Two Bluetooth paired Nexus devices won't connect anymore - Nexus 7 (2013) Q&A

I'm working with a Nexus 7 (2013) and a Nexus 4. I've had both devices for quite awhile, the 4 for well over a year and the 7 for a year. Both are rooted and using stock ROMs. The 7 is still on 4.4.3 and the 4 on 4.4.4.
I have the two devices Bluetooth paired and sometimes connect them. For the most part, over the last year, there have been no problems doing that. Once in awhile, they won't connect, but if I reboot, they will. Now, all of a sudden, I can't get them to connect under any circumstances. They're paired. But they won't connect. They both connect to an external Bluetooth speaker and the phone connects to my car bluetooth. That happens with 100% reliability. But these devices just won't connect. And I need them to for certain work related purposes.
What could have happened?
I've unpaired and repaired them a few times. I've rebooted both devices. Potentially competing Bluetooth devices (like my car and the speaker I mentioned) are turned off. The devices aren't connected to any other Bluetooth devices.
Strangely, someone I work with who's doing the same sort of thing with the same exact devices as I am is having the exact same problems.
What could be going on? Please let me know if you have any ideas.


Bluetooth cuts in and out when connected to 2 devices (car's "phone" and "media")

Bluetooth cuts in and out when connected to 2 devices (car's "phone" and "media")
I have a GSM Galaxy Nexus on stock Jellybean, and bluetooth streaming works great in my car (Chevy Sonic) until I also connect the "phone" connection. When it's connected, the music cuts in and out constantly. Phone calls seem to do the same thing if "media" is connected.
If I kill 1 connection, the other works great. Is this a Galaxy Nexus problem or Jellybean? I've tried stock, franco's, trinity, etc kernels but I'm guessing this won't matter (since the source was JUST released for JB).
Does anyone else pair to multiple BT devices simultaneously? Do you have issues?
I just came from an iPhone 4S, and it paired nicely with both connections without them cutting out. I hope this is something I can get working because I use both functions all the time.
I connect to 2 devices in my truck and it actually seems to work better since installing Jelly Bean. On ICS I had a similar problem. My truck connects via the "phone" profile and I connect to a bluetooth adapter for the "media" profile. I could use either of them independently without a problem, but with both connected, my call quality was awful and my music would cut out periodically. I believe that the truck "phone" profile was disconnecting and reconnecting every couple minutes as I would see the display on my truck indicate that a bluetooth device had just connected.
Since installing JB, that behavior seems to have stopped. I can't say for sure as I haven't driven very much yet since installing it, but early testing seems to indicate the problem has gone away. I know this doesn't help in your situation, but I did want to share my experience as it was similar to yours.

[Q] Intermittent issue connecting to car via Bluetooth

I have a new Note 4 (Verizon) and a 2011 Kia Soul. Prior to the Note 4 I had a Note 2 (Verizon) that I paired with my car for the last 2 years without issue. I am able to successfully pair the Note 4 and the car and use all of the Bluetooth functions I would expect to work. The problem is, often (not 100% of the time), the next time I try to connect the phone to the car that connection fails. I then have to unpair and re-pair them to get them to connect. Neither side gives me anything useful in the way of error messages.
I'm at a loss as to how to troubleshoot this further. Is there a way to pull Bluetooth connection logs out of the phone?
I have the same issue, but worse. I have a 2011 KIA Sorento, and a Samsung Note 4. The Bluetooth connectivity is very intermittent. One minute is works and then stops. One minute it plays music fine and all of a sudden, the music will start going in and out, like a bad cellphone call and then disconnect. I try to reconnect and it won't. I've gotten in the car and it works great and the next time it works like crap! I've been on a cell call, talking through Bluetooth and it will automatically disconnect, but still shows connected. I have to switch to speakerphone to talk and then it all of a sudden reconnects back to Bluetooth. Does anyone know if this is a known Samsung issue? I saw a previous post from Dec 2014 which stated, " Apparently, the Note 4 and Edge all use the newest AVCRP 1.5, which nobody else uses yet. Nissan told me that they were told by Samsung, that in their next update, they're going to revert the phones back to AVCRP 1.3, which is the standard in the industry." Has this occurred?
I had the same kind of problems with my Galaxy S 6 on my 2013 F150 with Sync. I was only able to fix it by getting rid of the S6. The Note4 I had before (on 4.4.whatever) and the Note4 I have now (on 5.0.1) have no issues.

People with issues connecting to bluetooth devices

I was having an issue connecting my phone to my cars bluetooth, but called the manufacturer and was able to fix it. Certain bluetooth devices store a certain number of connected phones, and once that limit is reached, no more phones can be added. Since I did not manually unpair my prior phones, I couldn't add my G4. I had to reset my cars bluetooth receiver manually in order to remove all previously paired phones, and was then able to pair my G4 without any problems! Hope this helps!
Sent from my VS986 using Tapatalk
I've also found that with many BT devices listed, either on the phone or car, it takes longer to pair as it searches for more devices. It's best to remove old devices you no longer have or connect to.

Bluetooth Not Searching

I am unable to connect to any of the bluetooth devices I previously used with my Samsung Galaxy S3. I have a stock, unrooted 5X and I am updated to the latest software. The devices can still be connected to on other devices, including an iPhone 5S. Does anyone know what the issue might be? I have tried toggling the bluetooth and restarting the phone multiple times. It usually does not even detect the bluetooth devices. I think something may be wrong with the phone's bluetooth.

re pair Bluetooth many times

Probably a know question... But I loose the connected Bluetooth devices many times. For example I connect my a50 to my Volkswagen. It works good..... Many times when I want to connect it I have to pair it again. Is there a fix for this, in android 10 it's the same as before. Also with other Bluetooth devices it's the same. Sometimes they stay in the list of known devices for a day or 2.

