"Cause code: Addr.Vcnt., 0" on all outgoing SMSes - Droid RAZR M General

After taking the KitKat OTA, I've noticed that every SMS I've sent has "Cause code: Addr.Vcnt., 0" in the Message Details (using the stock Messaging app). In addition, some people have reported extreme delays in receiving those messages, and MMSes have apparently not arrived at all (although that last one is speculative; nobody has replied to any of my MMSes despite them containing photos that typically get amused responses).
I haven't tried a different SMS client yet. The stock one does have a Delivery Reports toggle in the settings, so I enabled it; the cause code remains (but I am seeing a delivery confirmation mark on my outgoings). I'm not sure if the sporadic sending still occurs.
(Note: while I did have a few failed sends under Jellybean, they were few-and-far between. They also definitely didn't display a status message like this.)
A Google search turned up some dead threads on other sites, and some people who couldn't seem to send SMSes at all - but nothing that quite matches this.
Any ideas, or similar experiences?


[Q] Text message retrieval problems

I have had this issue both stock and on every rom I've tried -- sometimes my phone retrieves text messages LONG after they were sent, and sometimes it fails to retrieve them altogether. This doesn't happen frequently, but maybe one or two every week. It's not the result of having no signal or anything like that - it just isn't getting the messages.
Also, I should add that sometimes google voice will get the text but messaging won't until later...sometimes messaging will get the text and google voice never will...and this message retrieval problem has occurred irrespective of whether I have messaging, handcent, and/or google voice on the phone.
Has anyone else had this problem, and is there a known solution?

[Q] Delivery reports timestamp issue

Hi guys,
Am having an issue with delivery reports timestamp on the nexus. The problem is i don't get any actual delivered timestamp. So, say for example i send a text to somebody who has their phone turned off I will get the circle clock icon next to the message. When the person turns their phone on this will then go green indicating it has been delivered. The problem is I have no idea what time the message was delivered as the only timestamp it puts on it is the actual time I sent the message and not the delivery time. I have tried all the usual view report view message details etc. but none of them indicate the actual time the message was delivered. Am on 4.0.4 - it was the same on 4.0.2 and I have tried handsent or stock messaging app and its the same with both. Can anyone advise?
probably a stupid question but, did u activate the delivery reports in the sms app?
Yes everything seems to be the way it should be. I am actually getting the delivery reports - its just that they don't have a delivered time on them only a sent time

Please Help - Multi Text Issue With ICS & CM9

Hello everyone, I would like to start by saying thank you to everyone here, all of your posts, info, etc has been excellent in helping me along my way to learning enough about this stuff to be dangerous to mine & my friends phones...we're all still using them so that's a "Win" in my book
Now, on to my problem. I've tried googling & searching posts here, and I don't know if it's just the terminology I've searched but I've found nothing similar to my problem except where a thread had to do with EMBS messages coming through incorrectly.
First off, I'm on a Sprint Branded Samsung Epic Touch 4g Galaxy S II (whew that's a mouthful already) It is on Verizon Prepaid Service.
When I first set this phone up, everything worked correctly - Talk, Text, Web, MMS, WiFi Hotspot, Etc - all working perfectly. I was able to send & receive picture mail through MMS, etc.
I am currently running CyanogenMod 9-20120416-SNAPSHOT-epic4gtouch-Alpha 3
Android Ver 4.04
Kernel Ver 3.0.15-SPH-D710.FD10-CL377892
This is the updates I installed to this phone originally:
mmsfix.zip (and made the correct changes for Verizon)
As I said, the phone was 100% functioning at this point for several days. The problem that came up happened out of nowhere, no changes were made to the phone whatsoever, not even a random app was installed from the market.
The only apps I have installed are
Wifi Tether (Rooted Users)
ES File Explorer
Facebook Contact Sync
NFL Scoreboard
QR Droid
Rom Toolbox
Rom Manager
Terminal Emulator
Other than that, it's just what ICS & GApps Installed.
So here's the problem - whenever I recieve a text from anyone now, if it comes in multiple texts (ie 1/2, 2/2/ etc) it shows up as all special characters when I recieve it.
Here is the last one I got, I sent it from another phone on the same carrier - I just typed myself a message until I was sure it would be a 2 part message and this is what came through on my Epic
First Msg
Second Msg
I put it in a hex/text converter and the text version came up all "?'s" so I'm pretty much at a loss at this point.
I apologize for a long winded message, but I wanted to include as much information about my phone, etc as possible to get the best answer I could.
Again, thank you all and if anyone has any insight to what might be causing this, I would greatly appreciate the info.
Oh, and in case I didn't make it clear - at this moment, text works fine (if its only 1 text at a time incoming) I can send multiple page texts & the recipient gets them no problem, and I can send/recieve pictures, etc as mms with no problems...the problem only exists if it's multiple pages of text coming in at once.
What happens if you use a 3rd party messaging app like handcent?
someguyatx said:
What happens if you use a 3rd party messaging app like handcent?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I just tried a few diff versions of Handcent, with the settings Default, then again with the settings on "Default SMS/MMS App (Disables Stock & Other Messaging Apps) and got the same results...
The wierd character code that comes through is exactly the same, both with the stock app & handcent in case that might be a question...
I have Google Voice number sending voicemail converted as text to my phone on a secondary number. I got one today, was 3 pages SMS and it came through perfectly, right after that, I got a reg text from someone elses phone that was 2 pages, and it was the same type characters, and a few more since that were all the same special characters.
I've tested the Google Voice translation a few more times, and it comes through perfectly. I also tested just sending a multi-page text to my google voice number, which just forwarded the texts to my phone via SMS and they also come through perfectly.
So SMS from Google Voice in multiple texts works great, but from another phone do not.
If anyone has seen anything like this, I would love to know I'm not alone.
I'm having this exact same problem too. I noticed multiple texts incoming from certain people are fine, but when I receive multiple texts from a few others or a group sms from an iphone I get this really wonky characters. Any help would be appreciated. I am using this phone through pageplus.

[Q] Occasional failure to send SMS on 4.2.1

So I recently updated from stock JB to the latest CM10.1 and I've ran into problems sending SMS messages, I often get the Message Not Sent notification and the red exclamation point out next to the message. No one else, that I've talked to, via FB groups, have seen anything like this.
Some background, SMS was working fine on 4.1 (VZW) but I got the occasional Bug when unlocking the phone where the phone vibrates 2 times and opens up GMail to send a bug report, anyways.
Cm10.1 Experimental
Stock Kernel
Stock Radios
32 GB LTE VZW Nexus
Was suggested it may be the SMSC code, but that would affect every message, not just particular ones.
Other info: I can sometimes, re-word the message(after multiple attempts to resend after reboot, toggle airplane mode/wifi/data) and it will send, though the messages it occurs on have no special characters are small enough not to be converted to MMS
Any info/assistance would be great, Thanks!

[Q] Very odd SMS issue

Hey everyone, I'm not sure if one of you has experienced this but I have been having something very bizarre occurring with my text messaging. ONLY (so far as I know) between my mom and myself, text messages occasionally get truncated and concatenated with random old messages. For instance, I just sent her a message and what she received was the first half of my message and the second half of a message I sent over a year ago (from a different phone, no less)! She has had the same phone the whole time, but we've restored it several times and nothing's helped (the portion of the message that gets appended is not even on her phone anymore). It seems to only happen between my phone and hers. My texts to everyone else go through fine, her texts to me come through fine, and others' texts to her go through fine, but periodically, our exchanges are just garbled nonsense. Has anyone else experienced this or does anyone have any ideas on what could be going on? I'd greatly appreciate any input!
Oh, it might be noteworthy that this seems to only happen when I send messages from my computer, but I don't think this is the culprit because I've used multiple desktop SMS clients and it's happened on all of them (and still only with my mom).
Edit: I just looked at two of the "broken" texts that she forwarded back to me and both got spliced after 154 characters. This doesn't seem like a coincidence to me but being that it's under the 160 character SMS limit, it also seems like a rather odd number. Perhaps someone can make sense of it.
Edit 2: I sent my mom a lengthy message simply saying "test test test ..." and got another unusual result. The first one, which was greater than 160 characters, went through just fine, but the second, which was closer to 500 characters exhibited this peculiar issue...But this time, the message was as follows: "test test test...[after 154 characters] __PORTION OF RANDOM TEXT___ [back to] test test test ..." Does anyone have the slightest idea why this is happening? It's so odd and now I'm mostly just curious about what the **** is going on and why it's following this pattern.

