Android Wear vs WatchOS - Moto 360

So I've seen a few reviews where they dismiss the Android Wear software as not being as good as Apple's WatchOS. Is this typical lazy journalism or is there any truth in this?
From what I've seen of Apple Watch it pretty much does the same as Android Wear, except with the exception of being able to take calls on the watch, which is coming to Android Wear imminently (providing you have the hardware to support it).

I have used both. I prefer Android Wear in fact. The interface is more simple. For the moment I have an Apple Watch. What I miss the most are the wristgestures. For me that is a really useful way to see them quickly. I don't care much for third party app as they are are so slow, they are practically useless. I seldom talk to my watch.

apple watch has zero customization

So doesn't Watch OS have wrist gestures? Does the watch come on when you twist your arm to look at it?

The difference between Android Wear and WatchOS really parallels Android and iOS.
iOS is fully native code and is tightly paired to the hardware. Some features like Siri and phone calls will be slightly more responsive as a result.
Android however is designed to be more horizontal and support custom hardware, and customization in general. If you like to tinker, and make it yours... you'll prefer Android Wear.
Neither are bad platforms. Both need improvement. I prefer Android Wear as customization brings the cost down ($79 bargain bin watches on Android Wear, for example), and my Moto 360 has the freaking Goldeneye watch face... that's shockingly functional!


[Q] Anyone have the Gear 2 before the Moto?

Wondering if any of you guys have had the Gear 2 before purchasing the Moto 360.
I'm interested in the round screen as well as Android Wear. But I'm not able to really find any reviews of someone who has really used both devices day in and day out.
I've have Pebble, loved it! But never put it back on after the Gear 2 purchase. I don't think Tizen is a lost cause, I see new apps coming out all the time. But, I think maybe Android Wear is the way to go, for the long haul.
So, has anyone used both devices for some period of time?
jb4lsu said:
Wondering if any of you guys have had the Gear 2 before purchasing the Moto 360.
I'm interested in the round screen as well as Android Wear. But I'm not able to really find any reviews of someone who has really used both devices day in and day out.
I've have Pebble, loved it! But never put it back on after the Gear 2 purchase. I don't think Tizen is a lost cause, I see new apps coming out all the time. But, I think maybe Android Wear is the way to go, for the long haul.
So, has anyone used both devices for some period of time?
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I have used both, and I liked the Gear 2 better. The software is just much more functional, and battery life is great.
Also, the Gear 2 had some neat features that the 360 didn't have (camera, speaker, IR blaster to control all of your audio/video equipment etc...).
I still think Android Wear will be the way to go, but for now it's not as useful as the Gear IMHO...
I had the 360 and went to the Gear 2. It is a much better and refined watch in my opinion. The Speaker, Amoled screen as well as the Android like Tizen, provide a pleasant experience for me. And the incredible battery life, wow! Doing chores around my house while waiting to talk to a customer support agent on my watch is such a revolutionary thing for me as well.
I had the opposite experience.
Camera function is useless on Gear 2.
You can't feel the vibration when you're doing anything with your hands using the G2.
Never bothered to use the IR because the OS on the G2 is clunky and slow.
I do miss the speaker option because you can take calls.
And battery life.
App support for the G2 is AWFUL.
S-Voice is horrible and slow.
G2 is much heavier, but the band is better (debatable).
I can go on for days, but I only had the 360 for almost 24hrs now so I'm still getting used to it.
Is camera function that bad? Since I don't have a waterproof phone I thought having a camera on my risk for our doors and pool beach play with the kids
would be a great solution. I dont really need the picture quality to be perfect or SLR quality but enough for social sharing. Pls comment .. Tq
I hear google voice search can be made to works too on the G2 so I suppose there can still be some google integration.
bubblebuddyi said:
I had the opposite experience.
Camera function is useless on Gear 2.
You can't feel the vibration when you're doing anything with your hands using the G2.
Never bothered to use the IR because the OS on the G2 is clunky and slow.
I do miss the speaker option because you can take calls.
And battery life.
App support for the G2 is AWFUL.
S-Voice is horrible and slow.
G2 is much heavier, but the band is better (debatable).
I can go on for days, but I only had the 360 for almost 24hrs now so I'm still getting used to it.
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fylim said:
Is camera function that bad? Since I don't have a waterproof phone I thought having a camera on my risk for our doors and pool beach play with the kids
would be a great solution. I dont really need the picture quality to be perfect or SLR quality but enough for social sharing. Pls comment .. Tq
I hear google voice search can be made to works too on the G2 so I suppose there can still be some google integration.
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Here's a link to the Gear 2 thread to "Show off your pics".
They look pretty good to me!
I had the gear 2 and now I have the moto 360, this is a trade off at the moment, as far as voice recognition moto is much better, the style I think is much better. The gear 2 is like a swiss army knife, it's much more feature packed and its management of emails and text is better.
If andoid wear catches up the moto will surpass gear 2
Sent from my SM-N900T using XDA Free mobile app
fylim said:
Is camera function that bad? Since I don't have a waterproof phone I thought having a camera on my risk for our doors and pool beach play with the kids
would be a great solution. I dont really need the picture quality to be perfect or SLR quality but enough for social sharing. Pls comment .. Tq
I hear google voice search can be made to works too on the G2 so I suppose there can still be some google integration.
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The camera is quite good. It also take 720p video. No Google now as of yet, unless you use Tasker.
Spartiatis said:
I had the gear 2 and now I have the moto 360, this is a trade off at the moment, as far as voice recognition moto is much better, the style I think is much better. The gear 2 is like a swiss army knife, it's much more feature packed and its management of emails and text is better.
If andoid wear catches up the moto will surpass gear 2
Sent from my SM-N900T using XDA Free mobile app
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I too had both. And agree with the above statement.
I don't personally have a Gear 2, but a friend of mine does.
The camera isn't very good. And honestly I cannot for the life of me figure out why you'd use it over your phone unless you were trying to do something devious. The one time my friend used it that was some what useful was to take a picture of our parking lot area number when we were at a convention.
But I mean...I had my phone out and could have done it in two seconds.
I don't quite get people wanting to replace their phone with a smart watch.
If you said "Gear 2 has better battery life, that's why I went with it", no debate, totally understand that.
But to say you like it better for a speaker and a camera? Geesh.
As someone who has seen both watches in use...
Gear 2, better battery life, wouldn't be caught dead in public wearing it (my friend looks like a dork among dorks).
360, looks like an actual watch, worse battery.
That's it.
The gear 2 is a completely crippled piece of hardware. In typical Samsung fashion they just cram it with as many features as possible hoping that at least one of them will grab someones attention so they can make the sale. Funny how this amazing strategy clearly isn't working when they are showing losses as of last quarter.
The crippling I'm referring to is Tizen, which will be obsolete in 6 months or less. How arrogant of Samsung to think they can write thier own OS and take on Android. They can't even get their android based OS down, and now they are writing a new OS from scratch?
And the nail in the coffin is s voice. One of the worst user experiences I have ever seen. Its slow, unintelligent, and not helpful in any way whatsoever. You can't even respond to an email wtih the gear 2.... Give me a break. I respond to everything on my Android wear watch, including chat programs such as groupme. Better battery life on the gear 2? Yes. S voice? Blows the entire package out of the water.
Have the Gear 2 Neo, just picked up the Moto last night to try.
Design: Clearly Moto Wins with round display.
Display Quality: Gear 2, so much better just not round.
Voice Recognition: Moto hands down
Interface Usability: Gear 2 is so much easier to use aside from voice control. Android Wear is so immature
Battery Life: Not even a competition, 4 Days+ on the Gear 2, after 10 hours I'm at 40% on the Moto.
Apps: Gear 2 by a hair, but both suck
Charger: Moto Charger is very cool, Gear 2 is annoying
Calls: Moto is Useless, No speaker, if you want to answer calls your only choice is Gear 2.
Messaging: Moto wins only because it will let you reply to Hangouts which is all I use, both are really bad as messaging
Performance: Gear 2 wins, Moto lags a lot
Watch faces: Gear 2 has far more options for customizing watch
Navigation: Both are terrible right now, but Gear 2 with a speaker has clear potential advantage. Moto will always be useless.
Gear 2 features you can't replicate on Moto:
IR control, kind of a gimmick, but fun to play with at your local bar and drive you bartender nuts
Voice call, ummm Android Wear, what were you thinking.
The Moto is a beautiful watch, but between the battery life and the lack of a speaker I will probably return it and stick with my Gear 2, it's just a more useable mature product.
gorillaz1 said:
I don't personally have a Gear 2, but a friend of mine does.
The camera isn't very good. And honestly I cannot for the life of me figure out why you'd use it over your phone unless you were trying to do something devious.
That's it.
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A few situations come to mind where you don't want to risk your phone flying out of your hands. Roller coasters, surfing, Sky diving to name a few. Maybe your life is too boring. Lol. Personally I like the design of the Gear 2 better. The 360 looked like a hockey puck strapped to my wrist.
Some little nit pickey things
I traded my gear 2 for this. Everyone is right about battery life it does suck. Like 10-12 hour suck if your lucky. On the gear 2 you get a notification and if you ignored it it would go of the main screen. Basically if you ignored the notification and the display went dark next time you flick you wrist you would have a clear view of the time. With the 360 no matter how many times you flick your wrist that notification is still there and it wont go away without swiping it away which gets old after a while. I kinda miss the speaker and dedicated away from the phone for a while music player. Can't speak for the vibration problems people are having and ir blaster since I didn't use much to care if it wasn't there. My kids are mad because no camera now but not that big a deal to me. One last thing it comes with a day one update that needs 80 percent to attempt. Mine came out of the box at 6 percent. That reminds me it get wildly inconsistent charging rates. Sometimes it's like 30 minutes to 100 percent other times it sitting on the charger all night and I go to leave and it won't turn on because it stopped charging for some reason. But anyway you can't even use thing as a watch until the update it just says it won't connect. The screen is nice but not for the trade off the we are getting with battery life. Would I still trade my gear 2 for this. Yes best solely on looks right now. Maybe software can fix some of what's wrong
I also went back to my gear 2....I loved the 360 look feel etc, but it was hard to justify the 250 price tag....also considering how hard I am on devices I think I'll just use the gear 2 into the ground and hopefully by then something that comfortably gets me through the day with battery is out. I do drive 3-4 hours a day or more so maybe the crappy battery life has to do with that. It is almost a full day but when I am afraid to look at my watch so I can conserve battery I think it loses its usefulness.
Is it worth it to trade my gear 2 for a moto 360?
I had gear 2 neo before having the moto 360... The only thing that I see gear neo is better that is battery life and the screen as Amoled.. Other than that it a useless especially the tizen OS!
Thought about getting a gear 2 but biggest most massive issue with any of samsung none wear watches are you gotta have a Samsung Device and I've got a nexus 5. Have a lg g watch with my 360 I rarely use the g watch even though it has a better cpu.
Samsung is also really really bad about updating their devices or even providing proper organized device source so you could make a update yourself.
Argument on a speaker on your watch I find silly rather have a nice Bluetooth headset lot less background noise. Heck I'm looking at the bragi dash when they come out!

Android Wear not ready for 'Prime Time' - Returned 360

First I am die-hard Android enthusiast and have had several Androids over the years.
But after watching Apple Watch keynote address, it became clear to me that Wear is not yet ready for prime time. Wear is still in its infancy and looks like Google is not interested in giving finished product. Just like Android itself, Google will take its own time to develop slick and chic platform while we keep on buying mediocre/cut rate products.
Looking at screens from Apple Watch, either something drastic has to happen for Wear platform to bring functionality or just plain wait.
As for, Moto 360, form is a beauty but I couldn't justify investing 250 quids for 4-year old processor and average battery life. I am going to wait until other manufacturers come up with better watches (with up to date infrastructure) and Wear itself is more user friendly!
Good ride with Moto 360 for 72 hours, while it lasted....
I still don't understand why people think we care why or even that they are returning their devices.
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akellar said:
I still don't understand why people think we care why or even that they are returning their devices.
Sent from my XT1080 using XDA Free mobile app
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Classic reply! But I invite serious thoughts and suggestions that other users can use to make an informed decision for buying Moto 360 or Wear device.
sshark said:
First I am die-hard Android enthusiast and have had several Androids over the years.
But after watching Apple Watch keynote address, it became clear to me that Wear is not yet ready for prime time. Wear is still in its infancy and looks like Google is not interested in giving finished product. Just like Android itself, Google will take its own time to develop slick and chic platform while we keep on buying mediocre/cut rate products.
Looking at screens from Apple Watch, either something drastic has to happen for Wear platform to bring functionality or just plain wait.
As for, Moto 360, form is a beauty but I couldn't justify investing 250 quids for 4-year old processor and average battery life. I am going to wait until other manufacturers come up with better watches (with up to date infrastructure) and Wear itself is more user friendly!
Good ride with Moto 360 for 72 hours, while it lasted....
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It's all screen and marketing until they actually put the thing on the market and it works.
Exactly how many choices do you have when buying an apple phone? Two models and a choice ($$$) of memory.... Wee! Did you catch the part where they said the iwatch will have about a day of power? Will that be average in 2015?
I will stick with cutting edge choice. You have more vendors producing wear watches the further we get so we have many more product cycles in play.
dottat said:
It's all screen and marketing until they actually put the thing on the market and it works.
Exactly how many choices do you have when buying an apple phone? Two models and a choice ($$$) of memory.... Wee! Did you catch the part where they said the iwatch will have about a day of power? Will that be average in 2015?
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I think you are missing the point. I am not thinking about buying Watch, I would just like Wear to be more polished. Seems like if Google has strategy, they haven't forcefully executed the strategy so that average consumer knows what product roadmap will look like. As for power, today's TIZEN and some Wear watches do offer longer battery life. I am not sure why Moto chose to go with older processor and what implications it has on battery life.
dottat said:
I will stick with cutting edge choice. You have more vendors producing wear watches the further we get so we have many more product cycles in play.
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Exactly my thoughts...until I see 2nd or 3rd cycle of products, I will sit on sidelines.
sshark said:
I think you are missing the point. I am not thinking about buying Watch, I would just like Wear to be more polished. Seems like if Google has strategy, they haven't forcefully executed the strategy so that average consumer knows what product roadmap will look like. As for power, today's TIZEN and some Wear watches do offer longer battery life. I am not sure why Moto chose to go with older processor and what implications it has on battery life.
Exactly my thoughts...until I see 2nd or 3rd cycle of products, I will sit on sidelines.
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My point is the single producer product line and marketing is all apple has. They put on a good show. Problem is the features on their phones are old to most android users. They talked about a watch that isn't real yet. It's not on the market. It's os isn't on any device yet. So they market and market.
Android is our os. We have separate manufacturers using this os which leaves each manufacturer to market their own distinct features. I think Motorola marketed this watch pretty well. For using an old chip, they are still having a hard time keeping stock. I personally think mine is great. Battery lasts all day for me. Os improvements will come. Google promised them often. This is cutting edge on Google time, not apple. Sorry you didn't like it, hope by gen2 you will.
I find it funny that I've heard SO many people bad talk square smartwatches and say how ugly they are, especially Apple fans. But now that Apple announced a SQUARE smartwatch they all think it's the best invention ever.
I have a Moto 360 and I'm still learning things it can do. It is a wide open platform with tons of innovation happening. Good value.
I watched the Apple September event, second hour on Watch, and LOL'd at all the fake prototype and incomplete demonstrations. Saying the Watch is *ahead* of the Moto 360 is ignorance. You actually believe everything you saw was working? Really?
But, you can drink whatever kool-aid Apple is selling and I don't care. Just remember Google is killing them on services like Maps, Search, and Voice. So, my opinion for Apple fan boys is put up or shut up. Let us see WHAT and WHEN they ACTUALLY ship something, and how it compares AT THAT TIME with Android Wear.
Good luck.
Can Administrators please lock this thread?
sshark said:
But after watching Apple Watch keynote address, it became clear to me that Wear is not yet ready for prime time.
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I couldn't tell if you were being serious or not. If you watched the same thing I did I cant see how you thought that watch was anything but a incredibly ugly kids toy. Drawing pictures on a tiny watch screen and sending heartbeats is a joke. What adults would do that? Seriously?
In reality you are comparing a real life product to apple$ over hyped marketing material for the watch not the actual watch itself with it's shortcomings. Did you know it has a days worth of battery? They conveniently didn't mention that except to a CNBC analyst afterwords and that they weren't happy with it. I bet it has WORSE battery life than the 360.
IMO the 360 is light years ahead of the apple watch.
It appears to me Apple is trying to make a computer for your wrist where as android wear is meant to be a companion. In this way I think less is more and wear is simply a better product.
I don't get the battery complaints.. My 360 is sitting at 50% after about 13hrs of pretty decent use.
Wear will continue to get better but as it stands I think its pretty steller. Apple's product is confusing and more over currently doesn't really exist.
Well, coming from a pebble and loved the openness of that platform. Then tried the LG G Watch and thought to myself that it couldn't be up to par. I found myself flipping both my kickstarter pebble and pebble steel within a day of usage of the LG G Watch. I drank the kool-aid and chose android wear not of what it can do now, even though it did as much as my pebble does in my case, it was the potential. So I can see where you are coming from the prime time statement. But as a pretty heavy user when it comes to data, I can see android wear leaping real far when it comes to Android L. I don't foresee L being polished either, but I just see the potential that android wear has scratched the surface and the devs will have heaps of fun with this platform. I mean just look at the facer app.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
j2eubank said:
It appears to me Apple is trying to make a computer for your wrist where as android wear is meant to be a companion. In this way I think less is more and wear is simply a better product.
I don't get the battery complaints.. My 360 is sitting at 50% after about 13hrs of pretty decent use.
Wear will continue to get better but as it stands I think its pretty steller. Apple's product is confusing and more over currently doesn't really exist.
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If you spent any time on your android wear device (or any smartwatch), you'll realize that trying to turn your wrist device into a mini-smartphone is a stupid proposition when (1) the screen is small (2) forms of input are limited, and most importantly (3) a smartphone is literally right in your pocket.
Google understands this well, since most everything in Android Wear is completed with 2 or fewer swipes OR with pure voice. Apple will fail in this regard. Imagine trying to find your app in a sea of apps on a 1.X inch screen, then having to zoom into a group of apps to select your intended app. Sounds WAY more fun than just pulling out your phone and getting the task done without all the frustration.
Anybody who has tried to actually do anything meaningful on a smart watch while *walking* knows that it's an exercise in frustration.
This is the one time that Google took the simpler method, and will win out because of it.
Plus, the apple watch is vapor until next year, anyways.
This whole idea of wearables is still "new" so it's expected to have different opinions from both sides. I was an iPhone user when they first released the iPhone and got all the iPhones until the iPhone 5. But like someone else said, it got boring because the OS was the same. Now I consider my self a hardcore android user and so is everyone else in the family.
Anyway, I also bought Moto 360 and used it for about a week extensively. But after using it for a while, I realized the OS just doesn't have a lot of use for me PERSONALLY. I wear a real watch and it was a choice of wearing a Moto 360 or a mechanical watch. This whole idea of charging every night just didn't work for me as I had to carry my pad everywhere. But some of the things that I do miss are the Google Now where I can just talk to my watch and find out information without pulling out my phone and opening apps. This DOES have a lot of potential for the future when the developers start making exciting apps for it but for now, it just depends on the user on what their looking for. Meanwhile, my friend has this was and he said it's sufficient for his needs and it's worth it.
Realistically, people should not give Moto 360 bad rating just because it doesn't have the features that their Android 4.4 has.We said the something when Google first released the first Android OS. Just give it time and see what they bring out.
sshark said:
First I am die-hard Android enthusiast and have had several Androids over the years.
But after watching Apple Watch keynote address, it became clear to me that Wear is not yet ready for prime time. Wear is still in its infancy and looks like Google is not interested in giving finished product. Just like Android itself, Google will take its own time to develop slick and chic platform while we keep on buying mediocre/cut rate products.
Looking at screens from Apple Watch, either something drastic has to happen for Wear platform to bring functionality or just plain wait.
As for, Moto 360, form is a beauty but I couldn't justify investing 250 quids for 4-year old processor and average battery life. I am going to wait until other manufacturers come up with better watches (with up to date infrastructure) and Wear itself is more user friendly!
Good ride with Moto 360 for 72 hours, while it lasted....
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It's a geek toy and, unless you have mental problems, you are AWARE about what you are buying.
Also I can bet my car that after Apple revealed its watch specs the next Motorola watch will be ways better.
It's up to you and you only.
Just my 2 cents. :L
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro 10.1
sshark said:
First I am die-hard Android enthusiast and have had several Androids over the years.
But after watching Apple Watch keynote address, it became clear to me that Wear is not yet ready for prime time. Wear is still in its infancy and looks like Google is not interested in giving finished product. Just like Android itself, Google will take its own time to develop slick and chic platform while we keep on buying mediocre/cut rate products.
Looking at screens from Apple Watch, either something drastic has to happen for Wear platform to bring functionality or just plain wait.
As for, Moto 360, form is a beauty but I couldn't justify investing 250 quids for 4-year old processor and average battery life. I am going to wait until other manufacturers come up with better watches (with up to date infrastructure) and Wear itself is more user friendly!
Good ride with Moto 360 for 72 hours, while it lasted....
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It's a geek toy and, unless you have mental problems, you are AWARE about what you are buying.
Also I can bet my car that after Apple revealed its watch specs the next Motorola watch will be ways better.
It's up to you and you only.
Just my 2 cents.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro 10.1
sshark said:
First I am die-hard Android enthusiast and have had several Androids over the years.
But after watching Apple Watch keynote address, it became clear to me that Wear is not yet ready for prime time. Wear is still in its infancy and looks like Google is not interested in giving finished product. Just like Android itself, Google will take its own time to develop slick and chic platform while we keep on buying mediocre/cut rate products.
Looking at screens from Apple Watch, either something drastic has to happen for Wear platform to bring functionality or just plain wait.
As for, Moto 360, form is a beauty but I couldn't justify investing 250 quids for 4-year old processor and average battery life. I am going to wait until other manufacturers come up with better watches (with up to date infrastructure) and Wear itself is more user friendly!
Good ride with Moto 360 for 72 hours, while it lasted....
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I completely disagree with you.
I am also a big Android user, I watched the Apple Watch presentation and I cannot be happier with AW after it. Yes Apple is a trendsetter, yes it would be blind to not see what else the market has to offer however you are comparing Apples and Pears
AW is said to be and IS a "notifications and information to your wrist" platform in order to avoid constantly checking your phone because a heavy user can check is phone up to 160 times a day but really just gets the info without even acting on it more more than 50% of the time. AW gets you the information easily and you are done because you do not intend to act on it.
Whereas Apple Watch took a different path, a "subsidiary" of the iPhone. It does not replace but it complements with phone functions. WhoTF needs to have a map on their wrist with a crown to zoom in? AW give you directions if you need direction. If you need precise map tools, you have a 4"+ screen in your pocket or purse.
I think you should move to iOS all together and zoom in / zoom out on maps on your wrist if you think AW is mistaken and if you think that Apple Watch really gave you a mini orgasm while AW didn't
On my side, I am happy to have my statusbar on my wrist. I do not need more than that, I do not want more than that. I have a 4.95" screen in my pocket and a watch is not going to make me leave it in there to be just a mini Bluetooth hotspot for the watch.
@parth6512, is right. It comes down to how it works for you personally.
For me it's a great addition.
1) I wanted a new watch. Done.
2) I leave my phone sitting on my radio playing Pandora when I work as a plumber. Now when I get a text or phone call, I don't need to go see who it is. If it's a text I know what it is and can reply by voice if I'd like too and if it's a call I can accept it since my earpiece is usually in.
I actually find myself using my BT earpiece more than I was before now.
And to compare some pictures of a watch to an actual device is just silly.
And who wants to pinch to zoom on their watch? And to try and look at a map rather than just get your turn notifications? That's just bizarre.
I'll pull out my phone to look at a map. That's what a 5.5" screen is for.
I just ordered my moto 360, I think it is the prettiest smart watch in market right now, and the omap processor is not a deal breaker in anyway( it's a watch, you won't be playing hardcore games on it). I would brvsingvmy moto 360 n weekends and special occasions, whereas my weekdays watch would be tgevlgvg watch. As indicated by the reviewers, the battery would last a single day(not a problem at all).
I watch-fugly, cartoonish, over hyped piece of junk
sshark said:
First I am die-hard Android enthusiast and have had several Androids over the years.
But after watching Apple Watch keynote address, it became clear to me that Wear is not yet ready for prime time. Wear is still in its infancy and looks like Google is not interested in giving finished product. Just like Android itself, Google will take its own time to develop slick and chic platform while we keep on buying mediocre/cut rate products.
Looking at screens from Apple Watch, either something drastic has to happen for Wear platform to bring functionality or just plain wait.
As for, Moto 360, form is a beauty but I couldn't justify investing 250 quids for 4-year old processor and average battery life. I am going to wait until other manufacturers come up with better watches (with up to date infrastructure) and Wear itself is more user friendly!
Good ride with Moto 360 for 72 hours, while it lasted....
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It's funny how people are so different. I watch the Apple announcement video and tried very hard but couldn't find much to like about the Apple watch. It's visual appearance is what surprised me. Apple is usually the best looking product available. But I wouldn't put them in the top two with the one they showed on stage. Square? Really? It looks like a thick brick. It will not fit under a buttoned shirt sleeve.
As to the operation of the watch, Leo Laporte summed up the Apple watch pretty succinctly: "It looks like it was designed for Japanese school girls. "
Yeah, I completely disagree as well. I wonder what most people are looking for out of a smartwatch. I like the notifications and the actual watch part. There isn't a whole lot more than I want to do with it. Some quick access apps will be nice in time as they are built, but watching the Apple presentation makes it looks like their watch does almost as much as their phone, and doesn't do it very well. Instead of the Apple of old in the Jobs era where they'd come out with less features for a good clean platform to start and add more with time, they've piled very feature they could into an ugly package, with a very poor UI.
Don't get me wrong, I love that Apple came out with their watch. I love that it does all of this, but only to help fuel the competition. It's hard to say which is "better". It's fairly clear the Apple Watch does "more", but I think it does so in a very poor manner. The launcher, the silly digital crown, the pointless "features" like drawing on a tiny screen on your wrist. More isn't always better. There's a reason why they didn't talk about battery life. You know if it was worth talking about, they would have. Maybe smartwatches can evolve into more powerful devices, but they need to evolve there as we learn better ways to design the hardware AND software of a unique device, rather than try to stuff it all into a first gen device. I think the next version of the Apple Watch will be toned down quite a bit and will be much cleaner and more usable, but it marks an interesting change as Apple's first big "new" product since Jobs left and it shows a new attitude in the company where absolute refinement is no longer forefront.
For now, I'm perfectly happy for a nice clean and minimal design that tells me the time and gives me notifications. While I do wish for some changes, fixes, updates, and all that, a new version of Wear will be coming soon and I'm good with what I've got until then. This is a very much polarized topic as it applies not only to technology choice but fashion choice as well, and with the fashion sense of most of the "smartwatch type" people I know, it should be entertaining to say the least.

Samsung Galaxy Gear vs Sony Smartwatch 2 - Detailed Comparison

Seems like Sony has decided to go a step backwards in designing their smart watches... The SW2 was fantastic and very useful because it handled like a small phone, being able to have your apps displayed across home screens and having the ability to download many other apps. Android Wear just doesn't appeal to me... It's way too simplified and dumbed down of an experience for my liking.
so your contribution to the sw3 forum is "I don't want a sw3" lol
Even better, I don't want a ducati, I want a car, the use of only two wheels is a big step backward in the world of driving.
None of this is relevant feedback. If you want an android wear watch that is perfectly readable in daylight and can keep on all day without worrying about battery life, this is the one. The main cons in my book are the lack of interchangeable straps, the lack of wireless /easy charging, and the lack of a heart rate monitor. That said, as of today, I think it's the best aw option because of the usefulness of the screen.
Fwiw I have an original gwatch, moto 360, and briefly a gear live.
Khidr said:
The main cons in my book are the lack of interchangeable straps, the lack of wireless /easy charging, and the lack of a heart rate monitor. That said, as of today, I think it's the best aw option because of the usefulness of the screen.
Fwiw I have an original gwatch, moto 360, and briefly a gear live.
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This watch does have interchangeable straps. I also wish it had wireless charging, but I'm okay with it due to the IP68 rating. Also, the fact that it's micro USB and not a proprietary charging cable/crable is a plus in my opinion. Concerning heart rate monitor's, it's lack is apparent but at the same time, HRM's are not very accurate in wrists compared to chest or arm bands. I won't miss it.

Moto 360 v2 spotted out in the open

It seems (to me) that the release is really close. Flat tire is still present (doesn't matter to me).
I am just afraid that the lug to lug distance is too long, leading to a goofy appearance like the LG G Watch R/Urbane.
I like the original better. It really is a goofy look. But still better than the Sony.
I also like the original design. The original 360 will be my last smart watch, personally smart watches are just a fad, looks nice and all but it really doesn't add anything to the android experience.
In fact when flashing Roms it adds nothing but a long draw out experience , factory reset, resyning the watch, making sure I have enough battery left. It takes longer for me to set up my stupid smart watch than my N6.
Above all I hate when people ask me if it's the icrap watch!
I find it looks exactly like the current gen except for the wake button and lugs. I was expecting Moto to upgrade the watch not re-hash it Apple/Samsung style.
flashallthetime said:
In fact when flashing Roms it adds nothing but a long draw out experience , factory reset, resyning the watch, making sure I have enough battery left. It takes longer for me to set up my stupid smart watch than my N6.
Above all I hate when people ask me if it's the icrap watch!
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Adding the lugs was a very bad idea, design wise.
All they had to do was improve the build quality, up the specs, and improve the display. That's literally all they had to do to gave me throwing my money at them, like they were big booty strippers.
It seems as though I'll be sticking with the original for a while longer.
Sent from my Nexus 6 using XDA Free mobile app
By adding the lugs I think they wanted to increase acceptance from "regular watch" wearers and increase their customer base. I don't really mind the lugs, but I like the lug-less design a bit more.
The button at 2' o clock is really an improvement, I have big problems with the current button placement when lifting weights and wearing straps and gloves (it gets pushed almost constantly).
What I do hope from Motorola is significantly increased battery life, like tripled or more. And maybe a tiny but powerful speaker
flashallthetime said:
I also like the original design. The original 360 will be my last smart watch, personally smart watches are just a fad, looks nice and all but it really doesn't add anything to the android experience.
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Not really the place for this, but I disagree. I think people want their smartwatches to do too much that the form factor just isn't capable of, but having a notification system on my wrist -- that looks nice -- has changed my phone use a lot. I dig into my pocket WAY less.
As long as it has wireless charging/can use my existing spare 360 docks, claims better battery life and uses an AMOLED screen I'm in. I love the original 360, but the new design is, IMO, just beautiful.
i don't mind the lugs... what moto360 needs is a faster processor and longer battery life
2 different sizes will increase their market share too... the 1st gen moto360 is quite bulky on me
Still got the flat tire.. I'm out this time around.
I think the v2 looks nice with the lugs. But I'll be sporting my v1 since not enough has been improved nor made more appealing.

[DISCUSSION] Physical watch versus Smart watch...

What do you think of the physical watch over a smart watch idea?
I think it would be fine if the physical part would be transparent, for example when watching emails it would be completly transparent but normally there would be a led lighting it up
I like the idea of an analog watch with some smart watch features, the reliability of analog would go great with some basic use-cases of digital. Like, a watch that sends text messages? A watch that makes calls? What's the point when you have a phone in your pocket.
For privacy, I prefer analog versions of as much things as I can. Too many companies tracking everything you do on digital stuff.
davidhozic said:
What do you think of the physical watch over a smart watch idea?
I think it would be fine if the physical part would be transparent, for example when watching emails it would be completly transparent but normally there would be a led lighting it up
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To me, this sounds like strapping your car behind some horses. I personally think it's not such a catchy idea, .... but to each his own!
davidhozic said:
What do you think of the physical watch over a smart watch idea?
I think it would be fine if the physical part would be transparent, for example when watching emails it would be completly transparent but normally there would be a led lighting it up
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Doesn't Sound like a bad idea to me!
Smart Watch is better
The thing we wear on our wrists is getting a new life, and that is tech. With touchscreen and sensors, watches are becoming "smartwatches."
We're seeing an era in which everything wants to be improvised with technology. But how do these relatively new gadgets stand against the giants which has built their fame for ages?
We humans see tech a solution to a problem. When we have no way to communicate, we create telephones.
When we need communication mobile, we create smaller devices. When we need portable computing machines, we develop smaller computers we can hold on our palms. Technologies were known to create something based on our needs; it fixes things and eases the way we interact with our world.
But tech isn't stopping there. It's also moving into an industry we know thrives and survives well even without them. Techs are getting into your wardrobe; they're coming as part of your daily clothing. In short, they want to be inseparable from humans.
Apple Watch
With tech getting on our wrists, Apple has it with the Apple Watch, Samsung has it and Pebble also.
More contenders are up and against each other for the market that is once dominated with the likes of Swiss watchmakers. But how do these gadgets affect the industry? They certainly caught a lot of headlines, and they're all up against those old-fashioned watchmakers that made the value of a "watch" at stake.
Apple and others have taken a long time before having the proper time for the proper technology, and the vision to being their products to the market.
What we have on our wrists, previously, were worn by millions; they show bits of time, date and some others. Tech makers are fond on putting more things than necessary, but this time, they made another successful debut.
In the age of information, tech companies are putting more and more information. Smartwatches put a lot more things on your wrist. And the possibility is that there will be more things than you ever need on a device strapped tightly on your wrists.
Will these smartwatches be a replacement to the old-fashioned handmade state-of-the-art pile of cogs and gears? No. The traditional market will always have its own fans because they never want to purely put information on the wrist.
They all move in a different market.
Mohit Bansal Chandigarh says Smart Watches are Better Than Physical Watches
Mohit Bansal Chandigarh says Smart Watches are better as they offer loads of features which are helpful in our daily routine. Some of the features are activity and fitness tracking, heart rate monitoring, GPS, calorie tracking, Barometer, Sedentary Reminder, and Sleep Monitoring.
whizadvert said:
The thing we wear on our wrists is getting a new life, and that is tech. With touchscreen and sensors, watches are becoming "smartwatches."
We're seeing an era in which everything wants to be improvised with technology. But how do these relatively new gadgets stand against the giants which has built their fame for ages?
We humans see tech a solution to a problem. When we have no way to communicate, we create telephones.
When we need communication mobile, we create smaller devices. When we need portable computing machines, we develop smaller computers we can hold on our palms. Technologies were known to create something based on our needs; it fixes things and eases the way we interact with our world.
But tech isn't stopping there. It's also moving into an industry we know thrives and survives well even without them. Techs are getting into your wardrobe; they're coming as part of your daily clothing. In short, they want to be inseparable from humans.
Apple Watch
With tech getting on our wrists, Apple has it with the Apple Watch, Samsung has it and Pebble also.
More contenders are up and against each other for the market that is once dominated with the likes of Swiss watchmakers. But how do these gadgets affect the industry? They certainly caught a lot of headlines, and they're all up against those old-fashioned watchmakers that made the value of a "watch" at stake.
Apple and others have taken a long time before having the proper time for the proper technology, and the vision to being their products to the market.
What we have on our wrists, previously, were worn by millions; they show bits of time, date and some others. Tech makers are fond on putting more things than necessary, but this time, they made another successful debut.
In the age of information, tech companies are putting more and more information. Smartwatches put a lot more things on your wrist. And the possibility is that there will be more things than you ever need on a device strapped tightly on your wrists.
Will these smartwatches be a replacement to the old-fashioned handmade state-of-the-art pile of cogs and gears? No. The traditional market will always have its own fans because they never want to purely put information on the wrist.
They all move in a different market.
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Very true. Absolutely agree.
Omega Seamaster / Longines Conquest / TAG / Rolex are statements in their own right - not just for blind technology. Hey, maybe we are so engrossed with tech that we fail to see that some may NOT want a beeper on their wrist for every notification that comes in/even if customized.
There's something called too much of it.
Hii every one,
Today's time where everyone, keep moving to the modern world here to stay fit is every one 1st priority. But due to unorganized schedule create a lot of health issues. So here is a new smartwatch which helps everyone to keep count everything. As I am working one, and not have enough time to measure my working hours and heart rate. Once I was just browsing in net, and I found bestviewreviews site, there I find lots of option and multiple varieties. And then order smart watch from there. And you will not believe, from the last 5 years, I am using the same smartwatch. It is nice, perfect in counts my pedometers and helps me to control my heart rates too.
Does not look good Sound I think it's a bad Idea.... !!! You have to again focus on it.
i think its a good idea but i think smart watch is better and it provides a lot of features.

