Help me to dump some system APKs please - One (M8) Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Did anybody update M8 to HTC's Android 5.0? Could anybody dump HTC Blinkfeed, Weather Resource ( and HTC Service Pack ( on Android 5.0 for me?


[Q] [Request] Could somebody port this for me?

Could an experienced developer please port a system UI to our devices please? I'd like to do it myself, however I have no idea where to start. If somebody could port it for me and then upload it again I would be very grateful. I will upload the two files at the end of the post.
A little bit of information on the system UI files, they work on android 4.0.4 but they are for a smaller screen and lower pixel density, plus when I decompiled the system UI the file structure is different from the stock XM 4.1.2 system UI so I didn't know where to go from there.
Also would somebody be willing to teach me how to port apps in a few months? I would have liked to do this myself but I have no knowledge on doing so unfortunately.

request system dump

can anyone upload the new nokia x update or system dump with the new update TIA.......

Apk Dump?

If anyone got their hands on HTC 10 please be kind enough to share a system dump / apk collection.

Could anyone get their hands on System dump /Apks

If anyone got their hands on HTC 10 please be kind enough to share a system dump / apk collection.

[Q] Removed some system apps... Please can someone share apks from their devices?

Hi All,
I have an EVR-AL00 from which I have removed quite a few system apps, but can someone who has updated to please share and appgallery.apk please?

