On my GT-i9195 LTE when using Roms from Samsung Updates Live I can only use BTU Roms?
Phone is unlocked and Have tried Orange / EE Roms for my Country but ODIN Reads says 'FAILED'
Only works with BTU
Any ideas
As I know I can flash Custom Roms (in which I have done) but sometimes like to move about
Hi all,
I have a note 2 N7100 4.3
This is unlocked to UK networks. I tried to use the phone while in Africa and Asia, while on holiday and I couldnt. So I tried to downgrade it to 4.1. Triggered knox and almost softbricked. Now back to stock as above.
I have rooted the phone with superroot and the knox has been turned off. Tried Region Lock Away (Chainfire) Didnt work.
Can I now safely downgrade to 4.1? Any experiences?
What if I ODIN an Asian ROM. Will it then take an asian SIM?
Also, has anyone managed to unlock the region lock for the new samsung phones? I was told that I have to use a UK SIM in the phone when I go to Asia and make a 5 min call. Then the region lock should go away. This was from Samsung UK tech support. Has anyone tried this?
Thanks for your time and effort
Hi i have a branded galaxy s9 on vodafone uk which i installed btu firmware on then relised i couldnt use wifi or 4g calling so reinstalled vod firmware now my question is how do i get back the firmware csc as this is missing in phone info app and i dont have 4g calling my product code and active csc are both as they should be many thanks
I have s9 bought from carphonewarehouse, XEU csc and it has WiFi calling in the settings after I rang Vodafone, they just updated my apn settings, im on the Vodafone network too. Only thing is 4g calling won't work without Vodafone branded phone.
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My phone was brought from vodafone so is a branded phone until i played with it lol
Lol, was thinking of flashing the Vodafone firmware just to try out volte but judging by what you've just said sounds like it's not as easy as that [emoji848]
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I've also had an unlocked phone from Samsung direct but on Vodafone. To get wifi calling just give them a call. No settings are sent to accept it's all done OTA. To get Volte or 4g calling whichever it is you do have to have the VOD csc. But I think it has to be the same version as your original firmware. I've just stuck the ARD4 official Vodafone firmware from Sammobile via Odin and it all works out the box. However when I was on the BTU firmware ARD4 all I did was put the ARD equivalent csc from Vodafone firmware via Odin. Used the home_csc file so no data deleted. However Everytime I restarted I got an annoying message saying some network features not available until I factory reset the phone. But Volte etc working so I was happy. Just waiting for Vodafone UK to update their firmware to BRE5 now.
Hope that helps.
P.s when installing the csc from Sammobile even though I selected the UK one the initial screen came up in German. But after restarting and clearing cache it came back to English.
I have a Samsung S9 which is Vodafone carrier. I tried to flash XSA firmware but it still have the Vodafone apps.
Could some assist me in how to successfully removed the Vodafone apps without root.
I'm using the lastest Odin and flashing the lastest XSA firmware but still no luck. Even tried factory reset before and after flashing the firmware. I've also tried flashing Telstra firmware and it still holds the Vodafone apps.
anyone? am i doing something wrong?
RESOLVED: Via below link
I had to change my CSC code from VAU to TEL while on combination firmware then flash TEl firmware
So I am in France and it seems I won't get Android 10 update until March.
I have seen a lot of contradictory information regarding flashing firmware with different CSC, changing CSC...etc.
SO, is there a way to update to android 10 if I have the Multi CSC ROM, currently set to XEF?
Hi ondris,
You can use SamFirm tool, try to find it on xda, probably you're familiar with it. I've updated my phone, bought originally in Sweden, and I'm using it in Serbia with SEE CSC, you can use also BTU, phone will automatically detect network operator, and you are good to go. Flash it via Odin, steps are also on xda, and what I can tell you as an advice is that when you use Odin and flash CSC, you have CSC and Home CSC file. Regular CSC delete all the data from the phone, and Home CSC will save everything you installed and kept in you phone. I hope this helps you.
Thank you for the tips.
But the thing is i don't want the rom to change the csc by itslef.
I want to either change my crurent csc to one that has been updated to android 10 or flash an android 10 firmware with csc different of mine.
Can I flash SM-G960U US unlocked firmware on my SM-G960W device to get android 10?
Hello to everybody,
I have a Galaxy S9, model SM-G960N and finally the Korean Update to Android 10 arrived, downloaded it from SamMobile (The unbranded version KOO) Flashed it without problems and the phone works as intended. Only it doesn't have KOO as CSC, it has SKC, which has bloatware and it isn't the one I flashed. What gives? Why does it do that, are there any workarounds? Here's what I've tried until now:
Downloaded, and flash numerous times, no result, I don't live in Korea, I don't have a Korean SIM, phone still reports SKC.
Flashing with or without sim card inserted gives the same result.
Can't flash any other CSC, other than Korean ones, Odin spits out an error and it does not even start the flashing process.
Mix and matching different CSC with different firmware's obviously not successful.
Any idea if something can be done about this?
Thank you in advance.
You need to root it and change CSC with phone info app to KOO
numpea said:
You need to root it and change CSC with phone info app to KOO
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I guess that's the only remaining way, but do you know why it picks SKC instead of KOO, even if the firmware that I'm downloading is KOO.
Korean CSC is a multiCSC even if you download KOO firmware you phone will use SKC that's included in the CSC so there is no different korean csc there's only one that includes the 4 csc codes
i have rooted device but i need multilanguage. ho i can debrand or add orginal languages?
tejanaqkilica said:
Hello to everybody,
I have a Galaxy S9, model SM-G960N and finally the Korean Update to Android 10 arrived, downloaded it from SamMobile (The unbranded version KOO) Flashed it without problems and the phone works as intended. Only it doesn't have KOO as CSC, it has SKC, which has bloatware and it isn't the one I flashed. What gives? Why does it do that, are there any workarounds? Here's what I've tried until now:
Downloaded, and flash numerous times, no result, I don't live in Korea, I don't have a Korean SIM, phone still reports SKC.
Flashing with or without sim card inserted gives the same result.
Can't flash any other CSC, other than Korean ones, Odin spits out an error and it does not even start the flashing process.
Mix and matching different CSC with different firmware's obviously not successful.
Any idea if something can be done about this?
Thank you in advance.
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i've to face the same thing mine is KTC but it shows SKC. idk what to do after did that always my device is getting overheat