Wileyfox Telegram Group - Wileyfox Swift

Hey Wileyfox Users
Wanted to let you guys know I have started a Telegram Channel for the Wileyfox Swift. It would be nice if you could post an issue and have it resolved in minutes. Please do not hesitate to join. I think it would be worth your while. Plus it allows you to interact with other Wileyfox Users
Join: https://telegram.me/wileyfoxxda

People can't interact in a Telegram channel (it isn't a group). In Telegram channels the information are unidirectional.


Galaxy J5 - General Telegram Group

Hello guys,
I created a Telegram group for our community. In this group we can talk generally about our phone (themes, launchers, modding and etc.). Invite guys and DEVS who have this phone to join this new group so we can start a new community. There's no need to share your telephone number so the privacy is safe.
The aren't rules, but I invite you to talk in English and to bring respect to other members.
If you want join, just install Telegram in your smartphone and click here: https://telegram.me/joinchat/ArXYnQha8O11kWzcHQgowg
Hope a community will born, see you in the group
still working? I couldn't join

Telegram Group for our MOTO G4 Plus

Hi Guys,
I have created a Telegram Supergroup of our Device specifically for general discussions and all the updates.
Used telegram because it has tons of benefits over whatsapp like cloud save chats for supergroups, file sharing limit of 4gigs, bots and even groups can expand to 10,000 members.
No need to share the phone number for joining.
click on the below invite link
XDA exists for this reason....

Please join Motorola chat on Telegram

There is a nice Telegram group for Motorola devices.
Just head to Android Portal https://t.me/AndroidPortal and click Motorola Mobile to join the group.

Telegram chat group for the users

CHAT GROUP​Hey all, so I thought of a propper manner of communication and ended up making a Telegram chat group.
If you want to join and discuss and hang around, install Telegram and press the following link https://t.me/joinchat/CkKjrAnp05T220Ef1B5K9w
There you go you're all set.
Have fun ya'll

Optimus G Telegram Group

For every new phone there is a Telegram Group and a lot of people are happy to talk with others about their phone. Unfortunately, for older devices these options don't exist, so I decided to open a Telegram Group for the good old optimus g.
Here's the telegram link
Join if you're interesting.

