[Q] Lollipop (v20a) Alarms showing incorrect time - G3 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

When I set an alarm in the clock app, for example to 6:30am, when I press save, the alarm will show as 6am in the alarm list but still goes off at the right time. Not really a big issue but a little annoying that it shows the wrong time in the alarm list.
Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing this issue.
Cheers guys.

I had the same problem and it turns out that the auto time zone had set me to the wrong zone, hence the 30 minute issue, even though the wrong time zone was 1 hour difference not 30 minutes


Evo alarm bug.

I use the DeskClock app as my alarm, this morning the alarm activated and suddenly turned off. I wonder what had happened but didn't make much of it. I woke up did my things and then came back to the phone to check what went wrong with the alarm. The phone actually called a random person in my contact list after the alarm had begun, has anyone here experienced the same?
Maybe you were trying to turn it off and pressed some wrong buttons in a half-awake sleep haze?
I am always turning my alarm off when half-asleep and then when I wake up late I'm like 'WTF! My alarm didn't go off!?'
Until my wife tells me it did, but I turned it off.
If you swipe the phone to unlock it, regardless if you actually draw your pattern, that will turn the alarm off.
I did it on accident when I was trying to hit Snooze.
sounds like you need an app called "call confirm" in the app store, then you wont be dialing by accident
The phone was lying on the floor and I didn't touch it. It was a good 10 feet away from me. I'll try the call confirm app. Thanks for the replies.

[Q] Alarm Clock Notification Bug?

Do you guys often find that the alarm notification icon sometimes disappears for no reason?
Yeah, mine comes on and goes off for no apparent reason. Have looked at all the setting but have not found a solution. Not a deal breaker though since there are so many other alarm apps on the market, although it would be good to get the stock on working reliably.
no issue with mine. i purchased mine 8 days ago and i use the alarm every day with no issues so far. i am running the bell rom and am rooted
This happens with mine as well, but no issue of the alarm not coming on at the correct time.
this happens to me too!! i've my morning alarm set for 7am all weekdays. however, whenever i turn off the phone, or after an one-week cycle, the notification icon would disappear.
Although it still indicates that the alarms are "on" when i look at all alarms within the Clock app, i just get paranoid that i wont go off the next day (since the notification icon disappears and the lock screen does not indicate an alarm is active).
does anyone know a fix to this?? please help!

Bizarre Alarm Behavior (ION, JB 4.1.2)

Hello everyone. I noticed recently that my alarm application has been acting very odd lately. I have alarms set to go off every weekday, at the same exact time each day, but the little icon in the status bar is constantly disappearing. Sometimes I can catch it flickering on and off, but most of the time I just do not have the icon at all. My alarms are becoming hit or miss as well. Sometimes they will go off, and sometimes they will not. Any thoughts? I saw a thread once about apps possibly canceling my alarm, but I cannot think of any that would be (unless the new Pandora app does?).

Alarm snoozing itself

Like a week ago, the phone started snoozing alarm itself, making me late for work So later I tested it and found out that the alarm does work, but when the screen goes off like after a couple of seconds, it shuts off and snoozes!! That is when the ringing phone is locked, the alarm snoozes itself! Please help and I have like 60+ apps so I don't wanna wipe my phone
Got the same problem, can somebody help us?!

Alarm turned on by unknown app

Started from last night, I found the Alarm ON icon shown on the notification bar. But I have not set any alarm. Then I try to wait for that alarm time to see which app is setting it. When the times come, the alarm does not pop-up anything or make any sound. The icon just disappeared and on again with a new time!!! (normally 30 mins later, sometimes lesser)
I also checked all the calendar, reminder, note, to do list apps. No any alarm setting at all.
I haven't install any new apps, just updated few existing apps which should be okay.
Are there any apps/tools/methods to let me check which app is setting those alarm?
Z5P with 6.0.1.

