If anyone can solve my problem, I've got a donation coming your way. I've got a Verizon HTC One M8 and cannot run GPE or AOSP based Roms without having intermittent cellular connectivity issues. Phone works fine on sense based though. I've tried all of the obvious things like RUU and factory reset from both bootloader as well as stock recovery. I also tried new sim cards too. If anyone has new ideas I'm all ears!
Sent from my HTC6525LVW using XDA-Developers mobile app
Is your firmware up to date?
If you know how, do fastboot getvar all, and post the results (delete IMEI and serial number before posting).
These issues have been posted a ton by users on AOSP based firmware. Not sure about GPE as I've never personally used it on this device. But it's just something that will eventually be fixed upstream.
redpoint73 said:
Is your firmware up to date?
If you know how, do fastboot getvar all, and post the results (delete IMEI and serial number before posting).
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Yes, FW is vzw up to date. I'll get other info too.
Sent from my HTC6525LVW using XDA-Developers mobile app
SeanHacker said:
These issues have been posted a ton by users on AOSP based firmware. Not sure about GPE as I've never personally used it on this device. But it's just something that will eventually be fixed upstream.
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I'm on Sense firmware. It's there Roms, not the FW that I'm having issues with.
Sent from my HTC6525LVW using XDA-Developers mobile app
Dan Tekle said:
I'm on Sense firmware. It's there Roms, not the FW that I'm having issues with.
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I think in this case, SeanHacker was (confusingly) using the term "firmware" to be synonymous with ROM. There is not such thing as AOSP firmware (such as firmware.zip with hboot, radio, etc.) in the sense you are I are talking about firmware.
I think he basically means its a ROM issue, that will hopefully be fixed.
redpoint73 said:
I think in this case, SeanHacker was (confusingly) using the term "firmware" to be synonymous with ROM. There is not such thing as AOSP firmware (such as firmware.zip with hboot, radio, etc.) in the sense you are I are talking about firmware.
I think he basically means its a ROM issue, that will hopefully be fixed.
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Yea, I figured. However I'm in the very small minority (I think) with these issues. Others using cm13 and GPE roms don't have them.
Sent from my HTC6525LVW using XDA-Developers mobile app
redpoint73 said:
I think in this case, SeanHacker was (confusingly) using the term "firmware" to be synonymous with ROM. There is not such thing as AOSP firmware (such as firmware.zip with hboot, radio, etc.) in the sense you are I are talking about firmware.
I think he basically means its a ROM issue, that will hopefully be fixed.
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Yeah. Not sure why I said firmware. I meant ROM. ?
Dan Tekle said:
I'm on Sense firmware. It's there Roms, not the FW that I'm having issues with.
Sent from my HTC6525LVW using XDA-Developers mobile app
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Dan Tekle said:
Yea, I figured. However I'm in the very small minority (I think) with these issues. Others using cm13 and GPE roms don't have them.
Sent from my HTC6525LVW using XDA-Developers mobile app
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Yep. I meant ROM. Not firmware issue. You're definitely not in a small minority. I have seen tons of posts on twitter, g+, XDA, ect with the same issues. I see the issue every day as I only use AOSP. I've been working on the issue myself trying to resolve the problem.
Dan Tekle said:
I'm on Sense firmware. It's there Roms, not the FW that I'm having issues with.
Sent from my HTC6525LVW using XDA-Developers mobile app
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Of course you have Sense firmware. You have a Verizon M8 and can't have GSM.
Have you tried to flash back to stock to see if the problem persists? I'm not sure if there is a Verizon RUU available (there probably is), but running an RUU should fix everything.
If you do a restore after, and you get problems again, then you'll have to suss out the source to get it fixed.
xunholyx said:
Of course you have Sense firmware. You have a Verizon M8 and can't have GSM.
Have you tried to flash back to stock to see if the problem persists? I'm not sure if there is a Verizon RUU available (there probably is), but running an RUU should fix everything.
If you do a restore after, and you get problems again, then you'll have to suss out the source to get it fixed.
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Already done several RUU's and and I was trying to help the previous person understand that the problem wasn't likely my firmware. If you have something to add that might shed some light or might help, lmk.
Sent from my HTC6525LVW using XDA-Developers mobile app
$25 bucks to anyone who figures it out.
Sent from my HTC6525LVW using XDA-Developers mobile app
Dan Tekle said:
Already done several RUU's and and I was trying to help the previous person understand that the problem wasn't likely my firmware. If you have something to add that might shed some light or might help, lmk.
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I don't know what "several RUUs" means (be specific and list the file names), but if its non-VZN RUUs, they won't work and its a really bad idea, as they may even radio brick the phone.
Do fastboot getvar all, and post the results so I can see more info about the phone (delete IMEI and serial number before posting).
SeanHacker said:
Yeah. Not sure why I said firmware. I meant ROM. ?
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No worries...
redpoint73 said:
I don't know what "several RUUs" means (be specific and list the file names), but if its non-VZN RUUs, they won't work and its a really bad idea, as they may even radio brick the phone.
Do fastboot getvar all, and post the results so I can see more info about the phone (delete IMEI and serial number before posting).
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Alright, here you go! And TIA if you figure this one out . As far as the RUU (Rom Update Utility) I use @dottat's VZWM8_S_OFF_SF_6.0_RUU.zip (File Name).
Please let me know if you need anything else.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>adb reboot bootloader
C:\Program Files (x86)\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot getvar all
(bootloader) version: 0.5
(bootloader) version-bootloader:
(bootloader) version-baseband:
(bootloader) version-cpld: None
(bootloader) version-microp: None
(bootloader) version-main:
(bootloader) version-misc: PVT SHIP S-OFF
(bootloader) serialno:
(bootloader) imei:
(bootloader) imei2: Not Support
(bootloader) meid: 99000429334796
(bootloader) product: m8_wlv
(bootloader) platform: hTCBmsm8974
(bootloader) modelid: 0P6B20000
(bootloader) cidnum: VZW__001
(bootloader) battery-status: good
(bootloader) battery-voltage: 0mV
(bootloader) partition-layout: Generic
(bootloader) security: off
(bootloader) build-mode: SHIP
(bootloader) boot-mode: FASTBOOT
(bootloader) commitno-bootloader: 205bdca3
(bootloader) hbootpreupdate: 11
(bootloader) gencheckpt: 0
all: Done!
finished. total time: 0.266s
Dan Tekle said:
As far as the RUU (Rom Update Utility) I use dottat's VZWM8_S_OFF_SF_6.0_RUU.zip (File Name).
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If you ran the RUU, and it installed fully and successfully, but you get the same result on AOSP ROMs; I would have to think its a ROM issue, as SeanHacker has already stated.
redpoint73 said:
If you ran the RUU, and it installed fully and successfully, but you get the same result on AOSP ROMs; I would have to think its a ROM issue, as SeanHacker has already stated.
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So nothing out of place in the getvar? And yes no issues with RUU. However it's not just AOSP Roms, its also GPE which makes me think it's a device config issue. I'm stumped and frustrated[emoji16]
Sent from my HTC One_M8 using XDA-Developers mobile app
Dan Tekle said:
So nothing out of place in the getvar? And yes no issues with RUU. However it's not just AOSP Roms, its also GPE which makes me think it's a device config issue. I'm stumped and frustrated[emoji16]
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Getvar looks okay, except that the OS number is missing. RUU should have normally have fixed that, but I'm not 100% on how the s-off RUU works.
The VZN and Sprint versions (CDMA versions) of the M8 have different kernels and different firmware. I've seen some folks with the CDMA versions have to play around with one thing or another to get the network to work correctly, even on Sense ROMs.
redpoint73 said:
Getvar looks okay, except that the OS number is missing. RUU should have normally have fixed that, but I'm not 100% on how the s-off RUU works.
The VZN and Sprint versions (CDMA versions) of the M8 have different kernels and different firmware. I've seen some folks with the CDMA versions have to play around with one thing or another to get the network to work correctly, even on Sense ROMs.
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Yea I'm familiar with those issues and I've been able to fix initial problem on sense based Roms but never had anything work and stick on GPE or AOSP. The OS version normally shows with the RUU installed but goes blank after a custom ROM is loaded. I'm on the most recent OS though.
Sent from my HTC One_M8 using XDA-Developers mobile app
Dan Tekle said:
The OS version normally shows with the RUU installed but goes blank after a custom ROM is loaded. I'm on the most recent OS though.
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The bug of OS being blank is usually due to an old version TWRP. Advise to use TWRP 3.0.2
I need to root my HTC M8 for a Project (using in a car as multimedia Device).
Unfortunately i already updated OTA to android version 6
I've tried Tools like rootking => not working!
How i can easily root my device? I'm not really an expert but i have some small basic know how..
Many thanks in advance for any hint
Kind regards
Kingroot should work, although there have been some mixed results.
Otherwise, you will need to unlock the bootloader by HTCDev.com, install TWRP 3.0, then in flash SuperSU 2.65 in TWRP to get root.
redpoint73 said:
Kingroot should work, although there have been some mixed results.
Otherwise, you will need to unlock the bootloader by HTCDev.com, install TWRP 3.0, then in flash SuperSU 2.65 in TWRP to get root.
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Are there any good sites you can link me to? I want to root my m8 on 6.0 as well and King root didn't work for me. I have never rooted a phone before and there are so many sites out there that I don't even know where to start. Any help will be appreciated!
Ap3xGam3r said:
Are there any good sites you can link me to? I want to root my m8 on 6.0 as well and King root didn't work for me. I have never rooted a phone before and there are so many sites out there that I don't even know where to start.
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The only website you need is XDA. It can be intimidating to navigate at first, like trying to sip out of a firehouse. But given a bit of time and patience, you'll find that XDA is a wealth of information, and a great community to boot. Other "root" websites are often poorly organized, outdated (both of which can lead to problems) and almost always just steal content (methods, downloads, etc.) from the devs here on XDA, while giving little or no credit. So you may as well get it here from the source.
Vomer's guide explains what to do: http://forum.xda-developers.com/htc-one-m8/general/vomerguides-m8-bootldr-unlock-s-off-t2800727
While a bit outdated, Sections 0 and 1 are still applicable. The only thing that I am aware of, that you should watch out for, is to use current version TWRP 3.0 from here: https://dl.twrp.me/m8/
Don't follow sections 2, etc. as they are no longer accurate (but no needed for root).
redpoint73 said:
like trying to sip out of a firehouse.
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That made me laugh! :laugh:
redpoint73 said:
The only website you need is XDA. It can be intimidating to navigate at first, like trying to sip out of a firehouse. But given a bit of time and patience, you'll find that XDA is a wealth of information, and a great community to boot. Other "root" websites are often poorly organized, outdated (both of which can lead to problems) and almost always just steal content (methods, downloads, etc.) from the devs here on XDA, while giving little or no credit. So you may as well get it here from the source.
Vomer's guide explains what to do: http://forum.xda-developers.com/htc-one-m8/general/vomerguides-m8-bootldr-unlock-s-off-t2800727
While a bit outdated, Sections 0 and 1 are still applicable. The only thing that I am aware of, that you should watch out for, is to use current version TWRP 3.0 from here: https://dl.twrp.me/m8/
Don't follow sections 2, etc. as they are no longer accurate (but no needed for root).
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I second this. XDA is tough to navigate at first, but once you realize what to search, which forums to be in, and READ through the pages. you will find what you need
redpoint73 said:
Kingroot should work, although there have been some mixed results.
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Sorry to bother you again, but I just realized after I used kingroot (which failed), it changed my software status in the bootloader to "software status: modified", but the bootloader is still locked. Will this prevent me from installing future OTA updates? I'm scared I just ruined my phone...
Ap3xGam3r said:
Sorry to bother you again, but I just realized after I used kingroot (which failed), it changed my software status in the bootloader to "software status: modified", but the bootloader is still locked. Will this prevent me from installing future OTA updates? I'm scared I just ruined my phone...
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No worries, m8 is done with OTA's, you probably will never again recieve OTA. Just go and unlock the bootloader via htcdev, flash twrp and supersu via twrp.
Follow this guide video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEVSfwXsx-c
You'll wipe your internal storage w/ bootloader unlock.
Imotep95 said:
No worries, m8 is done with OTA's, you probably will never again recieve OTA. Just go and unlock the bootloader via htcdev, flash twrp and supersu via twrp.
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Alright! Thanks for the info, much appreciated my friend One more question: How should I backup my phone before unlocking the bootloader to ensure all my app data, contacts, etc. are saved and ready to be restored after? Thanks again! I'm very new to this type of stuff as you can tell
Ap3xGam3r said:
Alright! Thanks for the info, much appreciated my friend One more question: How should I backup my phone before unlocking the bootloader to ensure all my app data, contacts, etc. are saved and ready to be restored after? Thanks again! I'm very new to this type of stuff as you can tell
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Go with google backup. [emoji106]
Sent from my Sensation using Tapatalk
Ap3xGam3r said:
: How should I backup my phone before unlocking the bootloader to ensure all my app data, contacts, etc. are saved and ready to be restored after?
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Lots of different methods for backing up various things, depending on one's personal preferences and needs. But just a few suggestions:
1) As previously suggested, backup contacts using Google/Gmail account (which is normally activated by default - but good to check that its activated).
2) Backup photos and other files to computer (just copy/paste to a folder on the computer).
3) Backup photos and files to cloud (Google Photos, Dropbox, etc.) - although the amount of files may exceed the "free" storage on some of these services.
4) App data (and a lot of other things) can be backed up with Helium app from the Play Store. I haven't used it personally, but others on XDA have suggested it. Helium is touted as a comprehensive backup app, that doesn't require root, and developed by the Clockworkmod team. I tend to use Titanium Backup (which requires root) for app data, as I don't keep my Android devices unrooted for long after buying them!
Imotep95 said:
Go with google backup. [emoji106]
Sent from my Sensation using Tapatalk
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hey guys, I succesfully rooted and flashed twrp and supersu, but now my problem is that everything was working fine, and then suddenly my vibrate stopped working.....I factory reset my phone and it still isn't working? What is going on??
Ap3xGam3r said:
hey guys, I succesfully rooted and flashed twrp and supersu, but now my problem is that everything was working fine, and then suddenly my vibrate stopped working.....I factory reset my phone and it still isn't working? What is going on??
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That is super weird.. In worst case scenario, your vibration motor died, but it has nothing to do with twrp/root..
Post your " fastboot getvar all " results without imei and serial number, so we can see what's going on and/if ruu is available.
Imotep95 said:
That is super weird.. In worst case scenario, your vibration motor died, but it has nothing to do with twrp/root..
Post your " fastboot getvar all " results without imei and serial number, so we can see what's going on and/if ruu is available.
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version: 0.5
version-baseband: 1.29.214500021.11G
version-cpld: None
version-microp: None
version-main: 6.13.631.7
version-misc: PVT SHIP S-ON
imei2: Not Support
meid: 00000000000000
product: m8_ul
platform: hTCBmsm8974
modelid: 0P6B16000
cidnum: ROGER001
battery-status: good
battery-voltage: 0mV
partition-layout: Generic
security: on
build-mode: SHIP
boot-mode: FASTBOOT
commitno-bootloader: 76df2b54
hbootpreupdate: 11
gencheckpt: 0
Ap3xGam3r said:
version: 0.5
version-baseband: 1.29.214500021.11G
version-cpld: None
version-microp: None
version-main: 6.13.631.7
version-misc: PVT SHIP S-ON
imei2: Not Support
meid: 00000000000000
product: m8_ul
platform: hTCBmsm8974
modelid: 0P6B16000
cidnum: ROGER001
battery-status: good
battery-voltage: 0mV
partition-layout: Generic
security: on
build-mode: SHIP
boot-mode: FASTBOOT
commitno-bootloader: 76df2b54
hbootpreupdate: 11
gencheckpt: 0
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Okay, you have S-ON...
First, make a nandroid backup in twrp and rename(optional) or add root just so u know it's rooted backup in internal or microsd or usb otg, then follow this thread to restore 100% stock non-rooted nandroid.
Download this nandroid: https://mega.nz/#!PRJRSBSY!BTmbWAqFZo2ncP1vmjTbPZnLZS0JvKcQKx-7BcWaFEE and follow guide here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/htc-one-m8/help/tutorial-how-to-stock-stock-twrp-t3086860
I used this method many times since i have also s-on One_M8.
Make sure that you have latest twrp
Imotep95 said:
Okay, you have S-ON...
First, make a nandroid backup in twrp and rename(optional) or add root just so u know it's rooted backup in internal or microsd or usb otg, then follow this thread to restore 100% stock non-rooted nandroid.
Download this nandroid: https://mega.nz/#!PRJRSBSY!BTmbWAqFZo2ncP1vmjTbPZnLZS0JvKcQKx-7BcWaFEE and follow guide here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/htc-one-m8/help/tutorial-how-to-stock-stock-twrp-t3086860
I used this method many times since i have also s-on One_M8.
Make sure that you have latest twrp
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Do you think that flashing a custom rom may help as well?
Ap3xGam3r said:
Do you think that flashing a custom rom may help as well?
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You may try before going to stock, yea. Just make sure you have twrp backup just in case tho. The fastest way is to flash CM13 and pico gapps or you can try sense based roms. :good:
Imotep95 said:
You may try before going to stock, yea. Just make sure you have twrp backup just in case tho. The fastest way is to flash CM13 and pico gapps or you can try sense based roms. :good:
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Ok, thanks for the info. I guess if worst comes to worst I'll have to go get my phone repaired D: It seems like this is a common htc on m8 problem even without root.
Ap3xGam3r said:
Ok, thanks for the info. I guess if worst comes to worst I'll have to go get my phone repaired D: It seems like this is a common htc on m8 problem even without root.
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I've seen few people with that issue, let me know how it goes w/ custom stuff. [emoji106]
Sent from my HTC One M8 using Tapatalk
Imotep95 said:
I've seen few people with that issue, let me know how it goes w/ custom stuff. [emoji106]
Sent from my HTC One M8 using Tapatalk
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Ok so I am about to try to flash cm13 and pico gapps but I some questions: I read that you should wipe your system before flashing any rom; does this wipe my sd card too? and if I wanted to do a restore using the TWRP backup that I created, would I have to wipe before doing so as well? And last question: how do I know which pico gapps to install? Thanks and sorry if I am beginning to be annoying
I was looking around the forum but couldn't find it, has anyone got Nougat radio for US Unlocked model? I'm currently on 2.28.617.8 and need radio to enable LTE Band 4.
I'm totally converted to US Unlocked, last step is radio which is what I'm looking foward to flash. Thanks!
philohtc said:
I was looking around the forum but couldn't find it, has anyone got Nougat radio for US Unlocked model? I'm currently on 2.28.617.8 and need radio to enable LTE Band 4.
I'm totally converted to US Unlocked, last step is radio which is what I'm looking foward to flash. Thanks!
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So you are S-Off, right? Just flash the no-wipe firmware from @Sneakyghost's firmware thread.
xunholyx said:
So you are S-Off, right? Just flash the no-wipe firmware from @Sneakyghost's firmware thread.
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Hi! Yes I'm S-OFF'ed. I was looking actually just for the radio to flash through fastboot, because I also want to stay in stock recovery not TWRP. Btw I had the following question: I was told that to gain LTE Band 4 I had to flash US Radio, but my concern is that after changing CID & MID I runned RUU, RUU doesn't also flash the radio of the actual firmware you are installing?
You're already on official Nougat through ruu/ota? You already have the Nougat radio then.
Tarima said:
You're already on official Nougat through ruu/ota? You already have the Nougat radio then.
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Yes I was on Marshmallow and got Nougat OTA about three weeks ago (can't remember exactly), that same thing is what I thought but I still don't have LTE band 4, I know two people that flashing radio made them get that band. I'm really confused and it's really disappointing having such a great cellphone going on 3.5G, awfull speed . BTW my APN is well set.
philohtc said:
Yes I was on Marshmallow and got Nougat OTA about three weeks ago (can't remember exactly), that same thing is what I thought but I still don't have LTE band 4, I know two people that flashing radio made them get that band. I'm really confused and it's really disappointing having such a great cellphone going on 3.5G, awfull speed . BTW my APN is well set.
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I'm able to get band 4 on my VZW 10 fully converted to Unlocked. Didn't reflash the radio. Besides you'd literally be flashing the exact same thing you already have.
There is fastboot command that resets your modems. I've had success with it when I had data issues in the past. You may want to try it.
From bootloader:
fastboot erase modemst1
fastboot erase modemst2
Tarima said:
I'm able to get band 4 on my VZW 10 fully converted to Unlocked. Didn't reflash the radio. Besides you'd literally be flashing the exact same thing you already have.
There is fastboot command that resets your modems. I've had success with it when I had data issues in the past. You may want to try it.
From bootloader:
fastboot erase modemst1
fastboot erase modemst2
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I remember having read those commands are extremely dangerous eg. erasing imei, though it erases partitions
philohtc said:
I remember having read those commands are extremely dangerous eg. erasing imei, though it erases partitions
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Naa I don't think it touches your imei. From what I understand it just replaces your modem partition and restores it from a fully stock backup. But of course you're right to be cautious, and I'm not a dev though, so enter at your own risk, etc.
See this from a dev for an example of where it's used:
Also you can find it in other threads around here.
Tarima said:
Naa I don't think it touches your imei. From what I understand it just replaces your modem partition and restores it from a fully stock backup. But of course you're right to be cautious, and I'm not a dev though, so enter at your own risk, etc.
See this from a dev for an example of where it's used:
Also you can find it in other threads around here.
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I'll try to see if I do get another lower risk advice haha, if not i'll guess i'll do that. I think it actually deletes those partitions
Does anybody know the reason why conversion does work for everyone except this case? I've done everything, every and each single step. Worked always on my previous HTC's, first time this happens to me.
C:\ADB>fastboot getvar all
(bootloader) kernel: lk
(bootloader) product: htc_pmewl
(bootloader) version: 1.0
(bootloader) max-download-size: 1579200000
(bootloader) serialno: HT64N*******
(bootloader) current-slot:
(bootloader) imei: 35************0
(bootloader) version-main: 2.28.617.8
(bootloader) boot-mode: download
(bootloader) version-baseband: [email protected]
(bootloader) version-bootloader:
(bootloader) mid: 2PS650000
(bootloader) cid: BS_US001
finished. total time: 0.016s
This guy seems he ran RUU and afterwards flashed radio:
philohtc said:
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If you want to flash the radio only, download a firmware.zip and unzip it with 7zip. Find the radio.img in the firmware and move it to your fastboot folder. Hook up your phone, and:
fastboot flash radio radio.img
I know this is a common issue for the HTC One M8, but my phone stopped recognising any SIM card all of a sudden. It happened right after the battery got discharged fully (sudden power off), though I'm not ruling out the possibility that recent drops might have contributed to this.
I already tried the scotch tape solution to no avail as well as wiping cache and dalvik and rebooting a bunch of times with, without, and with other SIM cards in.
I'm running this Google Play Edition flashable ROM with the corresponding firmware, unrooted and s-on.
Should I go straight to re-flashing the same firmware and ROM? Is there anything I could attempt before having everything wiped?
One weird note that I've also noticed in another post: if I go to "phone info" the IMEI and phone number show as "unknown", but I can see them with fastboot getvar all. Also in "phone info", the "TURN OFF RADIO" button doesn't seem to be doing anything when pressed. Any alternative way to do it?
Thank you! :fingers-crossed:
AlexanderGrey said:
I'm running this Google Play Edition flashable ROM with the corresponding firmware, unrooted and s-on.
Should I go straight to re-flashing the same firmware and ROM? Is there anything I could attempt before having everything wiped?
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The RUU provided in the GPE thread you linked, would be my suggestion. Should be same (or similar) to flashing the ROM and firmware. But with the RUU, you are sure to have all partitions (around 40) returned to "factory stock" (at least for GPE version) condition.
You might also try another RUU (return to Sense) or another ROM. But in any case, you should backup your data and prepared to fully wipe. Trying to migrate data across ROMs is only going to complicate matters, and you will never be sure that the SIM issue is due to the some incompatibility with your existing user data.
redpoint73 said:
The RUU provided in the GPE thread you linked, would be my suggestion. Should be same (or similar) to flashing the ROM and firmware. But with the RUU, you are sure to have all partitions (around 40) returned to "factory stock" (at least for GPE version) condition.
You might also try another RUU (return to Sense) or another ROM. But in any case, you should backup your data and prepared to fully wipe. Trying to migrate data across ROMs is only going to complicate matters, and you will never be sure that the SIM issue is due to the some incompatibility with your existing user data.
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Thanks for the quick reply.
I haven't gone the GPe RUU route as that would require s-off, which I'm not planning to get. I forgot to mention I've been using this ROM & firmware for over 2 months without any issues.
I'm not very familiar with the topic of backup - although I've flashed ROMs in the past I've always done a clean install. Could you please elaborate? Would I be able to save installed apps with a backup via TWRP? Or would you advise against that?
AlexanderGrey said:
I haven't gone the GPe RUU route as that would require s-off, which I'm not planning to get. I forgot to mention I've been using this ROM & firmware for over 2 months without any issues.
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You wouldn't have been able to flash the GPE firmware s-on, unless it is a signed zip and you have an actual GPE version M8 (correct CID and MID). The requirements for flashing the firmware are same as the RUU.
Please do fastboot getvar all, and post the results (delete IMEI and serial number before posting) so we can see more info about the device.
AlexanderGrey said:
I'm not very familiar with the topic of backup - although I've flashed ROMs in the past I've always done a clean install. Could you please elaborate? Would I be able to save installed apps with a backup via TWRP? Or would you advise against that?
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There are lots of ways to backup data, each with their pros and cons. So how you do it is up to you.
A TWRP backup of app data is only going to work if you are just restoring the same ROM. So if you are flashing the RUU/ROM same as you have now, then it will work.
But if you try another ROM, it's usually not a good idea to try to "migrate" app data using TWRP. Different ROMs store their app data in different ways, and trying to migrate the data across different ROMs via TWRP backup is asking for trouble. In those cases, I use Titanium Backup for apps and app data (requires root). There are other options, but Titanium is tried and true (for most) and it is what I personally use.
Other data, like photos, videos you took, and any other media you want to keep (music, ringtones, porn) you can just copy to a computer, SD card, cloud solutions etc. Again, there are lots of options.
redpoint73 said:
You wouldn't have been able to flash the GPE firmware s-on, unless it is a signed zip and you have an actual GPE version M8 (correct CID and MID). The requirements for flashing the firmware are same as the RUU.
Please do fastboot getvar all, and post the results (delete IMEI and serial number before posting) so we can see more info about the device.
There are lots of ways to backup data, each with their pros and cons. So how you do it is up to you.
A TWRP backup of app data is only going to work if you are just restoring the same ROM. So if you are flashing the RUU/ROM same as you have now, then it will work.
But if you try another ROM, it's usually not a good idea to try to "migrate" app data using TWRP. Different ROMs store their app data in different ways, and trying to migrate the data across different ROMs via TWRP backup is asking for trouble. In those cases, I use Titanium Backup for apps and app data (requires root). There are other options, but Titanium is tried and true (for most) and it is what I personally use.
Other data, like photos, videos you took, and any other media you want to keep (music, ringtones, porn) you can just copy to a computer, SD card, cloud solutions etc. Again, there are lots of options.
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Thanks for the info on backing up, I should have been more specific though. I've used Titanium Backup in the past a little bit, but recently I've opted to keep my phone unrooted mostly for some banking apps I use. Backing up with TWRP sounds good to me as I'd like to keep the same ROM (ideally) and would not want to go through reinstalling everything.
My phone is not a GPE version however the ROM I currently use is compatible with all M8 versions (except dual-sim) and with s-on. Here's the info:
(bootloader) version: 0.5
(bootloader) version-bootloader:
(bootloader) version-baseband: 1.29.214500021.12G
(bootloader) version-cpld: None
(bootloader) version-microp: None
(bootloader) version-main: 6.12.401.4
(bootloader) version-misc: PVT SHIP S-ON
(bootloader) serialno: ********
(bootloader) imei: ********
(bootloader) imei2: Not Support
(bootloader) meid: 00000000000000
(bootloader) product: m8_ul
(bootloader) platform: hTCBmsm8974
(bootloader) modelid: 0P6B10000
(bootloader) cidnum: HTC__002
(bootloader) battery-status: good
(bootloader) battery-voltage: 0mV
(bootloader) partition-layout: Generic
(bootloader) security: on
(bootloader) build-mode: SHIP
(bootloader) boot-mode: FASTBOOT
(bootloader) commitno-bootloader: 76df2b54
(bootloader) hbootpreupdate: 11
(bootloader) gencheckpt: 0
AlexanderGrey said:
My phone is not a GPE version however the ROM I currently use is compatible with all M8 versions (except dual-sim) and with s-on. Here's the info:
(bootloader) version-main: 6.12.401.4
(bootloader) modelid: 0P6B10000
(bootloader) cidnum: HTC__002
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The GPE firmware never flashed (maybe you flashed it, and it failed to install). Otherwise, the version-main number would have changed to a GPE version number (5.07.1700.15 as noted in the firmwares you linked). And as mentioned, it isn't possible to flash GPE firmware while s-on (firmware for a different CID, MID).
Now, none of this explains your SIM issue. Maybe start by simply "dirty" flashing the GPE ROM (keep user data, just wipe cache and Dalvik) and see if there is any change.
redpoint73 said:
The GPE firmware never flashed (maybe you flashed it, and it failed to install). Otherwise, the version-main number would have changed to a GPE version number (5.07.1700.15 as noted in the firmwares you linked). And as mentioned, it isn't possible to flash GPE firmware while s-on (firmware for a different CID, MID).
Now, none of this explains your SIM issue. Maybe start by simply "dirty" flashing the GPE ROM (keep user data, just wipe cache and Dalvik) and see if there is any change.
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Hmm you're right, my memory is playing tricks on me. I remember flashing a new firmware however, because I was having issues with the wi-fi and bluetooth before it. After some searching I think I used this one, am I right?
I'll try a quick firmware flash as you indicated, and will get back with the results a bit later. Thanks!
AlexanderGrey said:
Hmm you're right, my memory is playing tricks on me. I remember flashing a new firmware however, because I was having issues with the wi-fi and bluetooth before it. After some searching I think I used this one, am I right?
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That would be my guess, yes.
AlexanderGrey said:
I'll try a quick firmware flash as you indicated, and will get back with the results a bit later. Thanks!
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Flashing firmware requires you to relock the bootloader (since you are s-on) which will wipe your data.
As I mentioned in my last response, you might try to just "dirty flash" the GPE ROM (keep the current firmware) just to see what happens, before taking any measure which cause your data to be wiped.
I would still recommend to backup your data before even a dirty flash - you can't be too safe!
AlexanderGrey said:
Hmm you're right, my memory is playing tricks on me. I remember flashing a new firmware however, because I was having issues with the wi-fi and bluetooth before it. After some searching I think I used this one, am I right?
I'll try a quick firmware flash as you indicated, and will get back with the results a bit later. Thanks!
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Unfortunately, no visible change . Still no SIM detected.
redpoint73 said:
That would be my guess, yes.
Flashing firmware requires you to relock the bootloader (since you are s-on) which will wipe your data.
As I mentioned in my last response, you might try to just "dirty flash" the GPE ROM (keep the current firmware) just to see what happens, before taking any measure which cause your data to be wiped.
I would still recommend to backup your data before even a dirty flash - you can't be too safe!
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Sorry, I meant re-flashing the ROM. That's what I did so far.
AlexanderGrey said:
Sorry, I meant re-flashing the ROM. That's what I did so far.
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You may consider flashing the Euro RUU 6.12.401.4 form here: https://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=64926626&postcount=6
This will put your phone on a fully stock software/firmware "baseline" (for your phone's original configuration). If the SIM problem persists after that, I would have to think it was a hardware issue.
RUU as you know, will wipe the phone. So backup your data accordingly, before relocking the bootloader and running the RUU.
redpoint73 said:
You may consider flashing the Euro RUU 6.12.401.4 form here: https://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=64926626&postcount=6
This will put your phone on a fully stock software/firmware "baseline" (for your phone's original configuration). If the SIM problem persists after that, I would have to think it was a hardware issue.
RUU as you know, will wipe the phone. So backup your data accordingly, before relocking the bootloader and running the RUU.
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Thanks redpoint, that's the same one I have installed currently, right?
I guess ultimately I'll have to bite the bullet and try it if I want to figure out if it's a software or hardware issue.
AlexanderGrey said:
Thanks redpoint, that's the same one I have installed currently, right?
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Same version number as the currently installed firmware. But what you flashed before is just firmware (about 80 MB) which includes hboot, radio, recovery, boot.img, and several others (maybe about 10 partitions?). The RUU (about 1.5 GB) will restore a complete factory image (every partition - about 40 of them).
redpoint73 said:
Same version number as the currently installed firmware. But what you flashed before is just firmware (about 80 MB) which includes hboot, radio, recovery, boot.img, and several others (maybe about 10 partitions?). The RUU (about 1.5 GB) will restore a complete factory image (every partition - about 40 of them).
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Ah I understand now, I was not aware of that previously.
I was also planning to replace my battery so I might just do that first and have a look if anything looks unusual around the SIM card tray.
Thanks for all the help, I'll come back with a conclusion after a day or two when I get the chance .
redpoint73 said:
Same version number as the currently installed firmware. But what you flashed before is just firmware (about 80 MB) which includes hboot, radio, recovery, boot.img, and several others (maybe about 10 partitions?). The RUU (about 1.5 GB) will restore a complete factory image (every partition - about 40 of them).
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Update: after replacing the battery I flashed the RUU and the same ROM back on.
Good news is the SIM card works now . I'm just a bit concerned about this happening again. Since you've seen quite a few cases on this forum I wanted to ask: do you think this is a common issue with that particular ROM?
I searched for SIM card issues in the thread of that ROM but the only legit ones I saw were the cases where people only installed the ROM without updating the firmware (so their wifi and bluetooth was not working either).
AlexanderGrey said:
Good news is the SIM card works now . I'm just a bit concerned about this happening again. Since you've seen quite a few cases on this forum I wanted to ask: do you think this is a common issue with that particular ROM?
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Nothing that I am aware of. Running GPE ROM with Sense firmware might not be ideal. But I don't recall seeing any similar cases (no SIM).
Hi there,
I'll start with the essentials
(bootloader) version: 0.5
(bootloader) version-bootloader:
(bootloader) version-baseband: [email protected]
(bootloader) version-cpld: None
(bootloader) version-microp: None
(bootloader) version-main: 6.20.502.5
(bootloader) version-misc: UNKNOWN SHIP S-OFF
(bootloader) serialno: xxxxxxxxx
(bootloader) imei: 35xxxxxxxxxx
(bootloader) imei2: Not Support
(bootloader) meid: 00000000000000
(bootloader) product: m8_ul
(bootloader) platform: hTCBmsm8974
(bootloader) modelid: 0P6B12000d f/e/lc/mbkp s1se=68
(bootloader) cidnum: 11111111
(bootloader) battery-status: good
(bootloader) battery-voltage: 0mV
(bootloader) partition-layout: Generic
(bootloader) security: off
(bootloader) build-mode: SHIP
(bootloader) boot-mode: FASTBOOT
(bootloader) commitno-bootloader: 205bdca3
(bootloader) hbootpreupdate: 11
(bootloader) gencheckpt: 0
all: Done!
So my phone is originally a Rogers from Canada and I am using it in India. This device does not pick up LTE bands in India and my assumption was that it was because of Rogers somehow restricting the phone as HTC m8 does in fact support the bands present in India (3,5,40). I assumed that if I flashed a different region RUU where those bands are supported then it would solve my problem. I had been running Lineage OS on it and over the weekend I get S-off, SuperCID. Then I went back to Rogers Stock through this thread https://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2710735
From there I went to AT&T latest RUU as mentioned in this thread https://forum.xda-developers.com/ht...ance-jio-volte-m8-t3566379/page9#post75932527
For this I needed to change my MID to 0P6B12000
On it, I flashed the RR 6.0
Now I hoped it would solve my problem but this has presumably locked my network to AT&T as no other carrier or network is getting recognized. I understand how I can revert to a different stock ROM, but doing that has still not helped the 4G problem. Would be great if someone could guide me on this. Have tried reading as many guides and how to but now I feel utterly confused.
[EDIT] - Have I bricked my Radio? Is there a sure way of finding that out?
Thanks in advance.
abhijin said:
This device does not pick up LTE bands in India and my assumption was that it was because of Rogers somehow restricting the phone as HTC m8 does in fact support the bands present in India (3,5,40). I assumed that if I flashed a different region RUU where those bands are supported then it would solve my problem.
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We've seen a lot of folks on this forum, with a lot of trouble getting LTE working on devices not specifically intended for their region/carrier.
First of all, while the Snapdragon 801 chipset is capable of support most GSM, 3G, and LTE bands worldwide; the specific bands supported by the M8 model is determined by the radio baseband firmware.
For instance, in you case, I believe the Rogers version has the same band support as the AT&T version (due to the history of the countries and companies). In that case, the Rogers version only supports LTE bands 2,4,5,7, and 17. Of the LTE bands you desire, it only includes LTE band 5.
Additionally (as mentioned), we've seen many cases, where even on the proper firmware, folks have had trouble getting LTE on their local carrier (as mentioned, on devices not specifically intended for their region, but "converted" with RUU).
abhijin said:
Now I hoped it would solve my problem but this has presumably locked my network to AT&T as no other carrier or network is getting recognized.
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Are you saying, after flashing the AT&T RUU, that no network is recognized at all, even voice service?
Flashing AT&T RUU does not carrier lock the phone (SIM lock). But lack of service, even voice service; may indeed indicate an issue with the radio baseband firmware.
abhijin said:
For this I needed to change my MID to 0P6B12000
(bootloader) modelid: 0P6B12000d f/e/lc/mbkp s1se=68
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Your MID shouldn't look like that. Something went wrong when you tried to change it. Try the command again, to change it properly to AT&T MID, and let's see what the result is.
redpoint73 said:
We've seen a lot of folks on this forum, with a lot of trouble getting LTE working on devices not specifically intended for their region/carrier.
First of all, while the Snapdragon 801 chipset is capable of support most GSM, 3G, and LTE bands worldwide; the specific bands supported by the M8 model is determined by the radio baseband firmware.
For instance, in you case, I believe the Rogers version has the same band support as the AT&T version (due to the history of the countries and companies). In that case, the Rogers version only supports LTE bands 2,4,5,7, and 17. Of the LTE bands you desire, it only includes LTE band 5.
Additionally (as mentioned), we've seen many cases, where even on the proper firmware, folks have had trouble getting LTE on their local carrier (as mentioned, on devices not specifically intended for their region, but "converted" with RUU).
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Yes I have come across this often in the forums. Still thought it is worth a shot.
redpoint73 said:
Are you saying, after flashing the AT&T RUU, that no network is recognized at all, even voice service?
Flashing AT&T RUU does not carrier lock the phone (SIM lock). But lack of service, even voice service; may indeed indicate an issue with the radio baseband firmware.
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Yes, this is when the no network problem started. I tracked the radio baseband firmware (from this thread https://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=52770589#post52770589) and flashed that too but with no luck. In fact the phone now has become extremely volatile, it reboots often, crashes often. Sometimes just tapping the home button will push it to reboot.
redpoint73 said:
Your MID shouldn't look like that. Something went wrong when you tried to change it. Try the command again, to change it properly to AT&T MID, and let's see what the result is.
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Had the same feeling. Had tried it right then but it still gave the same result. I think I might try changing it to something else. This happened just before flashing the AT&T RUU, wonder if this is the cause of all problems. Shall get back after trying tonight. Do let me know if you have any other suggestions. Thanks!
abhijin said:
Yes, this is when the no network problem started. I tracked the radio baseband firmware (from this thread https://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=52770589#post52770589) and flashed that too but with no luck. In fact the phone now has become extremely volatile, it reboots often, crashes often. Sometimes just tapping the home button will push it to reboot.
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None of the radios in the post you linked, correspond to the current firmware number (6.20.502.5). And al the radios on that post are rather old. Newest is Lollipop, with most others being even older.
I also would recommend against flashing radio baseband, without replacing the whole firmware and ROM as well. The crashes and reboots are probably due to incompatibility between the radio and the firmware and/or ROM.
I would suggest to flash the firmware 6.20.502.5 from the following thread. I always user fastboot (RUU mode) Method 32 personally. Be sure to flash it twice:
Then see if you have any change.
abhijin said:
Had the same feeling. Had tried it right then but it still gave the same result. I think I might try changing it to something else. This happened just before flashing the AT&T RUU, wonder if this is the cause of all problems.
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That is what I would try: try to change to another MID (a known one, such as Euro), than back to AT&T.
It's possible the "no network" problem may be linked to the MID being screwed up. I can't say for sure. But I know SuperCID enables SIM unlock. So maybe it's possible that a broken MID will break some other things (like the network).
redpoint73 said:
None of the radios in the post you linked, correspond to the current firmware number (6.20.502.5). And al the radios on that post are rather old. Newest is Lollipop, with most others being even older.
I also would recommend against flashing radio baseband, without replacing the whole firmware and ROM as well. The crashes and reboots are probably due to incompatibility between the radio and the firmware and/or ROM.
I would suggest to flash the firmware 6.20.502.5 from the following thread. I always user fastboot (RUU mode) Method 32 personally. Be sure to flash it twice:
Then see if you have any change.
That is what I would try: try to change to another MID (a known one, such as Euro), than back to AT&T.
It's possible the "no network" problem may be linked to the MID being screwed up. I can't say for sure. But I know SuperCID enables SIM unlock. So maybe it's possible that a broken MID will break some other things (like the network).
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Hey I tried to to flash through fastboot RUU but at the htc_fastboot oem rebootRUU command it gives me an error saying dns server not authoritative for zone
No clue how to proceed further into this.
Should I just try to get a stock nanodroid backup and restore that?
abhijin said:
Hey I tried to to flash through fastboot RUU but at the htc_fastboot oem rebootRUU command it gives me an error saying dns server not authoritative for zone
No clue how to proceed further into this.
Should I just try to get a stock nanodroid backup and restore that?
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Hey I was successful in flashing the AT&T by the RUU method by using fastboot commands instead of htc_fastboot but for some reason I got stuck in bootloops post that and it kept booting to recovery.
redpoint73 said:
None of the radios in the post you linked, correspond to the current firmware number (6.20.502.5). And al the radios on that post are rather old. Newest is Lollipop, with most others being even older.
I also would recommend against flashing radio baseband, without replacing the whole firmware and ROM as well. The crashes and reboots are probably due to incompatibility between the radio and the firmware and/or ROM.
I would suggest to flash the firmware 6.20.502.5 from the following thread. I always user fastboot (RUU mode) Method 32 personally. Be sure to flash it twice:
Then see if you have any change.
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Hey, so it finally came through. Now I am on the Dev Edition and running RR 6 on it but for some reason no sim card is being recognized. Has the worst happened then? Does this mean that I have bricked the radio and there would be no way to change it?
abhijin said:
Hey, so it finally came through. Now I am on the Dev Edition and running RR 6 on it but for some reason no sim card is being recognized. Has the worst happened then? Does this mean that I have bricked the radio and there would be no way to change it?
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Can't say, with info (or lack of info) given by you. I never said to flash Dev Edition, so I don't really understand what you did, or trying to do (I see from above you had trouble with the AT&T RUU, but that still doesn't tell the whole story). I can't tell whether you flashed the Dev Edition firmware, or RUU or both.
I also advised to try to fix the MID, but you don't mention if you tried, or were successful or not.
I also don't understand why you are running RR6. Did the SIM work after flashing Dev Edition (before flashing RR6). I don't recommend messing with custom ROMs until you get the radio/SIM worked out, as custom ROMs add another layer of complexity and possible bugs.
redpoint73 said:
Can't say, with info (or lack of info) given by you. I never said to flash Dev Edition, so I don't really understand what you did, or trying to do (I see from above you had trouble with the AT&T RUU, but that still doesn't tell the whole story). I can't tell whether you flashed the Dev Edition firmware, or RUU or both.
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I flashed both. Also returned back to stock.
redpoint73 said:
I also advised to try to fix the MID, but you don't mention if you tried, or were successful or not.
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I did try but nothing has changed. The initial parts change i.e. 0P6B12000d will change but the latter f/e/lc/mbkp s1se=68 doesn't change at all.
redpoint73 said:
I also don't understand why you are running RR6. Did the SIM work after flashing Dev Edition (before flashing RR6). I don't recommend messing with custom ROMs until you get the radio/SIM worked out, as custom ROMs add another layer of complexity and possible bugs.
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Honestly, I'm just trying a few different things just to see if something will work out
abhijin said:
I flashed both. Also returned back to stock.
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Stock what? Firmware? RUU? Stock for your device would be Rogers.
When you returned to "stock" (whatever that means) did the SIM still not work?
After flashing the Dev Edition firmware and RUU, did the SIM work or not?
Really, I'm just asking the same kinds of questions over and over. But you fail to properly answer them.
First of all, this was supposed to be my first flash. So I am very new and confused. (I get that you probably have loads of those... I am sorry)
I got a HTC One M8 that was already rooted and S-OFF, had SuperCID and everything. And I hate the 4.4.4 Android, plus no OTA updates are available to me (when I tried to check, it gets stuck). So I wanted to flash in a LineageOS 16.0. I unlocked the bootloader, got TWRP, pasted the Lineage 16.0 ZIP file, and wanted to flash it. But, I got an error "Error executing updater binary in zip [zip filename]", and so I went to check the instructions to install.
Here it says this:
- Reboot to recovery (TWRP by @Captain_Throwback) - Direct link
- Wipe /system, /data and /cache
- Install LineageOS zip package
and I did that to see if it changes anything, Nope, it didn't. I tried to reboot the phone to get it fixed (someone in another thread suggested getting an md5 file for it).
And after the reboot I am stuck on HTC logo screen, can't shut it down at all. I can't use ADB because it doesn't see the device, so I can't getvar all. I do remember that my version-bootloader was, but that's all.
I am not asking for a full guide on what to do, because it's probably impossible, but can anyone at least tell me how to proceed next? I'd love to turn off the phone and at least try to do something with TWRP. (I didn't have a backup, yes I am an idiot)
EDIT: Holding volume up and power button to do the reset just turns off the screen for a few secs then goes to HTC logo screen again.
Okay, I waited for it to discharge so I can get to the bootloader. I will post getvar when it charges.
EDIT: here we go
(bootloader) version: 0.5
(bootloader) version-bootloader:
(bootloader) version-baseband:
(bootloader) version-cpld: None
(bootloader) version-microp: None
(bootloader) version-main: 3.30.651.2
(bootloader) version-misc: PVT SHIP S-OFF
(bootloader) imei2: Not Support
(bootloader) product: m8_whl
(bootloader) platform: hTCBmsm8974
(bootloader) modelid: 0P6B70000
(bootloader) cidnum: 11111111
(bootloader) battery-status: good
(bootloader) battery-voltage: 0mV
(bootloader) partition-layout: Generic
(bootloader) security: off
(bootloader) build-mode: SHIP
(bootloader) boot-mode: FASTBOOT
(bootloader) commitno-bootloader: 8a0f02ff
(bootloader) hbootpreupdate: 11
(bootloader) gencheckpt: 0
I basically just want anything to work now, even stock will be okay (but 6.0 at least)
1st edit your last post & remove your IMEI/MEID unless you want it stolen...
when you wiped /system in TWRP & your zip didn't flash, u lost your ROM
easiest way to get the phone back up & working is to flash the RUU, looks like you currently have 3.30.651.2 (very old)
here is the 3.30.651.2 exe version: https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=95784891001604379
or to update to the latest version 6.20.651.3:
OMJ said:
1st edit your last post & remove your IMEI/MEID unless you want it stolen...
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Yeah, I forgot, thanks for reminding.
So do I just run the .exe with my phone plugged in my PC while in bootloader? Or do you mean TWRP/adb flashing?
gr0za said:
Yeah, I forgot, thanks for reminding.
So do I just run the .exe with my phone plugged in my PC while in bootloader? Or do you mean TWRP/adb flashing?
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yes, run exe from pc while connected to phone
OMJ said:
yes, run exe from pc while connected to phone
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3.30.651.2 worked, 6.20.651.3 did not ( I tried it first). To be honest I'm so damn glad it works, because I ain't a Sprint user, but somehow Orange works. Got all the bloaty Google Aps that I don't give an f about, but at least it's working. Hopefully I can go to 6.20 next, I'm gonna try. BTW, will flashing GApps remove all the unnecessary Sprint apps? Or do I have to do something different with it? (I don't need neither the GApps not the Sprint apps, but this phone seems to be a Sprint one and I guess I have to deal with it)
EDIT: yeah, 6.20 doesn't work, it gives me Error 155 - Error updating ROM. I remember hitting up HTC live support once in desperation, and the guy told me I have to upgrade to Lollipop first. But where do I even find a RUU for that?
gr0za said:
3.30.651.2 worked, 6.20.651.3 did not ( I tried it first). To be honest I'm so damn glad it works, because I ain't a Sprint user, but somehow Orange works. Got all the bloaty Google Aps that I don't give an f about, but at least it's working. Hopefully I can go to 6.20 next, I'm gonna try. BTW, will flashing GApps remove all the unnecessary Sprint apps? Or do I have to do something different with it? (I don't need neither the GApps not the Sprint apps, but this phone seems to be a Sprint one and I guess I have to deal with it)
EDIT: yeah, 6.20 doesn't work, it gives me Error 155 - Error updating ROM. I remember hitting up HTC live support once in desperation, and the guy told me I have to upgrade to Lollipop first. But where do I even find a RUU for that?
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yeah I vaguely recall the RUU checks your current version & must be a certain level, so you'll probably need to flash a 4.x.651.x RUU 1st
GApps probably only adds Google apps, I doubt it removes anything. once you get up to 6.20, you can root the phone (I recommend Magisk) then use a file explorer like Root Explorer to mount /system & then delete the bloat u dont want. You can also do this in twrp.
the other option is to flash a custom ROM that removes the bloat....my ROM removes bloat but retains pertinent Sprint apps
OMJ said:
yeah I vaguely recall the RUU checks your current version & must be a certain level, so you'll probably need to flash a 4.x.651.x RUU 1st
GApps probably only adds Google apps, I doubt it removes anything. once you get up to 6.20, you can root the phone (I recommend Magisk) then use a file explorer like Root Explorer to mount /system & then delete the bloat u dont want. You can also do this in twrp.
the other option is to flash a custom ROM that removes the bloat....my ROM removes bloat but retains pertinent Sprint apps
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Alright, once I flashed the Sprint RUU, all of a sudden I have OTA updates. I'm getting to 6.20 now, so everything's fine.
Yeah, I will consider removing them the way you said. Also, I don't really need any Sprint apps, as I am not a Sprint client anyway, but I reckon some are better left unchecked. Much, much appreciated for the help and the links.
gr0za said:
(bootloader) version-main: 3.30.651.2
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This was the main problem with flashing Lineage, your firmware (hboot, radio, etc.) was much too old. The current ROMs are not compatible with the old firmware. Now that you're updated to Marshmallow, I'll bet Lineage will install correctly (of course, you need to install TWRP again, etc.).
---------- Post added at 01:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:59 PM ----------
gr0za said:
Holding volume up and power button to do the reset just turns off the screen for a few secs then goes to HTC logo screen again.
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Hold vol up and power button to force a reboot. The moment the screen goes dark, signaling it is about to reboot, slide your finger from vol up, to vol down, and don't let go. This should get you into bootloader.
As long as the screen comes on, you can get into bootloader. Exception is, if your vol rocker is broken!
---------- Post added at 01:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:01 PM ----------
OMJ said:
yeah I vaguely recall the RUU checks your current version & must be a certain level, so you'll probably need to flash a 4.x.651.x RUU 1st
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Version check is okay if the RUU is same or greater version number (and skipping versions is usually okay). You can't go backwards (downgrade), is all.
There was a peculiar requirement on Marshmallow RUUs for US carrier versions of the M8. It is required to flash the appropriate Marshmallow firmware by fastboot, before the RUU would work, if coming from Lollipop or lower.
redpoint73 said:
This was the main problem with flashing Lineage, your firmware (hboot, radio, etc.) was much too old. The current ROMs are not compatible with the old firmware. Now that you're updated to Marshmallow, I'll bet Lineage will install correctly (of course, you need to install TWRP again, etc.)
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Are you sure of this? I have a Sprint variant. And I found conflicting info whether Lineage works on Sprint or doesn't work.
gr0za said:
Are you sure of this? I have a Sprint variant. And I found conflicting info whether Lineage works on Sprint or doesn't work.
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Not 100%, as I don't personally own the Sprint version M8. But what I can say:
1) The Lineage 16 thread says: "Builds are compatible with all M8 single SIM variants (m8ul, m8vzw and m8spr)."
Now the identifier "m8spr" isn't a correct one I've ever seen attached to the M8. But I think they mean the Sprint variant. Correct product ID would be M8_whl.
2) Instance of custom ROMs not working on M8 CDMA variants (Sprint and Verizon) are mainly due to the fact that those variants use a different Sense kernel. So mostly only applied to Sense ROMs. AOSP ROMs (in particular Lineage) which use their own kernel, work okay with the CDMA variants, far as I've seen.
3) Your firmware is so out to day, it will not work with any of the current ROMs. And when I say current, I mean any from the past several years. You should definitely update the firmware in any case, as it will cause lots of problems with custom ROMs, and no good reason to stay on the old firmware. Once firmware is updated, it is not hard to flash TWRP and try Lineage again. I think it will work, and there is certainly no harm in trying, even if it doesn't. The worst case scenario is that you flash a more updated (Marshmallow) version of the stock Sprint ROM. Which is still better than where you started with all this.
redpoint73 said:
2) Instance of custom ROMs not working on M8 CDMA variants (Sprint and Verizon) are mainly due to the fact that those variants use a different Sense kernel. So mostly only applied to Sense ROMs. AOSP ROMs (in particular Lineage) which use their own kernel, work okay with the CDMA variants, far as I've seen.
3) Your firmware is so out to day, it will not work with any of the current ROMs. And when I say current, I mean any from the past several years. You should definitely update the firmware in any case, as it will cause lots of problems with custom ROMs, and no good reason to stay on the old firmware. Once firmware is updated, it is not hard to flash TWRP and try Lineage again. I think it will work, and there is certainly no harm in trying, even if it doesn't. The worst case scenario is that you flash a more updated (Marshmallow) version of the stock Sprint ROM. Which is still better than where you started with all this.
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I updated the firmware. I now have this:
(bootloader) version: 0.5
(bootloader) version-bootloader:
(bootloader) version-baseband:
(bootloader) version-main: 6.20.651.3
But the SIM doesn't work with Lineage anyway, just flashed in anew and tried. The old Sprint 6.0 ROM that I RUU'd has the same issue. Could it be the radio version, or the firmware? Because it used to work, with some troubles, but still.
gr0za said:
Could it be the radio version, or the firmware? Because it used to work, with some troubles, but still.
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The radio is part of the firmware. Not sure why your SIM would have troubles with the newer radio (if that is the case).
You can try this: https://forum.xda-developers.com/htc-one-m8/general/how-to-convert-cdma-m8-sprint-vzw-gsm-t3303812
Or you can try flashing back to RUU 3.30.651.2 and see if there is any change.
redpoint73 said:
The radio is part of the firmware. Not sure why your SIM would have troubles with the newer radio (if that is the case).
You can try this: https://forum.xda-developers.com/htc-one-m8/general/how-to-convert-cdma-m8-sprint-vzw-gsm-t3303812
Or you can try flashing back to RUU 3.30.651.2 and see if there is any change.
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Omg, how come I didn't see this thread. Thanks so much, I will try once I get back home.
I hope this thread isn't problematic, because I moved the goalpost since creating it. But I'd rather not create a thread every time I have a problem...
gr0za said:
I hope this thread isn't problematic, because I moved the goalpost since creating it. But I'd rather not create a thread every time I have a problem...
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The problems are all related, and probably the same root cause (Sprint version, firmware, etc.). I agree it is most appropriate to keep everything to this one thread.