[SOLVED] Is Camera broken in all the 4.4.X roms? - T-Mobile, Samsung Galaxy SIII

hey guys,
i was on official 4.3 firmware
i tried latest build of SlimKat and CM11, but seems camera is broken in both rom with this error "Can't connect to the camera"
is it just me or is a known issue?
i just tried Slim-4.3.build.2.2 Stable build, still same camera error
what is the problem?
there was no error with camera in official 4.3 firmware
I fixed it by adding SlimISP_GK.bin from /data/ of official 4.3 FW to /system/cameradata/ of CM11 rom and setting correct permission,

Most likely Camera firmware got corrupted in some flash. I'd Odin back to Stock and then try flashing Recovery and Slim.

I am running IOKP 4.4.2 on a TMO GS3 and the camera is working fine

Okay guys,
I fixed it by adding SlimISP_GK.bin from /data/ of official 4.3 FW to /system/cameradata/ of CM11 rom and setting correct permission,

It's fine on the latest Slimbean weekly.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda app-developers app


4.2 WIP

A port of IAmTheDarkOne's 4.2 rom from the Nexus S. Can't really test what works and what doesn't as it keeps displaying an error that the process com.android.phone has stopped. If anyone knows how to fix it hopefully it can help us have a fully working 4.2 rom.
Link to rom
ubnub82 said:
A port of IAmTheDarkOne's 4.2 rom from the Nexus S. Can't really test what works and what doesn't as it keeps displaying an error that the process com.android.phone has stopped. If anyone knows how to fix it hopefully it can help us have a fully working 4.2 rom.
Link to rom
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The FC ( process com.android.phone ) is kernel related. try to use the stock kernel that came with IAmTheDarkOne's 4.2 rom
khan_frd2002 said:
The FC ( process com.android.phone ) is kernel related. try to use the stock kernel that came with IAmTheDarkOne's 4.2 rom
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Still happened.
Try using a stock cm10 kernel
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk 2
replace the phone and contact apk files with those from an aosp 4.1.2 rom
this trick help you but you cannot make calls and baseband should be unknown
the only thing is that deleted the phone.apk and contacts.apk and then install the rom. its boots up fine with no fc
build a new kernel aint that hard

Camera Error

I recently flashed cm10.2.1 with twrp and gapps-jb-20130813. When launching my camera I get this error(Camera Error, Can't connect to camera. Can anyone shed some light on how I can fix this issue?
Are you on jb firmware? Have you ever updated to kk firmware in the past? The firmware should match the rom. So if its a kk rom you need kk firmware, if its a jb rom you need jb firmware. Only thing i can think of, unless its just a known issue with the rom.
cmlusco said:
Are you on jb firmware? Have you ever updated to kk firmware in the past? The firmware should match the rom. So if its a kk rom you need kk firmware, if its a jb rom you need jb firmware. Only thing i can think of, unless its just a known issue with the rom.
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Which kk gapps should I install and do i need to start over with a factor reset or will the previous version that i installed be obsolete after I install the correct version?

Stock camera from Android 4.4.3

Hello everyone,
Can someone make a cwm flashable zip from stock camera app in android 4.4.3?
It's much cooler than original CM camera, but 4.4.2 port doesn't work on 4.4.3 CM.
Thanks in advance!
Works good to me on latest nightly.
Well, I tried it on Carbon ROM and it keeps crashing everytime I open it.
it crashes because cm does not have motorola framework for the app to work.
check this out.
thestory101 said:
check this out.
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Yeah, I tried it. It's working.

what again should I do?

I've been having this problems before and that is that no kitkat ROM's camera works in my t999 phone, I was in 4.1.1 bootloader before but upgraded to 4.3 bootloader using Mr Robinson's prerooted firmware but still when I installed any kitkat custom ROM, I still get the cannot connect to camera error. the camera works fine in the stock prerooted firmware. plz I really want to use these kitkat ROMs and also want to camera to be functional. any permanent solution will be appreciated.
i guese I can't go on with kitkat roms
dikachik1 said:
I've been having this problems before and that is that no kitkat ROM's camera works in my t999 phone, I was in 4.1.1 bootloader before but upgraded to 4.3 bootloader using Mr Robinson's prerooted firmware but still when I installed any kitkat custom ROM, I still get the cannot connect to camera error. the camera works fine in the stock prerooted firmware. plz I really want to use these kitkat ROMs and also want to camera to be functional. any permanent solution will be appreciated.
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I guess am only left with the options of using only stock based t999 ROMs. I'll have to say bye bye to aoksp and cm ROMs.
Check the cm threads and ask there when you get up to 10 posts. A lot of people who might be familiar with it probably dont bother looking at anything but their roms thread.

all 6.0 ROM have rotation problem? or Only my phone?

Hi there, I've try many android 6.0 ROM on my LG F180 (Korean version Optimus G). Seems like everyone of them's rotation function is not working. If I flash back to 5.X rom or kitkat roms. Then it gets back to normal. Does anyone got the same problem? Does anyone know how to fix it? Or I did something stupid? Thanks!
Mine is working just fine with Nitrogen OS (E975)
Hi there!
I am having these issues ever since I flashed 5.1 unofficial CM12. The rotation and auto-brightness went broken. Here's what helped recently:
- did a backup of my ROM in TWRP
- plugged the phone to a PC and got all my data properly copied, including the TWRP backup (it turned out to be essential, but that's just my fault)
- downloaded original KK firmware for my phone edition, also downloaded LGFlashTool 2014
- went back to stock using instructions from XDA
- rooted again and got TWRP recovery up and running
- did a full wipe, yes, including internal storage (yet I don't know if you need this, I just went for it)
- flashed the ROM I chose (im my case it was the CM12 backup I had cause of gapps issues with 6.0)
Don't know why but the sensors worked perfectly for me at that moment. I have broken them again by flashing another custom ROM over the CM12 and today I am going to give it another go.
Also, while browsing XDA I came across various posts stating that when you downgrade to stock or actually even another ROM based on official KK and only then flash the custom ROM it should all work again. In my case it seems like a coincidence, or the internal storage wipe worked miracles.
Good luck!
Mine is working. Did you tried the XenonHD 5.11 or the XenonHD 6.0 rom?
got the same problem
rext3r said:
Mine is working. Did you tried the XenonHD 5.11 or the XenonHD 6.0 rom?
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I did try on XenonHD 6.0 rom, but the rotation still doesn't work. All others Kit Kat or Lollipop ROM are fine for me. BTW, Are U having F180? or E975?
kitty_kitty said:
I did try on XenonHD 6.0 rom, but the rotation still doesn't work. All others Kit Kat or Lollipop ROM are fine for me. BTW, Are U having F180? or E975?
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I've got the E975.
Did you do a full wipe?(dalvik cache , etc..)
I think you did , because you tried everything , but maybe not
I've got a massive battery drain issue with 6.0 Xenon HD. (50-70% overnight)
I've installed all the same apps as on my previous rom.(1-2% overnight)
Anyone else?
how about the camera? do you are able to do photosphere or panorama pictures with google camera app??

