gallery and music player not updatng - Galaxy Grand Duos i9082 Q&A, Help & Troubleshootin

gallery and music player on stock 4.2.2...need help???


[Q]HTC Lockscreen Controls Different Music Player?

Is there any way to change the HTC Lockscreen so that the music controls work programs other than the stock player? I like to use PlayerPro for music and it'd be nice if I could change tracks via the Sense Lockscreen.

[Q] Change Default Music player for CM7 Lockscreen Music Controls

Hi Guys
Is there any (easy) way of changing the media player that is used by the lockscreen music controls?
i use a program called "Music Folder Player" and i would love to be able to change it to use this program instead
Same problem....
I also want to change app which is controlled by cm7 lockscreen.
I removed cm7 default music player and i am currently using 2 music players
1 poweramp
2 mini lyrics
my default in cm7 locksceen is poweramp but i want to change to minilyrics.
Rom : whiterabbit v2.1.1
mobile : motorola defy+


Apollo player not working won't show album art correctly

request gallery and video player apk

can someone ubload the gallery and videoplayer apk from this rom

changing the default player

is there anyway change the default player to mx player when using stock gallery?

