash screen ) is not related to the rom
do you disassemble it ?
try to run the RUU and see how it's going
ahmed.ismael said:
i don't think it's a rom bug
twrp doesn't vibrate, neither on rebooting ( on splash screen ) is not related to the rom
do you disassemble it ?
try to run the RUU and see how it's going
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That's exactly what I said. And no I've never dissembled the phone. I also don't think RUU can fix it because I don't think this is a software problem. Do you know how to safely replace the vibrate module
Sent from my HTC One (M8) using XDA Labs
justinchao740 said:
......... Do you know how to safely replace the vibrate module
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you might need to add that to OP or thread title
Sent from my HTC M8 using XDA Labs
hi, i've just flashed PrimoS-v3.3, booted my phone and i'm stuck..can't do anything on the main screen because i've got the transparent stuff saying "Pull down to see notifications...Press....."
I've got a cross on the top bottom of the monitor but it doesnt work..
Anyone, help?! :\
Pull the batter reboot if it doesn't solve do a fullwipe and reinstall...
Sent from my HTC Desire HD using xda premium
tommy2601 said:
Pull the batter reboot if it doesn't solve do a fullwipe and reinstall...
Sent from my HTC Desire HD using xda premium
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Dude i've done what u said, i formatted everything, now the phone doesnt boot :x ...
When trying to boot into recover, power+up volume all i got is a blinking red light :x
so i managed to flash the rom again, and i think now it's working!
i tried to install this rom on my dhd.i make full wipe and install,but when i reboot.i see htc logo and after the blacvk screen.Anyone can help for me?
wifi disconnects when open Facebook app
When I open Facebook app after few sec's wifi disconnects. It's like ON but not scanning and there are no available networks.
I must restart to be in normal.
Anyone else have this problem.
I'm on a 3.3 and DHD
3.3 version slow processing speed
On 3.3 during call when the screen is off volume buttons regulate Media volume instead In-call volume.
Desire HD
be sure that you have s-off and bootloader unlocked in the mean time this rom is a port so i suggest you try a normal rom while this rom is still work in progress
ghalyoum said:
be sure that you have s-off and bootloader unlocked in the mean time this rom is a port so i suggest you try a normal rom while this rom is still work in progress
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Be sure that you never try to run S-OFF tools while your bootloader is unlocked...
Please help me this is urgent i got this phone recently.. I tried to root it, it said successful then i restarted now it wont turn back on.... I even waited 2hours!!! =(((
What tool did you use to root?
Try to hold power only, then try to hold power and volumedown.
TToivanen said:
What tool did you use to root?
Try to hold power only, then try to hold power and volumedown.
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what do you mean by what tool? I kinda dont understand the rooting terminology... maybe CWM supersu?
keep replying because i need to show u the link and it wont let me until after 10 posts
its still not [email protected]@
Just give me the name of the tool, I'll find it.
Feel free to pm me your email if you want.
Sent from my HTC One X using xda app-developers app
TToivanen said:
Just give me the name of the tool, I'll find it.
Feel free to pm me your email if you want.
Sent from my HTC One X using xda app-developers app
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(HD) Root the HTC One X - Part 2/2 - Clockwork Mod and Superuser - Cursed4eva
Thanks, I'll look into this tomorrow or the day after.
Sent from my HTC One X
TToivanen said:
Thanks, I'll look into this tomorrow or the day after.
Sent from my HTC One X
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It's on youtube.. could you please help me right now? I am really anxious and i want to see if i should get a new phone or not... my parents will kill me. kinda in a hurry
Alright then, be sure to hit the thanks button.
You unlocked bootloader, installed cwm, and flashed, correct? Everything went smoothly until then? And now your phone doesn't switch on?
Have you tried holding power, or holding power and volumedown?
Can you see a led when connecting to a charger?
How about windows device manager? Can you see anything there when plugging phone in? Plug in sound?
Sent from my HTC One X
Sorry.... i thought you were really not gunna reply! okay
TToivanen said:
Alright then, be sure to hit the thanks button.
You unlocked bootloader, installed cwm, and flashed, correct? Everything went smoothly until then? And now your phone doesn't switch on?
Have you tried holding power, or holding power and volumedown?
Can you see a led when connecting to a charger?
How about windows device manager? Can you see anything there when plugging phone in? Plug in sound?
Sent from my HTC One X
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EVERYTHING is and went fine exept when i restarted the phone it wont go passed the "HTC one" with beats audio logo on the bottom screen..... i've tested it out for like 2 hours.. still there.
Wipe cache in recovery.
If that doesn't work you must've wiped your rom clean by accident.
Sent from my HTC One X
TToivanen said:
Wipe cache in recovery.
If that doesn't work you must've wiped your rom clean by accident.
Sent from my HTC One X
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yeah it doesn't work
You wanna have the stock rom or go for a custom?
Sent from my HTC One X
TToivanen said:
So you wanna have the stock rom or go for a custom?
Sent from my HTC One X
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custom lol
Imma help you with that tomorrow.
Sent from my HTC One X
TToivanen said:
Imma help you with that tomorrow.
Sent from my HTC One X
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how long will it take? do you think i can do it myself? can u guide me? Lol i'm impatient! i need my precious phone!!! :/
Hello. I installed the TWRP 2.5 to get s-off, and finally got inside it. Now I have a really big problem, as the TWRP doesn't let me click (touch) on the phone. In other words, the touch is not responding. I'm stucked in the lock screen of the TWRP that says "swipe to unlock". It doesn't let me restart the phone... any ideas to solve it? If only the battery was removable...
jcasado94 said:
Hello. I installed the TWRP 2.5 to get s-off, and finally got inside it. Now I have a really big problem, as the TWRP doesn't let me click (touch) on the phone. In other words, the touch is not responding. I'm stucked in the lock screen of the TWRP that says "swipe to unlock". It doesn't let me restart the phone... any ideas to solve it? If only the battery was removable...
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Hold power and volume down to reboot. The proximity sensor on the corner needs to be under a bright light.
The reason it won't work is because 4.2.2 came with updated touch drivers, you need the newest TWRP image from their thread. Either from the international or the Sprint model, I'm not sure which is compatible with Verizon.
Sent from my HTC One using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
CoryTallman said:
Hold power and volume down to reboot. The proximity sensor on the corner needs to be under a bright light.
The reason it won't work is because 4.2.2 came with updated touch drivers, you need the newest TWRP image from their thread. Either from the international or the Sprint model, I'm not sure which is compatible with Verizon.
Sent from my HTC One using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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thanks, but i solved it with a adb reboot. But it's curious what you said about the proximity sensor..
Brother Can u plz tell me how u rebooted ur device... i am using HTC Desire 826... i am stuck on TWRP lock screen and my touch is not working...i dont know how i reset my device and the worst part is Battery is non removable... plz help
IrfanBhat said:
Brother Can u plz tell me how u rebooted ur device... i am using HTC Desire 826... i am stuck on TWRP lock screen and my touch is not working...i dont know how i reset my device and the worst part is Battery is non removable... plz help
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I'm not sure about your particular device but HTC generally resets phone by long pressing Power + VOL DOWN for almost 10 seconds.
Hey Guys I really need your help.
I'm really worried as my phone just wont switch on. I was having issues with CM11, so I reverted back to ViperX 4.0.7, flashed the heartbleed patch, installed regular apps and the phone was working fine. With around 25% charge, I did a restart and the phone just won't switch ON again. Couple of times earlier when the phone wouldn't switch one I would hold the Power+Vol Down and it would start in the bootloader. But right now even that is not working. I tried keeping it under direct light and holding the buttons that too isn't working. Have charged it for nearly 18 hours now. Its out of warranty. Guys any help Whats wrong with it? How do I fix this ? Any help would be really appreciated.
xtr0ngrid said:
Hey Guys I really need your help.
I'm really worried as my phone just wont switch on. I was having issues with CM11, so I reverted back to ViperX 4.0.7, flashed the heartbleed patch, installed regular apps and the phone was working fine. With around 25% charge, I did a restart and the phone just won't switch ON again. Couple of times earlier when the phone wouldn't switch one I would hold the Power+Vol Down and it would start in the bootloader. But right now even that is not working. I tried keeping it under direct light and holding the buttons that too isn't working. Have charged it for nearly 18 hours now. Its out of warranty. Guys any help Whats wrong with it? How do I fix this ? Any help would be really appreciated.
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Connect phone to pc and hold the power button...if you don't have luck your phone is stuck in apx mode so only HTC can fix it...if not then you may have luck and it will turn on the normally
Gesendet von meinem HTC One_M8 mit Tapatalk
One-M8-Master said:
Connect phone to pc and hold the power button...if you don't have luck your phone is stuck in apx mode so only HTC can fix it...if not then you may have luck and it will turn on the normally
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Thanks One-m8-master. I connected the phone to the PC and in device manager under 'Other Devices' it showed up as APX. Then I tried pressing the Volume down key for 10 Seconds+ and then pressing the Power key for 10 seconds without the usb. And then after reconnecting it to the PC it displayed 'USB Device not recognized' and under 'USB controllers' shows Unknown device. Does it mean its still in APX mode?
xtr0ngrid said:
Thanks One-m8-master. I connected the phone to the PC and in device manager under 'Other Devices' it showed up as APX. Then I tried pressing the Volume down key for 10 Seconds+ and then pressing the Power key for 10 seconds without the usb. And then after reconnecting it to the PC it displayed 'USB Device not recognized' and under 'USB controllers' shows Unknown device. Does it mean its still in APX mode?
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Yes, your phone is bricked....even if you get out of apx mode like I sometimes was able after a reboot or so you will stuck again and after a few times it will never turn on send in
Gesendet von meinem HTC One_M8 mit Tapatalk
One-M8-Master said:
Yes, your phone is bricked....even if you get out of apx mode like I sometimes was able after a reboot or so you will stuck again and after a few times it will never turn on send in
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i was dreading those words
Just a recap. I was running CM11. Phone switched off at 50%. Dint Turn on for a long time. Turned it on by pressing Power+Vol Down (holding it for a while). Phone ran fine till it discharged completely and shut down. After charging it for a while, had to restart it again by Power+Vol Down. And apps started crashing. Next:
1) Booted into bootloader >fastboot USB>Flashed ViperX.4.0.7 boot img. included in full rom zip file.
2) In CWM recovery the The viper Installation failed. Back to Bootloader
3) Flashed the TWRP recovery.
4) Fastboot flash Viper boot.img again followed by fastboot erase cache.
5)Flashed the Viper Rom. Installed Apps. All went fine.
6) Did a restart it worked ok. After sometime I did a restart again and it Never came back.
Any idea what I screwed up with those steps so i dont mess it up again??
xtr0ngrid said:
i was dreading those words
Just a recap. I was running CM11. Phone switched off at 50%. Dint Turn on for a long time. Turned it on by pressing Power+Vol Down (holding it for a while). Phone ran fine till it discharged completely and shut down. After charging it for a while, had to restart it again by Power+Vol Down. And apps started crashing. Next:
1) Booted into bootloader >fastboot USB>Flashed ViperX.4.0.7 boot img. included in full rom zip file.
2) In CWM recovery the The viper Installation failed. Back to Bootloader
3) Flashed the TWRP recovery.
4) Fastboot flash Viper boot.img again followed by fastboot erase cache.
5)Flashed the Viper Rom. Installed Apps. All went fine.
6) Did a restart it worked ok. After sometime I did a restart again and it Never came back.
Any idea what I screwed up with those steps so i dont mess it up again??
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You Should Use Phizl'recovery (5.19.5),do not Fullwipe in Aroma. I think it ll be OK.
Sent from my One X using XDA Free mobile app
Namautoenx said:
You Should Use Phizl'recovery (5.19.5),do not Fullwipe in Aroma. I think it ll be OK.
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Thanks for the reply. But even to load Phizl'recovery, How do i get somewhere to install it without the phone turning on??
xtr0ngrid said:
Thanks for the reply. But even to load Phizl'recovery, How do i get somewhere to install it without the phone turning on??
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Yeh, ị misunderstand your comment, I don't know your phone can not switch On.
Sent from my One X using XDA Free mobile app
Mr Hofs said:
As one M8 said, a APX is a bricked hox. No wrongs steps caused that it's just a hardware fault. Replacing the mainboard will solve it permanently.
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Thank you Mr. Hofs. I guess Im out of luck then. I had purchased the phone from a different county and its been well more than 1.5 years. I love this phone too much
Does using aosp roms brick the device ? Or changing roms does that ?
My device is running aosp ROM and when it runs out of battery, i cant switch it on normally after putting it on charge. I have to keep pushing the power button to boot it (capacitive buttons flashes)
Is my phone also dying ? said:
Does using aosp roms brick the device ? Or changing roms does that ?
My device is running aosp ROM and when it runs out of battery, i cant switch it on normally after putting it on charge. I have to keep pushing the power button to boot it (capacitive buttons flashes)
Is my phone also dying ?
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Don't know, ask it in the Q&A section, maybe someone knows there about this issue. Or ask it in a AOSP rom thread if more people suffer from this matter. This should be the development thread for the Viper X rom said:
Does using aosp roms brick the device ? Or changing roms does that ?
My device is running aosp ROM and when it runs out of battery, i cant switch it on normally after putting it on charge. I have to keep pushing the power button to boot it (capacitive buttons flashes)
Is my phone also dying ?
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Guess that should Not be the reason. Many use AOSP Roms and even switch between sense and aosp roms often. My phone was working fine with both CM11 and Viper no problems absolutely until yesterday where apps started crashing and after a fresh install, its just not turning on.
xtr0ngrid said:
Guess that should Not be the reason. Many use AOSP Roms and even switch between sense and aosp roms often. My phone was working fine with both CM11 and Viper no problems absolutely until yesterday where apps started crashing and after a fresh install, its just not turning on.
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I really hope somehow your phone starts ... Its sad to see someone's phone getting bricked... said:
I really hope somehow your phone starts ... Its sad to see someone's phone getting bricked...
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Thanks buddy. I took it to the HTC Centre today and they said motherboard needs to be replaced which would cost a bomb almost equal to buying a new phone. I just have one query, with the phone looking more or less hard bricked, is JTAG a good solution? Do the phones go the distance once they have been fixed via JTAG. Thanks for all the support guys.
xtr0ngrid said:
Thanks buddy. I took it to the HTC Centre today and they said motherboard needs to be replaced which would cost a bomb almost equal to buying a new phone. I just have one query, with the phone looking more or less hard bricked, is JTAG a good solution? Do the phones go the distance once they have been fixed via JTAG. Thanks for all the support guys.
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It's a hardware issue... you didn't accidentally brick the device so it should not help.
xtr0ngrid said:
Thanks buddy. I took it to the HTC Centre today and they said motherboard needs to be replaced which would cost a bomb almost equal to buying a new phone. I just have one query, with the phone looking more or less hard bricked, is JTAG a good solution? Do the phones go the distance once they have been fixed via JTAG. Thanks for all the support guys.
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Jtag could help but it's really hard or even impossible to do it with this phone...also the apx mode/bricked phone is due to some problems in system partitions which can't be modified by flashing roms or kernels without's just a fault which earlier devices of one x are can also happen if you flash too Many times different roms without wiping system or even wiping system too many times...but for now you can ether get a new device because buying new mainboard is stupid if it costs like a new device xD
Gesendet von meinem HTC One_M8 mit Tapatalk
One-M8-Master said:
Jtag could help but it's really hard or even impossible to do it with this phone...also the apx mode/bricked phone is due to some problems in system partitions which can't be modified by flashing roms or kernels without's just a fault which earlier devices of one x are can also happen if you flash too Many times different roms without wiping system or even wiping system too many times...but for now you can ether get a new device because buying new mainboard is stupid if it costs like a new device xD
Gesendet von meinem HTC One_M8 mit Tapatalk
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a RUU won't help ? just a suggestion !
xeloni said:
a RUU won't help ? just a suggestion !
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Ruu wud be helpful if the phone atleast booted to bootloader
So he can't do that
Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk
kantry123 said:
Ruu wud be helpful if the phone atleast booted to bootloader
So he can't do that
Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk
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xeloni said:
a RUU won't help ? just a suggestion !
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Nope even if the phone could boot by luck it won't help...there are damaged partitions which only can be fixed by replacing mainboard or use different hardware to repair them...a ruu just format and wipes them...if we had s-off we maybe could repartition whole only help is replacing majnboard or buying new phone
Gesendet von meinem HTC One_M8 mit Tapatalk
One-M8-Master said:
Nope even if the phone could boot by luck it won't help...there are damaged partitions which only can be fixed by replacing mainboard or use different hardware to repair them...a ruu just format and wipes them...if we had s-off we maybe could repartition whole only help is replacing majnboard or buying new phone
Gesendet von meinem HTC One_M8 mit Tapatalk
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I will never buy a nvidia phone !!
Only Qualcomm !!
my htc one m8 shouts down anytime, even on 100% battery. I am only able to run it on power bank, is this a software issue or i need to get the battery replaced?
Yugank Kulshrestha said:
my htc one m8 shouts down anytime, even on 100% battery. I am only able to run it on power bank, is this a software issue or i need to get the battery replaced?
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flash the stock RUU for your device if it's available and see how it's going
But i think it's battery related,maybe i'm wrong and it's rom/kernel related
Sent from my HTC M8 using XDA Labs
ahmed.ismael said:
flash the stock RUU for your device if it's available and see how it's going
But i think it's battery related,maybe i'm wrong and it's rom/kernel related
Sent from my HTC M8 using XDA Labs
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also tried by flashing Stock RUU nut the problem is still there. I think it's a battery issue
Yugank Kulshrestha said:
also tried by flashing Stock RUU nut the problem is still there. I think it's a battery issue
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at this point you are correct it's battery problem
Sent from my HTC M8 using XDA Labs
SmartPhonesFan said:
I got m8 and it reboots every minute..
Is it software is it?
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Did you read the previous posts in this thread? When posting to a thread, it would make sense for you to actually thread the thread, as the solutions posted may be useful.
SmartPhonesFan said:
How to enter recovery options? It threw me to red triangle exclamation icon and stucked there.
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Hold vol down, then press and release power button.
But you won't find too many useful options in the stock recovery aside from factory reset and wipe cache. Which are worth a try (obviously, you will lose your data if you factory reset) but not necessarily fix anything (and I'd say its pretty unlikely to help).