[Q] [SOLVED] Failed to create my own system.img - Nexus 7 (2013) Q&A

Hi all,
I'm trying to create my own system.img for the Nexus 7 2013 Wifi from the stock system.img from https://developers.google.com/android/nexus/images 5.0.2 LRX22G. Basically I did it the common way using the android repack tools http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2600364 and I'm also using branch android-5.0.2_r1 from the git repo.
I'm flashing with the simple:
fastboot flash system mysystem.img
The problem I'm having is, even with an unmodified tree from system.img, the image I created always get the device stuck at the boot Google logo screen. If I flash the original system.img, then it is fine, so I think my flashing part is working.
The command line I used to create the image is:
./mkuser.img.sh -s /path/to/loop_mounted_system/ mysystem.img ext4 system 880803840
which will run:
make_ext4fs -s -T -1 -l 880803840 -a system mysystem.img /path/to/loop_mounted_system/
Has anyone here actually managed to create a working system.img?
Any suggestions would be much appreciated, thanks!
UPDATE: Using ext2simg instead of mkuserimg.sh/make_ext4fs fixes the problem!


[dev]How to Un/Re/Pack a Boot.blob and unyaff a boot.img

Technically i have to give credit to scott crossler
for showing me the method
and then i came upon turges
Thanks Turge and Scott and whomever created these blobpacktools
but since i keep getting pms
and im sure you do to
Here are the steps for repacking the boot.img. Some involve running the commands via cygwin, others involve running them via the Windows Command Prompt.
The instructions for installing cygwin, extracting and repacking the boot.img were found here: http://www.freeyourandroid.com/guide...ot-img-windows
Once you have setup cygwin, extract the attached files in a folder under your "home" folder in cygwin.
Also unzip blob tools into the same folder as your boot.blob
copy boot.blob to the same folder and run the following via
the Windows Command Prompt to extract the boot.img from the boot.blob:
BlobUnpack.exe boot.blob
ren boot.blob.LNX boot.img
which will create boot.img
From the cygwin bash terminal window,
switch to the same folder and run the following
to extract the ramdisk from the boot.img:
./extractboot boot.img
You now have an out/ramdisk folder
that contains the files you want to edit.
Once done, repack the ramdisk and kernel into boot_new.img
with the following command (via cygwin once again):
then from the Command Prompt repack boot_new.img
into boot2.blob using the following:
blobpack -s boot2.blob LNX boot_new.img
You can now flash the boot.blob to the staging
partition via a command in updater-script:
package_extract_file("/boot.blob", "/dev/block/mmcblk0p4");
or by using adb while in recovery/android:
dd if=/sdcard/boot2.blob of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p4
Lastly the rundown is like this
if you want to take a ota blob
and extract the contents for a raw base
and a raw kernel
take the ota and extract the blob file and place
in your folder with blobtools
2. then run
blobunpack.exe blob
Which now creates
Blob.APP =System.img (can be renamed system.img and unyaffed in the kitchen)or straight cygwin
Blob.sos=Recovery Img
Blob.Ebt=Bootloader information
Blob.Lnx=kernel (can also just be renamed boot.img and unyaffed in kitchen)
Blob.pt=Partition info
so to repack lets say your custom remade image
and your custom kernel
and a recovery of your choice
blobpack.exe -s blob lnx boot.img sos twrp.blob app system.img
then simply take the blob replace in the ota file
and flash in recovery
and it should flash a rom packed as a blob
...also you can flash the new boot.blob via fastboot mode
>fastboot-i 0x0B05 flash boot boot.blob
Call me stupid, but what does repacking the boot.img do? I never pm'ed you, but what would we gain from this. a lil lost
unpacking a boot.img allows you to take a stock already built kernel
and make specific changes to the ramdisk
more specifically
can make kernel insecure
bootanimation enabled
blah blah blah
and init.rc
but also
and goldfish.rc
and init.trace
and init.usb
then repacked and good to flash
seanzscreams said:
Lastly the rundown is like this
if you want to take a ota blob
and extract the contents for a raw base
and a raw kernel
take the ota and extract the blob file and place
in your folder with blobtools
2. then run
blobunpack.exe blob
Which now creates
Blob.APP =System.img (can be renamed system.img and unyaffed in the kitchen)or straight cygwin
Blob.sos=Recovery Img
Blob.Ebt=Bootloader information
Blob.Lnx=kernel (can also just be renamed boot.img and unyaffed in kitchen)
Blob.pt=Partition info
so to repack lets say your custom remade image
and your custom kernel
and a recovery of your choice
blobpack.exe -s blob lnx boot.img sos twrp.blob app system.img
then simply take the blob replace in the ota file
and flash in recovery
and it should flash a rom packed as a blob
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For a linux (Ubuntu) machine you can easily unpack blob.APP
> sudo mkdir mnt
> sudo mount -o loop blob.APP mnt
- now in your mnt directory , you will have /system ! :good:
My TF300tl can't unlock bootloader. so can I use this way to pack custom ROM ( cm11, liplop...) as official ROM to flash for my tablet ?
konnichiwa said:
My TF300tl can't unlock bootloader. so can I use this way to pack custom ROM ( cm11, liplop...) as official ROM to flash for my tablet ?
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I wouldn't think so, as the ROM would have to be signed to be official

[Bootloader] U-boot for the multi-boot support

As with Galaxy S2, I have ported the u-boot bootloader to the Galaxy Nexus. It can be chainloaded from samsung bootloader (loaded instead of linux kernel) safely.
It could be useful to have multiple ROMs on one device or test other OS like Ubuntu or Genode.
Detailed installation guide is available at Ksys Labs LLC wiki http://ksyslabs.org/doku.php?id=gnex_uboot .I'll just copy-paste it here
Happy hacking and don't forget to visit our wiki at http://ksyslabs.org !
===== Rationale ======
There were a couple reasons to port u-boot to Galaxy Nexus
* Security: we cannot trust the proprietary samsung bootloader
* Implementing dual-boot for original and custom firmware
* Booting Genode operating system
===== Demo =====
===== Compilation from source =====
Source code is in https://github.com/Ksys-labs/uboot-tuna
There exist two branches of interest
* master - contains the official stable releases. may be force-pushed and rebased, beware
* tuna-fosdem-hacks contains the u-boot that was used for FOSDEM 2013 to demo booting Genode
To compile, you need to have the ARM cross-compiler. I recommend codesourcery 2010q1-188 because that's what I'm using and some users reported that newer compilers produce broken binaries.
There are two ways to use the u-boot. One is flashing it instead of the Samsung SBL bootloader. The other one is chainloading it from the SBL.
Flashing instead of SBL has the following advantages
* Faster boot time than chainloading
* Ability to use the standard partitioning layout
There is a number of issues and therefore we do not recommend flashing it instead of SBL
* No Fastboot support (preliminary USB RNDIS and DHCP BOOTP support is available), you'll have to use OMAPFlash to restore the device if you flash a non-working kernel
* No display initialization. You'll have to disable the "Check for Bootloader initialization" option in kernel config
By default, the chainloaded version is compiled. It is loaded (by the SBL) to the address **0x81808000**.
If you want to build the SBL replacement version, edit the **include/configs/omap4_tuna.h** file and uncomment the **#define TUNA_SPL_BUILD** line. X-loader loads the bootloader to the address **0xa0208000**.
export PATH=/home/alexander/handhelds/armv6/codesourcery/bin:$PATH
export ARCH=arm
export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-eabi-
make clean
make distclean
make ${U_BOARD}_config
make -j8 ${U_BOARD}
mkbootimg --kernel u-boot.bin --ramdisk /dev/null -o u-boot.aimg
===== Installation =====
==== Chainloaded Mode ====
You'll need the root access to your device.
You can take the prebuilt u-boot here. http://ksyslabs.org/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=gnex-uboot-chainloaded.img
The u-boot has the support for android boot images. When flashed instead of the SBL, it boots the kernel off the "Boot" partition. When chainloaded, it looks for the kernel in **/system/boot/vmlinux.uimg** . Additionally, it first looks for the **/system/boot/boot.scr.uimg** so you can put custom commands there and override the kernel image.
It also supports booting custom images from **/sdcard/boot/vmlinux.uimg** and **/sdcard/boot/boot.scr.uimg**
If you need larger images, I suggest that you use the **tuna-fosdem-hacks** branch, format the cache partition to ext2 and put the files to **/cache/media/boot/**
push the files to your device via adb
adb push gnex-uboot-chainloaded.img /sdcard/
adb hell
now, in the device shell, do the following
cat /dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/by-name/boot > /sdcard/vmlinux.uimg
mount -o remount,rw /system
mkdir /system/boot
cp /sdcard/vmlinux.uimg /system/boot/
cat /sdcard/gnex-uboot-chainloaded.img > /dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/by-name/boot
Instead of installing gnex-uboot-chainloaded.img via dd, you can use fastboot
fastboot flash:raw boot u-boot.img
===== Replacing samsung bootloader =====
OMAP4 devices cannot be bricked completely because the CPU has a firmware loader in the OTP (one-time programmable) memory. When the device is powered, it tries booting from USB.
Make sure to have an old version of x-loader (PRIMEKK14) because newer ones have the security hole which allowed booting unsigned bootloaders fixed. The installation procedure is roughly the same, but use **sbl** partition. And also install xloader from http://ksyslabs.org/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=gnex-xloader-working.img
adb push gnex-xloader-working.img /sdcard/
cat /sdcard/gnex-xloader-working.img > /dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/by-name/xloader
There exists a Samsung recovery tool which can unbrick the devices with corrupted xloader/SBL. You will need a computer running Windows XP.
Search the internet for the archive named "OMAPFlash_tuna.zip" which has md5 "ddbf07a1d36b044c40af5788a83b5395". We cannot upload it here because of the unclear license status.
===== Making images =====
You can either use Android's mkbootimg to produce ANDROID! type images (not recommended) or u-boot's mkimage (in the u-boot tools directory) to make boot images. Using ANDROID! format is discouraged because the loader code in the u-boot is buggy and may fail in some corner cases such as large images.
==== making a custom boot image ====
mkimage -A arm -O linux -T kernel -C none -a 0x80008000 -e 0x80008000 -n linux -d zImage vmlinux.uimg
#alternatively, just do that when compiling linux
#do not forget to add mkimage to your PATH variable
make uImage
==== making a custom boot script ====
mkimage -A arm -O linux -T script -C none -a 0x84000000 -e 0x84000000 -n android -d boot.scr boot.scr.uimg
===== Booting Modes =====
The bootloader supports several boot modes. Each boot mode is indicated by the color of the LED and activated by a combination of hardware buttons. It also supports the Android "reboot to recovery" and "reboot to bootloader" features
* Normal Boot -> no keys are pressed, cyan LED
* Recovery Boot -> Volume Up key pressed, green LED
* Custom Boot -> Volume Down key pressed, blue LED
* USB RNDIS mode -> both Volume keys pressed, purple LED
===== Pitfalls =====
* No Fastboot or DFU (RNDIS BOOTP is untested) -> not a big deal if you're chainloading, right?
* Serial number is always 0123456789abcdef or sth like that. Anyone to fix that?
* UART support is quirky. The device will likely hang if booted with the UART cable. Workaround: boot without the UART cable and plug right after the purple LED flashes.
===== A sample boot script for android =====
Make a boot.scr.uimg from it and push it to the correct location.
setenv bootargs "mem=1G vmalloc=768M omap_wdt.timer_margin=30 mms_ts.panel_id=18
no_console_suspend console=ttyFIQ0";
setenv loaddaddr 0x82000000;
setenv devtype mmc;
setenv devnum 0;
setenv kernel_part 0xc;
setenv kernel_name /media/boot/vmlinux.uimg;
echo Load Address: ${loaddaddr};
echo cmdline:${bootargs};
if ext4load ${devtype} ${devnum}:${kernel_part} ${loaddaddr} ${kernel_name}; then
bootm ${loaddaddr};
exit 0;
elif ext2load ${devtype} ${devnum}:${kernel_part} ${loaddaddr} ${kernel_name}; then
bootm ${loaddaddr};
exit 0;
echo failed to boot custom image;
Before there actually wasn't any dual boot stuff for Nexus but now there is really much....
I will laugh if someone ports still another dual boot loader to Nexus, E.g BootiQi dual boot loader or what it is..., (for Jét it is JétQi) but I don't remember the original dual boot files names...
Any toro support?
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
saber.srod said:
Any toro support?
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
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You may try it out. It is flashed instead of kernel, not overwriting the bootloader, so should be safe. As we don't have any Toro devices, we're not particularly interested in providing support for them unless someone steps up with a patch
Also, make sure to have an old version of x-loader (PRIMEKK14) because newer ones have the security hole which allowed booting unsigned bootloaders fixed.
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do you have PRIMEKK14 file?
cause I couldn't find it on this thread:
or this one is PRIMEKK14?
any enlightenment please?
savantist said:
do you have PRIMEKK14 file?
cause I couldn't find it on this thread:
or this one is PRIMEKK14?
any enlightenment please?
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The latter one is the one I'm using on my phone so it should work.
sp3dev said:
The latter one is the one I'm using on my phone so it should work.
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I wanna use the chainloaded method, so first thing I should do is fastboot-ing that .img just like another bootloader file? then chainload the u-boot file?
but it looks like I'm replacing samsung SBL (replacing SBL method) if I do that, doesn't it?
savantist said:
I wanna use the chainloaded method, so first thing I should do is fastboot-ing that .img just like another bootloader file? then chainload the u-boot file?
but it looks like I'm replacing samsung SBL (replacing SBL method) if I do that, doesn't it?
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Yes, you can actually fastboot it via
"fastboot flash:raw boot u-boot.img"
and no, you don't need to mess with xloader for chainloading
sp3dev said:
Yes, you can actually fastboot it via
"fastboot flash:raw boot u-boot.img"
and no, you don't need to mess with xloader for chainloading
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so it's ok to do chainloading in PRIMELC03 bootloader? If yes, I'm success...
finally "The Great Sp3dev"
nice work like always,
playing with it now,let's see where it goes
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
sp3dev said:
The latter one is the one I'm using on my phone so it should work.
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ah, I bricked my phone with your gnex-xloader-working using following script... It is only 128K. Is that right?
cat /sdcard/gnex-xloader-working.img > /dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/by-name/xloader
Is PRIMEKK14 bootloader the only one to work since we only have http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1587498 this thread for bootloader and there's no flashable version of PRIMEKK14?
I use OMAPFlash to save it having PRIMEKK15 bootloader and I do not have the courage to do it again...
dlhxr said:
ah, I bricked my phone with your gnex-xloader-working using following script... It is only 128K. Is that right?
cat /sdcard/gnex-xloader-working.img > /dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/by-name/xloader
Is PRIMEKK14 bootloader the only one to work since we only have http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1587498 this thread for bootloader and there's no flashable version of PRIMEKK14?
I use OMAPFlash to save it having PRIMEKK15 bootloader and I do not have the courage to do it again...
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Oh well, I specially edited the post so that chainloaded users don't flash loader. You only need the xloaded if you flash u-boot instead of SBL. Otherwise, treat u-boot just as linux kernel.
As for replacing bootloader, I guess PRIMEKK15 should also work, I just didn't notice when the security check was introduced. Yeah, use OMAPFlash to recover anyway. And note that you cannot use my precompiled u-boot to replace SBL. As written in the beginning of the post, you need to change a define in config and recompile because the load address and partition layout are different for chainloading and direct booting cases.
Very nice! Keep the good work up! :good:
sp3dev said:
Oh well, I specially edited the post so that chainloaded users don't flash loader. You only need the xloaded if you flash u-boot instead of SBL. Otherwise, treat u-boot just as linux kernel.
As for replacing bootloader, I guess PRIMEKK15 should also work, I just didn't notice when the security check was introduced. Yeah, use OMAPFlash to recover anyway. And note that you cannot use my precompiled u-boot to replace SBL. As written in the beginning of the post, you need to change a define in config and recompile because the load address and partition layout are different for chainloading and direct booting cases.
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Some feedback here. I flashed u-boot to boot partition and save the original boot image to /system/boot/vmlinux.uimg.
Without any key pressed it shows
Wrong Image Format for boot command
Error: can't get kernel image!
Not booting xxxxxxxxx
Fail to boot
The characters on the screen does not show well and some of them can't be recognized....
When I press the volume up, it boot into recovery.
When I press the volume down, it shows
File not found /media/boot/vmlinux.uimg
Unrecognized filesystem type
Fail to boot
Something is wrong with my procedure?
Another small question. I want to make a zip to flash the U-boot, but always failed. I have to use fastboot command to flash gnex-uboot-chainloaded.img to boot.img.
What is in my updater-script.
mount("ext4", "EMMC", "/dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/by-name/system", "/system");
package_extract_file("gnex-uboot-chainloaded.img", "/tmp/gnex-uboot-chainloaded.img");
package_extract_file("META-INF/com/google/android/switch_boot.sh", "/tmp/switch_boot.sh");
set_perm(0, 0, 0777, "/tmp/switch_boot.sh");
set_perm(0, 0, 0777, "/system/boot/vmlinux.uimg");
What is in my switch_boot.sh
cat /dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/by-name/boot > /tmp/vmlinux.uimg
mkdir /system/boot
cp /tmp/vmlinux.uimg /system/boot/
cat /tmp/gnex-uboot-chainloaded.img /dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/by-name/boot
It seems the last line doesn't work...
cat /tmp/gnex-uboot-chainloaded.img /dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/by-name/boot
If I use the following command in updater-script,
package_extract_file("gnex-uboot-chainloaded.img", "/dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/by-name/boot");
The device enters bootloader directly showing no boot image after reboot....
dlhxr said:
If I use the following command in updater-script,
package_extract_file("gnex-uboot-chainloaded.img", "/dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/by-name/boot");
The device enters bootloader directly showing no boot image after reboot....
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That's because SBL expects the boot partition to contain the image in ANDROID! format. It creates the image itself when you flash via fastboot with the ":raw" suffix.
Try that
mkbootimg --kernel gnex-uboot-chainloaded.img --ramdisk /dev/null -o u-boot.aimg
Not sure why the original boot image didn't work for you. Are you copying the boot.img to vmlinux.uimg or the raw zImage? you should do the former, the u-boot expects either the "ANDROID!" image or the one made with mkimage.
If anything, you could try repacking the boot image yourself or try mine to see if it boots (it's for jb 4.1.1 though)
chainloading method, in fact it works on PRIMELC03 too...
if I flash the xloader (replacing bootloader method), then how am I gonna back to original samsung bootloader/PRIMELC03 since there isn't fastboot support in your u-boot bootloader?
using odin? or omapflash? :crying:
savantist said:
chainloading method, in fact it works on PRIMELC03 too...
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ok, I probably didn't make it clear enough. chainloading works with any bootloader and is safe.
savantist said:
if I flash the xloader (replacing bootloader method), then how am I gonna back to original samsung bootloader/PRIMELC03 since there isn't fastboot support in your u-boot bootloader?
using odin? or omapflash? :crying:
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if you can boot android or recovery, thenuse dd it to /dev/block/blah-blah-blah, otherwise - omapflash.
sp3dev said:
ok, I probably didn't make it clear enough. chainloading works with any bootloader and is safe.
if you can boot android or recovery, thenuse dd it to /dev/block/blah-blah-blah, otherwise - omapflash.
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you wrote it on wrong part on first page yesterday, makes me little bit confused, but it's corrected now...
but to do "replacing bootloader method", one should flash PRIMEKK14 or PRIMEKK15 bootloader before, right?
wow... omapflash...
savantist said:
you wrote it on wrong part on first page yesterday, makes me little bit confused, but it's corrected now...
but to do "replacing bootloader method", one should flash PRIMEKK14 or PRIMEKK15 bootloader before, right?
wow... omapflash...
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well, some bootloaders after PRIMEKK may work, but I have not tested and we had some new phones with the recent firmware versions from stock, and u-boot failed to work there until xloader was downgraded

Repack system.img with simg2img/mkuserimg

Has anyone been able to repack system.img using these tools? I've tried a couple variations of of parameters for mkuserimg, but everytime it gets stuck on the boot animation.
simg2img ./system.img system.raw
sudo mount -t ext4 -o loop system.raw ./mount/system/
sudo mkuserimg.sh -s mount/system/ system_new.img ext4 /system 3221028864
I've also tried
sudo mkuserimg.sh -s mount/system/ system_new.img ext4 /system 3195826176
Neither one works. The first one gets the file size of the .raw files to match, but the number of blocks (per tune2fs) differ. The second one gets the number of blocks to match, but not the .raw file sizes.
The base system.img I have flashes without any problems.
Appreciate any help!
Did you disabled the encryption in the boot.img ? It might be getting stuck since the signatures don't match. Have a look at the boot.img used to root. The fstab entries are relaxed. I think there is another change from stock.
gee one said:
Did you disabled the encryption in the boot.img ? It might be getting stuck since the signatures don't match. Have a look at the boot.img used to root. The fstab entries are relaxed. I think there is another change from stock.
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Definitely using a boot.img with encryption disabled. Using this one: http://forum.xda-developers.com/apps/supersu/wip-android-6-0-marshmellow-t3219344
I've tried running both stock system.img through the repack process and a AOSP built system.img and both images stop working once run through mkuserimg
Maybe I'll give the ElementalX kernel a try.

LG G4 fails to complete LOS 14.1 boot after battery drained to zero [Fixed]

The battery of a rooted, UsUed LG G4 running LineageOS 14.1 was accidentally allowed to drain to zero. After re-charging above 50%, the device failed to boot. The LOS boot screen "bubble on a string" animation would continue indefinitely.
The phone still booted to TWRP, download mode, and fastboot mode.
Originally, it was suspected that this was ILAPO. However, this suspicion was incorrect.
After extensive work creating a boot sector that would allow logging and a ton of help from @steadfasterX, it was discovered that various files in /data/system had been corrupted and had sizes of zero. Android would try to read values from these files, fail, and repeat.
First, a full TWRP backup of the phone was made and copied off-device. Then, I made a second backup of /data/system. Next, I deleted the following zero-byte files from /data/system using TWRP (or ADB after launching TWRP).
If this doesn't work, I would have considered deleting other zero-byte files in /data/system. I used "ls -laS" to get a size-ordered list of files in my current directory.
After a reboot, android re-created the files and booted to the lockscreen.
All of the apps in /data/data had already been cleared. Otherwise, Android would probably have choked on the differences between the user IDs that it wanted to assign to apps and the ownership of the various app folders.
The following links suggest ways to restore some apps from previously created backups
GitHub - joshuabragge/twrp-manual-restore: Automate individual app restores from an android TWRP backup
Automate individual app restores from an android TWRP backup - GitHub - joshuabragge/twrp-manual-restore: Automate individual app restores from an android TWRP backup
(Permanent archive: https://web.archive.org/web/2019083.../android-restoring-apps-from-twrp-backup.html)
There is no warranty on this solution. It was a makeshift effort created by an amateur. If you choose to duplicate it, you do so at your own risk. You may permanently destroy your phone.
Old post below:
I'm trying to understand whether a particular G4 (H815) has ILAPO. Its been sneezing, has a sore throat, and now can't taste anything^H^H oops, I mean:
- Previously, the phone would get hot during use.
- The phone has been UsUed.
- The battery was accidentally allowed to discharge to zero.
- After the battery was recharged, the phone was unable to boot past the Lineageos "bubble on a string" animation. The animation simply continues forever.
- The phone can boot to TWRP, fasboot, download mode, etc.
Attempts to fix:
- Tried renaming /sdcard/Android to /sdcard/Android.old but this had no effect.
- Tried clearing cache and dalvik cache but this had no effect
- (NEW) Tried attaching to computer and launching "adb logcat" during animation. Device is never found. If I remember correctly, "USB debugging" was off when the device died. (ADB does work in TWRP.)
- (NEW) Tried creating a custom 4-core (2 core for boot) boot image using the instructions here https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/...tom-x-cores-boot-image-ilapo-tempfix.3718389/ and used "fastboot flash boot boot.img" to flash it. This doesn't seem to work.
-- If I reboot into TWRP after a long period of waiting for the lineageos splash screen, I get a CPU temperature of 46 C. I don't know what temperature was generated in the same situation the modified boot image was installed.
Most of the info on ILAPO suggests that phones with it can't get past the LG logo. That is not the case here. Is this ILAPO or something different? Does anyone have ideas as to what might be an appropriate fix?
Is it possible to retrieve boot logs using TWRP in order to figure out when/where/why the boot hangs?
electricfield said:
I'm trying to understand whether a particular G4 (H815) has ILAPO. Its been sneezing, has a sore throat, and now can't taste anything^H^H oops, I mean:
- Previously, the phone would get hot during use.
- The phone has been UsUed.
- The battery was accidentally allowed to discharge to zero.
- After the battery was recharged, the phone was unable to boot past the Lineageos "bubble on a string" animation. The animation simply continues forever.
- The phone can boot to TWRP, fasboot, download mode, etc.
Attempts to fix:
- Tried renaming /sdcard/Android to /sdcard/Android.old but this had no effect.
- Tried clearing cache and dalvik cache but this had no effect
- (NEW) Tried attaching to computer and launching "adb logcat" during animation. Device is never found. If I remember correctly, "USB debugging" was off when the device died. (ADB does work in TWRP.)
- (NEW) Tried creating a custom 4-core (2 core for boot) boot image using the instructions here https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/...tom-x-cores-boot-image-ilapo-tempfix.3718389/ and used "fastboot flash boot boot.img" to flash it. This doesn't seem to work.
-- If I reboot into TWRP after a long period of waiting for the lineageos splash screen, I get a CPU temperature of 46 C. I don't know what temperature was generated in the same situation the modified boot image was installed.
Most of the info on ILAPO suggests that phones with it can't get past the LG logo. That is not the case here. Is this ILAPO or something different? Does anyone have ideas as to what might be an appropriate fix?
Is it possible to retrieve boot logs using TWRP in order to figure out when/where/why the boot hangs?
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Sounds like the ilapo. Is the battery charged now? I don't know which LOS version you have installed but if you use mine:
follow FAQ #7 of my LOS thread
steadfasterX said:
Sounds like the ilapo. Is the battery charged now? I don't know which LOS version you have installed but if you use mine:
follow FAQ #7 of my LOS thread
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Thank you for your reply. You seem to know more about G4 issues than anyone. I really appreciate your help.
The battery is charged now.
Unfortunately, I am using the microg version of LOS 14.1, rather than your 16.0.
I tried following the instructions in your FAQ #7, but I can't do step 1 (boot android). The only way for me to exit the bootloop is by removing the battery. There is no "debug" in /cache after I mount cache in TWRP.
I also looked at FAQ #1. ADB never finishes waiting for the device. In fact "lsusb" doesn't show the phone during OS boot (ADB is fine when TWRP is loaded).
Any other ideas?
electricfield said:
Thank you for your reply. You seem to know more about G4 issues than anyone. I really appreciate your help.
The battery is charged now.
Unfortunately, I am using the microg version of LOS 14.1, rather than your 16.0.
I tried following the instructions in your FAQ #7, but I can't do step 1 (boot android). The only way for me to exit the bootloop is by removing the battery. There is no "debug" in /cache after I mount cache in TWRP.
I also looked at FAQ #1. ADB never finishes waiting for the device. In fact "lsusb" doesn't show the phone during OS boot (ADB is fine when TWRP is loaded).
Any other ideas?
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As written in my mentioned FAQ taken battery out is needed in your case. Step 2 iirc.
If you dont use my LOS then no way. The cache/debug is something I've added and no one else has.
You can just flash my LOS 16 or /e/ ROM (take a full backup before in TWRP) and use that for debugging your current issue. Why using microg btw? /e/ is great
The other option would be pulling the boot img of your current LOS (in TWRP: adb pull /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/boot ) and rebuilding it as insecure (i.e. usb debug on and adb root ) but if you never did that before it it will be hard i guess. AiK might work here or using mAid which includes bootimgtool.
Also you can attach that boot img here and if i ever find the time i can do option2 for you but don't expext that this happens soon .
Thank you again for your help.
I'm a little afraid that installing a new & different ROM will increase the level of complexity. I'll do it if I must, though.
I started looking at option #2. Retrieving the boot image was fine, but unpacking presents a problem.
$ ./unpack-bootimg.sh boot.img.original
Found a secondary file after the ramdisk image. According to the spec (mkbootimg.h) this file can exist, but this script is not designed to deal with this scenario.
Is there a guide anywhere?
electricfield said:
Thank you again for your help.
I'm a little afraid that installing a new & different ROM will increase the level of complexity. I'll do it if I must, though.
I started looking at option #2. Retrieving the boot image was fine, but unpacking presents a problem.
$ ./unpack-bootimg.sh boot.img.original
Found a secondary file after the ramdisk image. According to the spec (mkbootimg.h) this file can exist, but this script is not designed to deal with this scenario.
Is there a guide anywhere?
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thousands.. But the problem is that our device is sensitive when it comes to packaging the boot.img again. Bootimgtool is working in 9 of 10 times though.
Boot mAid . Open a terminal. Type bootimgtool --help .important is to use "-v qcom". Then extract the ramdisk with gzip and cpio, then modding the default.prop to make it insecure , then using gzip and cpio again to rebuild the ramdisk, finally using bootimgtool to construct the boot.img again. Sounds harder than it is but i have no access to my pc until monday so i cannot give all the needed cmds atm. There are plenty of guides out there and tools ofc which allow unpack,repack etc. That's why i mentioned AIK which does exactly the above but it fails sometimes to build a correct working boot.img.
So my suggestion is try your luck with one of the tools or wait until I've access to my pc. Consider joining my TG group then for easier support (see my sig)
steadfasterX said:
thousands.. But the problem is that our device is sensitive when it comes to packaging the boot.img again. Bootimgtool is working in 9 of 10 times though.
Boot mAid . Open a terminal. Type bootimgtool --help .important is to use "-v qcom". Then extract the ramdisk with gzip and cpio, then modding the default.prop to make it insecure , then using gzip and cpio again to rebuild the ramdisk, finally using bootimgtool to construct the boot.img again. Sounds harder than it is but i have no access to my pc until monday so i cannot give all the needed cmds atm. There are plenty of guides out there and tools ofc which allow unpack,repack etc. That's why i mentioned AIK which does exactly the above but it fails sometimes to build a correct working boot.img.
So my suggestion is try your luck with one of the tools or wait until I've access to my pc. Consider joining my TG group then for easier support (see my sig)
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Thank you once again. I'm really impressed by how much help you have been able to give so far.
Unfortunately, I have no phone with which to join the Telegram group.
I made the modified boot image, but adb is still unable to speak to the phone during boot. I note that lsusb does not show the phone during boot -- maybe the system hangs before USB is activated. However, I could have made the boot image incorrectly.
Here is what I did:
[[email protected] extract]$ bootimgtool -i boot
Image size: 41943040
Page size: 4096
Kernel size: 22456976
Ramdisk size: 1672742
Second stage size: 0
Device tree size: 0
Kernel load address: 0x00008000
Ramdisk load address: 0x01000000
Second stage load address: 0x00f00000
Device tree load address: 0x00000000
Tags load address: 0x00000100
Product name:
Command line: maxcpus=4 boot_cpus=0-1 console=ttyHSL0,115200,n8 androidboot.console=ttyHSL0 androidboot.hardware=qcom user_debug=31 ehci-hcd.park=3 lpm_levels.sleep_disabled=1 msm_rtb.filter=0x37 boot_cpus=0-1 buildvariant=userdebug
[[email protected] extract]$ bootimgtool -x boot -v qcom
[[email protected] extract]$ gunzip ramdisk
[[email protected] ex]$ cpio -i < ../ramdisk
In default.prop, I changed:
In default.prop, I added:
[[email protected] ex]$ find > /tmp/filelist
[[email protected] ex]$ cpio -o < /tmp/filelist > ../ramdisk.modified
This produces
-rw-r--r-- 1 android users 4166400 Jan 2 17:29 ramdisk.gunzip.original
-rw-r--r-- 1 android users 4162048 Jan 2 17:31 ramdisk.modified
-rw-r--r-- 1 android users 1672742 Jan 2 17:16 ramdisk.img.original
I don't understand why the "modified" gunzipped file is slightly smaller than the original.
[[email protected] extract]$ mv ramdisk.modified.gz ramdisk.img
[[email protected] extract]$ cp boot boot.original
[[email protected] extract]$ bootimgtool -v qcom -c boot
Overwrite 'boot'? [y/N] y
-rw-r--r-- 1 android users 25370624 Jan 2 17:38 boot
-rw-r--r-- 1 android users 41943040 Jan 2 17:37 boot.original
I am wary because I don't understand why the new file is so much smaller than the original. However, I decided to proceed. Uploaded modified boot to /sdcard/boot.modified
Inside adb:
/dev/block/platform/soc.0/f9824900.sdhci/by-name # ls -al boot
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 21 Jan 1 04:16 boot -> /dev/block/mmcblk0p38
/dev/block/platform/soc.0/f9824900.sdhci/by-name # cp /sdcard/boot.modified /dev/block/mmcblk0p38
Plugged in device. On computer "adb wait-for-device". Reboot device.
Unfortunately, no action from adb.
electricfield said:
Thank you once again. I'm really impressed by how much help you have been able to give so far.
Unfortunately, I have no phone with which to join the Telegram group.
I made the modified boot image, but adb is still unable to speak to the phone during boot. I note that lsusb does not show the phone during boot -- maybe the system hangs before USB is activated. However, I could have made the boot image incorrectly.
Here is what I did:
[[email protected] extract]$ bootimgtool -i boot
Image size: 41943040
Page size: 4096
Kernel size: 22456976
Ramdisk size: 1672742
Second stage size: 0
Device tree size: 0
Kernel load address: 0x00008000
Ramdisk load address: 0x01000000
Second stage load address: 0x00f00000
Device tree load address: 0x00000000
Tags load address: 0x00000100
Product name:
Command line: maxcpus=4 boot_cpus=0-1 console=ttyHSL0,115200,n8 androidboot.console=ttyHSL0 androidboot.hardware=qcom user_debug=31 ehci-hcd.park=3 lpm_levels.sleep_disabled=1 msm_rtb.filter=0x37 boot_cpus=0-1 buildvariant=userdebug
[[email protected] extract]$ bootimgtool -x boot -v qcom
[[email protected] extract]$ gunzip ramdisk
[[email protected] ex]$ cpio -i < ../ramdisk
In default.prop, I changed:
In default.prop, I added:
[[email protected] ex]$ find > /tmp/filelist
[[email protected] ex]$ cpio -o < /tmp/filelist > ../ramdisk.modified
This produces
-rw-r--r-- 1 android users 4166400 Jan 2 17:29 ramdisk.gunzip.original
-rw-r--r-- 1 android users 4162048 Jan 2 17:31 ramdisk.modified
-rw-r--r-- 1 android users 1672742 Jan 2 17:16 ramdisk.img.original
I don't understand why the "modified" gunzipped file is slightly smaller than the original.
[[email protected] extract]$ mv ramdisk.modified.gz ramdisk.img
[[email protected] extract]$ cp boot boot.original
[[email protected] extract]$ bootimgtool -v qcom -c boot
Overwrite 'boot'? [y/N] y
-rw-r--r-- 1 android users 25370624 Jan 2 17:38 boot
-rw-r--r-- 1 android users 41943040 Jan 2 17:37 boot.original
I am wary because I don't understand why the new file is so much smaller than the original. However, I decided to proceed. Uploaded modified boot to /sdcard/boot.modified
Inside adb:
/dev/block/platform/soc.0/f9824900.sdhci/by-name # ls -al boot
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 21 Jan 1 04:16 boot -> /dev/block/mmcblk0p38
/dev/block/platform/soc.0/f9824900.sdhci/by-name # cp /sdcard/boot.modified /dev/block/mmcblk0p38
Plugged in device. On computer "adb wait-for-device". Reboot device.
Unfortunately, no action from adb.
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Ok i haven't followed every step bc I'm in half sleep mode already but you did one step wrong : you cant use cp like you did to copy the boot img. Either use the IMG button within TWRP flash menu or use fastboot flash boot boot.img to actually flash the modded boot img
Thank you, once again.
I think that something must be wrong with the boot image.
After "fastboot flash boot boot.modified", I get a blue light. The screen is blank with a cursor in the upper-left hand corner.
"fastboot flash boot boot.original" restores it to its previous state. i.e., it gets to the first lineageos splash screen bubble.
I'm suspicious of the difference between the file sizes of the original and modified boot images.
electricfield said:
Thank you, once again.
I think that something must be wrong with the boot image.
After "fastboot flash boot boot.modified", I get a blue light. The screen is blank with a cursor in the upper-left hand corner.
"fastboot flash boot boot.original" restores it to its previous state. i.e., it gets to the first lineageos splash screen bubble.
I'm suspicious of the difference between the file sizes of the original and modified boot images.
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Ignore the size diff. That's bc of diff compressing tools but does not matter. Your cpio cmd is unusual . Cpio has switches to create directories and that is not used in yours above . Thats likely the reason why it does not boot at all. Again sorry that i can't help better atm but without my pc..
I changed the ramdisk extraction command to:
gzip -dc ../ramdisk.img | cpio -imd
and the creation command to:
find . ! -name . | LC_ALL=C sort | cpio -o -H newc -R root:root | gzip > ../new-boot.img-ramdisk.gz
Bootimgtool then produced a boot image that booted. After fastboot flash, the device is in the same state as before (splash screen).
Unfortunately, "adb wait-for-device" produces nothing. "lsusb" does not show the phone.
Can you confirm the lines to change in default.prop?
In default.prop, I changed:
I added:
electricfield said:
I changed the ramdisk extraction command to:
gzip -dc ../ramdisk.img | cpio -imd
and the creation command to:
find . ! -name . | LC_ALL=C sort | cpio -o -H newc -R root:root | gzip > ../new-boot.img-ramdisk.gz
Bootimgtool then produced a boot image that booted. After fastboot flash, the device is in the same state as before (splash screen).
Unfortunately, "adb wait-for-device" produces nothing. "lsusb" does not show the phone.
Can you confirm the lines to change in default.prop?
In default.prop, I changed:
I added:
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ro.debuggable=1 is better (allows adb root)
security.perf_harden shouldn't be added (or.changed if it was there)
Rest looks ok. At least as long as you really changed these values directly or added them at the top (ro. values can be set only once)
Otherwise you should wait until tomorrow then i can share a 100% working way
electricfield said:
I changed the ramdisk extraction command to:
gzip -dc ../ramdisk.img | cpio -imd
and the creation command to:
find . ! -name . | LC_ALL=C sort | cpio -o -H newc -R root:root | gzip > ../new-boot.img-ramdisk.gz
Bootimgtool then produced a boot image that booted. After fastboot flash, the device is in the same state as before (splash screen).
Unfortunately, "adb wait-for-device" produces nothing. "lsusb" does not show the phone.
Can you confirm the lines to change in default.prop?
In default.prop, I changed:
I added:
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Oh wait! Pls share the bootimgtool command you are using to create the new boot.img
Thank you, again.
The bootimgtool command is the same one as I used before (no change). Before running it, I renamed the new ramdisk to ramdisk.img.
bootimgtool -v qcom -c boot.modified3
Followed by bringing the phone into fastboot mode and running
fastboot flash boot boot.modified3
The phone boots to the lineageos splash screen but no response to "adb wait-for-device".
I'll try ro.debuggable=1 and get rid of security.perf_harden in a few minutes, but I wonder if they are unlikely to change anything given that the device does not show up in (linux) lsusb.
electricfield said:
Thank you, again.
The bootimgtool command is the same one as I used before (no change). Before running it, I renamed the new ramdisk to ramdisk.img.
bootimgtool -v qcom -c boot.modified3
Followed by bringing the phone into fastboot mode and running
fastboot flash boot boot.modified3
The phone boots to the lineageos splash screen but no response to "adb wait-for-device".
I'll try ro.debuggable=1 and get rid of security.perf_harden in a few minutes, but I wonder if they are unlikely to change anything given that the device does not show up in (linux) lsusb.
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That wont change anything if adb does not come up. Just for completeness.
Ok so if you renamed it to ramdisk.img then all.good that was the thing i had in mind (that you didn't and not.used the -r switch). Well ok then without my pc the only thing i can think of might be the USB cable but thats very unlikely
Thanks again for your help.
The boot image that was flashed is definitely the correct one. I extracted it to another folder and checked it before flashing.
I re-made the boot image, but the result is the same (no adb, no device in lsusb).
What "-r switch" are you referring to in your previous message?
The USB cable works fine for ADB in TWRP, so I doubt it is the problem.
electricfield said:
Thanks again for your help.
The boot image that was flashed is definitely the correct one. I extracted it to another folder and checked it before flashing.
I re-made the boot image, but the result is the same (no adb, no device in lsusb).
What "-r switch" are you referring to in your previous message?
The USB cable works fine for ADB in TWRP, so I doubt it is the problem.
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The -r (iirc) switch was related to bootimgtool. That way you can choose your newly created ramdisk.img but when you renamed it to ramdisk.img it works without.
I would deeply appreciate if you were able to guide me in making the boot image correctly when you have your computer on Monday.
On the other hand, if this method won't work, its best if I know that so that I can try the next thing....
electricfield said:
I would deeply appreciate if you were able to guide me in making the boot image correctly when you have your computer on Monday.
On the other hand, if this method won't work, its best if I know that so that I can try the next thing....
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ok here you go, this must be added /changed in default.prop:
thumbs pressed
Thank you.
I rebuilt the boot image with these entries, but "adb wait-for-device" still does not work during boot.
Any other ideas?

Repack Stock Firmware with Android 10 for Odin

I am trying to de-bload/modify the original stock firmware and flash it to my phone using odin without installing TWRP. I have already successfully flashed Magisks this way. However, all the guides I found on modifying the system.img seem to be outdated and do not work anymore.
Here is my current workflow (all on Debian 10)
tar xvf AP_*.tar.md5 #from original stock rom package or magisk_patched_*.tar) into sub-directory
lz4 -d system.img.lz4
simg2img system.img system.raw.img #either the Debian version or fresh compile from https://github.com/anestisb/android-simg2img
mkdir sys
sudo mount -t ext4 -o loop system.raw.img sys/
# Do a bunch of changes in the mounted image e.g. delete Samsung bloatware
sudo umount sys/
img2simg system.raw.img system.img
lz4 -B6 --content-size system.img system.img.lz4
tar --owner=1000 --group=1000 -H ustar -cvf AP_modified.tar *
md5sum -t AP_modified.tar >> AP_modified.tar
mv AP_modified.tar AP_modified.tar.md5
Unfortunately, the resulting file does not work because odin hangs or odin finishes and the phone is stuck in a boot loop. Anybody knows what I am missing here. Bootloader is unlocked, as I said, I could successfully flash the modified AP_* from magisk.

