Ubuntu 14.04 debug mode issues - Verizon LG G4

So I found a few mentions of this throughout the forums, but nothing that came really remotely close to solving the problem.
I'm having trouble getting my machines (a laptop and a desktop) running Ubuntu to recognize my device (LG G4) - but not always. So naturally, I tried to set it to PTP mode, but I actually couldn't find this setting anywhere on the device. I plugged it in on my Windows machine and made sure it was in PTP mode while plugged in, and still no luck. This is pretty problematic seeing as I'm a developer and I'm going to be starting work on an Android app for work soon. I'm not 100% sure if this is a problem centralized to the G4, but I didn't really get any reception on the Ubuntu forums, so I thought I would check here. Has anyone else had this problem?

No problems here, though I am using 15.10.
It does take a few moments, though. Once the phone is plugged in, I get the 'USB Connected' notification. which is where you can tap to change from mtp to ptp. After a few moments, it will automatically go to mtp/ptp mode - whichever was the last mode you set. Then a few moments later the debugging notification comes up, and I am then able to see the phone in adb.

misterbreadcrum said:
So I found a few mentions of this throughout the forums, but nothing that came really remotely close to solving the problem.
I'm having trouble getting my machines (a laptop and a desktop) running Ubuntu to recognize my device (LG G4) - but not always. So naturally, I tried to set it to PTP mode, but I actually couldn't find this setting anywhere on the device. I plugged it in on my Windows machine and made sure it was in PTP mode while plugged in, and still no luck. This is pretty problematic seeing as I'm a developer and I'm going to be starting work on an Android app for work soon. I'm not 100% sure if this is a problem centralized to the G4, but I didn't really get any reception on the Ubuntu forums, so I thought I would check here. Has anyone else had this problem?
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Have you tried this?
Find the vendorid and productid with lsub:
$> lsusb
Bus 001 Device 013: ID 0bb4:0c02 HTC (High Tech Computer Corp.) Dream / ADP1 / G1 / Magic / Tattoo (Debug)
the "0bb4" is the vendor-id, the "0c02"is the productid
open the file "/lib/udev/rules.d/69-libmtp.rules" for edit:
$> gksudo gedit /lib/udev/rules.d/69-libmtp.rules
Insert the new device, by duplicating a previous one and correcting the id's and save the file:
ATTR{idVendor}=="0bb4", ATTR{idProduct}=="0c02", SYMLINK+="libmtp-%k", MODE="660", GROUP="audio", ENV{ID_MTP_DEVICE}="1", ENV{ID_MEDIA_PLAYER}="1"
Unplug your smartphone and replug it. Your Linux should mount your device like it would do for other one.
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I got these directions from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15055304/unable-to-mount-samsung-android-in-ubuntu and it helped me get my phone properly recognized in Mint.

dcorrea said:
Have you tried this?
I got these directions from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15055304/unable-to-mount-samsung-android-in-ubuntu and it helped me get my phone properly recognized in Mint.
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I'll give this a shot.
And thanks, but no amount of waiting brings it to debug mode if that's not in the cards. I just plugged it in, and on the first try it went into debug mode, but on subsequent plug-ins, it failed to recognize. Really odd behavior. I was beginning to think it a factory defect, but my buddy's phone also doesn't work, so it definitely seems to be Ubuntu.
Unfortunately, no luck on this. Adding device rules to either this file or 51-android don't work. I also find it incredibly strange that it is recognizing it ~1% of the time.
Just as clarification, I've made positive my maufacturer and device ids are correct. I managed to lsusb on one of the successful plugins and used those details to fill in entries in the rules files.

When I get home I'll fire up an Ubuntu distro and see if I have the same problem. When you plug the phone in and type "ls usb" does it show at all there?

dcorrea said:
When I get home I'll fire up an Ubuntu distro and see if I have the same problem. When you plug the phone in and type "ls usb" does it show at all there?
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Only when I get the verifications that come with a successful attempt. A beep-boop, an android bug icon and usb icon at the top of the device, and a popup about my file-system. I ought to have copied the lsusb output here, because of course I can't get it to recognize now.

misterbreadcrum said:
Only when I get the verifications that come with a successful attempt. A beep-boop, an android bug icon and usb icon at the top of the device, and a popup about my file-system. I ought to have copied the lsusb output here, because of course I can't get it to recognize now.
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I have Ubuntu 15.10 but it works fine with that. As soon as I plug my phone in, I get instant notification that its recognized on the phone, and then a few seconds later it mounts in Ubuntu. At this point it sounds like either a hardware problem like a bad USB cord, or some sort of corruption in your Distro. Have you considered running another Ubuntu distro off a LIveUSB to rule out the hardware?

Since you need to be in ptp mode, editing a udev rule for mtp recognition is not likely going to help, I think.
I would definitely check your cable, and even usb ports used. I just booted my 14.04 laptop, and it works exactly the same as in my 15.10 laptop and PC

claydoh said:
Since you need to be in ptp mode, editing a udev rule for mtp recognition is not likely going to help, I think.
I would definitely check your cable, and even usb ports used. I just booted my 14.04 laptop, and it works exactly the same as in my 15.10 laptop and PC
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Yeah, I think I'm at the point where I've tried a different phone, different cable, different port, different computer, and the only thing that worked - different OS. My home desktop deploys test apps just fine, but I used the same Ubuntu Gnome 14.04 image for my other two computers.
I should try re-installing the drivers I guess.


ADB only recognizes phone when it's in recovery. Why?

I used to be able to
1. Plug my phone in via USB (unmounted - meaning "charge only")
2. Open up a command prompt and navigate to the correct folder.
3. Type "adb devices"
4. Receive a long string of characters that indicated that adb recognized the device.
Now this only happens for me if the phone is in recovery already. For example:
C:\android-sdk-windows\tools>adb devices
List of devices attached
HT05SHL05247 recovery
Things I've tried:
* Re-installed SDK
* Re-installed HTC Sync
* Manually re-installed drivers for phone
It is interesting to note that when the phone is on and plugged in, Device Manager sees it as a disk drive no matter if the phone is mounted as a disk drive or not. Strange.
Everything worked fine until I went on vacation. Now it's messed up!
The question is: how do I get adb to recognize my phone again?
is usb debugging still on?
when you plug in the USB cable do you get the screen to select
charge only, HTC Sync Disk drive etc..
if not go to "Settings" -> "Connect to PC"
and turn on "Ask Me"
I had a bad USB port, would only charge could not get any PC connection to work until phone was replaced, works now
Thanks for the responses.
mdwoods said:
is usb debugging still on?
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Yes, I checked and USB Debugging is selected.
btedeski said:
when you plug in the USB cable do you get the screen to select
charge only, HTC Sync Disk drive etc..
if not go to "Settings" -> "Connect to PC"
and turn on "Ask Me"
I had a bad USB port, would only charge could not get any PC connection to work until phone was replaced, works now
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Yup, when I plug it in I get the pop-up asking me what kind of connection I want.
Any other ideas?
Still nothing! I'm going to be selfish and bump in case a fresh pair of eyes can help me solve this.
Something similar happened to me. I tried many things over and over again. I changed kernals, roms, reinstalled drivers, etc. Eventually, I just reformatted my computer and it worked. I don't know why reinstalling the drivers wouldn't work when reformatting did. I honestly have no idea, but that reformat did the trick for me.
ADB not working when booted is a somewhat commonly-reported problem with King's kernels. Try flashing the stock kernel and see if it starts working again. Also, wipe your caches in the future before flashing a new kernel. This seems to prevent a lot of issues.
I has this same problem. I believe I wrote a thread about it. When I toggled USB debugging off and then back on, that is what solved the problem. Believe me, I went through hours of reinstalls of multiple androidusb.inf drivers plus HTC Sync among others. It wasn't until a "what the hell, let's give it a try" moment that I toggled USB debugging off/on. Like you, I had it on the whole time. Still don't know what caused the mishap but this is what fixed it for me.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Thanks for the last two ideas. I love Fresh ROM, but have been having major issues with it lately, and this must have been tied into it. I installed Baked Snack with the custom baked snack "speed" kernel and the issue went away (along with all my other issues). Yay.
I don't doubt that toggling the USB Tethering check box would have fixed it, though. And that's just funny. Sad and funny.
Sprockethead said:
I don't doubt that toggling the USB Tethering check box would have fixed it, though. And that's just funny. Sad and funny.
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Actually, I found an answer to that question. I am experimenting with Andromadus CM10 on a HTC Desire Z and this is what happens:
The mobile phone declares what USB device it is. You can look at this on the linux computer you have connected it with:
lsusb -v -d 0bb4:0c91
The string after "-d" is what you get from a plain lsusb command. The important part of the output of that command is
bInterfaceClass 255 Vendor Specific Class
"adb devices" only shows the phone if this 255 is present.
With the phone in fastboot and recovery, I always could see the 255 on my linux box. Normally booted, I sometimes had it, sometimes not.
If I had it the device was called "HTC Vision", if I didn't have it, it was a "HTC Desire / Desire HD / Hero (Charge Mode)"
Toggling "USB Debugging" actually helped me to make it a "HTC Desire" and get adb over USB working.

[Q] EVO Unrecognized - WTF??

Guys, I need a little help here. I've rooted my share of phones, and even some tablets, but the Evo i bought a few days ago has been a nightmare.
For some reason, and I can't tell why, this thing will not be recognized by Windows.
It always shows up as "Unknown Device" under the USB catagory on Device Manager.
I've tried different OS versions (Windows 7 64Bit, Vista 64bit, Even Mac). I've also pulled down every form of driver I can think of (SDK Orginal version, HTC Sync, Hboot Versions, etc.)
I just cannot get this thing to be recognized. And if I manually try to update the driver and point it to one that I've downloaded, Windows tells me that the most current driver is already installed.
The bottom line is that I need to be able to connect to the phone from the comp in order to push stuff via ADB and throw commands at it. The same unknown device situation happens when the phone is in bootloader or actually booted into Stock Froyo (2.2)
Has anyone ever seen anything like this? I know i haven't, and it's buggin me out.
buster3845 said:
Guys, I need a little help here. I've rooted my share of phones, and even some tablets, but the Evo i bought a few days ago has been a nightmare.
For some reason, and I can't tell why, this thing will not be recognized by Windows.
It always shows up as "Unknown Device" under the USB catagory on Device Manager.
I've tried different OS versions (Windows 7 64Bit, Vista 64bit, Even Mac). I've also pulled down every form of driver I can think of (SDK Orginal version, HTC Sync, Hboot Versions, etc.)
I just cannot get this thing to be recognized. And if I manually try to update the driver and point it to one that I've downloaded, Windows tells me that the most current driver is already installed.
The bottom line is that I need to be able to connect to the phone from the comp in order to push stuff via ADB and throw commands at it. The same unknown device situation happens when the phone is in bootloader or actually booted into Stock Froyo (2.2)
Has anyone ever seen anything like this? I know i haven't, and it's buggin me out.
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I've never seen that before. Wish I had something for ya. Is the Evo brand new or used? Are you sure the usb cable is good? I've seen a bad cable cause some headaches before. Wish I had more for ya, sorry man.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
EVO is not new. I bough it from cragslist a few days ago. It seems to work fine otherwise. Not rooted for sure, and running Sprint original 2.2.
I did try a couple of different USB cables just to be sure, and had the same results.
The funny thing is that even though I was never able to get it "recognized" on any of my machines, I was able to get ADB so "see" it for a while. I started the rooting process by pushing files to it via ADB and even sent a reboot command to it.
Once it rebooted, that's when it all went bad. It was still showing as unrecognized (just like before), but now ADB can't see it at all. Keeps telling me no devices are connected.
Even my friend's Mac Air (which supposedly doesn't need any kind of drivers to see the phone) can't see it either.
It's just weird...
perform a hard reset, maybe a rogue app or setting got messed up,
fastboot screen>clear storage>yes
Tried that as well. Sorry i didn't mention it in the original post.
I think I've pretty much tried everything that's somewhat logical at this point.
Now I'm looking for the "illogical" ideas.
Make sure usb debugging option is turned on in settings>applications>development and the phone is in charge only mode. Then it should be recognized and you should be able to use adb.
Debugging was turned on already. I made sure of that.
As for the mode of connection I've tried them all with mixed results.
Here's what I've seen so far...
Charge only - unrecognized device in Device manager, and ADB can't see it.
HTC sync - unrecognized device in Device manager, and ADB can't see it.
Disk Drive - unrecognized device in Device manager, and ADB can't see it.
Internet Sharing - never tried it.
Here's the weird part. If i uncheck Debugging and set the phone to HTC Sync, I am sometimes able to get ADB to see it.
This is just confusing...
What happens if you uninstall HTC Sync and just leave the drivers installed? Could work I suppose. I know unrevoked says to make sure you uninstall HTC Sync and install the ADB drivers.
try this. connect your evo to a machine running xp. i had the same problems rooting one evo using windows 7. connected to a machine running xp ,zipped right through without a hitch.
Thats what I tried on the Vista box.removed HTC sync, and left the HTC drivers.when that failed I removed the drivers too and replaced them with several different ones I found online.none seemed to work.
The strangest part is that all guides seem to say that MAC OS should just see it without any drivers.
I borrowed friends MAC air and it didn't see it either.
I'm not sure which USB drivers you are using, but these work for me. Uninstall the drivers first, then install this. I hope it is legal to put these here and if not I am extremely sorry.
PS you could try a Linux Live CD and it will see it without drivers or go with Wubi which installs Ubuntu on your Windows hard drive and can be uninstalled just like any other program. It gives you the option to boot into Ubuntu or Windows on bootup. Neat little program and it is faster than using the live CD. Go to this link Wubi and click the Start Download button to download Wubi.
Those seem to be the same drivers I've tried (well those and a ton of others as well).
I'm gonna give that LiveCD idea a shot. Burning it now.
If not, I'm gonna try to find an XP machine somewhere.
I've got a couple of VM's on my machine running XP, but since the main Win7 Machine doesn't see it, it can't seem to pass the USB connection over to the XP VM.
Man, I have to say, this is just the most complicated rooting process I've ever seen. If this was my first root attempt, I'm pretty sure I'd leave Android forever
It usually is a painless operation to root the Evo. For some reason you are having a difficult time with driver installation. It seriously has to be something simple that has been missed, because I have rooted mine and several friends Evo's and it was very easy. I had a MyTouch 3g 3.5mm before this Evo and talk about a pain. Before the Universal Auto root app you had to make a gold card first and that in itself took over an hour. It was my first root and it was very difficult and time consuming, so to see how easy the Evo was no matter which way I do it made me very happy.
buster3845 said:
Thats what I tried on the Vista box.removed HTC sync, and left the HTC drivers.when that failed I removed the drivers too and replaced them with several different ones I found online.none seemed to work.
The strangest part is that all guides seem to say that MAC OS should just see it without any drivers.
I borrowed friends MAC air and it didn't see it either.
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yes the mac doesn't require additonal drivers to run adb however u need to make sure the directory is properly set in terminal so adb knows where to pull commands from... on windows did u try uninstalling everything phone related? SDK, HTC Sync, the whole nine yards then try reinstalling only the sdk and the usb drivers? I know with the lastest SDK the usb driver is not included for some reason or at least it wasn't with mine... then one day my adb just randomly stopped working and a uninstall/reinstall cleared up everything... try this usb driver and see where it gets u. Don't know if it's any different that wat the guy above posted but worth a shot. Reinstall the appropriate SDK first then i would recommend plugging the evo into the pc with no usb drivers installed then when it cant automatically find the drivers direct it to the file u downloaded and it should pull the necessary drivers from there and see if that does the trick...
View attachment android-usb-driver.zip
No dice so far guys...but i have made progress in identifying the issue (sort of).
So here's the deal - the ONLY way the phone is recognized is if i toggle the "debugging" setting.
If i plug the phone in with the switch set on (meaning USB Debugging enabled) the phone is not recognized. Pointing the unknown device to the drivers (any drivers) does nothing.
However, if i plug the phone in with the switch set off, it finds a usb mass storage device. Then i turn the debugging switch on, and it finds the ADB Android phone with no issues. Then i can push commands via ADB without any problems.
The problem i have is that I cannot toggle that switch if i boot into HBOOT menu. So the comp never see's the phone.
I've tried this experiment on Win7-64bit, Vista-64bit, XP 32bit, and even MAC.
The same situation seems to apply everywhere, and with all of the drivers I've tried. None of them seem to allow the phone to be plugged in and automatically be found. The only way for the comp to see the phone is if i toggle the debugging switch off, then on.
At this point, I'm ready to put out a bounty on this. $20 via PayPal to anyone who can walk me through it. Bottom line is that I need to be able to see the phone without having to toggle the debugging switch. That will allow me to boot into HBOOT and still send commands to the phone via ADB.
Thanks for all the help guys. Hopefully, we can get this resolved.
Anyone care to take a shot??

missing hardward ID limited solution

I've read some people are having trouble with GN2 when connecting it to a PC via a USB cable. I've been having that problem as well.
I've found some suggested solutions, but none worked for me:
Code 10 error device manager
Missing Hardward ID fix
I found a partial solution. It's limited in what is solves. This is good for a user who is looking just to be able the phone USB storage so you can transfer files and what not. This does not give access for ADB. This will get rid of the need to plug and unplug the usb cord, or enable or disable USB debugging or whatever else people need to a bunch of times for the phone to finally be recognized by their machines. This works in Windows 7 64bit; I assume 32 bit. Don't know about Windows 8 (if there is the problem)
Basically, uninstall the Samsung USB drivers. Then just reconnect the GN2 to your PC. Let Windows install it's drivers. You'll see failures for Ssmsung and ADB, but still have access. You'll get the same access with and with USB debugging. Below are pics showing the results of driver installation by Windows, and hardware device properties. If you click the picture, you get see a large image of the screen shot.
Without USB debugging
WIth USB debuggind turned on:
Maybe someone with more knowledge can figure out the rest to complete fix the issue. But I assume for most, this should be sufficient.
lovekeiiy said:
I've read some people are having trouble with GN2 when connecting it to a PC via a USB cable. I've been having that problem as well.
I've found some suggested solutions, but none worked for me:
Code 10 error device manager
Missing Hardward ID fix
I found a partial solution. It's limited in what is solves. This is good for a user who is looking just to be able the phone USB storage so you can transfer files and what not. This does not give access for ADB. This will get rid of the need to plug and unplug the usb cord, or enable or disable USB debugging or whatever else people need to a bunch of times for the phone to finally be recognized by their machines. This works in Windows 7 64bit; I assume 32 bit. Don't know about Windows 8 (if there is the problem)
Basically, uninstall the Samsung USB drivers. Then just reconnect the GN2 to your PC. Let Windows install it's drivers. You'll see failures for Ssmsung and ADB, but still have access. You'll get the same access with and with USB debugging. Below are pics showing the results of driver installation by Windows, and hardware device properties. If you click the picture, you get see a large image of the screen shot.
Without USB debugging
WIth USB debuggind turned on:
Maybe someone with more knowledge can figure out the rest to complete fix the issue. But I assume for most, this should be sufficient.
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Hey....Thanks so much!! It's a good start.
With all of the brilliant developer on these boards, I'm surprised no one has come up with a fix yet. In good time!!!!
I figured most users on here aren't needing to use ADB after rooting, but want to access storage. I tried accessing using ADB, which I have installed on my PC but never use, and it wasn't connecting. I had to look up how to use it. When I asked for listed devices, nothing came up.
If you look at the threads listed, it appears it's a driver issue with Samsungs USB drivers. I figure at some point either Samsung or Microsoft will fix it, more than the developers here. Although, I think they'll probably find a solution faster.
HA! I'm glad I'm not the only one. I've been rebooting my PC to solve the issue. It only happens once in a while. I'll be watching this thread. Thanks
I know this isn't exactly on topic but I've seen this discussed here and other forums as far as "properly" ejecting the Note 2/GS3 from your PC. Some say you just pull the USB, it will not corrupt etc. I just wanted to share that you can eject(windows). Just go to Devices and Printers, you will see SPH-L900 in your list. Right-click and eject. Probably means nothing but figured I'd share for those that feel iffy about just pulling the plug
I just pull my USB. I don't do the whole eject thing. The "having" to do the eject thing basically went out when Windows 7 arrived. I've been doing this method for couple years with Windows 7 for various devices. Never an issue.
And even faster than when you mention, if on WIndows 7, you go to the task bar to the right, there is a triangle that shows all your running background apps. Click that, right click the USB icon. It should be listed. If not, there is a "open devices and printers" which takes to the same place.

[Q]Another Bricked Kindle Thread: No Pwer, wont turn on

Im now the proud owner of a bricked first gen kindle fire. I decided to go ahead and successfully installed this ROM on my device. After messing around with the apps the screen froze, i decided to do a hard reset and now my device wont turn on and im not seeing any lights when its plugged in. After some investigation ive come to the conclusion that the device has a bootloader error of some kind. Ive tried using fire kit and the shorting trick to get around this issue but its seems that im out of my depth. Im messed around with "soupkit" and have gotten the drivers installed on my linux distro (ubuntu) howver when i run "adb devices" im not seeing my device. I occassionally see the device pop up in my listing when i run "lsusb" however.
any help would be greatly appreciated.
what you linked as a rom is not a rom unless you flashed update.zip but everything would surely go wrong if you flashed the kindle fire utility??? Power on issues are usually from a completely dead battery. It could fail to turn on depending on what you did flash if it was way off the chart incorrect. So I`m confused about your post you must clarify. You will certaily need firekit to repair if it fails to power on with a full battery pm me I will try to assist you in fixing your completely brain dead device.
0beah said:
Im now the proud owner of a bricked first gen kindle fire. I decided to go ahead and successfully installed this ROM on my device. After messing around with the apps the screen froze, i decided to do a hard reset and now my device wont turn on and im not seeing any lights when its plugged in. After some investigation ive come to the conclusion that the device has a bootloader error of some kind. Ive tried using firekit and the shorting trick to get around this issue but its seems that im out of my depth. Im messed around with "soupkit" and have gotten the drivers installed on my linux distro (ubuntu) howver when i run "adb devices" im not seeing my device. I occassionally see the device pop up in my listing when i run "lsusb" however.
any help would be greatly appreciated.
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The "shorting trick" will work...but rarely on the first shot. Keep trying and don't give up.
A few things to note before trying the shorting trick:
* Be sure you aren't using a USB 3.0 port
* Make sure the power is completely off. Even if there are no outward signs of life, the device can still be on and the Firekit will fail. Hold the power button for 15 seconds or so to make sure there is no power to the device before plugging in and attempting the shorting trick.
* Be sure you fully understand the instructions in the Firekit/Rekindle threads. There is important information there that can easily be overlooked if you aren't attentive.
Unfortunately, the USBboot method is one of the few things you're completely on your own with. No one here can help you with it. That being said, it's one of those things you just need to be persistent with it. Everyone I've seen use the Firekit, has succeeded, eventually.
shorting trick again.
So I've done the shorting trick again. Connected the 3rd dot on the board to the metal case around it. Fire kit sees something obviously and my usb port pick up this:
Bus 001 Device 016: ID 0451:d00f Texas Instruments, Inc.​
Still no light still no power and fire kit moves from:
waiting for OMAP44xx device...​
< waiting for device >​
and just hangs there. I've been informed that for custom roms it will take a while, but how long is that exactly? i've left it there fro roughly about half an hour.
0beah said:
So I've done the shorting trick again. Connected the 3rd dot on the board to the metal case around it. Fire kit sees something obviously and my usb port pick up this:
Bus 001 Device 016: ID 0451:d00f Texas Instruments, Inc.​
Still no light still no power and fire kit moves from:
waiting for OMAP44xx device...​
< waiting for device >​
and just hangs there. I've been informed that for custom roms it will take a while, but how long is that exactly? i've left it there fro roughly about half an hour.
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BTW the rom i used was gotten from here
Yeah leaving it <waiting for device> really does nothing If you dont get any action within 3 or 4 mins start the procedure again. You must keep the short until it runs through as well 30 mins is overkill. Make sure you are contacting the correct test point here it is shown circled in red http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=19762674&postcount=51 .
Thepooch said:
Yeah leaving it <waiting for device> really does nothing If you dont get any action within 3 or 4 mins start the procedure again. You must keep the short until it runs through as well 30 mins is overkill. Make sure you are contacting the correct test point here it is shown circled in red http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=19762674&postcount=51 .
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Yeah thats exactly what i did. Unfortunately im busy with work now but im gonna leave it plugged in and the fire kit running for the rest of the day and see if there's any change.
You can leave it plugged in for 10 years and firekit running and if your not shorting it there never will be a change.
same hinesAn
So I'm definitely not sure if I'm shorting this properly. I have set up a pin to touch the point and the frame to leave my hands free. Running some diagnostics. Not sure if its relevant but I'm in the 11.10 environ of ubuntu btw. I'm noticing the device keeps getting disconnected by the system with the following message:
device: 38 was not an MTP device
USB disconnect, device number 38
checking on some libmtp things maybe the issue is that my linux install just doesn't recognize the device?
Use the intel 86 desktop CD image http://releases.ubuntu.com/precise/
Okay so ive made a live cd off of the link provided (cant make a bootable usb at the moment). Same issue as before except now i get the following according to th logs:
[ 3824.857537] usb 1-1.2: new high-speed USB device number 24 using ehci_hcd
[ 3824.950355] usb 1-1.2: unable to get BOS descriptor
[ 3825.427367] usb 1-1.2: USB disconnect, device number 24​
A live CD will not work because of persistent only a live USB has this capability sorry. You could try my iso its possible that it may work as a live CD http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1413358 post 7 but I have never tested use the per instructions to created the CD. Sorry for the large download but its totally prefab create boot and use nothing else needed. The way you're doing it when you reboot no Soupkit changes will be saved to the CD.
Thepooch said:
A live CD will not work because of persistent only a live USB has this capability sorry. You could try my iso its possible that it may work as a live CD http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1413358 post 7 but I have never tested use the per instructions to created the CD. Sorry for the large download but its totally prefab create boot and use nothing else needed.
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Im sorry im not following exactly why i NEED persistent? is it only the adb drivers? cause ive gotten those dld via PPA. Just would like to now out of curiosity really. Regardless i'll grab a 4gb USB ASAP.
The persistent or Casper r/w allows for changes to be save between reboots on a live USB that's why it will not work on a CD because no data including udev rules aren't preserved. Soupkit is intended to either be ran on a live USB or a full install. I recommended 12.04 because through the process of testing Soupkit well over 200 times that I found there to be some mild issues that accompanied the use of 11.10. I tested every viable distro that allowed for persistent xubuntu,kubuntu, multiple distros of Ubuntu and Linux mint mate and found that 12.04 Ubuntu and Linux mint mate 32 bit worked the very best with less hassles to the user.
rsomeoe Having
I now have 12.04 tried running the firekit tool while doing the "shorting trick". Still no change as from before. Still getting:
[ 716.828012] usb 1-2: new high-speed USB device number 8 using ehci_hcd
[ 716.960808] usb 1-2: unable to get BOS descriptor
[ 719.962054] usb 1-2: USB disconnect, device number 8​
0beah said:
I now have 12.04 tried running the firekit tool while doing the "shorting trick". Still no change as from before. Still getting:
[ 716.828012] usb 1-2: new high-speed USB device number 8 using ehci_hcd
[ 716.960808] usb 1-2: unable to get BOS descriptor
[ 719.962054] usb 1-2: USB disconnect, device number 8​
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So i now have a pen drive. installed soupkit. ran the firekit install on in and now im now stuck at "waiting for device:". Any assistance?

[Q] MTP Driver?

Hi All,
I have been unable to get my oppo n1 (CM edition) to connect to my home PC (win8 x64). This is annoying as my work PC (also win8 x64) detected and interacts fine with the MTP end point on the phone when connected via USB cable.
Could someone take a look at their drivers when their phone is connected and if possible zip them up for me? i would grab the ones from my work place but it just when friday afternoon and i cant believe this is such a hassle for me.
for the record, my home system currently detects the oppo as USB\VID_22D9&PID_2764\58E10EA
all the other drivers i have found are either for the ADB end point or some other PID.
no, secure boot is too much hassle as wrangling inf files can wait till monday i guess.
TIA to anyone that responds.
welp i think i have traced this down to a strange fault in just my own PC.
tested my oppo on a win7-x64 machine - installs fine.
I am comparing the setupapi logs to see any divergences and have found one.
my win8 box windows is not "seeing" the usb\ms_comp_mtp "compatible ID" (this is the magic that allows one driver to match many different VID/PIDs, thus a generic MTP driver should work for anything that advertises it self as MTP).
Now for the hard question of why that isnt being sent/seen by my box...
also to add to the mystery - PTP mode works fine, just MTP gives me grief.
While my own journey is far from over, ive learnt the C:\windows\inf\setupapi.dev.log file is quite useful for assisting in figuring out what isnt working when it comes to device driver installations.
I am happy to have a mod close this off, given this problem appears isolated to just my machine.

