Hello there,
since Lollipop my HTC Browser doesn't sync with Chrome anymore, I know this is intended by Google as they removed the "internet" sync option from the Google account.
I am on ViperOne 4.2.0, is there any fix or something that I could install so that I get the bookmarks again?
I'm not sure if this a HTC One X specific problem, but I didn't have it on my old Samsung Galaxy. If I open the preinstalled (I guess official) Facebook app on the HTC One X, it asks me what I want to sync. I don't want to sync anything, so I choose that option an press "done". However, the stupid things still keeps syncing all my Facebook friends to my phone contacts (it adds a Facebook phone book). I don't want this. If I delete the Facebook account under "Accounts & Sync" the synced data is removed, however, if I open the Facebook app after that, it will ask me again what I want to sync and the whole things starts over. Is there any way to avoid this?
Many thanks.
It'll add the friends but it won't sync them to your existing phone contacts. Just untick the Facebook contacts in 'People' and they won't show up
But there is now way of not even allowing it to import the Facebook phone book?
Well, yeah - telling it not to sync should do that...if it doesn't then I'd say no
I had the same problem and fixed it with removing that annoying app forever ...
I've tried several ROMS and 2 version of Gapps.
My problem is there is no Calendar sync at all.
When entering the Google account under Sync There is no Calendar at all. Just Gmail, Drive , Browser and Contacts.
When entering the Calender app , I'm greeted with "Existing" "New" and "Later" screen , as it doesn't detect any Google account associated with the phone.
When trying to use "Existing" and add my Google account , it states this account is already in use.
I've looked in the web calender for any clues as to why my calendar sync disappeared , and did not find any.
Any help will be highly appreciated.
Thank you.
Look in /system/app & see if you have (Google)CalenadrSyncAdapter.apk. You need the sync adapter to use an AOSP built calendar apk. The other option would be to get rid of the calendar.apk in your rom & download form the Play Store.
Hi guys, I'm having problem Syncing Bookmark between my GNexus with PA 2.99 and Chrome for Windows.
The tab just can't sync it, and it's quite annoying... The fact is that sync bookmarks works like a charm with Chrome for Android, but nothing at all with the stock ICS browser... I would use chrome, but I really need flash for browsing
I checked on settings/account and sync/google account and i found the source of the problem: it seems that the sync function has stop working, in fact there's a "sync is currently experiencing problems. it will be back shortly". But the "shortly" has last a moth now!!!
I've tried to delete the google account and log in again, but still not working... So I tought it was a chrome for windows problem, I whent to google dashboard and deleted the sync setting from there... but still not working.
The problem occur even with my GTab 7.7 P6800 with SkyHigh 3.6!!!
So I'm guessing that the problem is not on the GTab, but in my google account...
Am having a problem with Bookmarks in Chrome and the Stock Browser. I have synced my Chrome browser and I can see all my folders in the 'desktop bookmarks' tab. However when I click on most of the folders they come up empty. Only some show bookmarks in them. This same thing happens in the stock browser. I've tried to sync my Google account again and nothing. Any ideas on what is wrong?
Firefox shows all my bookmarks.
Under Accounts & Sync, I only have one main toggle for syncing all accounts.
Previously on Samsung in 4.4 I had toggles for each account.
I would like to sync some accounts but I do not wish to sync google contacts, data etc. If I disable sync then nothing syncs (email, etc). I would like to use the play store.
I am currently deleting the google account and turning sync ON . Then when I wish to install something, I turn sync OFF, login to google, install apps, then logout etc...
I'd like to somehow install apps without having to sync other google data if that's possible. This was possible on a samsung with 4.4.
I don't know if this is an Android version issue, a ROM issue or something else. I am currently using Fulmics 6.7
I've never used the stock ROM.
Anyone have any ideas?