[SIZE=""][/SIZE] I cannot figure out how to get pass these pop ups. I had just flashed the insane hybrid rom using CWM, I made sure to do a clean flash. But right after it booted up it just had a completely black screen with pop ups saying,"unfortunately, the process com.android.system ui has stopped & unfortunately, application has stopped." And that's all that I get over an over making the phone unusable. I tried wiping it an then restored back to my stock Rom, but same problem. only now it's not just the two pop ups it's popping up saying all my apps have unfortunately stopped an after it finally goes thru all my applications the systemui and Google services ones won't go away still.I've cleaned the data for all my applications an even turned my Google play services off an all that did was stop the pop ups from happening every 20 seconds now rather than every 10. Haha please any help would be much appreciated.
Oh an I just realized that after I installed the Rom it had an error that says busybox was not installed Idk if that's the reason or what. Thanks again.
What stock rom did you flash back to? And did you have any pop ups when you restored it?
Sent from my SM-G920T using Tapatalk
This is quite annoying
Every time I turn on my phone, all of the apps that start when my phone boots force close. I'm not able to send a text or even use the dialer. I'm able to browse my home screen, but when I try to run an app, either it will run for a bit and then force close, or it will close as soon as I open it. The battery I have is bad, which results in my phone turning off randomly, I know it's a bad battery because I've had this issue before and replacing the battery solved it.
Today I tried to use soundhound and while it was "listening" the phone decided to turn off. No surprise. However, when I rebooted it, none of my apps were able to run. I get the "Unfortunately, x has stopped working..." and am forced to close the app. I'm not able to do anything on my phone. I can still receive texts, I'm unable to respond to them. I should be getting a new battery in the mail any day now, and I'm hoping it will solve the issue.
I'm running cm9 beta 1. I've cleared the cache and the d-cache.
Could the battery be the cause of this? Any suggestions?
I'm gonna try to temp boot to EL29. Mobile ODIN doesn't work, am I able to use ODIN 1.85 on my computer instead? I would install the direct boot v3 file under the PDA option right?
EDIT: The apps seemed to have worked when under a temp boot of EL29. I'm gonna do a fresh install to see if that does the trick
I doubt its the battery. Maybe a corrupted install. Download files to pc if possible then xfer to phone. Verify md5 before flashing. You can get software from sourceforge if needed.
The fresh install did the trick. Still not sure how this happened, but whateva. I don't need a new phone
That's good sometimes you just get a bad flash or flash a mod that just messes things up. I have flashed things that worked perfectly for others and my phone got jacked. Its all part of the game. I keep a recent one click on my laptop just in case.
It sounds like when you installed your rom you forgot to wipe data/factory rest or when you restored app backups you installed data with system apps from a TWiz rom. When restoring backed up apps you can usually restore data for system apps from TWiz > TWiz or AOSP/CM > AOSP/CM as long as they are on the same build ie ICS > ICS or JB>JB etc. You can restore data for user apps safely regardless of rom they were backed up on. But the FC issue comes from incompatible system data it screws up the system process and causes apps to FC when it tries to load the data
We are legion, for we are many.
Sent from the DarkSide of the GalaXy with a MEK device
I had LauncherPro running and used Titanium backup to freeze it. Now I cant use my Note coz it just keeps telling me that the TouchWiz is stopped and then the screen blacks out. Cant even get to Titanium Backup to unfreeze it.
Please help to either unfreeze or to reset in some way back to anything that works.
You could try installing another launcher via the play store website. It'll get pushed to your phone providing it's got a network connection.
I'm not sure if you can unfreeze an app via adb, if so you could give that a go.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk 2
cant go to playstore or anything else on the note. can't change home screens, cant open an app either. can only use the hardware button to shut down. the touch screen is giving a stopped message when i unlock after boot and when I ok the message the screen blacks out. the message comes back in a few seconds but I can only ok the message and then the screen blacks out. CLOSED LOOP.
I meant go to the play store on a PC, it will get pushed to your phone over the air.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk 2
I deleteed TouchWiz launcher with Titanium and now I don't have any FCs or problems with my Nova Prime launcher.
The white LauncherPro installed over the air from my pc but it didnt help as I dont have a way to activate it on my Note. Would need to see the screen to go into settings to activate it.
I'll have a look at adb even though I am quite sure it will not have the unfreeze option. Maybe I can reset to factory or similar.
Any other ideas are welcome.
It should have detected a new launcher and given you the option to select it, try something like GoLauncher (different from Launcher Pro you installed).
I'm still trying to think of ways to do it without resorting to wiping the phone.
If I do I'll let you know.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk 2
Just use odin to flash a stock rom. Or wipe your phone from the recovery.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda app-developers app
You can just reflash the to stock again.
i tried the go launcher and it worked fine but the ended up with google play and titanium backup missing among the installed apps so couldnt unfreeze LauncherPro and the if selected TouchWiz was still messed up. I finally gave up used adb to reboot into cwm and reset to factory.
Really confusing the TouchWiz is still an issue after the reset. and can't do any action on the phone. Looks like I will have to flash back to stock unless somebody can come up with something else otherwise please point me to where i can find the stock rom and flashing instructions.
i tried the go launcher and it worked fine but the ended up with google play and titanium backup missing among the installed apps so couldnt unfreeze LauncherPro and the if selected TouchWiz was still messed up. I finally gave up used adb to reboot into cwm and reset to factory.
Really confusing the TouchWiz is still an issue after the reset. and can't do any action on the phone. Looks like I will have to flash back to stock unless somebody can come up with something else otherwise please point me to where i can find the stock rom and flashing instructions.
MutantWizard said:
i tried the go launcher and it worked fine but the ended up with google play and titanium backup missing among the installed apps so couldnt unfreeze LauncherPro and the if selected TouchWiz was still messed up. I finally gave up used adb to reboot into cwm and reset to factory.
Really confusing the TouchWiz is still an issue after the reset. and can't do any action on the phone. Looks like I will have to flash back to stock unless somebody can come up with something else otherwise please point me to where i can find the stock rom and flashing instructions.
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I had a similar problem as the OP and though this thread didn't really help me, I figured I'd post what wound up working for me.
For starters, I was going to follow what was recommended on the Titanium Backup FAQ Item#21:
However, I wasn't in front of my computer and I didn't want to be phone-less all day, so I tried to find some work around to get where I could unfreeze the important apps in TB.
My main problem was that I couldn't access any apps due to the fact that the home page would immediately fail and give me the "Touchwhiz Home has stopped working" error.
I still had partial access to the phone in that I could still access the pull-down menu.
Blocking mode was enabled so it showed up in the pull-down menu and I could click on it and then get into my phone settings.
I tried going through settings to get to TB and while I could get to the Application Manager, I couldn't directly launch it from there. I force-closed TB and rebooted the phone...big surprise, nothing changed.
I figured wiping Dalvic was worth a shot too (from CWM), but that didn't have much of an effect either (though it did force an app update on reboot).
Anyway, since I still had access to the pull down menu and notifications, I decided to see if I could txt myself a link (from another phone) to the TB googleplay location since you can launch the application directly from the Play store. Well, I got the txt, but I couldn't open it due to a "messaging has stopped working" error every time I clicked on it.
Since I got the notification, I knew information was still obviously getting to my phone, so I figured I'd give it a try via gmail since it is less tied to the phone launcher than messaging.
Sure enough, I got the notification and I was able to open gmail from the notification. Clicking on the googleplay link in the email successfully launched the Playstore. From there I was able to launch Titanium Backup and unfreeze Touchwhiz Home.
Hope this helps someone else, I was really not looking forward to doing a complete wipe and re-install of my whole phone.
This simple jumping around to get to TB does obviously require that you can access your notifications and that you have them turned on...otherwise you're still screwed.
If your phone is rooted and you have a custom Rom on, just Reinstall the Rom again without wiping anything through recovery. It will bring back the touchwiz launcher without touching your data. It might reset your app settings back at least all your contacts, messages, etc will still be there.
Sent from the rabbit hole.
Waterskeeter said:
I had a similar problem as the OP and though this thread didn't really help me, I figured I'd post what wound up working for me.
For starters, I was going to follow what was recommended on the Titanium Backup FAQ Item#21:
However, I wasn't in front of my computer and I didn't want to be phone-less all day, so I tried to find some work around to get where I could unfreeze the important apps in TB.
My main problem was that I couldn't access any apps due to the fact that the home page would immediately fail and give me the "Touchwhiz Home has stopped working" error.
I still had partial access to the phone in that I could still access the pull-down menu.
Blocking mode was enabled so it showed up in the pull-down menu and I could click on it and then get into my phone settings.
I tried going through settings to get to TB and while I could get to the Application Manager, I couldn't directly launch it from there. I force-closed TB and rebooted the phone...big surprise, nothing changed.
I figured wiping Dalvic was worth a shot too (from CWM), but that didn't have much of an effect either (though it did force an app update on reboot).
Anyway, since I still had access to the pull down menu and notifications, I decided to see if I could txt myself a link (from another phone) to the TB googleplay location since you can launch the application directly from the Play store. Well, I got the txt, but I couldn't open it due to a "messaging has stopped working" error every time I clicked on it.
Since I got the notification, I knew information was still obviously getting to my phone, so I figured I'd give it a try via gmail since it is less tied to the phone launcher than messaging.
Sure enough, I got the notification and I was able to open gmail from the notification. Clicking on the googleplay link in the email successfully launched the Playstore. From there I was able to launch Titanium Backup and unfreeze Touchwhiz Home.
Hope this helps someone else, I was really not looking forward to doing a complete wipe and re-install of my whole phone.
This simple jumping around to get to TB does obviously require that you can access your notifications and that you have them turned on...otherwise you're still screwed.
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Very clever
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda app-developers app
I just went through this. And maybe this will help the next person searching for a solution.
I froze touch wiz in Titanium and could not boot. So I went to Google Play on my desktpop and logged in. Then installed "Smart Launcher". I had no idea if it was installing or not but on Google Play on my desktop it said "installed" so i did a battery pull and restarted into Smart Launcher. Then rebooted again to get the prompt which launcher Iwanted to use and I chose "touch wiz" and "don't ask me again"
Hi guys. I flashed a new rom this morning. I went from a 4.3 to a 4.3 rom, so no problems right? I checked the checksums, and the rom was fine. Everything went well and I started my titanium backups. It froze. It rebooted and then I kept getting android.process.acore has stopped. it comes up immediately after I hit ok and doesn't let me do anything. So I went back to my backup. Same thing happens here. I wiped, it, installed new roms, Everything I do gives me this. Factory reset, new rom flash, ect.
The google answer seems to be clear the data out of the contacts in app manager, but I can't even get there.
any insight would be appreciated.
Well, I can enter 1 keystroke between error messages. I went through the initial setup 1 keystroke at a time. When it was finished logging into google, it just started over again with the samsung account.
Sounds like leftover data causing your issues. Follow these instructions http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=50335424. You will also want to delete two folders from your external sdcard android and data if they exist. Now that your phone is totally clean you should have no more problems.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Thanks,. I have started down that road. I'm not sure if the sd card is the culprit, as I tried it without it as well.
I posted something similar in the general questions subforum but of course there was no response.
I'm on stock rooted 4.3. If it matters, I ALWAYS get a message about gapps crashing.
Basically, I'm sick of ****Wiz and its continuous bulkiness and slowness. Tried a few ROMs, settled on PacMan. Trouble is there just seems to be NO way to restore my apps.
Titanium is no good because it breaks push notifications for any app that uses them - unacceptable.
The Play Store just refuses to act right. At first it wouldn't restore anything at all, then on one of my million flashes, I started restoring from Titanium one-by-one, then got even MORE frustrated and stopped. Now that list of about six apps is what the Play Store tries to "restore".
I've flashed and Nandroided back so many times because of this. And no matter HOW many times I manually sync, or how long I leave my phone on Wi-Fi to do it itself, when I flash it's those same six apps restoring.
Today I thought to make an update.zip in Titanium before flashing. Flashed the ROM, then Gapps. Tried the update.zip and it wouldn't work. Booted, then tried it. It worked, but didn't "reboot in 5 seconds"... had to battery pull after 10 minutes. Then the apps didn't have data. Titanium restored them and recommended a reboot. When I did that, the menu button no longer worked. At all.
I'm really ****ing sick of this. What am I supposed to do? If I have to stay on TouchWiz I'm getting rid of this phone. It's counterproductive at this point.
Are the custom ROMs based on the stock Samsung kernel? If not, that may be why your apps are crashing after being restored.
audit13 said:
Are the custom ROMs based on the stock Samsung kernel? If not, that may be why your apps are crashing after being restored.
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Well, they're not crashing. When I restore them with Titanium, everything works fine about them except push notifications and that just can't happen.
And the ROM I've chosen for now is PacMan. I don't think it is?
[SIZE=""][/SIZE] I cannot figure out how to get pass these pop ups. I had just flashed the insane hybrid rom using CWM, I made sure to do a clean flash. But right after it booted up it just had a completely black screen in the background with the pop ups,"unfortunately, the process com.android.system ui has stopped & unfortunately, application has stopped." And that's all that I get over an over making it completely unsable. I tried wiping it an then restored back my stock Rom. But still have the pop ups but now it's saying all my apps have stopped working now along with the consistent systemui one also? I'm hoping I just maybe missed something in the process an didn't mess it up too bad lol any help would be greatly appreciated.