Hello devs
Im developing an application for Windows Mobile in Visual Basic.NET.
Now I would like to make some kind of PopUp with all the stuff seen in background "dimmed". This can be seen on all newer Manila-Style applications and of course HTC is making those popups.
But, how do I create such popups? I know that it has something to do with AlphaBlending, but I don't really understand how to make it.
Does anyone of you probably have a working sample solution in VB.NET?
Many thanks in advance for any help...
Here you go.
This guys blog is great. All kinds of tips and tricks to make mobile apps work and look better.
Many thanks for the link. I'll try to get this code changed to VB.NET.
Seems to lock pretty easy and it's exactly what I was looking for
OK, I've managed to change the code into VB. This is the code:
Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(ByVal e As PaintEventArgs)
Dim dimBackground As Bitmap = New Bitmap(Me.Width, Me.Height)
Dim gxTemp As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(dimBackground)
e.Graphics.drawalpha(dimBackground, 100, 0, 0)
End Sub
The code is working execpt "DrawAlpha". DrawAlpha seems to be unknown in VisualBasic.NET with .NET CF 3.5.
Can anyone help me how to get the DrawAlpha method working?
Public Module opacity
Public Structure BlendFunction
Public BlendOp As Byte
Public BlendFlags As Byte
Public SourceConstantAlpha As Byte
Public AlphaFormat As Byte
End Structure
Public Declare Function AlphaBlendCE Lib "Coredll.dll" Alias "AlphaBlend" (ByVal hdcDest As IntPtr, _
ByVal xDest As Int32, ByVal yDest As Int32, ByVal cxDest As Int32, _
ByVal cyDest As Int32, ByVal hdcSrc As IntPtr, ByVal xSrc As Int32, _
ByVal ySrc As Int32, ByVal cxSrc As Int32, ByVal cySrc As Int32, _
ByVal blendFunction As BlendFunction) As Int32
Public Enum BlendOperation As Byte
End Enum
Public Enum BlendFlags As Byte
Zero = &H0
End Enum
Public Enum SourceConstantAlpha As Byte
Transparent = &H0
Opaque = &HFF
End Enum
Public Enum AlphaFormat As Byte
End Enum
Public Sub DrawAlpha(ByVal gx As Graphics, ByVal image As Bitmap, _
ByVal transp As Byte, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer)
Using gxSrc As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(image)
Dim hdcDst As IntPtr = gx.GetHdc()
Dim hdcSrc As IntPtr = gxSrc.GetHdc()
Dim bf As New BlendFunction()
bf.BlendOp = CByte(BlendOperation.AC_SRC_OVER)
bf.BlendFlags = CByte(BlendFlags.Zero)
bf.SourceConstantAlpha = transp
bf.AlphaFormat = CByte(AlphaFormat.AC_SRC_ALPHA)
AlphaBlendCE(hdcDst, x, y, image.Width, image.Height, hdcSrc, _
0, 0, image.Width, image.Height, bf)
End Using
Catch ex As Exception
Logger.log("Device dont support alphablending.", Logger.logLevel.NOTICE)
Logger.log(ex, Logger.logLevel.NOTICE)
End Try
End Sub
End Module
opacity.DrawAlpha(, bmp, 128), 0, 0) 'draw your bmp with 50% opacity
Hope it help it's the quicker method that I found. I have cutted out some specific code from my app, so you ca find error, I've not test the code. Let me know if you have trouble.
If you are intrested there is an other way to make opacity bitmap that work pixel per pixel but is too slow.
If you found better method please post it.
Many thanks for your code. It seems to work pretty using the code I have posted initally. There I was using a new form with WindowState = Maximized etc.
But now I don't really understand on how to exactly use your code in my project.
I have one form and multiple controls on it. The controls are normally invisible and set to Visible = True if I need to show them.
How can I now dim the background with your code, before setting a specific control to Visible = True?
I tried something like this:
Private Sub ShowPanel()
Dim dimBackground As Bitmap = New Bitmap(Me.Width, Me.Height)
Dim gxTemp As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(dimBackground)
modOpacity.DrawAlpha(gxTemp, dimBackground, 128, 0, 0)
Me.Panel2.Visible = True
End Sub
But if I do this code, I get an error in your code at the line:
Dim hdcSrc As IntPtr = gxSrc.GetHdc()
It seems, that the object gxSrc does not have a method GetHdc(), but I simply don't understand why...
Could you probably get me into the right direction?
As explained in the blog I've created a form 'BackgroundForm'
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Microsoft.Drawing;
namespace UI
public partial class BackgroundForm : Form
public BackgroundForm()
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
using (Bitmap dimBackGround = new Bitmap(this.Width, this.Height))
using (Graphics gxTemp = Graphics.FromImage(dimBackGround))
opacity.DrawAlpha(e.Graphics, dimBackGround, 100, 0, 0);
protected override void OnPaintBackground(PaintEventArgs e)
and changed it to be fullscreen (in the designer):
FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None;
WindowState = System.Windows.Forms.FormWindowState.Maximized;
Then I've created a static helper class
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace UI
public static class FormHelper
public static DialogResult ShowMessageBox(string text)
return ShowMessageBox(text, string.Empty, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.None);
public static DialogResult ShowMessageBox(string text, string caption)
return ShowMessageBox(text, caption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.None);
public static DialogResult ShowMessageBox(string text, string caption, MessageBoxButtons buttons, MessageBoxIcon icon)
BackgroundForm form = new BackgroundForm();
DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show(text, caption, buttons, icon, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
return result;
And now you can simply use one of the three methods to show a message box with dimmed background e.g.
FormHelper.ShowMessageBox("Text", "Caption", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk);
To convert from C# to use for example convert csharp to vb.
Thanks for your answer. Meanwhile I was already able to get it working with your blog info about using a new form.
Thanks to everyone helping me
Hi there,
I'm writing an OpenGL ES 1.0 application using C#, .Net 2.0 and this .Net OpenGL ES wrapper: www My phone is a Touch Pro2 (duh), with WM 6.5.5 (build 23549, EnergyRom).
My app is working fine, with the exception of the slideout keyboard. After I slide it out, it renders a couple of frames (20 or so) and then it freezes on the first OpenGL call in the next frame (which is glViewport in my case).
Is there anything I'm doing wrong, or is this a driver issue with my phone?
Here's my setup code:
display = egl.GetDisplay(EGLNativeDisplayType.Default);
int major, minor;
egl.Initialize(display, out major, out minor);
EGLConfig[] configs = new EGLConfig[10];
int[] attribList = new int[]
int numConfig;
if (!egl.ChooseConfig(display, attribList, configs, configs.Length, out numConfig) || numConfig < 1)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to choose config.");
config = configs[0];
context = egl.CreateContext(display, config, EGLContext.None, null);
surface = egl.CreateWindowSurface(display, config, windowHandle, null);
if (surface.Pointer == EGLSurface.None.Pointer)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Can't create window surface.");
int width, height;
egl.QuerySurface(display, surface, egl.EGL_WIDTH, out width);
egl.QuerySurface(display, surface, egl.EGL_HEIGHT, out height);
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Surface size: " + width + " x " + height);
egl.MakeCurrent(display, surface, surface, context);
And this is what I do when the control is resized:
egl.MakeCurrent(display, EGLSurface.None, EGLSurface.None, context);
egl.DestroySurface(display, surface);
surface = egl.CreateWindowSurface(display, config, hWnd, null);
if (surface.Pointer == EGLSurface.None.Pointer)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Can't create window surface.");
int width, height;
egl.QuerySurface(display, surface, egl.EGL_WIDTH, out width);
egl.QuerySurface(display, surface, egl.EGL_HEIGHT, out height);
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Surface size: " + width + " x " + height);
egl.MakeCurrent(display, surface, surface, context);
What I'm seeing is as follows. I run the app and it renders normally. Then I slide out the keyboard, and the window is resized. The surface is recreated with the appropriate settings, and I see a 20 or so frames being rendered. Then, all of a sudden, I see what looks like an old framebuffer from before the resize taking up the left half the screen (since it was merely 480 pixels wide), right half black, and the application freezes. Breaking in the debugger reveals it hangs on the first OpenGL call in that frame (glViewport). Shift-f5 doesn't close the app, I can still pop up the start menu and the call window using the physical buttons, but the home screen does not render anything (any contents that happened to be on the screen, the start menu for example, just stay there), nor do applications like arkswitch and advanced task manager. I have to softreset my phone before I can use it again.
What, if any, am I doing wrong?
The problem seems to be with manila.exe. If I kill that app, it works fine.
Is there a way to easily remove the facebook tags on contacts in outlook? it's the stuff that says :
<HTCData><!-- Please do not modify -->
Yes PLEASE? I don't use a Sense ROM anymore and this is annoying!
I don't even have this phone anymore. Maybe I will write something to do this for us.
HTC tag removal in contact notes!
I just sat down on my break and created this code to strip out the HTC tags from the contact notes:
Sub HTCbGone()
Dim objContactsFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim objContacts As Outlook.Items
Dim objContact As Object
Dim StartPos As Integer
Dim EndPos As Integer
Dim iCount As Integer
' Specify with which contact folder to work
Set objContactsFolder = _
Set objContacts = objContactsFolder.Items
iCount = 0
' Process the changes
For Each objContact In objContacts
If TypeName(objContact) = "ContactItem" Then
StartPos = InStr(objContact.Body, "<HTCData>")
EndPos = InStr(objContact.Body, "</HTCData>") + 10
If StartPos > 0 Then
If StartPos = 1 Then
If Len(EndPos) > EndPos + 1 Then
objContact.Body = Mid(objContact.Body, EndPos + 1)
objContact.Body = ""
End If
If Len(EndPos) > EndPos + 1 Then
objContact.Body = Left(objContact.Body, StartPos = 1)
objContact.Body = Left(objContact.Body, StartPos - 1) & Mid(objContact.Body, EndPos + 1)
End If
End If
iCount = iCount + 1
End If
End If
' Display the results
MsgBox "Number of contacts updated:" & Str$(iCount), , _
"HTCbGone Finished"
' Clean up
Set objContact = Nothing
Set objContacts = Nothing
Set objContactsFolder = Nothing
End Sub
To run this, I opened Outlook. Selected Macro(s) from the Tools pull-down menu (or press [ALT+F8]). Created a new Macro called HTCbGone and pasted this code over everything. Then I just ran it.
Use at your own risk.
Happy scripting,
THANK YOU!!!! (I only type in all caps 2 or 3 times a year) If HTC was a person I would kick him in the teeth because of what they have done to my 500+ contacts in my Microsoft Exchange account.
How could the people at HTC justify code that puts notes on contacts only invisible to a HTC device and visible everywhere else?? How could they think that would annoy no one? Blows my effing mind.
Kinda thanks but for me it did not work.
I made and run the macro.
Then I noticed some things got lost though!
Before I began I made a copy of the contacts folder in Outlook (recommended!).
I used the "modified" tab to see what contacts where changed when.
There was an extra URL in the note position for a contact which I put there earlier today.
After running the macro the Facebook data was gone but so was the URL.
Because it changed many contacts I did not bother to look further if other things gotten lost but rather just emptied the folder and restored from backup folder.
I am do work with DB and such but did not find anything special in the script which could explain my output.
Sorry to bring up a dead thread, but is there a way to do this without outlook?
i am still interested as well- can anyone come up with a better way not using outlook?
Remove HTC Notes Using CSV
DeMiNe0 said:
Sorry to bring up a dead thread, but is there a way to do this without outlook?
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I was trying to figure out this very same thing and came across this thread in my searching. I also don't look Outlook, but I found a really simple, quick, and effective way to manually get rid of all those pesky HTC notes in under five minutes, for those that don't use Outlook:
1) Go into the contacts view in Gmail
2) Click the "More" dropdown box and select "Export"
3) Ensure that the "All Contacts" option is selected, choose the "Outlook CSV format," and export
4) After the file downloads, open it up in Excel (or your choice spreadsheet program)
5) Find the column labeled "Notes," and then just scroll down and clear all the cells with HTC data in them
6) Save the file, ensuring it is still in CSV format
7) Back in your Google Contact Manager, delete all your contacts
NOTE: Before deleting your contacts you will want to export a Google CSV file of all your contacts for backup. You can also the "More > Restore" feature to go back to a previous point in time if something goes wrong.8) Import the CSV file you saved in step 6
That's it! Your contact book should be restored to the exact way it was, minus the obnoxious HTC data. With 1,000+ contacts, I was able to do this in about two minutes. Again, be sure you have backups of your contacts or know how to use Google's Restore contacts feature in case something goes wrong, but this should work simply enough. Also, I just selected all the cells in the Notes column and cleared all their data, but if you have any notes saved for any of your contacts, you'll want to scroll through the spreadsheet file and be sure you only delete cells with HTC data.
I hope this helps!
---------- Post added at 01:09 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:52 AM ----------
You should also be aware that this method may cause you to lose your contacts photos, as well as any joined contacts you have in your Android address book. However, if you want to attach your contacts Facebook photos permanently to their Google contact entry (something HTC's method did not do), you should check out this tool; in just a couple clicks, you can have all those photos matched up again and restored:
[I can't post links yet, but just Google "Facebook Google Contact Sync" and click on the first return. It is a great little tool made by a dev called "Heart of Angel."]
mredmond2012 said:
I was trying to figure out this very same thing and came across this thread in my searching. I also don't look Outlook, but I found a really simple, quick, and effective way to manually get rid of all those pesky HTC notes in under five minutes, for those that don't use Outlook:
1) Go into the contacts view in Gmail
2) Click the "More" dropdown box and select "Export"
3) Ensure that the "All Contacts" option is selected, choose the "Outlook CSV format," and export
4) After the file downloads, open it up in Excel (or your choice spreadsheet program)
5) Find the column labeled "Notes," and then just scroll down and clear all the cells with HTC data in them
6) Save the file, ensuring it is still in CSV format
7) Back in your Google Contact Manager, delete all your contacts
NOTE: Before deleting your contacts you will want to export a Google CSV file of all your contacts for backup. You can also the "More > Restore" feature to go back to a previous point in time if something goes wrong.8) Import the CSV file you saved in step 6
That's it! Your contact book should be restored to the exact way it was, minus the obnoxious HTC data. With 1,000+ contacts, I was able to do this in about two minutes. Again, be sure you have backups of your contacts or know how to use Google's Restore contacts feature in case something goes wrong, but this should work simply enough. Also, I just selected all the cells in the Notes column and cleared all their data, but if you have any notes saved for any of your contacts, you'll want to scroll through the spreadsheet file and be sure you only delete cells with HTC data.
I hope this helps!
---------- Post added at 01:09 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:52 AM ----------
You should also be aware that this method may cause you to lose your contacts photos, as well as any joined contacts you have in your Android address book. However, if you want to attach your contacts Facebook photos permanently to their Google contact entry (something HTC's method did not do), you should check out this tool; in just a couple clicks, you can have all those photos matched up again and restored:
[I can't post links yet, but just Google "Facebook Google Contact Sync" and click on the first return. It is a great little tool made by a dev called "Heart of Angel."]
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
In addition to the thanks button, I think you deserve a "thanks" post. This was so useful and in addition to removing that HTC garbage, I removed all the other data I found unnecessary.
Remove With a Simple Java Program, If you know Java
Ozark_8125 said:
Is there a way to easily remove the facebook tags on contacts in outlook? it's the stuff that says :
<HTCData><!-- Please do not modify -->
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I know I am too late to reply this post but I actually searched a solution today and found this post where some one also had same issue.
Using gdata java api I wrote a small program to remove notes from all of your contacts. Maximum 800 (Congifurable) Here is the Java Program :
* This is a test template
public class ContactNotesCleaner {
public static String feedUrlString = "https COLON SLASH SLASH www DOT google DOT com SLASH m8 SLASH feeds SLASH contacts SLASH default SLASH full";
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// Create a new Contacts service
ContactsService myService = new ContactsService(<Any App Name>);
myService.setUserCredentials(<Your Gmail Id>, <Your Password>);
public static void updateAllContacts(ContactsService myService) throws Exception {
URL feedUrl = new URL(feedUrlString);
Query myQuery = new Query(feedUrl);
ContactFeed resultFeed = myService.query(myQuery, ContactFeed.class);
// Print the results
for (ContactEntry entry : resultFeed.getEntries()) {
if (entry.getContent() != null) {
updateNotesContent(myService, entry);
private static void updateNotesContent(ContactsService myService, ContactEntry entry) throws Exception {
TextContent textContent = (TextContent) entry.getContent();
if (textContent.getContent() != null) {
String plainText = textContent.getContent().getPlainText();
if (plainText != null && plainText.startsWith("<HTCData>")) {
String newPlainText = "";
textContent.setContent(new PlainTextConstruct(newPlainText.trim()));
URL editUrl = new URL(entry.getEditLink().getHref());
ContactEntry contactEntry = myService.update(editUrl, entry);
System.out.println(entry.getName().getFullName().getValue() + " " + "Updated: " + contactEntry.getUpdated().toString());
I have executed the above program and tested it. You need gdata lib files:
gdataplugin.jar -- I am not sure what this jar does, even if it is required or not.
This is a bit complex for some users to run a java program, this way you will not loose the chat invites and other important information of your contact.
Note: Even if I have tested above program 10 times, I would not give any guaranty it will work for you.
cmehta82 said:
I know I am too late to reply this post but I actually searched a solution today and found this post where some one also had same issue.
Using gdata java api I wrote a small program to remove notes from all of your contacts. Maximum 800 (Congifurable) Here is the Java Program
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Your Java program worked!
I attached all the required libraries in a .zip-file. Include them in your Java project and copy the code from cmehta82 post above.
Replace <Your Gmail Id> with your emailadress:
Replace <Your Password> with your application specific password, generated at
Replace the feed URL string with
Can't JOIN contacts if HTCData exists in notes field
I wrote up my solution to this problem a little bit here thanks to the this forum thread above.
Python script to remove HTCData
Used to be a HTC phone user and it really messed up my contacts with the XML data. I am using a Mac and have written a Python script to get rid of the HTCData tag.
I posted the script here:
I don't know if this works on other OS, only tested on my Mac. I hope it helps!
Do not use this for those who setup Sync to Google. After running this script, it doesn't seeem to initiate a sync to Google. Anyone knows how to force a sync to Google? Is there a timestamp I can change to identify the latest version?
cmehta82 said:
I know I am too late to reply this post but I actually searched a solution today and found this post where some one also had same issue.
Using gdata java api I wrote a small program to remove notes from all of your contacts. Maximum 800 (Congifurable) Here is the Java Program :
* This is a test template
public class ContactNotesCleaner {
public static String feedUrlString = "https COLON SLASH SLASH www DOT google DOT com SLASH m8 SLASH feeds SLASH contacts SLASH default SLASH full";
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// Create a new Contacts service
ContactsService myService = new ContactsService(<Any App Name>);
myService.setUserCredentials(<Your Gmail Id>, <Your Password>);
public static void updateAllContacts(ContactsService myService) throws Exception {
URL feedUrl = new URL(feedUrlString);
Query myQuery = new Query(feedUrl);
ContactFeed resultFeed = myService.query(myQuery, ContactFeed.class);
// Print the results
for (ContactEntry entry : resultFeed.getEntries()) {
if (entry.getContent() != null) {
updateNotesContent(myService, entry);
private static void updateNotesContent(ContactsService myService, ContactEntry entry) throws Exception {
TextContent textContent = (TextContent) entry.getContent();
if (textContent.getContent() != null) {
String plainText = textContent.getContent().getPlainText();
if (plainText != null && plainText.startsWith("<HTCData>")) {
String newPlainText = "";
textContent.setContent(new PlainTextConstruct(newPlainText.trim()));
URL editUrl = new URL(entry.getEditLink().getHref());
ContactEntry contactEntry = myService.update(editUrl, entry);
System.out.println(entry.getName().getFullName().getValue() + " " + "Updated: " + contactEntry.getUpdated().toString());
I have executed the above program and tested it. You need gdata lib files:
gdataplugin.jar -- I am not sure what this jar does, even if it is required or not.
This is a bit complex for some users to run a java program, this way you will not loose the chat invites and other important information of your contact.
Note: Even if I have tested above program 10 times, I would not give any guaranty it will work for you.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
P1nGu1n_ said:
Your Java program worked!
I attached all the required libraries in a .zip-file. Include them in your Java project and copy the code from cmehta82 post above.
Replace <Your Gmail Id> with your emailadress:
Replace <Your Password> with your application specific password, generated at
Replace the feed URL string with
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Where do you configure the app name and password?>
ginorp said:
I just sat down on my break and created this code to strip out the HTC tags from the contact notes:
Sub HTCbGone()
Dim objContactsFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim objContacts As Outlook.Items
Dim objContact As Object
Dim StartPos As Integer
Dim EndPos As Integer
Dim iCount As Integer
' Specify with which contact folder to work
Set objContactsFolder = _
Set objContacts = objContactsFolder.Items
iCount = 0
' Process the changes
For Each objContact In objContacts
If TypeName(objContact) = "ContactItem" Then
StartPos = InStr(objContact.Body, "<HTCData>")
EndPos = InStr(objContact.Body, "</HTCData>") + 10
If StartPos > 0 Then
If StartPos = 1 Then
If Len(EndPos) > EndPos + 1 Then
objContact.Body = Mid(objContact.Body, EndPos + 1)
objContact.Body = ""
End If
If Len(EndPos) > EndPos + 1 Then
objContact.Body = Left(objContact.Body, StartPos = 1)
objContact.Body = Left(objContact.Body, StartPos - 1) & Mid(objContact.Body, EndPos + 1)
End If
End If
iCount = iCount + 1
End If
End If
' Display the results
MsgBox "Number of contacts updated:" & Str$(iCount), , _
"HTCbGone Finished"
' Clean up
Set objContact = Nothing
Set objContacts = Nothing
Set objContactsFolder = Nothing
End Sub
To run this, I opened Outlook. Selected Macro(s) from the Tools pull-down menu (or press [ALT+F8]). Created a new Macro called HTCbGone and pasted this code over everything. Then I just ran it.
Use at your own risk.
Happy scripting,
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Click to collapse
Sorry for this reply in this old thread, but you might lose data running the VBA code from GinoRP. I found a lot of small mistakes.
Here is the corrected code. You can run it multiple times if there is more than one <HTCData> tag in a specific contact.
Sub HTCbGone()
Dim objContactsFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim objContacts As Outlook.Items
Dim objContact As Object
Dim StartPos As Integer
Dim EndPos As Integer
Dim iCount As Integer
' Specify with which contact folder to work
Set objContactsFolder = _
Set objContacts = objContactsFolder.Items
iCount = 0
' Process the changes
For Each objContact In objContacts
If TypeName(objContact) = "ContactItem" Then
StartPos = InStr(objContact.Body, "<HTCData>")
EndPos = InStr(objContact.Body, "</HTCData>") + 10
If StartPos > 0 Then
If StartPos = 1 Then
If Len(objContact.Body) > EndPos + 1 Then
objContact.Body = Mid(objContact.Body, EndPos)
objContact.Body = ""
End If
If Len(objContact.Body) = EndPos - 1 Then
objContact.Body = Left(objContact.Body, StartPos - 1)
objContact.Body = Left(objContact.Body, StartPos - 1) & Mid(objContact.Body, EndPos)
End If
End If
iCount = iCount + 1
End If
End If
' Display the results
MsgBox "Number of contacts updated:" & Str$(iCount), , _
"HTCbGone Finished"
' Clean up
Set objContact = Nothing
Set objContacts = Nothing
Set objContactsFolder = Nothing
End Sub
I'm having a hard time for, what I guess, is a simple question...
Here is the code I'm using to render the amChart
In short, my situation is tha the chart always renders the same datapoints...and there is no way I can change them!
Dim Y_Value_0 As Double = 0.0
Dim Y_Value_1 As Double = 0.0
Dim Y_Value_2 As Double = 0.0
Dim Y_Value_3 As Double = 0.0
Dim Y_Value_4 As Double = 0.0
Public Class ItemValues
Public Property Range() As String
Public Property Value() As Double
End Class
Private DataPoints As New ObservableCollection(Of ItemValues)() From
{New ItemValues() With {.Range = "200", .Value = Y_Value_0}, _
New ItemValues() With {.Range = "400", .Value = Y_Value_1}, _
New ItemValues() With {.Range = "600", .Value = Y_Value_2}, _
New ItemValues() With {.Range = "800", .Value = Y_Value_3}}
Public ReadOnly Property Data() As ObservableCollection(Of ItemValues)
Return DataPoints
End Get
End Property
Private Sub Page_Graphs_Loaded(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs) Handles MyBase.Loaded
End Sub
Private Sub Fill_Graph()
Y_Value_0 = -5
Y_Value_1 = -10
Y_Value_2 = -20
Y_Value_3 = -50
Me.DataContext = Me
End Sub
However, there is no way, that when the chart is rendered it takes the new values...
In short, how to make the graph to take my data points?
Thanks in advance for any help!
You need to use INotifyPropertyChanged interface so the databound control knows when to update itself.
Check out the "Windows Phone Databound Application" template installed by default if you want to see a working project. It uses a listbox but it's the same concept.
This thread is dedicated to MortScripts that we use to change settings. Most of these can be stand alone scripts, but I got started creating this thread based on CHTS needing WMLongLife to change from Automatic to GSM radio profile. I found that WMLL seemed to eat up battery life in my old Fuze. I tried a script or two from the MortScript examples thread, but they did not work for me. I'll be posting various scripts that I use during my profile changes in CHTS, but I will in such a way that if you do not use CHTS you can still use the scripts.
Another purpose of this thread is to make these scripts available to those who for one reason or another the default programs in CHTS do not work and perhaps the script will. An example is sound profile changing to Automatic was not available so I added a script to do it for me. The feature had been turned off since it did not work in all phones. In a coming version I believe it will be back. The beta test works in my Fuze.
The hope of this thread is to help those that use CHTS to get some of the features that may not work on their phone through MortScripts instead. Also, as a place to share these "TOGGLE" switch scripts for others to be able to use outside CHTS.
I am trying to write scripts that do not use programs outside windows mobile. The hope is that they can be used in as many phones and ROMs as possible. An example is the first form of my Band_Changer used a program in CHTS and I reworked it to not require that program.
Radio toggle between Automatic (2G & 3G) and GSM (2G only): Post #2
Switch Sound Profile: Post #3
Auto time zone toggle: Post #5 and Post #8
Toggle Backlight: Post #14
Toggle Screen Rotation: Post #15
Toggle between Active Sync and Mass Storage: Post #16
Toggle Voice Command: Post #17
Radio toggle between Automatic (2G & 3G) and GSM (2G only)
This script calls the main script with the argument required based on your current profile to switch the profile to the other.
# Band_Toggle.mscr
opmode = RegRead( "HKLM","Software\OEM\UMTS","OpMode")
opmode = RegRead( "HKLM","Software\OEM\PhoneSetting\NetworkType","ItemName" & OpMode + 1)
If(opmode eq "Auto")
key = "g"
key = "a"
CallScript("\storage card\scripts\Band_Changer.mscr", key)
# CallScript("\windows\Band_Changer.mscr", key)
I test the script in my storage card, but when I use it for CHTS I would have it in \windows folder.
This is the main script:
# Band_Changer.mscr
If(NOT FileExists("\Windows\CMBandSwitching.exe"))
Message("You must have CMBandSwitching.exe installed in windows folder.^NL^^NL^Script will exit now.", "ERROR")
key = argv[1]
key = (key eq "a")?"Auto":"GSM"
opmode = RegRead( "HKLM","Software\OEM\UMTS","OpMode")
opmode = RegRead( "HKLM","Software\OEM\PhoneSetting\NetworkType","ItemName" & OpMode + 1)
network1 = RegRead( "HKLM","Software\OEM\PhoneSetting\NetworkType","ItemName1" )
network2 = RegRead( "HKLM","Software\OEM\PhoneSetting\NetworkType","ItemName2" )
network3 = RegRead( "HKLM","Software\OEM\PhoneSetting\NetworkType","ItemName3" )
If(key ne OpMode)
If(key eq network1)
key = 1
ElseIf(key eq network2)
key = 2
ElseIf(key eq network3)
key = 3
Sub switcher
SendSpecial(126) # Data disconnect
ForEach xvariable in regSubkeys("HKLM", "Comm\ConnMgr\Providers\{7C4B7A38-5FF7-4bc1-80F6-5DA7870BB1AA}\Connections")
enable[i] = RegRead("HKLM", "Comm\ConnMgr\Providers\{7C4B7A38-5FF7-4bc1-80F6-5DA7870BB1AA}\Connections" \ xvariable, "Enabled")
ForEach xvariable in regSubkeys("HKLM", "Comm\ConnMgr\Providers\{7C4B7A38-5FF7-4bc1-80F6-5DA7870BB1AA}\Connections")
RegWriteDWord("HKLM", "Comm\ConnMgr\Providers\{7C4B7A38-5FF7-4bc1-80F6-5DA7870BB1AA}\Connections" \ xvariable, "Enabled", 0)
If(ScreenHeight() eq 640)
Y1 = 160 # 1st button which is Auto on my Fuze 163
Y2 = 245 # 2nd button which is GSM on my Fuze 244
Y3 = 315 # 3rd button which is WCDMA on my Fuze 314
Y4 = 610 # Done button on my Fuze 608
X4 = 135 # Done button on my Fuze 134
Y5 = 460 # Done button on my Fuze 460
X5 = 125 # Done button on my Fuze 125
ElseIf(ScreenHeight() eq 800)
Y1 = 150 # 1st button which is Auto on HD2 150
Y2 = 200 # 2nd button which is GSM on HD2 200
Y3 = 305 # 3rd button which is WCDMA on HD2 305
Y4 = 750 # Done button on HD2 750
X4 = 110 # Done button on HD2 110
Y5 = 480 # Done button on HD2 480
X5 = 110 # Done button on HD2 110
While(NOT WndActive("Band"))
If(key eq 1)
MouseClick("Band", ScreenWidth()*0.25, Y1) # 1st button
ElseIf(key eq 2)
MouseClick("Band", ScreenWidth()*0.25, Y2) # 2nd button
MouseClick("Band", ScreenWidth()*0.25, Y3) # 3rd button
SendSpecial(112) # Done
ForEach xvariable in regSubkeys("HKLM", "Comm\ConnMgr\Providers\{7C4B7A38-5FF7-4bc1-80F6-5DA7870BB1AA}\Connections")
RegWriteDWord("HKLM", "Comm\ConnMgr\Providers\{7C4B7A38-5FF7-4bc1-80F6-5DA7870BB1AA}\Connections" \ xvariable, "Enabled", enable[i])
If(NOT Connected())
Connect("The Internet")
If you do not have a 480 x 640 or 480 x 800 phone or if this does not work for you please try this script to get me the points I need to improve this script.
# PickPoints.mscr
WaitForActive("Band", 10)
SleepMessage( 2, "Select center of first (top) Network Type choice after this screen closes." )
aMouse = ScreenshotClick()
sMSGOutput1 = "^NL^First:^NL^X1 = " & aMouse[1] &"^NL^Y1 = " & aMouse[2]
SleepMessage( 2, "Select center of second (middle) Network Type choice after this screen closes." )
aMouse = ScreenshotClick()
sMSGOutput2 = "^NL^Second:^NL^X2 = " & aMouse[1] &"^NL^Y2 = " & aMouse[2]
SleepMessage( 2, "Select center of third (bottom) Network Type choice after this screen closes." )
aMouse = ScreenshotClick()
sMSGOutput3 = "^NL^Third:^NL^X3 = " & aMouse[1] &"^NL^Y3 = " & aMouse[2]
MouseClick("Band", aMouse[1], aMouse[2])
SleepMessage( 2, "Select center of Done button after this screen closes." )
aMouse = ScreenshotClick()
sMSGOutput4 = "^NL^Done:^NL^X4 = " & aMouse[1] &"^NL^Y4 = " & aMouse[2]
MouseClick("Band", aMouse[1], aMouse[2])
SleepMessage( 2, "Select center of OK button after this screen closes." )
aMouse = ScreenshotClick()
sMSGOutput5 = "^NL^OK:^NL^X5 = " & aMouse[1] &"^NL^Y5 = " & aMouse[2]
SleepMessage( 2, "Select center of Cancel button after this screen closes." )
WriteFile("\band_click.txt", "Screen width: " & ScreenWidth() & "^NL^Screen height: " & ScreenHeight() & sMSGOutput1 & sMSGOutput2 & sMSGOutput3 & sMSGOutput4 & sMSGOutput5)
Message("Please send me these data. They are saved in root directory \band_click.txt^NL^")
Remove the .txt from the end of the script files.
Switch Sound Profile
These scripts call the main script with the argument for the profile you want.
# Sound_Automatic.mscr
CallScript("\Windows\Sound_Profile.mscr", "Automatic")
# Sound_Normal.mscr
CallScript("\Windows\Sound_Profile.mscr", "Normal")
# Sound_Silent.mscr
CallScript("\Windows\Sound_Profile.mscr", "Silent")
# Sound_Vibrate.mscr
CallScript("\Windows\Sound_Profile.mscr", "Vibrate")
This is the main script:
# Sound_Profile.mscr
# Change Sound Profile based on argument used to call this script from
# a short script in the form:
# CallScript("\Windows\Sound_Profile.mscr", "Automatic")
If(mode EQ "Automatic")
RegWriteString("HKCU", "ControlPanel\Profiles", "ActiveProfile", "Automatic")
SendMessage("", 1156, 0, 0)
ElseIf(mode EQ "Normal")
RegWriteString("HKCU", "ControlPanel\Profiles", "ActiveProfile", "Normal")
SendMessage("", 1156, 0, 0)
ElseIf(mode EQ "Silent")
SendMessage("", 1156, 3, 0)
ElseIf(mode EQ "Vibrate")
SendMessage("", 1156, 2, 0)
In CHTS profile switching I use the Execute/Kill App(s) section with the executable as \windows\mortscript.exe and the argument one of these four:
\Windows\Sound_Profile.mscr Automatic
\Windows\Sound_Profile.mscr Normal
\Windows\Sound_Profile.mscr Silent
\Windows\Sound_Profile.mscr Vibrate
Remove the .txt from the end of the script files.
This isn't written as a toggle, but these scripts will turn off or on the auto-time zone sync option in phone settings. Turning it off helps to keep active sync from running all the time.
#Auto time zone off
#Auto time zone on
Auto time zone toggle
Thanks Farmer Ted
It is easy enough to create a toggle.
RegWriteDWord("HKLM","\Drivers\BuiltIn\RIL","NITZEnable",0) #Auto time zone off
RegWriteDWord("HKLM","\Drivers\BuiltIn\RIL","NITZEnable",1) #Auto time zone on
Thx RoryB... toggle features are good... if you can store all here.. it must be a good base to share with communauty !
great job my friend! especially after the long test time in beta group to fulfill different device's needs.
this is the perfect extension for the post-run-scripts while profile switching.
I'm looking forward to much more of this scripts, which can be used.
Thanx also in name of all CHTS-users
RoryB said:
Thanks Farmer Ted
It is easy enough to create a toggle.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Cool, that was a lot simpler than if I'd done it, lol. Here's the same script, with message boxes to let you know what the setting is.
RegWriteDWord("HKLM","\Drivers\BuiltIn\RIL","NITZEnable",0) #Auto time zone off
Message("Active Sync under control")
RegWriteDWord("HKLM","\Drivers\BuiltIn\RIL","NITZEnable",1) #Auto time zone on
Message("Active Sync running wild")
LOL I love a sense of humor.
I updated post #2 for the Band Changer because I have been getting failed to connect or dialed modem not answering error messages.
RoryB said:
I updated post #2 for the Band Changer because I have been getting failed to connect or dialed modem not answering error messages.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Made another tweak to stop data connection first.
Updated Post #2 for Band_Changer.mscr. It seems to run a little faster.
On Band_Changer I realized that
Y1 = 150 # 1st button which is Auto on HD2 150
Y2 = 215 # 2nd button which is GSM on HD2 200
Y3 = 300 # 3rd button which is WCDMA on HD2 305
works in my phone too. So I would not need to check the screen size, but I am running Energy ROM that is a WVGA with tweaks to work on my VGA. I need to get some pick point data from anyone who uses a true VGA ROM in their phone to confirm the points for it. Also, a screen shot of CMBandSwitcher.exe would help a lot.
If CMBandSwitcher.exe has the same screen size for WVGA and VGA phones I will be able to reduce the code some more.
Toggle Backlight
#toggle backlight between max and one-from-minimum (on trinity at least)
CurrentBright = RegRead( "HKCU", "ControlPanel\Backlight", "Brightness" )
If (CurrentBright = 1)
SetBacklight (100, 5)
SetBacklight (1, 1)
Toggle Screen Rotation
If (regread("HKLM", "System\GDI\ROTATION", "ANGLE") eq 0)
Rotate (90)
Rotate (0)
Toggle between Active Sync and Mass Storage
usb = RegRead ( "HKLM", "Drivers\USB\FunctionDrivers", "DefaultClientDriver" )
If ( usb eq "RNDIS" )
Run ( "\Windows\USBSetting.exe" )
Sleep ( 200 )
SendSpecial ( "Down" )
Sleep ( 50 )
SendSpecial ( "CR" )
Sleep ( 50 )
ElseIf ( usb eq "Mass_Storage_Class" )
Run ( "\Windows\USBSetting.exe" )
Sleep ( 200 )
SendSpecial ( "Up" )
Sleep ( 50 )
SendSpecial ( "CR" )
Sleep ( 50 )
Toggle Voice Command
I only use Voice Command when I am driving so I toggle it off when I am not driving to save battery drain.
If( ProcExists( "VoiceCmd.exe" ) )
Kill( "VoiceCmd.exe" )
PlaySound( "Stopping" )
SleepMessage( 2, "Voice Command^NL^^NL^Stopped", "Voice Command Toggle" )
Delete( "\Windows\Startup\Voice Command.lnk" ) # so it will not restart after a soft reset
Run( "\Program Files\Voice Command\VoiceCmd.exe" )
PlaySound( "Starting" )
SleepMessage( 2, "Voice Command^NL^^NL^Started", "Voice Command Toggle" )
Sad to go
My Fuze no longer works. I currently have a loner Infuse 4G, but do not know what I will end up with.
I will not be able to continue development of Mortscripts, etc.
Sorry to go, but it has been fun.
I'll keep watching to see if anything comes up I need to respond to.